
What is distribution? • Distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience, it is done by a professional film distributor, who decides on the marketing, the media of how the film is going to be released and the release date.

Transcript of Distribution

  1. 1. What is distribution? Distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience, it is done by a professional film distributor, who decides on the marketing, the media of how the film is going to be released and the release date.
  2. 2. List of UK distribution companies 20th Century Fox Film Alpha Films Ltd Columbia Pictures Artificial Eye Film 4 Pathe Diffusion Pictures Lions Gate UK
  3. 3. The film we have produced is a low budget, British, horror film. Our film is like the film Hush which is an independent British film. Tigon British Film Productions seems like a distributor that will be interested in our film as it mainly distributes horror films.
  4. 4. Our film is mainly going to appeal to a UK audiences as it is a British film , but we are aiming for a wider appeal, so hopefully we can appeal to an audience outside of UK, such as USA.
  5. 5. For marketing strategies I think social media such as Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook will be the best for word of mouth as a lot of people use social media and it is suitable for our low budget.
  6. 6. Self distribution is also possible for our film as we can offered opportunities from quadcinema, which will be free, and film festivals such as The Film Festival Circuit.
  7. 7. Shifty Metrodome is a company based in the UK, which makes Shifty a well fitted film to be chose as it it a a British film, instead of it becoming an American film.