District of Columbia Public Schools | 1200 First Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885...

District of Columbia Public Schools | 1200 First Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885 | F 202.442.5026 | dcps.dc.gov Wilson High School PARCC II 2015 Training: Test Administration February 2015

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District of Columbia Public Schools | 1200 First Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885 | F 202.442.5026 | dcps.dc.gov

Wilson High School

PARCC II 2015 Training:Test Administration

February 2015

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PARKING LOT QUESTIONS: What happens if a student loses their test ticket? What is a test unit? Can students use their phone during the day as an instructional resource if

they are not testing? Will students be able to physically access other websites during the test? What are the restroom breaks and protocols? There is a large number of time allotted for first period. Is there anything

that can be done to change the time? Can students use their own calculators? Will EOY Impact AP testing? What will tech support look like during the testing window?

District of Columbia Public Schools | April 2013 2

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Daily Attendance: You will receive one document that has the testing dates for all of your

students enrolled in your course. We ARE not sending out daily emails with the list.

Taking attendance in STARS- we will confirm this by Monday. We are trying to determine if we can change the tumbles in STARS for you take daily attendance. We will determine if it is easier to take attendance in Elise or STARS

Please review the printed sheet of when students are testing by teacher; this will assist in lesson planning for courses impacted by student testing times.

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools | 3

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Test Administration

Around 25 members of the Wilson community will administer the PBA portion of PARCC. All other staff members will have various responsibilities.

• Attendance Counselors: Will mark those students scheduled to test in advance and will correct attendance for those who fail to follow to show up for the test.

• Counselors: Will handle make-up testing during the afternoon sessions; a schedule will be provided by COB Friday.

• Admin aides/substitutes/SPED aides: Will serve as bathroom/hall monitors, proctors, and/or call the homes of students absent during test administration.

• Testing Committee Members: Perform check-out and check-in responsibilities• Non-assigned teaching staff: Maybe called in to perform any of the above task as

well as contact parents for students who need to make-up a test.

District of Columbia Public Schools | April 2013 4

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PARCC Test Security: Testing Violations (from OSSE)

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

• Photocopying or in any way reproducing, or disclosing secure or other materials related to Districtwide tests;

• Engaging in discussions, instruction, reviews, reading, or looking at test items or student responses before, during, or after administering the Districtwide assessment, unless specifically permitted in the test administrator's manual;

• Allowing anyone to review the secure state test;

• Making a false certification on the test security form established by the OSSE;

• Assisting students in any way with answers to test questions using verbal or nonverbal cues before, during, or after administering the assessment;

• Altering student responses in any manner and altering test procedures (unless explicitly authorized in writing by the OSSE ) stated in the formal instructions accompanying the Districtwide assessments:

• Allowing student examinees to use notes, references, or other aids, unless the test administrator's manual specifically allows;

• Allowing any form of cheating;

• Failing to actively supervise students at all times during testing sessions

• Having in one's personal possession secure test materials except during the scheduled testing date;

• Allowing students to view or practice secure test items before or after the scheduled testing time;

• Making or having in one's possession answer keys before the administration of that Districtwide assessment; except, when it is authorized to have an answer key that has already been administered;

• Leaving secure test materials in a non-secure location or unattended by authorized personnel;

• Providing unapproved test accommodations to a student;

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PARCC Test Security: Testing Violations (from OSSE)

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

• Leaving secure test materials in a non-secure location or unattended by authorized personnel;

• Providing unapproved test accommodations to a student;

• Allowing students in grades 3-5 the use of calculators in the mathematics test;

• Scoring student responses;

• Making statements regarding the accuracy of the student’s responses on the state test;

• Failing to return and account for all testing materials as soon as the testing session has terminated;

• Failing to keep all assigned, generated, or created usernames, passwords and logins secure;

• Allowing anyone other than the assigned pupils to log into their assigned test;

• Using a pupil’s information to log in as a student or allow a student to log in using another pupil’s information;

• Displaying a student’s name and unique student identifier together in any written or electronic format;

• Allowing students to access electronic devices that allow them to access outside information, communicate with other students, or photograph or copy test content.

