Digital technology evaluation

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planningand evaluation stages?

Transcript of Digital technology evaluation

How did you use media technologies in the construction and

research, planningand evaluation stages?


The computer that I used to do pretty much everything for my film, research and blogging was an iMac Pro. I mostly used the i Macs at school for everything because I found them easier to use however at home I used my windows laptop instead so the majority of my work was created on these computers. I have learnt that I much prefer iMacs than Windows, as I find them to be much better computers, they are a lot faster and the graphic quality is much better, which is good considering my task was to create a short film with professional graphics.


Sony Nex 7

I will be using this camera to film my A2 media short film. We brought this camera especially for this project because in our ancillary task "A day in the life of feet" we used the school camera (JVC Evirio) and the quality of image was no where near the standard of which we wanted for our final piece. I felt this didn't make my one minute video look professional therefore to solve this problem we chose the Sony Nex 7 which will enable me to give my final film the look the JVC would not.


Sound boom

After watching and analyzing other short films as part of my research, I realized that the sound quality was more enhanced than my own. We found a miniature sound boom at an affordable price and have decided to use this to record all diegetic sound so we can add this in the editing process. Again helping ,e produce a professional short film.



The specification requires that I either use a blog or a website for my coursework. Blogger is the most accessible website I found that also makes my work look good. It allows you to post Prezis, PowerPoint presentations, pictures and videos as well as HMTL coding and if I was to do something like this again then I would definitely use this site.


Final Cut Pro

We had the option to use either i-movie or Final cut pro and I decided to use this software to edit my film because I learnt that editors for short film the industry also use this software. This will provide me with a number of benefits for my film such as; sound effects, transitions, time lapses, titles, footage cutting tools etc. When I was working on my ancillary task 'A day in the life of feet' this was the first time I had ever used Final Cut Pro. I now use this to edit my main task and we are now finding we are making good use of the colour altering techniques as well.



I have used this to take pictures of the filming as well as pictures for my film posters as we have gone along. The camera is clear and up to a good standard and it is also easier to share images through this because as soon as I take a photo I can instantly send it to my laptop to edit.



Pixlr was the program that I used to create all of my magazine pages/ film poster/ film review. I began with using photoshop (because I used that for my preliminary task) however I couldn't get on with it easily and a friend recommended pixlr and I am so glad they did because it made my life a lot easier therefore a better final product. This offers the use of; new fonts, colour correction, hue, brightness change, contrast change, second image overlay, filters, cropping etc. I discovered that I would have to change the format of the page before saving it to a 'JPEG' format in order for it to upload. I have become very used to using this website therefore I could improve my magazine pages easily to give them a more 'professional' look. The ease of use was through playing about with it in my spare time and finding new features.





Filming/ editing schedule



I use this as a different medium of posting my information instead us just using normal blog posts. It creates variety to keep people interested while reading my blog and the contemporary backgrounds make it appealing on the eye. I would definiteley use this website for future presentations because I far prefer it to other presentations such as Microsoft powerpoint and is a lot easier to use!


PowerPoint/ slide share




Survey monkey

