Disease Review 3

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  • 8/2/2019 Disease Review 3


    Disease Blueprint for Exam 3

    Know/understand the following:

    1. The important part of every function/action of a nurse. it is imperative in todays health care environment that nurses practice

    effective infection prevention and control measures, not only for the

    purpose of protecting pts from drug-resistant micro-organisms and

    occupational exposure, but also to keep health care delivery cost down.

    2. The elements of the chain of infection. 1st infection agent- a pathogenic micro-organism 2nd reservoir- infected individual or animal (where the pathogen can


    3rd exit route- from reservoir-secretions feces, blood, & urine (a way forthe agent to be released from the reservoir)

    4th method of transmission- hands, contaminated foods, air droplets,needles (the way that the agent can be transmitted to another reservoir

    or host where it can live

    5th entrance- mouth, break skin, & mucous membrane (refers to the waya pathogen enters the body

    6th host- another person (one whose biologic defense mechanisms areweaknesses in some way

    3. Fomite If the vehicle is an inaminimate (nonliving) object Some of the many common fomites are computers (many people touch

    the computers throughout the day)

    4. First and most effective way of controlling the transmission of disease a nurse can use. hand hygiene

    5. CDC center for disease control & prevention part of the US department of

    health and human services, provides facilities & services for investigation,

    prevention, and control of disease

    6. Two most common nosocomial infections. UTI and surgical wounds

    7. Portal of entry for TB Airborne droplets

    8. Medical versus surgical asepsis

  • 8/2/2019 Disease Review 3


    Medical asepsis- consist of techniques that inhibit the growth and spreadof pathogenic micro-organisms it is also known as clean techniques and is

    used in many daily activities such as hand hygiene and changing pts bed


    Surgical asepsis- destroys all micro-organisms and their spores ( thereproductive cell of some micro-organisms such as fungi and protozoa

    9. How Rocky mountain spotted fever is transmitted Transmitted to human through the bite of an infected tick

    10.Agent for use in biological terrorism anthrax

    11.Smallest known agents that cause diseases virus

    12.What happens when the hosts defense mechanisms are reduced? You can get sick easier

    13.Stages of an infectious process incubation process- interval between entrance of pathogen into body &

    appearance of first symptoms (ex: chicken pox, 1 to 3 weeks; common

    cold 1 to 2 days; influenza 1 to 3 days; mumps 12 to 26 days)

    Prodromal stage- interval from specific symptoms ( during this time,micro-organisms grow & multiply & pt is more capable of spreading

    disease to others) for ex: herpes simplex begins with itching and tingling

    at the sire during the prodromal stage, before the lesion appears

    illness stage- interval when pt manifests signs and symptoms specific totype of infection (ex: common cold manifested by sore throat, sinus

    congestion, rhinitis, mumps manifested by earache, high fever, parotid &

    salivary gland swelling)

    convalescence- interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear(length of recovery depends on severity of infection and pts general

    state of health; recovery takes from several days to months)

    14.Bodys first line of defense skin

    15.Functions of the inflammatory response the bodys response to injury or infection at the cellular level is

    inflammation; it is also a protective vascular reaction that delivers fluid,

    blood products, and nutrients to interstitial tissues in the area of an


  • 8/2/2019 Disease Review 3


    16.Pathogenic microorganism responsible for malaria, amebic dysentery, African sleepingsickness

    Protozoa17.Gram-positive bacteria most likely to cause nosocomial infection


    18.Factors affecting immunologic defense mechanisms increase age & extreme youth stress nutritional status

    19.Laboratory test that grows, identifies the microorganism and what antibiotic to use culture and sensitivity test


    Micro-organisms- any tiny usually microscopic entity capable of carrying on living processes are

    naturally present on and in the human body as well as in the environment.

    Nonpathogenic- micro-organisms that are harmless do not produce disease

    Pathogens- micro-organism that do cause specific disease or infection

    Asepsis- absence of pathogenic micro-organism

    Antiseptic- a substance that tends to inhibit the growth and reproduction of micro-organismsmay be used on human

    Aerobic- bacteria grow only in the PRESENCE of oxygen

    Anaerobic- bacteria grow only in the ABSENCE of oxygen

    Streptococcus bacteria that is responsible for more disease than any other organism

    Anthrax- spore forming bacterium

    Protozoa- are single celled animal responsible for malaria, amebic dysentery, and Africansleeping sickness

    The bodys response to injury or infection at the cellular level is inflammation. Inflammation is a

    protective vascular reaction that delivers fluid, blood products, and nutrients in interstitial

    tissues in the area of an injury. The process neutralizes and eliminates pathogens or necrotic

    (dead) tissue and establishes a means of repairing body cells and tissue. Signs of inflammation

  • 8/2/2019 Disease Review 3


    frequently include edema (swelling), rubor (redness), heat, pain or tenderness, and loss of

    function in the affected body part.

    Mechanical trauma, temperature extremes, and radiation are examples of physical agents.

    Chemical agents include external and internal irritants such as harsh poisons or gastric acid.

    What is a rabbit animal? An animal with rabies

    When your trying to eliminate and exclude microbes? sterile

    when your trying to prevent or interrupt? medical

    when you have a weakened emmune system deficiency ex: stress? you can get sick easier

    know the inflammatory response? keeps the necrotic in one spot, the bodys response to injury

    protective, vasculat reaction, helps to neutralized

    Malaria- it is a protozoa that mosquitos carry it

    Gram positive bacteria is staphylococcus most common type

    Do culture and sensitivity test for to fond what antibiotic will kill the bacteria?

    Who 1st

    discovered hand washing to prevent disease? Ignaz Semmelweis