Distributed Operating Systems CS551

Distributed Operating Systems CS551 Colorado State University at Lockheed-Martin Lecture 4 -- Spring 2001


Distributed Operating Systems CS551. Colorado State University at Lockheed-Martin Lecture 4 -- Spring 2001. CS551: Lecture 4. Topics Memory Management Simple Shared Distributed Migration Concurrency Control Mutex and Critical Regions Semaphores Monitors. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Distributed Operating Systems CS551

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Distributed Operating SystemsCS551

Colorado State Universityat Lockheed-Martin

Lecture 4 -- Spring 2001

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 2

CS551: Lecture 4 Topics

– Memory Management Simple Shared Distributed Migration

– Concurrency Control Mutex and Critical Regions Semaphores Monitors

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 3

Centralized Memory Management

Review– Memory: cache, RAM, auxiliary– Virtual Memory– Pages and Segments

Internal/External Fragmentation– Page Replacement Algorithm

Page Faults => Thrashing FIFO, NRU, LRU Second Chance; Lazy (Dirty Pages)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 4

Figure 4.1  Fragmentation in Page-Based Memory versus a Segment-Based Memory. (Galli, p.83)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 5

Figure 4.2  Algorithms for Choosing Segment Location. (Galli,p.84)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 6

Simple Memory Model

Used in parallel NUMA systems– Access times equal for all processors– Too many processors

=> thrashing => need for lots of memory

High performance parallel computers– May not use cache -- to avoid overhead– May not use virtual memory

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 7

Shared Memory Model

Shared memory can be a means of interprocess communication

Virtual memory with multiple physical memories, caches, and secondary storage

Easy to partition data for parallel processing Easy migration for load balancing Example systems:

– Amoeba: shared segments on same system– Unix System V: sys/shm.h

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 8

Shared Memory via Bus

P1 P2

P7 P8

Shared Memory

P9 P10



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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 9

Shared Memory Disadvantages

All processors read/write common memory– Requires concurrency control

Processors may be linked by a bus– Too much memory activity may cause bus contention– Bus can be a bottleneck

Each processor may have own cache– => cache coherency (consistency) problems– Snoopy (snooping) cache is a solution

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 10

Bused Shared Memory w/Caches

P1 P2

P7 P8

Shared Memory

P9 P10



cache cache



cache cache cache cache

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 11

Shared Memory Performance

Try to overlap communication and computation Try to prefetch data from memory Try to migrate processes to processors that hold

needed data in local memory– Page scanner

Bused shared memory does not scale well– More processors => bus contention– Faster processors => bus contention

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 12

Figure 4.3  Snoopy Cache.(Galli,p.89)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 13

Cache Coherency (Consistency)

Want local caches to have consistent data– If two processor caches contain same data, the

data should have the same value– If not, caches are not coherent

But what if one/both processors change the data value?– Mark modified cache value as dirty– Snoopy cache picks up new value as it is written

to memory

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 14

Cache Consistency Protocols

Write-through protocol Write-back protocol Write-once protocol

– Cache block invalid, dirty, or clean– Cache ownership– All caches snoop– Protocol part of MMU– Performs within a memory cycle

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 15

Write-through protocol

Read-miss Fetch data from memory to cache

Read hit Fetch data from local cache

Write miss Update data in memory and store in cache

Write hit Update memory and cache Other local processors invalidate cache entry

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 16

Distributed Shared Memory

NUMA– Global address space– All memories together form one global memory– True multiprocessors– Maintains directory service

NORMA– Specialized message-passing network– Example: workstations on a LAN

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 17

Distributed Shared Memory

P1 P2

P7 P8 P10 P11






memory memorymemory memory



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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 18

How to distribute shared data?

How to distribute shared data? How many readers and writers are allowed

for a given set of data? Two approaches

– Replication Data copied to different processors that need it

– Migration Data moved to different processors that need it

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 19

Single Reader / Single Writer

No concurrent use of shared data Data use may be a bottleneck Static

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 20

Multiple Reader /Single Writer

Readers may have a invalid copy after the writer writes a new value

Protocol must have an invalidation method Copy set: list of processors that have a

copy of a memory location Implementation

– centralized, distributed, or combination

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 21

Centralized MR/SW

One server – Processes all requests– Maintains all data and data locations

Increases traffic near server– Potential bottleneck

Server must perform more work than others– Potential bottleneck

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 22

Figure 4.4  Centralized Server for Multiple Reader/Single Writer DSM. (Galli,p.92)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 23

Partially distributed centralization of MR/SW Distribution of data static One server receives all requests Requests sent to processor with desired data

– Handles requests– Notifies readers of invalid data

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 24

Figure 4.5  Partially Distributed Invalidation for Multiple Reader/Single Writer DSM. (Galli, p.92) [Read X as C below]

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 25

Dynamic distributed MR/SW

Data may move to different processor Send broadcast message for all requests in

order to reach current owner of data Increases number of messages in system

– More overhead– More work for entire system

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 26

Ffigure 4.6  Dynamic Distributed Multiple Reader/Single Writer DSM. (Galli, P.93)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 27

