Digital marketing proposal


Transcript of Digital marketing proposal

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Början means the beginning

At SabaIdea everything begins beautifully and ends professionally

Begin with us at SabaIdea (Founder of Aparat, Cloob, Filimo, Lenzor, MihanBlog and SabaVision the advertising agency)

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Business has only two functions:

Marketing and InnovationMarke Innova

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Lets imagine you know

your stuff: you’ve got value!

What if you don’t know

how to deliver it?

The business will

collapse in its early

stages of growth

But the other case, if you know

how to deliver your value, a

miracle will happen


You touch people’s

hearts, and whatever

they forget, they will

never forget the one

who has touched their


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What is our value to

offer to you?

Our intelligence is set

free to play around and

have fun. That’s how our

creativity comes around.

We know marketing

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We can innovatively inject creative marketing solutions to your business


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Creative Design





Social Media








Search Engine







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We make thousands of decisionseveryday, but when it comes tobusiness decisions ….

Having the right data about the market will make

your business decisions much easier. It will help

you to get your message heard by the right


Consider it like this:

You need a small R&D department to let you

know what’s happening in the market and

around the world related to your industry.

“Market research” provides influential and

substantial data for whatever is affiliated to

your business, from the appropriate art

works to the way that campaigns are being

conducted by your counterparties. The data

you need to decide where to invest your

marketing dollars, the analytical feedback

you need after your campaigns, the data

showing how your audience perceive your

brand, field reports and etc.

Market Research


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People do care about your websitedesign not less than your content

Think about the last engaging website you visited and

wished for it. Now, think about your website design and

the money you spent on it. How similar the designs are ?

Why 95% percent of the time, what we design as our

website is not even close to the ones we wish for ?

Consider it like this:

You design your own wireframe, you find the

best websites developing companies, and

you order it to be designed. Both the lack of

your knowledge of market and the ability to

convey what is best in your terms to the

developers, make your website another

ordinary website. People wander through

these kind of websites, but they will never

keep them in their mind. This way, you are

definitely going to lose the “Word Of Mouth”

part of your marketing strategy.

Website Development


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It’s vitally important to let your costumers know you are alive and kicking, otherwise they might think you’re dead

Having the right Message Deliver it at the right Time

Through the right Channels Are three key factors

we as campaign planners should follow, to keep

your brand on-top-of your costumers’ mind

Consider it like this:

After a while, when you know who is who

and find yourself in the market, you need the

campaigns to lead the way and let others

know who you are. To run a successful

campaign, you need research data,

psychology of the market, and the stage of

your own business. It’s not like what you

hear now and then from so called “Marketing

advisors” that: “lets start a competition for our

campaign”. People are smarter than before,

they hear about the competition, they

participate, and finally they forget about the

one who’s been responsible for all what

happened back stage. You need to be smart

and creative to run the right campaign.

Campaign Development


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Design is intelligence made visual

Just think of something that has caught your eyes.

Think of a house, a car, a banner, an infographic

etc. Apart from their engaging content, they

definitely had a creative design. As a rule of thumb,

everything that works, has a creative design.

Consider it like this:

Imagine you prepare some beautiful text to

spread through your social media channels.

But the graphic is not what it should be, it’s

not creative enough to become viral. Do you

really think it will become viral because of the

valuable content you provided ?

The answer is no! because it probably has

been skipped in its first stage. 75% of the

users have not even read it !

Creative Design


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The market is entering a new era.Video marketing is this year’s trend

Telling stories is crucial. And telling them with the

most powerful and creative asset available is

intelligence. With sound, motion and sight, a

persuasive non-commercial video deeply connects

with audience.

Consider it like this:

You need compelling stories to tell and we

know people who are capable of making it

happen. Apart from that, knowing what to

ask, and what to convert is another story.

We set appointments with studios, and let

them know the kind of content you are

looking for, whether it is a video for your

website, or a commercial video, or

something for your social channels to go

viral. As a result, you won’t have to worry

about your video content anymore, because

we know the guy who knows the guy ! And

we know what and how to ask what they are

best at.

Video Marketing


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You want to be the expert inyour industry ? Look for anexpert in content marketing

Content marketing applies to the articles, blog

posts, ebooks, infographics, webinars, and videos,

you generate. Now the question is how you are

going to generate engaging content?

Consider it like this:

In the world of professional content

marketing, there are companies which

provide a form of engaging content through

complex algorithms. They do the research to

find a related trend, analyze all that has been

covered previously, and curate a new

content that covers another aspect of the

issue. There are content analysts, content

curators, and team of researchers to do the

job, and that is why they can produce an

engaging content which catches our eyes.

The kind of content people spread out

voluntarily in their industry to show they know

valuable and unique stuff ! What we can do

is performing what they do as a team and as

a result generating a unique engaging


Content Marketing


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Don’t think of SEO as a costThink of it as an investment

You want to be found in the first results of search

engines like Google and Bing? You need to have a

strong search engine optimization technique including

keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization

techniques and constant monitoring of the results.

