DIMITRIE CANTEMIR CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY · Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Iuliana...


Transcript of DIMITRIE CANTEMIR CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY · Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Iuliana...


    May 3-5, 2012, Bucharest, Romania


    Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University

    Address: 176 Splaiul Unirii, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40.21.330.79.00, +40.21.330.79.11, +40.21.330.79.14 Email: [email protected] | Web: http://eubsr.ucdc.ro

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition



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    EUBSR Logo, Program Cover Page and Layout by Robert BEȚA

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition



    Chairman Momcilo LUBURICI

    Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Co-Chair Corina DUMITRESCU

    Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Constantin HLIHOR – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Tahsin GEMIL – Babeș-Boliyai University, Cluj-Napoca Gavriil PREDA – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Mihai RETEGAN – University of Bucharest Cătălin TURLIUC – A. D. Xenopol Institute of History, Iași Mihai ȘERBAN – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Adrian POP – National School for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest Violeta NEGREA – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Adrian IVAN – Babeș-Boliyai University, Cluj-Napoca William BRÂNZĂ – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Călin SINESCU – Aydin University, Istanbul Ionica ȘERBAN – Carol I National Defence University, Bucharest Andi BĂNCILĂ – Military Technical Academy, Bucharest Robert BEȚA – Military Technical Academy, Bucharest Monica CIOBANU – Military Technical Academy, Bucharest


    Daniel BOURMAUD – Montesquieu University (Bordeaux IV), Bordeaux, France Gianmarco CIFALDI – G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy Larry WATTS – Atlanta Public Schools, Atlanta, USA Antonio MATURO – Bologna University, Bologna, Italy Wim VAN MEURS – Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands Beata WOJNA – Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw, Poland Burcu GULTEKIN-PUNSMANN – Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), Ankara, Turkey Philippe CLARET – Montesquieu University (Bordeaux IV), Bordeaux, France Călin SINESCU – Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey Gavriil PREDA – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania Constantin HLIHOR – Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania Mihai RETEGAN – University of Bucharest, Romania Maria Manuela TAVARES-RIBEIRO – University of Coimbra, Portugal Zeynep SÖZEN – Tehnical University, Istanbul, Turkey

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    THURSDAY, MAY 3t h, 2012 3 Guests Arrivals

    FRIDAY, MAY 4t h, 2012 Exploratory Workshop

    0900-0930 Registration of Participants, University Conference Room 170, 2nd Floor


    Official Opening Session, University Conference Room 170, 2nd Floor

    Speakers: Prof. Momcilo LUBURICI, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Prof. Corina Adriana DUMITRESCU, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest Conf. Iulian CHIFU, PhD, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest

    Titus CORLĂȚEAN, PhD, International Institute for Human Rights, Bucharest Prof. Cristian DUMITRESCU, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest LtGen. Prof. Teodor FRUNZETI, PhD, Carol I National Defence University, Bucharest

    Prof. Radu CIUCEANU, PhD, National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest Prof. Tasin GEMIL, PhD, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

    Prof. Gheorghe TOMA, PhD, Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest 1030-1100 Coffee Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    FRIDAY, MAY 4t h, 2012 Section I

    Black Sea Region Bridge and Borders Between Civilization: History and Actuality Moderators:

    Adm. Jean DUFOURCQ, École Militaire de Paris, France LtGen. Prof. Teodor FRUNZETI, Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania

    1110-1120 Adrian POP

    National School for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

    The Elusiveness of Black Sea Subregionalism

    Keynote Speaker

    1120-1130 Milen Baltov, PhD Burgas Free University, Bulgaria

    The Technical Assistance Specifics towards the EU Supported Neighborhood Grants


    Keynote Speaker

    1130-1140 Dumitru Mazilu, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    La délimitation des espaces maritimes dans la Mer Noire. Implications de l’Île des

    Serpents dans le processus de la délimitation

    Keynote Speaker


    Constantin SAVA, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Iulian Marcel SAVA Bucharest Bar

    Framework of Cooperation Between the European Union and the Wider Black Sea

    Region: An Overview

    1150-1200 Dănuț Mircea CHIRIAC, PhD Hyperion University, Bucharest

    The European Union and the Democratization of the Black Sea Area

    1200-1210 Jean Dufourcq École Militaire de Paris Reserved Title

    1210-1220 Andreea ATANASIU-CROITORU, PhD Ovidius University of Constanța

    Navigation Dangers in the Black Sea International Maritime Regulations (13th-

    14th Centuries)

    1220-1230 Edith Mihaela DOBRE

    National Institute for Economic Research, Bucharest

    Medium Man and His Regenerate Energy

    1230-1240 Violeta Ivanova BLAZHEVA

    D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria

    Economic Prospects for the Bulgarian Agricultural Sector

    1240-1250 Cristian BARNA Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy

    Europe’s Frontier to Jihad: The Role of Romania in Wider Black Sea Region

    1250-1300 Violeta NEGREA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Promotion of the British Interests in the Area of the Black Sea through English

    Language Culture

    1300-1310 Marius VĂCĂRELU

    National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest

    A New Presidency for Russia?

