District Comprehensive Improvement Plan 2013-14



The Buffalo school district's 2013-14 Comprehensive Improvement Plan submitted to the state and initially approved, but later rejected citing lack of involvement by the District Parent Coordinating Council.

Transcript of District Comprehensive Improvement Plan 2013-14

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000





Location(s) Agenda attached? Supporting documents


6/11/13 701 City Hall Yes No Yes No

7/3/13 701 City Hall Yes No Yes No

7/8/13 703 City Hall Yes No Yes No

7/23/13 703 City Hall Yes No Yes No

7/30/13 703 City Hall Yes No Yes No

8/11/13 701 City Hall Yes No Yes No

8/15/13 712 City Hall Yes No Yes No

8/20/13 701 City Hall Yes No Yes No

8/28/13 McKinley High

School Yes No Yes No

In January 2013, representatives of multiple stakeholder groups were asked to participate on Strategic Planning Task Force

groups to develop recommendations for a five-year Strategic Plan. Members of the Task Force included parents,

representatives from higher education, teacher and administrators, unions, the district central office, community-based

organizations, and the religious, political and business communities. In addition, a Steering Committee that also was

representative of all stakeholders was formed to serve as a critical friend and partner to the process. Task Force groups met

regularly to develop and write goals, objectives, strategies and measurable outcomes with achievable timelines that will bring

about transformational change for Buffalo Public Schools in the areas of Student Achievement, Health & Wellness, Family &

Community Engagement, Talent Management, Operations and Financial Planning.

The BPS Strategic Plan serves to guide the actions and decisions of the schools and district for the next five years. The plan

provides opportunity to not only change, but transform the District with an organized framework offering measurable goals and

strategies within achievable timeline. The plan also strengthens the resources and support from community partnerships with a

focus on student achievement. The District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) is an extension of and strongly aligned to

the BPS Strategic Plan. It serves to provide an action plan to implement the district’s Strategic Plan for the 2013-2014 school

year and will further assist schools in realizing the transformational change necessary to ensure: A World-Class Education for

Every Child – Where Every Child is College and Career Ready.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


District Information Sheet

District Grade Configuration

PK-12 Total Student Enrollment

33,405 % Title 1 Population

6 3 . 8 7 % (11-12)

% Attendance Rate

90.63% (11-12)

% Free Lunch

82.59% (11-12)

% Reduced Lunch

7.08% (11-12)

% Student mobility

% Limited English Proficient

11.74% % Students with Disabilities


Racial/Ethnic Origin of District Student Population

% American Indian or Alaska



% Black or African American


% Hispanic or Latino


% Asian,

Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander


% White


% Multi-racial 2.52%

Overall State Accountability Status


of Focus



d by



Number of Priority


28 Number of Local Assistance Plan

Schools (LAP)


Number of Schools in



Number of SIG (a) Recipient

Schools 34

Number of SIG (g) Recipient Schools


% ELA Performance at levels 3 &



% Mathematics Performanc

e at levels 3 & 4


% Science Performance at levels 3

& 4


% 4 yr. Graduation Rate (for

HS only)

47.8%* Cohort 2008

% 6 yr.

Graduation Rate (for HS only)


Cohort 2006

Federal Funding

Fund Source District Allocation Mandated Set-Aside


Title I $26,125,328.00 $ SI TII $4,686,911.00 Title III $651,010.00

Parent Engagement $261,253.00 Focus & Priority

School Improvement


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in ELA

X American Indian or Alaska Native X Black or African American

X Hispanic or Latino X Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

X White X Multi-racial

X Students with Disabilities X Limited English Proficient

X Economically Disadvantaged

Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Mathematics

X American Indian or Alaska Native X Black or African American

X Hispanic or Latino X Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

X White X Multi-racial

X Students with Disabilities X Limited English Proficient

X Economically Disadvantaged

Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Science

X American Indian or Alaska Native X Black or African American

X Hispanic or Latino X Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

X White X Multi-racial

X Students with Disabilities X Limited English Proficient

X Economically Disadvantaged

Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for Effective Annual Measurable Achievement Objective

X Limited English Proficiency

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


DCIP Overview

The District Comprehensive Improvement Plan for the Buffalo City School District is an

annual improvement plan that is focused on the academic improvement of ALL children in

the district in English Language Arts and Mathematics achievement as well as graduation

rate. Specifically, the designation of BPS as a FOCUS district by the New York State

Education Department is related to the academic achievement and graduation rate of the

ALL students subgroup; and each individual subgroup. Twenty-eight schools in the district

have been designated as Priority schools and 16 schools have been designated as Focus


The mission, vision, and guiding principles will guide the implementation of the DCIP as the

district moves toward enhancing equity of opportunities and experiences for all children and

especially those in subgroups that may currently be underserved.

Our mission is to ensure that every students will have the confidence, knowledge thinking

skills, character and hope to assume responsibility for her/his life and contribute to the lives

of others; and we will champion excellence and innovative learning experiences in

partnership with family and community; and we will hold ourselves accountable for

education our students and for working to energize all members of the community to

actively participate in the accomplishment of our mission.

Through fulfilling the mission, we envision a district that provides “A World Class Education

for Every Child”. The principles that will guide our work to improve our focus schools, priority

schools, and district-wide practices include:

A central office organized to provide support based on the needs of the school

Effective school teachers and leaders

High levels of collaboration and communication

Curriculum, assessment, and instruction aligned with state standards

Frequent monitoring of teaching and learning

Focused professional development

Supportive learning environments

Highlights of the initiatives described in the DCIP

The detailed Components of the Strategic Plan and the deliverables outlined by the

Distinguished Educator have served as a basis for inclusion of community-wide stakeholder

in the development of the DCIP.

Improving instructional practices through the strategic implementation of the

instructional shifts in the taught curriculum is our instructional focus. We will provide high

quality professional development on the NYS adopted curricular modules, the instructional

shifts, and the content associated with the modules through our Network team. We will

support improved instructional practices through comprehensive instructional coaching by

school-based instructional coaches (generalists) and district-level instructional coaches


Improving instructional leadership through strategic recruitment, hiring, and ongoing

professional development of turnaround leaders is our focus. We will increase the amount of

time principals spend in the role of Instructional Leader as opposed to management tasks

through frequent, on-going, individual coaching, targeted support, and professional


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Improving support to schools through the reorganizations of the central office is our

focus. Beginning in school year 2013-14, BPS schools are organized under four Chiefs of

School Leadership in the Office of School Leadership (OSL). Each Chief of School Leadership

will have a fully staff office that will serve as the “one stop shop” for schools in the areas of

teaching and learning, and operations. Chiefs and their teams will regularly review school

data to deploy instructional and leadership support. Directors and Supervisors in OSL will

ensure a rapid response to instructional, finance, human resources, facilities, and

transportation requests and services.

Improving implementation of initiatives through frequent monitoring of teaching and

learning and support services provided to schools is our focus. District-wide we will use a

cycle of continuous improvement to ensure that each school community is on-track to meet

their targets and goals. OSL will implement learning walks (formerly instructional rounds) to

monitor teaching and learning. They will also use a Plan, Do, Study, Act model to regularly

deploy and improve their support services to schools. Other departments will implement a

performance management approach to frequently monitor their improvement outcomes.

Improving parent and community relations through the improvement of all Buffalo

Public Schools so that parents will no longer feel compelled to seek transfers. During the

start of the 2013-14 school year a three-year plan for School Choice Transfers under

Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Legislation was developed.

Plan Development

Strategic Alignment - The 13-14 plan was developed using a crosswalk and alignment

process. The BPS strategic plan serves as the guiding document for district improvement

planning and execution. In the development of the 13-14 DCIP, a crosswalk was conducted

of identified priorities in the strategic plan; recommendations and actions from the

Distinguished Educator’s Report and Action Plan; recommendations from the DTSDE Review

Reports; 2013-14 NYS Metrics & Expectations; and recommendations from the Scoring Summary for the 12-13 DCIP and SCEPs.

