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Transcript of Digimat INSTALL

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Contents   3

I Installation of Digimat software   5

I.1 Getting started   7

I.1.1 Digimat installation - quick & easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I.1.2 Installation of Digimat on a local computer   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11I.1.3 Step-by-step: FlexLM license server  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12I.1.4 Step-by-step: Digimat software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

I.2 FlexLM Licensing   35I.2.1 Licensing system   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36I.2.2 Digimat via FlexLM licensing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38I.2.3 Set-up of the licensing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40I.2.4 Configuration of the licensing system   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

I.3 Digimat licensing management   43I.3.1 Licensing location   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44I.3.2 Licensing status   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

I.4 Digimat settings   45I.4.1 The DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46I.4.2 Structure of the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47I.4.3 Digimat environment variables   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

I.5 Digimat-CAE Interfaces   53I.5.1 Digimat-CAE/Abaqus   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54I.5.2 Digimat-CAE/ANSYS   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57I.5.3 Digimat-CAE/Marc   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66I.5.4 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

I.5.5 Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71I.5.6 Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74I.5.7 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78I.5.8 Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79I.5.9 Digimat-CAE/Hypermesh and Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Bulk   . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81I.5.10 Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block 51   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84I.5.11 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL1XX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87I.5.12 Digimat-CAE/nCode DesignLife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88I.5.13 Digimat-CAE/VirtualLab   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


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Part I

Installation of Digimat software


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Installation   I.1

Getting started

I.1.1 Digimat installation - quick & easy   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8I.1.2 Installation of Digimat on a local computer   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11

Workflow & details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I.1.3 Step-by-step: FlexLM license server   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12

I.1.4 Step-by-step: Digimat software   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17


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8 Installation Getting started

I.1.1 Digimat installation - quick & easy

The following chapter is intended to give a quick and general overview over the single steps of the Digi-mat installation. A general overview over the installation procedure is followed by a typical example of a localDigimat installation on a Windows computer. For detailed procedures please refer to the dedicated chapters.

It is highly recommended to follow the described procedures as given in the overview step by stepto receive a stable installation of Digimat software!

To obtain test files for the test of the installation of Digimat 6.0.1, please contact  [email protected].

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I.1.1. Digimat installation - quick & easy 9

Figure I.1.1: General overview over steps required to receive a stable installation of Digimat software.

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10 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.2: General overview over steps required to receive a stable installation of Digimat software.

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I.1.2. Installation of Digimat on a local computer 11

I.1.2 Installation of Digimat on a local computer

The goal of this section is to demonstrate the most straightforward way to create a  FULL standard installationof the Digimat software on a local Windows computer using the FlexLM licensing system.

Please notice that the installation requires three principle steps which are best performed in the followingsubsequent order:

1. Installation of the FlexLM license server2. Installation of Digimat3. Linking with CAE software

Workflow & details

1.  Installation of the FlexLM license server

•   Floating license system•  Server running on the current machine

–  Automated start with every boot of the machine•  It is recommended to reboot the machine as a last step of this installation!

2.   Installation of Digimat

•  Setup of a floating license pointing to the FlexLM license server

•  Installation of ALL Digimat modules–  Usage of a non-default Digimat working directory

•  Setup of standard paths to–  Adobe Reader executable (required for the Digimat manual)

–  Patran installation (required for Digimat-RP)

–  MSC Nastran installation (required for Digimat-RP)

–  Marc Mentat installation (required for Digimat-RP and to use Digimat to Marc Mentat plug-in)

–  ANSYS installation (required for Digimat-RP and Digimat-FE interface with ANSYS Work-bench)

–  Abaqus installation (required for Digimat-RP and Digimat-FE interface with Abaqus CAE)

  Installation of Intel-MPI service (if Digimat-FE component is selected)•  Creation of Digimat-MX database during installation procedure

•   Installation of Visual C/C++ redistributable files during installation procedure

•  It is recommented to reboot the machine as a last step of this installation!–  After reboot the user is up and running for the usage of all Digimat standalone modules.

3.   Linking with CAE software

•  Linking Digimat with the external CAE software like Abaqus, ANSYS, Marc, LS-DYNA or othershas to be carefully set up and tested.

•   Please note that depending on the solver type and platform special linker software might be required.•  The detailed linking procedure with CAE solvers will not be dealt with in this chapter

–  Please refer to the individual section of the required CAE code in Chapter  I.5.

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12 Installation Getting started

I.1.3 Step-by-step: FlexLM license server

Figure I.1.3: Running the  Install FlexLM licensing for Digimat 6.0.1.exe  will open up the Digimat installer for theFlexLM license manager.

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I.1.3. Step-by-step: FlexLM license server 13

Figure I.1.4: If no FlexLM license manager has been installed on the so far all components of the FlexLM systemshould be installed. For individual and customized installation of FLexLM, please read the more detailedexplanations in chapter I.2.

Figure I.1.5: The location of the Digimat license file has to be specified. This file was shipped by e-Xstream engineeringand contains the valid licenses for the agreed duration of software usage. In case you do not have any

license file, please contact [email protected] for more information.

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14 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.6: The destination folder for the FlexLM license server needs to be specified.

Figure I.1.7: The FlexLM license server runs as a service in the background. This service can b e started manually eachtime it is needed. However, it is recommended to choose the option of automatically starting the licenseserver upon every boot of the machine to ensure smooth & easy performance of the complete installation.

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I.1.3. Step-by-step: FlexLM license server 15

Figure I.1.8: A summary of the installation details is given and can be checked. Proceeding with the " Install " buttonwill finalize the installation of the FlexLM license server.

Figure I.1.9: The installation is finished. Afterwards the server is up and running and the licenses available to theDigimat software via the EXLM vendor daemon.

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16 Installation Getting started

To ensure that the license server is running, you should:

•  Open the  Services  tool of Windows, and check that  e-Xstream FLEXlm License Manager   is running.•  Open the log file of the license server, located in   C:/DIGIMAT_licensing/Licensing/DIGIMAT.log . If 

the server did start successfully, you should see something similar to this:

16:14:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------

16:14:45 (lmgrd) Please Note:

16:14:45 (lmgrd)

16:14:45 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.

16:14:45 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license

16:14:45 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,

16:14:45 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Flexera Software, Inc.’s

16:14:45 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,

16:14:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility

16:14:45 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create

16:14:45 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like

16:14:45 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager16:14:45 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on

16:14:45 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license

16:14:45 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous

16:14:45 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux

16:14:45 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Flexera Software, Inc. at

16:14:45 (lmgrd) www.flexerasoftware.com for more details on how to

16:14:45 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager

16:14:45 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.

16:14:45 (lmgrd)

16:14:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------

16:14:45 (lmgrd)

16:14:45 (lmgrd)16:14:45 (lmgrd) pid 7904

16:14:45 (lmgrd) Done rereading

16:14:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v11.9.1.0 build 89952 i86_n3)

16:14:45 (lmgrd) started on EX2011 (IBM PC) (4/2/2015)

16:14:45 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2010 Flexera Software, Inc.

16:14:45 (lmgrd) All Rights Reserved.

16:14:45 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.

16:14:45 (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www.flexerasoftware.com

16:14:45 (lmgrd) License file(s): c:\LICENSING\Digimat\digimat.lic

16:14:45 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27011

16:14:45 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...

16:14:45 (lmgrd) Started EXLM (pid 6820)








16:14:45 (lmgrd) EXLM using TCP-port 59008

16:14:47 (EXLM) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled

If the server is running and you still have issue to start the products, check the firewall configuration of yourlicense server, and open the right ports.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 17

I.1.4 Step-by-step: Digimat software

Figure I.1.10: Two files are mandatory to be downloaded from the FTP server: the Digimat installer and the installer for

third-party components. For the installation of the examples manual, the respective third package is alsorequired. The global installer Install Digimat x64 6.0.1.exe will lead through the complete proceduresfor installing Digimat on Windows 64bit platforms.

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18 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.11: Opening prompt of the Digimat installer. Follow the given instructions step-by-step.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 19

Figure I.1.12: Upon execution of the Digimat installer, the release notes will be shown in a separate PDF viewer.

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20 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.13: Please read carefully the software license agreement. It must be agreed to before being able to continuewith the installation procedure.

Figure I.1.14: The licensing type has to b e specified. In this case, we would like to connect to a previously installedFlexLM floating license via a license server installed on the local computer. For more information on the

availbale types of licensing with Digimat, please refer to chapter  I.2.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 21

Figure I.1.15: The IP address for communication with the FlexLM license service has to be given, preceded by the  @ .If needed, you can also specify explicitly the port used by the license server, e.g.,   [email protected] specification should only be used if it is explicitely specified in the license server.

Figure I.1.16: The destination folder for the Digimat installation has to be given.

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22 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.17: The path to an existing installation of Adobe Reader has to be defined. This is to ensure the correctperformance of the software help showing the Digimat documentation.

Figure I.1.18: The destination folder for the Digimat working directory has to be given. This directory can be locatedanywhere on the computer and shared also between different versions of Digimat.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 23

Figure I.1.19: The required Digimat modules can be chosen individually to save disk space for the installation. In thedefault case as used here all modules will be installed.

Figure I.1.20: If Digimat-FE installation is selected, the Intel-MPI service must be installed to be able to launch parallelcomputations using Digimat embedded finite element solver. If this service is already setup on yourmachine, click no, else, click yes. In case of issue during installation of Intel-MPI service, please refer to

section ??

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24 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.21: The usage of the Digimat-MX module requires a server for the MX database to be set up. This setup canbe done in a later step by using the database tools provided with Digimat-MX (choose "No"). However,to get up and running it is convenient to perform this directly as a step of the Digimat installation(choose "Yes").

Figure I.1.22: The path of an existing Patran installation is requested. If not using this FEA solver the step canbe skipped and the input field left blank. If needed this path can be specified in a later step via

Digimat settings as explained in section  I.4.1.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 25

Figure I.1.23: The path of an existing MSC Nastran installation is requested. If not using this FEA solver the stepcan be skipped and the input field left blank. If needed this path can be specified in a later step viaDigimat settings as explained in section  I.4.1.

Figure I.1.24: The path of an existing Marc Mentat installation is requested. This is to ensure smooth p erformanceof Digimat-RP with Marc Mentat. If not using this FEA solver the step can be skipped and the inputfield left blank. If needed this path can be specified in a later step via Digimat settings as explained in

section  I.4.1.

