DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · Directors Post Insolvent Notice Last Friday Morning. •otty mid...

Directors Post Insolvent Notice Last Friday Morning. •otty mid meet . _ . met with small opposition from the board of directors, who seem U,, have grunted him unwarranted lllicr-i tics, to their sorrow an It now turns! Frelance Not to Go; Will Stay "I DEPOSITORS 1 MONEY TIED OP .Stochltotdri-s <tiny IAW; HciiMly but (Ii'iH-rnl I toller I. 1 * Thai Ciij-toinern Will Not SntlVr. ' : ""• ''.The : llv« •local iwiiHailon ui* ihe youij ,—thu most vita! home happ*-nlng of f several yearn, for th.it matter—is the' failure of the 'Washington National] Bank,'. Kenerally known an" thu Petty bunk and ;oftisn "new. bunk." Th' ed last Friday >r\y dh-.-'-orn wh";<IWn't l!I:e the way the iliij'lnt'ss was being con-, j dueled 're.slgnrd .'years' ago. Most of' ; the bank's heaviest investments aro | said to be In connection with enter- prises In which Mr. Petty )i. r «s personal Interest;). Tin; particularly unfortuimto Inins- actfon seems to !ti;.sonie dealings with tho Hast on & Washington Trnctlon Co., of which Air. Putty in alfo president. Then; in Hiiiil to be nbout JIO.OO') worth of notes lying In the banU by which thf*.. inilley compnny has bone- d. As understood, some of those Home With the Lo >sers. out by I'rionds of Mr. Petty I nade , .., ... ..... , .,lt<> referred to as thojwho had no intercut whatever in the u Institution vvait'clon-"j trolley .company ni'iinlng by order the Comptroller of the Currency. It wa'fl'Uku a bolt out of a clear .sky. No one outside of bunking circles knew thm such action was pending, and the llrat intimation cuHtomera had b.-iiffltod y th whatev nd whu wi transaction. They were made payable to the traction company and endorsed by the com- pany. The bank ban itlpo been ciurylng as wet. suniotlihiK over $"n,<JOO i bonds, .so the DANGERS OF OCEAN TRAVEL The ot..,. .,- n««v ... bank was insolvent. It was niyncd byie the directors—J. C. Hilt, Fnmk lirus- ler, "Win. Miller. Kdw. S. Mitrlatt, Peter K. Cole. W'm. Cuwell. Kobert• M. Putty,'It! -M. iOtluiiin.mvi itiitl Th-mms A. Ii. Uny. -• • • All that day and. .Saturday-—In fi uver .sliK'i' then'-—tiie.Hu notlce.4 ha drawn the guise of the curious, the on* Thu -this ventu proved bur- th It yK thv Nutionul i-vaminer. (Juoilluirl tould toll tluiin would be inontlifj bi;foK> th ut tho Institution could be and that this depositors H Htiit'i'd t h a t ' M r . Petty now full blame upon his trolley co|. for the wrecking of the bank oeil of llnanciul assistance Ulhrf for these iranwautluiiM Is be- ved to have been tlie company's , laudable ambition to eMond ,tho trol- ...*.,,>j Icy road to Port'.Murray and'jita build- nd atii'if; of a power house at i'ort"Coldon. tut groups of considerable slzej With the road in its present Incom- i-on^ri^ia.'d and "wouder.-d why."', piote state. '"'- ' • Among them were many i mi in rally much wndtght up unexpe'.led action. They-Km but little ."atlHf'.i'ct ion frou All that Mr. nnd it was .staled on Mmiddy that I - that ii ; liiui rosjgned as pro.sldent of the ...... bunlnesH '. tiollL-y cumpnny. .. This is " dented by( ; wound up. iTh.utias A. H. Hay. who says that if | tPI1 would there-; Mr, Petty hus resigned the. olh fore'have to wall until an accounting! '•dicers_'don't knew (lf it. There ei ' of tfu ; .'assets could IJO. liucl.; lie. tiiiJn't;. '"•.;;,' anil, possibly cuultin't ,g|vu them, any, such idea as t<v "'hettier 'T "•>• .i-i'"---!'."^ mlm Would lim«» anything. JMKH! The Wiislilngton Naiiuimi Unit I; "w«« ; :*}*\u\ organized lu.ISHS through the of iCoberc M. i'etty. wh been it.s preaiden' for the past few j A hasty examination of other papo It was capitalized at f r-O.OUO. In What ihe .Stitch Vonnir lAttlU'n Sboii Ki'inemlier While on Shipboard— Oilier Comments !.'y' the ,M»j«i'. Once there was a man from our town, whose name we won't dl*...,*^ further thnn to say he was generally called. Captain, who went upon a trij m Rt-rmuda. In common with other folks, he got 'seasick and ICam.c! far over tho talTrail, I guess it was the inffrait. Anyway, ho leaned over the .ildo of the ship. lie was so sick he didn't know whether; It wns the'tafY- rall or the bowsprit. After a time )\u began to f^ul Ilk*; a section of h«"*i*ow. tile or iron pipe— felt that ho was nil outside anil no In- side, you know—and when he could* n't get any further satisfaction be- f'aupo there.was no more satisfaction to get—It had all gone over the iaff- ndl, understand-—why, his false teeth enme out and thev too wunt ibnvn 'tho' yawning depths. This Is told merely as a warning the young ladies whom the Star Is go- ing send upon a trip to Hernim! Not that any of tho<?, girls have ' " teeth to contribute to Father Neptune —Kracloua. no! Perish tho thought! •but it mny serve as ii hint lo then that In case of seasickness it Is a goon Id en to look woil to your puffs to see that they aro securely fastened, .. ., they may go where the Captain's tefllh wont. Naturally, alt Hie irirlw who took part In the StarV subscription con- ^ rlp t : (hut M ;tion on Petty 1 !?.. part wfth i> personal la*. bis roll--a*•.!>.•* (tro^iilil I 1 . Hay's (i.-nial, the rep •d yesterday with in: (.•ity had it that Im- suit years. It was capitalized at f r-0.000. In\ rurrii-d .by tlu- bin: liable for an additional j erai..le will be bar lial to th.Hr holding. Thetlbtit lunhln.; will •Iilu.-. Is iilmut $30,000 and intul.i taut wrf t h a t ••?ok didn't and couldn't win liermudu . Kotno of them had to be.cun- with joweiry and In all there 1- who gut prizrs of sr.me kind There were f>® altogether who showed activity in the contest. That bolntr the en so,- there were some who got no prize, lui't. ns a rule, those who ant nothing didn't contribute their best effort.". There are five or six* ex- cf-ptlons Jo this statement, but the rule holds good that the girls who went Into the. contest to win. and hustled right up to the close, got Into There wmt a "melon-cuttlnK" i' W'iiHhinKt''n (ant Saturday nlKht, tlms l f f ? b.>inf.;_ thrie home play ers of the Washington basehall club I'ltid'th'ii mnn;n,'.:r and ticket-seller. The "slicing" was done at tho ofllcn of JiiHtiee of th<; Peaco Christine, who WHS sreri.-iary and captain of the team. TIIOH'S gettlnpr in on the dividends were Cunt. Harry Christine 1 , the Ktiar- dian of rnnler flel-l; Dr. O. P. i\nrgnn, the first baseman, and John Hill, the veteran left fielder. The division rep- rfsent"<.l the ftntount n^ttoil by the Innt game, played on Oct. 2S. when , the WnHhtiiKton' club defeated Ty | Cobb's nil-stars by a score of 3 to 2 .Mr. if, A. Mayo, "treasurer, 1 had kop; thu receipts [n a bas. In his,safe,.ant thu money was given each in nickelF, dimes, quarters, half ilollars am! bills, The ball players pot the larger ^hare but Hubert U'tnnlns, the manauer. and Chas. , Crown, the licket-floller, each n-membered to the "xtent addition to the dividend's. rh< ninnaKf-ment kept out enough money to repair the slnto roof of the barn ndjoininf,' rftfht lloltl, snfd roof having Hiiffisred from the pouiullnff the local plnyers save tho profr-sslonat pltcb^rf hlrrid by the PhMljpsburpr and Oxford linsobnll ftina. A.balance 'wa« al««> kept to build a new brld?o acro.su th.> rrouk". • •>. K.irly in October the manairemenl. his divldendK In Bight, decided f uiuuu, iiiL nuiu SPEEDER, IS GUILTY Responsible for Fatal Accident on the Harmony Road CHARGE, FELONIOUS ASSAULT .Manslai Mn,v \e SPECTACULAR mm FEATURES GREAT RACE j Votes Total Over 10,000,000 on Final Count Saturday in Star's Mammoth Bermuda Tour Enterprise. to s;ivo.Bomo for a nest-egg for ' : Kfl2. and accordingly $77'was deposited In 'tho Wn.sbhiKton National Hank. They . } to got this by npxt spring. ' , ' '• A pleasant featun; of the meeting Saturday night was the presentation if a leather-covered armchair to Mr. If. A. Mfiyo, the. treasurer. Th>: ihv 'ii'iiellciarion of tlio .season's receipts •bibbed together and jnircliawd th- hiiir, arid it was presented to Mr. Mayo by Cant. Olir|j«Llni\ Mr. M a y .led. . * : Us OUO. ah l At the tlm.- of tht> failure; t.hen* = iis ulioiit $10,000 in cash i.m lumd. CtuuiJhart e.imc h'tre llui first'of last j i:eU. .bc-i"^ soiit by ihc Cttinptroller,. h cVelvi.-d "v'ery'HiiifaVurabriV; TUo i- fj-r- ft nf tho b.-uik fmiin •hlng. .stockhnld^rs. m unable to stpiiil stiver fi'er. and the eii(lor.".rs u >hi_ paper., that, 'the ban I-:' .ve-.io ma ]<':•" h"n"a'c. ; i.f6iintliii ..Depositors e will many 1 reports - from . iht*.. disirlc-t'. examiner. I tiit- rsiiviver. . ..Depositors are Incon- Cn'itdhart .••.ras'iill' liiiaiiVfas and did"! \.-n;.-ri^e"d' if [ii-r'aetualiy eml.arvtss^I i.4. IIu "met ihe b.iard by' the. '.mcert.iiiuy ot tli^ir .i^cct:::*." mured them for per- --mil th.- wlthholdlrtir of their mmuty. ie. inutliods and <tta-\ Ahnve those hi importance Uj t!K; cttons thai had been ' loin-.s!* life of tin 1 community Is t h e he departir.fiu . from ft'f"<-i t.!i;it On? falhirn ".vltt have upon (1, as a r.iwuil of hl.s'Mr. IVitty'.-} •oiHtd.l.s enteri-risc-s - not mince "m .if dlrfi l t(.tr.«. "mlttlng th.s regarding in •-..sent them I the dl.-li-ibn:ioii' of-.priz... I The,ccntest demonstrated onoihin^j i out of the ordinfirj'. H showed .Just J who were the live siris of each com- j ninnlt.v. Confldc-ntially, we know sev- j oral young men who are looking over' the list carefully. Maybe one- or tw< or three of these sirls will win prize. 1 yet that will bt?.it Ui.' Kevirnda tri- nii"to"-pieces.'' '• " ' —"" " " '" Krom whnt [ have observed,.. tht- _ , "Cli'ls" ivlio" won (1 r^t nrlsos haven't 1 ', itnt finyihiiiir on the girls who run I '. ftecontl or third. I know two nribr.^f, who ran fourth nr even lower wlv would m.'ikf 1 'nny T'ermtida. .exeiirsfoi Hurl fill .Siaii-tltflll priTci-R-il. KepreseutativeH of the Kuigon Cu- HKMII fro. clnfni tliat a i;r«.at Injn.^tio" ivits done the company by an article In last vook's Star which stated that the experiment was being made of crushing llmestune lo tlie size of wal- nuts nnd llien -burning it for use as ifttlizer, the statement fioinjr even n-ther by .is.scriing that the fmivor- i'il limestone iv;is uris'iiisfactriry. This is all wrong, the company says --no oxporlmenls Jiro 'bfilncr made and the pulverized limcKtuii.-: is proving i-einiirknhty emcb-nl, 'a wonderful ihiirket for the prodnei liaviiii,* been created. Mniestono In ll'iis form, In- iig- inferior fashioned real!;/...fat and host meth 'kiln-burnod product, is ;rior AH.i il wise Uiiimiiil cuiirt ch-titilirt-'!t;i«l beun repeatedly [lUiictiiated by disturbing, turbulent, boisterous noi.«.-s from a c:ircfully.guanlcd"jiiry i-.n»m, 1" i..^.. llled into the presence of the court In Hclvldero at 4.30 o'clock* Friday af- tornoon with a verdict agnfnst i n.jr- A. Wallers of Phiillpsburfi for felonious assault. The case w-m the most Important from a ritandp general Interest in the November cal- endar, Walters Is a chauffeur in tin/ .-...- ploy of G. W, Schoeffler & .Co.'nf '•••illlpsburg. OnMity ll last, while .... vlng an automobile at a fawt ..clip pant th.i machine of, John .Smith of Alphn, 'on t' ( e Harmony turnpl!;e, Wai tors striu-k the latter'." machine. which was moving fc'owty. The.Smith oar was overturned and Mllian -Sinllb. the Infant daughter of tho driver and Minor wn-s thrown out with Mich force" tliiit she died later In the Kas- to'n .liorfplt:il. • • VVIin.-sries were chilled by the pi'owe- ition to prove that It was \\';ilt.'if who w.iu runnfnt;' the offending car, Isn .. rif,- to tho attendnnt clrcutn- tiiriee-t bi-fnr-5 find after the accident. lit- most dnmanini; teslimony In the lei'tlil.-'fitirtii of U'altm-ri wnk ^Iven by 1ms. A. Smith, »un of.a PUillip.sl)iii-g mdloid. who testified thai while'fix-. ijr a puncture along the mad not fari •oMi tho. scene of tin 1 accident, ami | nt :ilmnt-tlio time it Is alle^i-d lo have oeeniT.--d, he saw Ihe defeiwiant pass- inc'In a. machine which was then be- ing driven at a fast pace. Other wit- nesses T.Vt-.rccn.ili-d to ilOHiiriiie. the eir- ciiuistun(itT.u :it or n«ar tlie scene of iti.-( "accident. Ra'ston imsT'itnl physicians wt-re celled by both .sides, but their te«ti- •lance upon the point •I. I'ltAXIC l)HI%l(Ii:U tT hi .Chai'KV ol* T h e 'Slur's He inuda Tour Cont*. 1 ^!. nf whether or not the infant's death wiiB due to ihe accident directly. Mitchell and Dr. Clark. \vltii"»A0i (ho defense,, tcstllicd Hint tlie child died as a result of malnutrition ratli- f:r than tram the'injuries received in the accident. .Mayor Jos. Firth, Sam- iJiillirtff.M'. Gco. Schofffler and Cliltf of Police Oorsns of phl'llp?- t.TstifIed on behnlf of the do- fonse. to the effect that they had e.\"- i ftm'tiieo xne aiitomobiledriven by Wtit- j tf-rs llso day of tlu: accident .ami tli;it klInB Pro :-?.s k •fieri eiionuii to apply pulveriz-'tl.'.nmo.stfin o the which ha obligations and . .stock, which is Bible proposition, nowtluii tl: tain worth' of the bunk's iiss«t.s become nartially known. .. ' .Mr. CrootJiiart'.s mission here si*fli(i<jd to end with the. closing of .the bank. Laiur-in the week the department sum a perniament receiver In tin- person of ;..^.v.-^i^.., C;-;j3nMt/ -'"•"" : '' ; 'fo'f""sev : or.'ii months "eiearinff "up"" I la . aiTaira, This cannot he completed until all paper In the bank beco ... due and 'is canccllod; and its si ;>. notes are for-six. months, it will re- quire, at least that space of time. Elliott,Is a Virginia man and has been In Pittsburgh, for some time clearing up the nffalrs of a wrecked bank. The NVimhliifftun National Bank, it is :•-•••; said,--• lifts, given, the : government .. amlners inueli trouble. Many of> tho loans wen: unsatisfactory and the ,7 directors had been lidvised repeatedly - . to EOt^rid of-iheiii,;, Tlie.situation be- came acute a long time ayo, but in a spirit of charity the recourse of closing the bank; was deferred from that I ,n..:..:.^ ..limo iintjl-jiow in i be hope ; that im '".::. business affairs would.change for the better. As they illd not, the action , taken [fist week was Inevitable, Many of the bank's customers who •had deposits, there were naturally em- barrassed by, the failure, inasmuch, as II tied up for the time being tliolr '••' bank •accounts. - The l-'irst National;, "--'.-lliti"'Ulltur-banking' limLILutlon of-" llie j town, II.'IH shown a commendable spirit [ _ - .by., accotnmodjitinir : reiipon.Kihle . per- '"""So"nfl''who'.h'a T d- ji'ii'iiur due ill 1 the'bank or who were embarrassed by having money tied up in the defunct insti- tution. Depositors are still very. anxious to know whnt the prospects j are' for recovering llio money dua them. Some' are "dubloiisj but Mr. Petty I'.is assuror*.* them •thnt they will •iC.iK, .Wa.sliington Piano C W'tinvn 'J'Kiings, n player pUitio fac. U>ty. besides owning two farms an i>tlier laiiils. ' If the .bauk'n.- fuilur means 'i; - *7faMuro. if. means 'n .'liany in owiu->.sh'ip of all these properties. While tlie lu-iiuary cause of th bank'. 1 * insolvency may l>e Vttu'ibute' to •--Mr^J^'Uy,, i\s:- iireside :it.*;:in.u;.t*io.,.us oriii'.s'^i'iowor "as 'sucii In" promoting'th .