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1 0 T H E D I T I O N


Jeffrey J. ZimmermanLocke A. KarrikerAlejandro RamirezKent J. SchwartzGregory W. Stevenson


A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication

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This edition first published 2012 © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

First Edition, 1958; second edition, 1964, third edition, 1970; fourth edition, 1975; fifth edition, 1981; sixth edition, 1986; seventh edition, 1992; eighth edition, 1999 © Iowa State PressNinth edition, 2006 © Blackwell Publishing

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Diseases of swine / edited by Jeffrey J. Zimmerman ... [et al.]. – 10th ed. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8138-2267-9 (hardcover : alk. paper) I. Zimmerman, Jeffrey J. [DNLM: 1. Swine Diseases. SF 971] 636.4'0896–dc23 2011042643

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List of Tables viiiContributing Authors xiiiEditors’ Note xxiii


Records, benchmarks, four-circle approach, diagnostic approaches, prioritizing interventions, reporting, blood sample collection, oral fluid collection

2 DifferentialDiagnosisofDiseases 18Diarrhea, vomiting, rectal prolapses, respiratory distress, sneezing, skin, neurologic, lameness, reproductive, congenital, zoonotic

3 BehaviorandWelfare 32Definitions of welfare and cruelty, scientific approaches to study welfare, maternal behaviors, minimizing welfare impact of invasive procedures, feeding and drinking behaviors, human interactions, behavior responses due to disease, recognizing pain

4 LongevityinBreedingAnimals 50Assessment of longevity, causes of removal from the herd, causes of sow death, gilt development, boar longerity

5 EffectoftheEnvironmentonHealth 60Evaluation of the environment, recommended air temperatures, minimum ventilation rates, space recommendations, feeder space recommendations

6 OptimizingDiagnosticValueandSampleCollection 67Developing the diagnostic plan, diagnostic sample selection, pig necropsy, necropsy safety, knife sharpening

7 DiagnosticTests,TestPerformance,andConsiderationsforInterpretation 77Overview of how specific diagnostic tests are performed, advantages and disadvantages to each type of test, PCR testing considerations

including quantitative interpretation, appropriate uses of genetic sequencing

8 AnalysisandUseofDiagnosticData 94Sources of variation in test results, sensitivity and specificity, testing in series or parallel, selecting test cutoff values, selecting appropriate sample size, detecting a difference in prevalence between two groups

9 DrugPharmacology,Therapy,andProphylaxis 106Antimicrobial drug classes, considerations for treatment, residue avoidance, regulatory restrictions on treatment, parasiticides, probiotics, hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs

10 AnesthesiaandSurgicalProceduresinSwine 119Injectable anesthetic agents, catheterization, epidural injection, surgical procedures

11 DiseaseTransmissionandBiosecurity 141Routes of transmission, ecology of disease, pathogen cycles, biological risk management, principles of biosecurity

12 PreharvestFoodSafety,ZoonoticDiseases,andtheHumanHealthInterface 165Physical, chemical, and biological hazards; drug residues; MRSA; feed safety; certification programs

13 SpecialConsiderationsforShowandPetPigs 179Dynamics of the show pig industry, behavior and training, ethics, miniature pigs, teeth trimming, hoof trimming, obesity

SECTION II BODY SYSTEMS14 CardiovascularandHematopoieticSystems 189

Anatomy, pathophysiology, mulberry heart disease, anemia, shock

15 DigestiveSystem 199Interactions of flora, nutrition, immune system, anatomy, pathophysiology, gastric


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ulcers, hemorrhagic bowel syndrome, prolapses, hernias

16 ImmuneSystem 227Innate and adaptive immunity; cellular, humoral, mucosal, and passive immune mechanisms; stress; nutrition; immunosuppression; vaccination

17 IntegumentarySystem:Skin,Hoof,andClaw 251Pathophysiology of skin, infectious conditions, ear necrosis, porcine dermatopathy and nephropathy syndrome, pathophysiology of foot and claw, traumatic and nutritional contributors to foot and claw lesions

18 MammarySystem 270Structure and development, physiology of lactation and colostral transfer, pathophysiology of lactation dysfunction, mastitis, dysgalactia and risk factors

19 NervousandLocomotorSystems 294Pathophysiology of nervous system, muscle, bone, joint, and eye; congenital abnormalities; splayleg; congenital tremor; myopathy; porcine stress syndrome; arthritis; metabolic bone disease; rickets; osteochondrosis

20 DiseasesoftheReproductiveSystem 329Control of estrus, pregnancy, and parturition; pregnancy diagnosis; dystocia; prolapse; discharge; male reproductive function and semen quality; laboratory investigation of abortion and reproductive failure

21 RespiratorySystem 348Anatomy, pathophysiology

22 UrinarySystem 363Anatomy, pathophysiology, porcine dermatopathy and nephropathy syndrome

SECTION III VIRAL DISEASES23 OverviewofViruses 383

Virus taxonomy, characteristics of virus families, table of viral pathogens of swine

24 PorcineAdenoviruses 39225 AfricanSwineFeverVirus 39626 PorcineCircoviruses 40527 PorcineAnelloviruses 418

Torque teno sus virus28 Herpesviruses 421

Malignant catarrhal fever (ovine herpesvirus 2), porcine cytomegalovirus, porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses, pseudorabies (Aujeszky’s disease) virus

29 PorcineParvovirus 44730 SwinepoxVirus 45631 PorcineReproductiveandRespiratory

SyndromeVirus(PorcineArterivirus) 46132 PorcineAstroviruses 487

33 Bunyaviruses 490Akabane virus, Lumbo virus, Oya virus, Tahyna virus

34 PorcineCaliciviruses 493Porcine noroviruses, porcine sapoviruses, St-Valérien virus, vesicular exanthema of swine virus

35 Coronaviruses 501Hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, porcine respiratory coronavirus, porcine torovirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus

36 Filovirus 525Ebolavirus

37 Flaviviruses 528Japanese encephalitis virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus, West Nile virus

38 Pestiviruses 538Border disease virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, Bungowannah virus, classical swine fever virus