Stakeholder Input –Say Yes Buffalo has developed a strategic plan in coordination with

the Buffalo Public School District Leadership Team which is made up of teachers, students,

parents, and central office staff. The strategic plan is a five year road map for the Buffalo

Public School District, which will be implemented starting in the fall of 2013, and

commencing in the fall of.2018Say Yes Buffalo is a landmark collaboration that brings

all sectors of the community together to provide holistic, year-round support to Buffalo Public School District students throughout their K-12 years and beyond. A

The Superintendent and Senior Cabinet developed a final draft plan for consideration by the

Buffalo City School District Board of Education. The Chief of Strategic Alignment and

Innovation presented the final draft plan to the Board of Education on 8-19-13 for

discussion. The Board formally approved the BPS District Comprehensive Improvement Plan on 8-21-13.

Availability to the Public - The 13-14 plan will be made available to the public on the

Buffalo City School District’s website to ensure ongoing transparency and communication.

District Documents are housed on the BPS website, which contains a wide range of current

and archival information related to the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan. District

Documents, including the DCIP are accessible on the district homepage, under the “District”

tab, at http://www.buffaloschools.org/

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Reflecting on the 12-13 plan

The 2012-13 DCIP was written to reflect the numerous and ongoing initiatives that the

district aligned to the mission, vision, and core beliefs of Buffalo City School District. The

12-13 plan reflected strategic changes designed to improve efficiencies at the central office;

a framework for individualized and targeted supports to school based on need; and the

implementation of curriculum and pedagogy that reflects the rigor of college and career

readiness standards.

Accomplishments of the 12-13 Plan- We were successful in accomplishing a number of

the goals in the 12-13 DCIP. The Central office was reorganized and resources allocated in

order to provide appropriate levels of support based on needs. Formerly the Human

Resources Department, the staff in the Office of Talent Management was reorganized to

support both the strategic and transactional processes of talent management. Baseline

allocations were developed for each school based on student ratios. Central office and

school personnel were provided with the necessary training and materials to base school

expenditure decisions on school data and student need.

The professional development program for SY 12-13 focused on incorporating Common

Core Learning Standards (CCLS) in lesson and unit planning, implementing the instructional shifts, and identifying evidence of the instructional shifts when

observing instruction. Title I, Title II, and 1003(a) funds for professional development

were allocated to schools. The Network team participated in and provided turnkey training

on the State-provided curricular modules, the instructional shifts, and the content

associated with the modules. The district adopted the State-provided curricular modules and

acquired new texts and materials necessary to implement the curriculum. The 2013-2014

school year will build upon this progress. The CCLS will continue to be a focus for

professional development for all K-8 instructional staff. We will implement the 9-12 CCLS

along with associated professional development.

We successfully began to implement a data-driven culture across the district. Six cohorts of school staff were trained in the Data Driven Instruction and Inquiry (DDI)

process by Research for Better Teaching. The seventh, and final, cohort of schools (Good Standing) will receive training in September of 2013.Two common formative

(benchmark) assessments (CFA) were administered across the district with three CFAs

scheduled for the 2013-14 SY. Our goal of building the district’s capacity to support and

monitor principals and school data teams in implementing DDI was realized. Following the

administration of district CFAs, on-going training was provided to teachers and principals on

the use of data to drive instruction, planning, and delivery of services to students.

Finally, we made substantial progress in improving the dormant data dashboard. The data

dashboard will serve as the access point for multiple data points, Student Learning

Objectives, reports, and home screens, customized by school accountability status, and

grade level. An Early Warning System was developed for use across high schools. With the

support of Say Yes To Education, we have implemented a Student Monitoring System (SMS)

that will provide schools and the district with real-time data to address students’ social

emotional health development. This data tool identifies students who are ‘On Track to

Thrive’, ‘On Track’, or ‘Off Track’, assigns interventions, and monitors their effectiveness.

Strengths and Weakness of the SY 12-13 Plan- The 2013-14 DCIP will continue to build

on the strengths of the 2012-13 DCIP. Foremost is the district leadership’s understanding of

each tenet of the DTSDE. This understanding will guide the alignment and implementation

of recommendations, strategic initiatives and activities in order to meet district

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


improvement goals and targets. Furthermore, the key design elements and supporting activities included in the 2012-13 DCIP reflect the District’s approach to change.

The 2012-13 school year was one of great transition in BPS. We worked to overcome a

number of barriers to accomplishing the goals in the 2012-13 DCIP. The central office

underwent a large-scale reorganization. Designing, rolling-out and implementing district-

wide reorganization did not come without its growing pains. The alignment of work to the

Five Year Strategic Plan was a long-term process. However, it became necessary to take

this approach to ensure coherency and consistency of purpose. However, the 2012-13 DCIP did not adequately address the following critical planning areas:

Lack of articulation of a comprehensive program for District Turnaround, but rather

an unrelated series of activities.

Lack of alignment between the mission, guiding principles, major findings and

recommendations, and action steps;

Goals, targets, and activities require more specific detail for progress monitoring;

No clear priorities within the action plan;

Academic achievement targets would not allow the district to reach 80% student

proficiency until at least 2024-25 and subgroup performance gaps were not

addressed in the goals, targets, and activities;

Stakeholder input was not evident throughout the plan;

It was not clear how the district will encourage a reciprocal relationship between the

District and School Principals that fosters an open dialogue;

Additionally, the 2012-13 DCIP did not identify the required School Improvement and

Parent Engagement Set-Asides; Federal, State, Local, or Tax Levied funds that support

district “internal costs,”; or any resources allocated by the district to the schools to support

any school level activities; various “Fund Sources” and associated “District Costs”. While all

activities in the 2012-13 plan were funded, not all activities were closely aligned to the


District and School Needs

During the 2012-2013 school year, 10 schools in the Buffalo City School District received

state-led DTSDE site visits and a district review was also conducted. Fourteen Priority

Schools received district-led DTSDE site visits with the support of an Outside Educational

Expert. A team of District-level staff reviewed and synthesized the findings and

recommendations of all 24 school-level reports. Other data used for the needs assessment

process included School House Partners Report, Council of Great City Schools, Cross &

Joftus Report. A summary inclusive of the primary findings of NYSED site visit reviews, the

Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan, and District strategic plan task force is organized

around the six tenets are as follows:

1. District Leadership and Capacity

A comprehensive approach to hiring and maintaining high quality personnel in all

schools has not yet been fully actualized.

Significant misalignments of allocation of support and resources are beginning to be

addressed by collaboratively working with school leaders to identify their school’s

human capital and fiscal needs. Because these efforts are in the early

implementation stage of this approach, significant school improvement across the

District has not yet been seen at this time.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


The District leadership team’s theory of action about school culture is not yet shared

by all District staff. It is in the beginning stages of being understood and articulated

by all staff and is not yet driving improvement in student achievement.

The District offers professional development (PD) opportunities in response to

initiatives and evolving conditions rather than comprehensive planning to meet the

needs of individual schools. PD is neither provided in all pertinent areas nor is it

adapted or tailored to the needs of individual schools, resulting in staff often not

being able to effectively implement the school’s instructional program.

The District does not adequately analyze District level data, and has yet to provide

adequate supports to all schools in the analysis and application of data to inform

instructional strategies. Therefore, teachers have limited skills to establish targeted

instruction and school communities are not held accountable for implementing

consistent best practices.

2. School Leadership Practices and Decisions

The support school leaders receive to assist with creating a school environment

responsive to the needs of the entire school community is inconsistently provided

across the District.

There is an overall lack of coherent leadership at the Central Office as it pertains to

Priority Schools. (J. Elliott. Distinguished Educator Action Plan. October 2012)

3. Curriculum Development and Support

Curricula appropriately aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) are

not yet fully implemented in all schools.

Data about individual school progress, the identification of patterns in student

learning, and school effectiveness is neither thoroughly analyzed at the District level

nor is the available data shared with school leaders. As a result, high levels of

ownership and accountability are not fostered in every school.

Priority School staff indicate that they are in need of more in-depth training to

address the transition to CCLS, unpacking of the standards, and support for the

pedagogical shifts that are required to implement the standards. (J. Elliott.

Distinguished Educator Action Plan. October 2012)

4. Teacher Practices and Decisions

Professional development provided by the District has traditionally been focused on

initiatives and has not taken school or student data and learning into consideration.