^ tv ... interests of tho trolley company, lliot 1 ' jmes j nugiit to pass a degree of uonsuro up K>mo ; on the . careless supervision by tin -- ' gc.vernnioni which, having knowledgi of condition.'', permitted the i'nsiitu tinn to go. on. doing bnsinc-MS to tiit grett dang.?r of the stockholders, am the. bank's customer?. I! was'tlie in evliable that happened, jusl as tht 'examiners, plainly saw -yours .ago, aiu' the situation is concisely stated edi- torially by the Newark S'Sndny Call ns follows: . :. "The failure of; the- nation;-,! bank at ^^^•ls^llIlgton, N. J., demonstrates anew the Inefticiency oC tliobank ex- am inations by the department at Washington; D.- C. rretty- noiii'Iy uv- orybody except tho stupids at the Federal capital knew that this bank \v)£s in peril on account of. its Invest- ments -in trolley lines. There IH no place fiuite so blind as the oillce of the Comptroller of the Currency, By this,.neglect and folly a good many Jersey men, will suffer severe loss. \y. *liould"like""thc. .Sohiitors and members " ~ of this Stato'" to take The nie'th'od 'of procedure prescrlb- | ed by. i;iw In ^the case of insolvent banks Is as follows: It Is the receiv- er';; duly to collect all outstanding notes, br.Iaiieos duo from other banks ami convert Into crush all nrsscts., be- ig to the estate. r >f Congress utico." ' R, M. I'otty Is prosidenl. of. the bank; T. A. IT. Tiny is vice, president if nnd HTM. Kllenberger Is cashier. Mr. Petty holds 178 s!iaroa.-..of-,th.9,- i!i i.lock1 representing an.rn\'esu.!!.ent of 'JTT.SOO.' lie Is subject Vo tni ussL'ssijient of that, riiucl; fuklitlonal, if the. niUnre. of. fbc ITSSCTR arc .sucli thai full asscssmenla areiU'oessaj;y, ., ; •;.-;•• It Is dlecJoains,;: no~,;socrot'"" IO'.HII^ '• -\S Depositors will lie noiiilod In n short •__ XC.on tin uod..,Qn..,..nag.e:-'il. ) v._._,_._.-.- Matinees are now. being given at tlic Jewel Motion Picture Theatre ev- ery Saturday afternoon nt, '•> o'clock. Olu'Mren Hinder 10 yenrs of age 1 must be a ceo in pa nl ed by their parent a or a guardian, t. Ten Free Stamps' loclay, tumormv "timl Saturday, nt ,T. I 1 . .Cook's. Pun in W:\sh N'OV 17. WrtA 111 = 1 ngton. fill right. Mart Kas.\ the retire'l IVU'huivaiii condiretor. went out into the.count poverat (lays ago with a State dnir, InspiTtor. Afartiis a good man to g .wherever. dutVi.calIs.nnd In tbjs liar t!iTirI^ii''•"uisCnriGii" ?: ">Iut>•' "• ci*.iJo'ri"' ' iiif across a bflrnyard in Jackson Vatlc> The "ice"- was thin and Mart went i: ... ... than knee deep, They had t brush nnd currycomb him beforo^tli trip home could bo- undertaken. lirst snow goes..so.wHli.go..thi. otlifii' snows of tho winter. This is'ai: ltd saying. The first snow, last weol< There is a Port Coldcn woinan, at, old lady, at the J head of n housohoh: tliat- liasiECvera! niale members wh work in''tlio " W.'isliin-jton facto'rlo: She gets up at 5.30 every mornlnM and at the accustomed tlniu arouses tlie-inoii-so -tiioy" : ean" get"ib v; .v6rk' h ln lime. Being ,111 recently, a -physician gave tier a sleeping potion. Its ert'ectf voro lasting and »he -didn't awaken it tho usual hour. Neither diii the itiifir members of the household. The result wnVthc men went lo work late result wasthc men went lo and breakfast less.' What itliout a mother?'' lion Charlie Foddlo rfas tlie man who jeeamo famous in a night boaten a milo. His cat ranch, ns proposed, has 'icen tlie talk of tho town. Charlie was playing a hose upon Ihe front windows of a business place Lho other day, working in absent- uimled fashion. "What do you know about this'.'" i said. ''Mo; the head of a pre.'it .•oinpany destined.,to.:,mjiko..,.? 1.0,O^.OUi ra>v r hcre washing' wIiVdowV'to-eircT'ot'-'t' noitgh money to get something to nt? A!n't 1; it L?" ' MAJOR FRELANCE. Nothing'Is nicer thnn 12 good, sai- jfnetory pliotognvphg fjr .12 nice rni.ia pri>si.>ni».' •"-•' " , < oihVSTON'S Stiirtlo; ^22 N. Third .%,,^Ka$tqil...-l?a. u-.- (Near..- nii«h)<n{ | ) "" " ' " heath of Sirs. 1 invalid for -10 years, Mrs. .7. W. oren died at her home. 17fi West ini'lon avenut?, at ;! o'cinck Mon- dny mornlna. She was ;.i daughter of Mr. and Mrs--. Jos. T"iuler nt Maucli Chunk, Pa., where" she was born Mar. ••..;,Ji R 22..,''tf!njJf JS,_renraJol(*.;lgflt..March. Her'mViiden name was'Henrietta rtiit- lei*. • It was 57 years last "snmriif'r that tho couple uoro married. Besides the husband, four daughters survive.— Mrs. Susan Walters and Mrs. Tsadore Sloarn of Jersey City, jrrs. Chas. W. Wagner of Tieiuiing and .M.irtlia, :it , home. -Mrs. yanporoii.Wfis the last of ' ii"lnr'«e••famiiy "of "chiUlrch. The funeral will bo bold at her latei .••-. - home at 2 o'clock this afternoon. IJ4'' 1 , V' 10 * •!lt-;ii".' 'in"" lho Washington J Fr ,'""•'• • • '••--•. '•••• ecm.Horv i: '-"'• j J IlUB f:ir O'C'tl-iremlants have been I 1 .* 1 ** or* 1!) oi the - l ind(etmcn*..s- foiiiul by thr- >Vptomber..graiHl jury. i o ShlpT until Fvhhiy of t nnnn penalty is ••it hard l Th. ilexTcase m tlie McGow:in A. Mi- "vod sonlenre. k. The maxl- •oars In S'tnte a line of ;i,. i- H t r y k e r n>p- tnitli & Hradv ' ttie Srate nf .iffrravnted assault t:pon (1 P.. Gavin, n c.intiM-uor :iud i.f Piiiilipshurf-. ilrfiowrin tn tfs«nr for rj>e Poiirtli war.1 in M and assaulted tiavin v»'ith ivo weJI-dirGCted HulHvftii upperftits •hen lite latter refused lilin infortua- tion v/Iiieh'i iV<J souuiit :is a borough ii. lie furih-tr claimed that Ga- Tide. denioiislniiion as ii' tu strike nini before the battering was begun. Bx-Prosecutor John T. Blair Iteil^y McGowan. . ...After .,17 <Jf fontlni)t.R-,.!i;u!^cntc-r.c-ti:,-»"»i• iVniic'ts ;; 6f '•Vi*'iij'.'""<*omis«; ""for "riir- OUfile sr.irpetty' and. Carmine Paisso. participants in a stabbing, affray at New : Villa go, asked the privlletro- of retnt-ting their pleas of "not guilty" and entering pleas of nou vtilt, WO"" " " irow lie Earned 11 Is "First^Dollar. Tho Newark Evening Star Is run nlng a scries.of articles undor. tlv heading "Flow I Earned My First Do! lar.". dealing with men who are prom incut In the business or 1 official life o Dr. i Newark and its suburb?. One of the's' articles eoncerns John B, Woolston tho clerk of Essex county, a native o Port Colden. Mr, Woolston said: "My first position was as assistnn. weigh master. I" used to weigh coal on the Morris canal at Washington, N. J. for the Lehigh Valley railroad. "They were using the canal a preal deal in those days transporting co.ii front Phillips'. 1 ?!!'? to towns .a-ong thr canal. \'aa skatin'sr"one "diy oiV'thc crin.il wliun Aaron If. .Vouiih, . supervisor, asked me if f wanted a job at $25 a month, r was mlKhtily t-Ieased with the offer and quickly accepted. My duties bepr.-in tlie fnilnwini? April. T was tlien IS years o;d. Thirty or forty bonts used to pa=a daily, and 1. also j !;aj -:to mak^. ror»~.rts^ i ,«f-""-~t!;on-,. - T u'urketl on tin- iMiiiti two years and then accepted a position with John Reiimoi- in tln> IX. L. Si W. 1 {rSipht ofilce. Newark, where I worke.] Hve yenrs/' ..... . - - . c.'lrl fihooi,- r.rother nt Piay. While the parents were away, chil- dren nf Mr. timl Mrs. Win. IJouV re- siding near Pattenburg. got hold oT tilth- i'ather'.-; gun nnd began playing "shooting chickens." The weapon loaded and the children' had- j Washington Young Lady Attain" High and Unusual Honor in Garrison Wind up, llti'vy.iil'.T<i Tf* s pleas of nou vtilt, whii-i ni"ci>pted by the prosecutor. This! ft onj^imill*tmout to be triod, .tlu'.t! rai^/Alb ' 'Albert. Zatatan of" Phf!!ips- ' •"•.Hi assault of Abrani ise ivill be disposed of rse Thi To C,(ire?-j>oiidi;ii(s and Advertise As next Thursday is ; Thnnksgivj . Day, and tlie Star's forco of worlc- men., are,...desirous..-.of.-..pnjnvinir-., 1 ;..-.- •roliday" iif cbiiiinon with people gen- jrally, wo slial^ go to jires.s' oh'"'ou'r' last forms Wedncsday: afternoon. This will require the priViting nf four pages on Tuesday'-' end.-, four more ?nrly Wednesday morning. As a con- Kcf[uonce, all news letters ami. other reading mailer intended, for the next Issue, as well as n.ll nftw...nclver.tisinff copy, sliould bo in our bands early the week. All contributors are 'Bpeetfiillv. urged; -in- n««lst. U3-v:b,v •nding in their copy early Monday. noneatli i trod lights. n;iclilne, w the Oi'iicur* loxt Thurs. vk. lng Xifiht nt (he V n Gffulpfoiit'c of vari-cnl- mippitoti by a spotllfzlit th h\ma as a speet;Hnr. ,i( Skalla's Private d^U 1 '*. ay night, will imlulg)!^ :iohveu;rriT(/nhTKfiHr(?;I\nTpi tlie full Kiiston Orchestra. Ad- is.slon to psu-ilion, 10 cents, children -'i>: to ilanee /l^or. 30 r-Mits; In rink, cents. " • • • ': iitnciuj-- y\-.i<* .-.wry Tit.'Kclriy cvvw- t irday. 1 - eh hd lots" uf fun—Edna, the lt-year-olr] aiiiThter, Ooini* tbo "shooting." Aftej* a time, and when the girl brolli'-r, eiRht years oKi, -{jot hold a: a loaded shell from his father's hunt- coat, ant! placed it in tlie gun then iold his .sister lo aim A*, hin and. lire. Siio did so and the who)' charge entered the boy's face nea, the 1 mouth. He was rilled Instantly, Nclshb.trs wevo quickly-eiitiifnuneri by the other children and the parents were summoneil 'home by telephone Uoff was employed, at.. Eioomsbur* inl 'Mrs. "Hoff Ington:'.' Nan M redu nrud.sli.aw oiTers all Hats d l at s all Hats at rfat;j th»J.wcre...?2.00. infr In Plem- j uoroner i\aiigLinght_o£ Htsrh..Bridge I'ihvestitirnted tlie'ciraumsiances antl is- 1 sued a burial permit, satisfied that tho shooting: was entirely acciiienlfil. BriniT your dullest wafer . blaue. to the Opera. House Pharmacy, anil it. jera House Pharma ill bo sharpen,*.] free of montt th l bo sharpen, demonstrate tho Hafety Stropper. y d charge of charge to merit of the Mer-har dozen-ttu woufd rather make you one portraits than a hundred poor ones. Wo al- ways submit proofs, so wo can surely satisfy. - • JOITNSTON-S Stiulio. 222 X. Third St.. 1 near I3uslil<ill creel; brldgoV East on. f?.. Word to the Contestants It is A sourco of rogret^ The Star tliat of necessity some of (.lie •yonngr women who labored W^'valiantly for success In its popularity .con(osf wore disappointed. Tills' is a penally which Danir; Fortune nhvays^uxiwls froin those who (cnipi her. The only nuiclloratlon to the chastisement of (he lloKle djmie f.s round in philosophy and forti- tude. !v These virtues the unsuccessful joum; lady eontesiants have Iirow-1 that tliey possess to nn eiivinblo doKreo. -J?o tt\v as_Thc..,.Si."ir. ""voj-tJ's'i.! tif pique man-oil tho serenity of their feiilmes. They Imvc proved thcniselvcs to., be not only younn ladies or cliaractcr and d..s termination but "ftood losers" as Well. SuHt siolcfsm has not been unapprociaied nor lacking of the descrvx-d c(nnmendatiou upon t!to paii of tlu-lr friends. II is ji miUDiiiiiont to (Heir hlfrh staudin^ nj|iJ.« (esn'nionlal to the cstccth fn^uhii'h (hey are lu-td thtU nir.^nulccnt 1 vote.totals which represent tlii'lv rtldrts \ylll ever ptnml . iint as a BplemtM nuirk nfmiproval ho'tli of iiiel'i 1 people tit liomc and tfii'"- abroiid. We extend to them onK..heuvlk-M ('ciiigra.uilation?! p ndniirvr itc'Sciit to Vtirnign I.-|ands by Thift 'NmvH|>U|H)r Will ' f'oinpi-he. Ke^I<le> MISM Titwiniin, .Mis- .Mm-y TiHik, of Port Murray; \II-s Kli/itbetli , ('. C.'«rdni*r, ' of lUoomsbiiry, iirul .Mfes rxsmi .Drink-". liou^e of llackettsiowrt—1'arty Will Siill I'p(iiii.\c\v "t'ork Mcccmbi'r 1Mb. Attended by. a' iliish of brilliancy, a enmrkiiblc' degree of public concern that had grown and accumulated Intensity for days and wueki*—marked by a spontnnnlty of interent that even Hiirpnjwd that of n 'sp-'ctacular sub- urban handicap—The Star's Great Rennuda Tour ami Prize content he- •ame a part and piircel of a history of noteworthy local events promptly U I0.:i0 o'clock Saturday evening, /our young ladles carried on" the tour honors and •numerous otliera of tho contestants figured In the award nf a t-plondid array of other valuably prizes. A whole populace was iden- tified with thought and Interest in the Lc^t since it.s inception and a great multitude of renders: will scan the:!. ,..-inted records, authenticated by ftho board of .jjidjre.o In the oliiel'il rount. Cfeneral details n? to whn won and Lheir 'approximate Uilit!.--' a-re now .•ommon fact. -Achievements ef high merit were In order and in their char- acter even wont beyond the surprise 'imlts. District leaders of rccognlxed itanflfn-,' v/ere Biipplanted by others, ' >, except for .spurts of voting, gave ittle signs of activity; anil in the; •erltable deluge of coupon* 1 reprt- ientiii-,* a innffnlficc-nt total of over '(•.1(10,000 of votes tht>rc .were found ifd rtefi hi most unbelievaolc returns lust nroused to exclamations of praise 'IP ofileln] board of judges and fur- tished subject matter for discuKsion id. thonirht-to nil .our peopled"-Siieli--- brief are facts in connection with he £*roate$t enterprise of Its nature er rontlucted by a newspaper In is portion of the country. There, nrc .some, speciile dctiillH In lonnection with the contest '.vhfch avc in ere tli'aii passiricr interest, some •ti.lch ,baye unusuhl. fe**.t".trcs worthy . ' extended ".rpfe"r,~p^r:""l\^.S"V''t*'t^c~ :r:r ie priniHp.il feature in connection •Ith the race was the splendid finish Miss Mantle Tinsman, of District . l. Miss Tineman had "the >iiRh tntl deserved lionor of not only -wln- the trip lionors In her district but in tho entire'contest field. • She' 'on out over what seemed over- min*? stre.ip-th, .according to the vil nr] vanec forecnsi; surmount- io half-million mark by more 200,000 votes and deposited, con-. slderiibly more than r.ny two other'of the highest following contestants In tier district. . ITers was fi wonderful ncJiievfiment,; an extraordinary, .per- ' . f O. rniflTJ C©.";" | T;';£'. *- i iVJ-i":^i^7~. i'i'i'il 1= - i;" .'-•':".•.•.•:*'™ ;1:',- ! In our review of District No. 1, it should be noted and not forgotten that '-]MIss. Mabel Op-. dyke's vote "of 350,375 and Mrs. Grace N'ixon'a total of 276,651) represent o amount of effort, aptilied with a sincerity and consistency of higrh de- srfin. '-U-ii*3rv|riK-for them tlie plaudits : ; of. tho.lr numerous frienclR and admir- ers. Miss Opdyke carried off-an ele-ly Lq.int.lavalli'ere pendant, andJVTrs. NITC- •, oji won the gold-handled ~ umbrella "presented by J. R. Bryant,, tha, Waah- •in'ffton clothier. OF noteworthy, men-........ 'tio'h'h'iso was the'work of Miss Lillian Clark, Miss Lou Barber, Miss Rheta. " "-jj ana itiss ' Kawl Mclroy, In _ to District No.. 1 In rylatlve importance "•was'District-No.' 3, where 5,413,02t" votes ^wcre. cast In deciding 1 T the ponerar results. Miss Mary Funk>' if Port Murray won the tour In this district, hervote^f BSS.2K0 bclnff over . 100,000 more than her nearest com- . t '. f petitor, -M\n<3 Ella "Anclo'rsbn"'pr^Mo"un-..'_l, tain .T,riKtir-who ; wbri r second honors" In' '""' this district and 1 one of the jewelry Prizes, Miss Anderson finished a-hariJ™ oiif-Tht, consistent campaign, attended >y a devotion that was Indeed nralae- L'orthy, with a total ot nearly a half a million votes. Miss Anna Potts' if Oxford took third honors in this district with a grand total of nearly' . 100.000 votes. Her prize was nn daborale candelabra, presented', by '-• Jeivelcr A. Davidson 1 of Wasb.inrftoti;' .....fc«'- Othors'""Jn" ; -Distri'ct-''Nb.'''"3""wHb rr ~mYdir*""^." ^Continued on nficftt ns!rtinl.Iot riaiitaTor ThanlfRKiv- ^ iierorntlons; also Hot ITOURO'.I&t-'- l'^f and Pnrsloy. C.ill, wrjt'.i .or 'pWono .-. your n'rdrrs. Visitors always welcome^ to L £n tl.rGHf*;h;our gre«iiiibuse. ! -"' 1 %:": '"','"""'-^ AT.ONZ"6, .T. BnYAN, Florlnt. V a B h l n s t o n , N . J . ,...•, .... •'., .•«• •••••

