Difference between Indian and American people

Difference Between Indian and American People Relationship and Respect Similarity: 1. The thing is common between these two people and that is they do business relationship both at the individual and company level. Dissimilarities: In case of social relationship and culture, both countries’ are very different. 1. The Indian people like to live in a group whereas American people focus on individualism and personal preference. 2. Indian people try to make good relationship with others either the purpose is for personal matter or business affair. They try to become very friendly to each other. But the American people have no respect and loyalty to each other, though the business has come closer to them. American people put importance on money and monetary aspects which seems to dominate most arguments while the Indian people have respects for others without any hesitation. Communications Similarity:

Transcript of Difference between Indian and American people

Page 1: Difference between Indian and American people

Difference Between Indian and American People

Relationship and Respect


1. The thing is common between these two people and that is they do business relationship both at the individual and company level.


In case of social relationship and culture, both countries’ are very different.

1. The Indian people like to live in a group whereas American people focus on individualism and personal preference.

2. Indian people try to make good relationship with others either the purpose is for personal matter or business affair. They try to become very friendly to each other. But the American people have no respect and loyalty to each other, though the business has come closer to them. American people put importance on money and monetary aspects which seems to dominate most arguments while the Indian people have respects for others without any hesitation.



1. Both Indian and American people use English to hold down the business relationship.


1. Indian people are very much sensitive to their language which is rarely seen among. American people. Indian people talk to each other more politely but Americans hardly bother the manner they talk to others.

2. Two nations are totally different in case of dealing agreements. Their direction to “Yes” or “No” regarding any kind of proposal differs from each other. While Indian people politely avoid the offer what they do dislike, American people, at the same time crudely say “No” to they are dealing with.

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Initial Contacts and Meetings


1. For initial business contacts, in both countries having an intermediary is beneficial and advantageous to deal with off.

2. Negotiations are conducted by individuals or business negotiators.

3. Both nations maintain a perfect schedule for meetings in advance. Both nations are used to provide business cards, though it is not mandatory. They start the first meeting to get well known to each other.


1. When Indians introduce themselves to others they do not use their family name but American people usually do that.

Sharing Information


1. American negotiators usually spend some time gathering information and discussing details before the bargaining stage of a negotiation can begin. Indian negotiators will also first spend some time gathering information and various details before the bargaining stage of a negation can begin.

2. If any side provides misleading information, the American counterparts will likely consider this very negatively and may try to ‘get even’. In Indian perspective negotiations can also become very difficult if one side appears to be hiding information from the others.

Pace of Negotiation


1. Negotiations in the U.S.A may take less time than anywhere else in the world. In Indian perspective negotiations to be slow and protracted.

2. In American perspective even complex negotiations may not require more than one trip, as follow up negotiations are often conducted via phone and email. In Indian perspective throughout the negotiations the negotiator of other country need to control their emotions and accept that delays occur.

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3. Americans generally prefer a monochromic work style. Indians generally employ a polychromic work style.

4. If the Americans do not want to deal with you, they may not return your calls or respond to voicemail. So the Americans are not willing to give a direct no. If the Indians do not want to deal with you, they will slow down the whole process to show you that, they are not interested anymore.



1. Most Americans are comfortable with bargaining. Most of the Indians are also love bargaining and haggling.

2. American negotiators may use pressure techniques. Negotiators in India may occasionally use pressure techniques that include making final offers or nibbling.

3. American business people may employ defensive tactics such as changing the subject, blocking or making promises. Defensive tactics are also used by the Indians.


1. Americans may use the tactic of telling lies but they prefer the tactic as “twisting things a little”, “bending the truth”, “leaving out a few aspects”, or by some other euphemism. But the Indians practice deceptive techniques frequently.

2. Corruption and bribery are rare in the United States. But corruption and bribery are quite common in Indian’s public and private sectors.

3. Negotiators in U.S.A may sometimes appear aggressive or adversarial. Indian negotiators avoid most aggressive or adversarial techniques.

Decision making


1. The main similarities between India and USA are that decisions are made by top executive. They may or may not discuss about this about this decision with subordinate.2. Both country business people use Universal Principle with making decision.3. Most of the company tend to be hierarchical both India and USA.


1. American people are risk taker but Indian people measure risk before invest.2. American business people are used to make up their up their mind very quickly but in Indian business people take their decision slowly and deliberately.

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3. In India authority do not delegate their power.4. For USA business people Imperial evidence and other objective facts weight much more but Indian people backed by feelings and experience.

Agreements and contracts


1. Both Indian and Us business org built-up their understanding and commitment through capture and exchange meeting.2. Both Indian and US business contract made by the present of the legal negotiator.3. Legal right is not only enforceable in India but also enhance in USA.


1. In India written contact process applied for dealing without too many detailed terms and condition. On the other hand in USA written contracts tend to be very lengthy and very legalistic. USA business processes start with document for example (Mou) (Lol).2. Signed contracts may always be honored in India but USA honored the contract.3. In USA there are lawyer in practically every Industry and segment of society but in India there is no lawyer with every Industry.

Women in Business


1. Now a days both Indian & US women are in major professional position.2. Both Indian US women still struggling to attain position of similar income & authority as men.3. Not only Indian business women but also USA women should have face few problem while they visiting in the country as long as they act professionally.


1. Women in the United States expect to be treated very seriously and respectively while still a male dominated society where women sometimes treat badly.2. In US women married & take child with their own decision on the other hand different scene we found in India.3. In US women face more freedom & right in professional sector rather than any Indian Women.