• Permitting students to remove any test materials by any means from the room(s) where testing takes place;

• Failing to collect and count all test materials before allowing any pupil to leave the testing room and/or to ensure that all pupils have properly logged off the computer system.

• Violating the OSSE cell phone policy and the use of unapproved electronics, unapproved computer devices during the administration of a Districtwide assessment; and

• Retaliating against any other employee, parent, or student solely because that individual reports or participates in an investigation of a potential failure of the test security plan or other testing integrity, security policy or protocol.

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PARCC Test Security: Sanctions

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

DCPS: (not limited to) • Letter of reprimand • Removal from test administration • Suspension without pay• Termination

• Employees who have left DCPS but were later confirmed for test security violation/s (during their employment in DCPS) may not have opportunity to be rehired.

OSSE: • Re-testing within the test cycle (potential cost);• Invalidation of scores with no opportunity for re-testing;• Placed on monitoring list for future years;• Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a District of Columbia

teaching or administrative credential/teacher certificate, either indefinitely or for a set of term by OSSE;

• Denial, suspension, revocation, or cancellation of District of Columbia teaching or administrative credential/teacher certificate without opportunity for reapplication, either indefinitely or for a set of term by OSSE;

• Payment of any expenses incurred by DCPS as a result of the security breach

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Test Administrators & Proctors:Please remain in the room for small group training.

J. AlexanderP. ArringtonN. BakerJ. BeliveauR. BoboM. BollingerR. Bradshaw-SmithV. CableJ. CaccamiseA. CarrP. ChristianL. ColeD. DunhamR. Edson

E. ErkinsF. GayleM. FiorillA. FoxenL. FruminP. GardnerR. GeremiaM. GoreN. GrantL. GrymesB. HallB. HernandezC. HugginsM. KulpaM. Kurude

E. LevensonL. MaddoxM. MartinE. McCauslinJ. ModeP. OsteenL. PayneJ. PooleC. PreacherM. RamosB. ReynoldsN. RicksS. Rodriguez-LeonJ. RoosJ. Shea

A. SobrinskiS. SpicianiS. SurlesM. ThompsonJ. WilliamsB. WilsonC. WimsJ. WiseD. Ward

District of Columbia Public Schools | April 2013 8

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PARCC Logistics: Chain-of-Custody Form

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

• Test Coordinators are required to maintain a log of secure materials using the Computer-Based Chain-of-Custody Form. Test Administrators must sign materials in/out each day using this form. Secure materials include:

Student Testing Tickets

Seal Codes

Math Reference Sheets

Scratch Paper

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PARCC Logistics: Chain-of-Custody Form

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

How do I use the DCPS Computer-Based Chain-of-Custody Form?

• Each testing group will have one form for each testing unit (or units if testing more than one back-to-back).

Step 1: TC populates the 1) Administration, 2) Tested Subject, and 3) Tested Unit(s)

Step 2: TC populates the “School Name.

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PARCC Logistics: Chain-of-Custody Form

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Step 3 (CHECK-OUT): TC populates the information in the “Materials Moved from Secure Location Area to Testing Location ____” box.

Note that the number of materials listed will need to be counted by the Test Coordinator (or designee) in front of the Test Administrator during check-out each day.

The Test Administrator must write and sign their first and last name during check-out each day.

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PARCC Logistics: Chain-of-Custody Form

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Step 4 (CHECK-IN): TC populates the information in the “Materials from Testing Location____ to Secure Location” box.

Note that the number of materials listed will need to be counted by the Test Coordinator (or designee) in front of the Test Administrator during check-in each day. If a secure material is missing and cannot be located, an Incident Report should be filed.

The Test Administrator must sign their first and last name during check-in each day.

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PARCC Test Administration: GITL Log

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

I know this is a timed test, but what if there is a tech glitch that causes a student to lose a few minutes while s/he is logged back in to the test?

• DCPS Group Information & Time Lapse Log = GITL Log• Electronic excel form used to record 1) student attendance, and 2) instances in which a student’s test will

be interrupted for which the testing platform does not account. • Examples include: stretch breaks, brief internet outage, computer losing battery, etc.