39 HepatitisEVirus 55440 InfluenzaVirus 55741 Paramyxoviruses 572

Menangle virus, Nipah virus, Rubulavirus (blue eye paramyxovirus)

42 Picornaviruses 587Encephalomyocarditis virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, porcine enteroviruses, porcine kobuvirus, porcine sapelovirus, porcine teschovirus, Seneca Valley virus, swine vesicular disease virus

43 Reoviruses(RotavirusesandReoviruses) 62144 Retroviruses 63545 Rhabdoviruses 639

Rabies virus, vesicular stomatitis viruses46 Togaviruses 644

Eastern equine encephalitis virus, Getah virus, Ross River virus, Sagiyama virus


Characteristics of genera, disease mechanisms, table of bacterial diseases

48 Actinobacillosis 653Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae—pleuropneumonia; Actinobacillus suis—septicemia, pleuropneumonia; Actinobacillus equuli—septicemia

49 Bordetellosis 670Bordetella bronchiseptica—nonprogressive atrophic rhinitis, bronchopneumonia

50 BrachyspiralColitis 680Brachyspira hyodysenteriae—swine dysentery; Brachyspira pilosicoli—intestinal (colonic) spirochetosis; Brachyspira “suanatina,” intermedia, murdochii—occasional colitis

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51 Brucellosis 697Brucella suis—infertility, abortion, perinatal mortality

52 Clostridiosis 709Clostridium perfringens type C—necrohemorrhagic enteritis; Clostridium perfringens type A—necrotizing enteritis; Clostridium difficile—necrotizing colitis; Clostridium septicum, perfringens type A; novyi, chauvoei—cellulitis and gas gangrene; Clostridium tetani—tetanus; Clostridium botulinum—botulism

53 Colibacillosis 723Neonatal E. coli diarrhea, postweaning E. coli diarrhea and edema disease, E. coli causing fatal shock, systemic E. coli infections, coliform mastitis, nonspecific urinary tract infection

54 Erysipelas 750Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, tonsillarum—septicemia, arthritis, endocarditis

55 Glässer’sDisease 760Haemophilus parasuis—fibrinous polyserositis and arthritis

56 Leptospirosis 770Leptospira spp. serovars Pomona, Kennewicki, Bratislava, Muenchen, Tarassovi, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Hardjo, others—abortion and stillbirths

57 Mycoplasmosis 779Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae—pneumonia; Mycoplasma hyorhinis—polyserositis, arthritis; Mycoplasma hyosynoviae—arthritis; Mycoplasma (Eperythrozoon) suis—anemia, other mycoplasmas—mostly nonpathogenic

58 Pasteurellosis 798Pasteurella multocida—progressive atrophic rhinitis, pneumonia, septicemia

59 ProliferativeEnteropathy 811Lawsonia intracellularis—porcine proliferative enteropathy, proliferative hemorrhagic enteropathy

60 Salmonellosis 821Salmonella choleraesuis var. kunzendorf—septicemia, enterocolitis; Salmonella typhimurium, heidelberg, typhisuis—enterocolitis; Salmonella dublin, enteriditis—meningitis

61 Staphylococcosis 834Staphylococcus hyicus—exudative epidermitis; Staphyloccocus aureus—skin infections, mastitis, others

62 Streptococcosis 841Streptococcus suis—septicemia, meningitis, others; Streptococcus porcinus—cervical lymphadenitis; Streptococcus dysgalactiae

subsp. equisimilis—arthritis, other streptococci—various conditions; Enterococcus durans and hirae—diarrhea

63 Tuberculosis 856Mycobacterium avium complex; M. bovis; M. tuberculosis—localized alimentary lymphadentitis, rare disseminated tuberculosis; Mycobacterium kansasii; M. zenopi; M. fortuitum; M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis—uncertain significance

64 MiscellaneousBacterialInfections 866Actinobaculum (Eubacterium) suis—cystitis, pyelonephritis; Arcanobacterium pyogenes—pyogenic sepsis; Bacillus anthracis—anthrax; Burkholderia pseudomallei—melioidosis; Campylobacter spp.—enterocolitis; Chlamydia—enteritis, pneumonia, abortion, etc.; Listeria monocytogenes—septicemia, encephalitis, abortion; Rhodococcus equi—granulomatous lymphadenitis; Treponema pedis—ear necrosis, other skin lesions; Yersinia spp.—enterocolitis


Mange (Sarcoptes, Demodex), lice, fleas, mosquitoes, flies (myiasis), ticks

66 CoccidiaandOtherProtozoa 895Coccidia (Isospora, Eimeria), Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, microsporidia (Entercytozoon, Encephalitozoon), Balantidium coli, Entamoeba

67 InternalParasites:Helminths 908Nematodes—Gongylonema, Hyostrongylus, Strongyloides, Ascaris, Trichinella, Trichuris, Oesophagostomum, Metastrongylus, Paragonimus, Stephanurus, and others; Cestodes—Echinococcus, Taenia, and others; parasiticides

SECTION VI NONINFECTIOUS DISEASES68 NutrientDeficienciesandExcesses 923

Factors contributing to nutritional diseases, clinical signs, investigation

69 MycotoxinsinGrainsandFeeds 938Aflatoxin, ochratoxin, citrinin, trichothecenes (T-2 toxin, DON), zearalenone, and fumonisins

70 ToxicMinerals,Chemicals,Plants,andGases 953Minerals, feed additives, pesticides, toxic plants, nitrite, effects of water quality, toxic gases, and ventilation failure

Index 968

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List of Tables


SECTION I VETERINARY PRACTICEChapter 1 Herd EvaluationTable 1.1 Recommended space per pig

by phase of production 8Table 1.2 Weights and daily gain by age

and relative growth rate 9Table 1.3 Recommended water

requirements, water flow rate, and feeder space per pig by phase of production 10

