Distance Running 2015 Edition 3

Issue 85 · 2015 Edition 3 aimsworldrunning.org iaaf.org SPAR Budapest Marathon Runners passing the Chain Bridge on the Danube embankment


Official magazine of the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS)

Transcript of Distance Running 2015 Edition 3

  • Issue 85 2015 Edition 3



    SPAR Budapest MarathonRunners passing the Chain Bridgeon the Danube embankment

  • Powered by the Olympic rings 1133Nagano Marathon, JapanThe course leads around the athletic facilities thathad been used for the Nagano Winter OlympicGames, starting from the Big Hat, the M-Wave, theWhite Ring, and finally the Nagano Olympic Stadiumthat had been the the setting for the opening andclosing ceremonies of the Olympic Games

    Inspiration and integration 1188CAF Caracas Maratn, VenezuelaFor many runners the Marathon provides a chance tovisit parts of the city that they rarely see whentraining. Its an urban tourism opportunity for manyinhabitants of Caracas: a chance to rediscover theirown city.

    Running red 2211Milton Keynes Marathon, Great BritainOver the last 40 years Milton Keynes redways havegiven ever-increasing numbers of runners theopportunity to enjoy undisturbed and varied runsbeside the towns lakes and through its parks at alltimes of the year, making it a great place to run.

    Back on track in Bengaluru 2255TCS World 10K Bengaluru, IndiaThe 10km was always my first step to running longerdistances. I knew once I got another 10km under mybelt I could again push myself to a half marathonand beyond. Bengaluru seemed like the ideal placeto start afresh: 10,000 metres through the heart ofthe city and past its iconic landmarks, yet stillrunning in my own backyard.

    Women run the city 2299Austrian Womens Run, AustriaThey come year on year from all places to theAustrian Womens Run and are of all ages and levelsof ability. Running together every woman offers herpersonal best efforts and all contribute to making theevent into an incomparable experience.

    Running into historySpar Budapest Marathon 4488In 1984 a few Hungarian sports organisers dreamedof staging a peoples marathon in Budapest. Today,the last decade has been one of continuous growth.Hungarians came to appreciate the marathon andforeign runners have begun to discover quite howgorgeous a course Budapest offers.

    La dolce viaOpinion 6600What makes the Marathon so popular in Italy?Alessio Punzi, former Communications Officer of theRome Marathon, offers his insight.

    Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 3

    17 rue Princesse FlorestineBP 359, MC98007 Monaco


    Distance Running is an official publication of AIMS and IAAF. It is produced four times a year, in January, April, July and October, and distributed at races worldwide. Publisher: Frank J Baillie [email protected]: Hugh Jones [email protected] Production & Advertising: Gary Friar [email protected] Production & Design: Robbie Pickering [email protected] Production, Design & Advertising Address:Distance Running, MSC Publishing & Design, 1 Ellangowan Court, Glasgow G62 8PH, Scotland. Telephone: +44 141 956 2051. For advertising enquiries, please contact the Glasgow office. All material is copyright and maynot be reproduced without permission. Printed in the UK on paper from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources. www.distancerunning.co.uk



    AIMS News 55IAAF News 99IAU News 6622WMRA News 5599


    Planning aheadOfficial listings for AIMS events 5500Podium placersWorldwide race reports and pictures 6666World leading timesThe top times for men and women at Marathon,Half Marathon and 10km 5577Making contactAIMS member races with full contact details 8855Looking aheadPorto Marathon EDP, Portugal; Blackmores SydneyRunning Festival (incl. Sydney Marathon), Australia;Tartu City Marathon, Estonia; Buenos Aires IntlMarathon, Argentina; Taipei Marathon, ChineseTaipei 3355






    AIMS Headquarters, Olympic Athletic Center of Athens OACAOlympic Aquatics Center, Spyros Louis Avenue

    Maroussi Athens 15123, Greecewww.aimsworldrunning.org

    Contents2015 Edition 3

    Semi Marathon Intl de la Ville de Bjaia, May 2015Algeria

  • NewAIMS membersThe Marathon du Gabon (GAB) has beenheld for the last two years and attracts2700 men 350 women, with 150 foreignrunners coming from 40 countries. Courserecords are held by Peter Kurui (KEN) at2:14:42 and Milika Jerotich (KEN) at2:34:04.

    The Jakarta Marathon (INA) has beenheld for two years, along with a HalfMarathon and 10km & 5km races. Takentogether these attract 8455 men, 6120women, including 1150 foreign runnersfrom 50 countries. Course records are heldby Julius Seurei (KEN) 2:14:51 andWinifrida Nyansikera (KEN) 2:40;

    The Waterford Viking Marathon (IRL)was held for the fourth time on 27 June,after this edition of Distance Running wentto press.. The previous years race was

    contested by 415 men and 105 women,among them 35 foreign runners from eightcountries. Course records stand to GaryOHanlon and Pauline Curley, both Irish, at2:28:05 and 2.46.40

    The Kaunas Marathon, Half 10km &5km (LTU) was held for the third time on14 June. Around 5000 runners compete,including 100 foreign participants from 30countries. Aurimas Skinulis (LTU, 2:28:18)and Elena Simonok (UKR, 3:06:43) hold thecourse records.The Legends Marathon 68km & 21.1km(RSA) will be held for the third time on 3October. Around 200 runners compete,including seven foreign runners comingfrom five countries. Collen Makaza (ZIM)and Alemtsehay Kakissa (ETH) hold thecourse records for the ultra event at3:50:36 and 4:50:14 respectively.The 27km for Freedom (RSA) has beenheld for the last six years in the CapeProvince and sets its length in

    acknowledgement of the 27 years thatFather of the Nation Nelson Mandelaspent behind bars during the years of theApartheid regime. Bernard Rukadza andBulelwa Simae, both from South Africa,hold the course records of 1:32:29 and1:50:11 respectively. Around1400 men and1300 women run the various race options,including 20 foreign runners hailing fromsix other countries.

    NewAssociatesThe Erzurum Half Marathon & 10km(TUR) was held for the first time on 24 May(see Podium Placers section).

    The Gran Marathon Mexiquense (MEX)was held for the second time on 8 Marchthis year and hosted 2400 men and 1600women with 80 foreign runners comingfrom 12 countries. Fastest yet over thedistance have been Hillary Kipchir Kimayo(KEN) with 2:23:51 and Judy KiniugeChesire (KEN) with 2:55:51.

    AIMS News

    Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 5

    AIMS Asia-PacificRegional Conference

    Keeping trackThe US company Road RaceManagement has created a listingof current and past distancerunning athletes convicted ofdoping offenses. The RRM website(www.rrm.com) contains separatelists of those currently servingsuspensions (or who haveannounced their retirement fromthe sport) and a list of those whohave completed suspensions andare actively competing again.

    The historical list containing over300 currently or formerlysuspended runners is the onlyplace for people to identify thosepreviously banned which isparticularly helpful for racedirectors if they have a policy ofnot inviting such runners to theirevents (even though they arecurrently eligible to compete).

    The new online tool is in a specialsection of the RRM OnlineResources section of the RRMwebsite, which also includes theOnline Guide to Prize MoneyRaces and Elite Athletes. TheGuide is a free resource that listsover 1000 athlete biographiesand contacts and details on over600 prize money races.

    Skopje MarathoncancellationThe Wizz Air Skopje Marathon,which was to be held on 10 May2015, was cancelled on the eve ofthe race at the request of the Cityof Skopje and the Ministry of theInterior of the FYR Macedonia. Therequest was made at 23.00 on 9May in response to an incidentearlier that day in which eightpolicemen were killed in an anti-terrorist action in Kumanovo (atown 40km from Skopje).

    The City and Ministry concludedthat the safety of the 7500participants in the Wizz Air SkopjeMarathon, coming from 50countries worldwide, was in danger,since the marathon was one of thetargets of the terrorist group.

    Organizers we were shocked tohave to cancel at the very lastmoment but had no alternative.Participants safety must alwayscome first said race director KireSinadinovski. We hope allparticipants and partners willunderstand the difficult situation inwhich we were placed.

    The Penang Bridge Half Marathon a new raceheld over a newly-opened bridge to that whichprovides the venue for the Penang BridgeInternational Marathon hosted the first everAIMS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on 1213June.

    Race organisers from as far afield as Australia, Japan andSri Lanka attended as well as some guest speakers fromoutside the region including keynote speaker CarloCapalbo from the Prague Marathon.

    He spoke about the concept behind the 'Running Mall"which has operated in the Czech capital for the last twoyears. The programme continued with presentations onsocial media strategy for races and what factors must beput in place to facilitate a world record breaking race.

    Attendees broke into two groups for discussion on how toattract runners to their events from increasingly far awayrather than just the neighbouring countries and re-formed to compare findings. A final session addressedthe successful strategy behind two formerly elite-onlyJapanese races Tokyo Marathon and Nagoya Women;sMarathon to reinvent themselves as mass participationevents.

    Regional conferences have previously been held in Africaand South America. The next is planned for Cape Townin September 2015.

    The next World Congress of AIMS will be in SouthAmerica, hosted by the Quito Ultimas Noticias 15km inthe Ecuadorean capital on 24 June 2016.

  • Yiannis N. Mamouzelos, Theauthentic Athens marathon: historyand great moments 1896 to thepresent. Price EUR 13.50, GBP 10,USD 14. SALTO Publishing(www.salto.gr)

    Michel Bral, father of the modernOlympic Marathon in 1896 couldnever have conceived how hiscreation would lead to aninternational movement withmillions of adherents all over theworld. The early pioneeringcompetitors could not haveimagined that hordes of men andwomen would be enthusiasticallyfollowing in their footsteps acentury later.

