Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you...

Soiling Orculor 617 Cleerrnont Drive Huntsvtle, AL 35801 VoUnervNo I World Flying Disc Federation Formed As mentioned in the lost Circular, the W.F.D.F. wos formed In Atlanta during Thanksgiving. The stated purpose of the Federation Is to advance ptvslcol ond mertol ftness ttYOugh flying disc sports and recreation. What this means for you personally Is occleroted growth for all Individual player's associations, greater media awareness of disc activities, further education of the public at all levels on the value of our games, better scheduling co-ordination of disc events, ond o better position on whkh to gain corporate ond govern- mental support. If you ore o member of any player's association, you ore automatically o member of the Federation. A tempo- rary board of directors was voted on In Atlanta, with rep- resentatives from all player's groups and members pur- suing specific tasks. The W.F.D.F. will be seeking non profit status. AI financial or other help from various disc manufacturers will gladly be accepted. Autonomy will be at forefront always. If vou ore not o member of the Federation, vou may write to Mark Dono, 315 W. 103rd Street. No. 8. New York, NY 10025 for more information. Good luck to Grant Posey and Russ Prichett who will be on tour through the Mid West until April when they return to the South for heavy competition. Riders of the Wind The Field Events Players Association Is making plans for the seasons activities. Some of the ideas being tossed having competitors throw 10-20 times during vonous t1mes of the day and taking the averages . Also o prize for best throw of the day, etc. Soon to come - Alders Fastbacks and Minis! Available February. For more Information on Riders of the Wind write Mike 'Copn Snap' Conger, P. 0. Box 43 , Wallops Isle, VA 23337. Disc Covering the World P. 0. Box 125 Davis, CA 95616 Ron Kauffman has just released his new catalogue for ' 81. It is pocked with collector discs and playing stock from all over the world. If you would like o copy send him two (. 15) stomps and he will rush you o copy. · U.S. ' Disc Players Golf Association Formed Also on outgrowth of the Atlorto meetings. this Golf Association is concerned with rules and more tournaments. This is o players association by and fortheployers. Finding new sponsors Is of the utmost Importance along with en- couraging more ploy at the local level ond more toumaments for everyone. It was pointed out that the D.G.A. is o manufacturers organization with tournaments to be played on Disc Pole Holes with Ft1sbee Or course thots great But lUth o new group formed by players there will be more golf for every- one. Lets not forget the D.G.A. wos responsible for more money tournaments than any other group and hopefully there will be much more to come. For Info write: United StateS Disc Players Golf Association, P. 0. Box 5312, Seattle, WA 98105. Flying disc league of Women Any ladies interested in joining or receivi ng info should write FLOW, 4453 LoPolomo, Santo Barbaro, CA 93105. The N.A.S. Tournaments hove o few changes. Sarasota and Atlanta hove been moved to Charlotte. The I.F.A. has gone through o few changes. Their main focus now Is towards the 9 million people In America who threw discs lost year. More to the gnerol public while the Federation and Players Groups handle competition. The new Gulnness book of Worlds Records (hardback) is out and the TRC record set by Tom Monroe of Frisbee ...South Is Included!

Transcript of Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you...

Page 1: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

Soiling Orculor 617 Cleerrnont Drive Huntsvtle, AL 35801

VoUnervNo I

World Flying Disc Federation Formed As mentioned in the lost Circular, the W.F.D.F. wos formed

In Atlanta during Thanksgiving. The stated purpose of the Federation Is to advance ptvslcol ond mertol ftness ttYOugh flying disc sports and recreation. What this means for you personally Is occleroted growth for all Individual player's associations, greater media awareness of disc activities, further education of the public at all levels on the value of our games, better scheduling co-ordination of disc events, ond o better position on whkh to gain corporate ond govern­mental support.

If you ore o member of any player's association, you ore automatically o member of the Federation. A tempo­rary board of directors was voted on In Atlanta, with rep­resentatives from all player's groups and members pur­suing specific tasks.

