DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD PM in Council Chambers ......2019/08/21  · DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD Minutes of...

( ( DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the District of Sparwood Council held on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers, Municipal Office located at 136 Spruce Avenue . PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Mayor D. Wilks Councillor B. Bowen Councillor A. Cardozo Councillor J. Jarina Councillor R. Saad Michele Schalekamp, Chief Administrative Officer Kristi Bilodeau, Director of Finance Danny Dwyer, Director of Engineering Jeremy Johnston, Planning Specialist Darrell Kaisner, Deputy Director of Operations ABSENT: Councillor J. Baher Councillor J. Christensen Duane Lawrence, Director of Community & Facility Services Tyler Madsen, Director of Operations & Development Michelle Martineau, Director of Corporate Services Dean Spry, Director of Fire Services (a) CALL TO ORDER 1. Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm . (b) APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND LATE ITEMS 1. Late ltem(s) to be added or removed from the agenda There were no late items. 2. Agenda Approval 19-228 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT the agenda be approved as presented . (c) ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) OF COUNCIL CARRIED 1. Minutes of the Regular, Special Meetings, and Informal Hearing of Council held in July and August for adoption There were no errors or omissions noted. 19-229 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 16, 2019 , the Informal Hearing held July 16, 2019, and the special meetings held on July 30, 2019 and August 7, 2019 be adopted as presented . CARRIED (d) PETITIONS, DELEGATIONS AND OTHER PRESENTATIONS 1. leek's Elkview Operations Visual Quality Management Plan Council, by unanimous consent, extended the time limit for the presentation on the two plans to 40 minutes. Casandra Knooihuizen and Chris Stroich presented leek's Visual Quality and Noise Management Plans for Council endorsement. A copy of their presentation has been appended to the agenda. 2. leek's Elkview Operations Noise Management Plan Council, by unanimous consent, suspended the rules to consider the recommendation by the Socio- Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee to endorse the Visual Quality and Noise Management Plans.

Transcript of DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD PM in Council Chambers ......2019/08/21  · DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD Minutes of...

Page 1: DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD PM in Council Chambers ......2019/08/21  · DISTRICT OF SPARWOOD Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the District of Sparwood Council held on Wednesday, August




Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the District of Sparwood Council held on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers, Municipal Office located at 136 Spruce Avenue .



Mayor D. Wilks Councillor B. Bowen Councillor A. Cardozo Councillor J. Jarina Councillor R. Saad

Michele Schalekamp, Chief Administrative Officer Kristi Bilodeau, Director of Finance Danny Dwyer, Director of Engineering Jeremy Johnston, Planning Specialist Darrell Kaisner, Deputy Director of Operations

ABSENT: Councillor J. Baher Councillor J. Christensen

Duane Lawrence, Director of Community & Facility Services Tyler Madsen, Director of Operations & Development Michelle Martineau, Director of Corporate Services Dean Spry, Director of Fire Services


1. Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm .


1. Late ltem(s) to be added or removed from the agenda There were no late items.

2. Agenda Approval

19-228 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT the agenda be approved as presented .



1. Minutes of the Regular, Special Meetings, and Informal Hearing of Council held in July and August for adoption There were no errors or omissions noted .

19-229 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 16, 2019 , the Informal Hearing held July 16, 2019, and the special meetings held on July 30, 2019 and August 7, 2019 be adopted as presented. CARRIED


1. leek's Elkview Operations Visual Quality Management Plan Council, by unanimous consent, extended the time limit for the presentation on the two plans to 40 minutes. Casandra Knooihuizen and Chris Stroich presented leek's Visual Quality and Noise Management Plans for Council endorsement. A copy of their presentation has been appended to the agenda.

2. leek's Elkview Operations Noise Management Plan Council, by unanimous consent, suspended the rules to consider the recommendation by the Socio­Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee to endorse the Visual Quality and Noise Management Plans.

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District of Sparwood Regular Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2019 2

19-230 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council endorse Teck's Elkview Operations Visual Quality and Noise Management Plans as recommended by the Socio-Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee at their August 12, 2019 meeting . CARRIED

Following Teck's presentation, Mayor Wilks asked if a tour for BRE 3 could be arranged for Council.


1. Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw 1231, 2018, Amendment Bylaw 1259, 2019

19-231 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council adopt Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw 1231, 2018, Amendment Bylaw 1259, 2019. CARRIED

2. Sparwood Firearm Regulation Bylaw No. 540, 1989, Amendment Bylaw 1260, 2019

19-232 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council adopt Sparwood Firearm Regulation Bylaw No. 540, 1989, Amendment Bylaw 1260, 2019. CARRIED

3. Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw 1170, 2015, Amendment Bylaw 1261, 2019 The Chief Administrative Officer, Michele Schalekamp, provided an overview of her August 13, 2019 report and responded to questions of Council.

19-233 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council adopt Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw 1170, 2015, Amendment Bylaw 1261, 2019 as presented in the CAO's August 13, 2019 report.



1. Resolutions from the August 12, 2019 Socio-Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee Meeting for Council endorsement

19-234 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council endorse the request from the Socio-Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee (SCEEAC) to include the SCEEAC's decisions in the Council Facts newsletter. CARRIED

19-235 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council endorse the request from the Socio-Community & Economic Effects Advisory Committee (SCEEAC) to review the SCEEAC's terms of reference on an annual basis. CARRIED

2. 2800 Middletown Place (Lot 1, DL 4589, KO, Plan EPP23685) The Director of Operations & Development, Tyler Madsen, presented his August 14, 2019 report and responded to questions of Council.