    Running the original Marathonfrom Marathon to the PanathenaicStadium is many a runner's lifelongdream: running the authenticmarathon race along the road ofhistory and legend. The AthensMarathon is uniquely appealing to

    runners as the birthplace of theevent.

    This book is an aestheticallyappealing publication (170 pageswith extensive photographic anddocumentary material) written to

    inform runners by disentanglingthe legend, misinformation andconjecture from reality.

    The book presents the races, theprotagonists and the performances,and the geography and history ofthe areas through which the routepasses. In doing so it explains whythis marathon has no equal onEarth.

    The historical record grips thereader like a novel. Any runner inthe Athens Marathon who readsthe book will then be able toappreciate how they are enacting asequel to the events of another era:repeating the achievement of theancient messenger in his uniqueeffort in an earlier race withmomentous historical significance.

    The Athens Marathon, which comescolourfully alive in this book, is notjust a great annual sporting event,but one of great cultural, social,touristic and economic importance.

    Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 7

    The next edition of Distance Runningwill be published in October 2015,covering races held from late June tolate September 2015. The advertisingand editorial deadlines will be on 9September.

    Living the legendAIMS News

    AIMS HeadquartersOACA Olympic ComplexAv Spyros Louis, Athens, Greecewww.aimsworldrunning.org

    [email protected]

    Tel: +30 21 0683 2550


    Paco Borao (Valencia)[email protected]



    Allan Steinfeld, Carlos MoyaHONORARY STAT I ST I C IAN :

    Dr. David MartinV ICE -PRES IDENTS :

    Martha Morales (Tangamanga)[email protected]

    Dave Cundy (Great Wall)[email protected]


    Hugh [email protected]


    Al Boka (Las Vegas)[email protected]


    Gary BE [email protected]

    Bruno Boukobza (Nice-Cannes)[email protected]

    Andrea Eby (Vancouver)[email protected]

    Fernando Jamarne (Santiago)[email protected]

    Mark Milde (Berlin)[email protected]

    Mitsugi Ogata (Fukuoka)[email protected]


    Theodosis Livitsanos(Administrator)[email protected]


    Frank Baillie (Magazine & Website)[email protected]

    Peter McLean(Press & Public Relations)[email protected]

    Horst Milde(AIMS Marathoneum, Berlin)[email protected]

    International Measurement Administrators:


    Bernie [email protected]


    Hugh [email protected]


    Jean Francois [email protected]

    AS IA & OCEAN IA :

    Dave [email protected]

    The third annual AIMS BestMarathon Runner Awards Galawill be held on Friday 6November in Athens.

    Up to three male and femalecandidates will be nominated for theaward, depending upon how runnersperformances rate after the BerlinMarathon on 27 September thelast result to be considered for thisyears awards.. Of a total prize fundof $50,000, $15,000 will beawarded to the man and womanvoted Best Marathon Runner and$5000 to each of the othercandidates nominated.

    Candidates will be proposed on thebasis of athletes results achievedbetween 1 October 2014 and 30September 2015 and they will beannounced on 07 October 2015,when voting will begin. Each AIMSmember can record their vote byemail to AIMS HQ, choosing onlyone male candidate and one femalecandidate. The poll closes on 30October 2015 and the result will beannounced for first time during theBMR Gala on Friday night, 6November 2015.

    The AIMS BestMarathon RunnerAwards Gala

    The other awards to be made at theGala are:

    The Lifetime Achievement Award,to a person who has givenlongtime service to theadvancement of distancerunning.

    The Green Award, to an AIMSmember race which practicesinnovative policies in pursuing anenvironmentally friendly event.

    The Social Award, to an AIMSmember race which bestintegrates and services the widersocial purposes of their hostcommunity.

    Road runningdatabaseThe Association of Road RacingStatisticians (ARRS) database maybe accessed athttp://more.arrs.net. It contains allmens sub-2:20 marathonperformances and womens under2:50 ever run.

    Get up-to-date rankings at standarddistances for any year and for anycountry. Each ranking entryprovides links to that particularrunner and that particular race.

    Childrens SeriesThe three races in the AIMSChildrens Series for 2015 arescheduled for:

    July : Featherstone, Zimbabwe (finalevent of three)August: Asuncion, Paraguay (finalevent of three)November: Valley of 1000 Hills,South Africa (second event of three)

    AIMS MarathonSymposiumThe 9th AIMS Marathon Symposiumwill be held on 7 November 2015 inAthens, following the AIMS BMRAwards Gala.

  • Board of Directors: President Thom Gilligan, Marathon Tours & Travel, USA | Martin Joyce, Sports Travel International Ltd, IrelandAchim Wricke, interAir GmbH, Germany | Patrik Yderberg, Springtime Travel, Sweden | Mari-Mar Walton, Travelling Fit, Australia

    AUSTRALIATravelling Fitwww.travellingfi t.com

    AUSTRIARunners unlimited by Ruefawww.runners-unlimited.com

    BELGIUMBCD Travelwww.bcdtravel.be

    BRAZILKamel Turismowww.kamelturismo.com.br

    DENMARKMarathon Travel Clubwww.marathon.dk

    FRANCEContrastes Voyageswww.contrastesvoyages.com

    Endurance Shop Tourwww.enduranceshoptour.com

    Sportifs A Bordwww.sportifsabord.com

    Sport Incentives Internationalwww.france-marathon.fr

    Thomas Cook Marathonswww.marathon-thomascook.com


    interAir GmbHwww.interair.de

    GREAT BRITAIN2:09 Events Ltdwww.209events.com

    IRELANDSports Travel International Ltdwww.sportstravelinternational.com

    ISRAELIssta Sportwww.isstasport.co.il


    Ovunque Runningwww.ovunquerunning.it

    Terramia Clubwww.terramia.com

    JAPANKNT-CT Holdings Co. Ltdmarathon100.knt.co.jp

    MEXICOValle Viajes Y Marathones, S.A.www.valleviajes.com

    Plaza Maratones, S.A. de CVwww.maratones.com.mx

    NETHERLANDSATP Event Expertswww.atpi.com

    Marathons Internationalwww.marathonsinternational.nl

    NORWAYRogaland Marathon Tourwww.rogaland-marathon.no

    SOUTH AFRICAPenthouse Travel Sporting Tourswww.runningtours.co.za

    SOUTH KOREAOpen Carewww.opencaretour.com

    S & B Tour Co Ltdwww.snbtour.com

    SPAINFernando Pineda Travel Servicewww.fernandopineda.com

    Marathinez Tourswww.marathinez.es


    SWEDENSpringtime Travelwww.springtime.se

    SRRC Swedenwww.srrc-marathonresor.se

    SWITZERLANDKuoni Reisen AGwww.kuoni.ch/bern-groups

    Albis Reisenwww.albisreisen.ch

    USA & CANADAMarathon Tours & Travelwww.marathontours.com

    T.O.U.R.S (Tour Operators United for Runners) is an association of selected global tour operators who specialise in sports travel, specifi cally running.

    Members pride themselves in always delivering a high level of customer satisfaction. For over 27 years weve been ensuring that sports participants gain access to the best travel services for the worlds best running events.

    T.O.U.R.S works closely with the race directors of the worlds leading events and we can guarantee entries to the most popular, oversubscribed races. Our members offer various travel packages to suit different budgets and needs.


    Tour Operators United for Runners

    Visit www.runningtours.com or contact one of our members for more information

    Schneider Electric Paris Marathon

  • Letesenbet Gidey won the juniorwomens race in her firstinternational outing, sprintingahead in the final metres tolead Ethiopia to a clean sweepof the medals for the first timesince 2004 writes MichelleSammet.

    Kenyans had led when the field of101 runners from 28 countries setoff but during each of the three 2kmlaps they dropped back as theEthiopians slowly took charge.Bahrains Ruth Jebet held on to theend of the second lap in secondplace but then fell behind along withearly leader Gladys Kipkoech.

    Gidey, who only turned 17 eightdays before the race and became theyoungest junior womens winner in15 years, maintained a comfortablethird through most of the race whilethe favoured Kenyans paid the pricefor their fast start. With a lap to goKenyas 2012 world juniorsteeplechase champion DaisyJepkemei led, chased around thewinding mountainous course by fiveEthiopians.

    With 500m to go, Gidey took off,immediately opening a three-secondgap, with Dera Dida and EtagegneWoldu following closely. Dida almostcaught Gidey close to the line,finishing just one second behind herwith Woldu a further four secondsback.

    Jepkemei in fourth had theconsolation of collecting the vitalpoints that kept the Kenyan team insilver medal position as BahrainsDesi Mokonin and world juniorsteeplechase champion Jebetfinished 8th and 9th to clinch teambronze medals.

    Japan, who had won team medals in11 of the past 15 junior womensraces finished in fifth.

    Yasin Haji unleashed afearsome sprint finish to takethe Junior mens title writesSteven Mills.

    The Kenyan team were well to thefore on the first lap, completed in5:48, and on the second were theonly country with their fullcomplement of six runners in theleading group.

    The twists and undulations on thecircuit made it difficult to maintainconsistent pace one muddy cornerin particular caused many runners toslip and lose their footing as thesecond lap was timed at 5:55.

    By lap three Haji remained tucked inbehind a Kenyan trio which includedKenyan trials winner Dominic

    Kiptarus, competing internationallyfor the first time.

    After a slower third lap of 5:59Geoffrey Korir and Alfred Ngenosurged at the bell, dropping Kiptarusand Uganda's world junior 10000mchampion Joshua Cheptegei, butthey could not shake off Haji.

    He hit the front when the finish linecame in to view and around the finalbend his fearsome pace in the last250m took him to a comfortablevictory.

    Kenya reclaimed the team title fromEthiopia while sixth-placed AbrahamHabte led Eritrea to the team bronzemedals, returning them to the juniormens podium after being absentsince Amman in 2009.