There is little evidence of support and supervision of classroom instruction. Absent

are professional development opportunities aligned with the instructional needs of

school staff, particularly pertaining to instruction of students with disabilities, English

learners and at-risk general education students. (J. Elliott. Distinguished Educator

Action Plan. October 2012)

5. Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health

The District does not have an explicit policy that commits to providing opportunities

and resources that positively support student social and emotional health.

Inconsistently follow-up supports to school staff have limited school ability to develop

and implement strategies to address social and emotional developmental health

needs and provide positive behavior supports and interventions to ensure the

academic success of students.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


There is a need to establish city and countywide multi-agency efforts to coordinate

the efforts of reducing chronic absenteeism as well as other factors impacting

student achievement. (J. Elliott. Distinguished Educator Action Plan. October 2012)

There are a number of fifth year seniors enrolled throughout the district. (J. Elliott.

Distinguished Educator Action Plan. October 2012)

6. Family and Community Engagement

District efforts to increase family and community engagement are not uniformly

acted upon by individual schools, as many of the communities expressed a sense of

not being welcomed and a lack of reciprocal communication.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Buffalo Public Schools Improvement Plan Guidance for District and all BPS Schools

The Buffalo Public Schools require all non-funded School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools

to create a School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) that is aligned with the District

Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP). This process is designed to support school and

district leaders in the process of reflecting on past progress and challenges, analyzing the

causes of challenges and setting goals and strategies for the implementation of plans for

improvement in the Buffalo Public Schools.

District and school leaders are to use this process to engage stakeholders and align the

school around a common vision to support increased student achievement.

Goal setting should be established according to the following criteria:

1. Clear and measurable goals that are appropriately ambitious for student

growth but achievable

2. Simple and straightforward benchmarks for progress

3. Strategies outlined that logically support achievement of goals

4. Appropriate focus on advancing progress for the students that are the

furthest behind

The purpose of the District’s performance targets is to provide the Board and district

administration with the information needed to monitor to what degree schools are meeting

the most important targets.

Analysis of

previous year’s


Each school is expected to identify the subjects and grade levels of greatest

academic growth in the previous year and provide some analysis of the causes of

that growth. This should include identifying the subjects and grade-levels that

made the least progress and some analysis of the causes of those gaps.

Districts/schools are also expected to provide specific information about the growth

or narrowing of achievement gaps by subgroups from the previous year and

qualitative information about what the district/school leader believes led to stalled

progress. The SCEP must explicitly delineate the school’s plan for annually

increasing student performance through comprehensive instructional programs and

services as well as the plan for enhancement of teacher and leader effectiveness.

The SCEP must focus on the accountability subgroup(s) and measures for which

the schools have been identified.

Goals: Schools developing their SCEP are expected to set goals that align with the district

growth goals.

These goals must include, at least, relevant targets reflecting every-test-taker data

for the following District goal:

Achievement Goal – These goals will increase measurable student achievement

in specific content areas through curriculum and instruction that is rigorous and

relevant. These goals can be established at key milestone points for students as

they move towards college and career readiness.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Milestones Key levels for measurable milestones include:

1st Grade – Prepared for second grade by the end of grade 1: Measurable

via % of students scoring at or above the 50th (median) percentile on

TerraNova in Reading/Language Arts and mathematics.

3rd Grade – Prepared for fourth grade after Elementary School: Measurable

via % of students proficient in both ELA and Mathematics on the annual

state test

5th Grade – Prepared for Middle School at the end of fifth Grade:

Measurable via % of students proficient in both ELA and Mathematics on the

annual state test

8th Grade – Prepared for High School at the end of eighth grade:

Measurable via % of students proficient in both ELA and Mathematics on the

annual state test

9th Grade – Prepared to graduate on time: Measurable via % of 9th grade

students who have both: Scored ≥801 on Integrated Algebra Regents Exam

and Successfully completed ≥5 credits

11th Grade – Prepared for college and career success at the end of 11th

grade: % of 11th grade students who have Scored ≥80 on the Integrated

Algebra Regents exam2; Scored ≥75 on the Comprehensive English

Regents exam

12th Grade – Ready for college and career success at the end of 12th grade:

% of students who graduate with a Regents Diploma with Advance


Graduation Rate Goal – Increase the percentage of students entering 9th

grade cohort who graduated 4 years later (not including transfers to other


For each of these goals, targets must also be set for:

Economically disadvantaged students

Special Education students

English Language Learners and

Race/Ethnicity Subgroups that the school has been identified for

Schools are invited to set additional goals for other grade levels and for historic

challenge areas as is helpful.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Plan and


Each school is expected to outline the major strategies they are implementing to

improve progress across the year as well as benchmarks that will indicate

appropriate progress towards goals and the timeline for those benchmarks.

Schools are also expected to specifically detail the measures they are taking to

ensure the subgroups that are furthest behind are making better-than-average

progress for the year.

1 In 2010-11 NY State Dept. of Education reported the percentage of students scoring >65

and >85. In the future it will report on the percentage of students scoring >80, the new

state college readiness Algebra benchmark.

2 Most students take the Integrated Algebra Regents exam in 9th grade.

District Target Summary

Milestones Measure 2012-13* BPS Target


1st Grade –

Prepared for second

grade by the end of

grade 1:

Measurable via % of students scoring

at or above the 50th (median)

percentile on TerraNova in

Reading/Language Arts and


ELA 47% 68%

Math 24% 45%

3rd Grade –

Prepared for fourth

grade after

Elementary School

Measurable via % of students

proficient in both ELA and

Mathematics on the annual state test*

ELA 11.9% 26.7%

Math 13.5% 27.9%

5th Grade –

Prepared for Middle

School at the end of

fifth Grade

Measurable via % of students

proficient in both ELA and

Mathematics on the annual state test*

ELA 9.9% 24.8%

Math 9.3% 24.4%

8th Grade –

Prepared for High

School at the end of

eighth grade:

Measurable via % of students

proficient in both ELA and

Mathematics on the annual state test*

ELA 13.5% 27.9%

Math 6.7% 22.3%

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Milestones Measure 2012-13* BPS Target


9th Grade –

Prepared to graduate

on time:

Measurable via % of 9th grade

students who have Scored ≥801 on

Integrated Algebra Regents Exam Math

43% 52.5%

11th Grade –

Prepared for college

and career success

at the end of 11th


% of 11th grade students who have

Scored ≥80 on the Integrated Algebra

Regents exam2; Scored ≥75 on the

Comprehensive English Regents exam

ELA 34.6% 45.5%

Math 14.2% 28.5 %

Graduation Rate

Goal 3

Increase the percentage of students

entering 9th grade cohort who

graduated 4 years later (not including

transfers to other districts)


Grade 9


date 53.1% 59.8%

1 In 2010-11 NY State Dept. of Education reported the percentage of students scoring >65

and >85. In the future it will report on the percentage of students scoring >80, the new

state college readiness Algebra benchmark.

2 Most students take the Integrated Algebra Regents exam in 9th grade.

3 Based on grade 9 entry date of 2009, as of July 2013.

*Baseline determined for Grades 3-8 ELA and math based on the new Common

Core Assessments administered in 2012-2013

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


District Structure to Support Strategic Implementation

Office of School Leadership-The new organizational and management structures are

designed to provide outstanding supports to schools and streamline Central Administration

with a focus on school-level support. Beginning in school year 2013-14, schools are

organized under the Office of School Leadership (OSL).OSL is comprised of four distinct

areas of oversight, under four Chiefs of School Leadership, to reorganize support around

school needs with a focus on instruction and streamlined operations. Each area of oversight

includes approximately 15 schools of which 7 are Priority schools. The OSL “team” is

structured in a cross departmental matrix. Each of the four teams will be organized as a “One Stop Shop” for all schools.

The school leadership team led by the Chief of School leadership will be comprised of a

Supervising Principal, Director of School Leadership, instructional coaches, and personnel

from various departments (e.g. budget, human resources et cetera). The Supervising

Principal oversees and manages personnel responsible for curriculum, instruction and

assessment supports to schools. The Director of School Leadership oversees and manages

personnel who provide operational support to the schools. This model provides the

groundwork for achieving the goal of every school providing a high quality education for

every student. Each school will have access to a more equitable distribution of available

resources and multiple layers of support. This model also provides for a greater degree of

collaboration and professional development among schools.

