Dictatorship Characteristics Explained!

Dictatorship Characteristics Explained! One: Human and civil rights are not protected in a dictatorship because an authoritarian or totalitarian society rejects liberalism, and this is a key pillar. A supreme ruler does not care for the people because he does not need to in order to retain power. Two: Dictators are often appointed into position by some case of “emergency” or were the head of a revolution as opposed to being elected into power. The citizens had no choice over the matter and simply were told the new way the country was to be run. Three: Once a dictator is in power he is in complete control, and so no matter the actions or opinions of citizens it is his choices that influence the country. Four: The basic premise for a dictatorship is that one man has more rights and freedoms than the rest of the country and what he says goes, which removes any importance of other individuals or equality Five: In the event of a dictatorship, often certain resources are nationalized in order to maximize government profit or in some cases remove property from a certain group of people Six: Censorship is often a major component in order to keep control in a country with a dictator. If the media is supportive and various propaganda is everywhere the citizens of a country are more likely to be cooperative. Seven: Dictator’s have a strong military because, often due to fear and paranoia, they want to protect their position. The military is under their control, and often a “secret police” is as well to keep order. Eight: Opposition parties to a dictatorship are removed, and if protests or anti-dictator acts are held those guilty



Transcript of Dictatorship Characteristics Explained!

Page 1: Dictatorship Characteristics Explained!

Dictatorship Characteristics Explained!

One: Human and civil rights are not protected in a dictatorship because an authoritarian or totalitarian society rejects liberalism, and this is a key pillar. A supreme ruler does not care for the people because he does not need to in order to retain power.

Two: Dictators are often appointed into position by some case of “emergency” or were the head of a revolution as opposed to being elected into power. The citizens had no choice over the matter and simply were told the new way the country was to be run.

Three: Once a dictator is in power he is in complete control, and so no matter the actions or opinions of citizens it is his choices that influence the country.

Four: The basic premise for a dictatorship is that one man has more rights and freedoms than the rest of the country and what he says goes, which removes any importance of other individuals or equality

Five: In the event of a dictatorship, often certain resources are nationalized in order to maximize government profit or in some cases remove property from a certain group of people

Six: Censorship is often a major component in order to keep control in a country with a dictator. If the media is supportive and various propaganda is everywhere the citizens of a country are more likely to be cooperative.

Seven: Dictator’s have a strong military because, often due to fear and paranoia, they want to protect their position. The military is under their control, and often a “secret police” is as well to keep order.

Eight: Opposition parties to a dictatorship are removed, and if protests or anti-dictator acts are held those guilty faced executions, imprisonment, torture or a variety of other harsh punishment without trial.

Picture Explained!

On the top of the visual representation, there are three examples of dictators all in red because these men were each the head of their country and were responsible for many cruel acts, deaths and oppressing the citizens of their countries. They had ultimate control, and no average person had an effect on them, which is why they are separated from the average person by the black barrier. However, the dictator did rely on their cooperation, which is why they hold him up on the platform. The guns represent the military and police control and threat the people were constantly faced with, and the question marks indicate the obliviousness the majority had towards the true state of affairs because of media censorship. All the bottom is in black and white because the citizens lives were very straightforward without options.