Diligan Mo Ng Suka Ang

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Transcript of Diligan Mo Ng Suka Ang

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Other Chromatic HarmoniesAltered DominantsAltered dominants are dominants triads or 7th chords that contain a raised or lowered 5th factor. (Benwards Music in Theory and Prax)

Characteristics, and guidelinesAll are found most frequently in root position but, occasionally occur in any inversion. (BW)Like diatonic dominants, they proceed to tonic (BW)Altered dominants can be used as secondary dominants (BW and Tu)Altered dominants are usually linear, and the altered tone can usually be analysed as a chromatic passing tone. (Tu)Altered tones. Take the 5th (altered 5th) in the direction of alteration/inflection-raised pitches up-lowered pitches down. (BW and Tu)7th down- in altered dominant 7th chords, remember to resolve the 7th factor down one scale degree. (BW)Altered tones (5th) are normally not doubled. (BW and Tu)Resolution of the fifth, the leading tone, and the seventh, if present, results in incomplete triad (no fifth) (Tu)The Resolution process may result in either a doubled third or tripled root in the tonic triad that follows. (BW)The 3rd member of the Altered dominant, LT

Arrows show tendency tones and their resolutions

Other Examples

Embellishing Diminished 7th chordsEmbellishor, Embellishee, and Common-toneA fully diminished seventh chord which progresses to a major triad or dominant seventh chords whose root is the same as one of the notes of the 7 chord. #ii7 (progressing) to I and #vi7 (progressing) to V(7). Also known as common-tone diminished seventh (CT7)

CharacteristicsThe chords function as embellishments of the chord that follows (#ii embellishes I and the #vi embellishes V).Its seventh (7th factor of the emb7) does not resolve downward but instead stays on as the root of the embellished chord or its embellishee. (Thats why its also called common tone dim. Chord)Its root which is chromatically raised-steps up, but not to the root of the next chord.

Functional v.s. Embellishing

Spelling and Resolving the Emb7

Notate Root of V or I. Stack m3s downwardsVoice the chord and resolve, retain the common tone and resolving the others by step.Other Examples

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