Digital literacy #onl152

D I G I T A L L I T E R A C Y Sara Mörtsell Education Manager, Wikimedia Sverige @SaraMrtsell #ONL152 Open Networked Learning

Transcript of Digital literacy #onl152

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Sara MörtsellEducation Manager, Wikimedia Sverige


Open Networked Learning

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Something that works for me...

Digital literacies - The engagement with digitally mediated information [1], [reading, writing and participating] on the web [a socio-technical space], and how to understand oneself in relation to that space.

1 Säljö, R. (2012) Literacy, Digital Literacy and Epistemic Practices: The Co-Evolution of Hybrid Minds and External Memory Systems

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Three parts to the story

Part 1 - Reading as online engagement.

Part 2 - Sharing as online engagment.

Part 3 - Modes of participating online.

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Eli Pariser 2011.

By Kris Krug CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Mass media - information from the few to the many.

Who are the editors and curators of digital information?

What’s reading like in the filter bubble?

Personalisation and algorithms...

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Reading and gate-keeping to information

Research from Facebook:

“It’s not that we control NewsFeed, you control NewsFeed by telling us what you’re interested in.” [2]

2 Jurgenson, N (2015) Facebook: Fair and balanced

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Reading digitally mediated information

Critical evaluation

of content

of platforms

of technologies

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Understanding licenses as rights and responsabilities when sharing.

CC BY - Some rights reserved, and some (five) rights given to others.

Reuse et cie 5R By Fréderic Duriez (modified) CC BY-3.0, via Formation et E-learning

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Sharing knowledge

Imagine a world where every single human can freely share in the sum of

all knowledge.[3]

● On of the most popular websites with 500 million unique vsitors monthly.

● Content is edited and monitored by the users, guided by strict community guidelines.

3 Wikipedia mission statement.

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Sharing knowledge in education

The Wikipedia Education Program

● a pedagogy about critiquing what’s wrong about information and

● act on the critique to redesign information and knowledge in open (public) digital spaces.

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Sharing knowledge in education

Real world impact of student editors in numbers - 20 000 views in one day.[4]

4 View source.

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Modes of participaiting online

Some people visit the web. Other people live there.[5]

5 David White

visitor resident

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Modes of participaiting online

Digital literacies are contextual

Skills do not transfer automaticly [6]

visitor resident



6 White, D., & Le Cornu, A. (2011). Visitors and Residents: A new

typology for online engagement. First Monday, 16(9).

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Modes of participaiting online

visitor resident





Wikipedia Education Program



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The conversation continues

Find me on Twitter: @SaraMrtsell

Find me on Wikipedia: User: Sara Mörtsell (WMSE)

… and other places.

#ONL152This work by Sara Mörtsell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.