Disciple Maker Index Results St. Gerard Church

Disciple Maker Index Results St. Gerard Church Survey Time Frame: February 9 – March 1, 2020 Total Number of Surveys Taken: 956 Dear St. Gerard Parishioners, You may recall that in early February 2020 I invited all St. Gerard Parishioners to participate in a survey called the Disciple Maker Index. Put together by the Catholic Leadership Institute, all parishes in the Diocese of Lansing were asked to take the survey. I am pleased that 956 St. Gerard Parishioners participated. This survey has been taken by over 1000 parishes across the country giving us a great wealth of information to compare our parish results. There is infinite data we could share, but in short, St. Gerard Parish is ahead of the average in nearly every category. This report will highlight some of strengths of our parish as well as identifying areas where we can improve. Using this data, we plan to continue to grow. We want to build on our reputation as a place where people feel welcomed and receive opportunities to grow in their faith. We also want our people to become ever more effective in inviting others to our parish. Finally, I want to thank all of you who are so instrumental in making St. Gerard a place where, through our worship and service, people can come and encounter Jesus. Fr. John P. Klein Pastor The 3 charts that follow are what the Catholic Leadership Institute call the Big 3 Outcome Questions. For all 3, St. Gerard scored well when compared to the national and diocesan average. Located below each graph are the parish, diocesan and national average. The national average is based on all parishes that have taken this survey across the country (more than 1,000 parishes). The diocesan average is based on the 76 parishes in our diocese that took the survey.

Transcript of Disciple Maker Index Results St. Gerard Church

Disciple Maker Index Results

St. Gerard Church Survey Time Frame: February 9 – March 1, 2020

Total Number of Surveys Taken: 956

Dear St. Gerard Parishioners,

You may recall that in early February 2020 I invited all St. Gerard Parishioners to

participate in a survey called the Disciple Maker Index. Put together by the

Catholic Leadership Institute, all parishes in the Diocese of Lansing were asked to

take the survey. I am pleased that 956 St. Gerard Parishioners participated.

This survey has been taken by over 1000 parishes across the country giving us a

great wealth of information to compare our parish results. There is infinite data we

could share, but in short, St. Gerard Parish is ahead of the average in nearly every

category. This report will highlight some of strengths of our parish as well as

identifying areas where we can improve. Using this data, we plan to continue to

grow. We want to build on our reputation as a place where people feel welcomed

and receive opportunities to grow in their faith. We also want our people to

become ever more effective in inviting others to our parish.

Finally, I want to thank all of you who are so instrumental in making St. Gerard a

place where, through our worship and service, people can come and encounter


Fr. John P. Klein


The 3 charts that follow are what the Catholic Leadership Institute call the Big 3

Outcome Questions. For all 3, St. Gerard scored well when compared to the

national and diocesan average. Located below each graph are the parish, diocesan

and national average.

The national average is based on all parishes that have taken this survey across the country (more than 1,000

parishes). The diocesan average is based on the 76 parishes in our diocese that took the survey.

Would Recommend Parish to a Friend

Based on Strongly Agree and Agree Responses

St. Gerard: 93% Diocesan Average: 90% National Average: 88%

My Parish Helps Me Grow Spiritually as a Catholic

My Parish Teaches Me How To Share My Personal Witness Story

Based on Strongly Agree and Agree Responses

St. Gerard: 86% Diocesan Average: 84% National Average: 81%

Based on Strongly Agree and Agree Responses

St. Gerard: 50% Diocesan Average: 49% National Average: 46%

Looking Forward for St. Gerard Parish

In light of Covid-19, we are not in full control of when and how our parish can go forward using

the data from the survey to inform our direction. What is clear is that we will not rest on our

laurels. We intend to grow in those areas where the survey indicates the need. Using the

Disciple Maker Index and continuing some of the areas of focus already identified by the parish

staff, we have a plan that we believe will help us move forward as a parish where people can

grow closer to the Lord and grow in community with one another.