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26 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.25: The path of an existing ANSYS installation is requested. This is to ensure smooth performance of Digimat-RP and the Digimat-FE interface with ANSYS Workbench. If not using either the Digimat-FE module or this FEA solver the step can be skipped and the input field left blank. If needed this pathcan be specified in a later step via Digimat settings as explained in section   I.4.1.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 27

Figure I.1.26: The path of an existing Abaqus installation is requested. This is to ensure smooth performance of Digimat-RP and the Digimat-FE interface with Abaqus CAE. If not using either the Digimat-FE moduleor this FEA solver the step can be skipped and the input field left blank. If needed this path can bespecified in a later step via Digimat settings as explained in section   I.4.1.

Figure I.1.27: An individual name for the Digimat shortcut can be specified.

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28 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.28: A desktop icon can be created. User can also choose to install Visual 2010 C/C++ redistributablefiles together with Digimat. These files are required to run Digimat computations. In this case, VisualC/C++ redistributable files will be installed. Finally, the installer giving access to the ready-to-runDigimat models can be installed right after the software installation, assuming the separate installer forthe example manual was downloaded as well.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 29

Figure I.1.29: A summary of the installation details is given and can be checked. Proceeding with the "Install" buttonwill start the installation of Digimat.

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30 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.30: The installation of the Digimat core software is executed.

Figure I.1.31: Third party products are installed followed by the installation of the Visual C/C++ redistributable files(if chosen). Third party components must be installed in order to be able to run the Digimat software.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 31

Figure I.1.32: As a last step, the examples manual is installed (if chosen).

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32 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.33: The setup of the MX database is called (if chosen). In case that you already have an existing MXdatabase running as a service on the current machine, this service must be ended first (please use MXdatabase tools to do so). The screenshot shows a typical setup for a MX database to be created andstarted as a windows service every time the computer is booted. For management of the database amanager password has to be set. Clicking " Create " will setup the such defined service.

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I.1.4. Step-by-step: Digimat software 33

Figure I.1.34: If Digimat-FE installation is selected, the Intel-MPI service must be installed to be able to launch parallelcomputations. At the end of installation, it is needed to register by entering its user name (includingdomain name, e.g., E-XSTREAM\username) and its password and to click on register to save it inregister database.

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34 Installation Getting started

Figure I.1.35: In the end of the installation procedure additional information is given for Abaqus users. This let youknow how to update the abaqus_v6.env file to b e able to use the Digimat-CAE/Abaqus interface. If Digimat-CAE/Abaqus is required, we strongly recommend to read  I.5.1 before proceeding with the linkingprocedure to the Abaqus solver.

Figure I.1.36: Upon finalization of the installation the user can choose to reboot the computer immediately.   Pleasenote that to ensure safely a fully functional installation of Digimat the reboot of the machine is


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Installation   I.2

FlexLM Licensing

I.2.1 Licensing system   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   36

Floating licenses   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Floating licenses and redundant license servers   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Node-locked licenses   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

I.2.2 Digimat via FlexLM licensing   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   38

License features   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Usage of licenses   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

I.2.3 Set-up of the licensing system   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40

Windows   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Linux   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Manual start of the license server   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

I.2.4 Configuration of the licensing system   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   41


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36 Installation FlexLM Licensing

I.2.1 Licensing system

Digimat licensing is based on the FlexLM license manager from Macrovision Corporation. It enables thefollowing types of licensing:

•  paid-up or lease agreement•  floating or node-locked (file based) licenses

For an overview over the currently supported version of the FlexLM licensing system, please refer to theappendix  ??. For information about the current limitations in the set up of licensing systems, please refer toappendix  ??.

Floating licenses

Digimat uses FlexLM to manage floating licenses on a network. Floating licenses enable to have access,from anywhere on a network, to Digimat licenses. Such system, providing licenses to Digimat when a job isexecuted, is called a license server. So that this works properly, the license server must continuously run onone of the network computers. If the license server is down for any reason, the licenses will not be accessibleand Digimat jobs will not run.

The license server is basically made of three parts.

•   lmgrd   is the FlexLM license manager. It deals with requests coming from the software (in this caseDigimat products), and redirects these requests to the vendor specific server. It also manages all thevendor specific servers under its responsibility.

•   EXLM is the e-Xstream engineering  specific server. It answers to requests coming from lmgrd basedon the vendor specific license files and the history of use of the licenses.

•   DIGIMAT.lic   is the   e-Xstream engineering   specific license file. It contains information about thelicensed Digimat products available to the user. Floating license files start with the following twoheadlines

–  SERVER ...–   VENDOR EXLM. . .

while it is not the case for node-locked licenses.If those two heading lines are not present, this means the license file actually contains node-lockedlicenses. If this is not what you were expecting to receive, it is suggested to contact the support teamof  e-Xstream engineering  at  [email protected].

In order to have a valid-working licensing installation, these three components must have beeninstalled and lmgrd must be running!

When running a Digimat job, a first request is send to  lmgrd in order to check out the required licenses, whichdepends on the Digimat product that is executed.

After this first request is addressed to lmgrd, periodic connections are made by the Digimat product with lmgrdto check that the server and license status are still valid. These periodic connections are called ’heartbeats’and are usually made every minute.

If the connection to the license server is lost by the Digimat product (in other words if several heartbeats failed),a reconnection strategy is started. Depending on the Digimat product running, the number of reconnectionattempts as well as the time interval between two tries varies. This information is printed in the log file or in

dialog boxes used by the Digimat product. If the reconnection does not occur for some reason, the productexits, abruptly stopping any on-going simulation.

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I.2.1. Licensing system 37

Licensing utilities are provided with FlexLM (lmtools  and related utilities). These can be used to manage thelicense server by allowing server starts and stop actions, as well as license changes.   lmhostid can be employedto extract the necessary information to generate a license file for the machine on which it was run. Moreinformation about FlexLM licensing utilities can be found in the FlexLM end user guide, which is providedwith the Digimat installation files.

Floating licenses and redundant license servers

In the single license server configuration, licenses are not available when the license server is down, disconnectedfrom the network or if the  lmgrd  daemon has been shut down. If it is mandatory for licenses to be availableall the time, then a redundant server setup can be the solution. In that case, three servers are running ratherthan one. If at least two of the three servers are available, users are able to checkout licenses. These threeredundant servers must be well interconnected, as they will exchange information periodically, i.e., heartbeats,and at each license checkout.

For redundant server configuration, the license file contains three SERVER lines. Compared to the singleserver configuration, these SERVER lines must contain a port number at the end of the line.

The three server will find each other using their host names. Therefore, domain name information for thethree servers must be up to date.

To start the servers, the procedure is the same as for the single server configuration, and must be repeated oneach of the redundant servers.

On the client side, the address of the three servers must be used to benefit from the redundancy.

Node-locked licenses

Floating licenses are not mandatory. It is also possible as well as sometimes useful to use a single node-lockedlicense file, especially for laptops when not having constant access to a network that would provide a floatinglicense. If using node-locked licenses, the installation of a license server is not required. Notice though thata node-locked license points towards the physical address of a computer, which means it is attributed to asingle specific computer and cannot be transferred on other ones.

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38 Installation FlexLM Licensing

I.2.2 Digimat via FlexLM licensing

In the following, the Digimat specific usage of the FlexLM licensing system will be described.

License features

A sample license feature exhibits the following structure and underlying information.

FEATURE DIGIMAT_MF   EXLM  4.2 31-jan-2013   1   ISSUED=01-jan-2012 \START=01-jan-2012 SIGN=2CEA5858D9E6

•   DIGIMAT_MF : It refers to the feature name. It refers to a product of the Digimat suite, or to an

interface between Digimat and an external code.•   4.2 : This tells for which version of the software the license is valid. It contains only the first two numbersof the Digimat version number. This means the license file is valid for any Digimat version numberedas 4.2.x.

•   31-jan-2013 : This is the date until which the license feature is valid.•   1: This is the total number of seats available for the corresponding license feature.

In Digimat 6.0.1, all the previously existing license features are maintained.

Usage of licenses

Digimat licenses usage depends on the features considered.

•   When starting Digimat-MF, Digimat-FE, Digimat-MAP, Digimat-MX, Digimat-RP or Digimat-HC theexistence of a feature is verified but also the availability of a seat of the required license feature. If no seat is available, those products cannot be opened. If a seat is available, it will immediately bechecked-out and the product will open.

•  At the start-up of the Digimat-CAE GUI, a check on the existence of a structural license is performed: itcould also be one of the two features referring to structural analyses, being DIGIMAT_CAE_STRUCTU-RAL or DIGIMAT_CAE_LINEAR.If any of these exists, the GUI opens successfully. Then, when defining the interface code the userintends to work with, the existence of the license feature of the selected interface is again verified. Itcould also be one of the global flexible license features. If none exists, the interface cannot be selected.

A similar verification is performed when selecting the injection interface format.Up to now, no license feature is consumed. This is done when executing the Digimat-CAE job togenerate the interface files. It is also done when executing a coupled structural Digimat job. In suchcase, the license features, both structural and injection, are checked out during the entire simulation.They are checked in once the job is over.In case of  parallel computation, one structural feature seat is first used, and for the other n-1  processorsused for the parallel computation, n-1  Digimat tokens are checked out. For example, a Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA parallel run on 4 processors consumes 1 seat of a structural feature as well as 3 Digimat tokens.When performing parallel computations using distributed storage devices, Digimat requires the DIGI-MAT2CAE_Working_Directory setting to be defined in your DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file (see SectionI.4.1). This setting has to indicate a global, unique, location which can be accessed by all the processes.If this setting is not defined, it can result in an overconsumption of license features!

•  Finally, in the case of Digimat-MX, one DIGIMAT_MX+ (tried first) or DIGIMAT_MX feature seat is

consumed at the moment the GUI opens. No more seat is required at any time. When performing areverse-engineering, no DIGIMAT_MF seat is required though the Digimat executable is used.

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I.2.2. Digimat via FlexLM licensing 39

•  To encrypt files, a DIGIMAT_MX+ feature is required.•   To use encrypted files and decrypt them in the Digimat products, the user needs to get a DIGI-

MAT_CRYPT feature. Without this, the user cannot use the encrypted files provided in the Digimat-MX database by the material suppliers.

For more information, please contact the support team at  [email protected].

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40 Installation FlexLM Licensing

I.2.3 Set-up of the licensing system

In order to set-up Digimat licensing, the executable DIGIMAT_licensing_install.exe needs to be run from theinstallation medium and the installation steps followed. This setup allows to

•   install  EXLM,  lmgrd as well as license management tools;•   start lmgrd.

