Disability Statistics India

Disabili ty Statistics India


Disability Statistics India. Introduction. A disability is a condition caused by an accident, trauma, genetics or disease which may limit a person’s mobility, hearing, vision, speech or mental function. Some people with disabilities have one or more disabilities. Type’s of Disability…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Disability Statistics India

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A disability is a condition caused by an accident, trauma, genetics or disease which may limit a person’s mobility, hearing, vision, speech or mental function. Some people with disabilities have one or more disabilities.

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Physical Disability:Blindness(2%)Low Vision (49% )Hearing Disability(6%) Speech Disability(7%) Locomotor Disability (28%)

Type’s of Disability…

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Mental Disability(10%) Mental Retardation Mental Illness

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Loco motor disability present in country on large

scale.PolioCancerTuberculosisAsthmaOr other causes of loco motor disability.

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Prevention of loco motor disability

•Polio camp•Vaccines

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All disabled persons are not a idiot.

If society support’s them

so they can do every thing.

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They can travel any where.

With society


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All the Disabled persons need some help.

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NGO for disabled persons.

Roshni RamakrishnapuriAmar jyoti charitable trust Handicapped care

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Institute survey for Disabled personsShriram college of pharamcyBanmore.

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Sources of Data

• Disability Survey of National Sample Survey,2012

Estimated number of disabled persons :18.5 million

• Population Census,2011

Number of disabled persons : 21.9 million

Note: The number of disabled persons is about 2 % of the total population of

the country.

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How to make Disabled persons life easier.There are many things that can be done to make handicapped life easier. It can be difficult to perform certain tasks as an handicapped person. Whether a person is wheelchair bound or uses a walker, there are ways to make life easier with the help of technology and creativity.

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Should I offer to help?Today

Disabled person’s

depend on themselves

and Technology

promote them

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New Techanics

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Thank you

Presented By- KARAN TIWARI