The W.F.D.F. will be seeking non profit status. AI financial or other help from various disc manufacturers will gladly be accepted. Autonomy will be at forefront always.

If vou ore not o member of the Federation, vou may write to Mark Dono, 315 W. 103rd Street. No. 8. New York, NY 10025 for more information.

Good luck to Grant Posey and Russ Prichett who will be on tour through the Mid West until April when they return to the South for heavy competition.

Riders of the Wind The Field Events Players Association Is making plans for

the seasons activities. Some of the ideas being tossed oro~nd ~re having competitors throw 10-20 times during vonous t1mes of the day and taking the averages. Also o prize for best throw of the day, etc.

Soon to come - Alders Fastbacks and Minis! Available February. For more Information on Riders of the Wind write Mike 'Copn Snap' Conger, P. 0 . Box 43, Wallops Isle, VA 23337.

Disc Covering the World P. 0. Box 125 Davis, CA 95616

Ron Kauffman has just released his new catalogue for '81. It is pocked with collector discs and playing stock from all over the world. If you would like o copy send him two (.15) stomps and he will rush you o copy.

· U.S. 'Disc Players Golf Association Formed Also on outgrowth of the Atlorto meetings. this Golf

Association is concerned with rules and more tournaments. This is o players association by and fortheployers. Finding new sponsors Is of the utmost Importance along with en­couraging more ploy at the local level ond more toumaments for everyone.

It was pointed out that the D.G .A. is o manufacturers organization with tournaments to be played on Disc Pole Holes with Ft1sbee ~. Or course thots great But lUth o new group formed by players there will be more golf for every­one. Lets not forget the D.G.A. wos responsible for more money tournaments than any other group and hopefully there will be much more to come. For Info write: United StateS Disc Players Golf Association, P. 0 . Box 5312, Seattle, WA 98105.

Flying disc league of Women Any ladies interested in joining or receiving info should

write FLOW, 4453 LoPolomo, Santo Barbaro, CA 93105.

The N.A.S. Tournaments hove o few changes. Sarasota and Atlanta hove been moved to Charlotte. The I.F.A. has gone through o few changes. Their main focus now Is towards the 9 million people In America who threw discs lost year. More to the gnerol public while the Federation and Players Groups handle competition.

The new Gulnness book of Worlds Records (hardback) is out and the TRC record set by Tom Monroe of Frisbee

...South Is Included!

Page 2: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

Mail Order

PlKple HDX80 (last of the high ridge) . ........ S7.00 each DGA mold No. 40 ..... 5.50 DGA mold No. 100 . ... 6.00

?fX;A mold No. SO . .... 6.50 ~ DGA mold No. 80 . .. .. 7.50

Minis new red - Tom Monroe SCF ........ .. .. . .. 1.00

Greet)-Tom Monroe SCF. 2.00 F83 (2 for $5.00) .. ... . 3.00 Clear NAS mold (3 for 10.00)


Add $1.00 per disc. except minis. For qvontib,l deals -coli Frisbee South (205-534-2733). Send disc orders and payment to Frisbee South, 617 Oeermont Dr., Huntsville, AL35801.

Frisbee World Changes Format -The mogozlne hos gone to newsletter and is freel .AJst

write I.F.A .• P. 0 . Box 970, 5_on Gabriel. CA 91n6: Send o Xerox of your I.F.A. number.

With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They need oil the subscribers they con get, so please. use some of that Xmas money ond send It to: Flying Disc MogozJne, 28 Werner Porli, Rochester, NY 14620. One year is $8.00, two years Is $15.00 ond three years Is $20.00.

Tell them the Circular sent youl

If there is o red X on your circular you hove exceeded your years subscription ond you need to send In another $3.50. This is your lost chance to keep up with whot is happening in the 'Southern Disc Scene.'