Monitoring for Improvement- In accordance with State accountability requirements, the

district provides ongoing monitoring of Priority and Focus Schools. Oversight for this

monitoring is organized under the Office of Strategic Alignment and Innovation. Monitoring

activities include DTSDE School Reviews to access conditions and progress in alignment with

defined Statements of Practice and student outcomes. In conjunction with the NYSED

School Turnaround Office (STO) a schedule of progress reporting and review for SIG,

including the pre-implementation and implementation phases of the grant has been

established which monitors SIG improvement strategies, activities, and spending. This

monitoring and assessment of school improvement plan effectiveness allows for revision of

strategies as needed. The monitoring also includes oversight of Professional Service Providers who are under contract for technical assistance for school improvement.

The Office of School Leadership will use learning walks, the Ti-state rubrics and SED

Evidence Collection Tools to monitor implementation of CCLS,DDI, and APPR as defined by

Statements of Practices and the NYSED engageny Metrics for 2013-14.The framework begins

by planning support for schools based on baseline data. Each Chief’s team will come up with

a plan for providing prioritized and targeted supports to schools. Following which, they will

collect and analyze evidence of effectiveness using both quantitative (e.g. attendance rates,

assessment data, discipline data) and qualitative (“walk through” data, student work); and take action based on the data. This process will drive supports to the schools.

Common Core State Standards Training by Network Team–In alignment with the

2013-2014 New York State Metrics & Expectations, Network Teams and staff in the Office of

Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction and Talent Management will provide training to

principals, teachers, and district leaders in the following areas: Bilingual Common Core

Progressions; Effective use of periodic assessment and/or performance task data on student

progress against the CCLS; effective use of the DDI Implementation Rubric; How to

organize, review, and reflect on data from APPR ratings and from details of measures of

student learning, observations, and other evidence to inform classroom, and school-wide

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


decisions around academic goals, instructional priorities and professional development


The Chief of Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction is responsible for the curriculum,

instruction, standards, assessment, professional development, and instructional technology

across the district. The chief will manage the roll out of the Common Core Standards,

ensuring consistent delivery of excellent instruction aligned with Key standards across grades and schools.

Instructional Coaches will provide targeted classroom support to individual teachers, lead

grade level/common planning time meetings, and provide professional development

activities. Instructional support will be based on data and identified needs. Coaches

themselves will participate in regular professional learning to improve their skills and

knowledge through the Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction; Talent

Development Secondary Program (ELA), Common Core Network team, and AIR’s Instructional Coaching training.

The Assistant Superintendent of Accountability uses multiple measures of data to improve

teaching and learning with school and departmental leaders. The Assistant Superintendent

will ensure that both district-level and school-level staff are equipped with systems and

tools to administer, analyze and act upon common formative assessments, diagnostic

assessments, and CCLS aligned tasks to ensure students are on track to meet and exceed subject-area and grade-level standards.

The Chief of Strategic Alignment and Innovation will have responsibility for securing

resources (such as School Improvement Grants) to support our Priority Schools and for

overseeing compliance with the requirements of federal grants as well as the state

framework for the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness. Additional supports

have been provided by the Office of Strategic Alignment and Innovation to provide program

coordination of the District’s persistently lowest achieving schools. This includes

coordinating the implementation of the district’s Race to the Top (RTTT) responsibilities with

respect to teacher/principal evaluation, Common Core Learning Standards, School-based

Inquiry Teams, data driven instruction and the district’s overall school turnaround strategy

and responsibilities. Oversight for RTTT and turnaround initiatives by the Office of Strategic

Alignment and Innovation ensures tight integration and alignment between all district,

state, and federal programs and initiatives.

Through the Systemic Supports for District and School Turnaround grant, American

Institutes for Research is supporting the district to build operating structures, and re-frame

district systems to support schools in improving student academic performance; build the

capacity of district and school leaders to co-design and implement school turnaround plans;

and coordinate and streamline existing school turnaround efforts into one integrated

approach to school turnaround. Key elements of supports include coaching for school

leadership and instructional leaders, monitoring systems (tools and protocols), and data

systems. These supports are being prepared for deployment this summer to build capacity

among school leaders and teachers for the 2013–2014 school year.

Say Yes Buffalo provides support services to address academic, social/emotional and health

needs of students in Buffalo Public School District. These supports include: a student

monitoring system to ensure students are on track to thrive and successfully graduate high

school; after school and summer enrichment, college coaching, mentoring programs, and

health and wellness supports. Services will be rolled out to schools in four cohorts. Cohort 1

received supports in the 11-12 school year. Cohort 2 will receive supports for the 13-14

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


school year. Cohort 3 will receive supports in the 14-15 school year. Cohort 4 will receive

supports in the 15-16 school year.

Communication and Support for School Leaders at Identified Schools

Monthly Principal Meetings – Principal meetings will provide networks of supports and

collaboration among and between principals on scientifically researched based best practices

and strategies; and bring forth issues for discussion. ‘Meetings’ will be devoted to

professional development tied to our mission, vision and goals; and mutually developed

priorities based on needs, grade-level, and accountability status. Additionally, these

professional learning communities will provide an opportunity to communicate district-wide

priorities; improve communication; bring focus to professional development for

administrators; and increase accountability.

Leadership Coaching-The Transformation Leadership Learning Network (TLLN) is one

substantial strand of support for Priority School principals and school leadership teams to

enhance their turnaround competencies as they work to transform their respective schools.

The TLLN will provide non-negotiable training on tools and processes that foster habits and

institutionalize practices that form the building blocks of successful school turnaround

strategies and lead to sustained improvement. The TLLN includes summer training and

learning experiences, quarterly workshops differentiated by the building and leadership

needs, and individualized monthly coaching visits. The content of all training sessions is

grounded in the literature and research bases in cross-sector evidence of successful

transformation and organizational change, implementation science, and school reform and

improvement in high-poverty schools.

National SAM Innovation Project - The National School Administration Manager (SAM)

Innovation Project (NSIP) is a professional development process using a unique set of tools

to change a principal’s focus from school management tasks to instructional leadership –

activities directly connected to improving teaching and learning. The SAM process uses a

unique data collection process called Time/Task Analysis to determine how much

instruction, management and personal time a principal uses. The principal uses TimeTrack,

a cloud based calendar, to begin increasing instructional time each day. The calendar tracks

the time the principal spends with individual and groups of teachers and provides specific

detail of the interactions. Selected Priority School principals will have a SAM- a member of

the school’s leadership who meets with the principal each day to schedule instructional

leadership time and reflect on impact of time spent.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Required Activities

Use this table to demonstrate costs associated with public school choice (SC), the DTSDE, the Distinguished

Educator (DE) (if applicable), the Outside Educational Expert (OEE), and Supplemental Education Services (SES)(if



Identify the



associated with

the activity, fund

source(s), district

cost(s), set-

asides, targeted

schools, and


referenced; e.g.:


OEE, or SES.

Activity (ies):

Must detail the

actions that will

take place.



Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that

will be used for

the completion

of each activity.



Identify the

district cost

associated with

each fund





Set-Aside (PE):

If the activity

satisfies one of

the mandated



check the

appropriate box




Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their




Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a start

and end date.


participation and





School Reviews


Reviews with











All Priority


October 2013 –

February 2014

Public School


Mailings Title I $5,000 Improvement












All Priority



2013-June 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 1

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

1.1 The district has a comprehensive approach for recruiting, evaluating and sustaining high-quality personnel that affords

schools the ability to ensure success by addressing the needs of their community.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the

district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. Implement a comprehensive approach to hiring and maintaining high quality personnel in all schools. (DTSDE District Final Report p. 6). While this identified need is not included in a major recommendation, the need to address this area it is supported by the district’s Talent Management task force as a major goal of the district’s 5-Year

Strategic plan; and by Dr. Judy Elliot (Distinguished Educator’s Second Quarterly Action Plan Update Deliverable 9.b).

Fully develop strategies within the DCIP for supporting school leaders that lead to an understanding of staff evaluation, frequent feedback, and PD that supports reflection on practices. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. Ensure that vacancies in Priority Schools are filled expeditiously regardless of the time of year, as measured by improved results on the Priority School Principal survey. (DE Action Plan p. 39)

2. By September 13, 2013all APPR steps are implemented rigorously by certified evaluators and the information is used to support instructional improvement at all levels of the system consistent with the Common Core State

Standards and New York State goal of student college and career readiness. (2013-14 New York State Metrics & Expectations) E. Activity (ies): Must detail the

actions that will take place in

order to achieve the identified

goal(s). Number the activities to

match the number of the goal to

which they correspond.

