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3 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox


To many, the word detox is just another of today’s

buzzwords—not a means to improving your health. Others

think of detoxing as a form of starvation. Nothing could be

further from the truth—at least not if you do it right. The

fact is that we live in a world filled with chemicals. They are

in our water, in our air, and they are in nearly everything we

touch. In fact, without even knowing it you probably bathe

and shampoo with products laced with chemicals, then use

chemical filled products to shave, to soften our skin, to smell

good, to treat our blemishes, and so on and so forth. The

truth is your skin soaks up these chemicals every day without

you even knowing this is happening to you.

On top of all this, we pick up parasites from our food and

our surroundings that take up residence in our bodies. Our

bodies store mercury, lead, and other heavy metals. All of

these foreign materials take a toll our body’s resources and

interfere with optimum health. The purpose of the 1 Day

Cleanse is to cleanse the body of these foreign substances

along with accumulated waste in order to optimize healthy

bodily functions and healing.

We’ve been taught to regard our brain as the center of our

universe. What you might not be aware of is that a lot of

scientific research shows that it might be more accurate to

give this place of honor to our gut. If our gut is not in good

working order, we do not assimilate vitamins, minerals, fats,

carbohydrates or proteins. The focus of the 1 Day Cleanse

4 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

is to clean up the gut first, and follow with cleaning out

the storage bins (stored fat), the organs, the blood and the


Cleaning out the gut involves moving out toxic debris while

giving the body maximum nutrition that does not require

the digestive system to do a lot of work. At the same time,

you want to fill your gut with prebiotics, probiotics, and easy

to digest foods. This is the reason the 1 Day Cleanse is so

effective. It is specifically designed to flush out toxins while

injecting your system with a top rate cocktail of nutrients.

Now that you understand the strategy, it’s up to you to

follow through and perform the 1 Day Cleanse as directed.

Good luck!

5 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox


Flush Out the Toxins

7:30 AM—Skip Breakfast

Sorry, the kitchen’s closed! At least for 12 hours since you ate

last. By nighttime fasting—or creating an “eating window”—

you allow your body to reset your immune system and burn

the extra  glucose  in your system after engaging in a period

of overindulgence, according to a study in the journal  Cell

Health. Researchers at the University of Princeton put groups

of mice on a high-fat, high-calorie diet for more than 100

days. Half the mice were allowed to nibble throughout the

night and day on a healthy, natural diet, while the other mice

in the study only had access to food for eight hours, but

could eat whatever they wanted.

The result of the 16-hour food ban was that the fasting

mice stayed lean, while the mice who ate around the clock

became fat — even though both groups consumed the

same amount of calories! This study has actually inspired

many people to come up with similar cleanses to this one.

However, where more aggressive fasting protocols ask you

not to eat for more than half a day, but 12 hours without

6 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

food is enough for most people to enter into a fasted state,

according to experts.

You might be asking yourself, “Are the benefits of fasting

really be so broad?” The answer is yes, they are. We are so

much more than a physical body and fasting affects every

part of our being.

When we stop the over-indulgence that has become so

common in our modern world, even for a brief time, our lives

and our health automatically improve.

Fasting will:

f Allow for cleansing and detoxification of your body

f Create a break in your poor eating patterns

f Rest the digestive system

f Promote better mental clarity

f Cleanse and heal negative emotional patterns

f Lead to a feeling of physical lightness, increasing

energy levels that promote an inner stillness and

enhance spiritual connection

These benefits are not limited to just traditional fasts like

water or juice, but the truth is that they can be attained

through cleansing diets as well, although the effects will be

less pronounced, as they occur over a longer period of time.

But they will be there.

7 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox


Fasting has been called a “miracle cure” because the physical

conditions improved by fasting is long and varied. Cited

most often are fungal infections, arthritis, digestive disorders

of all kinds, skin conditions, cardiovascular disease, and

asthma. Because fasting encourages the body’s own healing

mechanisms, just about any ailment may show improvement.

The fact is that fasting frees up energy so healing can begin.

Fasting is a wonderful cure for our usual over-indulgences.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying food, but excess food

on a continuous basis does create a burden for the body.

When your body has to handle more than is comfortable and

appropriate for it, it will suffer. When you fast, you correct

this over-indulgence.