The South's Soiling Circular 617 Clurmont Drive, SE Huntsvl11e, Al 35801

Subscriptions to tM South's Soiling Circular or. $3.50. s.nd ch.ck to f~• South, 617 C'--rmont Dr. SE, ltuntsvik, Al 35801

Decade of the Disc As you may hove realized by now. there will be some

changes mode In the hieorchy of our Flying Disc Wor1d. More player Involvement and organization will be evident in the odrninstrotlon of OlK recreot1on and sporting events. Ths also means more people ore committed to our sport now than ever before.

for ol of you that ore committed In one way or another. lets make o resolution together. to teach and involve o few new people Ins year. Also, lets support the Plovers Orgcrizatlons. the new Federation and our only magazine.

If everyone helps Ol.t. goes to tournoments. and Increases the public awareness, this will surely be the Decade of the Disc.


~~ usA15c ~"ttO~oU Or TM( BRAVE

Page 3: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

· · ~:~- - -..

Mar /~if

Sai~ng Grculor

617 Oeermont Drive

HuntsVIlle, Al 35801 Vol. I¥. NO. II

Here are the North American Flying Disc Series Tournaments scheduled near our area:

Date Place Events Contact Person

March 28/29 Austin, TX Golf/DOC May2/3 Charlotte, NC Freestyle/SCF Dennis Burns May 16/ 17 Chicago, Ill . Freestyle/DOC John Conolley May23/ 24 Philadelphia, PA Freestyle/Distance Jim Powers June 13/14 Huntsville, Al DOC/ Golf Tom Monroe June 20/21 Manassas, VA DDC/ SCF Mike Conger June 27/28 Springfield, MO Golf/DDC Steve Smith July 25/26 Rochester, NY Golf / Distance Jim Palmeri

Southern Scene

Ultimate teams will be playing in different tour­naments around our region. Some of the more active teams are Atlanta. Augusta, Oak Aidge and the North Carolina teams. Some of these teams will be at the tournament April 1 In D.C. The Mobile team was seen on a float with 8 kegs of beer during Mardi Gras.

March 28 in Aome, Georgia's Barron Stadium a tournament featuring distance, accuracy and MTA will be held. Call Jack Acuff at (404) 291-9705.

May 9 and 10 in Montgomery, Alabama's Coli­seum a two day tournament will be held.

Congratulations to Charlotte's Michael Penny. He and his lovely lady, Jan, will be wed April 11th. Michael has been into the disc scene since the first National in Florence some years back. Happy Trails you two wild and crazy people!

North Carolina State Frisbee Tournament on April18 and 19. Last year the NC State Tourna­ment was held in Charlotte, as it always has been. This year it will be on the NC State Campus in Raleigh.

Events will be Distance, SCF, Golf and Free­sti.Ae and K-9. Prizes and money ore n the UJOI'Ms. call Tony Tomasino at (919) 755-0413 for more details. This could be a very good tournament.

Page 4: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

New Golf Course in Nashville A new course Is going up on Donalson Pike. The

woods are being cleared now. This could be one of the best championship courses In the country. It is located next to the Sub Station across from the National Guard entrance to the airport.

Mail Order Banana HDX Purple HDX 80 (last of the high rlgde) DGA Mold no. 40

100 so 80

Minis new red Tom Monroe SCF green Tom Monroe SCF

F83 (2 for $5.00) Clear. NAS mold (3 for $10.00)

$10.00 7.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00

Riders of the Wind clear F86 with copper or silver logo 4.00

Minis same logo 1.00

The South's Sailing Circular 617 C.._rmont Driv•, SE Huntsvik, Al 35801

Subscriptions to tM South's Sailing

Clrculor or. $3.50. S.nd cMck to Frisbee South, 617 Clccrmont Dr. SE, Huntsvllc, Al 35801

H'ville Ult imate Tourna.nent; !,pr i 1 11/12 Contact : Jerry ~ooin5on 837-2626 $ Prizes

On single disc orders enclose $1.00 for postage and handling, for more than one enclose $.50 per disc. Over two minis enclose $.50. Send to Frisbee South, 617 Cleermont Drive SE, Huntsville. AL 35801.