    IAAF WorldCross CountryChampionshipsGuiyang, CHN, 28 March 2015

    Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 9

    IAAF News

    Junior women1 Letesenbet GIDEY ETH 19:482 Dera DIDA ETH 19:493 Etagegn WOLDU ETH 19:534 Daisy JEPKEMEI KEN 19:595 Mihret TEFERA ETH 20:02

    TEAMS:1 Ethiopia 11 pts2 Kenya 33 pts3 Bahrain 52 pts

    Junior men1 Yasin HAJI ETH 23:422 Geoffrey Kipkirui KORIR KEN 23:473 Alfred NGENO KEN 23:544 Dominic KIPTARUS KEN 24:005 Evans Rutto CHEMATOT BRN 24:03

    TEAMS:1 Kenya 19 pts2 Ethiopia 33 pts3 Eritrea 52 pts

    Pictures: Getty

  • 10 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    The 20 th Angkor Wat International Half MarathonBuilding a Better Future- Aid for Children and people with disability in Cambodia

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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 11

    IAAF News

    Agnes Tirop brought homeKenyas 300th medal in theWorld Cross and became theyoungest senior womens winnersince Zola Budd in 1985 writesMichelle Sammet.

    Still only 19, the 2013 juniorwomens silver medallist went outstrongly not intimidated in theslightest by two-time world cross-country champion Emily Chebet anda strong set of Ethiopian runners as she triumphed by kicking awayfrom Ethiopias Senbere Teferi in thefinal 200m.

    I was trying to push the pace fromthe start. I was just trying to run myown race she said. Teferi, just a fewmonths older, was the only one tochallenge Tirop as the remainingathletes slowly dropped away toleave the two 19-year-olds contestingfor the gold medal.

    During the first lap of the 8010mrace, the field was still huddledtogether but it quickly turned into atwo-horse race over the formerhorse racing circuit on the outskirtsof the southern Chinese city withregard to the team competition. Theleading pack of 12 consisted of sixKenyans and six Ethiopians.

    Ethiopia won by two points to endthe Kenyans five-year winningstreak. Uganda, the host country forthe 2017 Championships, took thirdfor their first ever senior womensmedal.

    Local champion Ding Changqin,watched by many friends and familywon the loudest cheers of the day forher courageous race to finish as thetop Asian runner, in 16th place, justsix days after running a personalbest of 2:26:54 to win the Chinese

    marathon title. With compatriotZhang Xinyan in 17th the Chinesewomen took fourth team place, thehosts best result of the day.

    Geoffrey Kamworor maintainedhis unbeaten championshiprecord using his trademarkfront-running tactics writesSteven Mills. The 22-year-oldKenyan added the senior menstitle to his junior win from fouryears ago, and his world half-marathon victory in Copenhagenlast year.

    Kamworors plan was to run thefinish out of the track specialists andhe headed the race from the earlystages with Bedan Karoki and Philip

    Langat as the Ethiopians sat backwithin the leading bunch.

    Kamworor was seldom out of the toptwo for the entire race as laps wereclicked off in 5:40, 5:50 and 5:43.The Ethiopian challenge started tofalter at this stage as Kamworor,Karoki and Muktar Edris began topull clear towards the end of thefourth lap (5:45).

    Running side by side Kamworor andKaroki maintained their pace as Edrishung on almost until the final lapbut the damage was done and hefaded in the next kilometre. With400m to go Kamworor still had toshake off Karoki but he unleashed adazzling kick over the last 300m tofinish fully eight seconds clear.

    Ethiopia and Kenya finished level inthe team event on 20 points but theEthiopians secured the title becausetheir fourth counter Atsedu Tsegayfinished ahead of Kenyas. Led byAweke Ayalew in 10th, Bahrainsteam bronze was their first evermedal in a mens event at the WorldCross.

    Women1 Agnes Jebet TIROP KEN 26:01

    2 Senbere TEFERI ETH 26:06

    3 Netsanet GUDETA ETH 26:11

    4 Alemitu HEROYE ETH 26:14

    5 Stacy Chepkemboi NDIWAKEN 26:16


    1 Ethiopia 17 pts

    2 Kenya 19 pts

    3 Uganda 101 pts

    Men1 Geoffrey Kipsang KAMWORORKEN 34:52

    2 Bedan Karoki MUCHIRI KEN 35:00

    3 Muktar EDRIS ETH 35:06

    4 Hagos GEBRHIWET ETH 35:15

    5 Leonard BARSOTON KEN 35:24


    1 Ethiopia 20 pts

    2 Kenya 20 pts

    3 Bahrain 54 pts

  • www.StockholmHalfMarathon.se

    THE RACE: The 15th Stockholm HalfMarathon will take place on Saturday 12September 2015. Start at 15.30. THE COURSE: The Stockholm Half Marathonis run on an inspiring course throughcentral Stockholm. The difference betweenthe highest and the lowest point of thecourse is 27 metres. Start and finish in frontof the Royal Palace. THE RUNNERS: Interest in Stockholm HalfMarathon has increased over the years. Arecord number of 18,046 runn ers registeredfor the 2014 Stockholm Half Marathonfrom 80 countries. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Average tempera-ture in mid September is 15 degrees C.

    THE CITY:Welcome to Stockholm, one ofthe worlds most beautiful capitals. Built on14 islands around one of Europes largestand best preserved medieval city centres,the Swedish capital is superbly positioned,with stunning and extremely varied scene-ry in every direction. RACE OFFICE: Phone: +46 854 566 440. E-mail: [email protected] site: StockholmHalfMarathon.seTOURIST INFORMATION: Stockholm VisitorsBoard. Web site: stockholmtown.comOFFICIAL HOTEL: Villa Brevik Web site: www.villabrevik.se Organisers: Athletic clubs Hsselby SK,Sprvgens FK and Turebergs FK.

    12 September 2015

    STOCKHOLM ULTRA, 8 AUGUSTThe second Stockholm Ultra Marathon will beon Saturday 8 August. Fast and beautiful coursein the Royal National City Park in central Stock-holm. The event has three distances, 50km,75km and 100km.www.StockholmUltra.se

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 13

    Nagano is a city of 400,000 people located in the central part ofHonshu, Japans main island. The 1998 Winter Olympic Gameswere held here and the Nagano Marathon was launched as alegacy event in 1999 called the Nagano Olympic CommemorativeMarathon.

    But the city has a much longer association with the Marathon havingstaged a national event, the Shinmai Marathon, since 1958. This racehad incorporated a womens competition since 1980. The last editionheld was the 41st, in 1998, before the baton was taken up by thecurrent event.

    The intention behind the re-launch was so that: the NaganoMarathon reminds us of the inspiration of the 1998 Nagano WinterOlympic Games, keeping the excitement ringing in our hearts andcontributing to the development of regional sports, culture and theOlympic Movement.

    The course is point-to-point, starting at the Nagano City Athletic Parkwhere the ice hockey stadium of the 1998 Nagano Winter OlympicGames is located and heading south to pass the Zenk-ji temple, theforemost cultural and touristic site in the city, before finishing at theOlympic Stadium. The route incorporates four of the former Olympicvenues into the race.

    The Shimai event had been a domestic marathon but the new racewas always intended to be international. Only two Japanese men havewon the Nagano Marathon: Akiyo Onishi in the first race and the

    Continued on page 15

    prolific Yuki Kawauchi in 2013. Before 2004 the race was run on adownhill course well over the allowable limit for record-eligibleperformances. The current course is relatively flat with only a 5m inclinefrom start to finish.

    Francis Kibiwott (2:09:05 in 2012) and Alevtina Ivanov (2:26:38 in2008) are the current mens and womens course record holders although Madina Biktagirov ran 2:26:09 on the downhill course in2002. Kenyan men have won 12 of the 16 races while Russians havedominated the women's race with 10 victories. Nephat Kinyanjui ofKenya won the race a record three times in succession between 2006and 2008. The race was not held in 2011 because of the disruption ofthe Tokohin earthquake and tsunami.

    Of the 9558 participants in the 17th edition a record-breaking 8372runners (87.6%) officially finished. The race has a five-hour limit forcompletion which is a relatively high hurdle among mass participationraces in Japan.

    At 08.30 when the race started the temperature was 9.6C and the skywas lightly cloudy. It was a perfect day for a marathon race. Many of therunners wore the lime-green race T-shirts that helped us feel springtime inthe air.

    Nagano Marathon, Japan19 April 2015

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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 15

    Naoko Takahashi, the Olympic gold medalist inthe Womens Marathon at the 2000 SydneyOlympic Games, was guest of honour. Sheencouraged the runners to drink liquids as oftenas possible and cheered them with high-fives.The runners all waved to her in response.

    Just before six kilometres the Zenko-ji Temple, anational treasure, appeared on the right whenmaking a left turn there. The course then ledrunners to the central avenue which descendsinto the heart of Nagano City. This year was the

    once-in-seven-years unveiling of the treasuredBuddhist image at the Zenko-ji Temple. As aresult many worshippers along the course whohad come to pray for blessings also sent cheers.Runners responded to the constant cheering ofthe spectators by giving high-fives as a pledgethat they would put up a good fight.

    The course leads around the athletic facilitiesthat had been used for the Nagano WinterOlympic Games, starting from the Big Hat, theM-Wave, the White Ring, and finally theNagano Olympic Stadium that had been thethe setting for the opening and closingceremonies of the Olympic Games.

    There was a constant stream of performanceson the roadside by Taiko drummers, choruses,and alphorn players that in particular delightedthe 366 overseas runners from 35 differentcountries and regions. The last half of thecourse leads along the Chikuma River wherecolourful peach and apple blossoms and yellow

    Continued from page 13

    Nagano Marathon

    The next race is on Sun 17 April 2016.