Transcript of DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · Directors Post Insolvent Notice Last Friday Morning. •otty mid...

  • Directors Post Insolvent NoticeLast Friday Morning.


    meet . _ .met with small opposition from

    the board of directors, who seem U,,have grunted him unwarranted lllicr-i

    tics, to their sorrow an It now turns! Frelance Not to Go; Will Stay


    DEPOSITORS1 MONEY TIED OP.Stochltotdri-s r\y dh-.-'-orn wh";


    OFnr the sword, at the earliest possible

    ..There nvfiiis tu by Scrip in ivmitlunity:.iuf; llila. as I'IO -location ufDavid's .minb. It is iudisptiK'd tliatI 'avid itn d lit? successors were buriod

    I in lli.- city vt Da\id. mul Kelt. HI.. 16,j; pla that was m:uU

    wur !>.»»! or 01-•en It near « "p

    Tourists See Filthy Conditions [xhwu must w iiiThat Are Unmentionable . , | ,I|'I!i\. -eVt*r̂ tiV-'' !„' Davti 'andViU'lar-

    1 '/.;:' ,,',-• — . • | c(V that His s*'|tiili'ln'r I* with us* unto

    Travel ltu> An-



    • |,-;i t-t'T»'.i 'ni m - ' ! ! i ' " ' -" i i i .l


    ; • fn i ; i -n ib 1miirtit : thaii iStiDavM.. .lit.- iii

    .-lan.l finvw

    Holy City -.v.• ta netfhn1!. ir;

    miulB th is w

    Ant!'t):lius VI!. . tlu» S«rTts.-il>Mit. iryivjiiiim1

    ••! Maviti nf. :i.i>0'i tntiir hi\ :M,.r t " ml?*

    t -n ll.-K-iu visit I'd, J i '

    tn- d;.rk .li.uni'. ) , . . ; ; • < ! . .

    running\)w.: ' onnorth .i;.

    . very

    .j.r...H*h.-d th is j.sim-l mid

    • pr.i-tr.it'.'tl tlu'iiiKvlvi's

    ; i n . ciVit l i i i ihl ha l f d o z e n

    ni!|)lwu hau 1̂ . •.-Vsiuc from wii:tl you c m

    . .save I1!'.!-.' !^ -''ilv.'UiiMyr-p^ii1-.1!!:1.! .iljtjut siicli a ;^i L tjiat :i !n:ui appr-wciatcs.

    •::.:. '•••\Vi;-ii;ivc'iv;ily;'ii'iaf^i:" variety of Hiaiikcl> in:L-II.


    ns a pl

    store Christ,

    •p of defense.

    T h e

    T h ymnssh'e stones In ihe base cf the., tuihutnv-'PT ar*» cnrtainly as old as.thqj. luy-; ]'}•_'•••'of Herod. ." : " ' .""• ' '."' " 1:" /T l l ! ' '

    A little way south of iho T o w of:f'Vf1!'David I s ' n rambling old structure[ ']'fJ ':

    with which ' t radi t ion connects m w c ; ^ 1 - ' 'wonderful tWngs than nny other apot ! :1!l'" •

    .of like size, in Palestine. U is HUM^' 1 ' '"site of tho.sepnU-hors of the* early•• ^V'1',

    f M

    ^ . r? 17 ! P '*"**' - - . * * 1 j " ^ l • nrf^I . V l i j l i l f W j t i i n t

    i i i h ! C ! r i : : . ' ~ : - ' - \ v i i a t ' . ' n n i r i n r c v ^ ' " ' • ' • ' • ' ' - --"•"-•t'>r. ,Inmo.°. • l l l < ; sanhedr im was hastily u.ssi'inljk'd

    it -Virl horr? W:IH ; r i I l t l tfi'lckly dociileil upon UH- cmifi-u-nrin ann-ii io fjfi-1 "in HIIH u-nri.l. ln\

    v in

    siono whicli .s-tih-d Hi.: supr , f u l i y I M . C ! j o r v e t t i n lf,i.s


    fj Atlems fLnt) mnst Chr!sU:ins bellolie such. Tlu-j M.isl.-ms bold

    • Thith i*

    A |in :V.iif-ni!

    prophetshe' nn esjIt nmnt h- from '•jnUdcl"

    witncKrit;of ChriPt's-M-'fiorviou :nul buriiil. \\".t.-i]

    ino(> nmop? His..dlst-l- j marlvtM] it is usually by ;i sttVnt; srfsiirrcctloii.. : : -• .' 1.1T'"' i iyinff.-fliit/oii;- the >'r;ivr.. coni;iinir.{. .• •.• • ••• •• •• scant,'inspppnfiR-. "A^cross is snmc-

    llnitiV" sii'l I h

    b y

    Cor Christian:i JerKeymancounty ladyknown as the Coeinnof David, nnd was nT


    •?o:m>. yoars nc f.rricd a WarrtMi i

    this hiilMinK

    • "f ihc T/ird.

    KiCty " days n

    the. Import-

    nvrraved thc,>

    ? afto.r i Iio...ros'iir-. thp npn.«tl',M were all•nrd nwomhlrnl In thisw.'iltlni? for thft [>rnmisij

    ui : id fr of a mshinirfi-.c-r?r,pon-l-.r.; tuiuiiij •••wiml," ,;intl- it iillnd. nil the

    ..ma(le_..iL:._rnovemeii_t,,_as_.lf ..to m -tU'wn.j IH.UISC \vhi>ri'...Uio,v .V.'.erflJ.sltUns. --Ajidtlic stnirwaj-'j Into the crypt whert'j thr-ri.1 ^pponrf-d >*unt'o them cloventho mausoleum stands, at which Mos-t inmruDS, Hlio.na of flrr, sinr] it sat up-lem guards In a tow.;r!ng rase si-l [ on ench of them. And they worn nilupon him With. . such threateningdemonstrat ions . and hullnbulm* thatho thought It not wiso to contin\i.; ,theat tempt . He did hq,wo\'er try thenmglc of. hackshcesh but .found itpoworles at lomh. Hep

    'tlioupht.it was a shnmt; that hlgot,edMohnmmodnns shoiild be permitrpd

    fiUffl with the Holy Ghost and hpganto speak with oUier tongue? us the

    tiipy. p.-ofichod (o HIP 'assembled ' and .ftinfizod multiMidca, Petor being theprincipal spender, and'J 3,000 .woreconverted in n sin pin dny. This isconsifiore'd • to'"bp" tho' in'auEjuratjon of

    liy"" Chrlfllluna.-^aiiO. l iackoclhah b«;en-royrsrencetV hi Chrlstonly by tho wbalccst nnd meanest KOV:ernment on earth, forbid Christians'access to places of biblical interest.Ho pronounced It a"dlsKru,ce to thecivilization of the nge.^nnd declaredthat the Christian natrons of wirthowe- It to themselvps to correct thlaatntp of thinga,;.either by diplomacy

    ade on this hill! From'STclchlaedtjk. to David; from David toChrist; from Christ to the present.Mt. Zfon, the pride nnd Joy oC theJew; now not a Jew dwells upon "'it.The Armenian Christian church Imtttaken pojwfission of the Holy Hill.Tradition further relates that the VIr-ffir; Mary lived nnd dlad upon this

    of thv'nU IIIKO hear thti linnso \t( tho vmns.""i'hls-^^n-i^turyv^iiU^-all^uinti^TiiiuiiD[i-rnK:i!t'!;i, is full and. uvurlluwirii;vith bodies of tlifilea'd. ' W'v liavu al-•oady dOiSwibcU thu many woll-pre-iTvctl bones wo sa'tv ;.diyiriten-ed while

    gravft diygiri's thruw out four skulls,aiid.Uie '"(ill"t-iriiiy-dtrv.'y«d ^innuiiLs oillu- 'now dlsposssesscd. \\'bil,> say about

    eelnulcjries and tombs.. ,but no adc-rjuiite description of Jerusalem canbi; given that docs not give mm:h at*

    fnc-t thnf'-aei'iisiiloin atnnds in iUumidst of onts of the most wonderf,|ilcemeteries on earth. - Tombu arefouiJil everywhere. Scarcely tin ex-cavaUon for; the .foundation of u.blinding... in.*'.t]i.e ...nciivei*, p.urL.^of.^tlie.£lly' can~:be"made"wHhout'e'ric'ou'riier-ing rock-hewn graves for former res-idents : o f ' the city. ." Many of thesehave been repeatedly used. The rocksall around the city aro honeycombedwith tombs. Perhaps the most intor-x-stlng and best preserved of Ihesejire some elaborately wrought loinlis.nearly north of the Damascus gate,

    (Continued on - pago B),

    THANKSGIVINGFnt Chickens, from ': u> '?• lbs..

    Mixed Nuts, Oninye.slianiinas, Appley

    Celery, Confectionery, Kte,

    BxibrcrS (BroeeryGOOD 'SIJltVIilK I'llOSil'T DELIVERY


    '" ~ ~ ~ € " | 7 "

    for Tall and Winter

    Are now arriving almoft~ey€ry-"c|ay7 "%!)ey;"represent""the very beft values obtain-able, and our judgment isbacked by nearly a quarter

    ""of"a centuryTdevoted ex-cjusively to shoe selling;

    Herman Petty

    Proven fVlainal =

    For Home BuildingIs th- only kind'Uie roi^vrvalivr .man nr wdtnan can. . afford,..in - -consider who iHinakhik" un In-veslinunt of H UfL'ijnn'. I^udscome ami KO ns.tliey'mvjimved,,defective nr înidOiiimti.-'" u» our"ruffiitreinehts, hut a good homo

    "•'',JM"mlKiny''hS'ird\iL7rTmprPvT\Ti)o7f." - - —A fraino house'"eonstn.itted with,ordinary caru and of jjoud ma-terial will outlaKt'several Benor-atlona. Proof of this in In evi-dence rlRlit hi!re >ii iiotno. H e r o

    whole families ami the lumberIn thom would nnt compare with

    • tho" superior' mtllwurlc on : the'™-lumber we handle today. TheniumifacturiiiK nf lumlier hasbeen 'reduced to a science andUie stock we'handle represuntHtho . IJOHt nn thfi market. Come

    Ailcger's Lumber"

    A Square Deal is assured to everyone who places his orders with the Star PrinteryThere is no substitute for ADVERTISING any more than there,is a substitute for money




    To Those Who Find the Fish

    T h e ire Ten Fish hidden in the nbovc picture. Cnn you find them?

    j ; ;"• CONnri'ipNS • Triicu the outlines of »*; many lisli iis-yiiu cim findin tin: aliovi'iiic.t.un! »n this oron a, supanttu .shoot of pupur. Write •your liiunu iiml ixlilress plainly ami semi it with th« picture nol liiiii- »>f h i " lai-K-"ji'»rlicrn Un-nU| ' it** !».(• on Monday .

