Digital Repositories in Teaching and Learning (pdf)

Digital Repositories for Teaching and Learning JISC Regional Support Centre West Midlands Discovere2009 Wednesday 19 th May 2009 UKOLN is supported by: Mahendra Mahey Repositories Research Officer Repositories Research Team UKOLN and CETIS


Presentation given at D-e2009, JISC RSC West Midlands event, May 19, 2009. About Digital Repositories, their landscape in Higher and Further Education and more specifically about learning and teaching repositories. Download is PDF.

Transcript of Digital Repositories in Teaching and Learning (pdf)

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Digital  Repositories  for  Teaching  and  Learning  

JISC  Regional  Support  Centre  West  Midlands  Discover-­‐e-­‐2009  Wednesday  19th  May  2009  

UKOLN  is  supported    by:  

Mahendra  Mahey  Repositories  Research  Officer  Repositories  Research  Team  UKOLN  and  CETIS

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My  background…  

•  Teaching,  management  and  learning  resources  •  Lecturer  in  FE/HE  in  Psychology,  English  as  a  Foreign  

Language,  CompuJng,  MulJmedia  in  the  UK  and  abroad  •  Management  and  development  of  open,  distance  and  e-­‐

learning  materials,  learning  centres,  departments  •  RSC  Advisor  for  Learning  and  Teaching  Resources  for  West  

Midlands  and  Scotland  North  and  East  •  Repositories  Research  Officer  for  UKOLN  as  part  of  the  

Repositories  Research  Team  (UKOLN,  CETIS  and  JISC)  

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•  Explain  what  repositories  are  •  Background  informaJon  and  issues  around  them  (technical  and  management)  

•  Learning  and  teaching  repositories  in  further  and  higher  educaJon  

•  Sharing  e-­‐learning  resources,  pracJces,  methods  and  tools  

•  Discussion  about  issues  surrounding  them  

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Some  convenMons  …about  DIMDIM  

•  Technical  problem?  MaY  Gallon  available  to  help  –  use  text  chat,  or  phone  if  you  can  

•  Please  contribute  to  the  discussion  via  text,  when  you  see:  

•  If  you  really  want  to  speak,  ask  MaY  to  hand  over  the  microphone  to  you  

•  Please  leave  quesJons  to  the  ‘text  chat  ‘  secJons  or  discussion  secJons,  if  possible  

•  However,  if  you  really  don’t  understand  something,  please  indicate  this  via  text  chat  and  I  will  stop  and  explain  

•  I  will  ask  ‘please  stop’  ,  try  to  summarise  and  move  on  to  the  next  secJon  

•  How  many  of  you  are  new  to  DIMDIM,  just  say  yes  or  no?  

text  chat    

text  chat    

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JISC  Vision  ‘To  establish  a  network  of  digital  resources  and  services,  in  order  to  significantly  improve  content  use  and  cura<on  for  educa<on  and  research’  

JISC  have  invested  a  lot  of  money  in  the  last  6  years  in  research  and  development  into  digital  repositories  

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What  is  a  repository?  

A  grain  silo  

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What  is  a  repository?  

•   ‘a  collecJon  of  digital  objects’,    a  keep-­‐safe  •   Typically  containing  research  papers,  learning  materials,  data  •   In  FE  tends  to  be  learning  materials  /objects  (e.g.  NLN  materials  and  home  grown  things)  

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Repositories  More  than  just  a  store  


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More  than  just  soRware/hardware…  

“an  ins<tu<onal  repository  is  a  set  of  services  that  an  educa<onal  organisa<on  offers  to  the  members  of  its  community  for  the  management  and  dissemina<on  of  digital  materials  created  by  the  ins<tu<on  and  its  community  members.  It  is  most  essen<ally  an  organiza<onal  commitment  to  the  stewardship  of  these  digital  materials,  including  long-­‐term  preserva<on  where  appropriate,  as  well  as  organiza<on  and  access  or  distribu<on.  …..  An  ins<tu<onal  repository  is  not  simply  a  fixed  set  of  soJware  and  hardware.”  