    For more information visit:www.naganomarathon.gr.jp

    Nagano Marathon, Japan


    Men1 Henry CHIRCHIR KEN 2:11:39

    2 Tomohiro TANIGAWA JPN 2:11:39

    3 Kauhei OGINO JPN 2:11:42

    4 Takayu FUKATSU JPN 2:11:48

    5 Taiga ITO JPN 2:12:04

    6 Shota YAMAGUCHI JPN 2:13:13

    7 Tomonori SAKAMOTO JPN 2:13:49

    8 Sho KATSUMOTO JPN 2:16:18

    9 Topmohito TAKENAKA JPN 2:16:52

    10 Akiyuki IWANAGA JPN 2:17:22

    Women1 Beatrice JEPKEMBOI KEN 2:34:02

    2 Eri OOKUBI JPN 2:37:30

    3 Yumiko KINOSHITA JPN 2:40:56

    4 Syoko MORI JPN 2:41:47

    5 Chihiro TANAKA JPN 2:44:11

    6 Melika MEJDOUB MAR 2:50:05

    7 Catherine NDEREBA KEN 2:50:52

    8 Akane MUTOZAKI JPN 2:51:30

    9 Kiyoko SHIMIHARA JPN 2:56:33

    10 Eri ITO JPN 3:01:29

    rapeseed helped the runners to battle theirfatigue.

    It started drizzling before noon but the rain keptthe temperature low and running conditionsfavourable. Naoko Takahashi, Yoshimi Ozakiand two-time Olympic Marathon silver medallistEric Wainaina, who spent much of his career inJapan and won this race twice, ran alongsidethe citizen runners to give them encouragement.

    Runners pressed on to complete their 42,195mand were smiling when they received finishertowels and medals. There were some amongthem who shed tears and others who collapsedon the ground as they crossed the finish line. Allexpressed their gratitude to everyone involved,saying things like: the cheering of thespectators re-energised me; thanks to them Iwas able to record my personal best time andId like to say thank you to all the manyvolunteers. They joyfully waved their hands,saying Well meet at this marathon again nextyear.

    Check the round-up film from the race here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2UOaK6cvxk


    0$50#&3 30. SPAR BUDAPEST

    MARATHON ,. ,. 3&-": ,. 3&-": ,. ,. ,.

    4&15&.#&3 30. WIZZ AIR BUDAPEST

    HALF MARATHON ,. ,. 3&-": ,. 3&-": ,.










    WOMENS RUNNING GALA ,. ,. 3&-": ,. ,. 3&-":

    17 APRIL 201631. VIVICITTA

    SPRING HALF MARATHON ,. ,. 3&-": ,. ,. ,. ,.

    17-20 MARCH 20169. LAKE BALATON

    SUPERMARATHON ,. ,. 3&-": %":4 "306/% 5)& -",& #"-"50/ ,.


    20 000RUNNERS

    10 000RUNNERS


  • 18 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    The CAF Caracas Marathon and itsassociated Half Marathon has become animportant venue for thousands ofVenezuelan and international runners. Althoughit has been held only four times this relativelynew event on the international marathon circuitis already highly regarded by its participantsand especially by Venezuelan runners to whomit offers a unique opportunity to run aninternational marathon in their own country.The event is already earning its place amongthe quality marathons in South America,including Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago deChile, Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo.

    The Venezuelan capital is home to five millioninhabitants, sits about 900m above sea leveland is surrounded by mountains which separatethe city from the Caribbean Sea. Its irregulartopography a natural valley makes fordemanding running conditions. Notdiscouraged by this at all, some 10,000 runnersgather at 04.00 near the Parque Los Caobos inthe centre of Caracas. The race starts in thewestern part of the city, where the maingovernment buildings and historicalmonuments are located, and heads east, wheremost of the iconic buildings of modern Caracasfill the skyline. The race ends back where itbegins in Los Caobos next to the Museum ofNatural Science and the National Gallery of Art.

    Elite runners are invited from throughout theregion. The marathon is organised by CAF-Development Bank of Latin America to promoteregional integration and social inclusionthrough sport.

    The race starts at 06.00 with thousands ofrunners crowding Avenida Bolivar. It is one ofthe most impressive roads in the city running

    2km up to the Torres del Silencio. Runnersquickly leave behind the iconic 225m-high twintowers which for many years were the tallest inLatin America.

    Spectators line both sides of the street from thestart: some are friends and family members whohave come to cheer their runners but others arecurious bystanders drawn by the spectacle. Therace passes by El Calvario, a promenade areabuilt towards the end of the nineteenth century,the OLeary Plaza and Avenida San Martn.

    The more difficult section of the course is yet tocome. From the roadside the young and thenot-so-young cheer the runners on as they passthrough this area in Caracas, which is not yet

    CAF Caracas Maratn, Venezuela26 April 2015

    used to marathoners racing through their citystreets. For many runners the Marathonprovides a chance to visit parts of the city thatthey rarely see when training. Its an urbantourism opportunity for many inhabitants ofCaracas: a chance to rediscover their own city.

    After 12km runners come up against one of thefirst testing sections of the course as theyapproach the Helicoide, an iconic spiral-shapedbuilding from the 1950s. This relatively steepclimb lasts for 400m and is followed by a levelstretch leading towards Los Prceres, abeautiful urban promenade area where militaryparades and sporting events are held.

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 19

    Spectators crowd this part of the course andprovide an emotional high point for therunners. An additional 800 volunteers man thehydration and cheering stations along thecourse. Banners, applause and marching bandsencourage runners in their efforts. I rememberrunning past a cheering point and feeling adefinite adrenalin boost thanks to the music,says Carlos Jerez, a 30-year-old Spanish runner.

    Having passed the Universidad Central deVenezuela (UCV), another iconic group ofbuildings and works of art, the Half Marathondiverges from the Marathon and returns viaPlaza Venezuela to the starting point. TheMarathon continues eastwards for the secondhalf of the route. Over the next few kilometresthe number of spectators diminishes and thefirst signs of cramps and fatigue brought on bythe sustained effort start to appear. While Iwas training a friend told me that theCAF-Caracas Marathon actually starts atkilometre 30, remembers Jerez.

    CAF Caracas Maratn

    For more information visit:maraton.caf.com

    CAF Caracas Maratn, Venezuela


    Men1 Jose CARDONA COL 2:22:09

    2 Juan Carlos CARDONA COL 2:22:51

    3 Didimo SANCHEZ VEN 2:24:09

    4 Pedro ESPINOSA XXX 2:26:06

    5 Manuel BELLORIN VEN 2:27:14

    Women1 Leidy TOBON COL 2:50:32

    2 Sonia CALIZAYA BOL 2:51:18

    3 Rosa ROMERO PER 2:55:54

    4 Belgica DUQUE VEN 2:58:33

    5 Adriana MARTINEZ XXX 3:10:01

    Half marathon

    Men1 Neido GUILLEN VEN 1:10:17

    2 William DIAZ VEN 1:11:25

    3 Eudi PIAMO VEN 1:12:15

    Women1 Zuleima AMAYA VEN 1:21:21

    2 Egris ARIAS VEN 1:29:45

    3 Eulimarys CAMACARO VEN 1:32:59

    At 33km the race reaches Francisco de MirandaAvenue, one of the main avenues in EastCaracas with its businesses, hotels, shops andthe Parque Generalsimo Francisco de Miranda,better known as the Parque del Este. It is one ofthe natural meeting points for running andtraining in Caracas: its wide walkways, gardensand lakes were designed by the Brazilianarchitect Roberto Burle Marx.

    At this point the course begins a slight climb forthe next few kilometres before the home stretch.It is on this part of the course where runners tellstories of the spontaneous support andencouragement that they have received fromonlookers which have given them the strengthand determination to see the race through tothe finish.

    A cyclist I didnt know started to yell out to mefrom the sidelines: Are you going to stop aftercoming this far? I will not move from hereuntil I see you run again. And thats how Ibegan to run again, accompanied by this cyclistwho kept encouraging me to go on, wroterunner Bernardo Guinand in his blog.

    There are many stories like these from thismarathon, an initiative that seeks not only topromote Latin American integration but also theintegration of Venezuelans with their beautifulcapital city.

  • 20 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    27.09.15Marathon | 10K | 5K | Wee Nessie


    The Event F rontrunners

    If youre going to put yourself through hell, you might as well do it in heaven.

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 21

    By Kevin Orchard

    Milton Keynes was a sleepy scenic village in ruralBuckinghamshire before the urban planners of the 1960scame their way. In the 1970s it became a burgeoning newtown set up to attract companies that otherwise would probablyhave located in the British capital London, only 70km to the south

    When the new town was first built one of the town planners with asense of humour thought it would be a good idea to appease localopposition against development in the countryside by placing fiveconcrete cows alongside the railway line to keep the rural feelingalive. The gesture was widely ridiculed: a post-modernist joke beforeits time.

    More central to their concept of the new town was the network ofredways (literally red-bricked pathways, with bridges andunderpasses) that allowed pedestrians and cyclists the benefit ofrarely having to come close to busy roads. That was when runnerswere still a rare breed but over the last 40 years the redways havegiven ever-increasing numbers of runners the opportunity to enjoyundisturbed and varied runs beside the towns lakes and through itsparks at all times of the year. Milton Keynes (known affectionately asMK) is a great place to run. Continued on page 23

    It is also very easilyaccessible, located 70kmnorth-west of London on theM1 motorway and only 30minutes away by train.Luton Airport, with directflights from throughoutEurope and many placesbeyond lies 30km fromMK, on the way toLondon.

    Redway Runners is thebiggest running club intown with over 880members. It was founded in2010 to cater for every levelof runner. Over 300 novices passed through the club beginners courseslast year and organised runs take place every day of the week.

