Different Phases (Stages) of Preparation for First Contact (Total Cultural Involvement)


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Different Phases (Stages) of preparation for First Contact (Total Cultural Involvement). The four or so stages of preparation that a galactic civilization initiates before engaging in a First Contact with a lower form of civilization such as Earth, as well as the extreme uniqueness of Earth's planetary, geo-political situations

Transcript of Different Phases (Stages) of Preparation for First Contact (Total Cultural Involvement)

Page 1: Different Phases (Stages) of Preparation for First Contact (Total Cultural Involvement)
Page 2: Different Phases (Stages) of Preparation for First Contact (Total Cultural Involvement)

Different phases (stages) of preparation for First Contact (Total

Cultural Involvement):

phase 1 - the covert studies by the contacting race personnel into the contactees' civilization, scientific &

everything that can be studied

phase 2 - the actual visitation of the personnel who are initiating physical first contact, diplomatic

introduction & everything under the keyword diplomatic emissary

phase 3 - the 3rd phasers consist of historians, psychologists, even medical personnel, & others who

study the contactee culture's reaction to the offworlders' presence, their technological impact on the

contactees' individual lives; the overall planetary implications of the First Contact

phase 4 - the ongoing adjustment period for the implication of the technological transference; the

teaching, mentoring, passing-on of the technical know-how by the 1st contact personnel into the

contactee counterparts, as well as assessing any cross-cultural compatibility issues; all as a preparation

for the technological & spiritual advancement of the contactee culture.

Earth is already in the third phase of the preparatory stage for First Contact. But because of the

multitudes of hindering factors such as prior unresolved intercultural conflicts, inter-religious conflicts;

the high, intense involvement of the dark side / Maldecian agendas in economic world

affairs/transactions, coupled with the world governments' Truth embargo that is also convoluted by

dark side agendas, & most of all the PREVAILING PRESENCE of the FREQUENCY BARRIER prevents Earth

from advancing forward from the 3rd phase into the 4th....

.....so a DRAMATIC deviation of plans will be conducted: from the extraterrestrials' time table & plans, to

be transferred into the Hands & Will of that Almighty Entity that is being facilitated by that scribe &

caretaker nicknamed Maestro Pedro; the partial details of that ' Divine Plan ' is described in the Books

which are the extract of the Lemurian & Gorzanic Hall of Records.