dk I Yr d- It No · 10 J7C I J T Jb r THE BEE EARUNBTON KY 1 t l y WILLIAMS DISCHARGED Nothing in...

10 J7C J T Jb r I THE BEE EA RUNBTON KY 1 t l y WILLIAMS DISCHARGED Nothing in Prosecutions Testi dk many to Prove Conspi ¬ racyon His Part I Yr d- l i > DEFENDANTS ON THE STAND L I J F Gordon Makes Opening Statement for Defence Followed by J B Lindles Tntimony 1 > a NIGHT SESSIONS ARE BEING HELD i i > i Tlio Carhonilale shootinir case is progressing rapidly since tliu jjurYwns cotnpletel Monthly 1 morning About 27i3 imtspoc five jurors were oxiunincil IWi A fore the noccssary twelve Veru selected They are liidiiiril N JKamsev W B Ilobyood J J1 ffi McGregor H B Lacy M p < Bunt in S T Olaytor UolanI Sisk Ezekiel Gates Ab Sirin Commodore Wilkie William Neal and Willinm Uumbass f The prosecution rested its case t Tuesday afternoon utter putting I r on the stand a number of nesses all of whom were witI I ected to rigid cross 1tion by Ollie James 0 J Pratt others for the defense t Inquiry nt MiuhsonvHlo csI l terdayrevealed the fact that t there wasil consensus of opinion i fill that the prosecMitioii had foiled I iIi to make out a case with itOWII j witnesses alone Niter hearing the witnesses for the prosecution the courtdis missed Johnson Williams one of the defendants who had heen r held under 1000 Dead charged f with with the other defendants to kill At the trim for bail the lawyers for the pros ¬ ecution insisted that Williams i t and 1enrod be held under bond alleging that they would offer r evidence to prove a conspiracy Tuesday night J F Gordon i itmade the opening state wllt for saying among other j timings they would prove that 3 tutu his posse were acting iIgOOlttnitit as ollicurs in dig 4 charge of their duty and that they micro fired upon without 1arniugb C okalld Tuylor and j that they only returned the lire iti self defense- J i B Liudle was then put on 1k the stand and subjected to a hot illa ross examination for an hour and n half after which the court iq adjourned A gentleman who was present when court ad I journed said he heard at least fifty the truth men say that man told I Following Lindle McIntosh Johnson and Penrod were exam- ined ¬ losing the afternoon with Lncieii Hassctts testimony The testimony of nIl these wit ¬ nesses makes out a strong case ofself IcTensf Before Bassett went on the stand several promt inent gentlemen were put on who testified to Mr Lindlos ex ¬ cellt itt moral character and I standing A number of ladies of Madison 1 file and Earlington attended 3esterdnys session of court The ajtendanco at the trial is large and the i ihCerest great Several witnesses for the pros ¬ nl1111WIIIJ used in rebuttal at tho close of the delouse SuccessWorth Knowing Forty year success In the Houth rouel I 10111huttlo I Good Tobacco Season An excellent season for set- ting ¬ tobacco plants prevails- throughout time dock tobacco dis ¬ trict and about 40 per cent of tho crop has been put out Plants are plentiful but not well grown A large acreage will be planted this season To Cure o Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bronco Quinine tab- lets ¬ All druggists refund time inonny If it fails to cure E W Groves signature Is on each box 2QC Contract Let The Hustler says that Oeo A Stewtirt has received the contract for the Erection of time new Method ¬ lit Church mutt Unit IL W Brian will ho foreman of the wood work > nth are tine workmen nIl this P1etI klUI ¬ nets you fool well Foleys Kidney Cure makes healthy kidneys and will make you well Nothing else Just as good Jno X Taylor The perfect victory U to triumph over self Thomas A Kompls Stops the Cough and Works Ottiie Cold Pabtotscare pay Price 25 cents Tim Sf 15 Church wW observe ChI t1lcns Day on time second Sun ¬ tiny in Juno CANDY CATHARTIC see All sa see unuhw Genuine stamped CCC Never sold In bulk Beware of the dealer who tries to sell something Just as good r I Watch our next advertisement- n J PUTTING UP SCENERY New Opera House Being Equipped With Beautiful Scenery Workmen are hanging the hand somo now scenery In the Masonic Tcinplo Theater this week It will nil ho up before tho week ends and collie will ho used Monday night next on tho occasion of tho Public School o itcrtalninent It Is bang up stuff strictly first class and the handsomest little set of scenery to be found in any cozy little city thea- ter ¬ In any thriving little city of Ear lillgfonrt size Tho houses will be temporarily lighted with electric lights Monday night stud temporari ¬ ly seated with chairs Electric light fixtures have been ordored for the theater and lodge