Digital Marketing Part 1

Antionette Blake, Social Media Specialist A.Blake Enterprises Twitter – ambde Facebook – AblakeEnterprises Instagram - ablake48

Transcript of Digital Marketing Part 1

Page 1: Digital Marketing Part 1

Antionette Blake, Social Media SpecialistA.Blake Enterprises

www.ABlakeEnterprises.comTwitter – ambde

Facebook – AblakeEnterprisesInstagram - ablake48

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Twitter @ambde / FB @ A.BlakeEnterprises

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media.

Digital media is a growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than you.

People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers

tailored to their needs and preferences.

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Twitter @ambde / FB @ A.BlakeEnterprises

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

Digital media is important because it provides consumers access to information any time and any place they want it. Gone are the days when the messages about your products or services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know.

Digital media gives you a consolidated and consistent view of customer preferences and expectations across all channels: web, social media, mobile, direct mail, point of sale, etc. Marketers can use information to create and anticipate consistent, customer experiences that will move customers along in the buying cycle.

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Twitter @ambde / FB @ A.BlakeEnterprises

Challenges Facing Digital Marketers

● What platform or application to use; website, blog, social media platforms, video media platforms

● How to use the platform or application; constant change, new apps, where do my targeted audience hang out?

● How to determine it's effectiveness or ROI; HELLO, anyone out there following me? Use tools such as Google analytics, Hootsuite, Facebook and Twitter analytics,

● Offline polls and surveys (brick & mortar)

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Vine is a video-sharing app. It’s designed in a way for you to film short, separate instances so they can be linked together for a total of six seconds. Each short video plays in a continuous loop, and are viewable directly in Twitter’s timeline or embedded into a web page.How the Vine App WorksFirst of all, you need to have a compatible smartphone to download the Vine app. Vine is owned by Twitter, and there's an app for iOS devices and Android devices.The look and feel of the app is similar to Instagram, showing you a scrollable feed of all your friends’ vines on the homescreen.

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8 ways to use Vine to promote your business1) Show happy customers.

2) Showcase your work.

3) Whet appetites.

4) Get votes.

5) Give a tour

6) Demonstrate your competitive advantage.

7) Invite

8) Show Before & After

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Getting and using the Vine app is simple (and free) Download the Vine app from iTunes for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad or Google Play for Androids. Create a Vine account using your Twitter profile or email address

You also have your own profile page, which you can customize later after signing up. Vine takes most of your information from Twitter, including name, photo, bio and transfers it to your new Vine account when you sign up.

Making Your First VineWhen you’re ready to make your first vine, the app will walk you through all the steps. The idea is to film very short, separate instances for a full six-second video. As you get started with filming, the app will ask you to hold your finger down on the screen for about 1 to 2 seconds. After that, it will ask you to film two more times. Vine then puts all three of those two-second shots together to make your first vine.

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Periscope is the popular live video streaming app purchased by Twitter in March 2015. It’s the Instagram of live video streaming, offering users the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of someone else.

Users have the capability to share their stories and perspectives to add value to their viewers in the form of entertainment and/or education.

Whether you’re a seasoned business professional or a small business owner, if you use Twitter, and you can add to your credibility and brand using live video as a storytelling tool, you should check out Periscope. You need a Twitter account and the app downloaded to your Android or iOS device to get started.

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How to Use Periscope to Build Your Brand

Insider VideosDisplay your knowledge by inviting your Twitter followers to see a live video of you demonstrating how your product is made, walking them through non-secure areas of your work site or even sharing a product demonstration.

Live Q&A SessionsInvite followers to submit questions during your live broadcast. Similar to the “insider video” concept, encouraging questions on the spot is a great way to showcase your industry knowledge and your ability to communicate effectively with clients and peers.

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Hold Focus GroupsAre you in the process of developing a new product or service? Periscope enables you to take advantage of live feedback instantaneously, possibly saving you both time and money. Ask users to vote on color choices, give feedback on a prototype and so much more!

Professional How TosBuild your personal brand as an expert by offering in-the-moment how-to videos. While YouTube is currently king of the how-to, Periscope offers users the ability to ask questions and for clarification on the spot. YouTube cannot do that!

Periscope Can Expand Your Professional ReachWhile broadcasters must have a Twitter account, viewers can watch from anywhere on the web using mobile devices, PCs, etc. Share links to your upcoming business-related broadcasts via all of your social networks (especially LinkedIn) and even via email, if you have a list.

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Download the Periscope app to your Apple or Android device and sign into the Twitter account you plan to use with it. Once online you will be able to view live or recently recorded broadcasts and record your own “Scopes,” as some are calling them.

To record a broadcast, click the red button located at the bottom of the screen, write a broadcast title, and then choose to make it public or private.

(Any Periscope or Twitter user can see public live streams. Private broadcasts are only available to select users.)

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Next, click the Twitter icon, located beneath the title, to share the broadcast. If you plan to stream privately, notify followers well in advance so they will know when to watch.

Viewers of the live feed can leave comments, ask questions, or even tap their screen to send “hearts,” which lets you know that they like the broadcast.

Click the red button to start a broadcast.

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Screenshot of a live Periscope broadcast. (Source: Apple Insider)

You can also find live and pre-recorded broadcasts by heading to Twitter and searching on the hashtag “#Periscope.”

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ProsFree to Use. It costs nothing to use Periscope, and you could potentially reach thousands of people.