Table 1.4 Temperature, respiration, and heart rate of pigs of different ages 10

Table 1.5 Sow body condition scoring 11Chapter 2 Differential Diagnosis

of DiseasesTable 2.1 Approximate age at which certain

causes of diarrhea in pigs are more common 19

Table 2.2 Approximate age at which certain causes of vomiting in pigs are more common 21

Table 2.3 Causes of rectal prolapses in pigs 21Table 2.4 Approximate age at which certain

causes of pneumonia, respiratory distress, or coughing in pigs are more common 22

Table 2.5 Certain causes of sneezing in pigs 23

Table 2.6 Approximate age at which certain skin diseases in pigs are more frequently seen 24

Table 2.7 Diseases affecting the skin of pigs 25Table 2.8 Cause of anemia in pigs 26Table 2.9 Cause of neurological signs

in pigs 27Table 2.10 Approximate ages at which

diseases causing lameness are more common 28

Table 2.11 Causes of reproductive losses in pigs 29

Table 2.12 Common congenital anomalies in pigs 30

Table 2.13 Pig diseases with zoonotic potential 31

Chapter 5 Effect of the Environment on Health

Table 5.1 Recommended air temperature ranges at animal level for pigs at various sizes and ages 63

Table 5.2 Target minimum ventilation rates for pigs at various sizes 64

Table 5.3 Space recommendations for growing pigs 65

Table 5.4 Feeder space recommendations for growing pigs 65

Chapter 6 Optimizing Diagnostic Value and Sample Collection

Table 6.1 Suggested necropsy kit components 69

Table 6.2 Porcine septicemia––specimen collection 69

Table 6.3 Porcine respiratory disorders––specimen collection 70

Table 6.4 Porcine neurological disorders––specimen collection 70

Table 6.5 Porcine abortion––specimen collection 71

Table 6.6 Porcine diarrhea (birth to 4 weeks)––specimen collection 71

Table 6.7 Porcine diarrhea (1 month and older)––specimen collection 72

Chapter 7 Diagnostic Tests, Test Performance, and Considerations for Interpretation

Table 7.1 Diagnostic tests for analyte types: infectious agent, antigen, antibody, or nucleic acid detection 79


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Table 7.2 Guidelines for interpretation and troubleshooting of positive and negative bacterial isolation results 79

Table 7.3 Effect of strain variation on PRRSV IFA results 85

Table 7.4 Recommendations for the use of PRRSV genomic sequencing 91

Chapter 8 Analysis and Use of Diagnostic Data

Table 8.1 Sample sizes necessary to detect a significant difference in prevalence or incidence of infection or disease between two groups (one with and one without the risk factor) with 95% confidence and 80% power 104

Chapter 9 Drug Pharmacology, Therapy, and Prophylaxis

Table 9.1 Considerations in drug use in swine 107

Table 9.2 Antimicrobial selection considerations (S.P.A.C.E.D.) 107

Table 9.3 Overview of the major classes and identities of antimicrobial drugs used in swine, their antimicrobial activities, pharmacokinetic properties, toxic and other adverse effects, and major clinical applications 108

Table 9.4 American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) Basic Guidelines of Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Pork Production 113

Table 9.5 Common swine anthelmintics and doses 117

Chapter 10 Anesthesia and Surgical Procedures in Swine

Table 10.1 Injectable anesthetic agents for swine 122

Chapter 11 Disease Transmission and Biosecurity

Table 11.1 Commonly used measures of disease frequency 143

Table 11.2 Evolution of the science of animal disease management 154

Table 11.3 Two decades of pig disease; emergence or reemergence of pig pathogens (1990–2010) 156

SECTION II BODY SYSTEMSChapter 14 Cardiovascular and

Hematopoietic SystemsTable 14.1 Porcine clinical and biochemistry

reference intervals 190

Table 14.2 Porcine hematological reference intervals 190

Table 14.3 Porcine congenital cardiovascular anomalies 191

Table 14.4 Infectious etiologies of inflammatory heart disease 192

Table 14.5 Infectious causes of porcine vasculitis 195

Table 14.6 Body fluid classifications and parameters 195

Table 14.7 Causes of porcine anemia 196Chapter 15 Digestive SystemTable 15.1 Mechanisms of diarrhea 215Table 15.2 Differential diagnosis of some

common gastrointestinal conditions of swine 216

Table 15.3 Pathology and diagnostic confirmation of some common gastrointestinal conditions of swine 217

Chapter 16 Immune SystemTable 16.1 Toll-like receptors, their ligands,

and the effect on the immune response 232

Table 16.2 Stages in the development of the mucosal immune response in the neonatal pig 239

Table 16.3 Vaccine adjuvants currently used in licensed vaccines 246

Chapter 17 Integumentary System: Skin, Hoof, and Claw

Table 17.1 Causes of diseases of the skin in swine 252

Table 17.2 Differential diagnosis of skin diseases 253

Chapter 18 Mammary SystemTable 18.1 Least-square means of piglet

weight (kilogram) at different ages from randomly chosen 59 litters of different sizes after correction for birth weight (these litters had no mortality for the 28-day lactation period) 275

Table 18.2 Variation of sow milk composition (mean ± SD) between the first days (days 1–2) and plateau phase (days 10–15) of lactation 277

Table 18.3 The effect of litter size on characteristics of neonatal piglets (French observations on 1596 litters from a single herd) 280

Table 18.4 Effect of parity (P) on piglets’ characteristics at birth (French observations on 1596 litters from a single herd) 281

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Chapter 19 Nervous and Locomotor Systems

Table 19.1 References for anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the neurolocomotory system 295

Table 19.2 Physeal closure times in bones of the thoracic and pelvic limbs of the pig 295

Table 19.3 Descriptive terms and clinical signs affecting the nervous system 297

Table 19.4 Observations and lesions of the eye 301

Table 19.5 Congenital and newborn diseases affecting the locomotor system 303

Table 19.6 Taxonomy and causes of congenital tremors 304

Table 19.7 Key features and reference for types of congenital tremors described 304

Table 19.8 Some causes and clinical signs of conditions of the nervous system 310

