Different Interpretation

Random Free Writing #7 Different Interpretation ____________________________________________________ How I love moments like this, casual, calm, rather monotonous, but enjoyable. Just sitting on the couch in the afternoon, reading a good book while Kurome scampers around the kitchen in the background, humming a tune, most likely crafting a snack of two (or three, four, five, six...) to sedate her appetite. It brings a smile to my face while I try to enjoy my reading...


Relinquish's different interpretation on Kurome's words.

Transcript of Different Interpretation

Random Free Writing #7

Different Interpretation


How I love moments like this, casual, calm, rather monotonous, but enjoyable. Just sitting on the couch in the afternoon, reading a good book while Kurome scampers around the kitchen in the background, humming a tune, most likely crafting a snack of two (or three, four, five, six...) to sedate her appetite. It brings a smile to my face while I try to enjoy my reading...

Actually, I just realized something.

This book sucks.

Meh, might as well keep reading anyway.

At least I would have if I was not interrupted by hearing footsteps behind me, though I did not feel annoyed at all. I gladly welcomed them. Along with the two arms that wrapped around my neck, and the soothing voice thatmakes me forget all my problems, I melt like butter when her words slither into my ears.

"Oh, darling..." Kurome said into my ear, I could just feel the smile on her face.

I had a smile of my own, and looked towards her. Placing a hand on her arm that was lightly wrapped around my neck. "Yes, my lovely?"

"Can we make love now?" She simply ask-


I dropped the book on the floor.


"Relinquish... Darling?" She looked towards me, her tone was clearly fueled by confusion.


My face blushed red. My body was shaking. It took me a near full minute to respond. I... I don't know what to say. But I can't just sit here like an idiot all day!

I moved myself away from Kurome's grasp, something I seldom ever do. She looked so perplexed, I don't blame her. I remember the days where I longed for her touch in some way, any way, even if it was a punch to the face. I feel somewhat ungrateful that I unhooked her arms around me, but... Ifeel as if I have to correct her.

I looked her straight in the eyes, and spoke in a shy tone. "Um... Kurome. What some people do in their free time is... Really just for pleasure, there is not much more to it than that. But what you refer to as... Ahem. 'Making love', is something special. I don't think its best for us to just be able to do it

so easily out-of-the-blue like this. And to be honest, I'm not exactly in the mood... But if its an order, if it grants your happiness, I will glady-"

"Wait!" She interrupted me. Placing a single finger on my lips, giving me a signal to cease. "... What are you talking about?"


Instead of giving an answer, I questioned her, though what I said was muffled by that finger of hers. ".... What are you talking about?"

Kurome sighed and removed her finger from my lip. I hate to sound perverted... But I rather enjoyed the taste. I could see that she grabbed a red bag of some sort, and began to walk towards me.

"This." Kurome held the red bag in my face. In closer inspection I could see that it was...

Cookie mix.

Specifically, 'Loves Cookie Mix'

"I had a feeling you bought it for me, but wanted to ask you just to be sure." She futher elaborated to me. "What did you think I was talking about-...."

I could see it on her face.

It blushed just as hard as mine had before.

I assume she understood how I interpreted her words.

"Relinquish!" Kurome damn near yelled at me.

"Sorry, Kurome! But you said it in a weird way!" I tried to apologize, she just rested her face against her palm, trying to hide her blush. "I'll... Ah, I know!"

I stood up from the couch, took the cookie mix from her bag, and began to walk towards the kitchen.

"Why don't I make those cookies now, lovely?"

She put a hand against my back and proceeded , pressing me to increase my pace towards the kitchen.

"Why don't you do that, dummy."

"Don't you mean, 'darling'?"






Kurome: Dummy. =.=

Relinquish: Sorry, Kurome. :(

Kurome: .... But you're my dummy. *Pats head* :)

Relinquish: :D