Audience Bond. Periscope offers audience members a glimpse into your business in a way that they have never seen it before. Unlike pre-recorded videos that are heavily scripted and edited, Periscope’s live feed lets you interact, in real time, with everyone who is watching.

Exclusive Content. Give social media fans and followers a guided tour of your storefront or perform a tutorial that is available exclusively through the live broadcast. It’s something they will value, appreciate, and enjoy.

Public or Private Broadcasts. You can choose to conduct a live public broadcast that everyone can see or share a stream privately with select audiences. That can come in handy if, for instance, a customer has a question or is experiencing difficulty using one of your products.

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Audience Considerations. It’s necessary that your audience be conducive to this new medium if you expect to have success in using it for marketing. If you are unsure, conduct a test to gauge their responsiveness.

A New Medium. While live streaming video is not new, Periscope is considered a uniquely innovative way of communicating. As usage grows, perhaps your audience will grow along with it.

Environment Concerns. Live broadcasts are unscripted and, as such, you must be able to speak to the audience as you stream. If you are uncomfortable being in front of the camera then using Periscope may not be suitable for you. Also, live videos often occur in an uncontrolled environment where most anything can happen. Take that into consideration as well.

REMINDER: Hold your phone up and down and not horizontal when broadcasting.

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Getting Viewers. It’s unlikely your stream will get many viewers without the help of marketing, so treat broadcasts as promotional campaigns. Post teasers about upcoming broadcasts to Twitter and Facebook, and consider purchasing advertising to publicize your events. If you choose to do a live tutorial, let people know what time of day that they can tune in to watch.

Short Shelf Life. Periscope’s live streams only have a 24-hour shelf life. However, an application called allows you to record and store broadcasts for long-term on-demand viewing.


It’s unlikely most of your customers will be familiar with Periscope, due to its novelty and recent entry into the market. For that reason, there is no track record testifying to its success as a marketing medium as of yet.

However, if it’s something that you believe your customers and social media fans and followers would find interesting and tune into, give Periscope a try. Who knows, you might become the next Internet sensation.KRISTINE WIRTHBIO | RSS FEED

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Twitter @ambde / FB @ A.BlakeEnterprises

Many people don't think of YouTube as a Digital Marketing tool for small businesses, but more people today use YouTube as a search engine.

In fact it's the second largest search engine on the Internet next to Google. With the YouTube+Google partnership there, you also have a great potential for marketing because more and more search results are bearing video results.

YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month.

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YouTube crossed a major milestone. In 2015, the Google-owned giant announced that it now has over one billion unique viewers on its site every month.

That’s one billion - every month.If you are using YouTube as part of your social media marketing strategy, how can you capture this popularity? How can you get more YouTube viewers, and increase your YouTube views?

8 Tips How to Get More Views on YouTube

1) Brand Your YouTube Channel2) Cross-Promote3) Add Value4) Optimize your Tags5) Create Calls to Action6) Include Contact Information7) Be Consistent8) Add Interactivity

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1. Brand Your YouTube Channel Be consistent in your branding image when setting up your channel. Make sure your customers can easily identify you, by using the same logo and imagery used on your website, other social media sites, and your brick and mortar business.

2. Cross-PromoteAdd a YouTube widget to your blog or website. Add a YouTube tab on your Facebook page. Embed your videos on your online sites, and encourage fans and followers to subscribe to your channel.

3. Add ValueUse videos to create added value for your customers. Use the videos as a way to inform viewers about your product. Many people want to watch videos that they will learn from. Be the source of information for your product or industry.

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4. Optimize Your Tags

Make sure you are using tags on your videos. This is how YouTube sorts your video in their search function. Be sure to include keywords from the video title and category. Don’t overstuff your tags, but use them well.

5. Create Calls to Action

Use the YouTube annotation feature to add calls to action in your video. Ask viewers to subscribe or “thumbs up” if they like what they’ve seen so far. Ask viewers to visit your site, try your product, or like your video.

6. Include Contact Information

Always include your contact information in your videos. Your contact info could be your website, your other social sites, your email, or even your phone number. If any of these change, be sure to update the videos too.

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7. Be Consistent

Upload new videos on a regular basis. This way, subscribers will come to know a schedule, and

will be looking forward to watching your videos on a routine time. Set your schedule on a weekly, bi-weekly, daily, or monthly basis, depending on your available resources and your audience appetite for watching.

Upload fresh content to retain viewership

8. Add Interactivity

People like to get involved. Ask your viewers questions. Get them to comment. Create a community through interactions.

And, even better, include social promotions like a vote contest, sweepstakes, photo contest, photo caption contest, video contest, essay contest, or group deal.

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Flipagram lets you easily create short videos with your Instagram and Camera Roll images.

Most of us have tons of photos in both our Camera Roll and on Instagram. Why not combine all those photos into one video slideshow we can share with friends and family? That's exactly what Flipagram does.

Flipagram is a sharing app that help you make short movies out of your images. You can link up your Instagram account and pull directly from it, which makes for a great way to rediscover old pictures you may have forgotten about.

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If you plan on uploading the short video to Instagram, you can even have Flipagram time the video for you and evenly space all slides. Or you can manually choose the length of each.

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Once you're done, you can choose music from your own library to go along with your Flipagram movie or choose from hundreds of free 30 or 60 second clips.From there, all you have left to do is share it. Flipagram supports YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email

Have Fun!

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Digital Marketing Hacks