F. Fund


Identify all


State, and

Local fund

sources that

will be used

for the

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/

Parent Engagement Set-

Aside (PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a

start and

end date.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


completion of

each activity.

1. Develop a pool of pre-screened

candidates to fill vacancies in

priority schools. (DE Action Plan

Deliverable 9.b)

O & M $21,000 Improvement PE NA Priority Schools September

2013 – June


1. Provide training to Priority

School principals on the hiring of

staff that align with school

priorities and objectives. (DE

Action Plan Deliverable 9.b)

SSDST $2,500 Improvement PE NA

All Schools

June, 2013,



1. Fill vacancies expeditiously,

given ample talent pool and

funding. (DE Action Plan

Deliverable 9.b)

O&M $38,500 Improvement PE NA All Schools June 2013-


1. HR will assume responsibility

for all staffing functions with input

from principals as appropriate(DE

Action Plan Deliverable 9.b)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA N/A N/A

1. Dedicated staff assigned to

each Chief of School Leadership to

support the various HR functions

of the schools under the

leadership of the Chiefs of School

Leadership. (DE Action Plan

Deliverable 9.b)

O&M $640,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools September



2. Ensure that principals and

teacher evaluators are certified

annually to conduct accurate

evaluations. (2013-14 New York

State Metrics & Expectations)

RTTT $79,645 Improvement PE NA All Schools October




2. Provide calibration events and

accurately score evaluators’

evidence and scores in order to

provide detailed and accurate

information to district leaders on

the rate of inter-rater reliability in

the district. (2013-14 New York

RTTT $21,405 Improvement PE NA All Schools September




LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


State Metrics & Expectations)

2. Establish a written calendar for

turnkey training & on-going

training and technical assistance

on evaluation rubric (e.g., inter-

rater reliability, calibration, and

providing feedback).

(DE Action Plan Deliverable 7.n)

O&M $175 Improvement PE NA All Schools August –



2. Provide training and support on

how to organize, review, and

reflect on data from APPR ratings

and from details of measure of

student learning, observations,

and other evidence to inform

classroom, school-wide, and

district-wide decisions around

academic goals, instructional

priorities and professional

development plans. (2013-14 New

York State Metrics & Expectations)







Improvement PE NA All



2013 – June


2. Use APPR data to inform

district-wide student academic

goals, instructional priorities, and

PD plans. (2013-14 New York

State Metrics & Expectations)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All



2. Monitor the quality, rigor, and

alignment of SLOs against the SLO

Rigor Rubric. (2013-14 New York

State Metrics & Expectations)







Improvement PE NA All



2013 –



LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 1

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

1.2 The district is organized and allocates resources (financial, staff support, materials, etc.) in a way that leads to appropriate levels of

support for schools based on the needs of the school community, which promotes school

improvement and success.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and

source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. Fully develop within the DCIP, strategies to ensure that resources are adequately allocated throughout the District to meet the needs of students, parents, and staff. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

Establish a coherent district leadership team that is proactive and responsive to priority schools (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.a)

Implement a system to monitor on a monthly basis, the service and support provided by the Office of School Leadership to Priority Schools. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.b)

Provide training & coaching to develop the skill set of the Central Leadership team to include use of data to drive instructional decision-making and support. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.c)

Chiefs of School Leadership in collaboration with Priority School Principals will write, differentiated support plans that include evidence of successful implementation. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.a)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. Each SIG-funded Priority School will have its own budget with which to staff the school and provide professional development, and purchase materials based upon school needs, by September 1, 2013. (Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable 1.b)

2. The Central Office will deliver proactive, timely, responsive, and coherent service and support to schools as

reported by Priority School personnel, as measured by Priority School Principal Survey results. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.a)

3. Priority Schools will report and show evidence of impact of support provided by the Chiefs of School Leadership and respective staff, as measured by improved student outcomes across multiple measures. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.b)

4. Central leaders will support schools under their direct supervision in use of data as evidenced in the

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


individualized support plans for Priority Schools. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 4.c) E. Activity (ies): Must

detail the actions that will

take place in order to

achieve the identified

goal(s). Number the

activities to match the

number of the goal to

which they correspond.

F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that will

be used for the

completion of

each activity.

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each



H. Improvement/

Parent Engagement Set-

Aside (PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for each

activity which is

to include a start

and end date.

1. Create school-based

budgets based on per pupil

expenditure for Title I and

Tile III. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 1.b)

O&M $150,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools February 2014 –

August 2013

1. Provide budget training

and oversight to all central

and school personnel to

develop data-based

accountability and

oversight. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 1.c)

SIG 1003(g)




Improvement PE NA Cohort 3 & 4

SIG Schools

All other


December 2013

– March 2014

1. Provide professional

development on the

budget process.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable


O&M $21,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools February 2014 –

March 2014

1. Provide preliminary

budget allocations to each

Priority School, based on

per pupil expenditure for

Title I and III.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable


O&M $1,000 Improvement PE NA Priority


March, 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


2. Develop and articulate

Implementation Progress

Review (former

Instructional Rounds)

process for Priority


Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 4.a)

O&M $4,200 Improvement PE NA All Schools October, 2013 –

May 2014

2. Establish and

Implement “Early

Response System” for

Priority Schools.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable


SIG 1003(g)

SIG 1003(a)



$12,600 Improvement PE NA Priority


October, 2013

2. Develop individualized

support plans for Priority

Schools. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 4.a)

SIG 1003(g)




Improvement PE NA Priority


September 2013

– June 2013

2. Review evidence and

trends from Instructional

Walks (former

Instructional Rounds),

followed by action steps.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable


SIG 1003(g)

SIG 1003(a)



Improvement PE NA All Schools September, 2013

– May 2014

3. Plan and implement

strategies from the

Superintendent’s weekly

review meetings with

Chiefs of School

Leadership. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 4.b)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools July 2013 – July


3. Provide training in use

of Observation Tracker for

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools October 2013

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Chiefs of School

Leadership. (DE Action

Plan Deliverable 4.b)

3. Survey Priority School

Principals. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 4.b)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA Priority


Nov 2013 and

May 2014

4. Conduct ongoing District

data review for Central

Leadership. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 4.c)



$6,825 Improvement PE NA All Schools September 2013

– June 2014

4. Develop and monitor

data-informed School

Support Plans.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable






$23,100 Improvement PE NA All Schools September 2013

– June 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 1

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

1.3 The district leadership has a comprehensive explicit theory of action about school culture that robustly communicates high expectations for

addressing the needs of all constituents.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source

citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Ensure that the established theory of action and associated expectations are shared and understood by all District

staff. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need.

They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1.Leaders create a shared sense of urgency that reflects the District Vision, Mission and Core Beliefs by providing

opportunities for collaboration with constituent groups. (Buffalo Public Schools Strategic Plan)

2. Use multiple and appropriate methods of communication and engagement to reach all stakeholders and every

part of the community to gain meaningful input, participation, partnerships, and shared responsibilities for student success. (Buffalo Public Schools Strategic Plan) E. Activity (ies): Must detail

the actions that will take place

in order to achieve the

identified goal(s). Number the

activities to match the number

of the goal to which they


F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that will

be used for the

completion of each


G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a

start and

end date.

1. Communicate expectations

for all adults to develop and

continuously improve through


(2013-2014 New York State

Metrics and Expectations)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– July 2014

1. Constantly message and

foster an environment in

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


which professional growth is a

process that involves risk

taking, making mistakes, and

perseverance. (2013-2014

New York State Metrics and



2. Provide a Leadership

Retreat and Superintendent’s

Convocation on opening day of

school to share the district’s

Mission, Vision, and Goals.



Improvement PE NA All Schools August -



2. Conduct Community Coffee

Days and Round Table

meetings and post to the web

site to share district Mission,

Vision and Goals.