rooms tho will lo put In next week It Is expected that the opera chairs will be bought in a few days and tho interior of tho theater will l > e decorated appropri ¬ ately now that tho scenery is about up and will bo made to harmonize with tho beautiful coloring of tho handsome and artistic drop curtain ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 Minute Breakfast Food PURINA HEALTH FLOUR 3rAln- sI BRAIN BREAD ItMUVA JIIMS ST Lot 15 MO LacyRnley MIssMuy Finley and Mr W C Lacy were married yesterday after ¬ noon at a oclock at time country res- Idence ¬ of Mr J W Flnley tho brides father Rev J C Hopewell officiating Mr and Mrs Thos E Finloy and other relatives and friends attended the ceremony limo couplo left yesterday for Nash- ville ¬ They expect to snake their future home in Louisville Mr Lacy formerly was with the Crabtree Coal Company In a clerical j osltion but has for some time been travel 011 toC Louisville for a wholesale house of that city 0 DONTT08ACCOSPIT You can be cured of any form of tobacco unlug easily be utade well strong an3juellC rull of l4Cthat ten In ten days Over BOOOOO carAlldnggistrs Cure Guaranteed Book STHRJlNGR Mrs It V Davenport and Miss Jettio Small visited in Guthrie last week expollsestor duce our Poultry Mlxturo and Insect Destroyerln the country Address Exoinmoit FOOD Co Parsons Ian Misses llrian of Madisonvlllc vis- ited ¬ Miss Marv Gill last week- s I M Likins was in tho city a few hours Tuesday Mrs D A Morton of Madison ¬ ville is visiting friends here it 1 ii 111 1 ALLIi 1I I entirobulldhignnd THE lion does picket duty for you and prevents adulteration and impurity from entering into your pack¬ age of LION COFFEE P When you buy an unbroken package of LION COffEE you have coffee that is absolutely pure strong and invigor ¬ ating A single pound makes 40 cups No other coffee will go so far You will never know what it is like till you try it LION COffEE is not a glazed compound but a pure coffee and noth ¬ ing but coffee ducrlptivelid t i layaimly which is the only form in which this is sold μ WOOLSON SPICE CO TOLEDO OHM r p I will boil bake broil or fry better than a coalstove It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy can not emit any odor Made in several sizes from one burner to five If your dealer does not j have them write to nearest agency of STANDARD OIL COMPANY HOPKINSVILLE SALOONS Will Close After Eleven Oclock Nights Stop all Games Ilopkinsvilli Ky May 27 At a called session of tho Cih Council ordinances were passed requiring saloons to be closed at J oclock every tight except Saturday when they may be kept open until 12 tumid prohib- iting ¬ games of any sort being played at nay place where liquor is sold The ordinances go into effect July 1- PROHMTION MEETING Held at Madisonville Tuesday a Rous ¬ ing Success Tho Prohibition mass meeting held Tuesday at Madisonville was one of the most rousing and enthusiastic ever held in this part of tho State Although the weather was cool and Inclement a largo crowd gathered to hear the Hon O W Stewart National Chairman of the Prohlbl tiofi Party deliver Ills address both in the morning and evening at the Tabernacle Special music was rendered by the union choir which hail been practicing for sometime for tho occasion Tho parade is said to have boon about five hundred yards long limo carriages were beautifully decorated and presented n line appearance M licit of the success of the meeting Is due to tho W C T U time Y M C A tutu tho Ilixsoii Ys of Madi ¬ sonville Iron Hill Dry weather prevails in this sec ¬ tion and crops are needing rain Farmers are almost done planting corn and are wishing for a season to transplant tobacco Miss Myrtle Asher daughter of the postmaster at Shady Grove is in delicate health She leas been ailing all spring and it is feared by her friends that she is siitferingwitli tho dread Day services will bo held at Marion Thursday May NO A largo crowd will be expected and a nice time anticipated Uncle Lindsay Travis of Tribune was in our midst ono day lust week He Is deputy county clerk and Is near eighty years of ago J G McLain formerly of this county but now of riilllipsburg Kansas writes that this I the wet ¬ test season ever known In that state consequently crops are fine Your correspondent spent Satur- day ¬ night with his brother n V Huberts The Blow stone mill Is shut down on account of scarcity of hands Mr Levi Hunt and wife of Marion passed through hero onroute to see their laughter Mrs SIglor of Cald welt Mr John T Franks left Marlon Tuesday for Now Mexico He will bo gone several weeks