    Mr. iintl i l l y . A.-iantnio.- «tv

    ; til.- l.inaln.Tfy b

    Mrs. I'-f*-r V. Klmn-y will niter-tain the next iiH.'i?thm of th« I-rtdies'Aid at in:r. lu*m*! "ii th" tlr«t Thurs-i l u y I n n« : . j i - i t i l j 'M.

    1 " T U i * l i o f i a l t i n i i rwill h>! In the hands «>f tin; I"M,

    Frank iiml L.UT IJiiinds ftminl' ii,•!'»,. Dhot lust Wf>tlti ; i t n i i r t . l a h f t m I ' " i ; ( j . , v . . ) ( i j U ) '. „ , ( I t

    • t . . I l l u l i t s t o w n " t t S i n t i r> h i y . t o - j ^ j . . . . > - , M P 1 ( ) . . ; ,

    I'liilr ll.iil was .l.f-ate.i l.y .1

    lui li.l.i at i_v.|rT I.:.!..- II..us

    (., M , i » i w . «:.*••. i>-i l ; i s t V . . i l - s . l a y t i t N - rt-M-1

    • f 111.- .v-.-K'.- .n w i l l : ; , ; , . . . i - : , i , v ! i i ' . : . T r i r i i m

    tn.tr- M1---1. i . l u . . i.-iurow .'l-'ri.i;iyt nk f i t . Musi. ; will \m \ m, ',i 'i,. •> WrV' U p d i m - "si i . i - '»"riirntxlx.'d by thy Kaf-t I t ; inqor or*. . \ 1 ^ : Tiili.- 4*.... |"1- ha»* i r ! . in . . i , ! - • /' 'h'-xtfu. • ' : ) , , , , . i , , ,m , , j h ri,...«t,-r «irt*-r• I. j-fi'.i-t

    .Mr. ft»d M I K KniHtiiM V. lliitit . o . - k - | vl.^H -AHI, .|i--r isun-r Mr.-. Wn f . I ' . in .-r. =b r n t - d i l u i r .'.::.! wedd ing a n i i i v n u a r y ! | , , , , n i | ,\|,.M jn

    viwitlrm h i s son (i«!orui (|Uit- j .Mrs; A. ,1. l>« tnH ' and

    Mr. L:int.'rntiin is s' yottm \ i>liV; spun l ; " 'old and .t |v.- for his : u » . ! Mr. and Mrs.

    nl.iy with li-.il h, . , .Mr. i M

    A, .M. llti'luiM.nil "f iVan-s'.' splint n ! -Mrf.-J. Mitkr Unitn nl"

    m, ,\. \\. lUrhnii'tHl. wlio lsi\ tU h l I

    ; !i--r niotluT^ .Mrs. Miirlhn . !MM,1 Win. 1,'ini'c and Mra. A. H.i

    T l f t r t withiItiav af ternoon. Tim tiro st.irtt-d 'from j a t Ul.-iir i lull. Mr. KU-hmond IH n r e - ' • MM. 1 Win. I,-»n«*o arid Mrs. A. H. ;j.i defucih-.- ilii.- In t l u ' i r - ' Kiu-liuu.l tii.irliahl" old K>MI( li>tii;i n. l'-iiik' ao ! ILinii «|tviit Tiif.'^iay aft(-rticoti wi th iiSorne ftsw iliiiis.H wi;r

  • Time to Think ofWarm

    Outergarments' and ;.:

    The UNIONwill take care of.you.

    Ladies'Goats, Furs,



    All ihe newest styles,ivnsonnbly priced.


    A!l Trimmed Halsn;iltiiv

    b\iv now.

    120 Broad 5t..WashingtonLiiliai-. Bla^icr, Mgr.

    Why Pay Big Prices for Trimmed Hals?

    34.98, $5.98, $6.98.

    .i It Is s:il,t 111,,t a l i n i t ' - r I h l r n r l i ' - , i r , .1 m a l l t n . m NVwton fciiu- a m . i v -I

    ill.1 11..; h.,*,- hi;j .Mr. .\tii.-.*.'ll.uI t.n ti ctlli'a.1 •:!

    |», l ; i t , , . -•*. Ill,,- p t f l h l ! l l - | - , : l l l l l l l . - | | ( til l ." ! l i : . :il" M l . '• I I . , I ! ; , . : . ! •••!.,t..I,ln> , 'M-lii l i tS.Hit, i " » t , i l t:ii-': IV,,,1 M.- t r ! - ' ' i - !:-i.- p i ! ! . ' ! i . iVv,! t l u

    f a r m M I i l l , , . a i u ^ l r , , . u f ! , . > u , i !-'!,>y,l AT, C a i i l I U I . I VMll !i!->\,* l i . - i v In• T!i... I U I I K I I K I ' S , , r l . l l ' . ' i - .y u i l l ulv»*i t t i . . ' . i . j>rt im.

    : . ! : ' ; : i , r l : t ; , j , t , - j j i , - u a i j j i ) i . - j ; i hi i v j ' j T l , , . W'urun t'.inui\ . \ ^ i f , - , i l t u r . , E,1.11. . IV Mul l ,.!i T l i : , n ! . . « - i i , n - n l i ! l i t . ' S , , . . | . . | v u- l l l h:i\..'-., i n r i - l l n i : III 111,! M .

    .11 wa i i l n . . s . >,» •. .r X . » Y , , r k i r : K , - i , l . i v l i n - s l T l l s i r - . ! ; i v u f l i T l lM-.T?>!i[ar t i n . - . ' u.- .- l , .^ ; r ; !:,•!- l i , ,n i . - oti , m i d , v , - r l i l i i : . .\ V a ! . - r s t r . - ' - t , S l i , - ;^ | . r > | , , ; iriL: ! , r JI I , . . n . , t M i l I , , l i . - a r I t . - i t ln-i t a n . lt r a i t ? . . ! n i i l ^ , , . i l:,i ,-!i,-l - iuH - I l i r i l " I ' l U c h S - ' l i s " l i t

    It---.. .1 n . - l l ; , i [ l : r : i - :'. w a s ,-.d!,- s , " - s - ^ . r t . " i : ivt-ii a tI. , X , . w . V n r t t t . i ,-i ; t .-n.l III,' l u r t i r a l - i l l . . M . I: , . ' l u a v l i . H i . l a y . ' v e i l h i B .

    " ' ' ' • 1 ! ! ' - ' i ' " ' Ji*1 '" . : ' I ' l l , I ,- vii l j t., -:n - t i l . T t a i i l i i l t l l t a i l , l j

    arM. L\?:T,r. '.V.IV , ] ,> ( , . . . , , , , ,>; , , t i .u i . l t . ' , [ • ! , s- ..;:Ht-i!,t. ' .*..i , * l i n . u , i i i « . p r . >,-nisi i

    .-..lU- .TI 1V.-,!i,-i..h,S'. : „ ! • ; , ; . . , 1, , « , ] . '• I . " . M. l ' , , r ; , r. nii, , Ii:..- l....-n ' - I > • M - Y l::i,-!:. ! A-;.:-- I n. .>.•,! m l . . '

    .!!._ is ,-vr,si.l,.r,il.:,- i,,i | . | . . , . . , , ' i - i : ! . m i l ! i i n , I M i . - • , • ] ! . . ; . [ , , „

    . ''•''. l V " l ! ' - l v i ' 1 ' ' ' : " - " " a t , r i ' , i , . l i r i l . i y . .

    • ' C M , ' ; ; . ' • ' ' , ; , , - ; ; ; ; , h . - ' - ^ r ^ i , ..,• i n . i i , . , , . . . , „ . » i , , , >,,,!I

    " I I I . - l . r . v i . J i n . ' i i . : . i n l t , . | , ; , . , . . „ ;,., , | , , . , , , s l „ , . . . ; , . „ . , . „ ; [

    . . . " • • • , ' " ! •.'•' " " " - • •" ' > • ' • ' • • ' • • " • < < * s a r j i r l s . . 1 l a m T i l . M l . i y , I

    fiflv-iP S^.Si^;r 5 -";^v£^.- ;i",Vt


    Knulo p i e c e o f" ' .liar

    • • ' a g > j l f prit'i-. $\'>: s a l e" ^ — — U ! 1 price

    . "f $ 2 7 . 5 0 ^ y •••\.-M-Buy Your X-nms Presents During This Sale and Save Solid Cash.

    • : i v , !!!•: l!>/••-:•'••:••> ..'•.,•,....;• -i..~-\ | , i s . . . - i ' - iy .

    Caslon's Most PopuMr-

    I'riccd Furniture Store

    524 Northampton St., Easton, Pn.

    P S " ! S , r $12.75 | J [ L •!;;.,;:;edoak. A hijrb- 4^. f^iT"*;!.

    d i ! i M



    M , \ K K - - ! ; i ' ! M

    ! • ; : . : :

    ^ : - « V ; . •••,,ri

    ''••'•'•• H : t i ! : , , ; \ h ' V J ; : ; : ;

    l\!yjit us tn S/yA".Hi\'J:t its to finer,Ktylit £/.v tu Waring Q:i,i.!iti\'i.

    i." ,i ̂ nriii '-Inny, ,lp

    ••i«."ST.\KT X


    .'.•'-: w.or.Ki:) Ŝ T

    U ! X ' : ' ' a t Li I1

    1>UL i t wi l l

    t v p(j\v-.-r.v-

    f t r i i n s i t , : • : ;

    du*" "ill st "A)\v: •'


    HENRYNV. wrflPPLE.'

    Surplus n,ul Undii>ni.,P>;d.ra.Daily. Bali

    id«d Profits «en«M-.r.t:Sl00.

    , • - . " " " • - • •

    :s a- iViund t

    \" i l l l l f . • V o t l

    • o.>nlimic JCCI

    K'!i ;. on ' UK: n-a


    s °""' "•virned) S125.000.u,,u Gvt-t, Suljjet

    >at never 5_-• ".cady : lo 1ma)' not

    A Doijarvt it,'ix-i lo sue-,.


    i» Ci.eck.

    H n ! ! l t.Mr, .Tn.l l l r \ I M 1 . T . w l i . .

    a ht j ' : . sv\var t i : i : iLr t.-i.-r T i mTi:--. r x - n u - i n ^ m i s ;!i.« pi-Ji

    • i ! , i . r : i t i " t h : . l is ini*-s-l«-'l' w i l h • " • -r l i U I M - I I I S . a i i - i . H ^ t r ^ v i l : - ; L--.--rit..~\ ' . . i i o t n ' i n - i c h Hi.;- ' n n o k t i : i ! i . |•vic.-.s w i t h l i . i u i d | » r . -p ;HMl lo r , s '—•ro J 3 . i i r . jv , o n e w u ^ — l i r e ^ - t ! ! ^ ilic-

    CARPENTERS, BUILDERSAND CONTRACTORS—I hi? machine will soun pay

    for itself in llio iaviny of timeon ripping lumber alone-—add

    ..•lo^-his. the ^reat convenience^of a machine fur aitlmg-otf,-niiU-inig, "Toovinii, boring,jointing, ulf... arid you savemost of. the hard, manuallabor on a bull cling job.

    I he engine is buill in the

    irachinc. .

    Conifjlete descriptive circu-lars on application.

    American Saw MillMachinery-Go; ̂

    Hackettstown. N. J.


    All porti arnedJSma'uuel UnalL-y


    it is Not to Early to Make Full Provision for the Near Approaching

    man, -

    Hnws nml \V:\\. C. -Mi'Mna businoss trip (n .Wwt

    '--r'-^":-'*'i?oz.-'ii\s."y--y^rs-'">'Sr lias-1- been the headquarters'rior-'ICniycajShrirpeticrs, SaiiK'age Grimier? and Stuflers, and all other necessarytools—tools of q u a l i t y and of the sort that .experience lias taughtare the handiest.

    SEE OUR TIMOTHY SEED"'•>" " " W e haVe "a gre;it vjuainity of the dependable kind and,a.s alwa>S

    Penasylvania or New Jersey.

    JOHN OSTERST0CK & GO. Ce"^rre

    Mrs. Fi-r.nl.- Klshjiiumfi KH«IIL :I fnwrliiys last, wcel̂ with her r"ii"«rntp in IAlln'nuif.'hy. ' '! ,, . j

    Th? township oonimit^v nu-1. ;it tin; ilint.'] on BiUnr'liiV fnr tli-' iran-sru/tion i"t' hnsinow. • ' ' j

    Mr. anil ^Irs. \V»Rcr Ackcrsun left!Sntunlfiy fur n wcok's visit :mioni;irelativofi.in Ne\v_York • .-. _ !

    "-• ""M'ffjj" r.^orin" Cooper," "vrh'ci" ip "atVeniJ- !

    -•:"A.';iC..:'i*'e;irricrHtoh(j " of "-"Sinini-jrdlConn., 'ivfia a truest hist wcr-k-of ^.Ir.and tMrs. Wni. C. McMnntmnn.

    Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Edwards ofNow York were guests on Saturday nf•'Rev: find Mrs. J.' W. McManlmiin.

    r^ist Monday evening 32 yoimtj pen-ple came over from Blairs town ami

    .stopped nt the .hotel hnre. where ;icourse-supper wns served by landlord

    jiand: Mrs..:.Gooper.-r^^r:^-—-^--—•;:-:-----•Thos. Gallagher, who, has been a.

    foromnn over a ganjj of inen buildingI roads to the new T-.ac:kawanna depotI here, has completed his work and or.'Friday returned to his home inWilkes-'Hnrro.

    H.AZKX.Mi.-.s KM:-* -Mills slK.-:it Stimhiy v.-ilh

    II.M' .-'.Tint, Mrs. !'. K. Hiiylor.Mr< Thcis. JOMCK of Xewnrl: Is vls-

    ilitiLC her nintlior. Mrs-. M.-iry Jones.Mrx. .1. L. .Shiin^nltorK spout Ins.t

    Tlnirstlav with Mrs. flei*. r̂ . Pan! inl":ch-iilen- '

    Timru .will IJI' riu sfhool Thui^ilayfind Krirtny of this we'ek. owliiL' tn.lliosossionK . uf--tlie-..Lcni:|ioi'K'.. IiiKtltuli'v'-""'I'lu!"V."]>. S. G. !0, \vl]riiohl ;L biisl-

    :io.r,:; :r,r.Kt\nv;,.nr,


    It Paysto Tradeat Kline's

    Kline Bros.343-345 Northampton St., Easton


    at Kline's

    SHORT, ANDTO THE POINT!WJnt s yyarj*.1

    ,:"• Hays of.Cto 10 yean;.

    d S2.Stiitt-l

    i - i N iWe r».r»

    coons...se!tltit: m o i v f-»ri:>;.s • ^r . r . t :with;'i.-.icli priK.">|tii*

    Why?Our dop'-ndiUjIe rwonrf IHe :i

    I£ud WoolX'uilui >v. . . i . OS*. ... mtr-munt.

