Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so...

Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant, germicide or antiseptic is a substance able to kill organisms and their spores at appropriate concentrations.

Transcript of Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so...

Page 1: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,



Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection.

Disinfectant, germicide or antiseptic is a substance able to kill organisms and their spores at appropriate concentrations.

Page 2: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

The common disinfecting agents available to the stockowner are sunlight, heat and chemical disinfectants.

Sunlight possesses strong disinfecting properties. Animal houses must be so constructed that sunlight falls in the sheds at least for some time during the day.

Application of heat by steam, by hot water, by hot water, by burning or by boiling is an effective method of disinfection though; sometimes it is not practicable to use heat.

Utility, strength, specificity etc. of some common chemical disinfectant. Also, effectiveness of antiseptics is greatly reduced in the presence of organic matter; hence the need to cleanse areas before using a disinfectant.


Page 3: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Disinfection of animal houses

Under ordinary conditions, daily scrubbing and washing of houses and the action of sunlight falling in the houses are sufficient enough to keep them moderately germ-free. The first step in disinfection of animal houses is removal of all filth, as the power of disinfectants is greatly reduced in the presence of organic matter. Floors, walls up to height of 1.5 m interior of water troughs and mangers should be well scrubbed and all dung, litter etc. should be removed and stacked separately. After removal of filth, the place should be scrubbed and washed with 4 per cent hot washing soda solution (i.e., 4 kg washing soda in 100 litres of boiling water). The approved disinfectant solution should then be coated liberally over the place by sprinkling or preferably by spraying and left so to act for 24 hours. After this period, the animal house should again be washed with clean water and left to dry by wind and sunlight. The interior of water troughs and mangers should be whitewashed. The house is then fit for housing healthy animals.

Page 4: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Disinfection of pastures

Any obvious infective material, like carcass, aborted foetus, dung etc. from over the pasture and prevention of animals from grazing on the pasture under question for at least three to four months.

The pasture can be ploughed up and left fallow for about six months during which period the pathogens would be destroyed by sun.

Page 5: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Control of internal parasites

Control of internal parasites should be aimed at

ridding the animal of internal parasites by periodical deworming,

preventing infestation of animals by keeping premises free from infective forms of parasite – disinfestation, and

elimination of intermediate hosts.

Page 6: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,


All the animals in the herd or locality should be dewormed so that the drug becomes an ecological agent rather than a means of treating affected animals. Such a proposition is difficult in India as the individual herds comprise only a few animals, are numerous and are scattered.

The local veterinarian should be consulted for all suggestions regarding dewormers and deworming.

It is good to deworm adult females after parturition.

All the animals should preferably be fasted for 24 hours before giving the anthelmintic. Young animals should preferably be dewormed every month using a suitable anthelmintic. Older stock can be dewormed at 4-6 months’ intervals.

In places where heavy endo-parasite infestations are found (hot-humid regions) it is advisable to deworm heifers twice a year up to two years of age.

Even adult stock can be drenched twice a year-once before monsoon season (May-June) and once during monsoon (August-September) – with piperazine and phenovis.

Page 7: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,


Disinfestation comprises of eliminating sources of parasitic infection, preventing animals from getting access to possible sources of infestations and elimination of intermediate hosts.

Housing animals in clean houses with paved floors. Animals of different ages should be housed separately. Younger animals should never be mixed with older ones. Animals of the same age should be managed as a single, closed community. Proper deworming of all such animals before putting them in a shed or bringing them into the farm. If grazing is practiced-division of pasture into several blocks and practicing rotational grazing in these blocks. Feeding of cultivated fodders is more helpful in checking pasture-borne infections. Preventing humans from defecating on pastures or around the farm, as this may cause contamination with tape worm eggs. For the same reason, care should be taken to see that dogs (intermediate hosts), crows and other birds (mechanical carriers) do not gain access to the animal farm. Control of snail population may result in control of liver fluke infestation to some extent.

Page 8: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Control of arthropod pests

Insects (flies, ticks, mites, fleas, lice) harm animals directly by biting, blood sucking, irritating etc. as well as indirectly by transmitting bacterial, viral and protozoan diseases.

Insect menace is an important impediment to the development of animal husbandry in the tropics.

Page 9: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Abodes of insects

Manure, filth, damp and dark corners, stagnant water etc. are all favourite breeding places of insects.

Eggs of ticks and mites deposited in cracks and crevices in the walls, floors and woodwork of the animal houses or on pastures, hatch out and the larvae feed on animals during certain duration of their life cycles.

Mites also live on skin of animals, though; some may burrow into the skin.

Lice and fleas are more or less host specific and they live on animals. Thus, any control measure should be aimed at clearing the abodes of arthropod parasites as well as ridding the animals and animal surroundings of them.

Page 10: Disinfection Definitions Disinfection means destruction of pathogenic microorganisms from a place so that the place becomes free from infection. Disinfectant,

Control Measures

Periodical (once in April-June and once in July-September) dipping or spraying of animals with suitable insecticides.

Nowadays several organophosphate insecticides like Malathion, Parathion, Neguvon etc. are available which are very destructive to insects but are quite toxic to animals as well.

Great care should be taken while using these chemicals and manufacturers’ instructions regarding their usage should be scrupulously followed.

Newer generation synthetic pyrethroids like Deltamethrin (ButoxTM), Cypermethrin (Cyprol, Tikkil) etc. are available in the market.