Will Lowry the popular mineral man of Livingston county was in Marion Monday Will Cockran who has been til Deming Now Mexico returned Tuesday Iris health Is greatly im proved Janios Wllborn of Itjpton lofi last week for Oklahoma John W lllueof Marion roturnei from St Louis last week Last week II M Wllborn of Ma minim found a nil old Spanish coin lt hears the date of lHJ William Jamex of Marlon Ky was robbed at Paducah last week Tho uiuiunl Sunday tfchi olconven IF m From Monday to Saturdayat every turn in the kitchen worka Wickless m Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor r time keep the comfortable No bulky fuel to prepare- or carry no waiting for the fire to come up or die down a fraction of the expense i the ordinary stove A Wickless BLUE FLAME Oil Stove dlseaselollsumptlon- Docolltlon andexpenseand cooki Grovoi invited A good time in the Sunday school work is expected Grapevine Items A good deal of tobacco was sot out last week Everitt and Will Wilson have put In some Fairbanks stock scales on their farm The new public road which ex ¬ tends by tho church lies been chop ¬ ped out Considerable interest is being taken in the deputies trialJ It Tlndle being well and favorably known in this section Mrs E Jane Todd and grand- daughter ¬ Miss Mayme returned last week from a two weeks visit in Logan County- J L Todd lost n horse last week by Doing kicked He thinks its shoulder was broken Eugene Pritchett who has been I spending tho winter Iii Texas and f Mexico visited in this vicinity last week i W T Prltchet line turned his i dwelling house around and aims to build an addition to it i I Tom Nixon Is assisting Add Fu gate with his farm work at present The farmers of tho Island re- port t a considerable hailstorm last week Elder W H Ligon preached to a good audience Sunday Among tho HOlflllanland families of J It Lindle and lintel Clark of Earlington mind several others front a distance whose names j we dill not learn Mrs Tiny Cates visited her dough ¬ ter Mrs non Laifoon last week The cemetery at this place Is be ¬ ing cleaned off this week 11 L Todd who hasjust returned from a weeks fishing at Oalhnon visited In this section this week Ho reports a good time and plenty of- fish Miss Ora Harrow returned Satur- day ¬ from a two weeks visit In Chris ¬ tina County While thoro she ac ¬ cepted a call to teach in that county again this fall Several front tills vicinity at ¬ tended tho prohibition meeting in ndlsonville1uesdnyCard Mr and Mrs J Doxenberry desire to express their deep gratitude to ladies of Earlington especially for the loving sympathy and tender at ¬ tention to their baby and to them during tho illness of the little fellow who fell asleep Tuesday Tills un ¬ selfish lovo has warmed their hearts old made tine pain and loss less poignant Miss Nettle Toombs of Slough tersvllle is the guest of Mrs N 1 rot mbs i flight Rooms Ilalli Closets Days Bath Attic Balcony Porches and Cel- lar TELEPHONE NO3 I T rfA r tptnttr s2Tr- f r R v INJUNCTION CASE Will be Argued Before Judge Nunn at Princeton June 7 Yesterday was the day set for hearing motions and filing affi ¬ davits in Judge Ntinns court on the injunction snit of Hopkins county coal operators against the operators of the western field to stop time collection of strike fund used in the attempt to close the mines of Hopkins county The court being in the midst of the Carbon dale case set Juno 7th at 1 Princeton as the day on whichr the case would be heard Judge a James Pirtle of Louisville and Capt W T Ellis of Oweusboro were at Madisonvillo to represent the defendants EYAN5YILLMERRE HAUTW THROUGH SERVICE Via L Ii N E Ii T II and C Ii li I q TrainsDaily q Tbrouth CoachesNew II P tar uaa 0 P A in lUlU 00 A IYAIUYUU ISO H lllTOt vaa- Lrl S z < JO YEARS EXPERIENCE TriAcc MARKS DesirNS CCPYfUGHTC aendfnq kctrl nrd drnrlption nay I lJnnernrtalnnwoplnln inYcntton Ii l rohiliT nilMi1 r t rrnunlm tlonsptrlctlyronailentlBl I1nti4r i tltentt I tent tree liMrft HKHIHT fumaurnu itrTml Ialrnt tnkrl ittriiiuii Munn i tcralr lit cnl nntlct wiiiiui rhar e In tl L I Scientific 1 er C fez A nlonipr r ri a wt h I r 1- rrulsbnl vIIi Airt j u rd5 ac leer tour 111 I i r 1011- fr1UNH Sr its tt ew t it I 11111 r M aS mi l 1 Foleys Honey and Tarr for chlldlen safe surt No oplts t rjc 1 ld jI I F YOU A TurnKey Jobt WANT Modern Up to Date Twentieth Century Residence Business House Church or any other class of building done promptly and in flrstclnss style apply to or nd tlremsM t 4d ufdcrHIJ Contrnctor and years experience t EARLINGTON KENTUCKY Y Speelileatlonedrawn CbeerrnltlY1Cn n v

