Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia

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  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia













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  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia






    This following study is hereby appr

    presented in a manner sufficiently s

    which it has been submitted.

    It is understood by this approval t

    statement made, opinion expressed

    purpose for which it has been submit


    Ashok B.Lall




    Kashmere Gate, Delhi

    Dated: 1


    an Buildings bring about Sustainable De

    ved as a creditable work on the approved subjec

    tisfactory to warrant acceptance as a pre requisite

    at the undersigned does not necessarily endors

    or conclusion drawn therein but approves the s

    ted and satisfies as per the requirements laid down




    1th January, 2010


    , carried out and

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    tudy only for the

    y the dissertation



  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Just as mankind has the power to push the world to the brink so, too, do we have

    the power to bring it back into balance?

    - HRH The Prince of Wales addressing UN climate conference COP15, Copenhagen (December 2009)

    In the RED or the in the GREEN?

    The typical Modern lifestyle, with its linear metabolism, puts us in the red on the

    resources scales for future generations. To make the needle swing the other way

    we must devise circular metabolisms using green principles.

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    As the dawn of the twenty-first c

    unstable asymmetric demographic

    together in facing a critical challen

    needs, aspirations and desires, wi


    The development path that we have

    the health of our surrounding eco

    resources available to us on this pl

    .This is a result of a growing popu

    natural resources and also require t

    result of linear rather than cyclic th

    design is the crux of the shift from u

    The principal objectives of this pap

    and then to discuss the implica

    technologies, and opportunities ar

    Achieving true sustainability will

    built facilities along with lifestyle c


    Keywords: Sustainable Developm


    ntury approaches, the current pattern of unsu

    and economic growth has forced many seg

    e: How can societies across the world meet th

    hout compromising the ability of future gener

    been taking, in the past few centuries, has been

    logical context. We are consuming an increa

    net, and we are creating sufficiently large amou

    lation as well as new technologies which make

    e consumption of more resources. Unsustainabl

    inking. The paradigm shift from linear to cyclic

    nsustainability to sustainability.

    r are to present a brief overview of an overall fr

    tions of the building design and constructi

    presented to improve the sustainability of th

    equire a paradigm shift that brings together su

    hange which can bring about social change throu

    ent, Sustainable Technology, Lifestyle Change,


    tainable, inequitable and

    ents of society to come

    eir current basic human

    ations to meet their own

    ultimately detrimental to

    ing share of the natural

    nts of waste and pollution

    it easier for us to access

    technology has been the

    thinking in technological

    mework for sustainability

    n industries. Strategies,

    built environment. But,

    tainable technologies for

    gh sustainable patterns of

    reen Lifestyle.

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    I would like to thank all the people

    would like to express my in depth

    Dissertation. I am also grateful to

    research and for his guidance at vari

    I would also like to thank all the

    comments. I would like to expres


    I am deeply indebted to my family

    force for me.


    who have helped me in the successful completio

    ess to my guide Dr. Vinod Gupta for his gui

    rof. Ashok B. Lall for helping me to explore

    ious stages of my work.

    faculty members for their special interest in

    s my thanks to my friends and seniors for th

    for all their love and emotional support that h


    of my Dissertation. I

    ance throughout this

    a viable topic for my

    y research and valuable

    eir comments during my

    s been a constant driving

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia





    1.1. General1.2. Need Identification1.3. Scope1.4. Limitation1.5. Objective1.6.Research Methodolo

    2. THE PROBLEM2.1. General2.2. Main Enviornmental

    Global WarmingOzone DepletionPollutionDeforestationSoil DegradationWaste.


    2.3. Climate Change2.4. Causes of Climate C2.5. Addressing the Probl

    3. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOP3.1. Introduction3.2. Objectives of Sustain3.3. The New Paradigm:

    Social SustainabilityEnviornmental SustainaEcomomic Sustainabilit

    3.4. Stratergies TowardsThinking Long-TermInnovationPopulationChanging LifestylesHealing LandThe Social Equity ImpeEconomic StabilityPolitical Stability







    yclic Sustainable Development


    Sustainable Development






















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    3.5. Population4. ADVANCEMENT IN TEC

    4.1. Background4.2. Sustainable Technolo4.3. The Current Paradig4.4. Green Buildings - Bu4.5. Green But Not Sustai

    5. WHAT DO US HAVE AS5.1. General5.2. Grey To Green5.3. Sustainable Building

    Minimizing Consumpti

    Satisfying Human NeedAvoiding Negative Envi




    m: Unsustainable Linear System

    ilding Industry Solution to Technology And E





    s And Aspirationsronmental Impacts







    ficiency 24








  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    Figure 1 - A cartoon on Global warmingFigure 2 - A cartoon on Negligence tow

    Figure 3 - Climate change : Global pro

    Figure 5 - Lining Planet Index, 1720-2

    Figure 4 - Humanity's Ecological Footp

    Figure 6 - World Greenhouse gas emis

    Figure 7 - Cartoon on Carbon Emission

    Figure 8 - Concept of Sustainable dev

    Figure 9 - Cyclic Sustainable Develop

    Figure 10 - Cartoon on Effects of Popul

    Figure 11 - Think sustainably ..............

    Figure 12 - Unsustainable linear develo

    Figure 14 - Relation between Energy C

    Figure 13 - Relation between Time Spe

    III S


    ards Climate change ...............................................

    esses and effects ...................................................


    int, 1961-2005 ........................................................

    sions by sector........................................................



    ent .......................................................................

    ation ......................................................................


    pment ....................................................................


    nt .........................................................................


    ....................................... 6

    ....................................... 8

    ....................................... 9

    ..................................... 10

    ..................................... 10

    ..................................... 11

    ..................................... 12

    ..................................... 13

    ..................................... 15

    ..................................... 20

    ..................................... 21

    ..................................... 23

    ..................................... 27

    ..................................... 27

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    p INT

    Coal and oil paved the way f

    countries are taking the same p

    dangerous greenhouse gas habit.

    of greenhouse gases in the atmos

    We dont just burn carbon in the

    felled for timber and making pa

    a growing demand for biofuels.

    vast amounts of CO2, infact it i

    contributing to climate change l

    Degradation and Extinction of fl

    The environmental, economic a

    Ecosystems from the mountain

    Low-lying cities face inundatio

    becoming ever more unpredictab

    Climate change is the defining i

    politician making at least one re

    effects and, in the longer term, t

    us, and the problem is here to

    influence just how serious the pr

    by supporting the transition to a

    Although, there is a huge gulf be

    are to achieve sustainable develo

    that there are other gains to. It wi


    r the developed worlds industrial progress.

    ath in search of improved living standards that

    Our dependence on carbon-based energy has ca

    phere and consequently to environmental degrad

    form of fossil fuels. But, throughout the tropics,

    er, for pasture and arable land and, increasingly

    his further manifestation of our greenhouse gas

    s destroying a valuable resource for absorbing

    ading to threats like Global Warming , Polluti

    ra and fauna .

    nd political implications of these environmenta

    to the ocean, from the Poles to the tropics are

    , Foreword fertile lands are turning to deserts,


    sue of our era. Hardly a day passes without a ne

    erence to the threats it poses and the urgency of

    adapt to the changes that are sure to come. For

    stay. But it is still in our control as individ

    oblem will become. We have the choice how to

    limate neutral world.

    tween where we are now and the climate-neutral

    pment, but the message of this study is that the g

    ill require patience, persistence and determinatio


    nd now the developing

    leads us in the grip of a

    sed a significant build-up


    valuable forests are being

    , for plantations to supply

    habit is not only releasing

    atmospheric CO2, further

    n ,Ozone Depletion, Soil

    l problems are profound.

    undergoing rapid change.

    and weather patterns are

    wspaper, a broadcast or a

    taking action, to limit the

    climate change, it is upon

    uals and communities, to

    act and make a difference

    future that we need if we

    ulf is not uncrossable and

    , but it can be done.