Clifford  Lynch.  'InsJtuJonal  repositories  :  essenJal  infrastructure  for  scholarship  in  the  digital  age'.  ARL  Bimonthly  Report,  February  2003  



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CharacterisMcs  of  a  repository  •   content  is  deposited  •   content  is  managed  as  well  as  the  metadata  •   minimum  services  e.g.  put,  get,  search,  access  control  

•   should  be  sustainable  and  trusted,  well-­‐supported  and  well-­‐managed  

•   could  support  open  access    to  content  and  /  or  metadata  

•   may  require  authenJcaJon  (many  learning  materials  repositories)  

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Technical  Requirements  •  Repositories  built  on  open  source  standards  (Linux,  Apache,  MySql  and  PHP/PERL)  

•  Requires  specialist  skills  to  install  set,  e.g.  LAMP  (Linux,  Apache,  MySQL  and  PHP)  

•  Requires  relaJvely  high  processing  power  •  Most  repositories  can  expose  metadata  for  harvesJng  if  not  the  actual  data  –  through  OAIPMH  (can  be  important  for  sharing)  –  Open  Archives  IniJaJve  Protocol  for  Metadata  HarvesJng  

•  May  be  built  up  of  a  number  of  service  components  invisible  to  user  


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Open  Source  

•  Is  not  really  ‘free’  •  Requires  investment,  Jme,  money,  resources  

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The  many  flavours  of  repositories  •  Content  

–  Eprints,  learning  materials,  corporate  records,  research  data,  mulJmedia  objects  

•  Coverage  –  Departmental,  InsJtuJonal,  Regional,  NaJonal,  Personal  (web  

site  /  blog)  

•  User  Group  /  Domain  /  Community  –  Learners,  teachers,  administrators  

•  Access  Policies  –  Open,  restricted  

•  DistribuJon  –  Centralised,  federated  

•  FuncJon  /  Purpose  –  Open  access,  subject  access,  publicaJon,  sharing  and  re-­‐use,  



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Repository  Wheel  

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Your  insMtuMon?  

•  Please  use  the  text  chat  to  tell  me  if  your  insJtuJon  has:  – A  repository  –  if  so  what?  – Virtual  Learning  Environment?  What?  –  Is  your  insJtuJon  thinking  of  gemng  one?  

text  chat    

I will give you a couple of minutes and then say ‘Please stop’ I may ask further questions for clarification At the end of the chat I will try and summarise and then move on

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•  Usually  requires  at  least  one  person  to  manage  it  

•  Manage  content  and  metadata  

•  Where?  

•  Library,  e-­‐learning,  department?  

•  Typically  under-­‐resourced  

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Who  manages  it?  

•  Using  your  text  chat  window  •  Please  tell  me  who  manages,  or  who  might  manage  a  repository  in  your  insJtuJon  

•  Why?  

text  chat    text  chat    

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•   EffecJve  management  of  insJtuJonal  assets  • Open  access  –  impact,  visibility,  value  of  public  funding  •   Serials  crisis  –  insJtuJons  can’t  afford  all  subscripJons  •   Enhanced  communicaJon  amongst  peers  •   Linking  data  to  research  •   Learning  materials  sharing  


•   VLEs  ‘locking’  content  in  –  Learning  Object  repositories  ‘free  objects’  from  course,  easier  to  reuse  

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Learning  and  teaching  drivers…   text  chat    

• What  do  you  think?  

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Directory  of  Open  Access  Repositories  

Quality-­‐assured  lis<ng  of  open  access  repositories  around  the  world  

Includes  details  of  available  policies  

(Very  useful  tool)  

Register  your  repository!  