8:00 AM — Take a Brisk Walk

This easy morning exercise ritual works on two levels. First, a

recent scientific study found that exposure to UV rays, even

on cloudy days, between the hours of 8 am and noon reduces

your weight gain regardless of activity level, caloric intake, or

age. Researchers now speculate that the morning light works

to synchronize your metabolism and undercuts your fat

genes. And burning off calories before you eat means you’re

exercising in a fasted state. That means the energy you burn

comes right from your stored fat instead of the glucose still

8 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

in your system. According to scientific studies, exercising in

a fasted state burns almost 20 percent more fat compared

to exercising with fuel in the tank.

OK, so maybe you’re not much into running. Or perhaps

you’ve had an injury and can’t run. Then just walk — every

step you take is part of your journey to detoxification.

In fact, walking briskly can provide you with a wide variety

of benefits, including lowering your risk of  high blood

pressure,  high cholesterol  and  fungal infection  as much as

running, according to a new study conducted at Lawrence

Malbrey National Laboratory in Berkley, California.

Researchers analyzed 33,060 people who regularly went

on brisk walks and the Health Study found that the same

energy used for moderate- intensity walking and vigorous-

intensity running resulted in similar reductions in risk for high

blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, a variety of fungal

infections, and possibly  coronary heart disease  over the

study’s six years. The bottom line was that the more people

walked or ran each week, the more their health benefits


These findings don’t surprise me at all. The findings

are consistent with the American Fungus Association’s

recommendations for physical activity in adults  that we need

30 minutes of physical activity per day, at least 150 minutes

of moderate activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous

activity per week to derive benefits.

9 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

9:00 AM — Replenish Yourself with Water

Now we get to one of the two most important pillars of this

daily detox. You need to flush the toxins out of your system

as fast as possible. The fact is that you have to drink water

to lose water!

Your daily diet and other routines can leave you dehydrated

and bloated. Alcohol and salt throw off the effect of antidiuretic

hormone on the kidneys—the chemical that controls how much

you urinate. As a result, this causes you to pee frequently

you’re your body will hold on to what little water is left. That’s

why you feel bloated when you drink too much.

You need to start replenishing your body as soon as possible

with a large pitcher of water. Put sliced whole lemons and

oranges into the water to give in a natural detoxifying kick.

Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful

compound found in the peel, which stimulates liver enzymes

to help flush toxins from the body. This will give sluggish

bowels a kick and make them perform at a higher level.

Water also fends off fungal breakouts by flushing out toxins and

decreasing the concentration of oil on your skin. It is critical to

have a stable balance of water to oil on the surface of skin. If

the skin is too heavily covered in oil relative to water, this can

lead to clogged pores with fungal breakouts and blemishes.

However, drinking a bunch of water doesn’t mean your

skin will look better for years to come. Although when

10 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

skin is hydrated, it looks plumper, and the signs of aging

are minimized, technically the wrinkles are still there—and

nothing has permanently changed. Hydrated skin minimized

the appearance. So if you were to withhold water, the skin

would show all the original signs of fungus again.

But that’s why your 1 day detox MUST include a steady flow

of water. Aim for 8 to 10 eight-ounce servings, and spread

them out throughout the day as opposed to guzzling them

all at once. Your body can only absorb so much water each

hour. After that, you’re just going to pee it out before it ever

makes its way through your intestines, kidneys, circulation,

and to your skin.

10:00 AM — Light a Mint Candle

Take time to enjoy a peppermint-scented candle. The

essential oil found in mint leaves has analgesic properties

that research has shown serve as a muscle-relaxant and

natural remedy for headaches, sleep problems, and certain

skin conditions. Relax into your recovery by lighting a minty

candle or sniffing some peppermint oil.

In fact, you may actually get the added benefit of losing a

bit of the weight. One University of Miami study published

in the Journal of Neurological and Dermatological Medicine

found that people who sniffed peppermint every two hours

lost an average of 5 pounds a month!

11 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

STEP 2: Provide Important Nutrients

12:00 PM — Asparagus Spears and Protein for Lunch

Enjoy a side of steamed asparagus with a protein-rich lunch.