What follows are some of the things we are already committed to focus on: 1. Reboot, Renew and Reach Out: This fall we are launching an initiative called Reboot,

Renew and Reach Out. The first is Reboot. We are kicking off our journey by bringing in

world renowned speaker and author, Chris Stefanick. This is a chance to hit a hard reset on

where you are, reexamine your life, and prioritize your faith. This will inspire, motivate and

challenge you to grow closer to God.

The second part is Renew. After we Reboot, we will invite everyone to recommit to our faith

and take steps to grow in deeper relationship with Jesus. To guide us in our commitment,

we will be launching a series entitled The 99. This series will not only give us a community

to help deepen our faith, but empower us all to spread the love of Jesus to the people in our


The third part is to Reach Out. Having recommitted to our faith, we will be encouraged to

Reach Out in faith to connect people to the Lord Jesus. We will also respond to the Gospel

by reaching out in service to others.

We are excited to begin this process starting this Fall.

2. Future Planning: Our parish staff will be working over the summer to plan for coming

years, looking specifically at how we can continue to improve our efforts for those coming

to St. Gerard. This will expound upon the Reboot, Renew and Reach Out initiative and look

at all aspects of parish life.

3. Preaching: Although we scored well on preaching, we know preaching has a huge impact

on church goers as they encounter the Word of God. The Priests and Deacons at St. Gerard

have already been participating in a quarterly review of their preaching. They have now

committed to additional training to help better serve the people of St. Gerard. The training

will be facilitated by Fr. Mike Schmitz.

4. Communication: One of the biggest areas where churches can fall behind is in the area of

communication. We are making better communication a priority. We have launched our

new email and text messaging platform Evangelus (which is a work in progress). We are

also updating our Website, and improving our presence on social media, specifically

Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. We will soon be launching an effort to rebuild and

update our parish census.

5. Sharing Personal Witness Stories: The third graph, even though we are higher than the

diocesan and national average, shows us a lot of room to grow. We believe that the Reboot,

Renew and Reach Out Initiative will help us in this area. Every aspect of this initiative will

be foundational in helping us share our personal stories of faith and help us better witness

to the gospel in our everyday life.

6. Welcoming Community: Though we scored very high as a welcoming community, we

know how important this aspect of church life is. With that in mind we will continue to

make this area a priority.

The Disciple Maker Index Survey 2015

The Disciple Maker Index Survey 2015

Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation,

Evangelii Gaudium, (Joy of the Gospel), says,

“In virtue of their Baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples. All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization.” ¶120

What this is saying is that each and every one of us is

called to be a missionary disciple. With this in mind, our

parish was asked to be part of an archdiocesan pilot

project, in conjunction with the Catholic Leadership

Institute (CLI), that would help us guide our

parishioners to become better evangelizers and disciples.

This project has two parts. The first part is a group of

eight parishioners that meets once a month with

representatives from the Catholic Leadership Institute

(CLI) to pray, discuss and begin to understand the

components of evangelization. For the past three months

a member of the team has written a short

reflection of the journey for the bulletin.

The second component is the Disciple

Maker Index (DMI) study. As you might

remember, back in Lent, ICD parishioners were invited

to take part in a national study of Catholic parishes

organized by the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI).

Close to 1600 of our parishioners completed the survey

– a 33 percent response rate of those emailed compared

to a national response rate of 9%. Such a high ICD

participation rate is one more sign of the vibrancy of our

parish. The DMI assessed parish effectiveness in

forming disciples who can form more disciples.

Members of the parish staff, Parish Council, Finance

committee and strategic plan committees joined in a

working session with the Catholic Leadership

Institute (CLI) month. They interpreted the results of

the survey and began creating an action plan based on

our strengths and the areas of opportunity.

Catholic Parish Study Survey Snapshot

47% of respondents rated “strongly agree”

that they would be likely to recommend ICD

to a friend and an additional 38% “agree”

with this statement.

46% of respondents rated “strongly agree”

that they would be likely to recommend our

pastor to a friend and an additional 38%

“agree” with this statement.