Title I $10,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – June


2. The Office of Parent and

Family Engagement, along

with school administrators, will

assist schools in identifying

multilingual parents within the

district to work as parent

facilitators. BPS will seek the

assistance of community

partners to train these parents

to serve as translators and /

or interpreters.


Title 1



Improvement PE NA All Schools September


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 1

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

1.4 The district has a comprehensive plan to create, deliver and monitor professional development in all pertinent areas that is

adaptive and tailored to the needs of the individual schools.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the

district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. Establish a calendar of PD opportunities that are based on the assessment of school staff practices. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

Move towards a decentralized school-based system of professional development. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 1.d)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. Implement a professional development system that clearly defines a process for determining which professional development will be delivered by the district, the school/department and individual teachers/staff.(Strategic Plan Objective 4.4)

2. Implement a professional development program based on teacher evaluation data, teacher self-reported data, student achievement data, and other evidence. (Strategic Plan Objective 4.4)

3. Establish and Implement a system of earned autonomy for professional development decision-making. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 1.d) E. Activity(ies): Must detail the

actions that will take place in order

to achieve the identified goal(s).

Number the activities to match the

number of the goal to which they


F. Fund


Identify all


State, and

Local fund

sources that

will be used

for the

completion of

each activity.

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a

start and

end date.

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


1. Publish professional development

calendar that defines all

professional development days and

topics(Strategic Plan Objective 4.4)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September


1. Allow for time in the PD calendar

for school leaders to have

autonomy to choose the most

relevant PD for their respective

buildings. (Strategic Plan Objective





Title IIA





Improvement PE NA All Schools September


1.Develop a systemic plan for the

use and implementation of the

Ambassador Program. (DE Action

plan Deliverable 1.d)





Title IIA






Improvement PE NA All Schools


2014 – June


1. Provide high quality PD taking

advantage of the PD kits and

instructional practice videos on

engageny so that all teachers can

implement aligned curriculum with

quality and fidelity. (2013-2014

New York State Metrics and



Title IIA

Title I






Improvement PE NA All schools September

2014 – June


2. Identify and implement

professional development

opportunities based on APPR

results. (2013-2014 New York State

Metrics and Expectations)




Title IIA





Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

2. Administer a Teacher

Professional Development Survey to

all BPS teachers and develop

opportunities in PGS to address

these needs. (Strategic Plan

Objective 4.4)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September


2. Utilize the results from the

outside school reviews and learning

walks (former Instructional

Rounds)to identify, plan, and







Improvement PE NA All Schools September


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


implement school, district, and

content area needs for PD.

(Strategic Plan Objective 4.4)

3. Develop a written plan that

supports the model for technical

assistance available to support

schools as they transition to site-

based PD. (Distinguished Educator’s

Action plan Deliverable 1.d)

SSDST $34,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools September


3. Reissue RFP for Educational

Partners. (Distinguished Educator’s

Action plan Deliverable 1.d)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September


3. Provide clear guidance on the

use of additional funds allocated for

professional development.

(Distinguished Educator’s Action

Deliverable 1.d)

SSDST $12,000

Improvement PE NA All Schools September


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 1

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

1.5 The district promotes a data-driven culture by providing strategies connected to best practices that all staff members and school communities are

expected to be held accountable for implementing.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source

citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Ensure that the District communicates expectations for how data are to be used by staff members to support and

establish goals for students. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

Conduct District-led review and/or a School Review (Focused on Tenet 3) with District Oversight or participate in a

SED Integrated Intervention Team review at all Focus and Priority Schools. (Commissioner’s Regulations Part 100.18)

Provide training for Priority School principals and site leadership teams on the data dashboard. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 5.b)

Continue to provide on-going training on the use of data from the dashboard to drive instruction, planning, and delivery of services to students. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 5.b)

Provide a document that outlines the procedures, logistics, and expectations of the new benchmark assessments (district common formative assessments). (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 5.d)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need.

They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. Develop DTSDE reports for all Focus and Priority Schools to monitor 2013-14 and inform the 2014-2015 DCIP and


2. Work with Priority Schools will use, on a regular basis, the data dashboard to support data discussions with

school-based staff, as measured by improved student outcomes over multiple measures. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 5.b)

3. Utilize Benchmark assessment results inform/impact professional development, support, and coaching provided to teachers. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 5.d) E. Activity(ies): Must detail the

actions that will take place in order

to achieve the identified goal(s).

Number the activities to match the

number of the goal to which they

F. Fund


Identify all


State, and

G. District


Identify the

district cost


H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


correspond. Local fund

sources that

will be used

for the

completion of

each activity.

with each

fund source.

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

each activity

and their



which is to

include a

start and

end date.

1. Participate in SED-led DTSDE

School Reviews and use the results

to develop the 2014-15 SY DCIP

and SCEPs. (Commissioner’s

Regulations Part 100.18)





Improvement PE NA Schools # 3,

6, 17, 30, 39,

45, 93, 94,

97, 99, 200,

204, 206,

305, 307,



2013 –



1. Conduct District-led DTSDE

School Reviews on Tenets 2, 3, & 4

and leading and lagging indicators.







Improvement PE NA Schools # 19,

27, 31, 32,

37, 54, 59,

61, 66, 67,

72, 74, 76,

80, 81, 82,

91, 192, 197,

205, 212,

301, 304, Alt


2013 –



1. Conduct School-led DTSDE

Reviews focused on Tenet 3 with

district oversight including PD on

the Tri-state Rubric and Evidence

Collection Tools.







Improvement PE NA Schools #

18, 33, 42,

43, 53, 64,

69, 79, 84,

89, 95,

156, 195,

198, 302


2013 –



1. Identify and develop a district

school review team through

participation in SED DTSDE

quarterly trainings.







Improvement PE NA All Schools September


June 2014

1.Train SBMT in writing 2014-15

SCEPs using data from the DTSDE




Title IIA






Improvement PE NA All Schools January

2014 –

April 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


2. Provide PD on data dashboard

for principals and district


Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable




Improvement PE NA All Priority

and Focus


August 2013

– May 2014

2. Conduct monthly review of

student outcomes for Priority

Schools. (Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable 5.b)

SSDST $17,000 Improvement PE NA School #s

All Priority



2013 – June


2. Provide professional

development on the use of data to

inform planning. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action plan Deliverable



Title IIA

Title I






Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – June


3. Distribute written expectations,

procedures, and logistics for the

new benchmark assessments.

(Distinguished Educator’s Action

Plan Deliverable 5.b)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September


3. Develop an assessment

calendar, including formative

assessments. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable


N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

3. Develop and administer three

common formative assessments.

(Distinguished Educator’s Action

Plan Deliverable 5.d)


Title I





Improvement PE NA All Schools October

2013 – May


3.Use formative assessment

results and other relevant data to

inform PD, support and coaching.

(Distinguished Educator’s Action

Plan Deliverable 5.d)

SSDST $60,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools October

2013 – June


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 2

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

2.1 The district works collaboratively with the school to provide opportunities and supports for

the school leader to create, develop, and nurture a school environment that is responsive to the

needs of the entire school community.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source

citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. Ensure the support school leaders receive to assist with creating a school environment responsive to the needs of the entire school community is consistently provided across the District. (DTSDE District Report p. 7) While this is

not listed as a major recommendation, it is identified as a critical need for the district. Furthermore, major initiatives supported by the Systemic Supports grant, SIG 1003(g), and talent management task force, are designed

to build differentiated systems of supports for school building leaders.

Establish monthly ‘Principal Meetings’ for Priority School principals to build skills and capacity to use data to drive

instructional decisions.(Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 2.a)

Establish a yearlong calendar of Principal Meetings and opportunities for schools to break out by level (elementary,

middle, high school). (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 2.b)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need.

They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. By December 2013 develop and implement a supervision plan/process that provides support and coaching to

foster professional growth. (Strategic Plan Objective Talent Development 4.3)

2. Principals will have networks of supports and collaboration among and between colleagues. Principals will report

that the meetings added value to their skill set and knowledge regarding how to accelerate improved outcomes for students, as measured by PGS evaluations and Priority School Principal Survey. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 2.a) E. Activity(ies): Must detail

the actions that will take

place in order to achieve the

identified goal(s). Number

the activities to match the

F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

G. District


Identify the

district cost


H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


number of the goal to which

they correspond.

sources that will

be used for the

completion of

each activity.

with each



requirements check the

appropriate box below.

each activity

and their



which is to

include a start

and end date.