    J1..T!> Wool J-'lftniml .ShirtB inI'liif, Kiiiy iiitd tiui, 'jhi; each.

    Heavy 'Jurwsy .Shli'tn lit MutTflut'U-til. :;ile ami iifie i-iu'li.

    *".?f. C'lrtiiii"!- Tro»>!«>t*. fl.fls'nimlr. ,

    Ut>rl;Ing GIOV'K from fie JV*r can-

    llnfkMl:lii nr Miw'iitN* 'Oiumtl-lH.Vrni'll Kiivr 'jr. JKT i"tr»t h'-ro.

    "Arrow lir.uid" and i'risble-Culiai.t.-

    . vines1 \VOOU:N SHAWLS.S.-rni-tliinit

    Verynrry.i«l w

    ntf fr

    nuiHt .stores do notervifvabl^, how.-vt.ir,UV you a Mnu ratit,--bru.ikr,Ltif l l

    , llnf7i'>:H4 In.

    vitij, TixTJ In

    a t

    ;i.Ii' «.f rw.-lkiit qualitln-.nitlfiilly niarkp'l. j«;

    n-)iJ; litit'd UiroiiL-hoiitKiilii. llnini;, licavily

    s 14, Pi. IS.'^tt. iJirnt.'tr. pretty ItrasH tuitions'.

    > and Mi-• v«ry «f;v

    d Sull l>

    holy |il:uvfy *liil.; tin.lhml iiriylnttlly \>>n covi-p-ofiderouH ."ton*; door, HM adJiiHi-

    III ilmUns th>: hlildcn opi;nlim niluht••citfily piinh it op hnmj- lli:tt itWOUlfl HWillf.; Bllllt i«C ItH.OWtl p'Mld!' |[ti[[/vill>>, nd . \

    Hunday a t !JAaron OoolV. |

    Tin- IHII»H>' S«IHMII will !..'a(*uti moetlni! noxtSun-lflay (jv^ntnir at V o'clock; tojilc. "Hmnttiili.-^lMiiM end Church Mxtcnsfnn—|Mi'tltodlNrn'fi II'.-MlionalhilUy to Amer-ica," I^-itili-r—KUvood .Simon.-••MM. Itrnkltjy K»-iul dlnd at her

    hotiif In Ilrahiitrds on Saturdny morn-1•tnif. Th.> funnrnl was licit). TUCB- |ilny aftornoon. I lev. J. IL Frnscr otli-1vintimr. with In torment hi tin; old}I'fmi'iwv at • IJOWCP Harmony. ~ j1 Four'of Win. Stout's children and!

    ,„. ur i i ' iu l'l"-''l iiM-ri-.rtwru-UU-n violently]Vo niori- H I Monday mornlnK of lawt «'*;•*

    conceived' Or. l!osnard wa« hnmlly - " "

    of AltiK-rH vniildliopolwssly conlliK1 one than Imix n"»n- • • - . . , , , ,,m.Mit hcrr NO'fiitr* could It.' inor


    Dressing Welland

    Sabing Money

    You ctuwlo twth. Hireis how to (ID it.

    : Hayt you :;i. Dros : or.Suit—can'l wiar it, tun'badly fsiilc.1,-soi'cri or oilcolor?

    UV!! ::;.ikc them ttooilas new lor a fc-w dollars,saving you fVom Sto.oo t»S50.00 >m each Suit orDies . . •

    "l'iiit»i..' *vrk \\; . : h vUnitcl Stitcs.

    !£xpR.*>.i.i;o iKtid ,J »; r-my on 5;.(jo work

    KING'S'Triaih Cleansing

    and Dyeing Esl'.225-23 I Ferry Street

    Easton, Pa. .Wutc icil m »l,.il you hive- icummail hrinijs v'lTptke ind information.

    v.H«rM"!" i.V»»N!("i rr.-I '"(Ll-liva.!.-.! w..ni:in; Wlmt rlmriiw

    not lruh>l n u m . I ,„ .„„ ,„ ,,..,.,.•. .jKi,!,.,,,!,. ;„ ,|,,. ,,,•!,; rial :: !l,-r,.•. ii. .W^lilnicloi. 111.... :...- I l i r i y c l i r U t l . i . v J . l . n . . !r,-..«-r.r .. ! , , ,.,.|vi ,-. ,,,, t | | mil lmml...,l, ,.( .v..n....i who nr,. . , , , . i , | , , . | .•h 'Lrll.lr'i'n i r " ' h i V - m i r S , | , ' « l l ' ' ' l " ' * " " r « .m.l .UlhT .•r.-lll..^ lire! I"" «r •n.liirlsia tli.-lr hulr I., suoli annil;r:r" ' " ' ' ' ' ' j i>;tl,| ifi f,,n, or unltl lUf u t - r If tli,. K.ni,.nil .ni.".'t« of t i l - > > ! a t . . ' ' " " «• Tln-y .1 . . n»l »lminp...t llielr j.!,» ; .n . rii"..ii ..nil . i t*. . . lunl-iH. ,i - > . j m , innuillclont. t o . nay dctioattnM nn . i ; l i a l r ..fleii rnni i i ;h. o r inn often. They I:i..rai p i . ' . - , in-- . W . I I . I I v. .> • ' " l , , . ) i , , r .-r,-,lit..rs. a n aM..wMiK-iil in.,. I..-'".•=."• sonps nr prrpr.r.iU.Mi.* vihloli c..i.-[

    innOIK- iimrc'.wivk ami Tli:tiiks}>iviii^ will bi: lu-u- :lm\ tin; wants of all liavc been provided in our

    hue. You IIKIV bcKoiiiK tospciid thirduy witli fiionils, and naturally yoii may want, a new SuitOvercoat, oi sometliiiii; in tile lurninhiiij; jjoods line. •..We have •prepared for all, ami «u-h denirtiiieiit isvery complete.

    Dress Shirts at 69c, 98c, $1.50.Fancy Shirts at 49c, 98c, $1.50.Neckwear in all colors and patterns at 25c and 49c.Redman and Arrow Collars, (M^*) 15c or 2 for 25c.Hosiery in every color and grade, 13c to 49c.

    .,.«,„,„.„„„.,..,..f....™« , ,.., ,., Underwear, cotton or wool, light, medium or heavy^ - . ^ ^ 9.8c to $1.50. .Wool 'at 98c,':'.;:r!..vlj..v"!7 .'";"•"•'.'"•:;.?. (":'i'.. ;~i-^»»_ .ii.,,^,,!^- m .HVM»,,.N >«^ ;̂;_'j V.


    li'1';;r.'«!r'v";i"i ? l - 2 5 , $ 1 . 5 0 , : $ 1 . 7 5 .

    : • »- ..'..Men's Handkerchiefs in every grade—White Hand-

    kerchiefs at 5, 10, 13, 19, 25 and 49c. Colored Hand-kerchiefs at 10, 13, 25 and 49c.

    ..f tU-

    T h r I ' - . ' i i ; ) \y. j t r - t t ' t i i - m i ; . ( Y > r iU>- w . t r ^ . j1 ; ni.-n. .>, unless [,i-o|,.,r an-t proinpl



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    :' :''A W

    • I Hani

    " Goa.h of (Ju.ilily"

    A NECKLACEWill PleaseHer

    If you aiv in doubt asr. 1 wha t to .trivo her tora pi-uA'itt will anil lookover new and up-to-datoiino .if iK'ckhu'Orf. Thoyjnaki1 h:U!(isoiiH'and at-• rue! iv.1 prison '• * ;mu iin*ahva\s t ippf tc ' a 'od . WeMaS'.' iu . i . i f j^ line iliutwill prove e.'.'' *•''''W': f'-'l-'.'1*'" .-I'III.-.I. an.l lh- s.-alu Is i:la:-.. ! with allV o the r house ill the sl 'lte' • v ' ' • | l - - ! • > 1 I . I I , > . ' , I ' . 1 " , , . ^ l i . H ' . . - 1 1 . 1 ^ 1 . , . . , . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . _ . . . :

    TKi-.1,-; f..r• < • • - , . t | . . .

    G. W. iUxla&Co. |'v"/:;^:'"^ I w. v, v

    EA5TOK, FA.

    ; , " P J " T : : ' 1 , ' ' A 1 : ' ' ' ; N " I I I - V I 1 : I ' . ' I V i . a i i t « ! • . .« - T.svVr" ill ':";t'"r you will never 'Hfii! u nmi'e cotuploto •stock oi' toys than

    • "^hM^rc . W e h m r ••akon the .irrearestpains to ̂ et the latest• loveltiea of Europeand America and we•are ofi'oriiig them at• y- ^ r y • I'M1 ̂ ° I-J?- *L?. •prices.

    Brinjjr; the "Kid-ilios" clown and letthem have a look atall the wonderfulthings. It will dothem a world ofgood.


    - t f r ' . s i i i .vsiy Mi.thn'li!.f.-_.! v / : ! ! L c :

    ^••iion'K-'i'l'iislo'ns!" 'i'."'in'!'";Vnil (Jon'Llikc thtiin.• Hut thuy arc

    ntsr. \V.i , | m i i t f l - a l Ith:f;t- \\na i n t l i « S n h i u k t n A n n y h u l l . S ; i ( - ;

    fi.'11'i'u-in^ i n ^ i n n n c i n ' s w i l l ) " • ' i tst-d. 't w o c n i - n c i s , v in l i r i in : iTi (Jo l ln , • ;u? to-

    :nc\ ' ;v '"Airr^inT!«. is^Vfi 'Tri '-u"ir 'f ' r^1^ iCvl!r"ii . '" :!

    | A r m y iv.Vrlc in I h i s ' - i ty . o i , ,-*ii't,t|;ty. ;1 NOV. . ' i ; , ' thf-i'rf w i l l !„• ;i :iM.;il >'r, !(•[•,- !t t i o n mci-'tiiiff in ' . he v \ r i i i j h;il.l. • j

    A Timely Gift Contt'stiints Ttijink I'riourls.A number nt the contestants li;ivVasliinytoti Water Co. u-UW In.held nt the odlce of J. K. Fulper, 2SWest Washington avenue, in the Ror-oueh ot Washington, County of War-ren, on-Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1911.;);

    Potls open fronv^O.SO lo 11.1>0a.m.J.;03. FUI^PBR. Sco'y. !

    •--N6v.-~i!2--"lSrE " ' " 3t

    A. speclnlty.is mado,of lighting andposinR lo get the beat llkenesgof anysubject. ., \hJOHNSTON'S Studio, 22 2 N. Third-.-.--St-v Eastcr.^'Po.— -^ r-.v̂ -...--r-—.-,





    the. •.Ganie—T.I f -we Imil l-lio tiiiH.' Ui sit ..lijwn am.l la Ik this Dry (no i l s business over with you, we holi'jv-o- you would

    feel convinced 'Unit, we ure i'i.t;lit. '

    •Some s tore men will tell you wha tever they sell is j>e;r|'ee!. To lie honest, with yon ami with oitrsolverf, ;\\ro

    uannOt say this, We. ran suv i-iyiit liere tliat, while our claims may not, lie so hinjo, when it comes lo sellinir yousomething, you ' l l liml us ri^rht, liero when it is not ritrht. " •'•• • •- •- "

    You ai't; not aftef Inlying claims, but whatever you buy you want lo feel tha t the re is a reliable aunn in toobitci; of i t—so tha t ' s where we come in."

    /;••-.: You'll miss much if you fail to see one speeial values for this week before you buy—not tin; value we placeon them, but the comparison other people (who have looked nroiiml) make . "

    We also


    O i l ? i f r u S h l l U m U l l i ^ i U l 1 W'wi I'orlui tw0 dnyn t•"•! In Unit city for xewral

    The Celebrated Scranton CoalAT KKTAII.

    '.•«>** - IR.SO [ . I T i . tn

    -ih«l?n»v "::"::::::::::::-•: S-5S {:::? !::sSSkiVAtf- • : : : : : : : : HSKTKi;Hlackn'nMti ..r Rltuml'n* "

    OUR COill , ,; (id p,,,

    IIVM hi'W a fiirmurn* IIIMIUIK- ai

    W'M,NVw VlllUKo, N. J.


    A Iliirnmiiy Item,A |>l«*;iK:irit Miirjirifle wan tenderc!

    rul .Mrs. Arloy Oflimin Saturday" ' 'from Witlm

    itiu'ttm anil nvsirhy, drove to ilu'lrIHMII*'. (;uiniG-'.'t

    IWlt.M For Hunt un Hharca. atisl'inttiHlitiry; ul"Mit KiO uereii. nomehii|prMV(!niL'nt3 iiml grain. Apply IXA. U'llsun, Hod Uitnk. N. J. lMC-2t

    WANTHI) — l>ry , Uuckvvheat furk'rindltiK. nt hlKhcHf marKctiil^ii Feed utnl Itui'k'vh.-ni urlMIK Willow drnvu Alllls. Jolin Stout,Stfwitrt8vlllc, N. J- ll-'j-4t|i

    rinirll>.i!: nt t i n Ill^'li |:rfil

    '-.SII.M.IH. lo l i l i i ' ..(T-ft J a n . I. |

    »trn. .1. H, 'iiiytMti'.', fMtir.f;itnlly lion.-.:;• n Wt.^t (;tit»iili Ntri.-t :IN jm (I IV, - . - ! - !

    .'"iTtit. :Itov. Dr. Jiiluisiiii .wlll urit.Tii.tn •

    u>:ir,l i.r ilir,., t,iii< ill lihtir Hull A'.-a.l-:•tny a t t l i " IT-jihyti-rtiin p t ru . t ia i ; , ' . !!> l.y t i t w i - :

    r will UKtin.' Hat

    tin Hay, TI:H'Vitii; w|H t,

    V e r

    rd.Justice or Hit- tV

    •jf Itro.ulwaj- 1.UP h.TT


    !••>• JohiMimi•i"C!!K;;:'.,t I;.•viiil.,.r rur

    ii' .M.'.IK'al i:,,|l,.^.,. „,- x, .'" aiiliual 1.1,-mty , | i m , ,•II Sul.iliUij'.nium. Ii"I tlil.M til.u.. ;, in.-ml,,>. :I||.MMI,.I|. '

    i'.- s*turin fin>:.:|(..K t

    ^l'"t hi tl,h<

    IVlU IHVr.ir I hi'


    l 'U IDAV. l»Kl'.'u' iMItlri- r-t[ili'tlt.s "t th*; old StulNt,--imn lintvl. th.' .Mi.uiitalM Vkn'Ihmii.,i-hoolry.s ."\Ii.iiiitain: ;n«'. li'-t:).-. u.i-i.ns.. .'1-:.. l.y II. J. UVljstor.CI'.KICHS ANI> HI.KUS—I Imvu I—


    the fai'm, the shop or store,tltcre..is advantage and safetyin doing it quickly.

    The point of Ihis news stor>'is that if the- man, so easily you good'money. It is to your:swindled had had his money arivntitngi. to-Iwjfc al otirs liefoa-iUcst 25c Ladies' Underwear ISin some slrons Bank, like thc ; y 0 1 | ,,„,._• W L . , ,a v i . ,),,,„, f r o m ' still I9c.