For a step-by-step example for the standard installation of the FlexLM license server via the provided installer,please refer to section I.1.3.

If a lmgrd server is already running on a computer, only  EXLM  can be installed and the previous installationof  FlexLM  server be used to manage EXLM.

e-Xstream engineering recommends proceeding with the complete installation and using a separatelmgrd process, not a previously installed one!

For further details, please consult the  FlexLM  end user guide.


Under Windows,   lmgrd   should be started at the end of the installation procedure.   lmgrd   is installed as aWindows service. Windows services are restarted automatically after a reboot. Notice that it is  required to be logged as administrator  in order to install a Windows service.


Under Linux, lmgrd should also be started at the end of the installation procedure but this starting process willbe active only till the next reboot of the Linux machine. Each time the Linux machine is rebooted, the  lmgrdmust be restarted manually (see below). There is no option as for Windows operating system to activateautomatically this  lmgrd  restart.

Remark : The lmgrd server can be installed and run on a computer working with a different operating systemfrom the one on which the Digimat software suite itself is installed and run.

Manual start of the license server

Under both operating systems, Windows as well as Linux, the license server can be started manually. Thecommand to start the process is the following:

lmgrd -c Digimat.lic -l Digimat.log

After lmgrd start-up, a DIGIMAT.log file is created and keeps track, among others, of the license server statusas well as check-ins and check-outs of Digimat licenses.

For debugging purposes, the FlexLM server can also be started in an interactive mode. To do so, please type

lmgrd.exe -c Digimat.lic -l digimat.log -z

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I.2.4. Configuration of the licensing system 41

I.2.4 Configuration of the licensing system

In the   DIGIMAT_Settings.ini  file (see Section  I.4.1), it is required to set the  EXLM_LICENSE_FILE  keyto a valid license file location. Most classical values are:

•   Floating licenses:

port@host  where “host” refers to the IP address or the host name of the computer on which runs thelicense server, and ’port’ is the port to be used to establish the connection between the applicationand the license server (note that a port is not mandatory). Multiple license servers can be definedwith different   @host   references separated by ’:’ under Linux and ’;’ under Windows. Example:EXLM_LICENSE_FILE = @WorkStation1:@

•   Node-locked license file:

The full path to the license file and its name are required.

You can also set in your operating system the EXLM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable in order to avoidthe need to define it in your DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file.

For other values, please refer to the  FlexLM end user guide which is in the root directory of your installationmedia.

If the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file cannot be located during a Digimat job, or if the file does not contain theEXLM_LICENSE_FILE key, licenses will be searched in the previously used licensing locations as well asthe default location, being

•   Windows:   C:\DIGIMAT\licensing,•   Linux:   /usr/local/DIGIMAT/licensing.

Setting the correct license location can be done by using the ’Set license location’ option in the ’License’ menuof the Digimat platform (see Section  I.3.1).

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Installation   I.3

Digimat licensing management

I.3.1 Licensing location   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   44I.3.2 Licensing status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   44


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44 Installation Digimat licensing management

I.3.1 Licensing location

The licensing location can be directly defined by using the settings option of the Digimat platform (seeFigure I.3.1).

Figure I.3.1: Setting the licensing location via the Digimat GUI.

I.3.2 Licensing status

Also available under the settings options (see Figure  I.3.1) is query of the license status. This option gives

the user information about the status of the licenses on the current license server. Licenses in use are seen aschecked out licenses. When they are released, a check-in feature is written in the log file.

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Installation   I.4

Digimat settings

I.4.1 The DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   46I.4.2 Structure of the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   47

Remarks   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

I.4.3 Digimat environment variables   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   51


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46 Installation Digimat settings

I.4.1 The DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file

Digimat settings are set by the   DIGIMAT_Settings.ini   file which contains a list of key-values. This fileis read by Digimat each time the platform is launched to let them become the current settings. The entireDigimat installation can be parameterized by these settings.

Digimat looks in the following directories for the   DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file:

1. in the current working directory, i.e., the directory in which the computation is run;2. in the directory pointed to by the environment variable DIGIMAT_BIN.

Note that Digimat will use the first DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file that it finds!  Since it first looks in thecurrent working directory, it allows using a local settings file, and if none is defined, it is not problematic aslong as it can find the global settings file defined in the folder where the DIGIMAT_BIN variable is pointingto.

The DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file can be modified from the platform settings menu (see Figure I.4.1) or directlyvia a text editor.

Figure I.4.1: Definition of Digimat settings.

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I.4.2. Structure of the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file 47

I.4.2 Structure of the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file

The   DIGIMAT_Settings.ini   file is made of sections delimited by a line ’[SectionKeyWord]’, each sectioncontaining a list of lines ’key = value’.

For the current version, this file is made of a unique section which is identified by the [Default] tag as a headerto the file content. The list of keys that can be used is the following:

•   ABAQUS_Directory: path to the Abaqus root directory.•   Acrobat_Exec: path to Adobe Reader executable, including its name.•  ANSYS_Directory: path to the ANSYS root directory.•  ASTER_Directory: path to the ASTER binaries.•   DIGIMAT2CAE_Directory: path to the Digimat-CAE binaries.•   DIGIMAT2CAE_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-CAE documentation. It is used by Digi-

mat when opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   DIGIMAT2CAE_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-CAE.•   DIGIMAT2MARC_Directory: path to the directory containing Digimat-CAE/Marc executable (see

Section I.5.3).•   DIGIMAT2SAMCEF_Directory: path to the directory containing Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF executable

(see Section I.5.5).•   DIGIMATFE_Directory: path to the Digimat-FE binaries.•   DIGIMATFE_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-FE documentation. It is used by Digimat when

opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   DIGIMATFE_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-FE.•   DIGIMATHC_Directory: path to the Digimat-HC binaries.•   DIGIMATHC_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-HC documentation. It is used by Digi-

mat when opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   DIGIMATHC_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-HC.

•   DIGIMATMF_Directory: path to the Digimat-MF binaries.•   DIGIMATMF_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-MF documentation. It is used by Digi-

mat when opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   DIGIMATMF_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-MF.•   DIGIMATMX_Database_Cluster: list of the locations (localhost and server IP addresses) of servers

on which a successful connection has been made. The first listed value is the location of the serveron which the last successful connection occurred and it is the default value used by Digimat-MX. If nosuccessful connection ever occurred,   localhost is the only value.

•  DIGIMATMX_ Database_Name: Digimat-MX default database to be opened. The default value ismxdb.

•   DIGIMATMX_Directory: path to the Digimat-MX binaries.•   DIGIMATMX_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-MX documentation. It is used by Digi-

mat when opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   DIGIMATMX_Request_Data_Format: length of the content of the email which is automatically

created when requesting data to a material supplier from Digimat-MX. The two possible values are  Long(which is the default) and  Short (which is usually required when using Lotus Notes as e-mail client).

•   DIGIMATMX_User: Digimat-MX user name.•   DIGIMATMX_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-MX.•   DIGIMATRP_Directory: path to the Digimat-RP binaries.•   DIGIMAT_Directory: path to the working directory used by the Digimat platform.•  EXLM_LICENSE_FILE: path to the Digimat license file or to the license server. In the case of a

license server, the IP address must be prefixed by an @ symbol. See Section  I.2.4 for more information.•  HPMPI_Directory: path to the HP-MPI root directory.•  HYPERWORKS_Directory: path to the HyperWorks root directory.•   Log_output: path to the location where Digimat will output its log messages. This is one of the keys

a user could most probably be brought to change. The different choices are:– Default: the Digimat messages will be output to the default location which means, for example:

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48 Installation Digimat settings

∗  in the .log file of the analysis/job if using Digimat-MF or a Digimat-CAE interface;

∗  the dos screen when using the interface to ANSYS, ...–  Any valid path to a file, including its name. The log messages will be output to the indicated file.

•   LSDYNA_Directory: path to the directory containing Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA executable (see Sec-

tion I.5.6).•  LSPREPOST_Directory: path to the LS-PrePost root directory.•  MAP_Directory: path to the Digimat-MAP binaries.•  MAP_Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat-MAP documentation. It is used by Digimat when

opening the documentation (general or context help page) from the GUI.•   MAP_Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat-MAP.•  MARC_Directory: path to the Marc root directory.•  MENTAT_Directory: path to the Mentat root directory.•  MSCNASTRAN_Directory: path to the MSC Nastran root directory.•  Manual_Directory: path to the Digimat documentation.•   PAMCRASH_Directory: path to the PAM-CRASH root directory.•  PATRAN_Directory: path to the Patran root directory.•  RADIOSS_Directory: path to the directory containing Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS executable (see Sec-

tion I.5.10).•  SAMCEF_Directory: path to the Samcef root directory.•   VISUALVIEWER_Directory: path to the Visual-Viewer root directory.•   Working_Directory: path to the working directory used by Digimat.

The following settings are only active when using Digimat enabled products via Altair Gridworks Licensing:

•   ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH: path to the Altair license server, using the format port@IPaddress.•   DIGIMATMX_Crypt: key allowing to encrypt and decrypt Digimat Material files. This key is sent on

request by contacting [email protected].•   DIGIMATMX_User_ID: user ID required to encrypt and decrypt Digimat material files. This ID is

sent on request by contacting [email protected].

All these parameters can be set from the Digimat platform settings manager (see Figure  I.4.1).