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Sustainable development is defin

    "Development that meets


    Sustainable development is a pat

    better quality of life for everyon

    in the present, but also for futur

    in the world as a whole:

    Social progress which re Effective protection of t Prudent use of natural re Maintenance of high and

    Sustainable development is thre

    along with environmental devel

    human activities on the enviro

    destruction and resource depleti

    survival of many species, includi

    Humanitys demand on the plan

    growth and increasing individua

    human impact can be controlled.

    In essence, the lesson is simple

    happen in the following ways:

    Reducing the number of pe Improving the efficiency an By changing lifestyles.

    1Brundtland, Our common future , 19

    2WWF, living planet report, 2008

    ed as:

    he needs of the present without compromi

    e generations to meet their own needs."1

    tern of resource consumption that aims to meet

    while preserving the environment so that these

    generations. This requires meeting four key o

    cognizes the needs of everyone ;

    e environment;

    sources; and

    stable levels of economic growth and employm

    dimensional process which caters to economic

    opment. But this development is hindered by

    ment. Human-induced global warming, polluti

    ion are contributing to an environmental crisis

    ng the human themselves.

    et has more than doubled over the past 45 year

    l consumption (world wildlife federation)2. This s

    ; reducing the overall impact that people have

    ple on the planet ;

    d effectiveness of technology ; and



    sing on the ability of

    uman needs and ensure a

    needs can be met not only

    jectives at the same time


    l and social development

    the pressure imposed by

    on, deforestation, habitat

    which is threatening the

    as a result of population

    tudy focuses on how this

    on the environment can

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    The question of population is cl

    growth- rate, which is one of th

    women, education and access t

    rate. But, as it is a slow process,

    We can improve energy efficien

    energy demand and can try to ac

    aspirations, and though consu

    efficiency will lead to higher rat

    of greater concern, reduction in

    with a lifestyle change which m

    the goal of one planet living.

    It is our duty as men and wo


    In the conventional economic vi

    the better off they are deemed to

    resource consumption.

    With increase in environmental

    technology is viewed as a simple

    With such a notion, much of bu

    disposal, have a significant imp

    This rest on the fact that buildin

    huge number for a single sector


    arly critical. We cant reduce the existing popu

    factors that scales humanitys impact on the

    voluntary family planning can slow or even re

    it will be less effective through short term planni

    y in industries, buildings and all forms of transp

    hieve maximum possible gain. But without chan

    ption pattern. Advancement in technology

    of consumption. In present situation when env

    resource consumption is of greater importance

    ans adopting a greener lifestyle to become carb

    en to proceed as though the limits of our abil

    Pierre Teilhard De Chardin


    w, consumption is the route to human well-bein

    be. This notion along with advancement in tech

    degradation due to higher rate of resource cons

    st and faster means to achieve sustainable develo

    rden has been on the Building sector because t

    ct on the Natural environment, which is the so

    gs are responsible for about 40% of the global

    nd obviously this is where a big difference can b


    lation, but can control its

    planet. Empowerment of

    verse population growth-


    ort to stabilize the overall

    ging our expectations and

    ill fail and increase in

    ironmental degradation is

    . It can only be achieved

    on neutral and to achieve

    ities do not exist

    g. The more people have,

    nology is leading to more

    umption, advancement in


    eir construction, use and

    cial fabric of our society.

    energy consumption. It is

    e made. (Gupta)

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    But 40% is only a minor ratio of

    spend, out of 24 hours in a day,

    account for 87.5% of our time

    building activities account for 1

    dieting habits, travel, clothing, e

    are more energy efficient than

    Sustainable architecture can help

    not the case, in present day scen

    a community development.

    This study focuses on the idea -


    1.2 SCOPE

    It is intended that this dissertati

    cant bring about sustainable d

    environmental degradation.

    The research pattern will not onl

    will also express the need for the

    So, the study is aimed at an ide

    achieve Sustainable Developm



    Neither enough secondary data

    present day lifestyle choices. Re




    100% where much greater savings in energy co

    about 21 hours in a building, which is 87.5% o

    re associated with just 40% of our energy cons

    2.5 % of the time, with 60% of energy consum

    ntertainment and our waste disposal. Now, can

    other places where human beings spend time?

    , put into practice and even encourage a sustaina

    rio; sustainable architecture is limited to an indi

    what else is required other than buildings that c

    on will provide the brief introduction on the id

    evelopment and how sustainable lifestyle can

    y provide the idea of how sustainable developm


    that Improvement in building technology is

    nt. We have to change our lifestyle too, to r

    has been collected, nor has any scientific eval

    search is based on the readings and data collecte


    sumption is possible. We

    f the time. Buildings that

    umption, while other non

    ption which includes our

    anyone say that buildings

    ble way of life. But thats

    idual building rather than

    an bring upon sustainable

    ea of why only buildings

    cater to the problem of

    nt can be achieved, but it

    not only the sole idea to

    duce our impact on the

    uation been made on the

    through surveys and the

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    To understand the requirem To study Sustainable Devel To focus on the strategies t To understand why ethnolo To analyze human activities To understand how the b

    greener ones.

    To focus on the idea of one Also finding a futuristic sol


    Understanding of environm Defining sustainable devel Queuing the strategies to a Understanding the role of t

    is discouraged.

    Understanding Sustainable Defining the role of lifestyl

    it is required.

    Emphasizing the idea of on Understanding how built en Concluding, why the built

    along with sustainable tech



    ent of sustainable development and causes of cli

    opment as the solution to environmental degrada

    achieve sustainable development.

    y lack as the solution to achieve sustainable dev

    and examine how lifestyle change can reduce re

    ilt environment will help people discard old h

    planet living and its benefits

    ution as part of the conclusion.


    ental degradation as a byproduct of human aspir

    pment as a solution

    hieve sustainable development

    chnology and why it is insufficient. And why t

    lifestyle (Green Living ) with sustainable consu

    e changes in achieving sustainable development,

    e planet living along with lifestyle change as the

    vironment can respond to achieve green living c

    environment is incapable for development and

    ologies can lead to better future.


    ate change.



    source consumption.

    abits and form healthier,

    tions and needs

    e idea of lifestyle change

    ption as the basis

    with major focus on why



    how sustainable lifestyle

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    m THE PRO

    Whether we live on the edge of

    depend on the services provided

    underpin those services much t

    causing recession, so reckless

    natural capital to a point where

    Our global footprint now exceed

    on the planet continue at the sam

    maintain our lifestyle (world wild

    we have seen them in form of v

    past summer (2008), the Arctic

    impact of our carbon footprint.


    GLOBAL WARMING describes t

    greenhouse gases accumulate i

    abnormally high amounts, tr

    radiation and causing its te

    significantly, leading to envir

    such as changes in rainfall patte

    and expansion of deserts.