    Old First National Bank!$1-!IS to S2S.00."'

    of Washington j see ins thwii.

    tliem from'Don'l missj


    . (;IIAIUS to aim T

    l-'i.'i.' . S.11.H

    ijtit l>i'trt?p than they f today, Jiisjkir Pit. W,-iKliinKt":i. 3-11 -"t

    U HUNT—A farm, I ',? in (KMKnuton, I'n,, t i»ne wltn umK'r-

    tin* rare f«f petich trcua: a ;; liu u citnillilittc'l'nr tlolcKtili.to tile Niitk'iiul 1,.JU._1.'jvt'ry (M'fiM-t .slicnlil !m oxti^nilod to

    TllLpn-vii.llUCtilJit in f




    i f



    st>nnsi!" ( ) m i lv i t l i i>iilill!ig t . v.-ccl: !r; 1310" r.i.d

    [ you wcro tirtrd, and hurried, andi diasjitisned—and vowed Xeverafjainl Lot us remind you. Letu s . invite .you ...to,,..make.., your.

    i[j;e!^cti6ri:..;1 now."".^N,>vWr'^;bffo'r^.

    [ was our stock •»*)' varied- andI complete: a n ^ ^ would1 like-.i yon to see It while It ia atill un-1 broken quietly, comfortably," at

    es on double barrel guns, I your leisure, rai l , see Window


    IIi.)e, aieam••n"!m--"1, •J'1.00: -'

    I-'ire and Water. J'i

    ~>u coiits. ..

    Woolen Gloves,'storm wristlet, 50c.1 !!c^n.nic:cr:incii",v.iiu.'UiHiin-;u.-5'ji.-.. Wooic-n • M i l l c ( i s , l ! : »(;'••» tut •••Due- •-"•••

    W o o l e n G l o v e s , LTiC. .. '.! •.Mule -Skin Gloves, 25i'.

    •Citnviis Gloves, Tc, 10c and 15c.

    1 SKMJ Heal Kstate. Consult mebefore huyint; or selling. F. G. Shinier,Porter fiiiliillnR. ISnston. Pit, 4-7-y

    YOUNG JIBN WANTI3D—On wood•worl; by Ihc 'Jnmmer Co., fit: the uldNeed ham [ilnno and nrgnn factory,

    RRX UI-7STAUHANT, OS CenterSquare, under new management.Rest moderate-priced eating place InKaston.., "FOR KENT—Xew house on Carl-n>n avenue; all modern Improvc"".cr.t3,Geo. Sarson, Waahinpton, N. J.

    • ' , , 10-12-tf

    iM-'Viiii-r prict! S12.00,* now $I0,$ti;ntimmurk'ss Guns, tormer price$M.2r», now $12.S3;. Hammer viuns,double barrel, former price ? 11.00.now J M 0 .

    We'^Tave as niee an assortment ofHorse Dlankcts this year as we havehad in a long time. They were uonghtright and we arc selling thorn atright prices If .you..i\vant a ..blanketyou should not fail to'see burs heforeyou buy. . . j ;

    Any rtli-U*you w a n t f t .

    l U

    lint asfdn until>« payment of , ti

    STOVESOur line o* Ranges and

    Double Heaters will please you.Our stock (s li'rjj" - and varied • ~Also about 30 Second HandStoves for sale.

    jas. fi. Johnston jas.H.Johnston

    -another part, of the four-family houseJ th t d l G

    p y seJnlo thft part, vacated, nml Geo. Yaw-S(*r ' will H>f,'in hoiisckt'i'iilni: in >uherooms vacated by Mr. Sliafor. •' •

    ->•' it Is stated that Marvin A. T*ier-son, the Washington :iiu:tio|\i>er, in-tends, lo make a try for the oillce ofCounty Collector. He was the tatoneiniJitii'an .i-.-i'mlidatc:. Cor.. State. Scn-ntor' and lias for several years been

    - i inembpr or tlio e'ottmy- tax ivDr. C; ' ' •

    ci.impany has . lat

    M. Uns'elinrry fh


    Mnrrnw niayi . . J J.otilr'o of county

    reorganization of 1I10

    11 rorn-- FT.AT for Uerit—Inquire nf .T.; K.Welsh...as Cookc, • . ....... '• •• • 10--(ii-tC

    VOli SAIif-:—One fresh C i

    attorney al tlvboard of fruohoi!.!cfs-.a!:--.JaR."~^,-:-:^HIlio undf>v.standln£ Is that-Mr. Mor-row will [Hifopt Ib.i ji|\Wlnininnt iftendered, " There- is nlsji t.alk thtit

    ivbqr or tho enumy- tax \1wv6; j Frrii.K--P.--.?niUli-i.r-'Fi«iiRUni will .V|,-inrhiirt is understood tn doslre|! '°s^ • I"s- K ; Thatcher for the direc-

    _ _ . .as.,..CounLy..-.Cn11cetnr.' Tno.' "onico pays i>iily"jriOO a' year -but

    no many additional duties hn'vfY noon1 imposed by lh i\ow laws thVvthe

    freeholders will doubt less hiivo toraise the. salary sooner or Inter.

    Two men were wmstlinff nt themouth oE.the shaft of the Wrashlnptonm in cat. Oxford, last Friday, lint, nel-ther will wrestle atrnln for some timeto come, both belttff̂ . in_.hc.(I-^-Amzry-

    :^3eip!c wfih*a broken: breast Viono nmlother injuries to his head, and Jos.Doclc•with severe, cuts nhoyt-.the body. Themtm are employed vus miners and intmmolHnfr hoth fel! down the shaft,landing .10 feet below. Other mlnerfibrouprht them to the fmrfn.ee and Dr.Tunlunn treated them, nfter !tiWhIelr

    1° lii_p._;_of,.llii!.. board,'Th"6'"i»Uil6"


    How to invest Wiselyand safely for the benefit of growing chil-dren is a problem that at some time facesthe average parent," remarks a prominentmagazine editorially.

    An investment to be qualified for this pur-pose should include:

    i. Security of principal.2; Certainty of good income.3. Permanence.

    Fidelity Trust Go.NEWARK, N. J.

    riutxii'sm itm i:.-l<

    viiti'ii* h> r inl l i i^ t .u iC.i:\-C.t. t:i.-rK Uttwlitml l-'jrlh. ulw.

    )u* 1>-

    OXl'Olll).Mr*. MUluiel Haley was vinilltie

    l . l . i l lv in in All.nl..»11 lam uuuk ..Mrs. D. II. (.Viln-r In vlnlllni: Air.

    ami ) I K Marry II. ll..iiil..ikfi- In 11..•

    111 . I a n . ' M i ' . W u r l« vlallliii.* Mr.

    I'raiik M.-Kt'imii of u'hitrnm «i>..|itSninlay utth Mr. ami Mrs. ISor*'H

    sir....kl.l«lii ..f V..M- Vnrkfiittivr. Jolm Slrookliletn.

    - Mi'iitlni; or New York l»iK in-r par.-utx. M r / ' a n . I M r n

    on North .Main strowt to hl.-i fntlici ! Ai-nlinw.:>n.i bruthvr . - T i n y will o m t l m i e th_»| J l ' . I d i n s t a r Council. No. •120. !>,.,; 'c r m v r y Int^lti'*,*.* »« Slorrmv ,.' till* p!;».r*> an.! : h.ini'.*, aCi.-r vi-itiiii: a iviyk ;n Voit

    ell liens, cake 11 ml ice c ream. Tho |KivKiitinn of -tii«» church \n | il:m-"f? in hiivl Friday ami!iinnlity at Viilounlt". !.!. S. I'li'liN1 has hr»n tal-1 lip tlic!

    p:ict two uooliK with » !aiuuit

    l.yn.'b. all 01'

    M r.

    || l t iy with Ills [lar.-nts. Mr.

    .Mrs. l.'.'v! Tl.-.-• ' r yan ' s ori'li.'.-tni .-f *.-l.'ii pi.-. '»

    h i - ti.'.-n .r.i:ai;.Hi lo a i rn i sh ttiusi.-l'..r til.. Kll.s' annlv. i - . i ty. to I'-r li.I.I

    rhiHipsl . ini ; , ni-M M.iml.iyI' IMi j ' C

    . iatlemlin^ a Sunday sehool convention •In 1'l.ilnilclil the past Week. |

    Win. llaKaman has moved from jWillow avenue into p.111 of Mrs. s. 1II, lialrvMlpie'* .tout.l.- li....... '

    Mr. an.I Mrs. I'lias. Stewart of l:in-;ere quests over San.iay of Mrs.'

    MIMIzalielh Kershay

    nil Mrs. Sara,\t. a.l. r.

    Miss Nmiiia Ander."..n of Kronen- :town has been spemlliiu two wooks:wllll.Mr. anil Mrs. Co... Opdyko. us- |sistinic In tho eare 01 Mr. (Ipdyko. •

    Mr. ainl Mrs. .1. Poran of j


    . Public Scrvice Corporation of New Jersey, as possessing all these qualifications and|5J|"y^,J'^!"?,:v''^I,\"".\cj,'^


    admirably adapted for the purpose of secur-ing the future for your children.

    At the present market price this security is ";'%!;;:;;'V.''ii"7ns."'̂ r"S!"u>iuV't;n^ ^m"\J^"'7,^1''^ '?H$S"*ZM£- 'i^!*ra'u\iun''n-"n\r\^c'ni£h

    e s p e c i a l l y , a t t r a c t i v e , p r o v i d i n g , a s i t d o e s ivr*"*.'-*M'"*13''» ""•.*-7--I"iV.*J'.T!-'" .'J- "'"^ii.l-^-V;, :Vi*^''' Vl^*"* i'I"-it"VM"^j'-"'!r1fr-^"T *«"fm^ii?'i"-t">,*?.̂ T* '̂r' ? "^."""AVAS""!^;""^',*" î '.VVAVî "' *r"-.'*t'5-"*! - It'>'r-unusuallv laree dividend returns with pros-'«' "'»•-'»"•-' >|i>- •'••|

    pective increase in value. !, 11

    |:'' of l i^(M:iry Mtu-h-T Ayr.-s (.i'; Tyrnfto. Va.. ^u-iii. n.--iirv .Moutiliiin. nt tii.1 1«-i.!.-- v.lin. witli Ii.^r HISI.T Jriwiit'. >ias 1..-. n i

    .mrliitf KIIPIIII- tin. n.'ist yr:ir. Tin y ;

    .ill *.«>ll l.-lill'il tn til.- Stiltt-N.

    I...ills AiKlorsun.. Jr. . ..f l i s t e n . ;i .llcnilst nt t i l" \'iilf:iiiit.

    .rl,x, f.'ni

    scriptive of this security. :.roi,'"i'ht,'!i!!!" 1'.hiy i r |

    .Me,!'In t h e l i iT - lul . . | | ,hla. ' l a s t W,.. |- l

    at tho JI01I1.1

    rly of th is p l a . v . h a sl l ill i

    -1 .iiionIt., tli

    i : i i

    i - . i i t l y l i i ' . -n i i r i u i i . i t . . . I n m l w i l l in H i . "r i i l u l . . 1>» lo.Mt.Mi t n i : . ' i s t o n . I l i i -l . r . . t l i . • [ • l l . - n r y ..f tni r t | i l : i . ' . \ I I I M I :tu r a . l t M t . . . . f I . i r n y i . l t i . O i l l - t v l i i . ^

    s l l l n u t . m w i l l : I l l l i - n H i " l i . w i l l i . l l Mi. ':l | . . .il l .v I l l s '. a n d in t l . . - ] ( . | " t l i - r . T i n - Vi . t i lur m . - n nl- i i . - i i . i . - i - ; - » . _

    1-niit;.- .-li.'i-lil I.; I « - | .< - | . i i v i - n r ii-lti l i . ii.l. r sn i i m.... Hi. ! « I . M I I M I I I . I

    . i t i - . -ns . . ' OM-..I-.1 i - ' M l . uli.l .Mrs. H.ill.i-.iny nf r l l l l l i ; . .l l . . | i . l , . r s . in w i n 1.H-- i ' - .i «'i.-i.l "I M i s Ai i rcn n . iv ln . V

    iu- I,. 1'liil-i Mrs. Wm. M.:r:lr, ,,i' I ' l iniisl i si. , in ¥ri-- ali.on - l \ years an...it . i\:"onl. No. UT. l-'ores;e

    making mv;il |ir.'t.r i e

    I T i n - M r s ! f r i l l ..!' > n . > v: vv. ' i tc l i f . l i l i n . u i - ' h t!i.< \\

    r ; i l iipt.M.-;.it. '[i . , 1 ' i l i i .-

    1-1. " II! ; •Clj.i

    l iv- ; t r ts \\ ! . . | | i h t

    •* — i l l• • ' t ' i r m i v . T f i . t r y in1'1 i ) i " il)stitMtit

    \v> ( ' . \ i i t i . ' ' - K i - i . l ; i y .• v v i i i » i i H I l i . - » I h n u . - - . 1 " - M i . i . . n i i t l - . - i ' . t l u . - l . - t i ^ - l i . .- i n ' i . l 1

    H ] i A i r t l , , . n n ' i l f H l . 1 t l u - y J u s t C f U l i I l i ' t ' : , n i l \ l r « • I ? - " W , ' ! { . ' i n W * i M i . ' . i t u t i l . i - ; " f " i l l . * t H i i . » i t i n l . \ 1 i - ^ i - - " M p p i v ; . ! ! . - .

    » • . i n t . M I I s h f i t T - o l v i - . s . t . : < » i ! « ( M ( U L - ] i l . l y , ; \ V . . . l ! ] ; ^ i J ; , v " '.• t , - . - t i i j ( i i ' p r - . y . - r n i f - o t i n ^ = . S ' S J I I . - J S , . l l i r t ' i - . - t u i ; n ; ; t ^ t h a t « . - « • ( i - . j

    i h . ' V l . . s i n . . t i n . . - i n i : r t i h i i . - . . i n . t h . M r j i - . M - n . - x t w - ' . l i w i l l h - ' ) i - M ; t t H i . ' I I ' P < I I I t l i . - K j t s - t . - n . r l j n . - i - | . i v ( i i - i ' . 1<

    h < w s . ^ i i t i . i s l . ' i ^ h s . T l n . . f . » w h o ( . l . i i n i : i - , . » n . - ; . f M r . a n d M r - . i ; - " < . S - i n . J : i y . ;

    t h . - i . i u t i t r > m J a t - t ; . . . I ! . - w : i : . - . . ( , .