Parishioners Likelihood to Recommend Pastor

Survey Item: I would recommend my Pastor

to a friend.

Parishioners Likelihood to Recommend Parish

Survey Item: I would recommend my Parish

to a friend.


‘Likelihood to Recommend Pastor’ is the top driver for ‘Likelihood to Recommend Parish’ and ‘The Parish Helps Me Grow Spiritually’

Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) calls those who rate “strongly agree”, Promoters of the Catholic Faith and those who rate lower than “agree”, Detractors. Let us work and try hard to

improve our parish so more parishioners will rate “strongly agree” and increase active Promoters of the Faith, i.e., Missionary Disciples.

The first Key Strength is in the area of


18 % of those responding to the survey attend Reconciliation at least once every three months, while an additional 55% attend once or twice a year.

Increasing the percentage of those that attend Reconciliation at least quarterly to 22% is the goal in the next two years.

After looking at the data, the group

recognized two Key Strengths (compared to national/archdiocesan baseline data)

The second key strength in the area of


48% of respondents rated “strongly agree” with the statement “The parish helps me connect with a local Catholic community by making information about the parish easy for me to find (via bulletin, web, email)” An additional 45% “agree” with this statement.

Increasing the percentage of respondents who “strongly agree” to 53% is the goal in the next two years.

Although our parish community is built upon the solid rock of our past, we look with hope to the future. The information from this survey will be helpful when creating the strategic plan for the parish. Let us join together to pray for our future that our community will remain and grow as a school of discipleship for those who believe.

Catholic devotions (i.e. rosary, novenas, and special feast days) are an effective introduction to the practice of the Catholic faith. One of the opportunities for growth was the frequency of the respondents to


While 52% responded that they participate at least quarterly in these devotions, there were 48% with less frequent participation.

Increasing to 56% those who individually participate quarterly is the goal in the next two years.

Another area of opportunity for the parish is the statement that the parish helps me grow

spiritually by OFFERING VIBRANT AND ENGAGING SUNDAY MASSES. Vibrant and engaging Sunday Masses are a driver for the likelihood to recommend the parish.

22% of respondents to this statement rated “strongly agree” and an additional 41 % “agree” with this statement.

An increase of the “strongly agreed” participants to 28% is the goal in the next two years.

The group recognized two Areas of

Opportunity for us to grow as disciples! (compared to national/archdiocesan baseline data)

For more information about this survey , contact [email protected]

In February 2015, our parish took part in a national study called the Disciple Maker Index. The goal of this study is to provide parishioners with an opportunity to reflect on their spiritual growth and involvement in the parish, in turn providing insight to parish leadership as to how we can improve and grow as disciples of Jesus.

When survey participants were asked to describe where they are in their Catholic journey, the responses were as follows:

29% - “My relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important relationship in my life”

34% - “I have personally encountered Jesus Christ and am growing as a disciple”

30% - “I practice my Catholic faith, but do not know Jesus personally like a friend”

7% - “I consider myself Catholic, though faith is not a significant part of my life”

What do these numbers mean? It means that many of us at All Saints have had a personal encounter with God. Many of us put our relationship with Jesus first among our other relationships. Many of us acknowledge that there is room for growth in our discipleship and are headed towards that growth.

Yet the results also show that there are many who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. There are even a few who feel that their faith is rather insignificant. There are virtually as many of those who feel the most strongly about their spiritual life (29%) as there are those who practice their Catholic faith but do not know Christ personally as a friend (30%).

Where do you identify yourself in these findings? Do you identify with those who consider their relationship with Jesus to be the most important in their life? Have you had an encounter with the Savior, but are in need of growth in your own discipleship? Do you practice your

Catholic faith but have not come to know Jesus Christ personally as a friend? Or, do you consider yourself a Catholic only by name, and not by your choices, actions, and priorities?

The Catholic Church is by definition universal. It is open to all of us, whether we are saints, sojourners, or strangers to God. In his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis wrote, “The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded.” What the Church offers in its message of hope and salvation, it offers to all people.