An example of a valid DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file is:

[Default]ABAQUS_Directory = C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\6.12-2ANSYS_Directory = C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v145ASTER_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatHC\5.0.1\Code_Aster81Acrobat_Exec = C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exeDIGIMAT2CAE_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\5.0.1\execDIGIMAT2CAE_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\5.0.1\manualDIGIMAT2CAE_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingDIGIMATFE_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatFE\5.0.1\execDIGIMATFE_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatFE\5.0.1\manualDIGIMATFE_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingDIGIMATHC_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatHC\5.0.1\execDIGIMATHC_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatHC\5.0.1\manualDIGIMATHC_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingDIGIMATMF_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatMF\5.0.1\execDIGIMATMF_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatMF\5.0.1\manualDIGIMATMF_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingDIGIMATMX_Database_Cluster = localhostDIGIMATMX_Database_Name = mxdbDIGIMATMX_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatMX\5.0.1\execDIGIMATMX_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatMX\5.0.1\manualDIGIMATMX_User = managerDIGIMATMX_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingDIGIMATRP_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\DigimatRP\5.0.1\execDIGIMAT_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat\5.0.1\execEXLM_LICENSE_FILE = @ = C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP-MPIHYPERWORKS_Directory = C:\Program Files\Altair\11.0\hwLSPREPOST_Directory = C:\Program Files\LSTC\LS-PrePost\3.2-X64Log_output = DefaultMAP_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Map\5.0.1\exec

MAP_Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Map\5.0.1\manualMAP_Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\workingMARC_Directory = C:\MSC.Software\Marc\2012\marc2012

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I.4.2. Structure of the DIGIMAT_Settings.ini file 49

MENTAT_Directory = C:\MSC.Software\Marc\2012\mentat2012MSCNASTRAN_Directory = C:\MSC.Software\MSC_Nastran\20131Manual_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat\5.0.1\manualPAMCRASH_Directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\ESI Group\Virtual-Performance\2013.0PATRAN_Directory = C:\MSC.Software\Patran_x64\20131SAMCEF_Directory = C:\Program Files\Samtech\Samcef\V14.1-02_x64VISUALVIEWER_Directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\ESI Group\Visual-Environment\9.0

Working_Directory = C:\DIGIMAT\working

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50 Installation Digimat settings


 The listing order of the keywords does not matter.•  Trailing or leading white spaces, tabulations, or quotations marks ( ’ ) are removed from the values.•  The initial keyword [Default] must be defined.•  A path including directories with long names can be written in short notation, e.g.,


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I.4.3. Digimat environment variables 51

I.4.3 Digimat environment variables

Environment variables are defined automatically during the installation of Digimat. However their values canbe changed through the Digimat environment variables manager accessible from the Digimat platform topmenu bar.

Figure I.4.2: Definition of Digimat environment variables

The defined system environment variables are the following ones:

•  DIGIMAT_HELP: points towards the directory containing the manual of Digimat.•  DIGIMAT_MATERIALS: points towards the directory which can be used as a default location to store

and retrieve Digimat material files.•  DIGIMAT_BIN: points towards the directory containing the Digimat platform executable and the DIGI-

MAT_Settings.ini file.

All environment variables are automatically created during the installation of Digimat platform. In addition,the path to the shortcuts folder, containing the file that launches the Digimat platform, as well as the pathto the bin folder of Digimat-MX are added to the system environment variable PATH.

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Installation   I.5

Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.1 Digimat-CAE/Abaqus   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   54Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Abaqus Configuration   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

I.5.2 Digimat-CAE/ANSYS   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   57

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS for Windows   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS Workbench for Windows   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS for Linux   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Configuration of Remote Solve Manager   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

I.5.3 Digimat-CAE/Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   66

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Windows platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Linux platforms   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Installation of the Digimat plugin for Marc Mentat   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

I.5.4 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   70

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Licensing for Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400 computations   . . . . . . . . . . . 70

I.5.5 Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   71

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

I.5.6 Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   74

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Linux platforms   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Windows platform   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Licensing for parallel Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

I.5.7 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   78

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Licensing for Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700 computations   . . . . . . . . . . . 78

I.5.8 Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   79

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Dynamic libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

I.5.9 Digimat-CAE/Hypermesh and Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Bulk   . . . . . . . . . .   81

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

I.5.10 Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block 51  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   84

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Dynamic libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84Static libraries   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


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54 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.11 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL1XX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   87

Installation procedure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

I.5.12 Digimat-CAE/nCode DesignLife   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   88

I.5.13 Digimat-CAE/VirtualLab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   89

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I.5.1. Digimat-CAE/Abaqus 55

I.5.1 Digimat-CAE/Abaqus

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and Abaqus.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/Abaqus is provided as a set of dynamic libraries. These libraries contain Digimat capabilities,allowing the use of Digimat materials in Abaqus analyses. This link can be performed on both Linux andWindows operating systems.

Dynamic libraries are version dependent. This means that libraries provided for Abaqus 6.13 cannot be usedwith Abaqus 6.14.

Dynamic libraries are located in the directory


of the Digimat installation. This directory contains one subfolder of the type  lib_v6.X-X for each supportedversion of Abaqus. Each of these folders contains three dynamic libraries:

•  one single precision library for Abaqus/Explicit: explicitU.dll (Windows) or libexplicitU.so (Linux)•  one double precision library for Abaqus/Explicit: explicitU-D.dll (Windows) or libexplicitU-D.so (Linux)•  one double precision library for Abaqus/Standard: standardU.dll (Windows) or libstandardU.so (Linux)

For Windows platforms, they also contain dynamic libraries for third-party components

•   digimathdf5_cppdll.dll•   digimathdf5_hldll.dll•   digimathdf5dll.dll•  digimatMathTools.dll•   szip.dll•   tinyxmlSTL.dll•   zlib.dll

If the location of the dynamic libraries is changed, all the third-party components must also be moved to thenew location.

Abaqus Configuration

For Windows platforms   An environment file abaqus_v6.env is provided with the Digimat installation foreach supported Abaqus version. This file is located in the


directory. To launch a coupled analyis, simply copy this environment file to the working directory, i.e., thedirectory from where the Abaqus job is launched.

To launch parallel computations, MS-Message Passing Interface (MPI) must be installed by using the installershipped with Abaqus. If MS-MPI is not installed, it can be downloaded at the  Microsoft homepage.

The path to the Abaqus installation must be specified during the installation of Digimat. The Digimat plugins

are automatically installed for this version of Abaqus. To use another version of Abaqus with the plugins, theabaqus_v6.env file, located in

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56 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces


must be edited by adding the following line:

plugin_central_dir = r"C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Aba\abaqus_plugins\"

For Linux platforms   The abaqus_v6.env file, located in


must be edited by adding the following at the end of the file (replacing the versions and location by theinstalled Digimat and Abaqus version):

usub_lib_dir = "/opt/Digimat/Digimat2CAE/X.X.X/exec/digi2aba/lib_6.XX-X"


import os, socket

os.environ["ABA_BATCH_OVERRIDE"] = "1"

os.environ["ABA_MPI_SKIP_BUNCH_NODES"] = "1"

 mp_mode = MPIcpus = globals().get("cpus", locals().get("cpus", 1))

 mp_host_list = []

for i in range(cpus):

 mp_host_list.append([socket.gethostname(), 1])

del i

To run a job on several nodes, the last five lines must be replaced by:


Where node1 and node2 are the name or IP address of the nodes where computation is ran. The node namemust be repeated as many times as there are cores on this node, and the "1" cannot be replaced by the numberof cores on the node. This ensures that MPI parallelization is used, and not and shared memory parallelization

(which is default for Abaqus and is not supported by Digimat).

Executing a parallel job under Windows 64-bit

In addition to single processor computation on Windows 32- and 64-bit, it is possible to also perform parallelcomputations under Windows 64 bits. After having configured Digimat-CAE/Abaqus interface (see   I.5.1beforehand), user should should open a dos command prompt.

The command used to start a parallel computation is

•   For Digimat-CAE/Abaqus Standard  and Digimat-CAE/Abaqus Explicit:

abq6122.exe job=name_of_the_Abaqus_input cpus=n

The command used to start a computation on a single processor is the same, except that the


argument is omitted.

Executing a parallel job under Linux 64-bit

Parallel computations, as well as single processor computation, involving Digimat-CAE/Abaqus interfaces(Standard or Explicit) can be performed under Linux 64-bit using MPI.

The first step is to add Digimat third-party libraries to  LD_LIBRARY_PATH  environment variable:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=DIGIMAT_INSTALL/Digimat/Digimat/X.X.X/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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I.5.1. Digimat-CAE/Abaqus 57

where DIGIMAT_INSTALL  is the Digimat installation directory (e.g.,  /opt) and  X.X.X is the Digimat version.

The number of CPU over which the job has to be launched must be specified in the command line. To dothis, user should open a shell command prompt.

The command to start the parallel computation is:

abq6122.exe job=name_of_the_Abaqus_input cpus=n

The command used to start a computation on a single processor is the same, except that the


argument is omitted.

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58 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.2 Digimat-CAE/ANSYS

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and ANSYS.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS is provided as a set of dynamic libraries. These libraries contain Digimat capabilities,allowing to use Digimat materials in ANSYS analyses.

For more information concerning supported ANSYS releases and platforms, please refer to the apppendix  ??.

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS for Windows

The Digimat-CAE/ANSYS interface for the Windows operating system is distributed in two parts. The firstpart contains third-party components as listed in the following:

•   digimathdf5_cppdll.dll•   digimathdf5_hldll.dll•   digimathdf5dll.dll•  digimatMathTools.dll•   szip.dll•   tinyxmlSTL.dll•   zlib.dll

These files are found in the


folder of the Digimat installation. The second part contains the libraries which are crucial for the installationprocess of the Digimat-CAE/ANSYS interface:

•   UserMatLib.dll•   USolBegLib.dll•   USolFinLib.dll

These dynamic libraries can be found in three different sub-folders:




In order to use Digimat-CAE/ANSYS, the user simply needs to point the environment variable


to the directory containing the required dynamic libraries. Which ones to use depends on the modus operandithat will be used for the Ansys solver (single processor using SMP or multi processor using DMP):

•  Configuration for single processor computation: point the environment variable to the sub folder calledDigimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Ansys\SMP

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I.5.2. Digimat-CAE/ANSYS 59

•  Configuration for DMP parallel computations:

– DMP - Platform-MPI∗  Point the environment variable to the sub folder called  DMP_PCMPI

– DMP - MS-MPI∗  Point the environment variable to the sub folder called  DMP_MSMPI

Under Windows operating system the environmental variables can be accessed by right-clicking "computer"and moving to the "Properties" option. The "Advanced settings" will contain a choice to set "Environmentvariables...". Please refer to Figures I.5.1 to I.5.3 for an example related to Winfows 7 operating system.

Figure I.5.1: Setting the ANS_USER_PATH environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - step 1.

Alternatively the Windows command prompt can be used to set the environmental variable. Executing a

command line (C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe), e.g., for  DMP_PCMPI computation:

set ANS_USER_PATH=C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Ansys\DMP_PCMPI

will set the required environmental variable.

The path to  digi2ansys library and to the third-party libraries digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimathdf5_hldll.dll,digimathdf5dll.dll, digimatMathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll is written in the PATH environmentvariables when installing Digimat. If these libraries are moved to another directory, PATH variable has to beupdated by adding the location of this new directory.

Distributed computation with MS-MPI can be executed only if the Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 is installed. Thiscan be downloaded at the Microsoft homepage. After the installation, please check that the following path is

added in the PATH environment variable:   C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008\Bin.If a bad version of MS_MPI is used, the computation will stop immediately.