A Static Distributed Method

Data is distributed statically Data owner

– Handles all requests– Notifies readers when their data copy invalid

All processors know where all data is located, since it is statically located

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 28

Figure 4.7  Dynamic Data Allocation for Multiple Reader/Single Writer DSM.(Galli,p.96)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 29

Multiple Readers/Multiple Writers

Complex algorithms Use sequencers

– Time read– Time written

May be centralized or distributed

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 30

DSM Performance Issues

Thrashing (in a DSM): “when multiple locations desire to modify a common data set” (Galli)

False sharing: Two or more processors fighting to write to the same page, but not the same data

One solution: temporarily freeze a page so one processor can get some work done on it

Another: proper block size (= page size?)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 31

More DSM Performance Issues

Data location (compiler?) Data access patterns Synchronization Real-time systems issue? Implementation:

– Hardware?– Software?

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 32

Mach Operating System

Uses virtual memory, distributed shared memory Mach kernel supports memory objects

– “a contiguous repository of data, indexed by byte, upon which various operations, such as read and write, can be performed. Memory objects act as a secondary storage …. Mach allows several primitives to map a virtual memory object into an address space of a task. …In Mach, every task has a separate address space.” (Singhal & Shivaratri, 1994)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 33

Memory Migration

Time-consuming– Moving virtual memory from one processor to

another When? How much?

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 34

MM: Stop and Copy

Least efficient method Simple Halt process execution (freeze time) while

moving entire process address space and data to new location

Unacceptable to real-time and interactive systems

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 35

Figure 4.8  Stop-and-Copy Memory Migration. (Galli,p.99)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 36

Concurrent Copy

Process continues execution while being copied to new location

Some migrated pages may become dirty– Send over more recent versions of pages

At some point, stop execution and migrate remaining data– Algorithms include dirty page ratio and/or time criteria

to decide when to stop Wastes time and space

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 37

Figure 4.9  Concurrent-Copy Memory Migration. (Galli,p.99)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 38

Copy on Reference

Process stops All process state information is moved Process resumes at new location Other process pages are moved only when

accessed by process Alternate may have virtual memory pages

transferred to file server, then moved as needed to new process location

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 39

Figure 4.10  Copy-on-Reference Memory Migration. (Galli,p.100)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 40

Table 4.1 Memory Management Choices Available for Advanced Systems. (Galli,p.101)

Advanced Systems Component TypeMemory

Management Models Parallel UMA Parallel NUMA Distributed

Simple Memory Model yes

Shared Memory Model yes Best for smallscale

Distributed Shared Memory yes

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 41

Table 4.2 Performance Choices for Memory Management. (Galli,p.101)

Method/ Concept Performance Choice

Simple Memory Model Works well but avoid thrashing.

Overlap communication and computation.

Prefetch data.Shared Memory Model

Utilize snoopy cache.

With multiple reader/single writer: static dis-tributed algorithm.

With multiple reader/single writer: centralizedalgorithm.

Multiple reader/multiple writer (goodconcurrency).

Temporary freezes allowed.

Block size = page size.

Distributed Shared Memory

Hardware implementation (at least partial).

Memory Migration Concurrent-copy.

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 42

Concurrency Control (Chapter 5)

Topics– Mutual Exclusion and Critical Regions– Semaphores– Monitors– Locks– Software Lock Control– Token-Passing Mutual Exclusion– Deadlocks

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 43

Critical Region

“the portion of code or program accessing a shared resource”

Must prevent concurrent execution by more than one process at a time

Mutex: mutual exclusion

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 44

Figure 5.1  Critical Regions Protecting a Shared Variable. (Galli,p.106)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 45

Mutual Exclusion

Three-point test (Galli)– Solution must ensure that two processes do not

enter critical regions at same time– Solution must prevent interference from

processes not attempting to enter their critical regions

– Solution must prevent starvation

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 46

Critical Section Solutions

Recall: Silberschatz & Galvin A solution to the critical section problem

must show that– mutual exclusion is preserved– progress requirement is satisfied– bounded-waiting requirement is met

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 47

Figure 5.2  Example Utilizing Semaphores. (Galli,p.109)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 48

Figure 5.3  Atomic Swap. (Galli,p.114)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 49

Figure 5.4  Centralized Lock Manager. (Galli,p.116)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 50

Figure 5.5  Resource Allocation Graph. (Galli,p.120)

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21 February 2001 CS-551, Lecture 4 51

Table 5.1 Summary of Support for Concurrency by Hardware, System, and Languages. (Galli,p.124)

Level of Support Tools Provided

Atomic operations

Spin locks

Mutex hardware operations


Cache concurrency control

System Libraries utilizing hardware support

System support for concurrency with multi-threaded applications

Lock Manager

System Support

Token Passing mutual exclusion


Critical regions


Language Support

Mutex operations using system libraries