District 29-I December 2015 newsletter

District 29I Lions and Lionesses, First and most importantly, let me wish each and every one of you a happy holiday season. In my opinion, this is definitely the best me of the year. As we enter into this holiday season, let us not forget our mission “We Serve”. Many clubs will be doing projects like ringing bells and adopng angels for the Salvaon Army and filling stockings for children and food baskets for needy families. I am so proud of the charitable acvies of the clubs in our district. This is a good me to reflect on LCI President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada’s theme “Dignity. Harmony. Humanity.” As we strive to serve the needs of others, let us always remember to respect the dignity of those we serve. As we reach out to others with our hands of service, let us remember it is not a handout, it’s a handup. As we build others up, let us always remember serving others isn’t just an act of kindness; it is also a means to build understanding and harmony. And, as we serve the less fortunate and human kind in our communies, let us remember that serving humanity is not a duty, it is our responsibility. I am also blessed to be your District Governor because I get to visit clubs, meet my fellow Lions and hear of the special things you are doing to serve your communies. I parcularly like inducng new members and presenng awards to very deserving Lions. Keep up the good work! As I menoned last month, in order for our Lions Clubs to be able to serve our communies in a meaningful way, we must connue to remain healthy and grow our membership. New members will bring new ideas and new ideas will bring new successes. Remember you alone cannot do everything, but with everyone working together we can do a lot. Let’s work on membership retenon. If you haven’t seen a fellow member at a club meeng lately, please make contact with them and let them know you miss seeing them. If someone has been ill, moved or on vacaon, someone in your club most likely knows. The member who needs special aenon is the one who has not been aending and no one knows why. Please make an effort to keep them in our Lions family. Once again, I want to wish you the peace, joy and happiness of this holiday season. Have a healthy, prosperous and happy new year. Enjoy your family me this holiday with your loved ones! DG Al District 29-I Newsletter December 2015 “Seize the Moment” District Governor’s Message

Transcript of District 29-I December 2015 newsletter

District 29GI Lions and Lionesses,

First and most importantly, let me wish each and every one of you ahappy holiday season. In my opinion, this is definitely the best 4me of the year. As we enter intothis holiday season, let us not forget our mission H “We Serve”. Many clubs will be doing projectslike ringing bells and adop4ng angels for the Salva4on Army and filling stockings for children andfood baskets for needy families. I am so proud of the charitable ac4vi4es of the clubs in ourdistrict.

This is a good 4me to reflect on LCI President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada’s theme “Dignity.Harmony. Humanity.” As we strive to serve the needs of others, let us always remember torespect the dignity of those we serve. As we reach out to others with our hands of service, let usremember it is not a handout, it’s a handGup. As we build others up, let us always rememberserving others isn’t just an act of kindness; it is also a means to build understanding and harmony.And, as we serve the less fortunate and human kind in our communi4es, let us remember thatserving humanity is not a duty, it is our responsibility.

I am also blessed to be your District Governor because I get to visit clubs, meet my fellowLions and hear of the special things you are doing to serve your communi4es. I par4cularly likeinduc4ng new members and presen4ng awards to very deserving Lions. Keep up the good work!As I men4oned last month, in order for our Lions Clubs to be able to serve our communi4es in ameaningful way, we must con4nue to remain healthy and grow our membership. New memberswill bring new ideas and new ideas will bring new successes. Remember you alone cannot doeverything, but with everyone working together we can do a lot.

Let’s work on membership reten4on. If you haven’t seen a fellow member at a clubmee4ng lately, please make contact with them and let them know you miss seeing them. Ifsomeone has been ill, moved or on vaca4on, someone in your club most likely knows.The member who needs special a5en4on is the one who has not beena5ending and no one knows why. Please make an effort to keep them inour Lions family.

Once again, I want to wish you the peace, joy and happiness of thisholiday season. Have a healthy, prosperous and happy new year. Enjoyyour family 4me this holiday with your loved ones!


District 29-I NewsletterDecember 2015

“Seize the Moment”District Governor’s Message

BETWEEN US LIONSSVDG Ken ShahanHello fellow Lions of District 29-I,

This month letter is addressed to Club Presidents and future leaders.Leaders unite people and inspire change. Change that is positive andimpactful. As club president, you have a unique opportunity to changethe way your club serves its members and its community.