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60 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Figure I.5.2: Setting the ANS_USER_PATH environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - steps 2 and3.

Multiple installation of Digimat software   In case the user wants to have multiple versions of Digimatinstalled in parallel, special action has to be taken to create a clean installation. It is explicitly not possible tohave several locations of digi2Ansys defined in the PATH variable.

Thus the PATH (system or user) variable has to be adjusted manually and must point to only one single locationof a Digimat installation for the ANSYS interface, e.g.,


where X.X.X  corresponds to the desired Digimat version.

Note:  When uninstalling Digimat, this information given in the  PATH variable is not deleted.

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I.5.2. Digimat-CAE/ANSYS 61

Figure I.5.3: Setting the ANS_USER_PATH environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - step 4 and5.

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS Workbench for Windows

Installation of Digimat material library

Once Digimat in installed, user has to check that the Digimat material library has been added in the engineeringdata sources, using the following procedure:

1. Open ANSYS Workbench.2. Open the "Engineering data"  item in the main window of ANSYS Workbench (Figure I.5.4).3. Double click on the "Engineering data"  item that appeared in the project frame (Figure I.5.5).4. Open the "Engineering data sources"  window by clicking the corresponding icon (Figure  I.5.6).5. Click at the bottom of the C column to add an existing data source from a file (Figure I.5.7).6. Browse to the "workbenchSimulationWizard"  directory in the Digimat installation directory

(e.g.,   C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Ansys) and select the file  "DigimatDummyMa-terial.xml"   which adds the library  "DigimatDummyMaterial"   to the engineering data sources (FigureI.5.8).

To check that the Digimat material library has been added to the engineering data sources, the data source"DigimatDummyMaterial"  must appear in the list of engineering data sources (see Figure  I.5.9).

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62 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Figure I.5.4: Entering in the "Engineering Data" section, step 1.

Figure I.5.5: Entering in the "Engineering Data" section, step 2.

Figure I.5.6: Opening the "Engineering Data Sources" window.

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I.5.2. Digimat-CAE/ANSYS 63

Figure I.5.7: Adding a new engineering data source.

Figure I.5.8: Selecting the file "DigimatDummyMaterial.xml".

Figure I.5.9: Checking the creation of the data source "DigimatDummyMaterial"

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64 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Installation of Digimat-CAE /ANSYS Workbench ACT plugin

With ANSYS v14.5 and v15.0, an additional ACT extension is available for the the ANSYS/Workbenchenvironment. This add-on module simplifies the integration of Digimat materials in an FE analysis, the post-processing of some Digimat history variables, and provides a better integration with Digimat-MAP. It is based

on the Application Customization Toolkit environment, and does not require any specific licensing feature.

In order to be able to use this extension, the user must install the  DigimatACTplugin extension, followingthis step-by-step procedure:

1. Open ANSYS Workbench.

2. Click on menu bar item "Extension" , then  "Install extension..."   (Figure I.5.10).

3. In the window that pops up, browse to the  "DigimatACTplugin.wbex" file, provided in the Digimat di-rectory, in the sub-folder:   Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Ansys\workbenchACTplugin.

This will install the extension by copying the corresponding files in the user’s directory:


Figure I.5.10: Installing the DigimatACTplugin extension for ANSYS Workbench.

For each new ANSYS/Workbench session where the Digimat ACT plugin is needed, it must be loaded byclicking "Extension"  then "Manage extension..."  in the menu bar, and ticking the  DigimatACTplugin extension(Figure I.5.11). It is also possible to automatically load this extension, by going in the trough the  "Extension" tab of the  "Options"  window (Figure I.5.12).

Remark:   : The Digimat ACT plugin is specific to a given ANSYS Workbench extension, but also to a givenDigimat version; so make sure to reinstall the plugin when you upgrade your ANSYS or Digimat version, and

to edit your environment variables so that the plugin version matches the Digimat version called by ANSYS.Moreover, the plugin can only be used with Digimat 6.0.1 an later versions; using a lower version will block

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I.5.2. Digimat-CAE/ANSYS 65

Figure I.5.11: Loading the DigimatACTplugin extension for ANSYS Workbench.

Figure I.5.12: Automatic loading of the DigimatACTplugin extension for ANSYS Workbench.

the "Hybrid Parameters generation" capability of the plugin, and may also result in unrecognized keywords inthe material file.

Digimat-CAE/ANSYS for Linux

Under Linux, the Digimat-CAE/ANSYS interface is distributed using the shared library

•   libansuser.so

This library can be found in the Digimat installation directory, e.g.,


In order to use Digimat-CAE/ANSYS the user simply needs to set the  ANS_USER_PATH environment variableto the directory containing the libansuser.so library.

This can be done for example by executing a command similar to the following line in the command prompt:

export ANS_USER_PATH=/opt/Digimat/Digimat2CAE/X.X.X/exec/digi2ansys:


Configuration of Remote Solve Manager

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66 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

In order to run Digimat/ANSYS coupled analyses through the Remote Solve Manager, it is necessary tomodify the following configuration file (assuming a default installation of ANSYS):C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\vXXX\RSM\Config\xml\Ansys_Generic.xml.

This file must be replaced (or edited) following the file provided in the Digimat directory, in the sub-folder:

Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Ansys\RemoteSolveManager\vXX.X. This operation will require admin-istrator rights.

The additional lines will force the Remote Solve Manager to copy the Digimat input files (material file,orientation file, etc...) from the local analysis directory to the remote scratch directory, and to retieve theDigimat files after computation.

Remark:    The RSM configuration file must be edited on the local machine, but also on the masternode of the remote machine.  This is especially important when the remote machine is a multi-node cluster.

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I.5.3. Digimat-CAE/Marc 67

I.5.3 Digimat-CAE/Marc

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and Marc.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/Marc is the module containing the Digimat capabilities and the required interfaces in order tobe linked with the Marc implicit solver. Linking in general is performed in a static way. For more informationon supported versions and platforms, please refer to the appendix   ??. In the following,   X.X.X   and   201X

denote the Digimat version number, i.e., 6.0.1, and the number of a supported version of Marc, e.g., 2013.1,respectively.

Windows platforms

The Digimat-CAE/Marc library is embedded inside the Marc executable by linking both libraries. Hence thefollowing tools and libraries are required in order to generate the executable.

Prerequisites for the linking between Digimat and Marc

The linking procedure requires the following files available from the Digimat and Marc installation directoriese.g.,

•   C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2marc

•   C:\MSC.Software\Marc\201X\marc201X

For Digimat, the following libraries are needed:

•  digi2marc20131I8.obj   if Marc version 2013.1 is targeted.•  digi2marc20140I8.obj   if Marc version 2014.0 is targeted.•  libifcoremt.lib

•  libifcoremd.lib

•   libmmd.lib

•   libmmt.lib

•   ifconsol.lib

•   libifport.lib

•   libirc.lib

•   svml_disp.lib

•  svml_dispmd.lib

•  svml_dispmt.lib

•  libifportmd.lib

•  libiomp5md.lib

For Marc, the following libraries are needed:

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68 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

•  All files located in  lib\win64i8

•  All files located in  intelmkl\win64i8

•  All files located in  intelmpi\win64\lib

•  All files located in  msmpi\win64\lib

•  All files located in  xdr_lib\win64

To link Digimat and Marc libraries together, a linker is needed. Therefore the following software must beinstalled before linking Digimat-CAE/Marc.

•  Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop–   See Section  ?? on how to install this software.

•  Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 if user intents to perform parallel computation using MS-Message PassingInterface (MS-MPI). It can be downloaded at the following address:  Microsoft homepage.

To perform the   linking procedure on Windows platforms, please perform the following steps:

1. Go to the directory of Marc version to be used. This directory depends on the Marc version that userwants to couple with Digimat and on the MPI to be used (MS-MPI or INTEL-MPI). For example, if using Marc 2013.1 coupled with INTEL-MPI for parallel computations, the directoryC:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2marc\2013.1\INTELMPI

must be selected. If no parallel computation is planned, the makefile located in INTELMPI directorymust be used.

2. Edit the  MARCDIR  of the file makefile to point to the right Marc installation directory (by default, it isset to the Marc default installation)

3. Double-click on the  nmake_x64.bat file located next to the makefile.

This procedure generates the new executable  digi2marc.exe. This new executable replaces the original marc.exe file. It requires the file digi2marc20131I8.dll (if using Marc 2013.1) or digi2marc20140I8.dll

(for Marc 2014.0) and the third-party component libraries digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimathdf5_hldll.dll, digi-mathdf5dll.dll, digimatMathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll to be placed in the same directory. Thosefiles are located in directory  C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2marc

Launching Digimat-CAE/Marc computations on Windows platforms

For a single processor application, in a DOS command prompt, execute the command:

[MARC_INSTALL_DIR]\tools\run_marc.bat -j model.dat

-prog [DIGI2MARC_DIR]\digi2marc

where  [MARC_INSTALL_DIR]   is the Marc installation directory and  [DIGI2MARC_DIR]   the directory wheredigi2marc.exe has been created.

To launch   computation using MS-MPI, the preliminary following steps are required to run Marc DDM i8with MS-MPI, if the full Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack (CCP) is not installed:

1. Install the Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2. This can be installed from the  Microsoft homepage.   Therequired file is mpi_x64.msi (for WIN/XP 64-bit OS). If a bad version of MS-MPI is used, the compu-tation will stop immediately

2. Move to directory

[MARC_INSTALL_DIR]\toolsand edit the file  include_win64.bat. Change the lines 103 from:

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I.5.3. Digimat-CAE/Marc 69

if %MPITYPE%==ms-mpi SET RUN_JOB1=

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack\bin\mpiexec.exe"


rem if %MPITYPE%==ms-mpi SET RUN_JOB1=

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack\bin\mpiexec.exe"if %MPITYPE%==ms-mpi SET RUN_JOB1=

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2\Bin\mpiexec.exe"

Save and exit.