Table 19.9 Some causes of posterior paresis and paralysis 313

Table 19.10 Sites of malacia in the CNS 313Table 19.11 Diseases and insults that affect

the joints 313Table 19.12 Diseases and insults primarily

affecting the muscle 314Table 19.13 Diseases primarily affecting

the bone 318Table 19.14 Some nutritional contributors

to locomotor disease 318Table 19.15 Osteodystrophies (metabolic

bone diseases) include rickets, osteomalacia, fibrous osteodystrophy, and osteoporosis 319

Table 19.16 Historical contributions to the study of osteochrondrosis 321

Table 19.17 Classification and gross pathology (lesions) of osteochondrosis 322

Chapter 20 Diseases of the Reproductive System

Table 20.1 Effect of boar contact on gilt cyclicity 330

Table 20.2 Effects of oxytocin (OT) after delivery of the first pig on farrowing performance 333

Table 20.3 Boar and laboratory management to minimize semen contamination 338

Table 20.4 Minimum requirements for use of fresh boar semen for artificial insemination 338

Table 20.5 Diagnostic results on 1396 porcine abortion cases submitted to the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from 1/2003 to 1/2010 342

Table 20.6 Fetal tissue sampling guidelines in cases of porcine abortion 343

Table 20.7 Common agents detected in 409 porcine cases classified as infectious abortions at Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from 1/2003 to 1/2010 343

Table 20.8 Infectious and toxic diseases causing abortion, stillbirth, and mummification in swine 345

Chapter 21 Respiratory SystemTable 21.1 Relative weights of lung lobes

as percentages of total lung weight in 90- to 100-kg pigs 349

Table 21.2 Physical, humoral, and cellular defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract 350

Table 21.3 Some studies demonstrating multiple pathogen infections in swine 352

Table 21.4 Classification of pneumonias based on morphology 354

Table 21.5 Respiratory disease entities and agents associated with sneezing 354

Table 21.6 Herd factors with detrimental effects on the respiratory system 358

Chapter 22 Urinary SystemTable 22.1 Differential diagnosis of some

renal diseases based on gross findings at necropsy 377

SECTION III VIRAL DISEASESChapter 23 Overview of VirusesTable 23.1 Comparison of basic properties

among monocellular microorganisms 384

Table 23.2 Viral taxonomy for orders, families, and genera containing viruses infecting pigs 386

Table 23.3 Viral families containing animal and human pathogens and their physicochemical properties 388

Chapter 26 Porcine CircovirusesTable 26.1 Noninfectious risk factors for

PMWS 408Chapter 28 HerpesvirusesTable 28.1 Herpesviruses of swine 422

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Chapter 29 Porcine ParvovirusTable 29.1 Viremia, transplacental

transmission, and death caused by distinct porcine parvovirus strains 449

Chapter 31 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (Porcine Arterivirus)

Table 31.1 Summary of the use of diagnostic assays for the detection of PRRSV infection 473

Chapter 42 PicornavirusesTable 42.1 Picornaviruses that may be

isolated from pigs 588Table 42.2 Year of first and most recent

report of SVD outbreaks in the world 602

Table 42.3 Natural or experimental clinical syndromes associated with porcine enteric picornavirus infection 612

Chapter 43 Reoviruses (Rotavirus and Reoviruses)

Table 43.1 Serogroup, serotype, and genotype designations of selected porcine rotaviruses 623

Table 43.2 Geographic and temporal variability in the dominant group A rotavirus G and P types in subclinical or diarrheic pigs in various countries 624

Table 43.3 Prevalence of group A, B, and C rotaviruses in diarrheic pigs 625

Table 43.4 Rotavirus prevalence in various countries 626

SECTION IV BACTERIAL DISEASESChapter 47 Overview of BacteriaTable 47.1 Classification of the principal

bacterial pathogens of swine 650Table 47.2 Gram-positive bacteria and

associated swine disease(s) and/or clinical signs 651

Table 47.3 Gram-negative bacteria and associated swine diseases and/or clinical signs 651

Chapter 50 Brachyspiral ColitisTable 50.1 Differentiation of six Brachyspira

species that infect swine by their hemolyis pattern on Trypticase Soy blood agar, biochemical reactions, and utilization of sugars 682

Table 50.2 Dosage level, duration of administration and side effects for the four drugs most commonly used for the treatment of swine dysentery 687

Chapter 51 BrucellosisTable 51.1 Differential microbiological

characteristics of species of the genus Brucella 698

Table 51.2 Differential characteristics of the recognized Brucella biovars 698

Chapter 52 ClostridiosisTable 52.1 Major clostridia and associated

syndromes affecting swine 710Table 52.2 Production of so-called major

toxins by types of Clostridium perfringens and associated diseases 710

Table 52.3 Virulence of Clostridium perfringens type A strains for neonatal pigs 713

Chapter 53 ColibacillosisTable 53.1 Important pathotypes, adhesins,

toxins, and serogroups of pathogenic E. coli 724

Table 53.2 Common serovirotypes of pathogenic E. coli from pigs with PWD or ED 725

Table 53.3 Risk factors for development of E. coli diseases 729

Table 53.4 Age periods affected for various clinical diseases due to E. coli 730

Table 53.5 Criteria used to identify causative E. coli in diarrhea 731

Table 53.6 Strategies commonly used for the control of enteric E. coli infections 732

Chapter 54 ErysipelasTable 54.1 Application of different

diagnostic assays for identification of Erysipelothrix species 755

Chapter 55 Glässer’s DiseaseTable 55.1 Clinical and pathological

outcome from experimental inoculation with strains from different serovars of Haemophilus parasuis 761

Chapter 63 TuberculosisTable 63.1 Prevalence of tuberculosis in

swine in the United States as determined by inspection in abattoirs under federal supervision 857

Table 63.2 Summary of data compiled from reports in North America on the occurrence of tubercle bacilli in tuberculous lymph nodes of swine 858

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SECTION V PARASITIC DISEASESChapter 65 External ParasitesTable 65.1 Guidelines for chemical

treatment of external parasites of swine 888

Chapter 66 Coccidia and Other Protozoa

Table 66.1 Species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and microsporidia found in swine and their zoonotic potential 904