Repositories  around  the  world  

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Example  Repository  SoRware  pla[orms  

Learning  Object  Repositories  •  Intrallibrary  –  JORUM  based  on  this  (from  Intrallect  )£  •  Harvest  Road  Hive£  •  Core  –  developed  at  Coventry  City  College£(cheap)  •  Moodle  and  MR  CUTE  Research  Repositories  •  Eprints  •  DSpace  •  Fedora  •  (most  popular  in  universiJes)  •  Open  repository  –  commercial  venture  (  

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A  quick  tour…  

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JORUM  naJonal  repository  for  learning  materials  

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Jorum  developments  

Jorum  Community  Bay  •  aims  to  support  knowledge  sharing  and  discussion  about  all  aspects  of  sharing,  reuse  and  repurposing  of  learning  and  teaching  resources  

•  using  Moodle  

•  in  development  

•  next  stage  will  be  to  populate  the  Community  Bay  -­‐  with  help  and  input  from  our  community  

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Language  Box  


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CoRe  –  Coventry  City  College  


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Harvest  Road  (GunM  Labs)  


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MR  CUTE  and  Moodle  

•  An  opJonal  add-­‐on  repository  for  Moodle  •  A  search  system  for  finding  ready  made  learning  materials  both  inside  and  outside  an  insJtuJon  and  embedding  them  in  Moodle  courses  

•  A  way  of  storing  and  sharing  materials  outside  specific  courses  to    –  minimise  server  space  usage  –  encourage  sharing  –  enable  site  wide  use  of  materials  without  further  upload  –  allow  non  technical  teachers  to  create  packages  

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Gebng  access  to  MR  CUTE2  

•  MrCute  2  

hYp://  or  hYp://  

•  Enrolment  key  for  test  area:  cuJe  

•  No  key  required  to  download,  but  you  must  create  an  account  

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•  Content:  Images  •  Coverage:  InternaJonal;  community-­‐based;  personal  •  FuncJon:  sharing  and  re-­‐use  •  Community  /  Domain:  Anyone  /  Public  •  Centralised  •  Part  open  access,  part  access  controlled  

hdp://  •  Flickr  API  

–  Allows  innovaJve  re-­‐use  of  Flickr  data,  e.g.  hdp://  


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Show  us  yours…  

•  If  you  have  a  repository  or  VLE,  paste  the  link  into  the  chat  window  for  everyone  to  see  

•  Do  you  use  any  cool  tools  to  share?  

text  chat    

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Benefits  Discussion  

•  What  benefits  do  you  see  for  your  insJtuJon?  

text  chat    text  chat    

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Legal  •  Intellectual  Property  Rights  (IPR)  

–  Copyright  –  Other:  database  rights,  moral  rights,  performers’  rights,  

trademarks,  patents  •  Copyright  

–  Who  owns?  Author,  InsJtuJon  –  Publisher  agreements  -­‐  Sherpa  Romeo  (

hYp://  –  Moral  rights  are  also  important  –  paternity  and  integrity  rights  

•  InsJtuJon  as  publisher  –  Securing  the  right  to  publish,  store,  preserve  –  Plagiarism/copyright  infringement,  other  infringements  –  DefamaJon,  inaccurate  informaJon,  confidenJality,  libel  –  Freedom  of  InformaJon  and  Data  ProtecJon  

•  Risk  Assessment  •  Licences  /  policies  

–  deposit  AND  end-­‐user  •  CreaJve  Commons  licenses  seem  to  popular   JA  

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Trust  DR  project  

•  Produced  some  excellent  resources  for  insJtuJons  in  this  area  

•  hYp://  

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•  Any  IPR  issues  you  can  see  emerging  or  have  emerged?  

text  chat    text  chat    

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•  Policies  are  important  when  implemenJng  any  service  

•  Policies  can  cover;  legal  issues,  who  deposits,  who  adds  metadata,  long  term  preservaJon,  etc  

•  One  current  concern  is  whether  it  is  good  to  mandate  deposit  into  the  repository  or  not  and  whether  this  is  a  good  thing  

•  It’s  one  thing  having  a  policy,  it’s  another  thing  complying  to  it  though!  

•  Open  Doar  policy  tool  •  hYp://  


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Key  issues  for  insMtuMons  

•  So  what  are  your  key  issues?  

text  chat    

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ImplementaMon  Issues  

•  Are  there  any  specific  issues  that  you  would  like  menJon?  

text  chat    

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Wrap  up  

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•  [email protected]