    3WWF, living planet report, 2008




    the forest or in the heart of the city, our livelih

    by the Earths natural systems. But we are con

    o fast faster than they can be replenished. Ju

    onsumption and growth in human population

    e are endangering our future prosperity.

    s the worlds capacity to regenerate by about 30

    e rate, then by the mid-2030s we will need the e

    life federation) . These overall trends have very c

    arious environmental problems. For the first tim

    ice cap was surrounded by open water literal


    e process by which

    the atmosphere in

    pping the Earths

    perature to raise

    onmental problems

    rns, rising sea levels

    Figure 1 - A c


    oods and indeed our lives

    suming the resources that

    st as reckless spending is

    is depleting the worlds

    percent3. If our demands

    uivalent of two planets to

    ncrete consequences, and

    e in recorded history, this

    ly disappearing under the

    artoon on Global warming

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    depletion, caused by emission o

    the atmosphere leads to rise in s

    POLLUTION of air, water and l

    and other human activities, is en

    DEFORESTATION due to com

    other activities cause the destru

    exacerbates the effects of global


    causes Soil erosion, increased s

    can diminish crop yields, increas

    WASTE Increasing amounts of

    groundwater and for more incine

    WATERone third of the world p

    grows, the need for water will

    quality of groundwater and river

    RESOURCES some non-rene

    eventually be Depleted. The ec

    limited. Renewable Resources, s

    POPULATION Global populatio

    impacts, as mentioned above.

    yer shields the Earth from the harmful ultraviol

    f chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-

    in cancers, damage to the human immune syste

    nd, resulting from burning of fossil fuels, indust

    angering human health, biodiversity and the bui

    ercial logging, conversion of forest land for

    ction of natural habitats and extinction of plan

    warming and pollution.

    Urbanization, construction, mining, war, agri

    alination, altered soil structure, drainage capaci

    e the risk of flooding and destroy natural habitats

    waste add pressure for more landfill sites, w

    ration, which pollutes the air and produces toxic

    opulation is still without access to safe water an

    row along with waste and pollution which will


    able resources, including natural gas and p

    nomically viable extraction of some abundant

    uch as timber, are also at a risk of overexploitatio

    n growth is associated with increases in the hum


    et (UV) radiation, but its

    depleting substances into

    , and altered crop yields.

    rial processes, agriculture,

    lt environment.

    gricultural purposes, and

    and animal species, and

    ulture and deforestation

    y and fertilization which


    ich pollute air, soil and


    , as the global population

    increasingly threaten the

    etroleum resources, will

    mineral ores may also be


    an-induced environmental

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    All these environmental issues

    Climate Change. Climate chang

    distribution of weather over pe

    decades to millions of years. It

    weather or a change in the d

    Climate change is one of

    environmental challenges facing

    food production, natural ecosyst


    According to the latest scientific

    global and regional scales since

    0.1C per decade) observed over

    The Intergovernmental Panel on

    increase between 1.4 and 5.8 de

    severe impacts on the global h

    processes. The impact would

    developing countries, including I

    We have only one planet. Its ca

    but fundamentally limited. Whe

    surpass ecological limits we er

    human well-being.

    4Wikipedia ,Climate change

    5Geneva, Climate change synthesis r


    Figure 2 - A cartoon


    lead to one main problem of

    e is a change in the statistical

    riods of time that range from

    can be a change in the average

    istribution of weather events.

    the most important global

    humanity with implications for

    ems, freshwater supply, health,

    assessment, the earths climate system has dem

    he preindustrial era. Further evidence shows tha

    the last 50 years, is attributable to human activiti

    Climate Change (IPCC) projects that the glob

    rees Celsius (C) by 2100. This unprecedented in

    ydrological system, ecosystems, sea level, cro

    be particularly severe in the tropical areas,


    acity to support a thriving diversity of species, i

    n human demand on this capacity exceeds wh

    ode the health of the Earths living systems. Ulti



    on negligence towards climate change

    nstrably changed on both

    t most of the warming (of


    l mean temperature may

    crease is expected to have

    p production and related

    hich mainly consist of

    ncluding humans, is large

    t is available when we

    mately, this loss threatens

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    The Living Planet Index reflects

    the extent and type of human de

    The Living Planet Index of

    has declined by nearly 30 percen

    35 years (Figure 4). While bio

    leveled off in some temperate

    Living Planet Index continues to

    Humanitys demand on the plan

    its Ecological Footprint, now

    regenerative capacity by about

    5). This global overshoot is g

    consequence, ecosystems are be

    waste is accumulating in the ai

    The resulting deforestation,

    declining biodiversity and cli

    putting the well being and

    nations at increasing risk.

    All human demands on the bios

    drink, energy or materials, and

    ecosystems by towns, cities and i

    2.4 ATE CHANGE

    the state of the planets ecosystems while the E

    and being placed on these systems.

    lobal biodiversity

    t over just the past

    diversity loss has

    areas, the overall

    show a decline.

    ts living resources,

    xceeds the planets

    0 per cent (Figure

    rowing and, as a

    ing run down and

    r, land and water.

    water shortages,

    mate change are

    evelopment of all

    phere the production and consumption of natur

    the disposal of associated waste products or th


    Figure 4 Lining Pl

    Figure 5 Humanity'


    ological Footprint shows

    al resources for food and

    displacement of natural

    lanet Index, 1720-2005

    Ecological Footprint, 1961-2005

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    Humanitys demand on the plan

    growth and increasing individua

    two planets to keep up with hum

    representing human demand on

    as clear and robust guideposts to

    Data is for 2000. All calculations are based o

    While technological developme

    challenge, much of what needs t

    has the will, it has the way to liv

    ecosystems on which this depend6

    WWF, living planet report, 2008

    re 6 World Greenhouse gas emissions by sector

    et has more than doubled over the past 45 year

    l consumption. If we continue as usual, by the

    anitys demand for various goods and services6


    ature and the Living Planet Index measuring na

    what needs to be done.

    n CO2 equivalents

    nts will continue to play an important role in ad

    o be done is already known, and solutions are av

    e within the means of the planet, while securing



    as a result of population

    early 2030s we will need

    The Ecological Footprint

    tures overall health serve

    ressing the sustainability

    ailable today. If humanity

    human well-being and the

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    If not earth tha

    Unsustainable patterns of consu

    other ecological and social probl

    depletion. Hence, promoting sus

    the environment and improve hu

    We need to cut down our Green

    and hence become carbon neutra

    Reducing our GHG emissions m

    must expect. This will include n

    all of which will certainly come

    strategy, climate adaptation, pre

    inertia locked up in the atmosph

    caused by GHGs emitted several

    Climate neutrality is a way t

    which will help to reduce the li

    This will, in turn, lessen th

    adaptation and alleviate the cost

    Adaptation and mitigation can

    each other .And together can

    reduce the consequences of a

    climate change change cause


    2.5 E PROBLEM

    where,If not now than when, If not us th

    mption and production is a primary cause of cl

    ems. These include: land degradation, air and w

    ainable consumption and production is one of th

    man well-being through sustainable development

    house gas (GHG) emission which are the primar

    l to achieve sustainable development.

    eans attempting climate change mitigation, tryin

    w policies, innovative technologies and a chang

    at a price. We also need to go flat out at the sam

    aring to cope with the inevitable changes ahead

    ere and the oceans: much of the warming we ar

    decades ago).

    o mitigation

    ely damage.

    e need for

    of adapting.




    d by human

    Figure 7 - Cartoon on


    an who.

    imate change and lead to

    ter pollution and resource

    e key responses to protect


    y cause of climate change

    g to reduce the impact we

    e in lifestyle for all of us,

    time on a quite different

    (inevitable because of the

    e experiencing today was

    Carbon Emission

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    Sustainable development is a so

    while maintaining the quality of t

    commission which became the m

    Development that meet th

    The concept of sustainable devel

    growth and encompasses three

    social. It refers first to needs

    environment, for a secure and c

    generational equity, implying

    available to the present one.