Note: Bathroom breaks do NOT stop the clock, so it is very important that students use the restroom prior to testing time.

• Anything that disrupted a student’s test and is not considered a security breach that can be resolved in under five minutes should be recorded on the GITL form. Anything greater than 5 minutes can still be logged in GITL log, but should also be accompanied by an Incident Report.

• GITL Log should be open on each Test Administrator computer and populated during test administration. • Note: Test Administrator’s #1 priority is duties associated with administering the test (resuming

sessions; troubleshooting; etc.). This log should fall as second priority. • There are three versions of the GITL Log

1. Standard for same grade/subject/unit testing)2. Make-ups (for mixed grade/subject/unit testing)3. Extended Time Accommodations (does not track time lapses and should only be used when testing

students with the extended time accommodation)

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PARCC Test Administration: GITL Log

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• The electronic GITL logs are useful because 1) they do the math for the Test Administrator so they don’t have to manually determine how much time each student receives, and 2) they provide protection to the school in the event of an investigation to a student taking more than the allotted time in a unit.

• Each Test Administrator will receive a separate GITL log for each testing group and for each tested unit

• Each GITL log will come complete with 1) Test Administrator name, 2) Proctor Name, 3) Tested Grade/Course, 4) Tested Unit, 5) Tested Subject, and 6) Names of students in testing group. This information will be populated by the Test Coordinator.

• GITL Logs will be sent to you electronically the day before your assigned test administration window

• Each GITL log must be submitted to the Test Coordinator by 3:00 PM each testing day.

GITL: Locker Grade 5


GITL: Locker Grade 5


GITL: Locker Grade 5


GITL: Locker Grade 5

Math PBA 1

GITL: Locker Grade 5

Math PBA 2

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PARCC Test Administration: GITL Log

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Step 1: Take Attendance • Absent students should be marked with

an “X”

Step 2: Enter the “Exact Start Time” • Immediately after reading the test

directions and posting the Seal Code, record the start time for the test unit.

Step 3: Log any time lapses using the Time Lapse Code legend. • Examples include: computer or accessories

failure, disruptions, TestNav errors, student ticket errors. Note we are awaiting guidance on student bathroom breaks.

Step 4: Submit an Incident Report for: • Incidents that cause a lapse in test time of

more than 5 minutes• Incidents that affect the entire test group

Test Administrators will collect pre-populated GITL Logs for each testing group and unit from their Test Coordinator and are responsible for completing details in the YELLOW cells.

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16District of Columbia Public Schools |

PARCC: School-Level Training

Section 2:

• Pearson Access Next for Test Administrators

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

How are the students’ tests monitored during testing?

• All Test Administrators will receive user accounts created by the Test Coordinator March 2nd that will be used to access the Pearson Access Next platform.

• Username = your dc.gov email address• Once a user account is created, the user will receive an email sent to their dc.gov email

address with instructions on logging in.

• To log in, Test Administrators will:• Go to www.pearsonaccessnext.com • Select “District of Columbia” as their program• Click the green sign-in button• Enter their username (dc.gov email address) and password

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

What do Test Administrators need to do in Pearson Access Next?

Step 1: Login to PAN. Go to “Testing” and click “Sessions.”

Step 2: Go to “Search” and check “Show all results.” All created test sessions will populate.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

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Step 3: Check the box for the session for which you are going to administer and click the “Go to Students in Sessions” link at the top of the page.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Step 4: Under “Session List,” click the session that you selected.

Step 5: Your session will appear. Press “Start” to activate the session. This will be done for Unit 1 only. Note that, in PBA, there are 3 units associated with each session in ELA and 2 units associated with each session in Math.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

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Once the session has been started, the Test Administrator should:

1) Read instructions to students verbatim, following the appropriate Test Administrator Manual, 2) Ensure that Student Testing Tickets have been distributed to students, and 3) Post the Seal Code ONLY FOR THE UNIT TESTING on the board or chart paper at the front of the

room. 4) Post start and end time beneath the Seal Code. 5) Populate the GITL log with the “exact start time.”