    1310-1330 Questions, Answers and Debates 1330-1430 Lunch Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    FRIDAY, MAY 4t h, 2012 Section II

    Challenges from EU in the Black Sea Region: Facing New Geopolitics Realities Moderators:

    Prof. Milen BALTOV, PhD, Burgas Free University, Bulgaria Prof. Ioan CHIPER, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

    1430-1440 Andrea CARTENY, Ph.D

    Caterina BASSETTI Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

    Macro-Regional Approaches and the Inner Seas in Europe

    Keynote Speaker

    1440-1450 Teodor FRUNZETI Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest

    Reserved Title Keynote Speaker

    1450-1500 Serhii HAKMAN Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine

    Ukraine – Republic of Moldova – Romania Cross-Border Cooperation and Regional Experience of European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Realization

    Keynote Speaker


    Constantin HLIHOR, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Victor AELENEI, PhD Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Globalisation and Demographics within the European Unity

    1510-1520 Tasin GEMIL, PhD Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

    Reserved Title

    1520-1530 Gheorghe TOMA, PhD Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy

    Reserved Title

    1530-1540 Adrian IVAN Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

    Reserved Title

    1540-1550 Diana Maria SZTANCS Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Around Black Sea in Prehistory: Neolithic and Copper Age Adornments Discovered in

    Romania and Ukraine

    1550-1600 Anca OPRE Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Administrative Initiatives in the Context of the New Geopolitical Realities in the Black Sea Region and the Challenges from E.U.

    1600-1610 Luminița DRAGNE, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    International Cooperation Between States

    1610-1620 Lucian Gabriel PEREȘ Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    The Black Sea – Dynamics and Common Strategies Regarding the Future of the


    1620-1630 Daniel Ștefan PARASCHIV Spiru Haret University, Râmnicu Vâlcea

    Black Sea Protection through International Public Law Sanctions


    Mihaela POSTOLACHECarol I National Defense University, Bucharest

    Constantin IORDACHE Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest

    Hazards, Risks and Security Threats into the Wider Black Sea Area

    1640-1650 Daniela Rodica IOV Oil & Gas University of Ploiești

    Challenges for the Accounting Mission


    Victor AELENEI Gheorghe POPA

    Victor Dan CAVAROPOL Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union

    1700-1710 Bogdan AITANA

    Alexandru Teodor BOGDAN Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy

    A Constructivist Approach on Moldavia’s Security

    1710-1730 Questions, Answers and Debates 1730-1750 Coffee Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    Moderators: Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe CIAȘCAI, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

    Caterina BASSETTI, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

    1750-1800 Egidio Carlo RANGONE

    Adalberto Rangone G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy

    L’Unione Europea sul Mar Nero tra sfide geoeconimiche e realta’ geopolitiche

    1800-1810 Pierrot Albert FRISCHLuxembourg Black Sea: A “Black Hole” for the World?

    1810-1820 Alexandru LUCINESCU Spiru Haret University, Bucharest

    The Responsibility to Protect and the 2008 War between the Russian Federation and


    1820-1830 Dan Gabriel CRISTEA Hyperion University, Bucharest

    Economic Motivations of Juvenile Delinquency

    1830-1840 Ioan Dragoș MATEESCU University of Bucharest

    Another Frozen Conflict on the Political Map of the Black Sea? Georgia and Russia

    1840-1850 Alice Cristina Maria ZDANOVSCHI,

    Victoria CRISTIEAN Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    European Anti-Fraud Office – As One of the Major Institutions to Prevent and Combat

    the Phenomenon of Tax Evasion in the European Union

    1850-1900 Cristina PĂIUȘAN-NUICĂ, PhD

    Teodora STĂNESCU-STANCIU, PhD Spiru Haret University, Bucharest

    Prolegomena of the Romanian Geopolitical Concept of the Black Sea Region

    1900-1910 Irina Gabriela RĂDULESCU Mirela Clementina MATEI

    Oil & Gas University of Ploiești

    The Impact of Actual Economic Crisis on Informal Employment in the Black Sea


    1910-1920 Gheorghe CIAȘCAI, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    La stratégie de l’Union Européenne pour la région de la Mer Noire entre la synergie programmée et la prudence assumée

