Divine reading material..........

-------------------- Exercise 1 -------------------- Cleaning yourself Luz said, I am clean and pretty. I wash my face. I put on a clean dress. I trim my nails. I comb my hair. Look at me. Am I not pretty? 1. Who is talking? A. Mother B. Luz C. A boy 2. What does she do with her face? A. She washes it. B. She combs it. C. She cuts it. 3. What does she do with her nails? a. She cleans it. b. She trims it. c. She washes it. 4. What does she do with her hair? a. She cleans it. b. She combs it. c. She washes it. 5. What does she say?

Transcript of Divine reading material..........

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-------------------- Exercise 1 --------------------

Cleaning yourself

Luz said, I am clean and pretty. I wash my face. I put on a clean dress. I trim my nails. I comb my hair. Look at me. Am I not pretty?1. Who is talking?A. Mother B. Luz C. A boy

2. What does she do with her face?A. She washes it. B. She combs it. C. She cuts it.

3. What does she do with her nails?a. She cleans it. b. She trims it. c. She washes it.

4. What does she do with her hair?a. She cleans it. b. She combs it. c. She washes it.

5. What does she say?A. I am clean and pretty. B. I am big and strong. C. I am strong and healthy.

Vocabulary: Trim pretty dress--------------------- Exercise 2 --------------------


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The sampaguita is a flower. It is white and it smells sweet. The sampaguita is our national flower. The gumamela is a flower too. It does not smell sweet. Some gumamela flowers are red. Some are pink and some are white.1. Which is our national flower?a. Sampaguita b. Gumamela c. Rose

2. How does the sampaguita smell?a. Bad b. Sweet  c. No smell

3. Which flower does not smell sweet?a. Camia b. Sampaguita c. Gumamela

4. Which is not a flower?a. Butterfly b. Gumamela c. Sampaguita

5. Is there a white gumamela?a. Yes b. No c. Did not sayVocabulary: National  camia  sweet

---------------------Exercise 3 --------------------

Our schoolOur school is big. It is beautiful.WE have a flag in front of our school.

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WE have a garden in our school, too. Our school is clean.WE help clean our school.1. What does the story tell about?a. House b. School c. Garden

2. Which word tells about the school?a. Small b. Dirty c. Beautiful

3. What do we do to make our school clean?a. Play inside b. Help clean c. Put plant

4. What do we have in front of our school?a. Flag b. House c. Store

5. What else has our school?a. Garden b. Flowers c. GrassVocabulary: Beautiful flag garden

-------------------- Exercise 4 --------------------

ShellfishMother, what’s this? Sherbet asked showing a

shell she found on the beach. That is an empty home of a small animal called shellfish. Shellfish has soft body so it needs hard shell to protect it from starfish, crabs, fish or even birds.

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1. Who found a shell?a. Mother b. Sherbet c. Fisherman

2. Where did she find the shell?a. On the beach b. In the sea c. In the yard

3. What animal lived in the shell?a. Fish b. Crab c. Shellfish

4. What kind of body does a shellfish have?a. Hard b. Soft c. Hairy

5. What sea animal eats shellfish?a. Fish b. Dog c. CatVocabulary: Beach shell protect

-------------------- Exercise 5 --------------------


Can you guess who I am? asked Tito. I teach children. I teach them to read and write. I teach them to be good. I teach them how to be polite and helpful.

1. Who is talking in the story?a. Tito b. Brother c. Father

2. What did he ask the other children to guess?a. What he is? b. Where he is? c. Who he is?

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3. What does a teacher teach in school?a. Jump and run b. Sleep and play c. Read and write

4. What else does she teach in school?a. How to eat b. How to cross the street c. How to be good

5. What else does she teach the children?a. To watch TV b. To be polite and helpful c. To go home

Vocabulary: Guess polite helpful--------------------- Exercise 6 --------------------

Busy ChildrenIt was Saturday. Let us clean the house, said

Gloria. I will clean the yard, said Nilo. I will pull out the grass. I will sweep the yard. I will burn the dry leaves. I will water the plants, said Lina.1. What day was it?a. Monday b. Saturday c. Friday

2. Who asked that they clean the house?a. Nilo b. Mother c. Gloria

3. What will nilo do?a. He will clean the garden. b. He will help clean the house.c. He will clean the yard.

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4. What will Nilo do with the grass?a. Water them b. Plant them c. Pull them out

5. Who will water the plants?a. Lina b. Nilo c. GloriaVocabulary: Sweep pull out yard burn

--------------------- Exercise 7 --------------------

The RainIt is raining. It is raining hard, said Lani.

