Discrimination in Hiring Employees

Discrimination in Hiring Employees What is discrimination? The regular meaning of discrimination is to distinguish or to separate something or someone that is different. Nowadays, the word discrimination means the unjust or prejudicial treatment of someone of a different race, gender, age, social background, sexual orientation, physical and/or mental disabilities, or religion. Discrimination in the workplace is to make decisions on employees based on prejudice. Discrimination in recruiting and hiring employees is to make recruitment decisions based on prejudice or bigotry. There are many examples of employee discrimination. In the United States, 50% of applicants get hired because they have white sounding names. Employers discriminate against Black or Latino sounding names. A Hispanic man named Jose Zamora sent out around 50 to 100 resumes a day. He got more responses simply because he dropped the letter “S” in his name. Thus, making his name Joe Zamora which is whiter sounding. “I had to drop a letter to get a title” he said. A man in Boston named Mathew Barrett applied for a job as a food adviser at an all- girls Catholic school. His application was rejected when they found out he was married to a man. Their reason for rejecting his application is because the Catholic Church does not recognize same-sex marriage. “If I’m planning and making meals for students, I’m not sure what my being gay has to do with the job,” said Barrett. In the Philippines most discrimination in employment happens because of age. People need to include thaie birthdate in their resume. Nowadays we see a lot of posters that say “Wanted Male or Female 21 to 35 years old. Must be good- looking with a pleasing personality”. A lot of Overseas

Transcript of Discrimination in Hiring Employees

Discrimination in Hiring Employees

What is discrimination? The regular meaning of discrimination is to distinguish or to separate something or someone that is different. Nowadays, the word discrimination means the unjust or prejudicial treatment of someone of a different race, gender, age, social background, sexual orientation, physical and/or mental disabilities, or religion. Discrimination in the workplace is to make decisions on employees based on prejudice. Discrimination in recruiting and hiring employees is to make recruitment decisions based on prejudice or bigotry.There are many examples of employee discrimination. In the United States, 50% of applicants get hired because they have white sounding names. Employers discriminate against Black or Latino sounding names. A Hispanic man named Jose Zamora sent out around 50 to 100 resumes a day. He got more responses simply because he dropped the letter S in his name. Thus, making his name Joe Zamora which is whiter sounding. I had to drop a letter to get a title he said. A man in Boston named Mathew Barrett applied for a job as a food adviser at an all- girls Catholic school. His application was rejected when they found out he was married to a man. Their reason for rejecting his application is because the Catholic Church does not recognize same-sex marriage. If Im planning and making meals for students, Im not sure what my being gay has to do with the job, said Barrett. In the Philippines most discrimination in employment happens because of age. People need to include thaie birthdate in their resume. Nowadays we see a lot of posters that say Wanted Male or Female 21 to 35 years old. Must be good-looking with a pleasing personality. A lot of Overseas Filipino workers have a hard time finding work when they go back home because Employers look for younger applicants. Preferably those without children. Employers justify this by saying that hiring younger employees will prevent early retirement. Quezon City Councillor Lena Marie Juico filed a bill against age discrimination. No person should be discriminated against due to age, sex, creed, political inclination or status in life,she says.Discrimination in hiring employees is against Utilitarian rights. It is not practical to hire people based on their race or gender. It is more useful and practical to hire people based on their skills and abilities Discrimination in hiring employee is against the rights of an employee. Job applicants should have equal rights in getting a job no matter what their age, race or gender. There is no justice in discrimination in the hiring of employees. One of the principles of justice is equal opportunity. And there is no equal opportunity if you hire someone because of their gender, race or disabilities.
