Digging a Little Deeper Into the Word of God

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  • 7/29/2019 Digging a Little Deeper Into the Word of God


    Digging a little deeper into the Word of God

    Scripture Thought for the Week: For I know the plans I have for you, declares

    the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give hope and a

    future. Jeremiah 29:11

    Throughout my adult Christian life, I have enjoyed this verse of scripture. It has always

    given me the comforting feeling that God has ordained my journey and He knows what is

    going to happen before it transpires; therefore I should not fear tomorrow. In fact, God

    desires to wrap me in hope and prosperity. Ive come to understand that prosperity is not

    necessarily by monetary means, but is the joy and hope that accompanies the abundant

    Christian life.

    Recently, I met with the pastor of our church and I mentioned that I would like his

    recommendation for a Hebrew/Greek dictionary. Wanting to understand the original

    languages in which the Bible was written, I knew he would be an excellent source for this

    information. He handed me a copy of The NIV Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible and I left

    the office feeling as though I was a kid that had just been given my favorite candy bar!

    What scripture should I research first? After receiving an email from a friend that had

    the above verse from Jeremiah written into the correspondence, I decided to start with

    this beautiful scripture. What I discovered was so totally awesome, I had to write about

    it this week.

    The reference book I am consulting actually presents the verses with particular wordsunderlined. References are given in the back of the book highlighting the Hebrew or

    Greek meaning. Since Jeremiah is an Old Testament book, the reference is in Hebrew.

    The New Testament was originally written in Greek and deals with the Greek language.

    Only two words in this verse were underlined; plans and have. So I began flipping to the

    back of the book for the Hebrew meaning of these two words, hasaband mahsabah. The

    word that popped off the page forplanswaspurpose. I read the scripture again, For I

    know thepurposeI have for you, declares the Lord. Somehow purpose rang truer and

    deeper in meaning than plans. Being the Webster/Encarta girl that I am, I looked up theword purpose and I found the reason for which something exists or for which it has been

    doneor made. So, lets return to the scripture to clarify the meaning of this point.

    For I know the purpose, the reason for your existence, the reason you have been made,

    declares the Lord. This gives the connotation a deeper significance, doesnt it? But

    thats only the beginning of discovering what God has for us to learn this week.

  • 7/29/2019 Digging a Little Deeper Into the Word of God


    Moving on to the word, have, God continues to explain that He knows the plans He has for

    us. To be perfectly honest, I understand the word, havebut not to the degree that was

    given to me this week. When God speaks and says, I haveits a whole different

    perception. The Hebrew research gives the following words to help with the

    comprehension of this seemingly simple English word; regarded, considered, reckoned,accounted, designed and determined.

    Using the information I gathered from Mr. Webster and Ms. Encarta, Id like to expound

    on the verse once again, For I know the purpose, the reason for your existencethat I

    carefully thought out for you and that I consider to be true and beneficial for you. I

    regarded this purpose especially due to your particular nature, your uniqueness while

    designing a detailed plan that emphasizes your gifts and talents which I made with a fixed

    purpose in mind, declares the Lord.

    That put more perspective into the word have than I ever entertained knowing for one

    four-letter word! It re-emphasized to me the immense thought and consideration God

    gives in every detail of my life. In Psalm 139 the scripture speaks of how uniquely God has

    made each part of my body and soul and now I learn how intricately He has addressed the

    purpose of my life. The only human comparison I could think of was the giving of gifts.

    When we say to one another, I have a gift for you, most of the time we have put a little

    thought into a presentable offering. We probably know the receivers hobbies, likes or

    dislikes and buy accordingly. But when the Father, the Almighty says to us, I have a plan

    for you, I have a purpose for you its not a quick brainstorming effort on the part of theCreator.

    But continue with the verse, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you

    hope and a future. If we substitute plans for the Hebrew meaning of purpose we realize

    that Gods design is to purposely give us prosperity, protection, hope and a future. That

    sounds good to me, friend. Throughout the week, place this verse on your desk or in your

    car or on your mirror as you get ready for school or work. Let the true meaning of these

    words permeate your heart and your soul. Hear the Lord speak these words to you each


    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the

    Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

    plans to give you hope and a future.

  • 7/29/2019 Digging a Little Deeper Into the Word of God


    Jeremiah 29:11

    Father, thank you so much for allowing me to delve into a language I know so little

    about in order to learn more about your love language to those who follow and desire

    to know more about our Creator God. Thank you for knowing the purpose for whichwe exist and placing your hand upon us making us unique in your eyes. May we serve

    you whole-heartedly and believe, without a doubt, you will fill us with hope and a

    future with you and this is all weneed on our earthly journey. In Jesus name,