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will not thirst.” (John 6:35) No matter where you are on your Catholic journey, remember that no one is excluded from the life of Christ in the Church. We are all called to partake of God’s love through the Sacraments. We are all invited to the feast. Saints, sojourners, and strangers alike, we all have a place at the table of plenty.

Come and take your place at the table and on the journey. We do not walk alone when we journey as a parish and as a Church. May we all find ourselves closer to God with each day, increasing in faith and growing as disciples of Christ. †

Ponder and Pray Is there someone in your life who inspires you by their

example of faith?

Has there been an experience in your life when you felt you had an encounter with Christ? Take a moment to

write or tell another person about it.

Is there anything preventing you from having a stronger relationship with Jesus? What are some ways that you

might remove or minimize these hindrances?

All Saints Parish E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 9 9

May 24th, 2015 • Pentecost Sunday

Your Catholic Journey, Our Catholic Journey

In today’s gospel, Jesus commissions the eleven disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Two thousand years later, Catholic Churches all over the world testify to the power of this commission. And yet as we discovered in the survey results discussed in last week’s bulletin, not all parishioners have a personal relationship with God. Of those who practice their Catholic faith, not all would say that they walk closely with Jesus. Many of us are still growing from simple participation to active discipleship. Our parish as a whole is also still growing in its work of giving witness to the Good News through its many programs and ministries. This growth, both as individuals and as a whole community, springs from and is driven by the presence of an active prayer life.

In the Disciple Maker Index Survey, participants were asked how frequently they spent individual prayer time with God. Out of those who responded, the results were as follows:

59% - Daily

23% - Weekly

4% - Monthly

4% - Quarterly

5% - Once or twice a year

5% - Never

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer is “a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (CCC, 2558). This is the relationship from which our experience and understanding of our faith lives, grows, and bears fruit. It is a gift from God to humankind, allowing us to raise our minds and hearts, our thanksgiving and petitions, to the Lord. It is also a gift that we give to God as His people, placing our whole selves as an offering before Him in truth, humility, and love. The practice of prayer is vital for us to know the heart of God

little by little, so that we may become enriched, nourished, and even challenged by Him to walk in His ways.

The quality of any relationship depends on the amount of time we spend with one another. Our spouses, children, colleagues, and friends become closer to us or drift away from us depending on how much and how well we spend time together. How well do we care for our relationship with God? Are we among those who take some time daily to be in His presence, to listen and reflect on His words, to share our hearts and minds with Him? Or are we among those who are too busy, too distracted, too absorbed by the cares of our world to remember the “one thing necessary” (Luke 10:42) for the care of our souls?

In the words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” Let us challenge ourselves to take our prayer beyond the walls of the church and into our homes, our schools, and our workplaces. And may this surge of the heart, this look toward heaven, this cry of love, take us further in our journey towards becoming disciples of Jesus. †

Ponder and Pray What forms of prayer have you tried (for example: meditation, devotions, novenas, scripture reading,

singing, etc.)?

Don’t know where to start? Find your spirituality type and the forms of prayer and devotion that may work best for

you by logging on to:

http://www.vocationnetwork.org/articles/show/ 63-find-your-spirituality-type

All Saints Parish E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 9 9

May 31st, 2015 • the Most Holy Trinity

Prayer: A Surge of the Heart




These Results Have Value.

This data comes to us at an important time. Following the recommendations of our

four Working Groups earlier this Spring, we are taking some time this Fall to

reexamine our Mission and Core Values as a parish. Parish leadership hopes to

further engage with you to receive your feedback about these important questions

in the upcoming weeks.

Personal Beliefs (doctrine)

Personal Prayer and Spiritual Life (habits)

Missionary Discipleship (outreach)

Catholic Journey (growth)

This past February (2020), our parish took part in a 75-question survey

administered by the Catholic Leadership Insti tute. The purpose of this survey was

to give us a deeper perspective on four key areas in our parishioner's l ives:

198 people took this survey, which is a good

sample size both in respect to our number of

registered families (405) and our average

Sunday Mass attendance (~500 over a



The Catholic Leadership Institute considers

anything over 10% of average Sunday Mass

attendance as statistically significant.