The rain is falling on the houses. The rain is falling on the trees. There is water on the streets. I will not go to school today, said Tita. I might catch cold.1. Who will not go to school?a. Tita b. Lani c. A girl

2. Why will she not go to school?a. It is cold. b. It is raining. c. It is warm.

3. What filled the streets with water?a. Wind b. Clouds c. Rain

4. Where is the rain falling?a. On houses and trees b. In the classroom c. In the garden

5. Why will Tita not go to school?

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a. She may catch cold. b. She has no umbrella. c. She will play.

Vocabulary: Hard cold--------------------- Exercise 8 --------------------

Flying kitesLet us fly our kites, said Celo. It is good to fly

kites now. The wind will help us fly our kites. The boys made their kites fly. They had blue kites, red kites, green kites and yellow kites. Their kites went up, up in the sky. They looked like birds up in the sky.1. Who asked the boys to fly kites?a. Celo b. Celso c. Cenon

2. What helped them fly the kites?a. Wind b. Rain c. Clouds

3. What are the colors of the kites?a. White, black, orange b. Green, white, yellow c. Blue, red, green, yellow

4. Where did the kites fly?a. Up in the sky b. Up on the trees c. Up on the houses

5. What did the kites look like?a. Birds b. Clouds c. SheepVocabulary: Wind went

--------------------- Exercise 9 --------------------

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How to be Big and StrongBerto is big and strong. He eats good

breakfast before he goes to school. He drinks milk. He eats vegetables, too. He plays in the yard. These things help Berto become big and strong.1. Who is the boy in the story?a. Tito b. Berto c. Lito

2. Which one tells about him?a. He is big and strong. b. He is small and thin. c. He is lazy.

3. What does Berto eat before he goes to school?a. A good dinner b. A good breakfast c. A good supper

4. What other things make Berto big and strong?a. Milk and vegetables b. Coffee and candy c. Milk and coffee

5. Where does berto play?a. In the house b. In the yard c. Under the sun

Vocabulary: Strong yard vegetables--------------------- Exercise 10--------------------

The Ugly Duckling

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Mother duck sat on her eggs to hatch. One morning, the eggs began to crack. Five pretty chicks came out of their shells. But one egg had not hatched. So mother duck sat down to wait. Then the egg finally cracked. Out came a chick with ugly feathers. That chick was not a duckling. It was a beautiful swan when it grew up.1. What did mother duck do?a. Sat on her eggs b. Swam in the pond c. Played with her chicks

2. Why did mother duck sit on her eggs?a. To hide them b. To crack them c. To hatch them

3. How many eggs were hatched first?a. Four b. Five c. Six

4. What kind of chick came out last?a. Beautiful duckling b. Big duckling c. Ugly duckling

5. When it grew up, the ugly duckling was actually a ____________.a. Mother hen b. Wild turkey c. Beautiful swanVocabulary: Hatch cracked swan

-------------------- Exercise 11 --------------------

Our FriendsI Love to see the birds fly. I love to hear their

pretty songs. Birds are our friends. They eat harmful insect son our plants. They are very

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pretty. They make us happy. We must be kind to birds.1. What do we love to see?a. Birds b. Chickens c. Geese

2. What do birds do?a. They talk. b. They fly. c. They swim.

3. What do we love to hear?a. Birds’ songs b. Birds’ talk c. Birds’ call

4. What do birds do for us?a. They make us sad. b. They make us happy. c. They make us angry.

5. How do birds help us?a. They eat sweet fruits. b. They eat harmful insects. c. They eat green plants.

Vocabulary: Pretty insects harmful kind-------------------- Exercise 12 --------------------

VegetablesLook, father, shouted Leon. Our beans have

fruits. Our patola plants have fruits, too. Let us pick some of the, father said. We shall sell them in the market. Mother will cook some, too.

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1. Who saw the fruits of the beans and the patola?a. Leon b. Father c. Mother

2. What will they do with the fruits?a. They will eat all of them. b. They will sell some and eat some.c. They will give them away.

3. What will mother do with some of the fruits?a. Give them away b. Cook them c. Throw them away

4. What does father want to do?a. He wants to water the vegetables. b. He wants to pick some of the fruits.c. He wants to eat the vegetables.

5. Where will father take the vegetables?a. To the store b. To the kitchen c. To the marketVocabulary: Shouted pick fruits sell

-------------------- Exercise 13 --------------------

Helping Our CountrymenLet us go to Heng’s store, said Cora. I will buy a

pencil. Heng is a chinese. Aling Maria is a Filipino. We should buy from Filipino stores. We should help Filipino sellers, Delia said.1. What did Cora want to buy?a. Book b. Pencil c. A bag

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2. Where would she buy a pencil?a. At Heng’s store b. At the market c. At Aling Maria’s store

3. Who wanted to buy at Aling Maria’s store?a. Cora b. The children c. Delia

4. Where should we buy the things we need?a. From chinese stores b. From filipino stores c. From any store

5. Whom should we help?a. Chinese sellers b. Filipino sellers c. Old sellers

Vocabulary: Chinese countrymen sellers