Transcript of dk I Yr d- It No · 10 J7C I J T Jb r THE BEE EARUNBTON KY 1 t l y WILLIAMS DISCHARGED Nothing in...

Page 1: dk I Yr d- It No · 10 J7C I J T Jb r THE BEE EARUNBTON KY 1 t l y WILLIAMS DISCHARGED Nothing in Prosecutions Testi dk many to Prove Conspi ¬ racyon His Part I Yr d-l i > DEFENDANTS



Nothing in Prosecutions Testidk many to Prove Conspi ¬

racyon His PartI Yr d-




J F Gordon Makes Opening Statement

for Defence Followed by J B

Lindles Tntimony1>



> i Tlio Carhonilale shootinir caseis progressing rapidly since tliu

jjurYwns cotnpletel Monthly

1morning About 27i3 imtspocfive jurors were oxiunincil IWi

A fore the noccssary twelve Veruselected They are liidiiiril

N JKamsev W B Ilobyood J J1ffi McGregor H B Lacy M p

< Bunt in S T Olaytor UolanISisk Ezekiel Gates Ab SirinCommodore Wilkie WilliamNeal and Willinm Uumbass f

The prosecution rested its caset Tuesday afternoon utter putting I

r on the stand a number ofnesses all of whom were witI

I ected to rigid cross1tion by Ollie James 0 J Prattothers for the defense

t Inquiry nt MiuhsonvHlo csIl terdayrevealed the fact thatt there wasil consensus of opinion


fill that the prosecMitioii had foiledI iIi to make out a case with itOWII

j witnesses aloneNiter hearing the witnesses

for the prosecution the courtdismissed Johnson Williams one ofthe defendants who had heen

