Disease Notes - Weebly

10/1/15 1 Disease Notes Bacteria and Viruses Disease Agents (Pathogens) There are many organisms in the world that can cause diseases 1. Bacteria 2. Viruses 3. Protists 4. Fungi

Transcript of Disease Notes - Weebly




Disease Notes Bacteria and Viruses

Disease Agents (Pathogens)

S  There are many organisms in the world that can cause diseases

1.  Bacteria 2.  Viruses

3.  Protists

4.  Fungi




S  Prokaryote

S  Unicellular (Only ONE Cell)

S  Bacteria have: S  Cell Wall


S  Capsule

S  Endospore (protective outer covering)

S  No Nucleus

S  Free Floating DNA

Bacteria Shapes

S  Three Shapes 1.  Bacillus (Rods)

2.  Spirrilum (Spirals)

3.  Coccus (Spheres)

S  Arrangements S  Diplo- (2)

S  Staphlo- (Clusters)

S  Strepto- (Straight line)



Treating Disease Agents

S  Bacteria can be treated by antibiotics. They will kill the bacteria. Viruses cannot be treated at all. They have to run their course.

S  Protists (like amoebic dysentery) and fungi (like athlete’s foot) can be treated by a variety of medicines.

Bacterial Resistance

S  If you try to treat a sickness that is not caused by a bacteria with an antibiotic, or if you do not take your antibiotics correctly (not taking ALL of them) this may cause bacterial resistance (MRSA)

S  We call these SUPERBUGS




S  Viruses are non-living organisms/things. They are considered to be non-living because they can not reproduce on their own successfully.

S  They have to have a “Host Cell” which is YOU (or whatever organism it is infecting) This one of the characteristics of life.

S  They also do not contain cells.

Viral Structure

S  Viruses come in many different shapes – practically any shape you can think of.

S  BUT! All Viruses have certain things in common 1.  Nucleic Acid (DNA or RNA)

2.  Capsid (Used for protection)

3.  Very, very, very small – much smaller than bacteria




S  Viruses can be prevented – not treated by vaccines

S  Once you have a viral disease, it has to run its course

S  You can prevent some viral diseases by vaccines

S  In a vaccine, a weak strain of the virus is injected into the organism and the organism produces antibodies to fight off the virus next time the body is exposed to it!

Viral Reproduction

S  Viruses can reproduce in two ways – depending on the type of virus 1.  Lytic Cycle (Flu)

2.  Lysogenic Cycle (HIV)



Lytic Cycle

S  Virus attaches to host cell

S  Virus enters nucleus of host cell

S  Virus replicates MANY times

S  Viruses break out of host cell to infect other cells.


Lysogenic (Latent) Cycle

S  Virus attaches to host cell

S  Virus enters nucleus of host cell and its DNA becomes part of the host cells DNA

S  Virus can become inactive for long periods of time

S  As the host cell duplicates through mitosis, the viral DNA is also replicated

S  Eventually, the virus breaks out of the cells