    Against this background of local running activity and with the 2012London Olympic Games looming closer by the month local runner AndyHully woke up one morning in August 2010 with the idea of staging a

    Marathon in MiltonKeynes to coincide withthe Olympic year. Hisfellow Redway Runnerscould be relied upon toassist and officialbacking was quicklysecured from MiltonKeynes Council andStadiumMK who were inpartnership workingtowards establishing MKas an InternationalSporting City.

    Milton Keynes Marathon, Great Britain4 May 2015


  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 23

    It took 18 months of hard work to plan the firstevent. It couldn't have been done without theenthusiastic support of the Redway Runners,who provide the majority of the 500 strongevent crew required to stage MKs flagshipsporting event. Their commitment andenthusiasm has been instrumental, as it waswith the London 2012 volunteers, in generatingthe very positive feedback received to date.

    The inaugural race took place on a very wetand windy day in April 2012. The stadium wasbeing extended by one tier at the time and thebuilding works caused it to flood. Since it wascompleted the Stadium has provided a worldclass finish for the MK marathon.

    Many lessons have been learned since and theorganising team strive to put on the best eventpossible each year. The stadium facilitiesinclude probably the biggest baggage hall ofany event in the UK and runners find that thereis minimal queuing for toilets. The MKMarathon has leapt into the top 10 marathonsin Britain yet has one of the cheapest race entryfees. Modern hotels, restaurants and leisurefacilities abound, making pre and post-raceactivities both fun and easy to arrange at veryreasonable cost.

    The course takes full advantage of the greensurroundings Milton Keynes offers. In the firstthird of the race runners complete an out-back

    Continued from page 21

    Apart from providing hundreds of volunteersmany Redway runners run the marathon. In anew initiative for 2015/16 MK Marathon andRedway Runners have established a Zero toHero programme to take 12 aspiring marathonrunners from novice status to running the MKMarathon in May 2016. A training programmeis set for each runner and a network of mentorswill take runners to their goal.

    When planning your 2016 schedule why notlook at the Milton Keynes Marathon and HalfMarathon? Race day is the first Monday in Maywhich is always a national holiday in UK.Visiting runners are more than welcome to jointhe Redway Runners (www.redwayrunners.com)at any time. Come and let us introduce you tothe delights of running in MK.

    Milton Keynes Marathon

    The next race is on 2 May 2016.

    For more information visit:www.mkmarathon.com

    Milton Keynes Marathon, Great Britain


    Men1 Jack PARSLOW GBR 2:37:262 Dan CARTER GBR 2:42:383 James GORDON GBR 2:46:204 Daniel ROBINSON GBR 2:47:385 Nathan WARREN GBR 2:47:576 Max DILLON GBR 2:48:317 Luke MOULTON GBR 2:48:408 Roger VILARDELL GBR 2:49:099 Dan LEAKE GBR 2:49:2610 Chris BROOKMAN GBR 2:50:31

    Women1 Kate WRIGHT GBR 2:58:252 Leanne HARLING GBR 3:03:463 Jo LAING GBR 3:08:044 Ricky BAIRD GBR 3:13:275 Sarah MORWOOD GBR 3:16:086 Emma WHEATCROFT GBR 3:19:117 Karen PATTERSON GBR 3:22:508 Elspeth TURNER GBR 3:23:489 Alex MARSHALL GBR 3:26:4610 Alison BOYLE GBR 3:27:49

    Half marathon

    Men1 Marcus ENGSTROM 1:15:172 Jamie FARMER GBR 1:15:513 Daniel PAINE GBR 1:20:20

    Women1 Sophie CARTER GBR 1:18:552 Rachel CAVE GBR 1:23:113 Karen MURPHY GBR 1:26:59

    section which from 411km is on the wide, tree-lined boulevards of the city centre. From 16kmrunners embark on a meandering loop througha mixture of quiet roads and rural redwayswhich have a curiously intimate feeling to themas they progress through woodlands, alonglakesides and across parks. The route skirts thepre-existing Milton Keynes village at around25km. Three course records were broken in2015 and the race is attracting faster runnersas it becomes more widely known.

  • 24 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    H.C. AndersenMarathon


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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 25

    The TCS 10km Bengaluru this year was theeighth edition of the race in my home city.It had started back in 2008 as the runningmovement began to get established in India. Ibecame swept up in that movement a littlelater. But somehow life had moved on sincethen: work demands grew and after doing ahalf marathon in Mumbai my running stopped.When the TCS World 10km registrations openedin early April this year I knew it was the time tore-start my running story.

    The 10km was always my first step to runninglonger distances. I knew once I got another10km under my belt I could again push myselfto a half marathon and beyond. Bengaluruseemed like the ideal place to start afresh:10,000 metres through the heart of the cityand past its iconic landmarks, yet still runningin my own backyard.

    Its not called the World 10km for nothing.There are two elite races run on very nearly thesame course which attract the worlds best.World record holder in the half marathonZersenay Tadese set the inaugural course recordof 27:51 and this year former world recordholder in the 10km Micah Kogo could onlymanage fourth place. The womens race is justas fierce a contest. There was a dead heat inthe first edition and photo-finish equipment hasbeen used ever since. Sitting up in the stands,watching runners enter the stadium for the last350m, I have on occasion seen four or five ofthem come onto the track together and battle itout right down to the line.

    The events different race categories give young,old, differently-abled everyone a chance to

    cross the finish line. For some its about healthand fitness, setting personal goals,determination and triumph; for others its aboutcharity. The event is one of the largest charityfundraising platforms in South India and hasgenerated over US$2.5 million by more than180 NGOs since inception.

    The elite races used to be an inspirationalcurtain-raiser for the mass 10km race thatfollowed, although until now I never quitefound enough inspiration to toe the line myself.

    Continued on page 26

    But now its the mass race, starting at 06.00,that precedes the elite. This gives us betterrunning conditions: the early-morning cool lastsfor the entire race.

    Indeed, the Bengaluru climate is tempered byslight elevation (around 900m) which makes iteasier to train here than in most parts of Indiaat this time of year. Its also a green city with alot of tree cover. The shade makes for pleasantrunning especially in Cubbon Park, a spaciousoasis in the centre of town which runners passthrough in the final part of the race.

    A week before the race, the events runningpartner, Nike offers a familiarisation run overthe race route. This can be more intimidatingthan confidence-building as it is done in opentraffic. The air feels heavy and the roads are attheir worst. This time around it wascompounded by the stifling weather; we wereall waiting for it to break before race day. Myconfidence began to sag as the days ticked by.

    On Friday night I attended a race functionBeyond the Finish Line, intended toRecognise, Reward & Reinforce catalysts ofIndian Sport. Hosted by Bollywood star andrunning enthusiast Rahul Bose, his maininterviewee was three-time Olympic goldmedallist Marie-Jose Perec, in the role ofinternational event ambassador for the race.Listening to her story, of how she perseveredand got out of herself what she knew she hadwithin, provided the inspiration I needed.

    Back on trackin Bengaluru

    Tata Consultancy Services World 10K Bengaluru, India17 May 2015

    By Neha Kandalgaonkar

  • 26 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    Then on the eve of the race the weather broke:the rain came down in torrents. It would makefor fresh conditions on race morning but in themeantime would it wash away the race itself?The stadium, I later discovered, had beenseveral inches deep in water and finalpreparations were precariously delayed.

    At 04.30 I washed up at the stadium gatesready for them to open. All was on track for therace as I entered the holding area. I stoodamong a crowd of 11,000: we were all in ittogether, and if they were going to enjoy therun, was I not supposed to as well? I was doingthis for me. I am not an elite runner but Iremembered the words of Marie-Jose Perecabout getting the best out of yourself.

    When the start gun went there was no morethinking to be done. I was swept up in theoccasion and once again being part of thismass movement where we all draw energy fromeach other. We eased our way directly out ofthe stadium (the elite runners first do two lapsof the track) and up the gentle climb ofKasturba Road. At 2km we reached CubbonRoad, a long tree-lined boulevard that makesup the spine of the course. The elite do this asa straight out-back, but we take two diversions,one to each side of the road, to make up forthe distance we missed on the track.

    Continued from page 25

    tall colonnade of palms before exiting the Park,taking a left and starting our final sprintthrough the finish line outside the Stadiumgates.

    Past the finish line we enter the Volini recoveryzone, with massage and a stretching area andprofessional trainers and physiotherapists onhand. Then comes the medal collection and therefreshment counter. The elite runners sweeppast on their way back onto the track for thestadium finish while I am busy with all of this,but the faster finishers in our race have enoughtime to find themselves a grandstand seat tothe spectacle.

    The World 10km Bengaluru has got me back onmy track. Next year Ill do it again; and fastenough so Ill be able to see fastest of themfinish.

    Tata Consultancy ServicesWorld10K Bengaluru

    The next race is in May 2016.

    For more information visitwww.procamrunning.in

    Tata Consultancy Services World 10K Bengaluru, India

    By 6km we were circumnavigating the M.Chinnaswamy Cricket Stadium on our right andskirting Cubbon Park to our left. A few hundredmetres later we crossed the metro constructionsite and at 7km found ourselves taking a leftturn by the Post Office onto Ambedkar Road a grand thoroughfare onto which face two ofthe citys main sights: the blood-red paintedHigh Court and the looming domes of theVidhana Soudha State Legislature.