Page 5: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

Alabama Sta~e Tournament Huntsvi lle - - Eay 23/24- --U. A. H. Campus.

Prizes, ~rophies , etc. DOC, Distance Freestyle , Golf, E'rA. . Call Jf!I'ry at ' 837-2626 or ·rom a t 534-2733.

Akansas State Championship

Vol. IV No. Ill

June 20/ 21 in North Little Rock. Contact Ted Smithers 24Jeffus Dr., Alexander, AR 72002. The tourney will be held at the Bums Park DiS<: Golf Course (Pole Hole). Events: Golf, around-9, and freestyle. May be$$$!!!

Tennessee State Tourney July 11/12. Contact Grant Posey (Whites Creek) Barry

Gill or David Kessler (Murfreesboro). Look for good prizes!

Mon~gomery: Balloon Festival/ Frisbee Tournament. May 9/10 will see Distance, MTA and Accuracy for prizes in this second annual event. Hot air balloons and flying discs at the coloseum.

North Carolina State Between 100-200 players and around 1,000 spectators over

the weekend saw some of the best players from the South and East battle for the overall money and event wins. Only N.C. players were awarded trophies, but Huntsville's Tom Monroe walked off with overall honors. With eventful per­formances in golf (17 under) and distance (405), backhand on Sa turd~;-:, Monroe w~m MT A and golf on Sunday. Oosest compehhon was Cra1g Hunter from the Tidewater group. Also from Tidewater was JoAnn Loftus who dominated the womens division and walked off with all the big bucks.

....... . -

I I ~

.~ ~ --t .: .. ..... ,_-:.

Soiling Circular

617 Oeermoot Drive Hun!SvMie, Al35801


HAS Charolett.e- -!-a y 2 -- 3 Ca }-ll1 ' Sna p----1-iike C:on;~t'"' t a k,., s <.:r· -~· i n a sudden life play -~i'.: ." ~ _ ,o~;.~B w:i.ns Golf. ri.hodes Felcierbau1n -cook Freest yle. Well run tourna:nent~ and fun for everyone .

Huntsville Wins in Rome Coming home with top honors from the Rome Frisbee

Festival were Thackery Douglas (jr.), Jerry Robinson Bruce Willis and Bill Sinard. Go Rocket City! ! '

Mail Order Discs DGA 40 mold $6.00

41 mold 6.00 100 mold 6.50 50mold 7.00 80mold 7.50

HDX 80 mold purple 7.00 Banana-Lemon I!>rop$ J.oo Rose 80 mold w I copper

stamp $1a:Kl Blue80mold Green Minis: T.M. World Record:

Red $1.00 Orange 2.50 Green 2.00

Frisbee South blue 2.50

· On single disc orders en­close $1.25 for postage and handJing. For more than one enclose $.75 per disc. Over two minis enclose $.60. Send to Frisbee South, 617 Cleer­mont Dr.,SE, Huntsville, AL 35801.

No more minis! Wham-0 has terminated its distribution of minis. Riders of the Wind - Clear FBS, Silver or Copper stamp are $4.00. White minis with same stamps are $2.00 each. FB3 (for SCF) are 3 each or 2 for $5. ORDERS MUST IN­


Page 6: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They


JUNE 1 Y:L4, 81

National Championship points will be awarded to contestants in D.D.C. and Disc Golf.

This year we are offering the most comprehensive golf tournament ever scheduled. Everyone will play on three different golf courses here in Huntsville. Two of the courses utilize the Disc Pole Hole. The other course is a permanent one located on the campus of the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Because of the nature in seeding the D.D.C. pools, we must have your teams registration in before June 13.

Both events will begin bright and early Saturday morning June 13th on the U.A.H. Campus.

The usual entry fee package will be $12. Included is a clear tournament Fris­bee disc and official tournament t;; shirt.