    H i - 1 ! ! " ! , . . ! * o f 1 . . - i t l K U r s i : • > l i H l u l K l ; i d ! , - : . . ) . - . . . , . ^ . . . . . • • ! y . ' . i - . ; . i , . ( I . ^ U I . : r h i s . - i l b j < - *; l f l ' v i t i f n : i n > [ - H H -

    s U - i ' - ' i ! - n . | : : v - - t h i s " w t n t f r : i r . * - . M a y o r ; , ' , v ' i \ " ' , ' , , ' \ .uU'Z* ' v , . r v , i v i t , " •, i . , f v i . w — # , ? > • - : : i » . t H ! t , ^ j . - . ' . i ; i , a t i . - n ; i 1

    ! i ; i . - u >

    Thes t ;warmth ancicverv-dav %vî

    i j Hit-. 1)1:1 tlK-^1 lm:

    :ui(i can "IH- , nst'i

    ll.iy h.is -in:

    . Mrs, J.'S. I;,

    i! ,\l!'i-rt.s...i!i

    lie l i - r '

    .v I r -

    Nature's Warning: IC... |iit j n -

    mi.• L.ITII -M..

    l iK:ks : h:i,: !u

    : Hint lim-jTll,.1M.ont ll".'i ,!il;.;: on .Moti-; i,-^si


    Havt! been S2.00 an!(J ahoul tho bntly ;unl'"• arrlvml. I h m . . ' . . . • "

    Arioihc-r" st-riinis rtccidc-nt

    he tni

    ni t of uni i ro i i l i lp Ity th. ' r•1 joy nf lilV; il kt-

    a n d ^ tnr t "V.xul t h i s

    ;unl in| in

    j l vfor about lO'-yciirs. liar hustiiinrl r. F. Cln.m Bni(lwln of KfiSt-^.r^n):wlm wns pnstnr of tho church 21 yonnfto. Alexander Cnnntr-JttVijj'r who %vito Inkc pp.rt.'sent ri l»ittnr of ropT'on nccnunt.,of (.ho. doath of hi.i s!st

    I had na guests on Mnnoisy Mr, and rbnrpo of.tho T,;H1IOV Aid SoclotiMrs. Coo. nnclcett of T" A---1 - ' ----- * -•-- - •*-- •;..Mro;-.!.Jiu-lBnn.-

    1.nRrltP.urj*io>;(i">hd".nus9eli," of

    nd |served the nc.menu:,.. Oysters.

    i:;iini(it si-M'p nighls, if yn':; ;iinl bruod and worry overiiiKii^iiKiry trod hit's, you nrn

    •iji of hij-iimtila nnd yon art-

    t'\!iiiti»ci(iii and iii'osti'atiViii.lo.wfTihes your cotMlilinn. imuttl he; lost In ln'Kfnntnf,' the

    Uii'M- CarlfJinc of Our Mni.Tiibleis. OXIC nnlXAlt .

    Trial I'lirku"'!! of '1'liiriy-si.v TiiI ' lITVCKNTS. . ; .

    hA \*Q ITIVI-; IJANK hlCAl-T Cl'AU-~" WITH ••fOAdll-'" DOIJiAlt

    lc by .IKNKINS * MK.ICK Kit.

    SAMO OI1 STOCK AND IJO\I>S.Tho nnilcrslffnc'.!. oxocutor of Anna:

    C. DeWItt, will i>iVo]v!'or sale-, at theUnion Sqiiai'i! Hotel, Vhillipshui-w, on

    SiUui-day, n.-wrnhci- (I, KM I.i 2 o'clock, 1") sluires of PhillipHbnry

    National rJnn!i .-ilock, 11 .shiiros Kiis-TCntlonnl iir.iik.-.lfl f>h:ir.-'K- loirs' X'i-

    tional Hunk of Kasion, -i' shares Alii-n-towii' Nalioiuil Bank, 10, sharos 1'co-ple'n. -Water Co., ?r.()0 ••:i-Thllltpshur£town bonds. SnOO PhSlllp-sbury u-wiibonds, ?-00 Phlliipsbiirg: town hrunls.

    , AVANDA VKOST, Adm'r.

    mid inciin tu stuy in it as long a.spossible: The rut of selling tjootlsat- tho 8111116; olil prii'e us for yoirspast.

    Other Montis have iiilvaiirml—

    some £one ji-soaring. Our pi'Uic-n

    (forjtooil. ilqibiiduhlc furniture and

    eiirpt'ts. mind.) still rcninin tho

    same. We are sure you don't, mind;

    your liberal buying "is proof that

    our oltl-i'iishioiiijil low prices suit

    you very well; so come iiheiul. You

    can he sure ol' finding what you

    want in both furniture and lloor-.. •

    coverings when you come, all strict-

    ly up-to-date. ;_ .

    C R F n r H Furniture• 1 V V * v^l U fr CarpetsWASHINGTON. N.".|.


    G. W. BEERS'10 (lozi-li .Hunniilor pui'i; l,iut'ii l ine]; TUWOIM,

    ., si/./' -Ji! x. 10. Vnliiy. 7'H.'; sale pri •

  • ,... . ,1:1s IJCIMJ [ll.'UiI^KIlllCrtvllli' Ilqalllf.-H l+'Uf.Uu

    .icmltcr 14th.K. !•*. _......

    Kurilnn, pf"-:;i(H' "'f l i c i r i dist-aw.

    Kraiiltlin Kumar..* Una muni |>r[',•the S t a t e huyj»i tut fit Mi.rr lr i P l a i n * , i

    T h e \ \ l i n | . ^ ; d f I l ' i u o r s l u r ' l : .f

    whl . lo itiuf it now \.,-itm -owlnrt.-,)]hy P r a n k ( v i i t l , i u i * i k n f . - M i i k n i , N " . - V . i

    ;>'. I). CU.iiuti.ih, • . i i w l . u M . 1 ; . ! - • : ;

    i ron & .Steel O . , h:ij* Ift-n tr.ui*lVM.- Km.'iswiiv i.ll'-VlmSin- v

    '(•ci:il .Uv»\\t

    Itlmi tror \\,iibiiti.y

    '•(ins of i'lih on tit.- •••r Atiilr-wli'it>"II;i.-[..'i

    v.ts i,I.,,irr

    • 'nimlt!-,.

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    i f t c - s * . o f t i c . - l i i ' . v f n r f i > r « f r y , h r s i

    t T ; i l M i . i " . - . - l > < l > , t l i ) M i - . v j t u ' M i H l . v j

    of \ v n r f

    - r t t i cmor K.'.-hcrUf. l.VU• t M : r " v , . i t *(•>•

    1 I ' l i r u - i H i ! , : ^

    . f . t i n - f f - - r . -1

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    •••'"; :' •;• I t : - ; ;

    " ] > i ' i ( i t ; . . ( . • • • i

    Marabou Scarves and MuffsNow arrivals restore our assortments of Marabou

    Sc.nves and Muffs to a satisfying completencbs(|inle the bust we ever hnvo shown. Seaives andCape effects, in black, naluial, whito, taupe, lightblue and pink, $2.50 to $15.00. Mull's to match at$0.00 to $15.00, Main Floor. Where People Get Most of Their Good Things

    Thanksgiving Table Linens... 'Whether ...they', be. of1 exquisite fineness and greatvalue or of tlio most modest prices, if your Thanka-giving Table Linens come from LaubacVs thej •will• •

    ,at loaot le of iummculate snowy whiteness and •above reproach for (jMnltty. In Iiinens, Laubach's insupremo in til) this section- ——Main Floor.

    Come in and SlipInto One of These

    Fine Long CoatsHero 18 tho greatest ar.

    S e r g e ray of. One Black and BlueG o a t s S° r6° Coatn to bo seen In

    thla Boctlon, lonsr, fltralght-llno models of distinction rarely foundoutside of the rorr beat custom-tailor-ed garment, and note tho low prices,$12.60, $15.00, »18.00, $19.50 and J23.00

    What word of: pralaecan bettor your opinion of

    * : . x"v BijfUBu icons' urwid*

    C i O t h cloth Coat? And we'vo( J o a t s *ove r°ly Plain,1 an well as

    the moat clover!/ trlnimciliiifjiliilH lioro for your clioosli:'-;. Ilrond-.t'-iitih Coats ranging In [irt^o ifrom. .5)9.50 up

    Mnfinlftft-nt variety

    x \ c v e r s CnntH n f I ) o t l l l k . .[ ,a C ( ,

    ible PabrlCH, moiU'Ia th;it

    Coats G r o different;' GO per-fectly flntali.Mi that

    tlioir twocoalaln-ono frnttiro 1H notrpvcalt'd by their appearance:-In grey,brown, tan, green and purple combina-tions; nt ,$15.00, $16.50, 518.00, $19.50awl £25.00.

    Full-length rt;aok Plushrji i . Cnitfj, Mned vflih SVAn-

    n i a c K nar,a Ba.Jn In b l n c k fln(Icoloia; Bomo fasten withlnriio frups, others witbloopa: dcop roll Ins uhawl

    coilnr cut ln tho now 13U fashion;at , , J22.5D, $25.00 and .$28.76

    Hand3brno nlack Voio'-rCo.-Us. rlclily trimmedm o ; l " 1 4 . •"*? sraartnat-i'yiGB of tho hour,at $25.00 upCoals

    A Price-Cut That's Movingo Til -DUiiU, v •«-„ a ixusn

    If you're going to get a new Tailonnarle, now is the time to doit, while tho great November stock re-adjusimcnt is in progress.

    Some of the verr handsomest models we've shown this seasonare embraced in this movement at heavy reductions. Various styles,that cannot bo duplicated have been sold down to broken assort-ments of sizes and out they go while " t h o season ia young" andthe fortunate buyer can got plenty of service out of thorn whilo theirstylos are most correct.

    Regular $25.00 SuitsRegular $28.75 Suits S 3 ••Regular $35.00 Suits J T 1 . . * / * 1

    Women's, Misses' ami Junior Suits in complete range of regu-

    lar and odd sizes are included in this astounding offer-—;not ail

    sizes in every stylo but every size in variety of styles groat enough

    to satisfy the most critical woman. ••'• •

    Tweeds and Mixtures aro in every good color of tho mode and

    Black and Blue Serges aro fully represented.

    Suits that, up to tho day this sale began, were

    priced $25.00,-$28.75,- find $35.00, now special a t . . . .

    The Great Half-Yearly Savi g mCUT GLASS

    " " Tlildk of ycrtir own fataie and alsoof tho bolldur Si't i>rolii«-!!i while youread through tins • r«-inarl;;iblo list offlxtraonjlnnry value? In h^h-v;rm\ri novarnitnessca except in tills K^mj*AnnualCut Class Sale at t.nv,h;tcn'~. liiit thoopportunity Is only for ilm*f 'who actqutrWli* -rtTi't1 j " " it. crr.: C'c:r;"-'«t'once.

    Cut Glass Table Tumblers, | Special -J QOnly 1 dozen to a Customer j Each at A WExtra Deep Table Tumblers,Regular Price $6.50 Dozen

    Handled Nipples, liuodlrdBon Boris. Canl n?p.i Bonr,Pancy-ShaiH- lion Iloiii;, Fln^f-rUowls, Jfll> Disiius, iMc; V'jil-ucy, asc to $1.:'.*•; ryr*Spcclnl m S DC

    SpecialEach at

    • Women's Furs and For CoatsNo rnor? faidrnfin^ "tor? dfsplr.y ' n Eastsn to-dr./ than In Laubacli'a Fur.

    Depnrtment. Fur Mu'fa arai Scarvea and Coat3 of wondrous benuty and unrivalledvorlctywlth prlc«3 ccneplcuoiicly lh« lowest quotd n t I h i

    p a i Scarvevorlcty.wlth prlc«3 ccneplcuoiicly lhilmUnr trustworthy t(uat!ttcj.

    E f d

    enuty and unrivalledlowest quoted anywtiera In thb city for

    Every fur guaranteed as represented at ttmo of sale. You can't make a rnlstaksIn selection hero. ' . . . • • . . .

    • S e p a r a t a f . T u f f a a n d . 3 c a . " V C 3 f r o m $ 3 ^ 0 . u p • :.-.• . . - - • • • • • . • . - • • • •

    M ^ T t ^ h d * r ^ S ^ t 9 t 3 F O ? c i ? ! t y .

    Fur Coats from $39.00 to S375.C0. -Snnrl cin«-

    tt-in. Mundttjti Bon Dor.a, SpoonTrays,. Olive Dii-hw, Handled

    . N'upjtleff,' VlhcKiir Cruets, Oil .Hot tics, etc.;Values, SLEft; Special at

    Spoon Trnys, C-ln. HandledNappies, Ilntulk'tl Bon Bono, 7-In. Nappies. Two-Handled'Nap*.ptes, C-ln. Cnxnvortn', - Vnluoq,'-

    • fl.TS itrul $2.00;

    nj,'hicor f i l l -ed1 to reduce ppoed In tiikhitr :i .crriaa-

    'over swltnli. Four nC the seven parswore turned over but not one- of the200 passengers was seriously injured.Tlits Is fluid' to he due to tho fact.(,». ihn *riii»-w-!is ir..idc!v»p-;.1i)r"aicei'

    Thn eiifiinoor ami IlroinoncoacliGH. Twori! futiilly

    Don't waste .your money Imyingstrengthening iilastera. Cli.imbcrlaln'sLiniment is chc:ipo,r. nnil bolter. ,D:im-pon a piece of flannel with It anil bindIt ovcrUho nfCtictctl |)nrts,on'.-Mck.

    -Mr. a n d Mrs. Ktilim:!1 atul "SMII nfIIiiuxvllU- wei'o riuiid.iy visi tors wi thMr. a n d Mrs, Uenj.

    Mrs. Mary irutfinanpiuniinoni.i,

    H M of Oxford .spont Sunlej1' Goo. W, IV'Hy.

    l"r.irry"ny with hiy , „ - 7 . w .The stork visited the hunn; o':r Mr,

    and Mrs. Rilinan and toft a little son.John F, MiirttUt diotl Sunday ni^ht

    a.I the hosne of liis nc!)hc\v,,J.J\ t̂r;- !;no iti tin! ltl.r..i;i:U of \VH3hini:i:.n. jConnty pf wanvii


    PROFESSIONAL$fr"| CARDS [-»Index to tho»e E»peci.illy Prom-inent in Uw, Medicine, Dentiitty.Pplici.In.urancc.Unilertnliing.ctc.

    Sent to YOUfor a Year'sFree Trial

    YVM. A. STRYKER20 K-istWaslmijitoiriUe., W!

    CHAS. li. SMITH. M. D.132 Uekiilcre Ai.liur. ttii.|i!ll>.tou. N.J.

    i Cotm.h In.lruim'iil. for ON TERMS! rcnl merit, nre unexcelled OF YOUR. by »ny other whatever the OWNprice urna'nc or reputation CHOICE

    vit:\v.\iUlan \\"[au;iL-l. «iil Alrc. .1fill ri'liitni!im In

    'J'SVM.Wts I

    , !•:. iVfS 111,.i . \ .


    111k s .

    H i

    • •

    l lti |i.i;W

    NAl'KIi\ vtiii HI


    A v t - i s i

    111' I



    tff A l | * ) i a « " I I -

    ."'i'l'-'ii'., ''r"in,i'"'i'l •^i-"i-i''t:.^"ir.ii,ii'.!.'iy''\i'.ili her iili.th.'-i. j' ,\;ls. sa'-liur It.-ll. ' I

    ..i.i-.i , ,•„,- ,,l.ii,. .!. I*!.!.-' mil ili'.flll.'r !.!?./>;

    iliii'i'i'.'r'.' ' ' " " "• ' " " ' ; " " • ••• i ' " An-'I. "V-". ' ' i " VV; . ' i l . ' . " ! ! r ' ' l t . - !h t . - l i . - in U;.f'.\ • " ' " • : 1 ': ' ' , 1 ' " - ' , ' - , '''' 1 ' ' ' '

    1 ! ' " ' " " 1 \ , ' • " " l l , " " ' , !

    S M j . l n y i n i t - s l . i l ' l i b i n - t l l . - r . . M l > . ! i - ' - - : ' 1 ( ' "l i t - Mil l -I , . - ! - .

    '•'• ^ ' r T l . i i l V . h . V ^ As i t i i m l i - r - i s l . i- I n l i iS l ; m l : i > - i l i u - s l t i l I l l s m - ' t l l ' - l - . . M l - , l l . ' s - ! ^ j . , ] , „ j j , , , , , . . > M - , . , . , - . I s i l i l i n l i . r " t s l . I1 I I I l - ; . i : ' l i i t i .

