Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused...

What do all of these have in common. They all can kill. What makes you think? When driving distracted you are 23 times more likely to be in an accident. (The national health 2013) Distracted driving. By Austin McKenzie Did you know that sixty-nine percent of that are surveyed in the United States around the ages of I to sixty-four have said that they had talked on their cell phones at least a month or less before?(The national health 2013) At least thirty- one percent of the people that we surveyed of people in the U.S. around the same age group have said they sent a text message while driving within a month before. These factors are very dangerous and can be the cause of major injury or death. (National center for injury prevention 2013) Why do these things make it dangerous for the driver? This is because cell phones, for example, they flash, shine, make noises, and even vibrate. While in driving school or when taking your drivers test, you are taught that your eyes are to be on the road at all times. When your phone or other things in your car make noises, and/or flash, your eyes are taken off the road and your attention is on your phone. While your attention is on your phone, you could be swerving and turning and not even notice. This is how fatal accidents occur. These distractions can occur with anything, not just with cell phones. (National center of injury prevention 2013) There are many more things in your car that can be distracting other than cell phones. Many people get distracted with things they are doing, such as eating, putting on makeup, smoking, or changing the radio station. Although, you may not think your friends are a distraction, they very well could be. If your friends talk a lot and keep your undivided attention off the road, maybe it's not such a great idea you let them ride with you anymore. Riding alone could also be dangerous. If you're tired, under medication, or anything of this sort, you should have a designated driver, or walk. Some medication can cause you to daydream, which is just as dangerous as anything while driving. (The national health 2013) Long story short, being distracted while driving is very dangerous. You have to remember that if your driving dangerously, it's not just other people's lives as well. Not only is it dangerous for everybody, it's the law that you cannot have any hand held devices while you're driving in twelve states. Thirty-seven states however, say that novice drivers are banned while driving from hand held devices. Do everybody a favor and be safe with your driving.

Transcript of Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused...

Page 1: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

Distracted drivingWhat do all of these have in common. They all can kill.

What makes you think?

When driving distracted you are 23 times more likely to be in an accident. (The national health 2013)

Distracted driving. By Austin McKenzie Did you know that sixty-nine percent of that are surveyed in the United States around the ages of I to sixty-four have said that they had talked on their cell phones at least a month or less before?(The national health 2013) At least thirty-one percent of the people that we surveyed of people in the U.S. around the same age group have said they sent a text message while driving within a month before. These factors are very dangerous and can be the cause of major injury or death. (National center for injury prevention 2013)

Why do these things make it dangerous for the driver? This is because cell phones, for example, they flash, shine, make noises, and even vibrate. While in driving school or when taking your drivers test, you are taught that your eyes are to be on the road at all times. When your phone or other things in your car make noises, and/or flash, your eyes are taken off the road and your attention is on your phone. While your attention is on your phone, you could be swerving and turning and not even notice. This is how fatal accidents occur. These distractions can occur with anything, not just with cell phones. (National center of injury prevention 2013)

There are many more things in your car that can be distracting other than cell phones. Many people get distracted with things they are doing, such as eating, putting on makeup, smoking, or changing the radio station. Although, you may not think your friends are a distraction, they very well could be. If your friends talk a lot and keep your undivided attention off the road, maybe it's not such a great idea you let them ride with you anymore. Riding alone could also be dangerous. If you're tired, under medication, or anything of this sort, you should have a designated driver, or walk. Some medication can cause you to daydream, which is just as dangerous as anything while driving. (The national health 2013)

Long story short, being distracted while driving is very dangerous. You have to remember that if your driving dangerously, it's not just other people's lives as well. Not only is it dangerous for everybody, it's the law that you cannot have any hand held devices while you're driving in twelve states. Thirty-seven states however, say that novice drivers are banned while driving from hand held devices. Do everybody a favor and be safe with your driving.