    Third, it puts an emphasis on s

    equity between people living toda

    The concept of sustainable devel

    based decision making in which

    (the economy), the Environm

    (well-being) of society are i

    compromising the ability of pres

    their needs, so that all three - the

    health of society - can be sustaine


    Brundtland, Our common future , 198Giovannini, Measuring Sustainable de

    9Mawhinney, Sustainable developmen


    cio-ecological process characterized by the ful

    he natural environment indefinitely. The term w

    st often quoted definition of sustainable develop

    e needs of the present without compromising

    generations to meet their own needs.7

    opment is concerned both with the quality and

    dimensions of welfare (Mawhinney)8


    in a broad sense, not only economic needs b

    ohesive society. Second, explicit in the conc

    hat the next generation should be secured opp

    cial equity, between all people around the wo

    y and people living in the future.

    opment is a process of consensus-

    the impact ofEconomic activities

    nt (ecosystems) and the Health

    ntegrated and balanced, without

    ent and future generations to meet

    economy, the environment, and the

    d into the future.9


    t understanding the green debate

    Figure 8 -


    fillment of human needs

    s used by the Brundtland

    ment as:

    he ability of future

    the quantity of economic

    omic, environmental and

    t also needs for a clean

    pt is a focus on inter-

    rtunities similar to those

    rld living today, and also

    Concept of Sustainable development

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    Sustainable development is abou

    come. This requires meeting fou

    Social progress which re Effective protection of t Prudent use of natural re Maintenance of high and

    Sustainable development is thre

    along with environmental devel

    human activity on the environ

    destruction and resource depleti

    survival of many species, includi

    1.2 THE NEW PARA

    Sustainable development offers

    improve our quality of life with

    relationship, or balancing act,

    constraints) which are constantly

    state, it requires decision makers

    in the environment, human nee

    contribute to sustainability today

    the context has changed.




    t ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, n

    key objectives at the same time in the world as

    cognizes the needs of everyone

    e environment


    stable levels of economic growth and employm

    dimensional process which caters to economic

    opment. But this development is hindered by

    ent. Human-induced global warming, polluti

    ion are contributing to an environmental crisis

    ng the human species.


    a new way of thinking which reconciles the u

    the limitations imposed on us by our global c

    etween many factors (social, environmental an

    changing. Because sustainability is a dynamic c

    to be flexible and willing to modify their approa

    ds and desires, or technological advances. Thi

    , either in perception or in reality, may be deeme


    ow and for generations to



    l and social development

    the pressure imposed by

    on, deforestation, habitat

    which is threatening the


    biquitous human drive to

    ontext. Sustainability is a

    d economic realities and

    oncept rather than a static

    hes according to changes

    s means that actions that

    d detrimental tomorrow if

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    The next three sections discuss



    Sustainability is inherently anthr

    There are many socio-cultural i

    generational equity, in which w

    need to survive and enjoy life.

    care of our grandchildrens inhe

    growth, human health, cultural

    with our quality of life and sh

    elements discussed below.


    The natural environment is the

    Recognize the limits of our envi

    the planet. Some of these resour

    intact to regenerate. Other res

    whatsoever depletes the total sto



    Renewable Resources



    Assimilative Capacity

    Ecosystem Resilence


    Goods and Services











    the social, environmental and economic issu

    opocentric, since it is the welfare of humans with

    ssues which influence sustainability. The most

    must insure that we leave our progeny with th

    s an African proverb says, We do not own th

    ritance. Other issues in this realm are: environ

    needs, and personal preferences. These element

    ould not be ignored in favor of the more eas

    ILITYhysical context within which we live. Sustainabi

    onment. There are limits to the quantities of natu

    ces, such as trees and wildlife, are renewable so

    urces, such as minerals, are renewed at such

    ck. We need to minimize our consumption of all



    s which are essential to

    which we are concerned.

    prominent issue is inter-

    tools and resources they

    earth; we are just taking

    mental justice, population

    s have a great deal to do

    ily measurable economic

    lity requires that we

    ral resources that exist on

    long as we leave enough

    slow rates that any use

    resources, renewable and

    igure 9 - Cyclic Sustainable Development

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    Another key environmental issu

    organism and we must maintain

    these must be small enough so

    protection of an endangered spec


    Economics is important to susta

    the production, distribution, and

    Has a significant impact on the

    material inputs and the repositor

    Economic gain has been the dri

    past. A shift to sustainability



    The impact of human society on

    way in which they live .The e

    straightforward. In essence, the

    environment can happen by follo

    THINKING LONG-TERM Clia human time scale, and the w

    problem, we must embrace the f

    future generations. Just as Egypt

    of the planet matters beyond our

    10The worldwatch institute, State of t


    e is to minimize our impact on global ecosys

    it in a healthy state. Natural ecosystems can s

    that the earth can recover. Protecting ecosyste

    ies, the preservation of a wetland, or protection o

    inability because of its broader meaning as a s

    consumption of goods and services. The exchang

    environment, since the environment serves as t

    for discarded goods.

    ver for much of the unsustainable developmen

    will only occur if it is shown not to be


    the environment is determined by number of pe

    quation of the relationship between lifestyle a

    lesson is simple; reducing the overall impact

    wing ways (The worldwatch institute)10


    ate change is a uniquely long-range problem; its

    rst effects will likely be visited on our future

    uture as our responsibility and consider the impa

    ians built pyramids to last millennia, we need to

    own short lives.

    e world , 2009


    ems: the earth is like an

    urvive some impacts, but

    health may involve the

    f biodiversity in general.

    cial science that explains

    e of goods and services

    e ultimate source of raw

    that has occurred in the

    excessively costly and


    ople on the planet and the

    nd environment is pretty

    that people have on the

    effects appear gradual on

    generation. To solve this

    ct of todays decisions on

    start acting as if the future

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    INNOVATION - The world needand use of carbon-free energy

    pact will offer incentives that ac

    other low-emission technologies

    need to dramatically increase the

    the atmosphere of greenhouse ga

    POPULATION- It is essential

    and programs that can help slo

    to decide for themselves whethe

    acknowledge both the impacts o

    which slower growth and a sm

    equitable climate framework. A

    to address population not by pr

    meeting the family planning, hea

    CHANGING LIFESTYLES - Thwill have to change as wellan

    States, the inexorable increase in

    been a major driver of greenhou

    of other industrial countries. Lif

    in the end, the things we may

    consumption, easy and cheap

    necessities or in most cases what

    s to develop and disseminate technologies that

    hile minimizing cost and optimizing convenie

    celerate technological development and ensure t

    are deployed in all countries regardless of abi

    efficiency with which we use carbon-based ene


    o reopen the global dialogue on human popula

    and eventually reverse its growth by making su

    r and when to have children. A comprehensive

    climate change on vulnerable populations and t

    aller world population can play in reducing f

    d it should renew the commitment that the worl

    essuring parents to have fewer or more childr

    lth, and educational needs of women.

    worlds climate cannot be saved by technolog

    the longer we wait the larger the needed sacrif

    the size of homes and vehicles that has marked

    se gas emissions and the main reason that U.S.

    style changes will be needed, some of which se

    need to learn to live withoutoversized cars

    world travel, meat with every meal, dispos

    makes people happy.


    maximize the production

    nce. An effective climate

    hat renewable energy and

    lity to pay the costs. We

    rgy and lower release into

    ion and promote policies

    re that all women are able

    climate agreement would

    e long-term contribution,

    ture emissions under an

    ds nations made in 1994

    n than they want but by

    alone. The way we live

    ices will be. In the United

    the past few decades has

    mission are double those

    m unattractive today. But

    and houses, status-based

    ble everythingare not

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    HEALING LAND - We need tdestroyed or degraded forests a

    atmospheres carbon and greenh

    an estimated 13 percent of all hu

    into a more effective sink for t

    THE SOCIAL EQUITY IMPEmechanisms for sharing the burd

    in the developed countries are al

    levels in most of undeveloped

    optation of Earths greenhouse-

    and the corresponding need to

    development. Most people live

    problemthough it is worth rec

    carbon footprints.