(MAKE CoPI(; FoR 'r:.aUR FRIENDS) NAME __________________________________________________ __



D.D.C. partner --------------------------------------------

Golf: yes 0 no 0 maybe 0 Entry fee is $12

Send entry fee to: Tom Monroe

The South's Sailing Circular 617 C.._rmont Orin, SE Huntsvik, Al 35801

Subscriptions to tM South's ~ Circu6or Gr. $3.50. Send cMdl {q._ -f.-.. South, 617 a..mwi:.f>r· PM SE, Huntsvtk. Al55101 z


617 Cleermont Dr. Sf Huntsville, AL 35801 (205)534-2733

Page 7: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

; .

TIIE SOUTH'S :rt.tl I ~81


Vol.IV No.IV

Please, excuse the temporary lack of logo.

Disc Golf in Louisvillc l $2,000 August 15-16-PDGA Format, Iroquois Park For Info call Tim Geib (812 )283-4747

Ultimate players--Fred Baes wants your teams information person for the section III Tournament "th:i.s f al l . Those teams in Ala., Ark., ~Yias ., &Tenn. should contact him at 104 Pembr.0!w Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. (615)576-21.37 dn.ys &483-5188 nitcs.

Oct. 24, 1981--Plan ahead for this one, The second annual Appalachin fvitn. Disc Festival. Trophies & possible $$ . Contact Jeff Butler, 1426 Virginia St. E., Charleston, H.V. 25301 (304)346-5639

More Golf in Tenn.-Warr1ors Path & ~noH Shelby State Parks have announced the opening of these new courses. Warriorn Path combine~ short accurate holes with some long open shot.s in a nice com15lnation . Menon Shelby is a cha1J eng1ng wooded course, much like Cedars , Take along yo11r Mosqu1to rcpellant when you go to }1emphis

Ala. State Tournament. By far the best Stat.e Toun1ey ever. With support from local sponsors and FI-1-99 UABR Radio, over 80 play~rG contpet ed for top prizes. Big winners in the pro-division were Tom 1'1on:co.a , Rcss Snyder, Bruce Hillis, Dan Shriefer, Grant Posey, and J erry Robinson . In the amateur division, prizes went to Glen Lycan, David Cauthen , Tim Daniels, and George Coffin. Womens winner s were Helen Seija and Lisa Hillis.

NAS Huntsville, Over 100 competitors mer ged to Huntsville in early June for National Championship points in Dioc Golf and D.D.C. The draw included players from Ca , to Fl . to N.Y. Top winner in Golf wa.o Snapper Pierson-san Diego followed by Scott Zimmarman, Ross Snyder, and Tom Monroe . D.D,C. went to Dennis Loftus and Shawn Sheldon . This was Huntsville ' s largest NAS Tourney . Judy Horowitz won women's Golf whil e JoAnn Loftus and Diane Mar5~les won D.D.C .

NAS Springfield. Golf and Distance were the events . Golf saw Jeff Watson walk off and leave Tom Monroe and Miko"Capn Snap" Conger i n the finals. Distance was taken by Van Hiller--The big arm of the season .

Qualifiers from the South for the W.F .C.-- Looks like Jerry Robinson of Huntsville will make it on his D.D.C. play with Tom Honroe . I1onroe r eturns once again to keep up his consecutive appearances since 1975. Also, old ti~e r eturner is Ross Snyder from Atlanta. After Rochest er Jeff Watson ~hould be included in the line up.

Golf in Huntsville--PDGA Format--Percentage r eturn Tourney . Entries fees from the Pro($15) AM($5) divisions 1dll be returned to the top finishers July 18-19 . Tee off Sat. the 18th at 10a , m. at Brahan...1 Springs. For more info call Lavone \'lolfe (205)830-1510 or Tom Monroe (205)534-2733

Mail Order Discs DGA 40 mold (under 160 gr) $6.00

40 mold (over 160 gT) ·6.50 41 mold 6.00

100 ~ld 6.50 50 mold 7.00 80 mold 7.50

HDX banana-Lemon drop 8 .00 Green 9.00

Miniss T.M. World Record: Red Orange Green Frisbee South Blue Riders of the wind:

$1.00 2.50 2 .00 2.50

Cle~~ FBS. silver or copper White minis/same stamp

stamp $4. 00 2.00

Page 8: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

On single disc orders enclose $1.25 for postage and handling. More than one $.75 per disc. Over two minis enclose $.60.