3. Edit the file run_marc.bat.Change the line 1414 (Marc 2013.1) or 1418 (Marc 2014.0) from:

set run_job=%run_job1% -n %nprocd% "%execnm%" -jid %jid% %nprocdarg%

%nprocdddm% %nsolverarg% %nsolver% -maxnum %maxnum% -itree %itree%

%ntearg% %nte% %ntsarg% %nts% %gpuoption% -dirjob "%dirjob%" %cpinp%



rem set run_job=%run_job1% -n %nprocd% "%execnm%" -jid %jid% %nprocdarg%

%nprocdddm% %nsolverarg% %nsolver% -maxnum %maxnum% -itree %itree%

%ntearg% %nte% %ntsarg% %nts% %gpuoption% -dirjob "%dirjob%" %cpinp%


set run_job=%run_job1% -n %nprocd% "%execnm%" -jid %jid% %nprocdarg%

%nprocdddm% %nsolverarg% %nsolver% -maxnum %maxnum% -itree %itree%

-nthread %nthread% %gpuoption% -dirjob "%dirjob%" %cpinp% %cpres%

Save and Exit.

Now DDM run using MS-MPI can be executed by using the command in a command prompt:


-j model.dat

-prog {[DIGI2MARC_DIR]\digi2marc}

-nps [N] -mpi ms-mpi

where [N] is the number of CPUs.

Launching Digimat-CAE/Marc computations via Marc Mentat

To use Marc Mentat to launch computations, supersede the original exectuable  marc.exe:

1. Create a backup of the original file[MARC_INSTALL_DIR]\bin\win64i8\marc.exe (e.g.,  marc_orig.exe);

2. Copy the file  digi2marc.exe   in the directory   [MARC_INSTALL_DIR]\bin\win64i8   and rename it marc.exe;

3. Copy the file digi2marc.dll and the third-party component libraries digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimat-hdf5_hldll.dll, digimathdf5dll.dll, digimatMathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll in the samedirectory.

Linux platforms

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70 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Linking of Digimat-CAE/Marc executable

To be able to link the customized Digimat-CAE/Marc executable, the following software are required:

•  An installation of a supported version of Marc;•  Access to  g++, the GNU C++ compiler.

The Digimat-CAE/Marc objects needed to link the executable are located in the following directory:


where [DIGIMAT_INSTALL_DIR] is the installation directory of Digimat 6.0.1 (e.g.,  /opt/Digimat).

•  Edit the  makefile   located in this directory so that the first line with the definition of the path to theMarc 201X.X installation is correct (e.g., for Marc 2014.0)

MARC_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/msc/Marc/marc2014.0/marc2014•  In a shell, move to that directory and type

 make•   The executable  digi2marc.marc.exec should have been created.

Launching Digimat-CAE/Marc computations on Linux platforms

To launch computations under Linux platforms, write a script containing the following lines:


[MARC_INSTALL_DIR]/tools/run_marc -j nameProblem.dat -prog


-nps [N] -mpi hpmpi

where  [PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE]  is the adress of the machine where the license server is installed,  [PORT]

the port used by the Marc license server,  [DIGIMAT_INSTALL_DIR]   the Digimat installation directory and[N] the number of CPUs. The  nps  argument is not mandatory for 1 CPU.  -mpi hpmpi ensures that the usedMPI is HP-MPI and not Intel-MPI (not supported).

Installation of the Digimat plugin for Marc Mentat

The plugin files are stored in


During the Digimat installation procedure, those files are also copied in a Digimat folder in the Marc Mentatinstallation directory:   [MENTAT_INSTALL_DIR]/digimat. If the Marc Mentat installation directory does notcontain a Digimat folder, copy it from the Digimat installation (cf.   mentat_plugin   directory here above).This might happen if Marc Mentat was installed after Digimat or if several versions of Marc Mentat areinstalled in which case the Digimat folder was created only in the installation directory of the latest version.

To be able to use the plugin from within Marc Mentat, perform the following steps.

1. Insert the content of the file[MENTAT_INSTALL_DIR]/digimat/mentatPlugin.xml

at the end of the file [MENTAT_INSTALL_DIR]/menus/menubar.xml (just before the last line, containing</menubar>). Create first a backup of the original file  menubar.xml  (e.g.,  menubar_orig.xml) andpossibly disable the "Read only" status in the file properties.

2. Compile the Digimat plugin menu file digimat.ms by running the following command from the directorycontaining the  digimat.ms  file):

[MENTAT_INSTALL_DIR]/bin/mentat -compile main.msbCopy the new file  main.msb  in  [MENTAT_INSTALL_DIR]/menus/win64 after having created a backupof the original file  main.msb  (e.g.,  main_orig.msb).

To launch computations set up using the plugin from within Marc Mentat, supersede the original executable marc.exe  (cf. section about launching Digimat-CAE/Marc computations via Marc Mentat here above).

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I.5.4. Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400 71

I.5.4 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and MSC NastranSOL400.

Installation procedure

Digimat and MSC Nastran SOL400 can be coupled together by the use of dynamic libraries. These librariescontain Digimat capabilities, allowing to use Digimat materials in MSC Nastran SOL400 analyses. This linkis performed on both Linux and Windows operating systems. Dynamic libraries are distributed by MSC inNastran 2015.0.

For Digimat 6.0.1, the 2015.0 version of MSC Nastran software is supported (see appendix   ??   for moreinformation).

Executing a job under Windows 64-bit using command line

MSC_INSTALL_DIR\MSC_Nastran\20150\bin\nast2015.exe nameOfInputDeck.bdf

where MSC_INSTALL_DIR  is the installation directory of MSC Software.

Executing a job under Windows 64-bit using MSC Nastran configuration GUI

Launch MSC Nastran 2015. Then select the input deck to be used and click on Run. Note that, as Digimatcommands are not recognized by Patran, it is not possible to launch a coupled Digimat MSC Nastran SOL400

computation from Patran.

Executing a parallel job under Windows 64-bit

For Digimat 6.0.1, parallel processing is not stable and currently not recommended.

Executing a parallel job under Linux 64-bit

For Digimat 6.0.1, parallel processing is not stable and currently not recommended.

Licensing for Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL400 computations

As Digimat libraries are distributed by MSC, licensing works using MSC Nastran features. To be able tolaunch Digimat to Nastran computations, the user needs to request NA_DIGIMAT and NA_DIGIMAT_DMP licensefeatures to its local MSC distributor.

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72 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.5 Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and SAMCEF/Mecanoand SAMCEF/Dynam.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF is the module containing the Digimat capabilities and the required interfaces in order tobe linked with the SAMCEF/Mecano implicit solver and SAMCEF/Dynam modal solver. Linking is performedin a static way. For more information on supported versions and platforms, please refer to the appendix  ??.

The Digimat material library is embedded inside the SAMCEF/Mecano and SAMCEF/Dynam executables by

linking both the libraries together.

Prerequisites for the link between Digimat and SAMCEF

SAMCEF libraries

Official SAMCEF installation CD is shipped with the SAMCEF libraries that are necessary to use Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF. As Digimat interacts with SAMCEF as a user material, the user has to install these usermaterial libraries.


To link Digimat and SAMCEF/Mecano and SAMCEF/Dynam libraries together, a linker is needed. Beforelinking Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF, therefore the following software must be installed:

•  For Windows 64-bit platform:–  Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop

∗   See Section ?? on how to install this software•  For Linux platform:

–  Need g++ the GNU c++ compiler, shipped with all Linux distributions.

Linking between Digimat and SAMCEF under Windows Platform

A link must be performed between SAMCEF and the Digimat material library. This link between Digimat andSAMCEF libraries provides new SAMCEF/Mecano and SAMCEF/Dynam executables called  my_mecano.exe

and  my_dynam.exe.

To link the SAMCEF/Mecano and SAMCEF/Dynam executables with the Digimat libraries, the followingprocedure is to be applied.

1. Copy the Lib directory found in the  Muser  directory of the SAMCEF installation(e.g.,   C:\Program Files\Samtech\Samcef\Muser\Lib) in the  digi2Samcef  directory in the Digi-mat installation directory(e.g., C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Samcef\v14.1-2).

2. Copy the files mecano.obj and  dynam.obj from the  Muser\Src  directory of the SAMCEF installationinto the  digi2Samcef directory.

3. Copy all .dll files from the  Muser\Exe   directory of the SAMCEF installation into the  digi2Samcef


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I.5.5. Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF 73

4. Open a   VS2012 x64 Cross tools   command prompt, move to the   digi2Samcef   directory and typenmake my_mecano (respectively  nmake my_dynam) to generate the new  my_mecano.exe  (respectively my_dynam.exe) executable.

5. Add the following lines in the samrc.ini  file found in the  Exec  directory of the SAMCEF installation(adapt the Digimat install path, version, and SAMCEF version):

 module*mm.me: my_mecano


 module*md.dy: my_dynam


If the location of the executables  my_mecano.exe and/or my_dynam.exe are changed, the  digi2samcef.dll

file and the third-party components libraries digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimathdf5_hldll.dll, digimathdf5dll.dll,digimatMathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll must also move to this new location.

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74 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Linking between Digimat and SAMCEF under Linux Platform

A link must be performed between SAMCEF and the Digimat material library. This link between Digimat andSAMCEF libraries provides two new SAMCEF executables called  my_mecano  and  my_dynam.

1. Edit the  makefile   located in the /opt/Digimat/Digimat2CAE/X.X.X/exec/digi2samcef/vXX.X-X_iXdirectory to point to the Samcef installation (e.g., /opt/samcef/v14.1-2/i8/.

2. Compile by typing make my_mecano and   make my_dynam.

3. Add the following lines in the samrc.ini  file found in the  Exec  directory of the SAMCEF installation(adapt the Digimat install path, version, and SAMCEF version):

 module*mm.me: my_mecano


 module*md.dy: my_dynam


Launching Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF computations

To launch a SAMCEF/Mecano analysis, simply replace the usual  me by  mm  in the command line, for instance

samcef ba,mm,bp analyis.dat n 1

To launch a SAMCEF/Dynam analysis, simply replace the usual  dy  by  md in the command line, for instance

samcef ba,md,bp analyis.dat n 1

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I.5.6. Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA 75

I.5.6 Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and LS-DYNA.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA is the module containing the Digimat capabilities and the required interfaces in orderto be linked with the LS-DYNA FE explicit and implicit solvers. Depending on the platform that is used,linking is performed either in a dynamic or a static way. For more information on supported versions andplatforms, please refer to the appendix  ??.

Linux platforms

Under Linux operating system   Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA is provided as a dynamic library. For Intel-MPIcomputation, an additional link operation is needed.