    ECONOMIC STABILITY- Thehard economic times add to its

    precious land for carbon sequest

    is doomed to failure. And as gro

    of a finite planet, we may have t

    and disease. A robust internati

    consistently in anemic as well a

    and innovations that acknowled

    techniques to ensure that efficie

    cuts and adaptation efforts.

    reverse the flow of carbon dioxide and othe

    nd land. Soil and vegetation can serve as pow

    use gases. Under the right management, soil alo

    man-caused carbon dioxide emissions. To the ex

    hese gases.

    ATIVE - A climate agreement that can endu

    en of costs and potential discomforts. Per capita

    most five times those in developing countries a

    ountries. An effective climate agreement will

    gas absorbing capacity by the wealthiest and mo

    reserve most of what little absorbing capacit

    in such countries, and they bear little respo

    lling that small but growing shares of their popu

    global economy is raising the obvious question:

    urdens the costs of switching from fossil to ren

    ration? Any climate agreement built on an assum

    wing and increasingly affluent populations dem

    o balance the future of climate against present re

    onal climate regime will need to design mech

    s booming economic times. And a strong pact

    e and accommodate the problem of cost whi

    ncy is not achieved at the expensive of effecti


    r greenhouse gases from

    rful net removers of the

    ne could absorb each year

    ent we can make the land

    re and succeed will find

    fossil fuel CO2 emissions

    d more than 20 times the

    cknowledge the past co-

    st industrialized countries

    is left for countries in

    nsibility for causing this

    lations already have large

    can a world heading into

    wable fuels or managing

    ption of global prosperity

    nd more of the resources

    alities of hunger, poverty,

    anisms that will operate

    ill be built on principles

    ile building in monitoring

    e and enduring emission

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    POLITICAL STABILITY- A wstay focused on the more dista

    climate and adapt to the ones

    diminish insecurity caused or e

    violent conflict and minimize th

    prevention and adaptation (alo

    negotiating an effective climate

    practice peace, to look beyond t

    the rest of the world, to see hu

    locked in pointless and perpetual

    From various strategies towards

    help to achieve the idea in large

    Population Reducing Innovation - Improvin Changing lifestyles


    A nations total Ecological Fo

    footprint. The latter is a function

    and the resources used or waste

    population and the average foot

    population and increase in cons

    environmental degradation. So th


    rld distracted by major wars or outbreaks of ter

    t future. And just such a focus is needed to

    lready occurring. A climate pact could encour

    acerbated by climate change. But unless nation

    e chance that terrorism will distract and disrupt

    g with development itself) will take a back

    agreement offers countries an opportunity, if t

    he narrowness of the interests within their bord

    manity as a single vulnerable species rather th


    sustainable development following are the thre

    ontext along with larger gain;

    The number of people on the planet

    the efficiency of technology

    otprint is determined by its population, and

    both of the quantity of goods and services the a

    generated in providing those goods and service

    print have increased since 1961 Consumption i

    umption will lead to green house gases emissi

    e problem of population growth is very critical.


    rorism will not be able to

    revent future changes in

    age preemptive action to

    s can find ways to defuse

    societies, climate change

    seat. On the bright side,

    hey will only seize it, to

    rs at their dependence on

    n a collection of nations

    major issues, which can

    by its residents average

    erage resident consumes,

    s. On a global scale, both

    s directly proportional to

    n which further leads to

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Since 1987 the Earths populati

    by 76 per cent. Average per ca

    needs energy to be produced. Th

    increased by 4 per cent annually

    by at least 50 per cent by 2030,


    The question of population is

    impact on the planet. We cant c

    can be slowed and its negative

    greater education and econom

    counseling and services for wo

    alongside adoption of these strat

    slow process and will have less

    effective in upcoming years and

    be used but we cannot depend on

    Having one less child is the

    anyone can make to leaving

    - Prof John Guilleband, Optimum

    11UNEP, Kick the habit

    n has grown by almost 30 per cent, and global

    ita gross national income has almost doubled.

    e global primary energy supply (80 per cent of i

    from 1987 to 2004.11 Demand for energy is pre

    as the fast-developing countries like ours conti

    learly critical. Population is one of the factor

    t existing population but can control the growth

    impacts on human well-being alleviated by

    ic opportunities, and improving access to v

    en who want to delay, space or limit births. Pro

    egies, leads to smaller, healthier and better educ

    impact in the short term. Also the reduction in

    the problem encountered in present day will be

    it to achieve sustainable development.

    iggest contribution

    habitable planet

    opulation Trust (2008)

    Figure 10 - cartoon


    conomic output has risen

    nd just about everything

    it supplied by fossil fuels)

    icted to continue to grow

    inue their rapid economic

    that scale humanitys

    . Rapid population growth

    mpowering women with

    luntary family planning

    moting good governance,

    ted families. But this is a

    carbon emission will be

    he same. So this idea can

    n Effects of Population

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia



    Technology plays a very important

    ways in which we interact with our

    them for human purposes, and to

    between resources and our goals an

    no doubt that more efficient techno

    but this perspective has limitations.

    Though efficiency will lead to les

    everyone. For example, if a hybrid

    is more efficient in comparison to

    networks support this kind of inno

    countries. This is a case for high e

    rebound effect. for example , in I

    lantern to minimize the use of ke

    inefficient because it lead to higher

    was cheaper and available. Impro

    works well in a stable economy.

    It is through use of technology that

    the quality of life of many people.

    improvements in the immediate qu

    toll on the environment. In order to

    have to be more deliberate and

    technology. We need to develop an

    mind. We need sustainable technol


    role in sustainable development because it is o

    environment; we use technologies to extract na

    adapt our man-made living space. Technology

    objectives. This lead to focus on energy and m

    logy will make an important contribution to the

    er use of resources but it would be expansive

    ar is introduced in the market which runs 150 k

    a normal car but the question arise can we al

    vation. No, certainly not this is the problem m

    nd innovation but problem do exist, advanceme

    dian villages where there was no electricity g

    osene oil , but this step towards less consum

    consumption. People started using it for their co

    ving quality of technology doesnt qualify in e

    we have seen drastic improvements in

    nfortunately, many of these short term

    ality of life have also exacted a great

    proceed toward sustainability, we will

    thoughtful in our employment of

    use technologies with sustainability in



    ne of the most significant

    tural resources, to modify

    is understood to mediate

    terial efficiency. There is

    sustainable development,

    and cannot be afford by

    per liter of petrol which

    l have it or can our road

    stly faced by developing

    nt in technology leads to

    vernment provided solar

    tion of resources proved

    oking purposes because it

    conomy of transition but

    Figure 11 - Think sustainably

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    A sustainable technology is one th

    well with the goals of sustainable

    economic development and human

    contribute, support or advance su

    improving process efficiency, and c

    or benign, while benefiting humans

    To qualify as sustainable technolo

    meeting pre-existing requirements a

    Minimize use of nonrenewable en

    Satisfying human needs and aspir

    Minimal negative impact on the e

    Minimizing Consumption- Th

    because consumption of resource

    rendering them of lower utility for

    we decrease their potential utility t

    energy as possible, or doing more

    Maintaining Human Satisfacti

    intended to serve. In fulfilling thos

    differences. In some cases these p

    compromise will have to be worke

    fulfillment of our desires means the

    4.2 HNOLOGY

    at promotes a societal move toward sustainabil

    development. Sustainable technologies are prac

    atisfaction in harmony with the environment. Th

    stainable development by reducing risk, enha

    reating processes, products or services that are e


    gies, the solutions must have the following cha

    nd constraints (e.g. economic viability):

    rgy and natural resources

    tions with sensitivity to cultural context

    rths ecosystems

    use of nonrenewable energy and natural resou

    inherently involves increasing the disorder

    future use. By subjecting materials and energy

    current and future generations. Therefore, cons

    ith less, is a fundamental objective of sustaina

    on- A sustainable technology must fulfill the ne

    e needs the technology must account for huma

    references may conflict with environmental an

    d out. This is does not mean that human prefe

    difference between surviving and living.