The 2015-2016 Club President Award is based on the Seven Keys to Successand is an initiative to help you, as club president, lead your club, maximize its potential and utilize theresources available from Lions Clubs International to find new ways to serve your community. It startswith you and you can start today! Use the criteria below to bring about change in your club.

Upon completion, submit the Application Form to your District Governor or Zone Chairperson. Youcan submit the application at any time during the 2015-2016 fiscal year! Your District Governor willthen order the award. Please allow three or more weeks for delivery. All orders must be received by June30, 2016.

Seven Keys to Success1. To increase the value of being a member, host a New Member Orientation.2. To be a club that members can be proud of, conduct How Are Your Ratings? to find

ways to make membership in your club more meaningful.3. To hold high quality service projects, conduct a Community Needs Assessment

and carry out a service project.4. To serve with family members, host a service project that includes family members.5. To increase the number of female and/or younger members, sponsor younger and/or

female members or charter a club that includes female and/or younger members.6. To be a leader in your community, take two or more courses or seminars offered

online from the Lions Learning Center or offered by your district, multiple district,constitutional area or LCI.

7. To think in dynamic new ways, conduct Your Club, Your Way, Blueprint for aStronger Club or the Club Quality Initiative (CEP) to identify and implementchanges.

Club President Award Application – To be completed by the Club PresidentClub President Award Order Form – To be completed by the District Governor and submitted to LCI.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To You All!!

DG Al Cox 2015-16 Calendar

December3 Romney Lions, WV School for Deaf & Blind 6:30 pm7 Short Gap Lions, Short Gap Senior Ci+zens Center 6:30 pm8 Jane Lew & East Lewis Lions, Jackson’s Mill, Weston 6:30 pm10 Bruceton Mills Lions, Jean Clark’s Farm, Bruceton Mills 6:30 pmJanuary9 WV MD 29 Council of Governors, Pipestem Resort16 3rd District 29-I Cabinet Mee+ng, WVU Eye Insitute, Morgantown 10 am29-31 WV Lions Leadership School, Charleston Marrio,29 WV Lions Sight Conserva+on Founda+on, Charleston Marrio, 4 pmFebruary2 Charles Town Lions TBDMarch3 Adamston Lions Club, Christ Methodist Church, Adamston 6 pm11-12 District 29-L Conference, Parkersburg, Blennerhasse, Hotel 6:30 pm15 Inwood – Bunker Hill Lions TBDApril7 Hedgesville-Pikeside Lions, Hedgesville United Methodist Church 6 pm8-10 WV Lions State Conven+on, Pipestem Resort8 WV Lions Sight Conserva+on Founda+on TBD10 4th District 29-I Cabinet Mee+ng TBD10 WV Lions Sight Conserva+on Founda+on TBD26 Wilsonburg Lions 6:30 pm

More than one billion people live on a dollar a day, and nearly 800 million peoplearound the world go to bed hungry every night. This January, make a difference by joining Lions around the world for a special Lions Worldwide Week of Service dedicatedto elimina4ng hunger and poverty.

Show your commitment to service, and help us reach our Centennial Service Challengegoal of serving 100 million people, by planning a project impac4ng hunger and povertyin your community. From stocking your local food pantry, to serving meals at a soupkitchen, there are countless ways to make a difference.

No ma5er how you choose to serve, be sure to join us for this Centennial service event!

Join Us for the Worldwide Week of Service to Fight Hunger and Poverty.

Here's how your club can take part in this special event:

Plan your project - Host a service project that impacts hunger and poverty in your community during the week ofJanuary 10-16. Go to the LCI website @ Lionsclubs.org to download a Planning Guide for project ideas and planning4ps

Promote your project - Invite your community to serve with you to showcase your club and the power of service.

Report your project - Report your service on the MyLCI Service Ac4vity Report to earn a Centennial Banner Patch and to get your club's name on the Centennial Ticker. Be sure to include the project date.


Club: New Member: Sponsor:Gra%on Cheryl Weaver Dee SturmGra%on Robert Weaver, Jr. Frank SturmKeyser Bryan McDowell Greg LynchPetersburg Donna Alexander Jason KaposyPetersburg Nathan Epling Jack SturgillPetersburg Kassidy Haslacker David BurtonPetersburg Wesley Haslacker Jason KaposyPikeside Shannon Jays Sco5 HonsakerWest Milford Mary Jo Short Hilda Clu5er

Walter E. Swiger, Jr.9/16/28 – 11/7/15We are sad to report the deathof Past District Governor WalterSwiger on November 7th. A 60year member of Lions, at the4me of his passing was a member of the Lions Club ofClarksburg. Prior to that, he was

a Charter Member of the Wilsonburg Lions Club andserved as District Governor of District 29-I during 1961-62 while a member of the Wilsonburg Lions. His fellowgovernors were: C. Ed Queen (29-L), Walter L. Smith(29-O) and James Johns (29-N), all of whom are deceased. He was a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Walter is survived by his wife, Orpha; five children, several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

He will be missed by all who knew him.

