Digiteen synthesis paper


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Page 1: Digiteen synthesis paper


Ashwin Bhakre

Ms. Krengel

Technology 10

January 29th


Improving school life at BISS Digiteen Synthesis Paper

For the digiteen unit, I would give myself the grade of 7 because I achieved 32

out of 36 for my self-evaluation. My 7 is very barely a 7 because it is on the border of

being a 6 but because of one point I got a 7. I think this is the grade that I deserve

because I did try hard in this unit and I learned a lot. I learn by doing and this unit was

a great unit for me because we did much more then just technological things or

homework but instead we made a movie about issues.

I think our final product is a success. It shows our understanding of the issues

and yet at the same time gives an interesting watch for the audience. Improvements

that could be made to this project include making it more informative and also having

a little bit more planning done before actually filming.

My group and me used the design cycle to make our project and I think it

helped us a lot. Without a design and plan stage I don’t think our project could have

been as good as it is. It can be improved but without the help of 5 designs or the

timetable/materials list we would have just been a mess. I think the design cycle is a

very important part yet a very helpful part of every project because it helps by

breaking all the work into stages and that saves confusion and procrastination.

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Human Ingenuity was a big part of our project because we are all humans and

our project was a unique piece of work. The environment was also taken into

consideration as we barely used any paper throughout the process and mostly worked

on our Mac books and one digital camera. The whole point of our video was to

educate parents about the social issues that a teenager could go through at school and

that are where the health and social education came in.

In a nutshell I think our project worked out very well.