Somerset Ky.-Aug. 8-18 hole DGA course.Tourney with super trophies, $5 entry• fee, camping around the lake. Contact Ralph Beckman (606)678-4502

Thanks to Kim Harris of Birmingham. She has type set this newsletter for the last couple of years. Due to her expanding family, she will now be a full time mothsr of two (or more?) children. ·

Tenn.State Tournament--A well run tourney in beautiful Centennial Park, Nashvllle, saw some of the South's finest competing for the overall title, garner ed by Tom ?1onroe. MI'A saw rick Turner win with an 11.2 sec. throw. Bi ll Burns burm:hl distance wtth .a 357' throw. Freestyle was hot with Posey, Johnson,&Sims ~ edgeing out Da:r..{l J~ynn , Gary Edge, &1'/illi vlilliams. Monroe took Golf with a 46 .?..nd a 44, on the tree-smashing park course.

The South's Sailing Circular 617 Cleermont Drive, S.E. Huntsville, Al 35801

Page 9: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They


Vol. IV No. V


Meeman - Shelby Disc Gol! ~t - Sept. 12/13. More info call Darrell ~ (901) 363-36:Cf. Location: Route 3, Mi.ll.ington, 'lh. Regristration--9-lOa .m.

Cedars of Lebanon State Disc Gol!' 'l'ournament - Sept. 19-20. Benny Nolan - Tournament Director (615) 444-16'37. Route 6, Lebanon, 'lh. Regri.stration--9-lOa.m.

Free Flight Disc Golf Tournament - Sept. 26/27. For more info call ~r 'Irezise (615) 361-5965 Nashville, 'lh.

Statewide Championship 'l'ou.nwlent - Oct. '3/4. Cedars of Lebanon State Park. Call Nora Brinkley (615) 741-5996. Loeatioo: Route 6, Lebanoo, 'lh. Regristration-9-lOa.m.

haUD PRISIEE CHAMPIONSHIPS: It was Seott Z:iDaennan the overall champion for the Jrd time. Scott von s.c.F. and finished 2nd in o.o.c. In the vanen•s di.visl.on it was Judy Horowitz 1st in golf and 2nd in D.D.C. Cyilthia Wen--tormer.J.y o! HuntSVl.lle--nov fran ~~nta Barbara--took :lnd in gol! and cant:Ii.ned with Judy took 2nd in D.D.C. Cynthia was :.Di ~,verall.

On the scene at the World Cbampiooships was Darrell ~ form Memphis representing 'lh. as 'lh' s premier collector of trl.sDees.

World Championships will be seen on E.S.P.N., the All Sports Network, in a coup.l.e or montw. So stay tuned to your 'IV ll.st1.ng for that. Also the cab.l.e networks HBO Showtl..me Wl.ll have '"What's Up Amerl.ca" featun.ng the World Frisbee Champ1.onshl.ps next month.

GOLF 'IOORNAMEllT at ROCKLEDGE, FL.: Down near Cape Keoneay- $2.,000 1.n casn to the JUl;n place in the men's division. 'nle date is Sept. 19/20. Call Rockledge Recreation Center, Inc., Rockledge, Fl.

'IOURNAMENT in ffiJNTING'IDN, W.V.: Events are Golf and Accuracy. Entry fee is $5 with plaques for these events. Anyone who pars the course gets his/her entry fee back. More info call John Siaes (304) 523-4167.

Fred !3e.es is still looking for Ultimate Teams for the Regionals. Contact him during the day at (615) 576-2137 and night 483-5ll8 (615). Looks like we'll be having our Regional play-offs in the .U.-'lh. area in Oak Ridge this fall. Any teams in exsistance in the S.E. should contact Fred.