Chapter 67 Internal Parasites: HelminthsTable 67.1 Gastrointestinal helminths

of lesser importance 918


and ExcessesTable 68.1 Signs of vitamin deficiencies

in swine 925Table 68.2 Signs of mineral deficiencies

in swine 926Table 68.3 Deficiency signs for other

nutrients and dietary components in swine 927

Table 68.4 Signs of vitamin excess and estimated tolerance level in swine 929

Table 68.5 Signs of mineral excess and estimated tolerance level in swine 930

Table 68.6 Signs of excess and estimated tolerance level for other nutrients and dietary components in swine 931

Table 68.7 A summary of clinical signs associated with nutrient deficiencies and excesses in swine 933

Table 68.8 Analytical variations 934Chapter 69 Mycotoxins in Grains and FeedsTable 69.1 Sources and conditions for

selected mycotoxins important to swine 939

Table 69.2 Characteristics of common mycotoxicoses in swine 940

Table 69.3 Selected approaches to inactivate mycotoxins in swine feeds 943

Table 69.4 Exposure guide to mycotoxin effects in swine 947

Chapter 70 Toxic Minerals, Chemicals, Plants, and Gases

Table 70.1 Water quality guidelines for livestock 961

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Contributing Authors


Caitlyn AbellDepartment of Animal Science109 Kildee HallIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Claudio L. AfonsoUnited States Department of AgricultureAgricultural Research ServiceSoutheast Poultry Research LaboratoryAthens, Georgia 30605

Soren AlexandersenNational Centres for Animal DiseaseNCFAD-Winnipeg and ADRI-Lethbridge LaboratoriesCanadian Food Inspection Agency1015 Arlington StreetWinnipeg MB R3E 3M4Canada

Gordon M. AllanSchool of Biological SciencesQueen’s University BelfastUniversity RoadBelfast BT9 7BL, Northern IrelandUnited Kingdom

Glen W. AlmondDepartment of Population Health and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineNorth Carolina State University1060 William Moore DriveRaleigh, North Carolina 27607

Gary C. AlthouseNew Bolton Center382 West Street RoadSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of PennsylvaniaKennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348

David E. AndersonProfessor and Head, Agricultural PracticesDepartment of Clinical SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineKansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506

Virginia AragonCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA)Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària (IRTA)Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona08193 BellaterraBarcelonaSpain

Marisa Arias NeiraCentro de Investigación en Sanidad AnimalInstituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y AlimentariaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónCarretera de Algete a El Casar28130 ValdeolmosSpain

Alison E. BarnhillInfectious Bacterial Diseases Research UnitNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Graham J. BelshamTechnical University of DenmarkNational Veterinary InstituteLindholm4771 KalvehaveDenmark

David A. BenfieldFood Animal Health Research ProgramCollege of Veterinary MedicineOhio Agricultural Research and Development CenterOhio State University1680 Madison AvenueWooster, Ohio 44691


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José M. BlascoUnidad de Sanidad AnimalCentro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria

(CITA)Gobierno de Aragón. Avda Montañana 93050059 ZaragozaSpain

Susan L. BrockmeierRespiratory Diseases of Swine Research ProjectNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Ian H. BrownVirology Department and Animal Health and Veterinary

Laboratories Agency––WeybridgeNew Haw, AddlestoneSurrey KT15 3NBUnited Kingdom

Thomas O. BunnDiagnostic Bacteriology LaboratoryNational Veterinary Services LaboratoriesAnimal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Ranald Cameron17/8 Sanford StreetSt. Lucia QLD 4067Australia

Steven A. CarlsonDepartment of Biomedical SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

John CarrPortec Australia13 Camden StreetBelmont, Western Australia 6984Australia

Teresa Casey-Trott50 Stone Road East Building #70 Rm 106Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

Chia-Yi ChangAnimal Health Research InstituteNational Taiwan UniversityTansui, New Taipei City 25158Taiwan

Chih-Cheng ChangDepartment of Veterinary Medicine580 Hsin-Min RoadNational Chiayi UniversityChiayi CityTaiwan

Kyeong-Ok ChangDepartment of Diagnostic Medicine and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineKansas State University1800 Denison AvenueManhattan, Kansas 66506

Christopher C. L. ChaseDepartment of Veterinary and Biomedical SciencesSouth Dakota State UniversityBrookings, South Dakota 57007

Jane Christopher-HenningsVeterinary and Biomedical Sciences DepartmentAnimal Disease Research and Diagnostic LaboratorySouth Dakota State UniversityBrookings, South Dakota 57007

Johann CoetzeeDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Sylvie D’AllaireFaculté de médecine vétérinaireUniversité de MontréalC.P. 5000Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, J2S 7C6Canada

Peter W. DanielsCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organization (CSIRO)Australian Animal Health LaboratoryPMB 24Geelong 3220Australia

Peter DaviesDepartment of Clinical and Population SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Scott A. DeeDepartment of Clinical and Population SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

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Marten F. de JongVeterinary Specialist in Pig HealthRet. Vet. Animal Health ServiceRuitenborghweg 7NL 7722 PA DalfsenThe Netherlands

Aldo DekkerCentral Veterinary Institute of Wageningen URPO Box 658200 AB LelystadThe Netherlands

Gustavo DelhonSchool of Veterinary and Biomedical SciencesUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln203 VBS, East CampusLincoln, Nebraska 68583

Mariano DomingoCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA)Departament de Sanitat i Anatomia AnimalsFacultat de VeterinariaUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona08193 BellaterraBarcelonaSpain

Stan DoneAnimal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)West House Station RoadThirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 1PZUnited Kingdom

Richard DroletFaculty of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MontrealPO Box 5000Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 7C6Canada

Jitender P. DubeyAnimal Parasitic Diseases LaboratoryAnimal and Natural Resources InstituteAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of AgricultureBeltsville, Maryland 20705