    ity, a technology that fits

    tical solutions to achieve

    ese technologies serve to

    ncing cost effectiveness,

    nvironmentally beneficial

    racteristics, in addition to

    rces should be minimized

    of materials and energy,

    o consumption processes

    uming as little matter and


    eds of the population it is

    preferences and cultural

    economic criteria and a

    ences should be ignored;

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Minimizing Negative Environ

    impacts (as well as maximizing

    environment consists of ecosyste

    Sustainability of the human race re

    health through maintaining biodiver


    In order to understand the changes t

    at the paradigm which is currently

    subject of sustainability, there is g

    disregards constraints to material

    unsustainable linear development a

    model, several systems are linked

    natural resources such as air, water,


    ental Impacts - Finally, causing minimal

    positive impacts) is an important objective o

    ms whose ongoing health is essential for h

    uires that ecosystems be protected and preserv

    sity, adequate habitat, and ecosystem resilience.


    hat need to be made to develop sustainable techn

    being employed. Despite a wide range of posi

    neral agreement that the current paradigm of li

    or energy consumption, is unsustainable. In Fi

    pproach is shown which has prevailed over the

    in a linear process that begins with both rene

    soil, mineral or biological resources.

    Figure 12 - Unsustainable linear development


    negative environmental

    sustainability since the

    man survival on earth.

    d in a reasonable state of


    ologies it is useful to look

    ions and opinions on the

    near development, which

    igure 12, a model of the

    last few centuries. In this

    able and non-renewable

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    In this model (D.V.Roberts)12

    , exp

    industrial processes (Subsystem 1)

    systems: theproduction and use of

    the linear process; and resource

    industry-specific products or servic

    The linear process ends with the us

    the industrial system across all seg

    systems, which are at the core of m

    nonhazardous waste, and increasing

    The process is linear because inputs

    Subsystem 5 and then are disposed,

    aggravate the situation even more, t

    and consumption of products and se

    And for continued expansion of ene

    unrelenting growth has created thre

    Natural resource depleti

    It is these challenges which must b


    Green Building is the practice of in

    buildings by minimizing their use

    environment and on the limited re

    operation, maintenance, and disman

    development and sustainability are i

    12WESPD Report


    loitation and use of primary natural resources o

    . The outputs of this system become the princ

    energy (Subsystem 2), whose output is a critical

    rocessing and manufacturing (Subsystem 3),

    s that are transported and commercializedwithi

    and consumption (Subsystem 5) of the products

    ents of society. This process has two additional

    ny problems facing the world today: increasing

    levels of environmental impact.

    enter at Subsystem 1 and move in one direction

    going through the system only once with no cycl

    his linear process is fueled by continuous increas

    rvices, creating pressures for further exploitation

    rgy production, resource processing, and manufa

    serious problems:

    on, Accumulation of waste, and Environment

    addressed in achieving sustainability.

    -Building industry solution to technol

    creasing the efficiency while ensuring healthy i

    of power, water, and materials, thus reducin

    sources of the planet, through better site select

    tling - the complete building life cycle .The relat

    ntegral to green building.


    curs to provide inputs for

    ipal inputs for two other

    input to all the systems in

    whose output is a set of

    Subsystem 4.

    or services generated by

    utputs from each of its

    mounts of hazardous and

    through the system to

    ing of materials. To

    s in the demand for, use,

    of natural resources,

    cturing capabilities. This

    l degradation.

    gy and efficiency

    door environment for the

    building impact on the

    ion, design, construction,

    d concepts of sustainable

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Effective green building can lead t

    1. Reduced operating costs by2. improved public and occup3. reduced environmental imp

    Practitioners of green building oft

    structure and its surrounding n

    environmentally friendly in the fact

    appearance and style of sustainabl

    sustainable counterparts.

    Sustainability or 'Green Architectu

    country may be in excess for anoth

    its context. India has suffered con

    other countries, and using materi

    pressures on its resources. Most of

    through the sieve of what we refer

    pursue with following principles:

    Understanding sustainabilit Attempting to understand w Questioning the needs, ide

    provisions to that level only

    Ensuring that what is sustai Ensuring that sustainability Maximizing the use of trad

    knowledge of the long-term

    Assessing all new technolopriorities, before accepting


    increasing productivity and using less energy an

    nt health due to improved indoor air quality, and


    n seek to achieve not only ecological but aest

    atural and built environment. The sustain

    that they are built out of materials that are good

    e homes and buildings can be nearly indistin

    re' can be interpreted in many different ways.

    er, and vice versa. Its meanings and understandi

    siderably during the past century by adopting

    als not entirely appropriate for their own co

    the Built Environment of the pre-independence

    to as 'Green Architecture'. For the Indian conte

    in the context of India & its regions;

    hat constitutes 'Human Comfort' in buildings;

    tifying their optimum levels in long term scena


    nable today remains that way in decades to come

    is not only in parts but also that way holistically;

    itional wisdom in design, wherever applicable,

    behavior of materials, their strengths as well as

    gies for their long term impact in the context o

    hem for use;



    hetic harmony between a

    ble buildings are also

    for the environment. The

    guishable from their less

    hat is desirable for one

    ng will vary according to

    irections appropriate for

    ntext, creating enormous

    era can, even today, pass

    xt, we believe we should

    rio, and taking the design


    because it represents the


    India & its development

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    Being aware of the embodi Taking the decision making Taking the 'savings' bench Addressing all the above is

    built environment;

    Pursuing goals and not just


    Green buildings seem to have be

    available to suggest that green buil

    green buildings rest on the fact t

    consumption. It is huge number for

    But 40 % is only a small part of 100

    A typical office worker in a large

    another hour for outdoor recreation

    of 24 hours in a day, an office wor

    studying population spend about 3

    associated with only 40% of our en

    the time but 60 % of energy consu

    than the other places where human

    crisis would be to make people spen


    d energies of the materials, before we specify th

    processes to measurable levels, in order to make

    ark targets closer to the minimum standards of p

    sues through the sieve of value engineering, for

    the means.


    come synonymous with sustainable design al

    dings are no more sustainable than other build

    hat the buildings are responsible for about 4

    one single sector and obviously this is where a bi

    % where much greater savings in energy consu

    ity in India spends about an hour each way fo

    l activities every day. The rest of the time is sp

    ker spends about 21 hours in buildings. House

    3 hours in buildings. Buildings that account f

    rgy consumption while other non building activ

    ption. Can one say, therefore, that buildings ar

    being spends time? If this is true, a logical way

    d more time indoors.



    our choices judiciously;


    he specific context of the

    hough there is evidence

    ings. The case of making

    % of the global energy

    g difference can be made.

    ption should be possible

    commuting to work and

    nt in a building, thus, out

    ives and non working or

    r 87.5% of our time are

    ities account for 12.5% of

    e more energy efficient

    f dealing with the energy

  • 8/9/2019 Dissertation-can Only Buildings Bring About Sustainable Development-tanay Jaithalia


    The point is that the focus on energ

    consume energy. It is human activi

    buildings in the first place is part o

    independent energy users. The part

    the outdoor part of the same activity

    Energy consumption Via transporta

    and vegetables, processed food ), cl

    not have any connection with the bu

    be done so solve these problems?