Lions from clubs in good standing can enter an original, unaltered, black-and-white or color photo(without people) of the environment of their Lionsclub in the following 2015-2016 Lions EnvironmentalPhoto Contest categories:

· Animal Life · Landscape (Urban or natural) · Plant Life · Weather Phenomenon · Special Theme: Dignity, harmony, humanity:Celebra4ng the peaceful coexistence of species.

The impar4al judging of photos will focus on originality, ar4s4c merit, and portrayal of the environmental theme.

· LIONS CLUBS select and submit one winning photo to the district.

· LIONS DISTRICTS select and submit one winning photo to the mul4ple district. January 15, 2016 is the suggested deadline for districts to submit one 8” x 10” (20.3 x 25.4 cm) printed photo to the mul4ple district.

· LIONS MULTIPLE DISTRICTS select and submit one winning photo to the interna4onal contest. March 1, 2016 is the deadlinefor mul4ple districts to submit one 8” x 10” (20.3 x 25.4 cm) printed photograph and an official entry form (available on theLions Web site) signed by the council chairperson to Lions Headquarters.

· LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL will display mul4ple district-level entries at the annual Lions interna4onal conven4on. Registered conven4on a5endees will vote for their favorite photos. An award will be presented to the winning photographers.The six (the five category winners and the Best of Show) winning photos will appear on the Lions Web site.

NOTE: Mul+ple entries will not be accepted, please limit to one photo entry per mul+ple district.

Lion photographers accept responsibility for the cost of taking and processing all photos. Contest photos become the property of Lions Clubs Interna4onal. Lions Clubs Interna4onal reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not meet contest criteria or that may be viewed as inappropriate or objec4onable.

E-mail contest ques4ons to: [email protected] or call District 29-I Environmental Chair Paul Hamrick @ 304-622-5664or email [email protected]

Club: New Member: Sponsor:Fort Ashby Robert Addessi Ron Brocke/Fort Ashby Russell Tritapoe Ron HaggertyFort Ashby Teal Tritapoe Ron HaggertyGlen Elk Village Deanna Audia Connie PoeGlen Elk Village Sam Audia Connie PoeGlen Elk Village Bobbi Hollinger Chris GreenGlen Elk Village Peggy Layman Barbara WildmanGlen Elk Village Karl Rardin Chris GreenGlen Elk Village Morgan Shaun Rardin Chris GreenGra�on Amy Summers Fred QueenGra�on Rod Summers Fred QueenMoorefield Gregory Greenwalt William KeplingerMoorefield Daniel Simmons William BeanNu/er Fort Bri/any Crutchfield Ken ShahanNu/er Fort Nathan Crutchfield Ken Shahan

Deceased: Club:Franklin Ellis BuckhannonAnn Heck Charles TownAndrew Losh Tennerton



Please send me photos, stories andannouncements to include in our monthly newsle/ers.

My email address is listed on thereturn address on this newsle/er.

I would like to receive them by the 20thof each month. Thank You! DG Al

Lions from clubs in good standing can enter anoriginal, unaltered, black-and-white or color photo(without people) of the environment of their Lionsclub in the following 2015-2016 Lions EnvironmentalPhoto Contest categories:

· Animal Life · Landscape (Urban or natural) · Plant Life · Weather Phenomenon · Special Theme: Dignity, harmony, humanity:Celebra.ng the peaceful coexistence of species.

The impar.al judging of photos will focus on originality, ar.s.c merit, and portrayal of the environmental theme.

· LIONS CLUBS select and submit one winning photo to the district.

· LIONS DISTRICTS select and submit one winning photo to the mul.ple district. January 15, 2016 is the suggested deadlinefor districts to submit one 8” x 10” (20.3 x 25.4 cm) printed photo to the mul.ple district.

· LIONS MULTIPLE DISTRICTS select and submit one winning photo to the interna.onal contest.March 1, 2016 is the deadlinefor mul.ple districts to submit one 8” x 10” (20.3 x 25.4 cm) printed photograph and an official entry form (available on theLions Web site) signed by the council chairperson to Lions Headquarters.

· LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL will display mul.ple district-level entries at the annual Lions interna.onal conven.on.Registered conven.on a/endees will vote for their favorite photos. An award will be presented to the winning photographers.The six (the five category winners and the Best of Show) winning photos will appear on the Lions Web site.

NOTE: Mul$ple entries will not be accepted, please limit to one photo entry per mul$ple district.

Lion photographers accept responsibility for the cost of taking and processing all photos. Contest photos become theproperty of Lions Clubs Interna.onal. Lions Clubs Interna.onal reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not meetcontest criteria or that may be viewed as inappropriate or objec.onable.

E-mail contest ques.ons to: [email protected] or call District 29-I Environmental Chair Paul Hamrick @ 304-622-5664or email [email protected]


IN THE NEWSLETTER?Please send me photos, stories and announcements to include in our monthly newsle5ers. My email address is

listed on the return address on this newsle5er. I would like to receive them by the 20th

of each month. Thank You! DG Al


Keynote Speaker - Lions Interna4onal Director Linda Tincher from Riley, Indiana.

DG 29-I Al Cox, ID Linda Tincher, DG 29-L John Wensyel &

DG 29-C Ken Valko.

Lion Jo Ellen Browning, PID Bob Browning,PDG Cindy Glass, PID Steve Glass, ID Linda

Tincher, PDG Vern Tincher, PID Larry Johnson& Lion Rachel Johnson.

Al Cox & Leigh Merrifield

Mary Jane & Rob Bright

A5ending from District 29-I were: PCC Gary Van Horn, Jack Fishel, PCC Barb Fishel, 2nd VDG KenShahan, Paula Shahan, DG Al Cox, Leigh Merrifield, PID Steve Glass, PDG Cindy Glass, PDG Glenn Ryburn,

CC Doug Long, Sue Long, Rob Bright and Mary Jane Bright. (Present, not pictured, PDG Billie Nichols).

District 29-I Lion Hippies (l-r) DG Al Cox, Leigh Merrifield, CC Doug Long, Sue Long, Rob Bright & Mary Jane Bright.


Congratula4ons DG Ken Valko and your conference commi5ee for a job well done!

Lions seated at head table: PDG Ed & Judy Weber, PDG Cindy & PID Steve Glass, Berkeley Springs President John & Kim Mason, Sue & CC Doug Long.

DG Al, PDG Ed, CC Doug, President John & PID Steve.

Lion Ernest Woods

PDG Glenn Ryburn presented a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship to his wife Lion Lynn. PDG Ed Weber

PCC Gary Van Horn

Keynote Speaker Past Interna4onal Director Steve Glass.

Berkeley Springs 70th Charter Night Celebra4on


Lions Club members handing out treats.

Members of the Philippi Lions Club par4cipated in the VeteransDay parade on November 11th. In addi4on to a decorated car,some members walked the parade route. Several members ofthe Club are also Veterans and some of those marched with theVeterans. Members par4cipa4ng were, Warren White, WayneBohon, Ed Law, John & Judy Flynn, Millard & Valerie Minor,Michael White, Tina Mouser, Ira McDaniel, Jeff Goff, Tom Wright,and nonmembers Carrie Law, Janet McKay and Jada Edwards.

Pictured: Tina Mouser with Jada Edwards, Judy Flynn, Jeff Goff, Ed Law, Michael White, Tom Wright, Valerie Minor and Janet McKay.

Unknown trick or treater who couldn’t wait to get home to read his book.

Philippi Lions ClubThe Philippi Lions Club gave out books, toys, Mardi Gras beads and candy to trick or treaters. This is the third year

that the Club has given out books on Halloween. The program has been well received by the children and their parents. The Lions Club also sponsored the Halloween parade, with cash prizes for first, second and third place in three

categories: scariest, pre6est and most original and one judge’s choice. Premier Bank donated the prize money. Members par4cipa4ng were Warren White, Ed Law, John & Judy Flynn, Millard & Valerie Minor, Michael White,

Ira McDaniel, Steve Baker, Tina Mouser, Sabrina Ward, Doug Haller, and nonmembers Carrie Law, Janet McKay and Jill Baker.