    A quick left-right brought us through the gatesof Cubbon Park. Having been distracted fromour efforts by the sights of the last couple ofkilometres the rest of the route is so pleasantand gently downhill that it is almost effortless.Sweeping left under the spreading boughs offlamboyant trees to round a water fountain wedoubled back past the Library. We descendedfurther to enter the final kilometre between a


    Men1 Mosinet GEREMEW ETH 28:16

    2 Fikadu SEBOKA ETH 28:18

    3 Edwin KIPTOO KEN 28:20

    4 Micah KOGO KEN 28:29

    5 Birhanu LEGESE ETH 28:42

    6 Kinde ATANAW ETH 28:49

    7 Dickson CHUMBA KEN 28:53

    8 Feyisa LELISA ETH 28:56

    9 Bonsa DIDA ETH 29:06

    10 Asmeraw MENGIST ETH 29:17

    Women1 Mamitu DASKA ETH 31:58

    2 Wude AYALEW ETH 32:10

    3 Gladys CHESIR KEN 32:12

    4 Helah KIPROP KEN 32:19

    5 Emily CHEBET KEN 32:25

    6 Jackline CHEPNGENO KEN 32:33

    7 Belaynesh OLJIRA ETH 33:03

    8 Aselefech MERGIA ETH 33:06

    9 Adero NYAKISI UGA 33:47

    10 Worknesh ALEMU ETH 33:54

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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 29

    With a record 33,139 women from 90nations participating the AustrianWomens Run is among the top threewomens runs in the world.

    They come year on year from all places and areof all ages and levels of ability. Runningtogether every woman offers her personal bestefforts and all contribute to making the eventinto an incomparable experience.

    Activity spreads over the entire weekend, withan extensive programme in the festival grounds.It starts on the Saturday morning with theopening of the expo and the race package pick-up accompanied by continuous entertainmentall day on the Womens Run stage, includinginformative talks and live music along withinteresting exhibitors which attracts tens ofthousands to the festival site.

    More than 90% of runners pick up on theSaturday thats 30,000 of them. Apart fromthe race number the goodie-bag packageincludes many little gifts including productsamples and information.

    The specifically in-house designed Womens RunT-shirt is a highlight every year. Every shirtreceived by participants serves as an indicationthat the wearer is part of the Womens Runcommunity. With a new design and in a newcolour each year the T-shirt has become acollectors item. It generates a lot of attention Continued on page 33

    and anticipation, as the secret of the new shirtis not revealed until a month before the event.This year it bore the race motto: Run the City.

    The slogan carries a relevance that extendsbeyond the race weekend. It is a self-confidentstatement about the presence of female runnersin urban areas the whole year round. Neverbefore have so many women been seenrunning, walking and training in public areas.For all those who dont run in cities, it is abeautiful souvenir of their run in Vienna.

    Throughout the Austrian Womens Run tens ofthousands of runners leave an imprint on thewhole city, particularly on the Wiener Praterwhere the race is held. Well before arrivingthere on the Sunday morning thousands ofwomen and girls all bearing the new Womens

    Austrian Womens Run, Vienna31 May 2015

    Womenrun thecity

    Run shirt start to make their way through thecity by subway, tram and bicycle or on foot. Thecloser you get to the festival grounds, the morewomen join the throng. It is a thrilling anduplifting feeling for all participants when theunbelievably large Womens Run communitybecomes visible and tangible and each runnerdiscovers that she is a part of it.

    All those arriving at the festival grounds aregreeted by groups of drummers beating out acontagious rhythm. Well before the start afurther highlight awaits runners the warm-upwith the star-choreographer Alamande Belfor.Thousands of women and girls dont want tomiss this special event and join inenthusiastically.

    Photo: DIENER/Philipp Schalber

    Photo: DIENER/Philipp Schalber

  • 32 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3







  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 33

    Continued from page 29

    AustrianWomens Run

    For more information visit:austrianwomensrun.com

    Austrian Womens Run, Vienna

    moderators motivate the participants toextraordinary final sprints. The finish is alwaysthrilling for visitors and full of atmosphere asthe crowd rousingly welcomes runners over theline.

    A medal and a rose are awarded to everyparticipant for her own personal bestperformance. Celebrations start directly after therun in the festival grounds, which rock with thewonderful atmosphere and live music as thecrowd anticipate the start of the largest awardceremony in Austria. The top three finishers ofeach age group are honoured which adds upto 185 awards. Many companions, spectators(friends, partners, families) share thiswonderfully uplifting experience with therunners.

    Every year the Austrian Womens Run attractsmore and more women from foreign countries.Over 1000 participants in 2015 travelled fromabroad to take part. With participants from 90

    nations the Austrian Womens Run embracesincredible diversity within those who start therun.

    Womens winner Jessica OConnell from Canadaenthused: I I had such a great time in Vienna,meeting the other runners and enjoying thewarm hospitality. This event was unlike anyother and I was honoured to be a part of it.Kathrine Switzer, who has run the event threetimes, added: Every woman is treated like anOlympic athlete. Its exciting and perfectlyorganized the best in the world.

    Become a part of the Womens Run community.Join the run in Vienna and celebrate yoursuccess with thousands of participants, familyand friends. The 29th Austrian WomensRuntakes place in May 2016 (date tbd). Onlineregistration opens on 5 March 2016. Places areusually sold out within a month.

    Winners of 5km elite raceDate Name Time

    31.05.2015 Jessica OConnell CAN 15:32.8

    25.05.2014 Ana Dulce-Flix POR 15:41.6

    26.05.2013 Joyce Jemutai-Kiplimo KEN 15:46.7

    03.06.2012 Ana Dulce-Flix POR 15:30.1

    22.05.2011 Ana Dulce-Flix POR 15:27.4

    30.05.2010 Irina Mikitenko GER 15:39.4

    07.06.2009 Jelena Prokopcuka LTU 15:29.4

    18.05.2008 Sabrina Mockenhaupt GER 15:57.6

    03.06.2007 Sabrina Mockenhaupt GER 15:36.6

    11.06.2006 Krisztina Papp HUN 15:35.9

    At exactly 09.00 the start gong chimes for the33,000-plus runners. At the front there are topinternational and national runners who contestthe 5km elite race. To offer optimum runningconditions the rest of the field is divided intoblocks that start in waves every 23 minutes.

    The course for both the 5km as well as the10km is a flat loop through the beautiful greenWiener Prater. Thousands of spectators linethe route and along with the drummers andbands create a sensational ambiance. Apowerful wave of excitement carries theparticipants through the Prater.

    The 10km distance is made up by an extra loopjust after the 5km point running through theViennese theme park and passing by one of theiconic Viennese landmarks: the giant ferriswheel.

    Entering the finish straight a DJ offers anupbeat tempo for the final 100 metres and two


    Women1 Jessica OCONNELL CAN 15:33

    2 Viola JELEGAT KEN 15:41

    3 Jennifer WENTH AUT 15:46

    4 Ana Dulce FELIX POR 15:51

    5 Charlotta FOUGBERG SWE 16:01

    6 Silvia WEISSTEINER ITA 16:26

    7 Katrina BERESOVA SVK 16:44

    8 Magherita MAGNANI ITA 16:54

    9 Sara SKARDELLY AUT 17:19

    10 Victoria SCHENK AUT 17:21

    DIENER/Nina Manhart DIENER/Eva Manhart

    Runners in the Wiener PraterPhoto: DIENER / Philipp Schalber

  • 34 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3


    Individual Race

    Verbania > Stresa06.03.2016


    42K 30K 21K 21K+21K


    Individual Races


    Couple Team Relay

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 35

    This year the Porto Marathoncelebrates its 12th running.During its short life so far it hashosted thousands of runners fromaround the world in Portugalsatmospheric second city. PortoMarathon is a premier event inPortugals sports tourism calendar.

    Last year more than 5000 runnersfrom 40 different countries registeredand Porto Marathon set a newnational finishers record, confirmingthe event as the largest Marathon inPortugal. Should you not want to gothe whole 42195 metres there areother options: a 15 km run and a6km walk.

    Combining the Atlantic seacoast andthe Douro River estuary the course isremarkably flat. It passes throughthree cities and crosses the river outand back on the lower level of theEiffel bridge. Porto Marathon offers alife time experience.

    Porto is one of the oldest touristdestinations in Europe, classed as aUnesco World Heritage site since1996 and twice named as the BestEuropean Destination (in 2012 and2014) by European citizens.

    Its wealth of artistic heritage, therich gastronomy and viniculture including the famous Port wine,open-air leisure spaces and culturallife are just some of the reasons tovisit this city. Porto in November isusually around 1216C, ideal formarathon running.

    See: www.maratonadoporto.com

    Looking ahead

    Porto Marathon EDP8 November 2015

  • Sunday 18 October

    Register Nowwww.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl

    TCS Amsterdam MarathonMizuno Half MarathonTCS 8 K

    #TCSAM15 @TCSadammarathon#TCSsuperheroesorganised by

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 37

    Looking ahead

    The Blackmores Sydney Marathonis one of the worlds most scenicwith dazzling views of SydneyHarbour throughout the course.

    The event offers the uniqueopportunity of crossing the iconicHarbour Bridge in traffic freeconditions right at the start of yourmarathon. Other spectacular sightsyou pass on the route include one ofSydneys most treasured religiousbuildings, St Marys Cathedral, thehistoric sandstone buildings of theRocks area, leafy Centennial Parkand colourful Oxford Street, home toSydneys Gay and Lesbian MardiGras. The race finish line is in anunrivalled location at the worldfamous Opera House.

    Participants are invited to celebratetheir achievements after the race inthe Blackmores Recovery Villagelocated in the Royal Botanic Gardenswith views over the Harbour and ofthe Bridge.

    The Recovery Village provides foodand drink stands, massage tents,

    stage entertainment and giveaways.A public bar gives participants andtheir family and friends the chanceto toast their achievements whiletaking in some of the mostspectacular sights of Sydney.

    The race is staged in Australias earlySpring. Temperatures at night arearound 10C and during the day upto 25C: perfect conditions forrunning, walking and sightseeing.

    There is an extended course cut-offtime of six hours which allows moretime for runners to complete theirmarathon. This makes theBlackmores Sydney Marathon moreaccessible for first-time marathonrunners and for those who like totake their marathon at a moreleisurely pace.

