Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant...

Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman

Transcript of Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant...

Page 1: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.

Discovery and Faculty Development

Jim Lehman

Page 2: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.


External Funding Activity

• We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level of activity. That’s a positive trend!

• However, actual awards for the year are only at $1.3m, which is behind where we were at this time a year ago.

• Across campus, more proposals are on hold or being declined this year due to the budget uncertainties in Washington.

SPS Sponsored Program Data for COE

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-130








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Official SPS Activity for Education


Proposal $

College of Educa-tion Awards

Fiscal Year


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Page 3: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.


Internal Competitions

• PRF Grants

• Application deadline is next Tuesday, Jan. 22.

• Allocations are expected to be similar to recent years.

• Non-Laboratory Research Infrastructure and Equipment Grants

• Faculty members in the College of Education submitted 9 successful proposals (a number of which involved more than one faculty member) that totaled more than $30,000. Congratulations!

• This competition will be repeated next year, so if you have research equipment/infrastructure needs, be thinking about making a request.

• Incentive Grants

• Award letters for successful Category II proposals (single investigator or discipline) are expected to be forthcoming within a week or so. They are expected to be “distributed across many units” on campus.

• Decisions regarding Category I proposals (multidisciplinary) will probably not be made until the end of February.


Page 4: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.


Funding-Related Announcements• Where do I go to get started?

• Jim Gardner ([email protected]) can help with legwork and editing.

• College of Education faculty must go through Central Pre-Awards at [email protected].

• Investigator Approval of Proposals in COEUS

• Grant submitters now approve proposals electronically in COEUS.

• OVPR Bridge Program

• New program from OVPR will provide short-term funding to researchers who have had consistent funding but experience a temporary shortfall. College and department cost-sharing is required.

• NSF Fastlane Closing

• NSF is transitioning from Fastlane to Jan. 31 is the last day to submit a report via Fastlane. The transition to will be complete by mid-March.

Page 5: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.


On-going Initiatives• Faculty Grant Workshops

• COE and OVPR supported faculty participation in the Morrison grant-writing workshop, and phase II personalized assistance program.

• ADDFD offered an introductory workshop on grant-seeking in the fall. Two additional college workshops, one on developing a statement of purpose and one on developing a grant budget, are in preparation for this semester. (Suggested in college retreat)

• Mentoring Sessions

• ADDFD offered a mentoring session on the annual review process in the fall. A session on time management/work-life balance is today (over the lunch hour in 6115), and another session on working with graduate students is planned. (Suggested in college retreat)

• Remodeling of 6104 (old Graduate Office)

• Over the summer, BRNG 6104 will be transformed into a technology-enabled collaboration space. If you would be interested in helping to envision the space, send an e-mail to [email protected]. (Suggested in reviews of college space)

Page 6: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.


Graduate Education• Fellowships

• Nominations for graduate fellowships are due to departments by January 31.

• Allocations are similar to previous years, and departments plan to fully utilize recruitment fellowships this year. (Suggested in college retreat)

• Graduate Travel Funds Increased

• Funding for graduate student travel was increased this year, both the amount and number of awards, thanks to a donor’s gift. (Suggested in college retreat)

• Survey of Graduate Student Life

• A survey of graduate student life in the College of Education is underway. (Suggested in college retreat)

• Graduate Open House

• We will again have a graduate open house for admitted graduate students. This year’s date is Tuesday, March 19.

Page 7: Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman. External Funding Activity We’ve had 43 grant proposals submitted so far this year, which is a high level.



• This year’s Annual Graduate Student Educational Research Symposium will be Tuesday, March 19, in the North Ballroom of PMU.

• Keynote Speaker

• This year’s keynote speaker will beKen Zeichner, Boeing Professor of TeacherEducation, University of Washington

• Proposals

• The proposal submission deadline is today (but might be extended). Encourage your students to participate.

• Judges

• As always, faculty judges are needed. If you can help, e-mail GSEC President Hyunyi Jung ([email protected]).