Our parish isn't just strong in areas of doctrine; St. Mark's far exceeds local and national

averages in things like frequency of personal prayer, recognition of Church Authority,

Adoration, and other Catholic devotions. In fact, our parish's reported frequency of Confession

puts us as the THIRD HIGHEST EVER to take this survey--that's third out of over 1,255 parishes


There are a lot of statistics circulating about what Catholics believe about the Eucharist. A 2019

Pew Research survey suggests that just one-third of U.S. Catholics (31%) say they believe that

“during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus.”

Here's what St. Mark's survey respondents said:

This is us! Bronze medal in the

holiness Olympics is pretty great--

maybe we can snag gold next time?


While St. Mark's lowest responses sti l l met both Diocesan and National averages, we sti l l have

work to do. Our Lord doesn't call us to settle for "average"; He calls us to be saints! Here are

some areas that we could improve:

Although 69% of those surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed that our parish provides

transparent financial information, we need to be more intentional to share with the parish

relevant financial data. Questions about finances can always be sent to

[email protected]

92% believe that, as parents, they are responsible for "helping their children know Jesus".

But only 52% agree that St. Marks is providing sufficient tools to carry out this charge. How

can we do more to support parents to disciple their children?

46% of those surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed that our parish "equips me to have

conversations about faith with family and friends by teaching me how to share my personal

witness." While events l ike our Bible Study are popular (76% agree/strongly agree that our

parish helped them grow through Scripture study!), i t's clear that we can do more to

provide the tools needed to proclaim the Gospel.

81% of those at St. Mark's

agree or strongly agree that

their Parish helps them

actively grow as disciples of

Christ. This is way above

diocesan and national

averages. Onward, Christian


76% of those at St. Mark's

strongly agree or agree that

their Parish provides them

ample opportunity to serve

others. (For those not yet

involved, check out our

website or call the Parish

Office to learn more about our

parish's ministries.)

82% of those at St. Mark’s

strongly agree or agree that

St. Mark’s has helped grow

their prayer l ife. Of the

82%, 44 said “strongly

agree”. This is double the

diocesan and national



These lines indicate the National


These bars represent the % ofSt. Mark's that "strongly

agrees" with the statements onthe left..

The Catholic Leadership Institute measures the strength of a response by calculating the

percentage of respondents who "Strongly Agreed" to each statement in the survey. The chart

below highlights eight questions that the Catholic Leadership Institute thinks are particularly

important areas of focus for parishes. In EVERY SINGLE AREA, our parish responses either

meet or exceed the averages on the national level.

We have so much to be grateful for here at St. Mark’s! Our clergy, our community, our

beautiful buildings, new babies, seasoned parishioners— the list goes on! Who made these

results happen? The answer is clear: you did! It is through your dedication to Christ and His

Church that St. Mark's is such a special place to pray, to find fellowship, and to raise a family.

We did this together! But the reality is that God Himself did this. These results reveal the many

graces which God has poured out upon our parish family. And He desires to continue to do

His unique work in and through us. How can we share the gift of our parish with others this



Holy Family Cathedral Parish and School

Priority Plan · 2020Solemnity of Pentecost 2020-2023


In the Fall of 2019, our parish participated in the Disciple Maker Index, a nationalsurvey on parish engagement. More than 250 parishioners responded to the survey,which was conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute.

The results confirmed our beliefthat Holy Family Cathedral is a

strong, dynamic parish andcommunity, filled with folks who

are active in their faith.

However, there is still morework to do if we are to achieve

our vision of offering everyperson in our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus.


Holy Family Cathedral Parish would like to thank theCatholic Leadership Institute for inviting us to

participate in a pilot program for the Disciple MakerIndex Survey.