Lily N. EdwardsKansas State UniversityDepartment of Animal Science and IndustryWeber 248Manhattan, Kansas 66506

Bernhard EhlersRobert Koch-InstitutFachgebiet 12 “Virale Infektoinen”Nordufer 2013353 BerlinGermany

William A. EllisOIE Leptospira Reference LaboratoryVeterinary Sciences DivisionAgri-food and Biosciences InstituteStoney Road, StormontBelfast, Northern IrelandUnited Kingdom

Steve M. EnsleyDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Gene A. EricksonNorth Carolina Department of AgricultureRollins Animal Disease Diagnostic LaboratoryNorth Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory SystemRaleigh, North Carolina 27607

John M. FairbrotherReference laboratory for E. coli3200 rue SicotteSaint-Hyacinthe, Québec J2S 2M2Canada

Chantal FarmerAAFC, Dairy and Swine R&D Centre2000 College StreetSherbrooke, Québec J1M 0C8Canada

Ronald FayerEnvironmental Microbial and Food Safety LaboratoryAnimal and Natural Resources InstituteAgricultural Research Service, United States Department of

AgricultureBeltsville, Maryland 20705

Deborah FinlaisonVirology LaboratoryElizabeth Macarthur Agriculture InstituteNew South Wales Department of Primary IndustriesWoodbridge Road, Menangle New South WalesAustralia 2568

Robert M. FriendshipDepartment of Population MedicineUniversity of GuelphGuelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

Timothy S. FranaDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

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Julie FunkLarge Animal Clinical SciencesB51A Food Safety and Toxicology BuildingMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, Michigan 48824

Bruno Garin-BastujiAgence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSèS)LerpazUnité Zoonoses Bactériennes23 ave du Général de Gaulle94706 Masons-AlfortFrance

Ian A. GardnerDepartment of Health ManagementAtlantic Veterinary CollegeUniversity of Prince Edward Island550 University AvenueCharlottetown, Prince Edward Island CA1 4P3Canada

Connie J. GebhartDepartment of PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Thomas W. GeisbertDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyUniversity of Texas Medical Branch301 University BoulevardGalveston, Texas 77555

Marcelo GottschalkFaculté de Médecine VétérinarireUniversité de MontréalSaint-Hyacinthe, Québec J2S 7C6Canada

John H. GreveCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Ronald W. GriffithDepartment of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive

MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Carlton L. GylesDepartment of PathobiologyUniversity of GuelphGuelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

Patrick G. HalburDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

David J. HampsonAnimal Research InstituteSchool of Veterinary and Biomedical SciencesMurdoch UniversitySouth StreetMurdoch, Western Australia 6150Australia

Richard A. HesseDepartment of Diagnostic Medicine and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1800 Denison AvenueKansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506

Chin-Cheng HuangAnimal Health Research InstituteCouncil of AgricultureExecutive Yuan376 Chung-Cheng RoadTansui, New Taipei City 25158Taiwan

Anna K. JohnsonDepartment of Animal ScienceCollege of AgricultureIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Kwonil JungFood Animal Health Research ProgramOhio Agricultural Research and Development CenterDepartment of Veterinary Preventive MedicineThe Ohio State UniversityWooster, Ohio 44691

Locke A. KarrikerDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Tuija KekarainenCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA)Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia AgroalimentàriaUniversitat Autònoma de BarcelonaCampus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona08193 BellaterraBarcelonaSpain

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Yunjeong KimDepartment of Diagnostic Medicine and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineKansas State University1800 Denison AvenueManhattan, Kansas 66506

Peter D. KirklandVirology LaboratoryElizabeth Macarthur Agriculture InstituteNew South Wales Department of Primary IndustriesWoodbridge Road, Menangle New South Wales 2568Australia

Roy N. KirkwoodSchool of Animal and Veterinary SciencesThe University of Adelaide 5005Australia

Nick J. KnowlesMolecular Characterisation & Diagnostics GroupInstitute for Animal HealthPirbright Laboratory, Ash RoadPirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0NFUnited Kingdom

Frank KoenenVeterinary and Agrochemical Research CentreGroeselenberg 99B-1180 UkkelBelgium

Marie-Frédérique Le PotierAgence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSèS)Laboratoire d′études et de recherches avicoles et porcinesUR Virologié Immunologie PorcinesZoopôle Beaucemaine-Les Croix, BP 5322440 PloufraganFrance

David S. LindsayDepartment of Biomedical Sciences and PathobiologyVirginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine1410 Prices Fork RoadBlacksburg, Virginia 24061

Crystal L. LovingRespiratory Diseases of Swine Research UnitNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Alan T. LoynachanVeterinary Diagnostic LaboratoryUniversity of Kentucky1490 Bull Lea RoadLexington, Kentucky 40512

Joan K. LunneyAnimal Parasitic Diseases LaboratoryANRI, ARS, USDABuilding 1040, Room 103, BARC-EastBeltsville, Maryland 20705

John S. MackenzieFaculty of Health SciencesCurtin UniversityGPO Box U1987Perth, Western Australia 6845Australia

Guy-Pierre MartineauDepartment of Animal ProductionÉcole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse23 Chemin des CapellesBP 87614Toulouse Cedex 3, 31076France

Steven McOristSchool of Veterinary Medicine and ScienceRoom C20 Veterinary Academic BuildingSutton BoningtonLoughborough, Nottinghamshire LE12 5RDUnited Kingdom

Daniel G. MeadSoutheastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study589 D.W. Brooks DriveCollege of Veterinary MedicineThe University of GeorgiaAthens, Georgia 30602

Xiang-Jin MengDepartment of Biomedical Sciences and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityCRC-Integrated Life Science Building1981 Kraft Drive, Room 2036Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Thomas C. MettenleiterFriedrich-Loeffler-InstitutBundesforschungsinstitut für TiergesundheitFederal Research Institute for Animal HealthSüdufer 1017493 Greifswald-Insel RiemsGermany