19-236 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council approve the Plans and Specifications marked as "Design Review Permit 3030-20/2019-002 2800 Middletown Place" for the property legally described as Lot 1, DL 4589, KD, Plan EPP23685 and located at 2800 Middletown Place.


3. Development Variance Permit: 2019-003, 7555 Highway 43: Elk Valley Mobile Home Park The Director of Operations & Development, Tyler Madsen, presented his August 14, 2019 report and responded to questions of Council.

19-237 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council approve issuance of Development Variance Permit 2019-003 and Mobile Home Park Permit 2019-001 for the property legally described as Lot A, DL 7781, 8525, and 9488, Plan NEP65613, and located at 7555 Highway 43 and commonly referred to as Elk Valley Mobile Home Park . CARRIED

4. Development Variance Permit 2019-009 - 9555 Highway 43 - Lodgepole Mobile Home Park The Director of Operations & Development, Tyler Madsen, presented his August 14, 2019 report and responded to questions of Council.

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District of Sparwood Regular Council Meeting Minutes of August 21 , 2019 3

19-238 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council gives notice of its intent to consider issuance of Development Variance Permit 2019-009 for the property legally described as Lot B, DL 7781 , KO, Plan 13523 EXC PT included in SRW PL 18350, and located at 9555 Highway 43 and commonly referred to as Lodgepole Mobile Home Park; AND THAT Staff be directed to provide notice in accordance with Section 499 of the Local Government Act and Section 5 of Development Application Procedure Bylaw 1177, 2016; AND FURTHER THAT an informal hearing be scheduled for 6:00 pm on September 17, 2019 in Council Chambers at 136 Spruce Avenue. CARRIED

5. Titan Park Drinking Fountain The Deputy Director of Operations, Darrell Kaisner, presented his August 15, 2019 report and responded to questions of Council.

19-239 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council proceed with the installation of a fountain located in Titan Park. CARRIED


1. Draft minutes of the Public Relations Committee Meeting held July 30, 2019 Draft minutes were received for information.

2. July 2019 Sparwood Mosquito Progress Report from Duka Environmental Services Ltd. The report was received for information. The Director of Engineering, Danny Dwyer, responded to questions of Council.

3. Bylaw Enforcement Officer/Animal Control July 2019 Month End Report The report was received for information.

4. Emergency Social Services July 2019 Month End Report The report was received for information.

5. Payments Expended for June 2019 The report was received for information.


1. Letter from the City of Victoria requesting favourable consideration and a resolution of support to restore Provincial support for libraries.

19-240 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT Council supports the City of Victoria's resolution advocating for the restoration of library funding to a level that reflects both inflationary cost increases since 2009 and the value of this system to the Province; · AND THAT the Mayor send a letter to the Ministry of Education expressing Council's support of enhanced library funding . CARRIED


1. Elk Valley RCMP Quarterly Report The report was received for information.

2. Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch policy directives 19-09 and 19-10 The policies were received for information.

3. Letters from the municipalities of Elkford, Fort St. John, Gibsons, Pitt Meadows, Pouce Coupe and Taylor to the Ministry of Education requesting that the provincial funding for libraries be restored. The letters were received for information.

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District of Sparwood Regular Council Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2019 4

4. Letter from the City of Pitt Meadows supporting the District of West Vancouver's resolution to regulate single-use items. The letter was received for information.

5. Letter from Interior Health recommending actions to prevent or reduce the negative health impacts of extreme heat. The letter was received for information.

6. Letter from the District of North Cowichan for support of their resolution to adopt a new regionally based forestry management model at the UBCM Convention. The letter was received for information.

7. Letter from the City of Victoria to the City of Richmond supporting Richmond's resolution to UBCM requesting a lobbying regulation system for municipal government be established The letter was received for information.

8. Letter from UBCM regarding Gas Tax Agreement Community Works Fund Payment. The letter was received for information.

9. Regional District of East Kootenay Board highlights from their July and August meetings. The newsletters were received for information.

10. "WildBYTES" newsletter from the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program announcing their draft action plans are ready for final public review. The newsletter was received for information.

11. Ombudsperson Annual Report The report was received for information.

12. Interior Health Authority Healthy Communities Newsletters for July and August 2019 The newsletters were received for information.


1. Mayor Wilks invited all members of Council to share any announcements they had.


1. There were no members of the public present.


1. Motion to close meeting to the public.

19-241 MOVED AND SECONDED THAT the remainder of the meeting be closed to the public in order that the item , the subject of which falls under Section 90(2) (b) of the Community Charter be discussed by Council which pertains to the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both , or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party. CARRIED

Council took a brief recess, by unanimous consent, at 6:52 pm and then reconvened in-camera at 6:58 pm.

2. Closed minutes from July 16, July 30 and August 7, 2019 for adoption.

3. Section 90(2) (b) Negotiations between the municipality and the provincial government, federal government or third party

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District of Sparwood Regular Council Meeting Minutes of August 21 , 2019


1. Mayor Wilks adjourned the meeting at 7:12 pm.

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