Digital Art: Forerunners, Pioneers & Digital Mirrors

Digital Art and Modernity "Mirrors Mirror" (2008) by Daniel Rozin



Transcript of Digital Art: Forerunners, Pioneers & Digital Mirrors

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Digital  Art    and  Modernity                                  

"Mirrors  Mirror"  (2008)  by  Daniel  Rozin  

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Text  Rain  Camille  U?erback  &  Romy  Achituv  1999  h?p://    

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Very  Nervous  System    David  Rokeby    1982-­‐91  h?p://  


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Myron  Krueger    Videoplace  Responsive  Environment  1972-­‐1990s  

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Myron  Krueger    Videoplace  Responsive  Environment  1972-­‐1990s  

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Artwork-Spectator Relationship in Digital Art:! The Aesthetic Experience !

(Infographics by Brigitta Zics)!

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Digital Art! !

art form which implements (emerging) digital technologies as

tool an medium!!

tool= technologies/techniques we create art with !

!medium= technologies/forms we are

using to present the artwork!!

Aesthetic ~ focuses on the spectators’ experience. !

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Umberto  Eco:  Open  Work  (1989)  

Open-ended art works: open for multiple interpretation and perception.!!Art work as a communication system.!  Artwork  as  a  communica^on  system  which  oscillates  between  a  formal  structure  and  the  mul-ple  meaning  produced  by  a  ‘wonderment’  of  the  spectator  (Eco,  1989).!!The authorship of meaning moved from the artists to the audience.!

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Umberto Boccioni !Unique Forms of Continuity in Space!1913!

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Main Aspects leading to Digital Art !

1.  Participatory art and Audience Interaction !!

–  ! ‘art nugatory’(dada)!–  ! Fluxus/Happening !!–  ! Performance!

–   !John Cage’s Practice !!

2. Technological development of Interactivity !Virtual reality, Emerging technologies: !!

!–  Sketch Pad by I. Sutherland 1963!

–  Head Mounted Display by I. Sutherland1965!–  Artificial Reality mid. 1970s !–  Personal Comp 1977!

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Forerunners of Interactive Art!

Participatory art form here stands for art works or movements which characterized an audience

involvement in the art work. !

The artists generated a new forms of interaction, public congregation, demonstration etc.!

The desire immediately interacting with the audience brought to art the form of ‘art nugatory’

of dada movement at the beginning of twenty century.!

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John Cage!4’33!Performance!1952!!

! !! !  

!4’33 Scores!!1952!

!"the work may be performed by any instrumentalist or combination of instrumentalists and last any length of time."!


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Allan Kaprow18 Happenings in 6 Parts Happening 1959!

The  audience  were  given  programs  and  three  stapled  cards,  which  provided  instruc^ons  for  their  


A happening is a performance, event or situation that can take place anywhere, often lack a narrative and frequently seek to involve the audience in some way. This events are usefully open-ended and improvised.!

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 Ivan Sutherland !!Sketchpad!!1963!


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 Ivan Sutherland !!First Virtual Displays and Goggles!!1965!


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Spectator User and the Digital Artwork !(Infographics by Brigitta Zics)!

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Active Spectatorship in Art!!

Active spectator describes a participant subject who actively contributes in the creation process.!

!The Interaction between artwork and spectator is not

only a mental process but active participation when the structure of the artwork changes through the

spectators/users’ input.!!

New Spectatorship!

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Myron Krueger!!!

Jeffrey Shaw!!!

David Rokeby!!!

Christa Sommerer !    

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Myron  Krueger    Psychic  Space    


MetaPlay !Myron Krueger!h?p://  


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MetaPlay !Myron Krueger!h?p://  


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Jeffrey  Shaw    Legible  City    1988-­‐91  

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Jeffrey Shaw The Golden Calf1994!

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Christa  Sommerer    A-­‐volve  1994/97  h?p://  


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Telematic  Dreaming    Paul  Sermon  1992  h?p://  


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The Concept of Digital Mirrorin Digital Art


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Tranforming Mirrors David Rokeby

!„The speactator sees some

representation of themselfes on a projection screen. This Representation follows the movements of the interactor

like a mirror-image or shadow, transformed by the potentials with which the artist has endowed the



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Peter Weibel !Endless Sandwich!1969!h?p://  


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Bruce Neumann!Live-Taped Corridor, Videoinstallation 1970!

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Alexa Wright &Alf Finney!Alter Ego!2004!

A"er  about  thirty  seconds  the  reflec3on  begins  to  react  to,  rather  than  mirror,  the  

facial  expressions  of  the  user.      


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Brigitta Zics!Mirror_Space!Interactive Installation 2004/5!!!

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Rafael  Lozano-­‐Hemmer  Eye  Contact  2006  h?p://    

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Digital Art/Media Art Web resources !




h?p://    Mul-media  –  From  Wagner  to  Virtual  Reality  