r held under 1000 Dead chargedf with with the other

defendants to kill At the trimfor bail the lawyers for the pros ¬

ecution insisted that Williamsi


and 1enrod be held under bondalleging that they would offer

r evidence to prove a conspiracyTuesday night J F Gordon

i itmade the opening state wllt forsaying among other

j timings they would prove that3 tutu his posse were acting

iIgOOlttnitit as ollicurs in dig

4 charge of their duty and thatthey micro fired upon without

1arniugb C okalld Tuylor andj that they only returned the lire

iti self defense-Ji B Liudle was then put on

1kthe stand and subjected to a hot

illa ross examination for an hourand n half after which the court

iq adjourned A gentleman whowas present when court adI journed said he heard at leastfiftythe truth

men say that man toldI

Following Lindle McIntoshJohnson and Penrod were exam-


losing the afternoonwith Lncieii Hassctts testimonyThe testimony of nIl these wit¬

nesses makes out a strong caseofself IcTensf Before Bassettwent on the stand several promtinent gentlemen were put onwho testified to Mr Lindlos ex ¬

cellt itt moral character andI

standingA number of ladies of Madison

1 file and Earlington attended3esterdnys session of court Theajtendanco at the trial is largeand the i ihCerest great

Several witnesses for the pros ¬

nl1111WIIIJused in rebuttal at tho close ofthe delouse

SuccessWorth KnowingForty year success In the Houth

rouel I


Good Tobacco Season

An excellent season for set-


tobacco plants prevails-throughout time dock tobacco dis ¬

trict and about 40 per cent oftho crop has been put out Plantsare plentiful but not well grownA large acreage will be plantedthis season

To Cure o Cold In One Day

Take Laxative Bronco Quinine tab-lets


All druggists refund timeinonny If it fails to cure E WGroves signature Is on each box2QC

Contract Let

The Hustler says that Oeo AStewtirt has received the contractfor the Erection of time new Method ¬

lit Church mutt Unit IL W Brianwill ho foreman of the wood work

> nth are tine workmen nIl thisP1etIklUI ¬

nets youfool well Foleys Kidney Curemakes healthy kidneys and willmake you well Nothing else Justas good Jno X Taylor

The perfect victory U to triumphover self Thomas A Kompls

Stops the Cough and Works Ottiie Cold

Pabtotscarepay Price 25 cents

Tim Sf 15 Church wW observeChI t1lcns Day on time second Sun ¬

tiny in Juno


see All

sa see unuhwGenuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulk

Beware of the dealer who tries to sell

something Just as good

r I Watch our next advertisement-



New Opera House Being Equipped With

Beautiful Scenery

Workmen are hanging the handsomo now scenery In the MasonicTcinplo Theater this week It willnil ho up before tho week ends andcollie will ho used Monday nightnext on tho occasion of tho PublicSchool o itcrtalninent It Is bangup stuff strictly first class and thehandsomest little set of scenery tobe found in any cozy little city thea-ter


In any thriving little city of Earlillgfonrt size Tho houses will betemporarily lighted with electriclights Monday night stud temporari ¬

ly seated with chairsElectric light fixtures have been

ordored for the theater and lodgerooms tho willlo put In next week It Is expectedthat the opera chairs will be boughtin a few days and tho interior of thotheater will l > e decorated appropri ¬

ately now that tho scenery is aboutup and will bo made to harmonizewith tho beautiful coloring of thohandsome and artistic drop curtain


The 5 Minute Breakfast Food



LacyRnleyMIssMuy Finley and Mr W C

Lacy were married yesterday after ¬

noon at a oclock at time country res-Idence


of Mr J W Flnley thobrides father Rev J C Hopewellofficiating Mr and Mrs Thos EFinloy and other relatives andfriends attended the ceremonylimo couplo left yesterday for Nash-ville


They expect to snake theirfuture home in Louisville Mr Lacyformerly was with the CrabtreeCoal Company In a clerical j osltionbut has for some time been travel011 toC Louisville for a wholesalehouse of that city


DONTT08ACCOSPITYou can be cured of any form of tobacco unlugeasily be utade well strong an3juellC rull ofl4Cthatten In ten days Over BOOOOOcarAlldnggistrs Cure Guaranteed BookSTHRJlNGR

