Diana england.oneminuteenglishvideos

One Minute Videos Diana England IH Torres Vedras Portugal

Transcript of Diana england.oneminuteenglishvideos

One Minute VideosDiana England IH Torres Vedras Portugal

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

so and such come / go / bring / take

actually cook / cooker / chef

sympathetic and nice last and take

remember and remind handling a call when you’re busy

been / come / gone say and tell

miss and lose how to confuse an American

interested and interesting used to do and used to doing

by and until

One Minute English Videos


One Minute English Videos

One Minute English VideosBy and Until

Situation 1:It’s a terrible day, but it’ll be nice by the weekend.Gorgeous day! And it’s going to stay like this until the weekend.

Situation 2:You can watch this until nine o’clock, but then we’re going to change channels. What’s happening at nine o’clock? ‘Dancing with the Stars’ is on. She loves that programme.

Situation 3:I need your report by Friday. Friday is the deadline. You must give me your report on Friday or before. I need your report until Friday. I have your report and I’m going to need it all week. After Friday you can have it back.

Situation 4:So when will you be back? Errr, not until late. OK, I’ll probably be in bed by the time you get home. OK. Have fun. See you. (Phone rings) Yes. Are you in bed yet? Yes. I’ve forgotten my keys. Yes. I’ll be back by twelve. Could you stay awake until I get back? Hello. Hello.

One Minute English Videos


One Minute English Videos

What do you know about ...a)The meaningb)The grammar / form

of the words ‘remember’ and ‘remind’?

What are some differences between them?

One Minute English Videos


One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of miss or lose.

We went to the cinema last night. It was a great movie. We ............ the first ten minutes. I ....... my car keys and it took a while to find them. So we don’t know how the movie started. But it had a great ending. When we ...... something, we can’t find it. This is the only key we have, so don’t ....... it. What are you looking for? Oh I ....... the remote. ‘.......’ means fail to catch, or fail to hit the target. Ah! I ........ We can miss a bus, we can miss a train and we can ....... a flight – fail to catch it. But we can’t ....... a bus. Not unless we’re a very careless bus driver. ‘.......’ and ‘.......’ have some other meanings as well. OK, I’m off. Oh, I’ll ....... you. I’ll ....... you too. Bye darling. Bye, bye. So we can use ‘.......’ to describe the sad feelings we get when somebody isn’t with us any more. And ‘.......’ can mean the opposite of ‘win’. So who won the match? Oh we ......., three nil. Ah! Heads or tails. Heads. Tails. You .......!

One Minute English Videos


One Minute English Videos

Fill in the gaps with miss or lose.

We went to the cinema last night. It was a great movie. We missed the first ten minutes. I lost my car keys and it took a while to find them. So we don’t know how the movie started. But it had a great ending. When we lose something, we can’t find it. This is the only key we have, so don’t lose it. What are you looking for? Oh I lost the remote. ‘Miss’ means fail to catch, or fail to hit the target. Ah! I missed. We can miss a bus, we can miss a train and we can miss a flight – fail to catch it. But we can’t lose a bus. Not unless we’re a very careless bus driver. ‘Miss’ and ‘lose’ have some other meanings as well. OK, I’m off. Oh, I’ll miss you. I’ll miss you too. Bye darling. Bye, bye. So we can use ‘miss’ to describe the sad feelings we get when somebody isn’t with us any more. And ‘lose’ can mean the opposite of ‘win’. So who won the match? Oh we lost, three nil. Ah! Heads or tails. Heads. Tails. You lose!

One Minute English Videos

learn and study lend and borrow older and elder

give and offer in time and on time rise and raise

story and history earn / win / gain / make money

tall and high many / very / lots of / a lot of

leave and let economics and economy

know / meet / get to know

One Minute English Videos

a) Prepare of get students to prepare a mini-dialogue for ‘funny’;

b) Prepare or get students to prepare a short explanation of ‘funny’;

c) Prepare or get students to prepare a mini-dialogue for ‘fun’;

d) Prepare or get students to prepare a short explanation of ‘fun’;

e) Get students to rehearse;

f) Film students.

One Minute English Videos

One Minute English Videos

a) What the video ‘straight’;

b) Extract marker sentences from the transcript and get students to

see what they understand of the meaning;

c) Provide open questions about the meaning and form of the

language point;

d) Use the transcript as a gap-fill exercise;

e) Given them specific videos to watch for homework;

f) Get students to prepare other videos of other language points

relevant to their own needs and interests.

One Minute English Videos

Thank you!!