    Register at:www.sydneyrunningfestival.com.auwww.facebook.com/officialbsrf

    Blackmores Sydney Running Festival(incl. Sydney Marathon), Australia20 September 2015

    Pictures: Craig Golding

  • 38 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    organized by



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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 41

    Looking ahead

    The Tartu City Marathonstarted off in life as a19.2km City Run first heldon 2 October 1983. In 2012 therace celebrated its 30thanniversary. No longer just asingle race, Tartu offers aMarathon, a half marathon anda 10km city run for bothrunners and Nordic walkers.

    The marathon course is one ofthe most varied, interesting andbeautiful in Estonia. Runnerstake a full tour of the universitytown during the event. Thecourse passes through some ofthe most attractive andhistorical places in Tartu whichis recognised as the intellectualcapital of Estonia.

    Tartu City Marathon isorganized by the Club TartuMaraton which has 55 years ofexperience in organising the

    biggest mass sport events inEstonia among them one ofthe biggest events in Europe.The revamped Tartu CityMarathon is the most recentClub Tartu Maraton event butits participant numbers are alsothe fastest growing.

    Last year 2700 runners andNordic walkers took part in thethree events. This year morethan 3500 participants areexpected and the aim is to reach10,000 participants in thecoming years, in a town with apopulation of only 100,000.

    Tartu City Marathon,Estonia3 October 2015

  • 42 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    November 7 - 8, 2015 Monterey, CA USAbigsurhalfmarathon.org

    Also presenting the3DFLF *URYH /LJKWKRXVH . %\ WKH %D\ .

    Come for the run!Stay and play by the bay!


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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 43

    Looking ahead

    Every year the Buenos AiresMarathon draws over 10,000runners from all around theworld, attracted by its fast, flat sea-level course. The race takes place atthe start of the southern hemispherespring and temperatures are runner-friendly.

    But Buenos Aires offers far morethan just good running conditionsand a good race. The city is knownas the Paris of South America,offering elegant architecture,exquisite cuisine, a legendarynightlife and fashionable shopping.Argentina is renowned for its richEuropean flavor. The country is in themidst of a tourism boom and BuenosAires is voted among the mostdesirable cities to visit. It is a tourist-friendly city with a developedtourism infrastructure.

    See: maratondebuenosaires.org/en/

    Buenos Aires International Marathon, Argentina11 October 2015

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  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 45

    Looking ahead

    Taipei Marathon, Chinese Taipei20 December 2015

    The Taipei Marathon has been thebiggest marathon in Taiwan ever since itwas founded in 1986. There are nowmore than 60,000 runners who come eachyear to participate in one of the racedistances offered. The event is co-organizedby Taipei City Government and ChineseTaipei Road Running Association.

    Runners can choose the full marathon, a halfmarathon, a 9km or a 2km run. Any runner

    should be able to find a distance that suitsthem.

    Every year on the third Sunday of Decemberfamily and friends, or even just locals whoenjoy the spectacle gather along themarathon route to celebrate and cheer.Runners come from about 50 countries allaround the world. The event is infused withtheir energy and the joy that this city has tooffer.



    2015.e3.35-47.Previews.qxd 21/07/2015 14:33 Page 45


  • Very satisfied56%




    satisfied0% Dissatisfied

    BMW Lurauto Marathon in San Sebastian (Spain) will once again take care of the smallest details so that more than 6,000 runners will be given the best and warmest welcome on 29th November in its 38th edition

    To run a marathon is one of the most challenging and rewarding events that any runner will experience, and in San Sebastian they are well aware of that. The organisers make sure the participants feel cared for and they try really hard to improve the quality of the race year after year.

    San Sebastian is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, offering some breathtaking scenery including the famous La Concha Beach. The town has a great tourist and gastro-nomic variety that attracts visitors from all over the globe. The race caters for all kind of runners; there is room for everyone as there are three distances to choose from: Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K. The route is almost flat and at sea level, which is ideal for personal bests (69% of participants have improved their personal best in the last few years).

    Special treatmentThe main focus for this race is to offer the

    best attention to all the participants. The limit for the three distances is set at a total number of 6,000 runners and the main goal is to offer something different and special to each of the runners. There wont be long delays or overcrowding during the race or for the showers after the race, all these details that runners really appreciate are taken into account, but this doesnt affect the atmosphere in the streets as thousands of spectators pack the streets each year supporting and cheering the runners.

    The first 500 bibs were sold out in just 48 hours, but there is still a discount of 25% in registrations. In addition to this, all registered athletes will participate in different monthly draws, having the chance to win free bibs and important prizes, such as integrated GPS or a room at a 4 star hotel the day before the race. The satisfaction level of the participants is excellent.

    Facilities for registered athletesThe support toward our runners goes even

    further. For marathon and half marathon distances you can receive a 100% refund if you cant finally run due to illness or injury (for requests sent by 30th September) or you can also have your registration saved for 2016 (for requests sent from 1st October to 10th November). Until 10th November it is also possible to transfer your bib to another runner.

    All the participants will receive a technical shirt and marathon and half marathon finishers will also be given a well-deserved medal when crossing the finish line.

    The local spectators add the rest of the necessary ingredients. San Sebastian inhabitants are really fond of all the running events that take place in the town and they pack the streets to support all participants in all races that take place throughout the year. Whether you are a fast runner in search of a personal best or a slow runner just aiming to cross the finish line, you will feel that extra push coming from the spectators.

    A marathon is a lifetime experience in itself, and to run it in San Sebastian definitely reaches a new dimension.

    concesionario oficial

    www. d r a v e t f o unda t i o n . e u

  • 48 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    The marathon under socialism:19841988Inauguration: 14 April 1984In 1984, following some notably successfulforeign examples, a few Hungarian sportsorganisers dreamed of staging a peoplesmarathon in Budapest. Marathons hadbeen held in Hungary for decades butthey only catered for limited fields ofmainly professional runners. In the veryfirst popular Budapest Marathon 625male and 25 female runners finished therace, coming from 18 countries. The titlesponsor, anticipating developments in themarathon market two or three decades into thefuture, was the state travel agency IBUSZ. Amarathon programme, a participants T-shirt

    and complete results at the finish linewere delivered from the beginning.Budapest Marathon joined AIMS in1986, the first East European marathonto do so. Since 1987 everyone

    completing the marathon has received afinishers medal.

    All for the run and the run for allThe organisers have attempted tocreate a running festival offering thechance of participating to those who

    are not yet ready for the full, gloriousMarathon. There's a wide variety of distances:30km, 10km, relays, a fun run, a family run,and walking. Everyone who wants to run canfind the distance appropriate for them. Raceorganisers expect to attract 30000 runners tothis Octobers 30th anniversary event.

    Regime change: 1989-1995In 1989 the Budapest Sportiroda (BudapestSports Office), founded at the beginning of thatyear, became the organisers of the marathonfor the first time and the race is still held underBSI direction. Runners came from 29 countriesand the Guest of Honour was Fred Lebow,founder of the New York City Marathon. Lebow,who was born Fischel Lebowitz and lived hischildhood years in Arad a town in theHungarian-speaking part of Romania, ran thehalf marathon.

    In 1994 and 1995 there was a hiatus: theMarathon had not been organised at asufficiently high level to attract adequatefinancial support. The city government showedno interest in helping and private companies inthe emerging Hungarian marketplace were yet

    Budapest Marathon, Hungary, 19842015Running into history

    THE EnglishmanHugh Jones won thehalf marathon ofthe first BudapestMarathon. He laterbecame secretary ofAIMS and editor ofDistance Running.During 1982, theyear he won theLondon Marathon,he spent 10 monthsin Budapest on aBritish Councilscholarship.

    I come back to Budapest a lot. I trainedhere often throughout my running careerand continue to visit to measure theMarathon and Half Marathon courses.Both are beyond question among themost beautiful city courses in the world.The Marathon includes three crossings ofthe Danube; an extended passage alongits embankments beneath the ramparts ofthe Castle, past the neo-Gothic dome ofthe Parliament and around the HungarianAcademy of Sciences; and running thelength of the ever-delightful urban resort,Margaret Island. I used to train thereevery day and never tired of it.

    Hugh Joneson the podium

    to discover the possibilities that sponsorship ofthe Budapest Marathon could offer. In 1996the SPAR group stepped in smartly to becomethe title sponsor of the marathon. Therelationship has developed as the event hasgrown and this highly successful partnershiphas now endured for 20 years.

    Revival: 19962004Since 1996 the half marathon has become aseparate event held a month before themarathon and the date of both races hasmoved to autumn. Since 1998, following asuggestion by Fred Lebow, the City Park, next toHeroes Square, has become the start and finisharea. A new era began in the history of theBudapest Marathon: one in which the quality ofthe services provided is improving year by year.

    Fred Lebow in Budapest

    The first medal in 1987 Finisher medal in 2014

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 49

    The Course: beautiful beyond compareThe Marathon route passes through designatedWorld Heritage sites: runners pass over fourDanube bridges, three of which are sights inthemselves, and along the Danubeembankments. These offer a vantage point fromwhich runners can admire the Hungariancapitals most beautiful sights.

    Becoming big : 2005-2014The last decade has been one of continuousgrowth. Hungarians came to appreciate themarathon and foreign runners have begun todiscover quite how gorgeous a course Budapestoffers. The number of participants is increasingrapidly.

    Europes new favorite running cityIn 2014 more than 7000 foreign runners andtheir families arrived in Budapest from 72countries of the six continents

    SPAR Budapest MarathonFestival

    89 October 2016

    For more information visit:runinbudapest.com

    Budapest Marathon, Hungary 19842015

    42195 metres of musicOn the run in the Budapest Marathon runnershave long been able to listen to different kindsof music throughout the length of the course.Classical musicians, folk musicians, drummersand rock bands energise participants at 35music points.