Phillip S. MillerUniversity of NebraskaLincoln, Nebraska 68583

F. Christopher MinionDepartment of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive

MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

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Thomas MüllerInstitute for EpidemiologyFriedrich-Loeffler-InstitutFederal Research Institute for Animal HealthSeestrasse 55D-16868 WusterhausenGermany

Michael P. MurtaughDepartment of Veterinary and Biomedical SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Eric A. NelsonVeterinary and Biomedical Sciences DepartmentAnimal Disease Research and Diagnostic LaboratorySouth Dakota State UniversityBrookings, South Dakota 57007

Eric J. NeumannSenior Lecturer in Pig Medicine and EpidemiologyMassey UniversityPrivate Bag 11 222Tennent DrivePalmerston North 4442New Zealand

Tracy L. NicholsonVirus and Prion Research UnitNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Ana M. NicolaLaboratorio de Referecia de la OIE para BrucelosisCoordinación General Laboratorio AnimalDILAB–SENASAAve. Fleming 1653CP 1640, Martínez, Buenos AiresArgentina

Sherrie R. NiekampNational Pork Board1776 NW 114th StClive, Iowa 50325

Simone OliveiraUniversity of MinnesotaVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory1333 Gortner Avenue #244St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Christopher W. OlsenDepartment of Pathobiological Sciences and Office of

Academic AffairsSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison2015 Linden DriveMadison, Wisconsin 53706

Steven C. OlsenInfectious Bacterial Diseases of Livestock Research UnitNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Tanja OpriessnigDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Gary D. OsweilerDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Olli PeltoniemiDepartment of Production Animal MedicineFaculty of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of HelsinkiParoninkuja 20, 04920 SaarentausFinland

Maurice B. PensaertLaboratory of Veterinary VirologyFaculty of Veterinary MedicineGhent UniversitySalisburylaan 1339820 MerelbekeBelgium

Christina E. PhillipsDepartment of Animal ScienceUniversity of Minnesota335f An Sci/Vet Med1988 Fitch AvenueSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Carlos Pijoan (deceased)Department of Clinical and Population SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Karen W. PostNorth Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory SystemRollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory1031 Mail Service CenterRaleigh, North Carolina 27699

John F. PrescottDepartment of PathobiologyOntario Veterinary College, University of Guelph50 Stone RoadGuelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

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Alejandro RamirezDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Duane E. ReeseAnimal ScienceUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnLincoln, Nebraska 68583

Karen B. RegisterVirus and Prion Research UnitNational Animal Disease CenterAgricultural Research ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

Gábor ReuterRegional Laboratory of VirologyNational Reference Laboratory of Gastroenteric VirusesÁNTSZ Regional Institute of State Public Health ServiceH-7623 Szabadság u. 7.PécsHungary

Daniel L. RockDepartment of PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2522 Vet. Med. Basic Sciences Building, MC-0022001 S. Lincoln AvenueUrbana, Illinois 61802

Jessica M. RowlandForeign Animal Disease Diagnostic LaboratoryNational Veterinary Services LaboratoriesAnimal and Plant Health Inspection ServicesUnited States Department of AgriculturePlum Island Animal Disease CenterGreenport, New York 11944

Raymond R. R. RowlandDepartment of Diagnostic Medicine and PathobiologyCollege of Veterinary Medicine1800 Denison AvenueKansas State UniversityManhattan, Kansas 66506

Linda J. SaifFood Animal Health Research ProgramOhio Agricultural Research and Development CenterDepartment of Veterinary Preventive MedicineThe Ohio State UniversityWooster, Ohio 44691

Luis SamartinoInstituto de PatobiologíaCentro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias y

AgronómicasInstituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA)Buenos AiresArgentina

José Manuel Sánchez-VizcaínoUniversidad Complutense de MadridFacultad de VeterinariaAvenida Puerta de Hierro s/n28040 MadridSpain

Mónica Santín-DuránEnvironmental Microbial and Food Safety LaboratoryAnimal and Natural Resources InstituteAgricultural Research Service, United States Department of

AgricultureBeltsville, Maryland 20705

Linda ScobieDepartment of Biological and Biomedical SciencesSchool of Health and Life SciencesGlasgow Caledonian UniversityGlasgow, Scotland G4 0BAUnited Kingdom

Joaquim SegalésCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA)Departament de Sanitat i Anatomia AnimalsFacultat de VeterinàriaUniversitat Autonòma de Barcelona08193 BellaterraBarcelonaSpain

Karol SestakTulane National Primate Research CenterTulane University School of Medicine18703 Three Rivers RoadCovington, Louisiana 70433

J. Glenn SongerDepartment of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive

MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Tomasz StadejekNational Veterinary Research InstituteDepartment of Swine DiseasesPartyzantow Ave. 5724-10 PulawyPoland

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Kenneth Stalder109 Kildee HallDepartment of Animal ScienceIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Alberto StephanoStephano Consultores, S.C.Villa de Guadalupe 234Villas del CampestreLeon, Guanajuato, C.P. 37129Mexico

Gregory W. StevensonDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Guy St. JeanAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of

SurgerySchool of Veterinary MedicineRoss UniversitySt. KittsWest Indies

André Felipe StreckInstitute for Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public HealthUniversity of LeipzigAn den Tierkliniken 104103 LeipzigGermany

Ben W. StrugnellAnimal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)West House Station RoadThirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 1PZUnited Kingdom

Mhairi A. SutherlandAgResearch Ltd.Ruakura Research CentreEast St, Private Bag 1323Hamilton 3240New Zealand

Sabrina L. SwensonDiagnostic Virology LaboratoryNational Veterinary Services LaboratoriesAnimal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceUnited States Department of Agriculture1920 Dayton AvenueAmes, Iowa 50010

David J. TaylorEmeritus Professor of Veterinary Bacteriology and Public

Health,University of Glasgow31, North Birbiston RoadLennoxtownGlasgow G66 7LZUnited Kingdom

Jens Peter TeifkeFriedrich-Loeffler-InstitutFederal Research Institute for Animal HealthSüdufer 1017493 Greifswald-Insel RiemsGermany