Consider it like this:

You have compelling product to offer,

persuasive free content and the best

marketing techniques and ideas, but no SEO

strategy. Considering the fact that 89% of the

people use search engines to find the

services or products they are seeking, you are

probably going to be kept behind in Google

and Bing search pages. You are going to

update your strategy too, since the SEO is

perplex and its rules and ranking factors are

changing constantly. What we can offer is a

SEO technique which is being used by the

experts of this industry. The technique

keeping the best websites of this country up

in the result of search engines.

Search Engine Optimization


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You want to be global someday?Watch out the local leaders

After all, there are companies like SabaVision which

know the market best. They know how to boost a

brand if they want to. We know how to promote

your brand as much as possible using these

strategies, since we are in touch with this agency.

Consider it like this:

You want to set a side your marketing

budget to be used partly in banner

advertising. You’ve heard that SabaVision is

the agency you can trust. So you make a

call, ask them if they have free positions and

the routine process goes its way. But

imagine, you know the marketers and

promoters over there and they are going to

help you to spend this budget in the right

place at the right time. Same budget with

higher ROI is the result. Your return on invest

is going to be much higher if you let them

make your story one of their success stories.

That’s what we are going to do.

Sabavision Marketing


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Social medias are like farm ofcustomers that you can harvestbest of them

Social media marketing (SM2

) is much more than

what people suppose. It’s the art of combining all

marketing skills you have and deliver it in the

smartest way you can, and awaits the results to

see if they work. Revise and change the strategy

according your ROI and try again and again till you

find what works best for your target group.

Consider it like this:

We execute creative, innovative social media

posts – from contests and specials to news

and entertainment. We work on how to

boost your YouTube visibility, how to use

influencer marketing in LinkedIn, how to

launch a movement using a blog post, and

etc. We also customize your display in every

single social media platforms you own and

launch creative campaigns. We constantly

monitor your campaign’s ROI, analyzing the

data and making improvements based on

real data. Then we provide you with detailed

results, analysis and recommendations for

each campaign, all to reach the target group

you desire.

Social Media Marketing


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A powerful Brand can doanything, can make customer tobelieve in you like a religion

All is about making meaningful relationship with

your customers. Your brand is like your religion and

you are the prophecy. You have to firstly and firmly

believe in it yourself, then expect people to do the

same. Just remember that a single logo as your

message wouldn’t do the work alone, you need a

plan to make people believe in what you are


Consider it like this:

We help you to make your vision and

mission and to find your brand voice. You

need to understand your audiences persona

to connect them effectively, that’s what we

help you to perform through applying the

data that our research team will provide. We

gather all the information about you and your

customers. According to the data, we will

develop your brand positioning, plan your

best strategy and offer campaign

recommendations, execute the creative

strategy, implement the media buy, analyze

brand and campaign messaging and revise

the process to make sure that a consistent

brand voice and message is expressed in a

relative and sensible way. We turn your

audience into believers.

Brand Development


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Seventy-two percent ofconsumers trust online reviews asmuch as personal recommendations

Have you ever rethought buying something based

on the reviews or comparison tables in a site? Or

changed a recommended hotel just because of a

one-star review in Trip Advisor? If your answer is

yes, you know how influential a “business

reputation management service” could be.

Consider it like this:

In real world, you have to deal with bad

reviews, respond to them and handle

negative campaign against your business as

it grows. You also have to respond and

thank those who leave great comments and

reviews to let them know they are important

to you. You have to deal with influencers in

your industry and convince them to report

your collective news, and that’s going to be

the most difficult part since they are will not

do that easily and free of charge.

Reputation Management


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Do (not do) that, That’s (not) goingto work !

The words above are the exact words you want to

hear in face of dilemmas, and that what a true

consultant do for you.

Consider it like this:

We do marketing consultancy on a weekly or

whenever needed, set and participate in all

your strategic business meetings in and out

of firm, and use our credit to make deals


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?? Million / Year1

- Website Development

- Creative Design

- Social Media Marketing

?? Million / Year2

- Website Development

- Creative Design

- Social Media Marketing

- Reputation Management

- Content Marketing

- Search Engine Optimization

?? Million / Year3

- Website Development

- Creative Design

- Social Media Marketing

- Reputation Management

- Content Marketing

- Search Engine Optimization

- Brand Development

- Video Marketing

?? Million / Year4

- Website Development

- Creative Design

- Social Media Marketing

- Reputation Management

- Content Marketing

- Search Engine Optimization

- Brand Development

- Video Marketing

- Campaign Development

- Market Research

- Sabavision Marketing


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[email protected]

R&D Specialist / Content Curator

at Aparat Studio

Marketing Specialist / Content Curator

at Aparat



[email protected]