NEW GOLF DISC - 70 mold - which is the 97g mold. 'nle Disc Golf Ass'n has just come out with the heavy weight 70 mold which weighs up in the 150's. Excellent disc for distance and what everyone used at the World Championships. 'nley will probably retail for around $7.00.

GOLF 'IDURNAHENT & CLINIC U. A. H. - SEPT. 12/13& Pro--AM Division. '!his starts Saturday the 12th at 10 a.m. ani ends 4 p.m. Statrs SUnday the 13th at 1 p .m. and ends at 4 p.m. 'Ih:is is the GRAND OPmiNG of the U. A. H. Disc Golf Course. 'nle Clinic is free and the fee for the Tournament is $5 for Pro and $1 for Am. 'nlere will be prizes for Am's and cash on a percentage basis for the Pro's.

We' 11 have om- logo back soon! !

Page 10: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They


TRI- STATE PARKS DISC GOLF TOUR. The tour traveled to t he three State Park, Disc Golf Courses .

The top 30 from each tourney qualified for the play-offs at the Cedars of Lebanon State Park.

In a hotl y contested, final round, the lead changed hands between Tom f.:ionroe, Stuart Arnold, and Ken Fol ger. Honroe squeezed the win over Arnold & Folger by one thin stroke. Arnold took Fol ger in the play-off for se cond.

r'iany thanks to the Tennessee State Parks and the Tn . Frisbee golfers rTho helped make the tour a great time for all!! I

l·lFC on3SPN If you have missed the t wo weekends of the Rose Bowl on cable

T:V • . stat ion SSPN, keep your eyes open on the following schedules for the afternoon & evenings on Sat . & Su...l"l. On Showtime lofatch for _1·!FC on Hhat 's Up America.

ULTH1AT:S:: SECTIOFALS I N TUSCALOOOA The Tuscaloosa club did a fine job of hosting the tournament

and providing a keg party f or all players and friends. Barna and Tulane wer ethe t wo t op teams to fight it out in the

final game . Tulane came out on top. They used a modifi ed Santa Barbara f l ow offense and they will r epresent our section in Atlanta Nov .?/8 at the r egional tournament. For more info on t hat tourney contact Ward Silver or Ross Snyder in Atlanta.

The sectionals featured good play bet ween New Orleans, Hu...l"ltsville, and r-:obile . Huntsville l ost four of their most valuable players due t o injuries . One of t he injuries came during a pr actice game with 1'1urfr ees bor o. l~iTSu could be a t eam to contend with. Led by David Kessl er and Joel Rogers, their team has al ot of hustle and desire! ! !

Looks l i ke the Nationals vlill be in Texas,so Atlanta will be the place t o see some good play .

Congratulat i ons to Kenneth and Kim Harris who have announced the birth of Benjamin Keith Harr istl iThis is their second son! At this rate they ~rill have a guts team befor e too l ong .

ROCKLEDG:::! , FLA, GOLF TOUIDT;:!;Y RESULTS 1st - Tom Kraj na 2nd-Steve Slas or 3rd·-Jeff \vatson

£~AIL ORDSR Golf discs

i·Iold~?O ,40,41 ,50,100,80---$7 . 00 Collectors golf disc-42 moldwith the first promo on a golf disc---$5 . 00---limited

Colle ctor s - new a."ld r a.re to find-~fhirl Champ 'Thro-yo. It actually comes back to you.For a limit ed time onl y $5 .00 Clear rTAS 165g- $5 .00 each or 3 f or $10.00 i'1inis--TH world r ecord--red $1.00 green $2 . 00

blue F.S. $3. 00 DGA $5.00 Enclose $1 f or mi nis $5 for others ,(shipping) Mail to: .. Tofi! ~1sm~oc 61? Cleermont Huntsville , Al 35801 Subscription to The Sailing Cir cular----$4.00/year