Make sure your protein is lean meat, such as turkey or white

meat pork. According to a study in the Journal of Food

Preparation, the amino acids and minerals found in asparagus

work to alleviate fungal symptoms and protect skin cells

against toxins. The veggie spears are also a natural diuretic,

which will help flush the excess toxins from your system.

For the time being, avoid starchy carbs such as bread and

French fries. This will help to further relieve your body of

bloat, while protein—rich in vitamin B6 and amino acids—will

help to alleviate additional fungal symptoms.

Asparagus is a super food, plain and simple. It should not

be surprising to learn that asparagus is as an effective

anti-inflammatory food because it provides a truly unique

12 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

combination of anti-inflammatory and toxin-flushing nutrients.

Among are asparagus saponins, including asparanin A,

protodioscin, sarsasapogenin, and diosgenin.

Alongside of these anti-inflammatory nutrients, asparagus

provides a wide variety of antioxidant nutrients, including

vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and the minerals

manganese, zinc, and selenium. In addition to the antioxidant

nutrients above, this delicious vegetable also contains a

valuable amount of the antioxidant glutathione. GSH is one of

the body’s best-studied antioxidants. It contains three amino

acids — glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine — combined into

one molecule. One published study out of Stanford University

has estimated the amount of GSH in fresh asparagus to

average 27 milligrams per 3.5 ounces. Several other studies

have compared the overall antioxidant capacity of asparagus

to the antioxidant capacity of other vegetables, and the

results for asparagus have been impressive. Asparagus has

more antioxidants than many of the cruciferous vegetables

like cabbage and cauliflower.

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients are some of

the best risk reducers for common chronic health problems

including a variety of fungal infections, type 2 diabetes, and

heart disease. These nutrients are also special risk reducers

in the case of certain cancer.

13 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

2:00 PM — Brew an Ancient Remedy

Ginseng offers excellent nutritional benefits, because this

herb is rich in more than 40 minerals, as well as amino acids,

vitamins, essential oils, and other nutrients which will promote

good health. It takes six years for this herb to reach maturity,

and the ground is left to rest for a decade before being used

for the next crop. This is why it has so many nutrients.

Ginseng benefits also include a stronger immune system, as

well as more stamina and endurance. Ginseng’s wide number

of benefits also include the ability to enhance the libido and

increase blood flow to sexual organs. For this reason, it has

been used as an aphrodisiac in some cultures. Mainly, ginseng

will also help to naturally detoxify your body, eliminating

harmful substances and compounds.

For this protocol, drink a ginger and ginseng orange juice

smoothie that is a will naturally warm your body and restore

your strength and energy levels. It is a great way to detox

your body for this 1 day detox, or you can enjoy it at any

time in order to maintain your energy and improve the

functions of the mind.

The warming effect comes from the ginger, which has a

favorable spicy flavor. It is actually so potent that it can burn

the throat if you are not careful. I would recommend that

you begin with only 1 inch or less and then work your way

up to more as you become more tolerant.

14 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

As I have already indicated, ginseng is a powerful herb that

not only helps to increase energy levels, but it also reduces

stress and heals the body at the root of the problem. It is

very bitter, but it blends well with the ginger root and orange

juice. If you are not crazy about the taste, you can always

start off with half the amount of ginseng and work your way

up as your taste buds adjust.

In addition to the ginseng, chia seeds are also very effective

for increasing energy levels. They are high in omega 3 fatty

acids, which help to increase the brain power, as well as

maintain physical energy and fight off infection. Here is the

recipe for the smoothie:

Ginseng Detox Energy Drink

f 1/2 cup Milk

f 2 tbsp. Chia Seeds

f 1/2-3/4 cup Orange Juice

(juice from 2 oranges)

f 1-2″ fresh Ginger Root

(depending on your


f 1/2 tsp. American or Asian

Ginseng Powder

f 1/8 tsp. or less Sea Salt (You

can omit the sea salt, but it

goes really, really good with

the orange juice.)

1. Soak the chia seeds in the

half cup of milk for about 10


2. While the seeds are soaking,

juice the oranges and peel the

ginger root.

3. Then add all the ingredients

into a blender and blend until

smooth. Enjoy!