Mrs It V Davenport and MissJettio Small visited in Guthrie lastweek

expollsestorduce our Poultry Mlxturo and InsectDestroyerln the country AddressExoinmoit FOOD Co Parsons Ian

Misses llrian of Madisonvlllc vis-ited


Miss Marv Gill last week-



M Likins was in tho city a fewhours Tuesday

Mrs D A Morton of Madison ¬

ville is visiting friends here







THE lion does picket duty for youand prevents adulteration and

impurity from entering into your pack¬

age of

LION COFFEEP When you buy an unbroken package

of LION COffEE you have coffee thatis absolutely pure strong and invigor¬

ating A single pound makes 40 cupsNo other coffee will go so far Youwill never know what it is like till youtry it LION COffEE is not a glazedcompound but a pure coffee and noth¬

ing but coffee


i layaimlywhich is the only form in which this is soldµ WOOLSON SPICE CO TOLEDO OHM




will boil bake broil or fry better than acoalstove It is safe and cleanly cannot become greasy can not emit anyodor Made in several sizes from oneburner to five If your dealer does not j

have them write to nearest agency of



Will Close After Eleven Oclock Nights

Stop all Games

Ilopkinsvilli Ky May 27At a called session of tho CihCouncil ordinances were passedrequiring saloons to be closed atJ oclock every tight exceptSaturday when they may bekept open until 12 tumid prohib-iting


games of any sort beingplayed at nay place where liquoris sold The ordinances go intoeffect July 1-


Held at Madisonville Tuesday a Rous ¬

ing Success

Tho Prohibition mass meeting heldTuesday at Madisonville was one ofthe most rousing and enthusiasticever held in this part of tho StateAlthough the weather was cool andInclement a largo crowd gatheredto hear the Hon O W StewartNational Chairman of the Prohlbltiofi Party deliver Ills address bothin the morning and evening at theTabernacle Special music wasrendered by the union choir whichhail been practicing for sometimefor tho occasion

Tho parade is said to have boonabout five hundred yards long limocarriages were beautifully decoratedand presented n line appearanceM licit of the success of the meetingIs due to tho W C T U time Y MC A tutu tho Ilixsoii Ys of Madi ¬


Iron Hill

Dry weather prevails in this sec ¬

tion and crops are needing rainFarmers are almost done plantingcorn and are wishing for a season totransplant tobacco

Miss Myrtle Asher daughter ofthe postmaster at Shady Grove isin delicate health She leas beenailing all spring and it is feared byher friends that she is siitferingwitlitho dread

Day services will boheld at Marion Thursday May NO

A largo crowd will be expected anda nice time anticipated

Uncle Lindsay Travis of Tribunewas in our midstono day lust weekHe Is deputy county clerk and Is

near eighty years of agoJ G McLain formerly of this

county but now of riilllipsburgKansas writes that this I the wet ¬

test season ever known In that stateconsequently crops are fine

Your correspondent spent Satur-day


night with his brother n V

HubertsThe Blow stone mill Is shut down

on account of scarcity of handsMr Levi Hunt and wife of Marion

passed through hero onroute to seetheir laughter Mrs SIglor of Caldwelt

Mr John T Franks left MarlonTuesday for Now Mexico He willbo gone several weeks

Will Lowry the popular mineralman of Livingston county was in

Marion MondayWill Cockran who has been til

Deming Now Mexico returnedTuesday Iris health Is greatly improved

Janios Wllborn of Itjpton lofilast week for Oklahoma

John W lllueof Marion roturneifrom St Louis last week

Last week II M Wllborn of Maminim found a nil old Spanish coinlt hears the date of lHJ