Note that a student cannot access a unit until they have the appropriate Seal Code.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

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The Test Administrator will be able to use this screen to monitor all of the students. The “Student Test Status” will change according to the legend to indicate when a student’s test is Ready, Resumed, Active, Exited, and Completed.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Note that students’ statuses will change based on the criteria listed below (taken from the Test Administrator’s Manual – additional clarification in red).

“Ready” indicates the student has not started UNIT 1 of the session.

“Exited” indicates that 1) a student has exited the test but not submitted answers in his/her unit, or 2) student has completed a unit and has submitted his/her answers.

A student’s test will need to be resumed if the test was paused for any reason (i.e., internet connection failure) AND at the start of each unit after Unit 1.

A student’s test will show as “completed” when s/he has submitted answers for ALL units in a session

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

If I only need to press “Start” to begin the session, how will students be able to access individual units? Note that “Start” only needs to be pressed to start each session, and there are multiple units within each session (for PBA: three for ELA and two for math). After a student has submitted their answers for the first unit, they will be in “Exited” status. When the Test Administrator is ready to begin the second unit, they will check the box for all students testing and “Resume” the test. Students will use the Seal Code given to access the next unit.

Students who completed Unit 1 will be in “Exited” status

Step 1: check the box next to all students’ names

Step 2: Under “Select Tasks,” check the box for “Resume Student Tests.”

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

What is another scenario in which I would need to RESUME a student’s test?

When students log out of a unit but do not submit their answers, they will also be in “Exited” status. This could happen if there is a small technical glitch such as a brief internet outage. In this case, the Test Administrator could follow the steps in the previous slide, OR resume the student’s test individually.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

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Is there a way that I can view an individual student’s progress?Yes. If you click on the “Student Test Status,” a pop-up titled “Student Test & Item Progress” will appear. This will show you a list of questions, the unit (section) associated with each question, and whether a student has visited and/or answered each question.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

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When will a student’s status show as “Complete”?

A student’s status will only show as “Complete” once they have submitted answers for all units associated with a session. So when the final unit is being administered in a session, a Test Administrator can expect all students’ statuses to show as “Completed” at the end of the unit.

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PARCC Test Administration: Pearson Access Next

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

I noticed the “Marked Complete” status. When would I need to mark a student’s test as complete?A student’s test should only be “Marked Complete” by the Test Coordinator, and only when a student is unable (i.e., due to medical emergency exemption) to complete the remainder of the units in the session prior to the end a testing window. Once a student’s session is “Marked Complete,” there is no way for the student to continue testing in that session.

When will I need to “stop” a session?A session may be stopped only once all students are in “Complete” or “Marked Complete” status. The School Test Coordinator will be responsible for “stopping” the sessions prior to the end of the testing window.

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PARCC Test Administration: Seal Codes

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

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How do we know the student is taking the right unit?Each Test Administrator will be given a sheet with the number of units in their session and their associated seal codes. The Test Administrator will write the Seal Code for the associated unit on the board or chart paper, which will unlock only that unit for the student. Once the Seal Code is posted, time begins.

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PARCC Test Administration: Absences

PARCC: Test Coordinator’s Training

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What do we do if a student is absent?Nothing needs to be done in the Pearson Access Next system to indicate an absence. In the event of a student absence from a testing unit:

1. Record the absence on the GITL log (type an “x” in the absent log).

2. Separate the absent student’s testing ticket from the rest of the student testing tickets when checking-in materials. Test Coordinators will use this to determine which students were absent when compiling their list of make-ups.

Student Testing Tickets

ABSENT Student Testing Tickets

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PARCC Test Administration: Make-Up Testing

PARCC: School-Level Training

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If I’m a make-up Test Administrator, how do I access the correct make-up session?Step 1: TA references the “Make-Up Student Tracker” to determine which students are in your make-up session, what units they need to make-up, and the name of the current testing session. The TC must provide the make-up TA with the make-up students’ Student Testing Tickets.

Step 2: TA accesses each session within Pearson Access Next. They will likely need to have multiple testing sessions open on their screen.

Step 3: TA goes to “Download Resources” and clicks “Seal Codes” to access the seal code for the unit in which the student is making up. This must be done for each individual testing session.