The survey had four maindesired outcomes; namelyto help identify what drives

parishioners to:


Recommend their parish toa friend

Grow spiritually as aCatholic

Share their personal witnesswith another

Progress along theirCatholic journey

Holy Family Cathedral Nationally

They would recommend the parish to a friend

The parish makes them feel welcome and accepted

The parish helps form them as disciples of Christ

The parish helps me connect with the local community by offeringopportunities to serve those in need

The parish provides a community that supports me and/or my family in times of need

percentage of people who answered "strongly agree" for each question











Although the results are encouraging, we have much work to do tostay committed to the areas that greatly affect our parishioners.

These key areas, include:

Increasing ourFaith Formation

Improving ourHospitality

Promoting greaterOutreach

A Hopeful and Ready Parish Community

I love this passage because, number one, it assumes we have hope. A prerequisite for discipleship is that ultimately,

disciples are people of hope. We believe in the resurrection and we believe that we are on a journey to God the Father, with God the Son walking alongside us.

I also love this passage because, number two, it assumes our hope is so visible, so apparent to others that they are compelled to ask what is the reason for our hope.

At St. Anne, there are many reasons for our hope, most of which are the many ways I see God working through you, the people, in your care and love for each other and outside this Church.

As you might remember, back in Lent, St. Anne was in-vited to take part in a national study of Catholic parishes or-ganized by the Catholic Leadership Institute. Close to 300 of our people completed the survey – a 41 percent response rate of those emailed. The survey asked questions centered on each parishioner’s own discipleship journey, and how the parish AND the pastor were doing in supporting them along their faith journey.

We were part of the initial pilot survey conducted in 21 parishes across the United States that received almost 9,000 responses from parishioners.

Thanks to your valuable participation, members of the parish and school staff, the Pastoral Council, and Finance

St. Anne Catholic Church

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” (1 Peter 3:15).

A Hopeful and Ready Parish Community

July 2014

Council joined me in a working ses-sion with the Catholic Leadership Institute last month. We interpreted the results of the survey and began creating an action plan based on our strengths and the areas in which we can improve.

There was so much to be hope-ful about in the responses that came out. Sixty percent of you who re-sponded said you would be likely to recommend St. Anne to a friend, 73 percent said you would recommend your pastor to a friend, 42 percent said we have vibrant and engaging Sunday Masses, 81 percent said that they believe that the Eucharist is re-ally the Body and Blood of Christ, 62 percent say that the Church is criti-cal to their relationship with God, and 62 percent say that they pray every day!

Although there are many areas that should bring us hope, as you can imagine, there are other areas of opportunity for us to grow as disciples! If you have listened to me preach for the past eight months, you will have noticed that I spend a lot of time talking about the personal responsibility that each of us have in being disciples of Jesus Christ. My focus on this topic comes from the reality that we as a Catholic people have some room for improvement.

Of those who responded to the survey, 23 percent in-dicated that my parish helps me grow by forming me as a disciple of Christ, 34 percent say this parish helps them feel connected to the local Catholic community by making them feel welcome and accepted, 19 percent say they feel the par-ish is helping them develop a personal prayer life, 16 percent say this parish helps them feel comfortable having conversa-tions about their faith with family and friends by teaching them how to share the story of Jesus, 16 percent say they would recommend our parish religious education programs

to a friend, and 26 percent say they would recommend oth-ers to attend our parish social events.

Although this parish community is built upon the solid rock of our past, we must look with hope to the future. In light of this information and in light of the previous survey that was conducted before I arrived, I am launching a Pri-ority Planning team to work with me over the next several months to articulate the mission of St. Anne and the three key priorities that will guide our ministry over the next two years. I have consulted with the Pastoral Council to make sure we have a fair representation of the diverse make up of this community.

Please join me in praying for our future. Please join me in praying that this community will remain and grow as a school of discipleship for those of us who believe. Let us al-ways be ready to give an explanation for our hope to anyone who asks!

by Fr. Gary Kastl

Please join me in praying for our future. Please join me in praying that this community will remain and grow as a school of discipleship for those of us who believe. Let us

always be ready to give an explanation for our hope to anyone who asks!