WV LIONS BEEF RAFFLE RESULTSBy Gary Van Horn, President WV Lions Sight Conserva+on Founda+on

The West Virginia Lions Sight Conserva4on Founda4on extends its apprecia4on to the Lions of Mul4ple District 29 for par4cipa4ng in thesale of the “WV Lions Beef Raffle” 4ckets for the fall of 2015. The efforts of Lions across West Virginia raised a total of $8,860 from this year’s raffle. The proceeds will assist the SightFounda4on in providing eye surgeries, sight screenings, and the purchasing of hearing aids forthose West Virginians in need. The 2015 Beef Raffle Winners were the Pine Grove Shortline LionsClub from District 29-L; Charlie Lake a member of the South Charleston Lions Club in District 29-C;the Clarksburg Lions Club and the Junior Lions Club from District 29-I. Ninety-seven Lions Clubsfrom Mul4ple District 29 par4cipated in this year’s Beef Raffle.

A special thank you to PCC Pa5y and Lion Paul Nu5er of the Harrisville Lions for providing thebeef as they have done for several years. Their generosity has helped the Lions in West Virginiaraise thousands of dollars to benefit the WVLSCF and LCIF.

Keyser Lions and guests at DG Night.

A nice turnout for District Governor's visit.

Clarksburg Lions ge6ng ready to serve as division chiefs for the annual Veterans Day Parade. Front row: Dave Strouth, Susan Wilmerink, Clay O5. Middle row: Nick Lambernedis, Rusty Mall, Warren Wilson. Back row: Stumpie Bice, Al Cox,

Patsy Trecost. Also par4cipa4ng was Don Niles.

District Governor Al Cox inducted Brian McDowellinto the Keyser Lions Club. (l-r): Keyser President

Joseph Bane, DG Al, Club Secretary and new membersponsor Greg Lynch, Lion Brian McDowell and

Council Chair Doug Long.

Keyser Lions Club

Buckhannon-Hodgesville-Kesling Mill Lions

Clarksburg Lions Club

Kesling Mill President Sturl Waybright & Secretary Donna Ma5hews, DG Al, Hodgesville President

Roger Ward & Secretary Toni Newman and Buckhannon Secretary Ben Crutchfield.

Zone 6 Chairman Wick Myers, Tunnelton PresidentDelbert Lyons, Rowlesburg President Marg Schollar,

Kingwood President S. O. Pra5 & DG Al.

Lost CreekLions SecretaryGreg Wristonselling aChristmastree to JaneLew Lion and Zone 9 ChairpersonRuth Straley.

DG Al honors long 4me Kingwood Lions (l-r): GeorgeHartman, 67 years and Richard Graham, 51 years.

Kingwood-Rowlesburg-Tunnelton District Governor’s Night

Lost Creek Lions Club Christmas Tree Sale

Elkins Lions Club

Helping with the tree sale are Lost Creek LionsHarry Allman, Richard McClain and

Club President, Richard Nuzum

DG Al inducted two new members into theElkins Lions Club on November 9th. Lions

pictured are (l-r): DG Al, Kenny Weese sponsorof Donna Santee, Nancy Pennington and

her sponsor, Donna Weese.

Elkins Past District Governor's Dick Walden (l)and Willard Herron (r) with DG Al

2016 LEADERSHIP RETREAT NEWSBy Lion Steve Glass, Chairperson

As the date of the 2016 Lions of West Virginia Leadership Retreat nears, I wanted toshare with you a li5le bit about six of the twelve exci4ng seminars that we havescheduled. Following is an overview of those six. In the January issue we will providea brief overview of the other six. We hope that you plan to a5end what is shaping upto be a fun and educa4onal weekend.

InsightsThe Insights system is built around the model of personality first iden4fied by the Swiss psychologist CarlGustav Jung. Using Jung’s typology, Insights offers a framework for self-understanding and development.Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individualsto develop effec4ve strategies for interac4on and can help them to be5er respond to the demands oftheir environment.

Strategic PlanningMilt Laughland has 25 years of strategic and business planning experience and is the author of StrategicPlanning Demys4fied. His presenta4on will explain why most strategic plans fail and how you can createa strategic planning process that really works. His approach works with for profit, non-profit, and government organiza4ons.

Goal Se-ngThis session will introduce you to the lessons learned from some the greatest achievers of all 4me: thoseteams that have successfully reached the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. Drawingupon their experiences, you will learn how to help develop SMART goals for your club and organiza4on.

Lessons Learned, Perspec+ves SharedPDG Cindy Glass will share interes4ng and informa4ve experiences gleaned from her travels with her husband, PID Steve, about how some effec4ve servant leaders have handled adversity and seized uponopportuni4es that some would see as obstacles. Many of these leaders have made “lemonade fromlemons.”