    alone. But buildings are a part of la

    the system for bringing goods , ser

    goods, transportation for people ,

    Obviously these services require e

    where the occupant needs to travel

    the efficiency of overall system is e

    human habitat is not by focusing on

    Another solution is build less, or bu

    important. The green building mo

    built area. How many units of area t

    This argument proves that buildi

    sustainable lifestyle

    Figure 14 - Relation between

    Time Spe

    Energy co

    y consumption in buildings is a red herring. It i

    ty. Energy consumed within the building and th

    f the energy used for different types of human

    of the activity that takes place within the build

    consumes the more energy.

    ion (air, road & sea), dietary habits ( non vege

    othing ( leather, synthetic fabric ), entertainmen

    ildings, than how can advancement in building t

    Only small improvements in efficiency would

    rger system and in order to function properly , b

    ices and people to the buildings .supply of ene

    disposal of waste etc. are all needed for buildi

    nergy and material expanses. Making an efficie

    long distance by personal motorized transport

    xamined. The way to reduce energy expense an

    energy intensity and efficiency of the buildings

    ilt only as much required. For this the tool we u

    ement (LEED, AIA) typically measures resou

    he individual requires is never an issue.

    ngs are not responsible for resource consump

    as to deal with the overall context and not jus

    Time spent


    within building

    Outsite Building

    Figure 13 - Relation bet



    Building related


    Outside Building


    s not buildings per se that

    e energy used for making

    ctivity. Buildings are not

    ing uses energy and often

    arian diet, imported fruits

    and waste disposal, does

    chnology help. What can

    result from the building

    uildings are dependent on

    gy, water, food and other

    ng to function properly .

    nt building in wilderness

    oesnt make sense when

    resource consumption in

    ut of human activity.

    se to define efficiency are

    rce efficiency per unit of

    ion but people are .also

    t buildings.

    een Energy Consumption

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    WHAT D

    The evolution of civilization is und

    know that the disastrous conseque

    conversation about sustainability t

    technology, since buildings and tec

    the present green building moveme

    resource impacts arise from everyd

    the notion that technology and effi

    recognize the need to go further.


    We are responsible for the choices

    lifestyles - the choices we make eve

    we buy, and how we get rid of that

    to sustainable green lifestyle to lo


    What, exactly, does green or susta

    comes down to one fundamental co

    replenished. From that concept co

    other living things, our health, our

    look at all the different kinds of res

    oceans depths to the air that we b

    actions that we take today can affec




    er way. The people of this planet are opening t

    nces of our lifestyles are accelerating. The ti

    the next level. In the last chapter, we have f

    nology represent only half of the problem and h

    nt doesn't go far enough. But we now recogniz

    ay behavior and habits. Our lifestyles must evol

    iency will solve the problem of environmental

    we make. At least half of human impact on th

    ry day. Where, and how, we travel. What we eat

    tuff when we're done with it. We have to change

    wer our impact on environment and go carbo

    inable living mean? Different people use diffe

    ncept: The Earths resources shouldnt be deplet

    mes everything else, including caring for the e

    local community, and communities around the

    ources from fossil fuels to forests, agricultur

    reathe its easy to see how everything is int

    the future.


    change. Most of us now

    e has come to take the

    ocused on green building

    alf of the solution, clearly

    e that half or more of all

    e. We have long held by

    degradation. But we now

    e planet comes from our

    . What we wear. The stuff

    our present grey lifestyle

    n neutral in an equitable

    rent definitions, but it all

    ed faster than they can be

    nvironment, animals and

    world. When we start to

    l land to wildlife, and the

    erconnected and how the

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    The concept of sustainable living a

    month and neglect our bills as a re

    path, we end up owing so much th

    our monthly expenses (maybe even

    happy. The planets no different.

    replenished. The call of the bill c

    bankruptcys down the road if som

    and more expensive to bring out

    provide energy for homes, vehicle

    with pollutants and its people.

    Sustainable lifestyle is a way of li

    about not using our fair share of th

    replace. It is about ensuring that bo

    wild life included13

    . It is based on f

    Reduce consumption -you use from choosing goo

    the summer helps you to

    Choose carefully- Assetheir entire life cycles from

    You not only protect the


    Opt for renewable resbased on fossil fuels) with

    green action and it may

    13WWF, One Planet Living

    s being a lot like our family budget. If we spend

    ult, the bill collectors start calling, and if we k

    t we cant possibly pay it back. On the other ha

    saving a little), we will able to live within our

    Right now, its resources are being depleted fa

    ollectors is getting louder all the time, with t

    thing doesnt change. Fossil fuels such as oil ar

    f the ground, and their reserves are dwindlin

    , and industries emits carbon dioxide and othe

    ing and working that is compatible with the pl

    earth resources, or taking more than the planet

    untiful wealth provided by nature can be enjoy

    ollowing principles:

    Anything that you do to decrease the amount of

    ds with less packaging to turning down your ho

    lead a more sustainable life.

    ssing where certain products and services com

    manufacture to disposal helps you to make the

    nvironment but also protect the people invol

    urces - Replacing your use of nonrenewable

    renewable resources (such as solar or wind e

    e easier than you think.


    more than we make each

    eep going down the same

    nd, if we are careful with

    means and keep everyone

    r faster than they can be

    he clear implication that

    becoming more difficult

    . Burning fossil fuels to

    r greenhouse gases along

    anets natural limits. It is

    s ecosystem can naturally

    d by every living thing

    the Earths resources that

    mes Ac a few degrees in

    from by thinking about

    greenest choices possible.

    ed in the manufacturing

    esources (such as energy

    ergy) is a very powerful

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    Repair when needed -been done to the environm

    programs at home and arou



    Consumption of natural resources

    energy and displacement of natural

    human systems as well as the natur

    and energy is essential to achieve

    The following sections highlight se

    life of built facilities.

    Improving Technological Eff

    consumption in creating the built e

    processes. For materials, we need to

    used. With respect to processes, te

    energy required to generate the desi

    Reuse, Rehabilitation, and R

    strategy for making design and co

    cost, material, and energy input w

    techniques such as adaptive reuse,

    meet new use criteria, at a much lo


    here are plenty of ways that you can help to fix

    nt, from supporting tree-planting projects to hel

    d the world.


    is at the heart of sustainability. With its large

    ecosystems, the built environment greatly influ

    al ecosystems of which we are a part. Minimizi

    ustainability in creating, operating, and decom

    veral strategies for minimizing consumption of

    iciency: Doing more with less - One

    vironment is improving the technological effici

    improve the efficiency with which they meet th

    chnological efficiency means reducing the am

    red outcome of the process.

    etrofitting - Reusing buildings, materials an

    nstruction more sustainable. By reusing what a

    ich would be required to create new facilities

    ehabilitation, or retrofitting, old facilities can be

    er consumptive cost than building a new facility


    the damage thats already

    ping out with community

    scale use of material and

    nces the sustainability of

    ng consumption of matter

    issioning built facilities.

    natural resources over the

    strategy for minimizing

    ency of our materials and

    needs for which they are

    unts of input matter and

    d equipment is a second

    lready exists we save the

    from scratch. By using

    modified or improved to


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    Creating New Technologies -

    by creating new technologies. C

    technologies which do not rely on t

    Photovoltaic panels, which generat

    Instead of using finite reserves of

    essentially infinite resource of sola

    natural ecosystems: what sources

    opportunities exist in the area of wa

    Modifying Historical Technolo

    meet the needs of people. Many of

    were developed to replace them.

    prove to be useful in and of themsel

    Reshaping Human Desires -

    change human desires and tastes.

    greatly adaptable, other human wa

    architectural trends in built facilitie

    consumer demand and thus the co

    consumptive patterns are education

    ecosystems of which they are a part


    The quality of the facility as a man

    needs and aspirations for such th


    any opportunities exist to increase the sustai

    nsumption of matter and energy can be red

    raditional types or amounts of materials and ene

    e electricity from solar radiation, are one exam

    coal or oil to make the electricity used by hu

    r energy. Opportunities for new technologies c

    f energy and matter are used by these system

    ste recovery and reuse.

    gies - Technologies have been used over the c

    these technologies have been forgotten or aband

    hile most of these technologies may appear t

    ves, or to suggest ideas for new technologies.

    more fundamental strategy for minimizing con

    hile fundamental human needs such as food,

    ts are often significantly responsive to externa

    s from decade to decade are an example of ho

    sumption of matter and energy. Other mechan

    and awareness. If people are aware of the impa

    they may make more enlightened choices.