Platform-MPI libraries

The dynamic Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA libraries and associated LS-DYNA executables are called

•  For LS-DYNA 6.1.2:

–  For single precision: libmpp971_s_74965.81143_usermat.so andls-dyna_mpp_s_r6_1_2_85274_x64_redhat54_ifort120_sse2_platformmpi_sharelib

–  For double precision: libmpp971_d_74965.81143_usermat.so andls-dyna_mpp_d_r6_1_2_85274_x64_redhat54_ifort120_sse2_platformmpi_sharelib

•  For LS-DYNA 7.1.1:

–   For single precision: libmppdyna_s_86848.84183_usermat.so andls-dyna_mpp_d_r7_1_1_88920_x64_redhat54_ifort131_sse2_platformmpi_sharelib

–   For double precision: libmppdyna_d_86848.84183_usermat.so andls-dyna_mpp_d_r7_1_1_88920_x64_redhat54_ifort131_sse2_platformmpi_sharelib

Intel-MPI libraries

The additional link operation is described hereafter. For each version provided, the process to link the Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA executable is the same:

•  Make sure the GNU C++  g++   compiler is installed.

•  Get LS-DYNA libraries from your LS-DYNA distributor:

–  Copy all the   .a  and the  .o  files corresponding to the target version of Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA inthe directory corresponding to this version in the Digimat installation tree.

•  Edit the  makefile  to make sure that the path to Intel-MPI library is correct.

 Type make in a shell command.•   An executable should be created in the directory, named mppdyna.exe.

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76 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Configure Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA computations

The following operations have to be performed to be able to use the shared Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA libraryon Linux cluster:

•  For all versions

–  The Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA shared library is compiled using Intel C++ Compiler V13. Therefore,it is linked to Intel system libraries.

–  These libraries are shipped with Digimat. They are found in the installation folder, e.g.,


•   Needed to:

–  Update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that latter folder is the first listed inthis variable, i.e.,

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Digimat/Digimat/X.X.X/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

–   If using INTEL-MPI, make sure that no Intel libraries are next to the Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNAlibrary, i.e., keep it in the Digimat installation folder.

–  Check that the right libraries are used in the environment used to launch the job. Replace  mpirunby ldd  and check that all Intel Libraries come from the Digimat installation:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Digimat/Digimat/X.X.X/lib/:


$ ldd mppdyna

linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffd93ff000)

libmpigf.so.4 => /opt/intel/impi/4.1.3/lib64/libmpigf.so.4


libmpi.so.4 => /opt/intel/impi/4.1.3/lib64/libmpi.so.4 (0x00002b808ec17000)

libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x0000003c6bc00000)

librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x0000003c6c800000)

libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000003c6c000000)

libdigi2dynaV612SingleINTELMPI.so =>


libdigi2dynaV612SingleINTELMPI.so (0x00002b808f29c000)

libdigimathdf5_hl_cpp.so.7.3.0 => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libdigimathdf5_hl_cpp.so.7.3.0 (0x00002b808fc10000)

libdigimathdf5_hl.so.7.3.0 => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/

libdigimathdf5_hl.so.7.3.0 (0x00002b808fd13000)

libdigimathdf5_cpp.so.7.3.0 => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/

libdigimathdf5_cpp.so.7.3.0 (0x00002b808fe41000)

libdigimathdf5.so.7.3.0 => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/

libdigimathdf5.so.7.3.0 (0x00002b808ffb3000)

libcryptopp.so =>

/opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libcryptopp.so (0x00002b809035a000)

libdigimatMathTools.so => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/

libdigimatMathTools.so (0x00002b80907a9000)

libtinyxmlSTL.so =>

/opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libtinyxmlSTL.so (0x00002b80909bb000)libsvml.so => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libsvml.so (0x00002b8090ad6000)

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I.5.6. Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA 77

libifport.so.5 =>

/opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libifport.so.5 (0x00002b80913a4000)

libifcore.so.5 =>

/opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libifcore.so.5 (0x00002b80915d3000)

libimf.so => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libimf.so (0x00002b809190a000)

libirc.so => /opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libirc.so (0x00002b8091dc6000)

libintlc.so.5 =>

/opt/Digimat/Digimat/6.0.1/lib/libintlc.so.5 (0x00002b8092014000)

libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x0000003c72800000)

libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x0000003c6b800000)

libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x0000003c71c00000)

libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x0000003c6b400000)

/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000003c6b000000)

–   If in the results of the latter command some Intel libraries are found somewhere else than in theDigimat installation, it is likely that the following error message will appear:

symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: __intel_sse2_strcpy

This is because the function is defined in the new Intel libraries (shipped with Digimat) but not inthe older one that may exist on the Linux machine.

Launching Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA under Linux

To launch a Linux job of Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA, the very same procedure as to launch a LS-DYNA standalone job can be followed. The only differences are:

•  Use the correct version of LS-DYNA, i.e., the one that looks for a user material library•  Make sure that this executable sees the right LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, i.e., the one

pointing to Intel libraries shipped with Digimat, and to the right Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA library:–  libmpp971_X_XXXXX.XXXXX_usermat.so for Platform-MPI–   libdigi2dynaVXXXDoubleINTELMPI.so for Intel-MPI

If running across multiple nodes, it is recommended to define a bash script containing:#!/bin/bash

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.../Digimat/X.X.X/lib:.../Digimat2CAE\


path_to_the_right_mpp_executable $@

exit $?make it executable:

chmod a+x launch_script.shand call this script rather than the LS-DYNA executable, with the very same arguments, i.e.,

 mpirun -np 4 path_to_my_launch_script.sh i=input.k

Windows platform

Under Windows operating system a static linking procedure must be followed.

For each version provided, the process to link the Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA executable is the same:

•  Make sure Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop is installed (See Section  ??  onhow to install this software)

•  Get LS-DYNA libraries from your LS-DYNA distributor:–   Digimat   does NOT support ANSYS licensing. So, the   libdyna.lib   to request and use for

compilation must correspond to LS-DYNA licensing only. It is a different file than the one providedalong with  libansys.lib.

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78 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

•  Double-click on the  nmake_x64.bat .•  An executable should be created in the directory, named mpp971.exe, mpp971d.exe depending on the

version (single or double precision).•  If the executable is not created, check the following:

–  The path to the installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop in the.bat script if Visual Studio 2012 has not been installed in the default directory.

•  The lstc_client.exe executable next to the Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA one is needed. It can be found inLS-DYNA installation.

Please notice that LS-DYNA libraries (libdyna.lib) are NOT provided together with the Digimat soft-ware.

LS-DYNA distributor can be contacted to get access to the library files required for the linking procedure. Fordetailed information on supported versions and platforms, please refer to the appendix  ??.

Prerequisites for the link between Digimat and LS-DYNA

To link Digimat and LS-DYNA libraries together on Windows platforms, a linker is needed. Before linking

Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA, therefore the following software must be installed:

•  For all Windows platforms:

–  Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop∗   See Section ?? on how to install this software

•   For parallel computations on Windows 64 bits platforms

•  Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 (needed for MS-MPI versions)–  An installer can be downloaded at  Microsoft home page

•  Platform MPI (needed for PC-MPI versions)–  An installer can be downloaded at  IBM home page

Licensing for parallel Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA computations

In order to run on ’n’ cores an application using Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA interface, one license for the Digimat-CAE/LS-DYNA interface is needed, as well as ’n-1’ Digimat parallel tokens.

If the job also involves, for example, the Digimat-CAE/Moldflow interface, only one license of that additionalinterface will be required.

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I.5.7. Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700 79

I.5.7 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and MSC NastranSOL700.

Installation procedure

Digimat and MSC Nastran SOL700 can be coupled together by the use of dynamic libraries. These librariescontain Digimat capabilities, allowing to use Digimat materials in MSC Nastran SOL700 analyses. This linkis performed on both Linux and Windows operating systems. Dynamic libraries are distributed by MSC inNastran 2015.0.

For Digimat 6.0.1, the 2015.0 version of MSC Nastran software is supported (see appendix   ??   for moreinformation).

Executing a job under Windows 64-bit using command line

MSC_INSTALL_DIR\MSC_Nastran\20150\bin\nast2015.exe nameOfInputDeck.dat

where MSC_INSTALL_DIR  is the installation directory of MSC Software.

Executing a job under Windows 64-bit using MSC Nastran configuration GUI

Launch MSC Nastran 2015. Then select the input deck to be used and click on Run. Note that, as Digimat

commands are not recognized by Patran, it is not possible to launch a coupled Digimat MSC Nastran SOL700computation from Patran.

Licensing for Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL700 computations

As Digimat libraries are distributed by MSC, licensing works using MSC Nastran features. To be able tolaunch Digimat to Nastran computations, the user needs to request NA_DIGIMAT and NA_DIGIMAT_DMP licensefeatures to its local MSC distributor.

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80 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.8 Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and PAM-CRASH.Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH is the material library containing the Digimat linear and nonlinear multi-scalematerial modeling capabilities:

libcsm_user.dll (under the Windows operating system)

libcsm_user.so (under Linux operating system)

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH is the module containing the Digimat capabilities and the required interfaces inorder to be linked with the PAM-CRASH explicit solver. Linking in general is performed either in a dynamicor a static way. For more information on supported versions and platforms, please refer to the appendix  ??.

Dynamic libraries

For Digimat 6.0.1, a set of dynamic libraries is provided for the Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH interface, bothfor single and double precision. The installation procedure for the dynamic library is straightforward. Whileinstalling Digimat to PAM-CRASH, it installs the necessary libraries, including


that will be loaded by the explicit solver (psolid.exe) at runtime. The library  libcsm_user.dll   containsdefinition of all possible user defined subroutines. This will allow the user to use all linear and nonlinear small-strain material models capabilities available in Digimat for small-strain analyses. Defining Digimat materialmodel in PAM-CRASH then is just like defining any other PAM-CRASH material model.

To run coupled Digimat to PAM-CRASH computations in command line, it is advised to write a .bat filecontaining all the information needed by PAM-CRASH to allow the call to user subroutine. An example of such launch script is given below to run PAM-CRASH with double precision.

1. @echo off

2.3. set PATH=C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Pamcrash\2013.0\Double;%PATH%


5. set PYTHONHOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\ESI Group\Virtual-Performance\2013.0


6. set PAMSHARE=C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat2CAE\X.X.X\exec\digi2Pamcrash\2013.0



8. "C:\Program Files (x86)\ESI Group\Virtual-Performance\2013.0\Solver-64Bit\

pamcrash.bat" -fp 2 test.pc > "test.out"

The first command suppress screen display of command. The second command add to   PATH  environmentvariable the path to Digimat library  digi2pam2013.0Double.dll   and Digimat third-party libraries. The

third command specify the number of processors to be used (under Windows64, only 1 CPU can be used).The fourth command is needed by PAM-CRASH 2013 to find Python executable. The fifth command gives to

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I.5.8. Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH 81

PAM-CRASH the path to the libcsm_user.dll file. The last command is the command to run PAM-CRASHanalysis, the  -fp 2  option sets the precision to double precision. The command sends the output to the .outfile. If error is encountered in Digimat, it will be written in this file. More complex running script can be foundin Digimat install directory (in  C:\DIGIMAT\Digimat\X.X.X\manual\files\Digimat-CAE). The header of this file must be read carefully before using this launching script.