    Runner numbers 199120141984 1991 2000 2005 2011 2014

    Marathon nishers 650 999 2444 2792 2984 4348

    All distances 3120 7881 10800 15200 16350 23450

    Hungary: in themiddle of Europe

  • 50 Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3

    Planning ahead

    13Maratn de las Flores MedellnCOL M,H,R 8813 SEB Tallinn Marathon, Half &10k

    EST M,H,R 88

    13 Danske Bank Vilnius MarathonLTU M,H 9213 18th Intl WACHAUmarathonAUT M 8513 33rd PKO Wroclaw MaratonPOL M 2019 Danske Bank Oslo MarathonNOR M,H,R 9419 Scottish Half MarathonGBR H 9020 Sanlam Cape Town MarathonRSA M 9620 Dam tot DamloopNED R 9420 The Maui MarathonUSA M,H,R 9720Moscow MarathonRUS M,R 9620 Carrera de la Mujer Colombia10km

    COL R 88

    20 Siberian Intl MarathonRUS M 2020 Porto Half Marathon Sport ZonePOR H 9420 Blackmores Sydney RunningFestival (incl. Sydney Marathon)

    See preview on page 37AUS M 85

    20Maratonina Citta di UdineITA H 9220 Yangmingshan Cross CountryRace

    TPE H 88

    27 BMW Berlin MarathonGER M 8827 Baxters Loch Ness Marathon &Festival of Running

    GBR M 20

    September 2015

    5 Knarvikmila The Great FjordRunNOR H 94

    5 Birell Prague Grand PrixCZE R 88

    6 Luanda Half MarathonANG H,R 85

    6 Volksbank-Mnster-MarathonGER M 90

    6 Pila Intl Half MarathonPOL H 94

    6 10K San Jos Costa RicaCRC R 88

    6 PNB MetLife Satara Hill HalfMarathonIND H,R 90

    7 Medio Maratn Atlas deGuadalajaraMEX H 92

    1113Running Festival of theEconomic ForumPOL M 94

    12 Jungfrau-MarathonSUI M Course not measurable to AIMS standards 96

    12 Stockholm Half MarathonSWE H 12

    12 Tamarindo Beach MarathonCRC M,H,R 88

    12Mattoni st nad Labem HalfMarathonCZE H,R 88

    12 Golden Ring Yaroslavl HalfMarathonRUS H 96

    13 30th Wizz Air Budapest HalfMarathonHUN H 16+17

    13 Copenhagen Half MarathonDEN H 14

    13 Ladakh MarathonIND M,H,R,U 90

    27 ING Route du Vin Half MarathonLUX H 92

    27Medio Maratn Intl Tlajomulco-CajititlnMEX H 94

    27 37th PZU Warsaw MarathonPOL M,R 94

    October 2015110 Jungle Marathon

    BRA U Course not measurable to AIMS standards 85

    3 Legends MarathonRSA U,H 96

    3 Tartu City MarathonSee preview on page 41EST M,H,R 88

    4 3 Country Sparkasse MarathonAUT M,H 85

    4 H.C. Andersen MarathonDEN M 24

    4 Bila Tserkva MarathonUKR M 97

    4 Bournemouth Marathon FestivalGBR M,H,R 90

    4 Belus Brussels Marathon &Half MarathonBEL M,H 85

    4 de Maraton Ciudad deBucaramanga FundacinCardiovascular de ColombiaCOL R 88

    4 Raieisen Bank BucharestMarathonROU M,H 32

    4 Gatorade Caracas Rock 10KVEN R 97

    4 Lloyds Bank Cardi HalfMarathonGBR H 90

    4 RheinEnergieMarathon CologneGER M,H 88

    4 Colombo MarathonSRI M 96

    4 Guayaquil MarathonECU M predicted date 88

    4 Standard Chartered KLMarathonMAS M,H,R 92

    4 Koice Peace MarathonSVK M 22

    4 RAHAL 10k Intl MarrakechMAR R 94

    4 Portland MarathonUSA M 97

    4 Queretaro MaratonMEX M,H,R 94

    4 1/2 Maratn RPPPER H 94

    July 2015

    5 Correcaminos Half Marathon &10kmCRC H 88

    5 Gold Coast Airport MarathonAUS M 85

    19Marathon de lIle MauriceMRI M,H,R 92

    25 Australian Outback MarathonAUS M Course not measurable to AIMS standards 85

    25 SwissalpineSUI U Course not measurable to AIMS standards 96

    26Media Maratn Intl de BogotCOL H 88

    26 39th National MILO MarathonPHI M,H,R 94

    26 Rio de Janeiro City MarathonBRA M 85

    26 Tijuana MarathonMEX M planned date 94

    26Westlink M7 Blacktown RunningFestivalAUS M 85

    tbc Maratn de QuitoECU M 88

    August 2015

    2 Brisbane Marathon FestivalAUS M,H,R 91

    2 McDonalds Townsville RunningFestivalAUS M,H,R Course not measurable to AIMS standards 85

    9 The Angkor Empire MarathonCAM M,H,R 10

    9 Maratn Intl de AsuncinPAR M,H,R 94

    15 Helsinki City MarathonFIN M 98

    22 Hvar Half MarathonCRO H 88

    2230IAAF World Championships inAthletics, BeijingCHN 9

    22 Islandsbanki ReykjavikMarathonISL M,H 90

    23 Adelaide Running FestivalAUS M,H,R 85

    23 Edmonton MarathonCAN M 85

    29 La Ruta de las IglesiasECU R 10

    30 BII MAYBANK Bali MarathonINA M,H,R 90

    30 Da Nang Intl MarathonVIE M,H,R 97

    30 Hokkaido MarathonJPN M predicted date 92

    30 Longford MarathonIRL M 90

    30Mandela Day MarathonRSA M,H,R 96

    30Maratn de la Ciudad de MxicoMEX M 94

    30 SSQ Quebec City MarathonCAN M 93

    30 7 Sunshine Coast MarathonAUS M,H,R 85

    Race datesJuly 2015 September 2016

    KeyM Marathon H Half MarathonR Road Race U Ultradistance

    IAAF Events are highlighted in redIMPORTANT: At the time of publication, theabove dates were believed correct, however,runners should conrm directly with raceorganisers prior to booking arrangements.

    CAF Caracas MaratnVenezuelaPhoto: Federico ParraSee race feature on page 18

  • Distance Running | 2015 Edition 3 51

    Planning ahead

    22 21km Nuevo LeonMEX H 9422 Penang Bridge Intl MarathonMAS M 4422 Gore-Tex Philadelphia MarathonUSA M 9727 Eilat Full Desert MarathonISR M,H,R Course not measurable to AIMS standards 632829Gran Maraton Pacico

    MEX M 92286 100km of the Namib Desert

    NAM U Course not measurable to AIMS standards 94

    29 KLM Curaao MarathonCUR M,H,R 8829 Airtel Delhi Half MarathonIND H 5229 Firenze MarathonITA M 4529Marathon du GabonGAB M 8829Mount Fuji MarathonJPN M predicted date 9229Maratn Donostia - SanSebastin

    ESP M 46+47

    29 Serge Vigot La Rochelle IntlMarathonFRA M,H 88

    tbc Semi Marathon Intl deLaayouneMAR H 94

    tbc JoongAng Seoul MarathonKOR M 92

    tbc Shanghai Intl MarathonCHN M 85

    tbc UNICEF Charity Run HalfMarathon & 10kmHKG H,R 90

    December 2015

    4 Ayla Red Sea Half MarathonJOR H,R 925 Reggae Marathon, Half & 10KJAM M,H,R 926 Angkor Wat Intl Half MarathonCAM H,R 106 Intertrust Cayman IslandsMarathon

    CAY M predicted date 85

    6 Discoveries Half MarathonPOR H 946 Macau Galaxy EntertainmentIntl Marathon

    MAC M,H 55

    6 Maratn Cabberty MlagaESP M 566 Milo Marathon Manila FinalsRace

    PHI M,H,R 94

    6 San Jos Costa Rica Half &MarathonCRC M,H 58

    6 Standard Chartered MarathonSingaporeSIN M,H,R 96

    13Maratn Powerade MonterreyMEX M 9413 Nara MarathonJPN M 5813 Sfax Marathon Intl Olive TreesTUN M,H 9613 St Croix Intl MarathonISV M 5820 Tata Steel Kolkata 25kIND R 9020 Taipei Marathon

    See preview on page 45TPE M,H,R 88

    26 El Corte Ingls So Silvestre deLisboaPOR R 69

    31 So Silvestre de Luanda 10kmANG R predicted date 85tbc Fukuoka Intl Open Marathon

    ChampionshipJPN M 92

    25 St Denis Half Marathon LaVoie RoyaleFRA H 88

    25 SwissCityMarathon LucerneSUI M 3825 HeidelbergCementTbilisiHalfMarathon

    GEO H,R 38

    25 VenicemarathonITA M 9226 SSE Airtricity Dublin MarathonIRL M 6930 Erbil MarathonIRQ M,H,R 90tbc Beijing Marathon

    CHN M,H 10tbc Dong-A Ilbo Gyeongju Intl

    MarathonKOR M 92

    tbc Quito 21k Mitad del MundoECU H 88

    tbc UWI-SPEC Half MarathonTRI H 96

    November 2015

    1 ASB Auckland MarathonNZL M,H,R 941 Bass Pro Shops ConservationMarathon

    USA M 97

    1 Hangzhou Intl MarathonCHN M 851 TCS New York City MarathonUSA M 971 Pune Intl MarathonIND M predicted date 907 Yi Lan Chiang Wei ShuiMemorial Freeway Marathon

    TPE M,H 88

    8 Athens Marathon The AuthenticGRE M 998 BDL Beirut MarathonLIB M 928 Big Sur Half Mar