    1920-1930 Cristian JURA, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Directions of External Policy of the European Union

    1930-1950 Questions, Answers and Debates 1950 Cocktail

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    SATURDAY, MAY 5t h, 2012 Section III

    Black Sea: History, Diplomacy, Policies and Strategies Moderators:

    Prof. Zeynep SÖZEN, PhD, Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey Prof. Ion ALEXANDRESCU, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

    0900-0910 Veniamin CIOBANU, PhD A. D. Xenopol Institute of History, Iași

    O problemă litigioasă în raporturile suedo-turce: Navigația vaselor comerciale pe

    Marea Neagră (1821-1827)

    Keynote Speaker

    0910-0920 Gavriil PREDA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Projects of Security and Defense at the Black Sea Area that Were Not Accomplished

    During the World Wars. The British Case

    Keynote Speaker

    0920-0930 Cătălin TURLIUC A. D. Xenopol Institute of History, Iași

    The Wrath of Nations: Nationalism & Ethnicity as Building-Blocks for Conflicts in

    the Black Sea Region

    Keynote Speaker

    0930-0940 Corneliu BELDIMAN, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Around Black Sea in Antiquity: Metalworking and Skeletal Technologies

    Reflected by Ancient Bone and Antler Anvils Discovered in Romania, Republic of

    Moldova and Ukraine

    Keynote Speaker

    0940-0950 Laurențiu Cristian DUMITRU Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Romanian-Soviet Disputes Regarding the Maritime Frontier Delimitation in the Post-

    War Period


    Petronela Sonia NEDEA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Iuliana POP Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

    Importance of the Danube – Black Sea Channel for the Pan-European Transport

    Corridor VII

    1000-1010 Simeonka PETROVA, PhD

    D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria

    Management Possibilities of the Retail Assortment

    1010-1020 Constantin HLIHOR, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Discontinuity and Perenial in the Interests Rivalry in Black Sea Region. A Century of

    Geopolitical Evolutions

    1020-1030 Ramona Gabriela PARASCHIV, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Maintaining Diplomatic Relations by Negociating Techniques and Alternative Methods in Solving Disputes. Case Study

    and Historical Presentation of the Snake’s Island

    1030-1040 Dumitru IACOB, PhD

    National School for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

    Post-Europe and the Black Sea Region

    1040-1050 Victor AELENEI Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union

    1050-1100 Marcela Monica STOICA

    Cristina RHEA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    The Cultural Romanian Identity in the South-Eastern Space

    1100-1130 Coffee Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    Moderators: Serhii HAKMAN, Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine

    Alin NICULA, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

    1130-1140 Mariana BĂLAN Institute for Economic Forecasting – NIER

    Evolution of Labor Market in Black Sea Region in the Global Crisis and Its Impact

    on Youth

    1140-1150 Ion ALEXANDRESCU, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Romania Between East and West. Financial-Economics Relations During the

    Years of Cold War


    Mihaela HERBEL, PhD Student Natalia CUGLEȘAN, PhD

    Alin NICULA, PhD Babeș-Bolyai University

    Mapping the Political Definitions of the Black Sea: What Structures of Opportunities for a

    Transnational Civil Society?

    1200-1210 Gabriel LEAHU, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    The Dynamics of British Interests: From the Black Sea to the Suez Canal (The End of the

    19th Century)


    Ioan CHIPER, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Magdalena TIȚĂ, PhD Dobrogea History and Civilisations Association,


    Soviet Interests to Danube and the Black Sea and Moscow’s Policy beside Romania

    and Bulgaria (Autumn 1940 – Spring 1941)

    1220-1230 Anne JUGĂNARU, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Media and Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea Area after the Cold War

    1230-1240 Gabriela POHOAȚĂ, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Culture and Morality in Globalisation

    1240-1250 Elena PARASCHIV Spiru Haret University, Râmnicu Vâlcea

    Environmental Protection in the Black Sea Region


    Dalina Maria ANDREI, PhD Institute for Economic Forecasting – NIER

    Liviu Cătălin ANDREI, PhD National School for Political Sciences and Public


    Foreign Direct Investments. Determinants for Romania

    1300-1400 Lunch Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    Moderators: Assoc. Prof. Corneliu BELDIMAN, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

    Conf. Gavriil PREDA, PhD, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

    1400-1410 Dimitrios KANELLOPOULOS, PhD Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

    Comparative Analysis of Human Resource Management in Health Sector between

    Two Black Sea Regions: Greece and Romania

    1400-1410 Călin HENTEA National and European History Research Center

    Iran and Its Propaganda

    1410-1420 Gheorghe CALCAN Oil & Gas University of Ploiești

    About The Oil Pipelines And Interwar Romanian Oil Exports Through The Port Of


    1420-1430 Radu Laurențiu URLOIU Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    The Consulare Imperium of Augustus in 19 B.C.