Step 4: TA reads unit-specific instructions to each student participating in the same grade/subject/unit.

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PARCC Test Administration: Accommodations

PARCC: School-Level Training Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Where do Test Administrators go to understand accommodations?

• Accommodations & Accessibility Features Manual • Details all available PARCC accommodations, accessibility features, and administrative

considerations• Any staff member who will be administering accommodations must have a copy of the

manual and review all applicable sections prior to testing• Test Administrators with special populations group must fully review applicable sections

of the Accommodations and Accessibility Features manual and flag questions to Test Coordinators immediately (at least one week prior to testing)

How do we know which students have which accommodations?

• Accommodations/Administrative Consideration List• A list of accommodations, accessibility features, and administrative considerations that all

students will receive will be distributed to Test Coordinators via email.

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PARCC Test Administration: Accommodations

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

Any particular accommodations I should have on my radar?

• Extended time• Only students with the “extended time” accommodation may test outside the

PARCC designated unit times. • Students with this accommodation have up to an entire school day to complete a

single unit. They must start testing in the morning. • Students with this accommodation should test in a separate setting to minimize

disruptions. • Lunch and recess breaks must be planned for, ensuring that students remain away

from their timed-testing peers.

• Large Print• Ensure that students have both “large print” and “paper-based testing” listed in

their accommodations in their program plans.• Students with this accommodation will test via paper/pencil in a large-print booklet,

and answers will be transcribed into a regular-size testing booklet by the Test Administrator, Test Coordinator, or principal.

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PARCC Test Administration: Accommodations

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

What if I don’t think a student needs a particular accommodation that is in his/her IEP?

• All accommodations in a student’s program plan must be administered to that student for testing.

• An accommodation may only be skipped if a student refuses to take it or a parent has written a notification of the refusal of an accommodation.

• In an event of a refusal, the school must complete the Student Accommodation Refusal Form (included in Appendix G of the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual), send one copy home with the parent and keep one copy in the PARCC 2015 Binder.

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PARCC Test Administration: Tech Glitches

PARCC: School-Level Training

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What if we have a tech glitch during testing?• In the event of a tech-related issue, keep calm as to not raise student anxiety. Some quick

steps to take for standard tech issues: 1) Log in/Log out, 2) Shut down and reboot device, 3) remove student from testing environment if troubleshooting cannot be completed within 15 minutes, file an Incident Report, & student can resume in make-ups.

Note that in the event of an internet-related issue, do not move a student to a different device. Call the attention of your Test Coordinator or OCTO Tech.

• Infrastructure-related issues (i.e., issues related with actual testing devices or network) should be dealt with at school-level. Contact your OCTO Technician or Test Coordinator for assistance in these cases.

• Issues related to testing platform that can not be troubleshot as school level should be directed to Pearson Customer Support (1-888-493-9888). Contact your Test Coordinator for assistance in these cases.

• Note: Any technology-related issues that could not be resolved within 5 minutes should be documented via Incident Report.

• Note that you will be asked to provide information such as the type of device used for testing, # students affected, testing location, etc.

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PARCC Test Security: Incident Reporting

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

When would I need to file an Incident Report?

• Any testing irregularity needs to be reported. This includes a break in the normal pattern in test administration (i.e., student illness) or a breach in test security.

How do I file an Incident Report?


Page 37: District of Columbia Public Schools | 1200 First Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002 | T 202.442.5885 | F 202.442.5026 | dcps.dc.gov Wilson High School PARCC.


PARCC Test Security: Testing Irregularities

PARCC: School-Level Training

District of Columbia Public Schools |

What are testing irregularities?• Non-comprehensive list of Testing Irregularities:

• Building evacuation or lockdown• Failing to follow administration directions exactly as specified in Test

Administrator Manual• Unauthorized visitors• Losing a student’s Test Booklet• Losing a student’s Testing Ticket• Displaying testing aids in a testing environment • Failing to provide a student with a documented accommodation or providing a

student with an undocumented accommodation• Loss of internet connectivity (over five minutes)• Providing access to Seal Codes ahead of time and before reading the

appropriate direction or script

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PARCC: School-Level Training