15 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

3:00 PM — Nix Nap Time

If you’re still feeling low on energy at this point of the detox

day, the worst thing you can do is probably exactly what you

want to do most – that being to spread out on the couch

and take a nap. A study in the appropriately-titled journal

Gut found that being upright throughout the day was much

more effective in cutting back on intestinal gas retention

than lying down on the back. Posture, the researchers say,

has an important influence on the movement of gas through

the system. Another study showed that walking at a leisurely

pace on a treadmill after eating a large meal actually helped

food move through the body much more quickly than an

espresso or alcoholic digest. So, instead of lying down for a

nap, take another leisurely walk around the neighborhood.

6:00 PM — Nix Nap Time

Detox smoothies are a delicious way to flush out toxins from

your body and one of the best detox drinks to add to your

daily routine. To detox your body, you need to consume

foods that help purge your body while at the same time

provide it with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function

at its best.

16 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

When it comes to detoxing, berries are your friend because

of all the antioxidants and fiber they contain. They’re just the

thing your body needs to replenish itself and to help flush

toxins from its various systems. Blueberries are packed with

what you need, and raspberries and blackberries also have a

lot of nutrients, so we’ll use all three here to make sure this

final step is a detox winner.

This smoothie is like a super health boost at the end of your

detox protocol. Antioxidants are always linked with health

benefits ranging from cancer prevention to heart disease

prevention, to anti-inflammatory properties. This is basically a

name given to something we already inherently know: healthy

foods are good for you! In this smoothie you’re going to get

a boatload of them, plus some healthy fat from the coconut

milk for a satisfying smoothie.

Berry Detox Finalizer Smoothie

f 1 1/2 cups Berry Mix

(Blueberries, Raspberries,


f 1/2 cup Coconut Milk

f 1 cup Purified Water

f 1/8 cup rolled oats

1. Blend everything together

until you reach a smoothie


2. The beauty of berries is their

easy prep.

3. Fresh berries need a rinse before

going in, while frozen you just

pop right in.

4. When detoxing organic produce

is always recommended.

17 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox


Toxic agents are everywhere.  The food we eat, the air we

breathe, the household cleaners we spray, the electronics

we use on a daily basis, all of it.  Additionally, we deal

with stress hormones, emotional disturbances, anxiety and

negative emotions, which all create free radicals in our

bodies.  Let’s face it, living without toxic buildup is virtually

impossible, which is why our bodies have built in mechanisms

to deal with toxic overload.  Crying, sweating, urination and

defecation are all natural protocols employed by the body

to rid itself of toxins. However, sometimes these processes

need help.

Because toxins are part of our daily life, both inside and out,

it may seem that they are simply a natural part of living and

that additional measures to deal with them are unnecessary. 

This is only partly true.  It’s true that free radical exposure is

part of life. However, with the overabundance of chemicals

and pesticides in our foods and environment, and the rising

levels of stress in our society, our bodies are becoming

overwhelmed with toxic buildup and needs additional help in

expelling unnecessary waste material.

Despite advancements in medical care, the fact is that our

society is sicker than ever.  We may be living longer, but

we’re riddled with illness and disease.  Nearly all sickness in

first world countries is due to toxic build up in the body. 

Often toxins bind to sex hormones or thyroid hormones to

slow metabolism and cause weight gain. Additionally, toxins

18 www.FungusRemover.com1 Day Detox

are stored in fat cells, also contributing to excess weight. 

Cardiovascular disease, cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome,

infertility, gastroesophageal reflux disease, fatty liver,

gallstones, osteoarthritis, stroke, lower back pain, headaches,

carpal tunnel syndrome, dementia, sleep apnea, asthma and

depression are just some of the illnesses associated with


Because toxins affect both the structure and function of

cells, they cause a myriad of health problems in their own

right.  Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders

like multiple sclerosis and lupus, migraines, premature aging,

digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea or bloating,

skin conditions, aches and pains, PMS and food allergies or

intolerances are all the result of toxic buildup in the body.

Detoxification is so important because it can literally reverse

the symptoms of illness and change your life.  The 1 Day

Detox Cleanse I provide in this eBook is the key to flushing

your body of all of these toxins and getting your system back

on track. This way you can naturally improve your life with

just a single day of commitment. I wholeheartedly encourage

you to commit yourself to this detox protocol. It only takes

one day and the results will change your life!



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