1. Use evaluations to inform

professional development

goals and supports.

(Strategic Plan Objective

Talent Management 4.3)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


1. Observe principal practice

associated with instructional

leadership, give evidence-

based feedback to cultivate

improvements in principal

practice, including serving

ELLs as defined by the

Bilingual Common Core

Progressions. (2013-14 New

York State Metrics &






Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


1. Use a tool (such as the

Evidence Collection Tool) to

systemize, track, and follow

up on the feedback given to

each principal. (2013-14 New

York State Metrics &






Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


1. Collaboratively plan high

quality learning experiences

for principals using resources

that meet the standard of the

Impactful PD Rubric. (2013-

14 New York State Metrics &






Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


1.Provide Priority School

Principals with monthly

coaching. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan





Improvement PE NA All Priority


Sept. 2013-

June 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Deliverable 2.a)

1. Collect and measure

progress toward attainment

of school goals that includes

monitoring of the

implementation of the school

plan. (DTSDE District Report

p. 10)

SSDST $60,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools November


2014, April


2. Publish a calendar for

monthly Principal Meetings.

DE Action Plan (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 2.b)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013

2. Hold regular cluster

meetings. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 2.a)





Improvement PE NA All Priority

and Focus


Sept. 2013-May


2. Provide task force service

opportunities. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 2.a)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


2. Hold meetings by level, as

appropriate to schools’ needs

and focus. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 2.a)





Improvement PE NA All Priority

and Focus


Sept. 2013-May


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 3

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

3.1 The district works collaboratively with the school to provide opportunities and supports that are connected to the implementation of a

comprehensive curriculum *** appropriately aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and

are inclusive of the arts, technology and other enrichment subjects in a data-driven culture.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Create a written plan for professional development and technical assistance to ensure a robust transition to

CCSS(Distinguished Educator‘s Action Plan Deliverable 6.b)

Ensure schools provide sufficient co-planning time for all teachers in all schools, including special education, English

as a second language (ESL) and special area teachers, for the consistent development of lesson plans that incorporate all aspects of the curriculum and include remedial, extension, and enrichment opportunities that address

varied student needs. (DTSDE District Final Report p.10)

Evaluate and analyze the current instruction training, supervision, and service delivery for students with disabilities

to understand the lack of achievement. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 7.f)

Evaluate and analyze the current instruction training, supervision, and service delivery for English learners to

understand the lack of achievement. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 7.ii)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need.

They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. All schools will report they have all textbooks and materials needed to implement the CCSS. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 6.b)

2. Classroom observations will consistently show implementation of CCSS and the shifts in pedagogy. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable) E. Activity(ies): Must detail

the actions that will take

place in order to achieve the

identified goal(s). Number

the activities to match the

number of the goal to which

F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that will

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


they correspond. be used for the

completion of

each activity.

fund source. appropriate box below. and their



include a

start and

end date.

1. Evaluate all instructional

materials and ensure their

alignment to the Tristate

Rubric.(2013-2014 New York

State Metrics & Expectations)







Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– June 2014

1. Direct resources to supply

texts and materials necessary

to implement aligned,

rigorous, high quality CCLS

curriculum. (2013-2014 New

York State Metrics &


O&M $3.4 million Improvement PE NA All Schools July 2013 –

April 2014

1. Review school budget

allocations for CCLS aligned

textbooks and materials.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable 6.a)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools July 2013 –



1. Provide additional

materials to support the

learning of the


Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 6.a)



Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –April


2. Adopt or adapt State-

provided curricular modules

so that all curriculum maps

used in the district meet the

standard of the Tristate

Rubrics for ELA and math.

(2013-2014 New York State

Metrics & Expectations)



Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– May 2014

2. Provide CCLS-aligned maps

and instructional units to

teachers in specified content

areas. (Distinguished



Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 6.a)

2. Complete a written PD plan

to facilitate the transition to

CCLS. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 6.b)



Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– October


2. Provide high quality

professional development (as

defined by Impactful PD

rubric), so that all teachers

can implement aligned

curriculum with quality and

fidelity. (2013-2014 New York

State Metrics & Expectations)



Title IIA



$1 million

Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– May 2014

2. Provide training on the

State-provided curricular

modules, the instructional

shifts, and the content

associated with the modules.

(2013-2014 New York State

Metrics & Expectations)


Title IIA

1003 (a)




Improvement PE NA All Schools August 2013

– May 2014

2. Increase consistency of the

use of the CCLS in

classrooms, as evidenced by

observations. (Distinguished

Educator’s Action Plan

Deliverable 6.b)



Improvement PE NA All Schools August

2013 – May


2. Provide recommendations

for improvement of programs

and services for ELLs.

(Distinguished Educator’s

Action Plan Deliverable 7.ii)



Improvement PE NA All Schools October

2013 – May


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 4

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

4.1 The district works collaboratively with the school to provide opportunities and

supports for teachers to develop strategies and practices that lead to effective planning and

account for student data, needs, goals and levels of engagement.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Provide support to teachers to change the delivery of instruction from a highly teacher-directed style to one that

meaningfully involves students in monitoring their own progress through self-assessment and frequent feedback, sharing of data, and discussions of the importance of student accountability in learning. (DTSDE District Final Report


Inform and instruct teachers of their responsibility for connecting the analysis of data with instructional decision-

making, student grouping, and targeted lesson planning. Use formative assessments, progress monitoring and frequent feedback to students to empower and encourage students to actively participate in, and take ownership of, their own learning process. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

Monitor and evaluate teacher daily absences and teacher attendance at PD against classroom performance, with appropriate feedback provided after walkthrough and during evaluations. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

Evaluate the impact of the current special education service delivery model of co-teaching and its impact on students with disabilities performance outcomes. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 7.b)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1.Provide professional development and ongoing training opportunities for building level administration and instructional staff in teaching scientifically based strategies across the all content areas; and as driven by data and

nationally recognized best practices. Strategic Plan (Student Achievement Task Force Core Strategic Strategies PK-12).

2. Classroom observations will consistently show implementation of CCSS and the shifts in pedagogy. (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 6.b)

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


E. Activity(ies): Must detail the

actions that will take place in order

to achieve the identified goal(s).

Number the activities to match the

number of the goal to which they


F. Fund


Identify all


State, and

Local fund

sources that

will be used

for the

completion of

each activity.

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the


targeted by

each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a

start and

end date.

1. Facilitate teaching and learning

using the “Professional Learning

Communities” model (Grades preK-

12). (Strategic Plan Objective 1.1)

Classroom Teacher coordinating

learning with grade level

teachers, Intervention

Teachers, and support services

Intervention teachers providing

the following support services:

Special Education, Gifted

Education, and ESL

Provide differentiated

instruction through a flexible

grouping process that is guided

and informed by BPS

Assessment Framework and



Title IIA

Title I






Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


1. Plan high quality learning

experiences for principals and

teaching faculty using resources

that meet the standard of the

Impactful PD Rubric. (2013-2014

New York State Metrics &








Improvement PE NA All Schools September



1. Provide professional

development focused on


Title IIA



Improvement PE NA All Schools September


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


differentiated instruction for

support to teachers in working with

diverse groups of learners within

the general education settings.