Launching Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH computations on Linux platform

The Digimat-CAE/PAM-CRASH dynamic library  libcsm_user.so   under Linux can be used to run parallel jobs. Currently only HP-MPI version of PAM-CRASH can be used with Digimat material library.

To define environment variables needed to run Digimat to PAM-CRASH coupled analysis, user can write alaunch script as the one described below:


export PAMSHARE=/opt/Digimat/Digimat2CAE/X.X.X/exec/digi2pamcrash/2013.0/Double

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Digimat/Digimat2CAE/X.X.X/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export [email protected] [email protected]

export PAMROOT=/opt/pamcrash/2013.0


$PAMROOT/pamcrash_safe/2013.0/pamcrash -np 2 -fp 2 -lic CRASHSAF test.pc > test.out

The first command is the header to execute bash scripts. The second command defines the location of the  libcsm_user.so   shared library. The third command add the path to Digimat third-party libraries toLD_LIBRARY_PATHenvironment variable. The next two commands defines the path to Digimat and PAM-CRASH licences (the  XXX  must be replaced by the adress of the license file or license server). The PAMROOT

gives the path to PAM-CRASH directory. The last command launch PAM-CRASH computation

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82 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.9 Digimat-CAE/Hypermesh and Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Bulk

Installation procedure

Digimat and OptiStruct/RADIOSS bulk can be coupled together through the User utility interface of Hyper-Mesh. For information about supported versions and platforms please refer to appendix  ??.

After the installation of Digimat and HyperMesh, at the end of the file  userpage.mac, the following commandlines must be added:

*createtext(5," ",0,0)

*createbutton(5,"About",0,1,10,GREEN,"About Digimat plugin for Altair HyperMesh",

"EvalTcl","aboutDigimat.tcl")*createbutton(5,"Digimat Documentation",0,1,10,GREEN,"Open the Digimat


*createbutton(5,"Add Digimat Material",0,1,10,GREEN,"Add a Digimat material to the

current model","EvalTcl","Digimat.tcl")

*createtext(5,"Digimat: ", 0,0)

The file userpage.mac is located in the directory:




where "installHMDir" is the directory where Altair products are installed (e.g.,  C:\Program Files\Altair).

To be able to use Digimat to HyperMesh and OptiStruct interface, user has also to define the environmentvariable TCL_INCLUDE. The environmental variables can be accessed by right-clicking "computer" and movingto the "Properties" option. The "Advanced settings" will contain a choice to set "Environment variables...".Please refer to Figures I.5.13 to I.5.15 for an example related to Winfows 7 operating system. This environmentvariable must point to the location of Digimat to HyperMesh and OptiStruct libraries, e.g.,



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I.5.9. Digimat-CAE/Hypermesh and Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Bulk 83

Figure I.5.13: Define the TCL_INCLUDE environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - step 1.

Figure I.5.14: Define the TCL_INCLUDE environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - steps 2 and 3.

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84 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

Figure I.5.15: Define the TCL_INCLUDE environmental variable under Windows 7 operating system - step 4 and 5.

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I.5.10. Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block 51 85

I.5.10 Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block 51

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and the  RADIOSSexplicit solver.

Installation procedure

Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block is the module containing the Digimat capabilities and the required interfaces inorder to be linked with the  RADIOSS explicit solver  of Altair/HyperMesh. For information about supportedversions and platforms please refer to appendix  ??.

Dynamic libraries

Linking via dynamic libraries is not supported for the RADIOSS explicit solver. A static linking procedure isrequired. It will create a new starter and engine executable for this solver. Please read on with the followingsecvtion to get more information on the required procedure.

Static libraries

This section explains how to couple Digimat with RADIOSS explicit.

Prerequisites for the link between Digimat and RADIOSS

The following list details the  files needed  to link Digimat and RADIOSS. The listed files are those that areNOT shipped with Digimat and that is provided by Altair distributor.

•  Windows 64 bits platforms–  RADIOSS 12.0.222 SMP:








zlibstat_win64.lib–  RADIOSS 12.0.222 HPMPI:







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86 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces



zlibstat_win64.lib•  Linux 64 bits platforms

–  RADIOSS 12.0.222 HPMPI




To link Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block executable on Windows platforms, follow the following procedure:

•  Make sure having installed Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop (See Section  ??on how to install this software)

•  Copy the required files listed above corresponding to the target version of Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Blockin the directory corresponding to this version in the Digimat installation tree.

•  Double-click on the  nmake_x64.bat  (for Windows 64 bits platform) or  nmake_x86.bat   (for Windows

32 bits platform).•  Starter.exe and Engine.exe should have been created in the directory.•  If the executable is not created, check the following:

–   The path to the installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 in the .bat script if VisualStudio 2012 has not been installed in the default directory.

To link Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block executable on Linux platforms, follow the following procedure:

•  We use g++, the free C++ compiler, to link Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block, make sure it is available.•  Copy the required files listed above corresponding to the target version of Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block

in the directory corresponding to this version in the Digimat installation tree.•   In this directory, type make •  STARTER and ENGINE executable should have been created in the directory.

Launching coupled Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block jobs for parallel computation under Windows64-bit

The following files must be located in the working directory:

1. The file radflex_12_win64.exe must be located in the working directory.

2. The file   liblmx-altair.12.0.12.dll   needs to be added along with the radflex file inside the workingdirectory.

3. The   digi2radioss.dll, digi2radiossMPP.dll, digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimathdf5_hldll.dll, digi-mathdf5dll.dll, digimatMathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll and libiomp5md.dll  filesneed to be given in the directory where the Starter and Engine are located.

Parallel computations, involving the Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block interface, can be performed under Win-dows 64-bit using  HP-MPI. The following is the command to launch Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block parallel job on a single node.

For Starter

Starter.exe -i {starter-input}_0000.rad -nspmd {number of CPU}

For RADIOSS Engine:

 mpirun.exe -np {number of CPU} Engine.exe -i {engine-input}_0001.rad

The argument {number of CPU} mentioned must be the same for Starter and Engine.

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I.5.10. Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block 51 87

Launching coupled Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block jobs for parallel computation under Linux 64-bit

Before running job make sure to set the stack size to unlimited in the command shell, using the command

ulimit -s unlimited

The path to the libraries needed by Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block must be the first one in the  LD_LIBRA-RY_PATH  variable:




where the "..." must be completed by the Digimat installation path (e.g.,  /opt).

Parallel computations, the involving Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block interface, can be performed under Linux64-bit using  HP-MPI.

The following is the command to launch Digimat-CAE/RADIOSS Block parallel job on a  single node.

For Starter

./STARTER -i {starter-input}_0000.rad -nspmd {number of CPU}

For RADIOSS Engine:

 mpirun -np {number of CPU} ./ENGINE -i {engine-input}_0001.rad

The argument {number of CPU} mentioned must be the same for Starter and Engine.

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88 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.11 Digimat-CAE/MSC Nastran SOL1XX

The objective of this section is to explain how to install the interface between Digimat and MSC NastranSOL1XX.

Installation procedure

Digimat and MSC Nastran SOL1XX can be coupled together without the need for installing anything inparticular on top of the classical MSC Nastran and Digimat installations.

For Digimat 6.0.1, the 2014.0 version of MSC Nastran software is supported (see appendix   ??   for moreinformation).

Executing a job

Once coupled with one or more Digimat materials, the modified Nastran input deck can be run with Nastranunder Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit or Linux 64-bit environments like any other input deck, without takingany specific action. Please refer to the MSC Nastran documentation for more information.

For example, to execute a sequential job under Windows 64-bit using the command line, the user needs totype:

MSC_INSTALL_DIR/MSC_Nastran/20140/bin/nast2014.exe modifiedInputDeck.bdf

where  MSC_INSTALL_DIR  is the installation directory of MSC Software and  modifiedInputDeck.bdf  is thename of the Nastran input deck created by Digimat-RP after coupling the structural model with one or moreDigimat materials.

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I.5.12. Digimat-CAE/nCode DesignLife 89

I.5.12 Digimat-CAE/nCode DesignLife

Within the Digimat installation, the dynamic library digi2ncode.dll is located in the directory


where [INSTALL_DIR] is the Digimat installation directory.

Installing Digimat automatically creates and defines an environment variable  DIGIMAT2NCODE_SHARED_LIBS.This latter serves nCode DesignLife at communicating with the Digimat user material card when executingcoupled Digimat nCode DesignLife FEA.

Remark:  When installing a new version of Digimat, it is recommended to update the following nCode variable:

(Tools -> Preferences) Libraries -> DTDigimat -> DigimatLibsFolder.

The path to the third-party libraries digimathdf5_cppdll.dll, digimathdf5_hldll.dll, digimathdf5dll.dll, digimat-MathTools.dll, szip.dll, tinyxmlSTL.dll, zlib.dll is written in the PATH environment variables when installing

Digimat. If these libraries are moved to another directory, PATH variable has to be updated by adding thelocation of this new directory.

Note:When Digimat is uninstalled, the information written in  PATH  variable are not deleted.

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90 Installation Digimat-CAE Interfaces

I.5.13 Digimat-CAE/VirtualLab

Within the Digimat installation, the dynamic library digi2virtuallab.dll is located in the directory


After having installed Virtual.Lab Durability, the connection to Digimat is not yet configured. The path tothe DLL file must be given to the Virtual.Lab Durability software. To activate the connection:

1. Open the dialog "Tools/options" (see Figure I.5.16).

2. Inside the dialog move to the "Durability" part and select the tab page "External Provider".

3. Press "Add ..."

4. Select the dll digi2virtuallab.dll file of Digimat installation (see Figure I.5.17). Note that the DLL file

can be located anywhere on the machine.

Upon application of this procedure, coupled Digimat to Virtual.Lab computations can be successfully executed.Note that this procedure must be applied only the first time that LMS Virtual.Lab is configured with Digimat.

Figure I.5.16: Access to option dialog box in LMS Virtual.Lab.

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I.5.13. Digimat-CAE/VirtualLab 91

Figure I.5.17: Selection of the digi2virtuallab.dll file in LMS Virtual.Lab.

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