    -made environment for people is determined by

    ings as security, non-toxicity, shelter, aesthet


    ability of human activity

    ced by developing new

    rgy to meet human needs.

    ple of such a technology.

    mans, PV panels use the

    n be found by observing

    s? Particularly promising

    ourse of human history to

    oned as new technologies

    o be obsolete, some may

    sumption is to attempt to

    helter, and water are not

    l influences. The obvious

    designers can influence

    isms for changing human

    ts of their choices on the

    how well it meets human

    ics, and other functional

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    Improving Economic Viability.

    building project. Indeed, a facility d

    and of itself. Thus, increasing cost

    facilities. Economic viability often

    environmental impacts, since less

    lower liability and remediation cost

    Matching User Needs with F

    human satisfaction criteria, the first

    These needs shape the basic functio

    be considered sustainable. Opportu

    those needs as input to the design p

    Creating a Healthy Built Envi

    must be met by the facility, desig

    healthy environment both inside an

    healthy built environment, as well

    the tasks and activities which occur

    environment, sustainable design als

    Consideration of the interfaces b

    materials and processes are essent


    Empowering People to Meet t

    environment is empowerment. By i

    the final facility will be more likely

    of the facility life cycle creates

    environmental context, and a respec

    In todays world, economic viability is an impo

    esign which is sustainable but too expensive to c

    ffectiveness of facilities is a critical strategy for

    follows from achieving the objectives of mini

    consumption means less cost, and reduced env


    cility Design. In creating a facility which is

    step must be to identify the needs of the people

    nal requirements of the facility, and must be met

    ities exist in the area of systematic human needs


    onment.In addition to the basic functional req

    ners and constructors must also strive to inclu

    outside the facility. Non-toxic materials are an

    s design features which convey aesthetic or spi

    within the facility. Besides the requirements for


    tween the built environment and the natural

    ial technologies for achieving sustainability th

    eir Own Needs. A final strategy for satisfyin

    cluding users in decision making for the planni

    to meet the needs of those users. Allowing user

    awareness among the users of the interfaces

    t for the flows of energy and material through th


    tant consideration for any

    onstruct has little value in

    creating sustainable built

    mizing cost and negative

    ironmental impact means

    sustainable based on the

    who will use the facility.

    in order for the facility to

    assessment, and adapting

    uirements of users which

    e factors which create a

    essential component of a

    ritual values conducive to

    creating a healthy indoor

    environment. Non-toxic

    roughout the facility life

    human needs in the built

    g and design of facilities,

    participation at all phases

    of the facility with its

    built system over time.

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    Built facilities impact the natural e

    impacts which built facilities have o

    Spatial displacement of nat Impacts resulting by human

    human development of the

    Depletion of matter and enthe facility

    Generation of large amoudeposited in and must be ab

    Given their large scale and long lif

    the environment as a whole. The

    improve the sustainability of built f

    Recovering Waste: Reduce, R

    building construction and operati

    advocates anticipating and elimin

    prefabrication processes, where car

    into the manufacturing process or

    recycling is also becoming increasin

    Reusing Existing Developmen

    making better use of sites and facili

    similar or adaptive uses, as well

    development, are examples of str

    reusing existing sites and/or facilitie

    Avoiding the need to start from scr


    nvironment in many ways over their entire life

    n the earths ecological systems and resources:

    ral ecosystems, and modification of surrounding

    use of the built environment, and the tendency f

    urrounding ecosystems

    rgy resources from natural ecosystems during t

    ts of waste output over the whole life cycle

    sorbed by natural ecosystems.

    cycles, built facilities have particularly large a

    following strategies are examples of approach

    cilities by avoiding negative environmental imp

    use, and Recycle.Various approaches exist t

    on processes. Pollution prevention, for exam

    ating pollution before it is produced. Mater

    ful planning can eliminate waste or enable it to

    to other complimentary processes. Constructi

    gly popular, as disposal options become more ex

    t.Another way of minimizing impacts on the

    ies which have already been used. Rehabilitatio

    as using retrofitted existing sites rather than

    tegies which reduce negative impacts on the

    s, we save costs and avoid negative impacts by



    ycles. Four categories of


    or that use to spur further

    e construction and use of

    of the facility, which is

    nd long-lasting effects on

    s which can be taken to

    cts over their life cycle.

    o help recover waste from

    le, is a strategy which

    ial recycling is used in

    be directly recycled back

    on and demolition waste


    atural environment is by

    of existing structures for

    Greenfield sites for new

    natural environment. By

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    Integrating the Built Environ

    context of natural ecological syste

    activity. The built environment c

    bioregion by designing material an

    assimilative capacities of that conte

    be mutually beneficial to humans a

    natural systems.

    ent into Ecological Systems.Sustainabili

    ms, since it is these systems which provide the

    n be integrated into the natural environment

    energy flows into and out of the built system

    t. Integration of built systems into the surround

    d nature, provided that humans do not exceed th


    ity must occur within the

    resources for all human

    l context of its site and

    o fit within the yield and

    ing ecological context can

    e assimilative capacity of

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    The current state of our planet is

    Environment like Global Warming,

    contributing to an Environmental

    human themselves .

    It is not only the nature of hum

    occurrence. The Global Population

    billion by the end of this Century.

    urgently require resources to fulfill

    resource consumption to improve th

    Population Growth and the raising

    more waste and thus increase the i

    address the problems ofEnviron

    supporting development that is su

    benefits of a healthy stable environ

    But achieving Sustainable Develop

    Solutions like Long Term Thinkin

    consumption are viable because the

    present without compromising to th

    slow enough, in lieu of the rate of E


    really very bad and the pressures imposed by

    Pollution, Deforestation, Habitat Destruction a

    Crisis, which is threatening the survival of ma

    an activities that threatens the Environment,

    is growing: currently at 6.2 billion, it is expect

    Currently about two billion humans, without rel

    their basic needs, while several billions more a

    eir living standards.

    of low Living Standards will require more reso

    pact on the Natural Environment. The Principl

    ental Degradation, Lack of Human Equality

    stainable in economic and social terms and is

    entin the long term.

    ent in the present day scenario is very difficult,

    g and Controlling the Growth of Population,

    describe the idea of achieving a development t

    e ability of future generations to meet their own

    nvironmental Degradation.


    human activities on the

    d Resource Depletion are

    ny species, including the

    but also their increasing

    d to stabilize at around 9

    iable access to safe food,

    re rapidly increasing their

    urces, which will produce

    s of Sustainability aim to

    and Quality of Life, by

    capable of retaining the

    of all various strategies.

    to minimize the rate of

    hat meets the needs of the

    needs. But this process is

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    Improvement of Technology is the

    name of development. With its ben

    growth of nations h