Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25 - SALES @TiborShanto @discoverorg #sellbetterdorg Cold Calling: How to Handle the Objection! October 24, 2013


In the past I have written about the importance of context when it comes to objections, and a basic understanding of the root of objections. We looked at the importance of context, TIME and VALUE. We looked at how there isn’t a right time, just their time and our interruption of it, now let’s look at VALUE, and how we can use it to make it easier to manage, handle and leverage them for more engagement.

Transcript of Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

Page 1: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Cold Calling: How to Handle the Objection!October 24, 2013

Page 2: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Tibor Shanto

• Principal – Renbor Sales Solutions Inc.

• Drive numbers by building top sales performers through process and behavioural change

• Focus on Execution

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Tibor Shanto

• Principal – Renbor Sales Solutions Inc.

• Drive numbers by building top sales performers through process and behavioural change

• Focus on Execution

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Commitment to Action

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Today’s Focus

• Nature of Objections

• Manage and Overcome

• Execution

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg


• Why is it that Sales People don’t like to prospect?

1. Fear of Rejection – Objections

Not about avoiding – it is about managing

The Good News – One sure proof way to avoid Rejection

Bad News – Don’t make the call

Oddly, the number one choice of many sellers!

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Interruptive Marketing

• Unless you are in their calendar, you are an interruption

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

What is An Objection

• A Reaction

16 Hours

10 Hour Day

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Blah blah Fortune 500, blah blah leader

in blah blah blah

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

What is An Objection

• A Reaction

• A reaction to all the bad calls that came before you

• Shut it down

• Conditioned Response = down to their favorite blow-off

• Not Personal – not you – what you represent

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

A Proven Methodology

I - Initiate

E - Engage

IQ - Impact Question

R - Ready

TiA - Take it Away

C - Commit

• The average contact to appointment is roughly 14%, or 7 : 1 That’s for Cold Calls!

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Deal with Rejection

• Interruptive Marketing

• Five Biggies:

Status Quo

No Interest


Bad Experience


What you do – Not how you avoid!

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg





Objections – Rejection

Page 14: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

May I help you?

Just looking

Man, this place has crappie service, is

there anyone to help us?

Five Minutes later:

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

May I help you?

Just looking

That’s ok, if you tell me what you are looking

for, I can show you where to find it.

What you do with it – Not how you avoid!

Page 16: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Handling Objections

A. Acknowledge

B. Credibility

C. Involve

D. Call to Action – Commit

An updated variation of the Triple F:

I know how you Feel, others have Felt the same way before the Found …..

Page 17: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Handling Objections

• The first one is always Conditioned Response

• Need to change direction

• Make sure you deal with the real why

Page 18: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Managing Status Quo

A. Acknowledge:

▪ I know exactly what you mean

▪ It is interesting you say that

▪ I understand why you would say that, in fact

B. Provide example where you co-existed


D. As before, propose a single time to meet

“It’s interesting you would say that, as BDC said the exact samething before they saw how we helped accelerate adoption oftheir internal programs; let me show you we did that, how isWednesday at 11:00?”

Page 19: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Managing No Interest

A. Acknowledge – starts the same way:

▪ I know exactly what you mean

▪ It is interesting you say that

▪ I understand why you would say that, in fact

B. Go to value

C. “Value – Direct Benefit – Risk removal – Cost take out”

D. As before, propose a single time to meet

“I understand, because PB said the exact same thing before they sawthe 5% increase in retention we delivered, and the positiveimpact that had on client sat and revenue growth, I can showyou exactly how we did it, how about Wednesday at 11:00?”

Page 20: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Managing No Time

• Comes in two varieties:

1. Here and now

2. Not until the second coming

1. Here and Now

“You know I thoughts that would be the case would be, as I only work by appointment myself, and that is the only reason I’m calling, to schedule the appointment. How is next Thursday at 3pm?”

2. Second Tuesday after Hell freezes over

“Not a problem, I’ll make a note, just so I am better prepared, can you help me understand what will specifically change between now and then?”

• Then work it!

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Managing Bad Experience

• Not necessarily a negative

• It is about the resolution – or lack thereof

• Explore the experience

• Do not take ownership

• Empathize – don’t sympathies

Page 22: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Managing Send Information

• Highlight breadth of offering – meet to focus

• Trade lit for meeting

• Go to web site

• Use e-mail

• As before, propose a single time to meet

• Ask about priorities to focus in material

Page 23: Discoverorg How to Handle the Objection 8-24-13

What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Before it Even Happens

• “I bet you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, have you?”

• “I am the small business specialist”• “Taking a proactive stance”

First time – Surprise

Second time – Validation

Third time – My job to deal with it

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Voice Mail

Always Leave a Voice Mail

• It is a Touch Point – 4 – 7 before the game even begins

• Call back is only goal of voice mail – not to make appointments

• Be counter intuitive > Less is Better!

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Voice Mail

Always Leave a Voice Mail

• Assume you are calling Steve Jones – he works for More Trucking Central

• Assume you’ve done business with Down The Road Trucking

▪ “Steve Jones – This is Mike Miller from Top Choice.

▪ I can be reached at 416 555-1234

▪ I’m calling with reference to Down The Road Trucking"

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

VM VM 11:00



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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

• Standard Referrals don’t work

• You need to connect with people who are: “In The Know” when a decision maker experiences

• People who are in a position to put you in front of someone who has or about to experience a Trigger Event

Referrals 2.0

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@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorgSLIDE :27

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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Time To Commit

Write Down Three Things You Will Put Into Practice





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What’s in Your Pipeline? (855) 25-SALES

@TiborShanto @discoverorg#sellbetterdorg

Thank youTibor ShantoPrincipal

Renbor Sales Solution$ Inc.

(855) 25-SALES

[email protected]

Henry Schuck

Chief Revenue Officer



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