    "••• , 'V!* 1 ' , 1 ' ' " - , • , . „ • , • , , ; ' ' - > l i » i i !•:• ' l l i . . « i . \ . i ! i V i , l . r l . . l n : l i i . ; J H r e • l - : . l | t h T ' l . - t , • ! „ - , • > . , , . H o n . ' I . . ;. 1 . I - l i w l i . i . « - ! • » * ' l i t l i> H i . ' I . * *;;!--(»-.« l l m i i l i - . - i l i - U . I ' i l l l i - l - I I ' " I I : -Mi . r r l i . 1 . " i l l l Y . r « n I n i l i - H l r - I - . - v l u l l i n !

    i ' . I;'. - l e i l K i - a a a - e : i ; i . l ' . l - M . - l » " " • • ; " " " ' : , • ; . , ; , , ; , „ „ - , . , . , , ! , ! . , - , v u n ' . n a . . : I 1 . - l i . - n i , -••• 1 , . ' l i . l i . . B S ' . l . i e ' - n ' " r " l v i " . ' : " ""'• • ' " ' • • " ' • " " l l ' l l - \ ' - U - I I I . - l - i t l s •.•••111 v a - : i l « - i l l " . C l i n . - 1 -

    '"''sir '"i'.V'i l"ir'-""< i"."'a.-- r • i i i i r r M-.-r.-1 ' '^1"' ' '"1 '[••>'"'«•»•>. ' ' " ' i " S s (••i.w>.- j w ' " , r ' "^1 | | | 1 \ tpl I ' ' i . . !«| i l" i" ' . . ' / "- 'ui . l | ' . i " . i i - i i - ?

    .-•..iii' '.li. 'v " v i s i t . l i v o f i i , ' r ' l ' i - . . l l i i r . W i n . ! * " , ' ' " ; " .".! S'.! ' ," ' ' i ' . : , ' i ' v , ' . ' - ' I ' I " " " ' ' ' •"'•>'•>' M-n'- '-if . I »!'• >:t s - i n i l u y w i t h i V r 1

    i : . . i v . - n . " i i i .Wi in i i i n i . - t .m . : • '• „ ; -,-;,,. ( , ' ; , , ™ i »,-!-Vi,-"" ;,r i i , , , : A , , . ; ' " " l i ' ' l V M l ' - n - . m . - i V I M K - I : . T .

    s r . - . i . i - I n n c • • , • • . . • ' • . , . . . . • > • ! • • I « • / j f t * > ' / ' " ' " » y | . - l i . . r . - l i . » a r . ' . m i . l i l n s l . l v i . . i r i i t l . . i i i " r | A I I M M a r y - l o w r e I w w r . - t u r n o „ „ . , . , , . S : ) , „ , s l l , . , a „ „ - . ,

    :..'-• • " " " " " " " " ' " " ••. - • • • • ' . ; • • • : • • • • • - • - • • 1 • • • ' . i l i y ' ^ r i f l K ' a ' n r M . ™ ^ , v ! ( ! ^ ! . - , v \ v i , , • , ; , . I , I !

    THOS. S. DEURICK. M. U. . • ^ IL-̂ y^™;j, ^^I'^il-iI^'I.tl^.'jl'll'^ji^V'SV'i',',!.'''^ iV.' ii.,u.:.-!.a, ,,,,r.'>,:..



    Muuriu 'i'itiKtnnti

    '.Hazel Wc-truy

    l U S T l t K T SO. 'J.

    Mrs. Klomn•»> Itixlur, IMillllpsimUeutah Clanlricr, !Sct\Merf>Junni« llcatiy. lliittkutlatown . . .

    "Kv. it-liy

    i l H l i l l



    •t n ' 0 7 5 •

    - John Kveiam! of PlulnlMit wasover-Sumlny vlalior in town,

    K'Hiie Miller of K!l7.nl>i.-lli piiaSunday unil AJoiiiluy in town,

    The llt!l*j KOII of .Mr. and Min quite HI with f(jv»;p.elmul Lyoii.H WII.H 11 vof ruliitiVGH In

    •ok -

    Mdw. Jiumphfcy IH Kiifl'criiiK frumn «*'Vfr« uttucli of ItiNiummilory rlieti-

    TH. Klluibuth r.'HK'o Is vlttltlnff li«iritlitir, \Vnu"l:ii?liiinin, itt \JIUP \\u*

    I IKS McCIaln, of th« s;umtorlum,i nil over-Sunday S u« i t of Air. and••••' IMiller Potter.1 *'.•*. tAitilln Ca.se id' Morrltjtou-n was"Vir-.Snmliiy R H ^ I .if her mother,

    'dor HlKlur Iia» V»(«n bulMliiK :.uItluii to hfii poultry houHf. IN-

    Airs, f'rlcf, Tin' ;IL'.'ilKiir H.-n«lt:r.s.)n. Is

    riHtth'^r of .Mr? 'critically ill a t '

    prL'j.ent wIUi m» liopi* uf ro wllh hi-r Histci, Mrs 'Tr im- ;w e r / n t Holtiu.-nis.-who1 is rrltfcnlly HI. 1

    •Miss ICIfzal.oiii liiiimliart Is |iiis.-4jn^|sonio1 t ime with her ijiotlicr and nln-ter-ln-liiw, Mntloii ti'if^nt anil Mi-ji;!Hariiihart. ;

    UHKWII KI.KII was an ovcr-Sundiiy.'vUU..r •• ;,* -.tllC •" JlimiC • MC'. liia . . gr.UHl- IinothiM-, ,\ir.si i:iizal.*Hh Ofidykt- m'Hl'itKS L'UHtIt!. 1

    Mr. nml Mr*. If.-^or Kullilinn and io Fr,};e crowdedfor space It will'pay yon to come

    •early. aiKl-take\-our pick. • '.


    rl .W. Hhiv

    nr. hnj-hi-r/ (1,.|,L. I-M:ASANT (• t.tl Mrs, h-in


    • t I 'nrl CojjjvH(irm.«iy MIH.•terson. Allfs l v•!*•. Mi>^ Utnh•hy, • M! ,̂f '>J:i

    •'-na M^.s Bess '•>f u h o r n (!is]»l:

    ••••tot:1, to Vi :rii!!

    ;•!•! Urtnk "f IT:!." (,Ms-

    JcneM of Hiitt^viiii', all '


    ns- lt:t tu iho nl

    of the "Kirst Nat iona l Hank ofn^loti; J n h n I-:, Metrlsor. of thon County Dni i ; Stnrti, nrul Win.v.v!!, ;i^.-;bi;arH pns tmns te r of

    :iti ••s with correctnoss "and \;h>: fxpn-isscd favor ofjr ami ilio hali-hnnrif«tt i

    ,.]>•! Mrs. w

    ( N'UIIII H I .-Jiruhiv." •

    : u-.-.-k aftc-r spuiKhn^ two;thi* home oi* D. P.. f-'rltts.I Prank Yr»nm;in8 of .I.T:

    •'nrltntr nn ind*-*iinH*» 111n...I Mrs Srumi.-'l M. Hlikt-iHoward Frltts wns ii -4iint. Mrs. Arthur ri.'ilttxill. ovor Panirdiiy :ind ̂ ; i"(."V. Darn is 11 r,i llacUi'-n

    tho iilisenc..' of !U'v, IJ, P.Mrs. E!l:'.:tberh .WIMccr.. h;

    rrim- ami i-'sil-

    CM? Is'\-ith Mr. !

    A litllc wrt In the mddinjj of Itrii is necessary. But you cannot exertlst Urnmuclf c.iutiun in the si:!«(iun of Ksc Jrlkk itself. II you would have (CJ [hatis beyond compare will, ordinary Teas, just try Cliilils' "Princess". Blend, our

    most p'jpufdr brjnd. it tunsis'.s of leaves most tarelufly sdefied dqd will [jleasc the most par-ticular pillules. The flavor is imprisoned in the packdgt'S.

    F u l l Q u a r t e r P o u n d . .

    district on tJii- trip. Tht';'Si-coml .H'w-

    -/'^U!'.rKartey'of-\\v.niii,-i"erK'''.Ml^:l-ist!^^iegfrliH] of. Ol.-n O:irdn«-i- won' thlni.•irmnrs, t!K'.ty?hnicc (if :i violin, nmmln-;in or:fridta'r [»rf:-i'ii!n ^:ilur.Iuy t-VLmlns, tlie ^ i; t . a i | : l r u . o -u Pnikeytrnvn on Sunday. records of the (-untcst , ,re | j , r - , l n d Mrs. .laool. S U M , mid chl'i-" " • siTiumy nr any -atithom- hlron of I'.odqiort visile] li.ir puri-nts,s.'in.itlvo or any of the can-; Mr. nrul Mrs. M:irl; Holms, over Sim-

    Tjn'iVor.of !!trou(Ial>urR Pa!in .'.-Iiibor.ito systf-m which per-

    wul found !i^r,..,itiu' ror i>rocnrlnir I t h l .r, , ,; f N „.,,,.,.votes limited i-> dtp oveninK houral .... ' lfl l l t t u I

    ind PHtt.nh.ys. .'. Miss Visn-dnrr wasK-, , , . " ' \;.LP'l'.a tn t '

    rmth. Both Mi.«= Ul:i K:ir-"•


    F i tAn

    • t l


    r t t

    - i ttI ' l l



    t)rang.•ill ft ;i

    " I^C CCiiliforni

    thHen i

    a Califtty in.is they

    1 (.'IVillil,'rinHI,

    ms cith'HhflUKi'

    i is . l i i i iuit-L-. !'.

    an." 1'"'!L'V,'« Pen

    ) r r i t a •"slicednrw oi

    there'rer way• CooKi.

    i) .skinII- ii6z.

    ic lies'?

    form'.• sorvce pur-

    t'S, !0c

    lid JilVilJHc lb. it's a «5i; artiiiio hut. wewiuil. to Ii':;vo you try the [t-i'ilihinjT- Funny to ivduc.,' theprlt:i> of O>fiem Just now WII.MI(.'ofiL.'t!s 'a.re so hish. But it'-s ourway of lotting f>ur L-iisiDiiu-rs in

    •on any yond purfhnst's we nuikc.

    ' cauH, L'Sc. A strictly hijjh-grade.Maine Style Corn, it 's the best

    • corn Wt? hiivti >'xcont Cli i kin'aitilnu. Corn. wiiii.:h"coKi3 consld-iTuhti!. inonr money. In cast1 lotsyou may have it. tor 9"»c,.dozen.

    T.innl.'lt;r Horse Uudrsh. -kv .

    1' n



    SpecialSale of

    Men's ShoesThis Week

    I Personal Mentioni A Week's Recofd of the Movemenli ol ihe •

    \ People You Know—Local Evcnti of the 1

    J Ptil Sii piy* PrMly Chnmteled £? j

    *4i. Ki.ij>itt f l-Mm'.'.'.MIldriM uihvr, forn

    I' .TI Murray, is ill at her hN V k •

    WVdillllK nl I'm-l .Miirniy.•••Tltt! lunik- of .Mr. ,tiid ,Mr«. IIflliiii*. near Port -Murray, wrii-tiiu of n tu-illium w.-ililinj: inLion yi-Kti-rday, whrii . t l i - i r onHliiiiwlit.-r, Iterttm II. Zclliirs. w:i* mar•|t'i! i-i llnrvf.v I'nrk. «nn of .Mifi, Kin11,1 Park of HiiciieltHtowri. Tin- tvr.*imny w.is |i.Tforim»ii at 12.no iti

    "f .about. SO ciH'sts fromthe IMU-r I IT:tH;tHtKtmv.-lnhlii. • •{ M.'«fnn, NVv.-:irl:,

    ».r | l innr. linUzvUlc. Knrkpnrt .in t n u i u m i Port Murray.

    • | ]i i


    •Mr*. '/Abu .Snydor ha** bwn veiling | smi'M.if] P.i?ui*t rlntrch. fnrm.rlv ofrelqtlviu'ln Knaton and l'hlltf|vbui-K h»oit Mttrrny. iu>rfnrmr«l ihn .eon-

    Mrs. .Mary KiMYni.ui i.-i surlnimwith 'MK'itiiH'tiia at lu;r hi'iiii-Pert Murray.

    .Mr. LJIIIHT1 Potty of Wa.tlilnIX C. has lie.-.t in town a ....»,.

    ' " '

    , , i , " • ; ; : "

    I'inl;, white and irmen, and the I:l»tn>- tifnnil . under ,1 • inrirn wt-ilu'll, supponilpil from an nroh

    ! i'-»r ilia nL'i'.'islmi ami attractivelyi g n i t e d . \ ... •• • • .'•• Tli^ itrMf-smni,! u-iVi. Miss ". i; IV.-my. and tin* t»o_«t imtu. Alvfn ]'•ih,,a} nf I 'nn Murray . eonrinK ofOdds and Ends of our Men's $3.00 and 1;; ;^^^

    $3.50 S h o e s . , ^

    right for wear. Nearly all sizes. About 25 l "" r

    pairs, while they last,

    • special at v . : , :

    •SHREDDEDE WHEAT : -g BISCUIT, ""?H 10c'Package

    Today, Tomorrote and Saturday

    Fuii Line of Felt Boots,Arctics, Rubbers, etc.

    I VLl. \N'I> SI \: US


    icr i, month ' s "visit with iu'r" pVrwii'n I ' r r t " n f ] | 0 ? m r - T h < 4 v*i!ilfnt: .inntvh < pin Smith .Main-h'-ster, Conn. i W l | B P'-'O'cd hy..Mf«,«* T/iura P^rry, nnd; H

    IN-v. an.) Mrs. Kolx-rt Chow f f ! t l H ' »*«»i«" wow Arlington K""/"^-. " i •

    with HI.-mis :it Purt M'lir.-iy, ' ; '*'"'t Murray. )5Mrs. \ . M S\i-f«-nny ha-' in-.-ti con- ' ' ' " ' ' I i r t < I p V V ; t s tflw'i* away hy M c r i j j

    JiiU'.d t., li-.-i li.'ii seVVraj d a y s ' w i t h i ft* t h e n Ucr r n ^ n n t i e tv.'is :i n t n i i ^ H I n . ' ' ™siinn•«••!] t r ' i i : H e l.i11 is iiou- i m p r o v - 1 . Chicken, dressed . .Peck Baldwin Apples . .. of Best Peas •,'.•..•-.:.-.•;• .Can Best Tomatoes . . .Bunchlof Celery • . • . _^Glass of Home-made .JellyPound .Mixed Nuts . .Pound Mixed Candy . . .Pound Blended Coffee •:Half dozen Orangesno;:en Bana!1.;1..-

    1'otai c'iS'i

    For One Week, ( £ oail for . . «Pvliiii I n Iswicil. Thn lirMr.;. msilii.v. Mr . P . I".. AlKk-ivoli JiiifJ wir.-1 U ' ns till ' i li-ifiit of m-uty nr.^-itis-.; of K:i.vl ' ' r a t m o . : ; _ = _ _ _ ^ ^_ .• M r s . T h o s . V.-M..M •!!!•! . h i i i K h t . T i !; o,' s t id . id^ lmr i . - w.-iv LMit-sls of Mr, |: S " \ t . , n ' > l .rotiMT, Mr. J o h n s . 'Xton, !• ft-wu IVi .h . r H I U I I M, . T ! . | ay . j! .\lr. .ti .hn S i m o n a m i fami ly a l t I- ••: ••«! Hi.-. u-i"lilliiu- of Ills nvi'lK-w. l i a r - i

    a i I 'o i t . \ h i r r a y , \ ' .-sn-ril;ty, •

    "• t . ' . i . M-.-r.. m i o s t s of Mr,[ MlK K. . ( ' . S, , II , , lay ,,,, Tll .-si lay.

    Mrs . \Y; ' I . .McCtiiKlj' of Oran - lirsi pri/.. l istr in No. |p „.• u,,. snu - s