William Jamex of Marlon Kywas robbed at Paducah last week

Tho uiuiunl Sunday tfchi olconven


m From Monday to Saturdayat everyturn in the kitchen worka Wickless

m Blue Flame Oil Stove will save laborr time keep the

comfortable No bulky fuel to prepare-or carry no waiting for the fire to come

up or die down a fraction of the expensei the ordinary stove A


Oil Stove


andexpenseand cooki

Grovoiinvited A good time in the Sundayschool work is expected

Grapevine Items

A good deal of tobacco was sot outlast week

Everitt and Will Wilson have putIn some Fairbanks stock scales ontheir farm

The new public road which ex ¬

tends by tho church lies been chop ¬

ped outConsiderable interest is being

taken in the deputies trialJ ItTlndle being well and favorablyknown in this section

Mrs E Jane Todd and grand-daughter


Miss Mayme returned lastweek from a two weeks visit inLogan County-

J L Todd lost n horse last weekby Doing kicked He thinks itsshoulder was broken

Eugene Pritchett who has been I

spending tho winter Iii Texas and f

Mexico visited in this vicinity lastweek i

W T Prltchet line turned his i

dwelling house around and aims tobuild an addition to it i

I Tom Nixon Is assisting Add Fugate with his farm work at present

The farmers of tho Island re-


a considerable hailstorm lastweek

Elder W H Ligon preached to agood audience Sunday Among tho

HOlflllanlandfamilies of J It Lindle and lintelClark of Earlington mind severalothers front a distance whose names j

we dill not learnMrs Tiny Cates visited her dough ¬

ter Mrs non Laifoon last weekThe cemetery at this place Is be ¬

ing cleaned off this week11 L Todd who hasjust returned

from a weeks fishing at Oalhnonvisited In this section this week Horeports a good time and plenty of-


Miss Ora Harrow returned Satur-day


from a two weeks visit In Chris ¬

tina County While thoro she ac ¬

cepted a call to teach in that countyagain this fall

Several front tills vicinity at ¬

tended tho prohibition meeting in


Mr and Mrs J Doxenberry desireto express their deep gratitude toladies of Earlington especially forthe loving sympathy and tender at ¬

tention to their baby and to themduring tho illness of the little fellowwho fell asleep Tuesday Tills un ¬

selfish lovo has warmed their heartsold made tine pain and loss lesspoignant

Miss Nettle Toombs of Sloughtersvllle is the guest of Mrs N 1

rot mbs i

flight Rooms Ilalli Closets DaysBath Attic Balcony Porches and Cel-



T rfA r tptnttr s2Tr-

f r R



Will be Argued Before Judge Nunn at

Princeton June 7

Yesterday was the day set forhearing motions and filing affi ¬

davits in Judge Ntinns court onthe injunction snit of Hopkinscounty coal operators against theoperators of the western field tostop time collection of strike fundused in the attempt to close themines of Hopkins county Thecourt being in the midst of theCarbon dale case set Juno 7th at 1

Princeton as the day on whichrthe case would be heard Judge a

James Pirtle of Louisville andCapt W T Ellis of Oweusborowere at Madisonvillo to representthe defendants



q TrainsDaily qTbrouth CoachesNew

II P tar uaa 0 P A in lUlU 00 AIYAIUYUU ISO H lllTOt vaa-





CCPYfUGHTCaendfnq kctrl nrd drnrlption nay

I lJnnernrtalnnwoplnlninYcntton Ii l rohiliT nilMi1 r t rrnunlmtlonsptrlctlyronailentlBl I1nti4r i tltentt

I tent tree liMrft HKHIHT fumaurnu itrTmlIalrnt tnkrl ittriiiuii Munn i tcralr

litcnl nntlct wiiiiui rhar e In tl L

I Scientific 1 er C fez

A nlonipr r ri a wt h I r 1-

rrulsbnl vIIi Airt j u rd5 ac

leer tour 111 I i r 1011-

fr1UNH Sr its tt ew t itI 11111 r M aS mi l 1

Foleys Honey and Tarrfor chlldlen safe surt No oplts


rjc 1 ld jI


ATurnKey JobtWANT Modern Up to Date

Twentieth Century ResidenceBusiness House Church or any otherclass of building done promptly andin flrstclnss style apply to or nd

tlremsM t 4d

ufdcrHIJContrnctor andyears experience t




n v