(Distinguished Educator’s Action

Plan Deliverable 7.f)


2. Operate a combination of full day

inclusion and cross category self-

contained classrooms that provide

the following Special Population

support services (Special

Education, English Second

Language Learners, Gifted

Education). (Strategic Plan

Objective 1.1)


O & M

$1.6 million

$24 million

Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – June


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 5

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

5.1 The district creates policy and works collaboratively with the school to provide opportunities and resources that positively support

students’ social and emotional developmental health.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source

citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Explore and expand existing student support services (e.g., family support coordinators model) to include the

establishment of city- and county-wide targets for coordinated multi-agency efforts that directly address a myriad of factors impacting student achievement (e.g., chronic absenteeism). (Distinguished Educator’s Action Plan Deliverable 9.b)

Utilize the district vision to assist schools in creating school vision that includes goals for student social emotional developmental health. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

Develop a communication system/network that informs and educates families and other constituents, and stakeholders outside of the immediate school environment of the vision for student social and emotional

developmental health and how it is connected to academic success. Implement a rigorous and transparent curriculum to teach and measure student skills and behaviors that demonstrate social and emotional health. Provide PD training

for all school constituents in order to build adult capacity to support students in establishing a safe, respectful learning community. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

Use data to identify areas of need and cultivate partnerships that positively impact and support student social and emotional developmental health. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. The number of students absent more than 18 days per year will decrease 5% by June 2014. (Strategic Plan Objective 2B.1)

2. Implement the BPS Wellness policy.(Strategic Plan Objective 2B.3)

3. The number of students identified as “On Track” for social emotional, health and wellness indicators will increase 5% from the previous school year as evidenced by the Student Management System and the Youth Behavior Risk

Survey.(Strategic Plan Objective 2B.2)

4. Resources and services of the City, County and School District shall be aligned as recommend by pro-forma

currently being developed by School House Partners. (Strategic Plan Objective 6.10)

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


E. Activity(ies): Must detail

the actions that will take

place in order to achieve the

identified goal(s). Number

the activities to match the

number of the goal to which

they correspond.

F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that

will be used for

the completion

of each activity.

G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the mandated

set-aside requirements check

the appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the

school(s) targeted

by each activity

and their





Identify the


timeline for



which is to

include a

start and

end date.

1. Determine underlying

health and behavior issues

using Student Management

System (SMS) to create an


strategy.(Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA Schools #’s








2013 –

June 2014

1. Fully operationalize

Positive Behavior Intervention

Systems (PBIS), Safe & Civil

Schools.(Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

IDEA 611



$240,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –

June 2014

1. Develop a universal

attendance plan in every

school aligned with best

practices and report findings

and recommendations on a

monthly basis. (Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –

June 2014

1. Provide support to schools

with intensive attendance

concerns defined as students

being absent more than 18

days. (Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –

June 2014

1. Develop Social/Academic

Intervention Groups (SAIG)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


committee to intensely review

attendance issues related to

why students are absent.

(Strategic Plan Objective 2)

June 2014

1. Implement

recommendations made by

the universal attendance

plan. (Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 –

June 2014

1. Expand Ready Freddy

Initiative to all schools

serving grades PK-8.

(Strategic Plan Objective 2B.1

and CCSS (Distinguished

Educator ‘s Action Plan

Deliverable 9.d)

Grant from

Buffalo Schools


Improvement PE NA All Schools September

2013 – May


2. Phase-in comprehensive

health services within BPS

buildings. (Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

Say Yes/Erie

County Grant


Improvement PE NA Say YES cohort 1

& 2 schools




3. Classroom teachers will

utilize system’s protocol for

referring to the SST.

(Strategic Plan Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September



3. Use Student Management

System (SMS) results to

make appropriate referrals to

school and community

support systems. (Strategic

Plan Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA Schools #’s








2013 –

June 2014

3. Use Youth Risk Behavior

Survey to guide decisions

regarding which preventative

services will be implemented

at each school. (Strategic

Plan Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Fall 2013

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


3. Implement the Code of

Conduct component of

restorative justice for

students who have behavioral

infractions. (Strategic Plan

Objective 2)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools July 2013

4. School buildings will serve

as a hub for delivery of social,

emotional, and health

supports. (Strategic Plan

Objective 6)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools September



LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


Tenet 6

A. Statement of Practice Addressed

6.1 The district has a comprehensive family and community engagements strategic plan that states the expectations around creating and

sustaining a welcoming environment for families, reciprocal communication, and

establishing partnerships with community organizations and families.

B. HEDI Rating: H E D I NA

C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is

being addressed. Create and provide a wide range of opportunities for families to receive, share, and improve their use and

understanding of student data. Encourage families to advocate for necessary and sustainable student support. (DTSDE District Final Report p.11)

Provide PD to staff members regarding strategies teachers and student support staff can use to seek and sustain partnerships with families and community organizations that support student needs. (DTSDE District Final Report


Develop a school-based parent plan for 2013-14 that includes a system for families to participate in reciprocal

communication with school staff about student academic, social, and emotional developmental health progress to support student success. (DTSDE District Final Report p.12)

When schools do not meet State targets for improving the achievement of all students, parents need to have options, including the option to send their child to another school. (Public School Choice Non-Regulatory Guidance, NCLB USDE January 14, 2009)

D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation.

1. Implement within each school in the district, a continuum of effective family engagement strategies. (Strategic Plan Objective 3.1)

2. Provide a continuum of interpretation and translation resources district-wide and within each school. (Strategic Plan Objective 3.2)

3. Increase effective partnerships with parents and families by building parent, family, and district capacity through training, workshops, and the implementation and monitoring of research based family involvement/engagement


LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


(Strategic Plan Objective 3.3)

4. Increase effective partnerships with community-based organizations (including higher education) by creating a collaborative network of service providers and establishing an infrastructure that supports shared

resources.(Strategic Plan Objective 3.4)

5. Increase the number of students in the Buffalo Public Schools receiving PSC transfers through an established

application process. (BPS Public School Choice Corrective Action Plan) E. Activity(ies): Must detail

the actions that will take place

in order to achieve the

identified goal(s). Number the

activities to match the number

of the goal to which they


F. Fund


Identify all

Federal, State,

and Local fund

sources that

will be used for

the completion

of each


G. District


Identify the

district cost


with each

fund source.

H. Improvement/Parent

Engagement Set-

Aside(PE): If the activity

satisfies one of the

mandated set-aside

requirements check the

appropriate box below.

I. Targeted


Identify the

school(s) targeted

by each activity

and their



J. Timeline:

Identify the


timeline for

each activity

which is to

include a

start and end


1. Adopt a district-wide set of

family engagement best

practice standards in all

schools. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.1)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA ALL Schools Sept. 2013 –


1. Parent and Family

Engagement Director will lead

a group of stakeholders to

develop an assessment tool

that monitors the family

engagement standards.

(Strategic Plan Objective 3.1)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013 –

Dec. 2013

1. Parent and Family

Engagement Director will

develop a fully accessible

electronic clearinghouse of

national and local best

practices. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.1)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013 –

Dec. 2013

2. Identify parents within the

district to work as parent

Title I $132,00

Improvement PE NA All Focus and

Priority Schools

Sept. 2013 –

June 2014

LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


facilitators (including

multilingual parents to serve

as facilitators) (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.2)

Title I


Improvement PE NA

Good Standing


2. Partner with community-

based organizations to train

multilingual parent facilitators

to serve as translators and/or

interpreters. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.2)

Title I $10,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013

3. Provide an annual review of

the Epstein Model of Parental

Involvement at each faculty

meeting. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.3)

Title I $18,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013

3. Provide training for parent

leaders and district personnel

on meaningful communication

and collaboration with

families. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.3)

Title I $30,400 Improvement PE NA All Schools One a month




3. Provide workshops for

parents and families to build

their capacity as effective

partners in all school and

district decision-making at

least 2 times per year.

(Strategic Plan Objective 3.3)

Title I $71,000 Improvement PE NA All Schools Oct. 2013

and Mar.


3. School Based Management

Teams will monitor the

implementation of best

practices for parental

involvement per the Epstein

Model. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.3)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Oct. 2013

4. Share data from the SMS

and Infinite Campus with out

of school time providers to

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA Schools #’s




LEA Name: Buffalo Public Schools LEA BEDS Code 14060001 10000


guide a needs assessment for

services. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.4)





4. Include out of school time

providers and community-

based organizations in


decisions/meetings (e.g.,

PBIS, SBMT, etc.) at the

school buildings where

services are located.

(Strategic Plan Objective 3.4)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013-

June 2014

4. Facilitate and coordinate

collaborative funding

applications for out of school

time programs. (Strategic Plan

Objective 3.4)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013-

June 2014

5. Plan for opening of two new

schools in Good Standing by

September 2014 and close at

least one under-enrolled

Priority School. (BPS Public

School Choice Corrective

Action Plan)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools Sept. 2013-

June 2014

5. Plan for creation of school-

within-a-school and/or an

annex to a school in Good

Standing that includes options

for English Language Learners

and Students with Disabilities.

(BPS Public School Choice

Corrective Action Plan)

N/A N/A Improvement PE NA All Schools

Sept. 2013-

June 2014