    1430-1440 Dorin STĂNESCU, PhD Prahova County School Inspectorate

    The Long Way from Interconnection to Unification. Projections and Policies of the

    European Union in the Field of Transport by Railway

    1440-1450 Elena Codruța BADEA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Teaching Legal English to Non-Native Speakers

    1450-1400 Salomeea ROMANESCU School of Public Finance and Customs, Bucharest

    From Geo-Governance to Humaine Governance

    1500-1510 Andreea Simona UZLĂU Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Considerations Regarding the New Regulations on the Seizure of Products, of

    Instruments and of Assets Related to Crime

    1510-1520 Cristian TOMESCU, PhD Student Ministry of Interior

    Kosovo – To the Junction of Interests of the Great Power in the World

    1520-1530 Mădălina TOMESCU, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    The Interethnic Conflicts Between Identity Rights and Peace Rights


    Carmen Marilena UZLĂU, PhDInstitute for Economic Forecasting – NIER

    Corina Maria ENE, PhD Hyperion University, Bucharest

    Migration in the Black Sea Region. Challenges Against States’ Securities

    1540-1550 Ionuț COJOCARU, PhD Lumina University, Bucharest, Romania

    The Turkish-Soviet Cooperation, Strategies of the Turkish General Staff and the

    Relations with Romania at the Black Sea

    1550-1600 Andi Mihail BĂNCILĂ, PhD Student Military Technical Academy, Bucharest

    COMECON Revival – Comradely Mutual Assistance or Mutual Exploratory

    1600-1630 Coffee Break

  • EUBSR 2012 International Conference, First Edition


    1630-1640 Mihai ȘERBAN, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Special Intelligence Service in the Black Sea Region (1940-1948)

    1640-1650 Filofteia REPEZ, PhD Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest

    Human Security Aspects in the Extended Area of the Black Sea


    Mihai CHIRILĂ Verginel LOZNEANU

    Victor Dan CAVAROPOL Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Black Sea: History and Globalization


    Cristian MUNTEANU, MA StudentMihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy

    Cristina ONOFREI Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Crisis Management in South-Eastern Europe: Kosovo, Transnistria and Ethnic


    1710-1720 Emilia CORBU, PhD Ialomița County Museum

    Archaeological Issues Related to No.1 Cremation Grave from Vlădeni-Popina

    Blagodeasca (Ialomița County)

    1720-1730 Dorin Ioan DOLGHI University of Oradea

    Patterns of Security Interdependecy in the Black Sea Region: A Theoretical Framework

    1730-1740 Ecaterina HLIHOR, PhD Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest

    Linguistic Policies in Black Sea Region

    1740-1750 Cătălina SZEKELY Oil & Gas University of Ploiești

    The Interwar Diplomatic Relations of Romania with the Countries Bordering the Black Sea. The Role of Nicolae Titulescu, an

    Iconic Figure of the International Diplomacy

    1750-1800 Costel DUMITRESCU Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    The Civilizations’ Change or the Changes’ Civilization


    Ramona MOLDOVAN, PhD Student Academy of Economic Studies

    Mariana Eftimie, PhD Oil & Gas University of Ploiești

    The Communication Impact on the Customer Satisfaction Level. Case Study

    1810-1820 Mihai CHIRILĂ Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    The Evolution of Violence as a Psychophysiological Dimension of the

    Human Behaviour

    1820-1830 David UNGUREANU, PhD Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest

    Humanitarian Protection and Its Contemporary Relevance

    1830-1840 Gavril PARASCHIV Spiru Haret University, Râmnicu Vâlcea

    Islam and the European Union


    Iuliana POP Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

    Petronela Sonia NEDEA Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Combating Climate Change in the Black Sea Region: A Cooperative Endeavour

    1850-1900 Manoela POPESCU Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Considerations Regarding Developing Business Competitiveness from the

    Perspective of Entrepreneurial Spirit

    1900-1910 Andreea BĂLTĂREŢU Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Stability Versus Organizational Change in the Context of Sustainable Development

    1910 Constantin HLIHOR, PhD Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest

    Conference End Speech

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