Eileen L. ThackerNational Program Leader, Animal Production and ProtectionUSDA––Agricultural Research Service5601 Sunnyside AvenueBeltsville, Maryland 20705

Charles O. ThoenDepartment of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive

MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Jill R. ThomsonScottish Agricultural College Veterinary ServicesBush Estate, PeniculkMidlothian, Scotland EH26OQEUnited Kingdom

Montserrat TorremorellDepartment of Clinical and Population SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Stephanie TorreyDepartment of Animal and Poultry Science50 Stone Road East Bldg #70 Rm 246Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

Jerry L. TorrisonVeterinary Population MedicineUniversity of MinnesotaSt. Paul, Minnesota 55108

Uwe TruyenInstitute for Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Public HealthUniversity of LeipzigAn den Tierkliniken 104103 LeipzigGermany

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Anita L. TuckerUniversity of GuelphDepartment of Animal and Poultry ScienceGuelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

A. W. (Dan) TuckerUniversity of CambridgeDepartment of Veterinary MedicineMadingley RoadCambridge CB3 0ESUnited Kingdom

Edan R. TulmanDepartment of Pathobiology and Veterinary ScienceCenter of Excellence for Vaccine ResearchUniversity of Connecticut61 North Eagleville Road, U-3089Storrs, Connecticut 06269

Valarie V. TynesPremier Veterinary Behavior ConsultingPO Box 1413Sweetwater, Texas 79556

William G. Van AlstineVeterinary PathologistProfessor of Comparative PathobiologyPurdue UniversityWest Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Kristien Van ReethLaboratory of VirologyFaculty of Veterinary MedicineGhent UniversitySalisburylaan 133B-9820 MerelbekeBelgium

Phillipe VannierAgence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSèS)Director of Animal Health and WelfareZoopôle Beaucemaine-Les Croix, BP 5322440 PloufraganFrance

Elizabeth WagstromNational Pork Producers Council123 C Street NWWashington, DC 20001

Fun-In WangSchool of Veterinary MedicineNational Taiwan University1 Sec 4 Roosevelt RoadTaipei 10617Taiwan

Hana M. WeingartlSpecial Pathogens UnitNational Centre for Foreign Animal DiseaseCanadian Food Inspection Agency1015 Arlington StreetWinnipeg, Mannitoba R3E 3M4Canada

Tina WidowskiDepartment of Animal & Poultry Science246 ANNUUniversity of GuelphGuelph, Ontario N1G 2W1Canada

David T. WilliamsSchool of Biomedical SciencesCurtin UniversityPerth, Western Australia 6845AustraliaandDivision of Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesPathWest Laboratory MedicinePerth, Western Australia 6009Australia

Susanna M. WilliamsonAnimal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)Rougham HillBury St. EdmundsSuffolk IP33 2RZUnited Kingdom

Richard L. Wood1823 Northcrest CourtAmes, Iowa 50010-0605

Amy L. WoodsAdvanced Veterinary ServicesWolcott, Indiana 47995

Michael J. YaegerDepartment of Veterinary PathologyCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Sang-Geon YeoCollege of Veterinary MedicineKyungpook National UniversityDaeguRepublic of Korea

Kyoung-Jin YoonDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

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Zhidong ZhangNational Centre for Foreign Animal DiseaseCanadian Food Inspection Agency1015 Arlington StreetWinnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3M4Canada

Jeffrey J. ZimmermanDepartment of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production

Animal MedicineCollege of Veterinary MedicineIowa State UniversityAmes, Iowa 50011

Joseph M. ZulovichExtension Agricultural EngineerCommercial Agriculture Program, University of Missouri

ExtensionDivision of Food Systems and BioengineeringUniversity of Missouri231 Agricultural Engineering BuildingColumbia, Missouri 65211

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Editors’ Note


Howard Dunn envisioned Diseases of Swine to be a “complete and up-to-date reference on swine” when he and Iowa State University Press released the first edition in 1958. The eight subsequent editions followed the course set by Dunn and provided the definitive resource on swine health for generations of veterinarians and animal health professionals. Our hope is to continue this tradition in the 10th edition of Diseases of Swine.

Our mission has been to provide a comprehensive yet concise reference on infectious and noninfectious diseases of swine for use by our colleagues—the veteri-narians, veterinary students, swine health researchers, and other health specialists engaged in improving swine health. We have sought to fulfill this mission by bringing together recognized scientific authorities from around the world to provide expert knowledge on the many “-ologies” that converge on the complex topic of swine health and disease. In an era characterized by the exponential growth of data, our challenge has been to

distill an overabundance of information into a concise and useful body of knowledge that fits into one volume. Our conscious choice has been to exclude generalist information that is readily accessible on the Internet or other formats, for example, animal husbandry, nutri-tion, postharvest food safety, and others. To help the reader navigate the plethora of information in the book, the contents have been extensively indexed, the Table of Contents has been expanded, and the topics organized consistently within each section.

We hope the 10th edition of Diseases of Swine con-tinues in the spirit of excellence and relevance Howard Dunn originally envisioned.

Jeffrey J. ZimmermanLocke A. Karriker

Alejandro RamirezKent J. Schwartz

Gregory W. Stevenson


AcknowledgmentWe wish to thank Ms. Christine Meraz for her contributions and help in seeing this project through to its conclusion.

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I Veterinary Practice

1 HerdEvaluation2 DifferentialDiagnosisofDiseases3 BehaviorandWelfare4 LongevityinBreedingAnimals5 EffectoftheEnvironmentonHealth6 OptimizingDiagnosticValueandSampleCollection7 DiagnosticTests,TestPerformance,andConsiderations

forInterpretation8 AnalysisandUseofDiagnosticData9 DrugPharmacology,Therapy,andProphylaxis

10 AnesthesiaandSurgicalProceduresinSwine11 DiseaseTransmissionandBiosecurity12 PreharvestFoodSafety,ZoonoticDiseases,andthe

HumanHealthInterface13 SpecialConsiderationsforShowandPetPigs

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