Page 2: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

The reason they made this illegal is because so many people have died from looking down at a text message while behind the wheel. In 2011, 23% of auto collision were because of texting while driving(Kristen Marino 2012 ) . About 700 people a day die from texting while driving each day(Kristen Marino 2012)This law protects a lot of people and will save many lives in the future.

One of the most recent things that was causing distracting driving on the roads that was made illegal was texting while driving. States have been banning texting while driving since 2007(Kristen Marino 2012). Washington was the very first state to ban texting while driving and their are 33 states that have made it illegal to text and drive(Kristen Marino 2012 ).

Everyday people are killed by distractive driving. They are either texting, eating, talking on the phone, or doing something that is distracting them while they are in the vehicle driving. People think that some of these things should be illegal, others think that no one should be able to tell them what they can and can not do in their own vehicle.

Although some people want to make things like doing your make up in your car made illegal, a do not agree with it and say that no one should be able to to tell them what they can and can not do in their own vehicle.

In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department of Transportation(2009). It is one of the big reasons why people are ending up dead on the road and a lot of people want the stuff that cause you to get distracted while driving made illegal.

They have been able to talk on the phone, do make up, and eat whenever they wanted In their vehicle since they have been driving. They do not think that they should be controlled on what they do in the car. They think that its their property and they have the right to do what they please inside of their vehicle.

Distracted driving is anything that causes you a distraction while you are driving. It can be something that is mentally or physically distracting you. Things that can mentally distract you are your temper, stress, or when you start zoning out. Things that can physically distract you would be texting, eating, doing make up, or even reading a map, or looking at your GPS. It is very hard to not get distracted while driving, most people do it and not even realize it.

Some ways we can save lives and lower insurance costs are turn your cell phone off while your driving in the car. That will keep you from having to worry about people calling you or texting you while your driving because you won't know if someone text or called you. Another way is to wait until you get home to start eating your fast food.

It is hard if you are hungry but if you just wait until you get home you will have drove home safely. One more way you can be safe is do not drive while you are angry or upset. Some of these things might be made illegal someday and some of them may never be made illegal because people do not want people to let them control what they do in their cars. Either way just remember everyday people are killed by distracted driving. So drive safe and watch what your doing while you are behind the wheel.

By: Cory Shumaker

When is it time to stop?

Page 3: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

Driving tips

• Put the phone in the glovebox

• Turn the phone off

• Avoid driving when tired

• Keep both hands on the wheel

• Do not day dream

• Avoid hands-free device

• Have other passengers help you stay focused

• Avoid reaching for objects that are moving in the car

• Avoid eating in the car, try to eat before you leave

• Expect the unexpected

• Avoid staring at street signs, billboards, maps

• Avoid grooming


On average how many passengers do you have in the car while you are driving

Very Likely LikelyUnlikely Very Unlikely

In a survey that seniors took at Lancaster High School took said that they are likely to text and drive.

Page 4: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

Citations California department of motor vehicle. (2011). Driver Distractions [Fact sheet Ffdl 28]. Retrieved from http://www.dmv.ca.: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffdl28.htm The national health. (2013). Distracted driving [Fact sheet 00280496]. Retrieved from The national health: http://thenationshealth.aphapublications.org/ Onlineschools. (2012, Jun 22 2012). Driving while intexticated [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from Driving while intexticated: http://www.onlineschools.com/in-focus/driving-while-intexticated National center for injury prevention and control. (2013, May 23, 2013). Distracted driving [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from CDC - Distracted Driving - Motor Vehicle Safety - Injury Center: Www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/distracted_driving

We asked the senior class if they know someone who has been in a distracted driving accident. 50% of the students said yes and 50% said no. We also asked the seniors how often do they derive distracted. 10% of the students said they drive distracted most of the time. 60% of the students said they drive distracted sometimes. 30% of the students said they never drive distracted.

What's wrong with these pictures.

Page 5: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

Page 6: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department

Page 7: Distracted driving - Lancaster High School to Drive Entry.pdf · In 2009 distracted driving caused at least 5,500 deaths and nearly 450,000 injuries according to the U.S. Department