Unite, Not DivideConflict is a part of life and part of the human experience. Conflict can unite us and it can divide us. "Unite, Not Divide" is a seminar where one can learn the basics of conflict resolu4on through five strategies (Avoidance, Accommoda4on, Compe44on, Compromise, and Collabora4on). Through learninghow these resolu4on strategies apply to real life situa4ons, the seminar par4cipant will learn how to u4lize these in uni4ng individuals, groups, and organiza4ons during 4mes of conflict, both intra-personaland inter-personal.

Looking Beyond DisabilityPeople with disabili4es have historically been looked upon as insignificant in their contribu4on to our society. "Looking Beyond Disability" is a seminar where one can learn about people in with disabili4es(both historically and in the present) who changed the world. This seminar will broaden the a5endee'sperspec4ve on the con4nued struggle that people with disabili4es face in achieving social, poli4cal, economic jus4ce, along with how inves4ng in one's full human poten4al can promote full inclusion and atthe end of the day strengthen a community!

Detach and send registra4on to PID Steve Glass

Audrey Doyle a 5th grade student at Valley Elementary Schoolin Arthurdale proudly displays her cer4ficate and $50

from the Valley District Lions for being named Student of the Month. She is the daughter of Rob and Kathy Doyle.Shown (l-r): DG Al, Rob Doyle, Audrey and Lion Tammy

Clarkson, Student of the Month Chairperson.

DG Al Cox, Valley District Lions Secretary Nellie Bri5on, President Kermit Hawley and 2nd VDG/Cabinet

Secretary-Treasurer Ken Shahan. .

Cindy Ennis of Masontown won this beau4ful quilt provided by Judy Hawley, wife of Valley District

President Kermit Hawley. (l-r): DG Al, Bob & Cindy Ennis and President Kermit.

Valley District Lions ClubLions of West Virginia 2016 Leadership Retreat

Registration Form

Name TagName______________________________________________________

Lion ______________Lioness ______________LEO _______________



Home Phone __________________Cell Phone ___________________


Club Name___________________________________________________________

District 29 L_______ C ________I _________ Other ____________

I am a first time attendee: Yes _________________ No

Special dietary requirements________________________________


REGISTRATION FEE is $125.00 per person

Non-Lion Meals Only Tickets - $110.00(No individual meal tickets)

Make check payable to Lions of WV Leadership Retreat and mail completed registration to:

PID Steve Glass191 Ridgeway DriveBridgeport, WV 26330

Message from the Chairperson:We respectfully ask that if you plan to attend the Retreatthat you send in your reservation by January 23, 2016.

In planning for meals with the event planner, we must guarantee a certain number of meals for each banquet.

Our guarantee date is Monday, January 25, 2016.

We will not guarantee banquet meals for any persons sending reservations received after January 23,


We truly hope that you will take full advantage of this premier opportunity in West Virginia to enhance your leadership abilities. Our planning committee has strived to put into place a weekend

of fun, great fellowship, and opportunities to broaden yourknowledge and understanding, and to gain information that youcan use in your family life, work environment, social networking

and in your Lions Club. I hope to see you in Charleston!

DG AL COX313 Worley AvenueClarksburg, WV [email protected]

Important Reminders from the DG’s Desk….

• If you would like to a5end the WV Lions Leadership Retreat to be held at the Charleston Marrio5 Town Center January 29-31, 2016 and are a first 4me a5endee, don’t forget to apply forone of the five scholarships to be awarded by District 29-I. The scholarship covers registra4on forseminars and meals. Lodging is not included. The deadline to apply is Friday, December 18th. An applica4on is available on the District 29-I web page or you can contact me and I’ll email youone. Please send the completed applica4on to our District GLT Coordinator, PDG Cindy Glass, 191 Ridgeway Drive, Bridgeport, WV 26330 or via email to: [email protected].

• I am striving to have 100% of all the clubs in our District to make a contribu4on of $25 or more to Lions Clubs Interna4onal Founda4on (LCIF). West Virginians have benefited greatly with grants from LCIF and we need todo our part to con4nue to support them. We came very close last year andlet’s not fail to reach 100% par4cipa4on this year.

• Only six clubs have not scheduled a date for my DG visit. Ifyou are one of them, please check your calendar and contact me sowe can select a date. My contact info is listed on this page.