Page 11: Disc Covering the World World Flying Disc Federation ...With the money you saved from that one you con subscribe to Flying Disc Magazine. This will be ~ magazine for our sport. They

pe~ l'i81


I.F' .A . NE1hS ;<'or the first time sbce the national points system began , there YTi ll ,nov ,

be a radical chan~e in format, I nstead of the 12-17 national tou=narnents around the CDU.i'1try, theret>~"ill be three major qualifying tournaments l ocated in the west, the east. and the central part if the u.s •• Since Uharno ts putting up the bucks for these tou.•~eys they will be in or near what i s call ed a major market area . (Heavy publicity)

Along with usual five events, will be included, the Discathon. Break out yot~ running shoes!£ From each of these three big tourneyswill come t he top thenty in ovorall standin~s.They wi ll be invited and participate at l! . F.C. on a!!'.ateur standings (no prize money) . The NFCwill be in July this time and may·' be in San Francisco, St . Louis, or Philly . (maybe).

Of course this format opens up t he tourney scene for the PlayGrs ' Associations to promote and sponsor their mm tourneys . The Riders of t he ~4indwill have a fie ld event me et somewhere - maybe Huntsvil le and the Free styl e Players ' Assn. will have a f cvr to1.m .1cys spread around, like Rochester and Atl anta? The time to l ook for sponsors is 1!0 1

• Look for Disc Golf action a l l over the country . Could be~ very i n t eresting season .

Big '1) ' wins in the big "A" Tho re[':ional !'ltimate Final s wer e hel d in Atl anta a t Emory tiniv. r;ov?/f! . The

play vras outstc> .. ndinr:. The t e ams wore; enthusiastic and. t he crowds were cheery. The t eams that qualified accordin~ to the ;'! of t .;arns per s e ction wer e Tul ane,

.lJa.J l~=ts, Houston I Gainesville, !..forth n arni' lT. of South rr·l a . t Atlanta and Ga . '!'ech . The ladie s fina l s carne first . It was Atlanta ' s ' l!ild and Ready' against the

Fla. ;.rorncn . It was close Hith the Arlanta t eam rlinning by onl y a f ew points thus paving their way to Austin .

Atlanta had it all , t heir l adies team h a d just won a nd the men fired up with the horne-town advantA.ge . They had the speed and tal ent, but the y a l so had the e rrors that cost the game . In the end it was the Dallas Sky Pilots 18 , Atlanta Un Air 13.

The Atlanta. team has come a l ong way in the last five years thanks to nm Pis.or , Ross Snyde r , i!aync, Dick, l•Ia.rk, and others , They certainl y have the potential to be Nationalchamps----f.iaybe next year .

N·m-r l iidni t e Fl yer The ::JGA has just r e l eased a DGt'f mini. It gl ows, its heavy ,and it has a p l ace

for your own name . Imagine yotT own personal mini marker .

This is a first-tho ne;.r HDX is o. bl a ck or rather charcoal color, "very popular" .

Col umbia S.C. Throe new polo hol e courses will soon be i nstalled. Contact lir . Phil I~eyd.t,

State Prri>:s Director f or more i nfo .

Condors Soar to Victory Tho Sa:1ta Barf.ura FloH weaved its majic through the fovr other top teams in tho

cotmtry, to de f eat the Kni ghts of l\'u , in the finals, for the -~·~ational Ul tirnate Championship . The three day ev8nt in Austin s~w very close games and fier ce competition at tho highest l cvol. 'Ehe Condors are once a Bain tho Ultir:1at c Champions .

(l•ien) 1st 3a r.ta Barbara Condors-~!ost 2 Knie;hts of rfc;e - Hid- Atl 3 Sky Pil ots -south Lj, The Hostages - N .E . 5 f.iichigan State - Centr a l

nesults of 1st 2 3 4 5

Rogions (\iorncn) Boston Le.dics---~- .r·: . Ul timate Synergy-Fest Gl assbor o J .. iomcn - t•1id-Atl l·':ichiga.n State - Central Hild & Ready -South