Diamondback Fitness 510Sr Recumbent Exercise Bike


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Transcript of Diamondback Fitness 510Sr Recumbent Exercise Bike

Diamondback Fitness 510Sr Recumbent Exercise BikeSmall Product Description

The Diamondback fitness 510Sr is one of the best recommendations as far as recumbent bikes are concerned, representing a suitable choice for those who want to exercise on a daily routine, as well as for those recovering from joint injuries or other chronic pains. With 16 levels of resistance available, the Diamondback exerciser enables the great diversity when it comes to different settings of workout intensities. In order to fully support a versatile exercising routine, the unit also provides a wide selection of automated workout programs fit to stimulate various cycling conditions. The ultramodern technology involved in the design permits a smooth and acoustically-friendly operation of the account of the frictionless eddy current braking system. Moreover, one of its prime features is the comfort that it provides throughout its ingeniously sculpted seat base and backrest that can effectively take pressure off the lower back. Furthermore, the adjustable console incorporates a state-of-the-art LCD display complete with QuickSet programming, in order to facilitate quick changes of options.Product FeaturesDimensions: 64 x 23 x 50

Product Weight: 125 pounds

User Weight Capacity: 300 poundsSturdy pedals: The pedals are designed to accommodate any foot size as it comes with adjustable straps.

Comfortable seat: The seat padding ensures a comfortable position in the Diamondback exerciser, while its adjustability feature (both horizontally and vertically) makes the unit suitable for everybody, regardless the height of the user.

Braking system: The frictionless eddy current enables a smooth and quiet operability.

Heart rate sensors: A real-time accurate read-out of heart rate is also available due to the heart rate sensors included in the handle bars.

Electromagnetic resistance: The unit provides up to 16 levels of resistance adjustments that can be modified without difficulties maintaining a stable and consistent workout.

On-board water bottle holder and magazine rack: Hydration is important while exercising, therefore the unit is complete with a place for a water bottle. Moreover, a magazine rack is also installed for those who prefer doubling workout activities with reading or watching TV.

Workout monitoring console:

Easy-to read LCD display: The monitoring system indicates real-time feedback related to heart rate, speed and distance traveled, burnt calories and elapsed exercise time.

QuickSet program keys: The keys enable users to choose from 20 strength, interval, hill climb and fat-burn programs, available to mix and perform in accordance to ones resistance strength.

Speaker system: It is integrated with mp3 connectivity and headphone jack, allowing users to listen to music while working out.

Cooling fan: The cooling device in a multi-speed adjustable feature that makes intensive workout more bearable on account of its ventilation advantage.

*The console, as well as the handlebars, is fairly adjustable as to enhance a precise and comfortable visualization of the screen.

What Do I Like About

As a result of numerous workout sessions with great benefits upon body shape and health, I would express a positive overall opinion, based on the following:

Comfortable seat adjustments and features: The seat is carefully designed to reduce the jarring impact on the joints while intensely working out. Moreover, as a result of its adaptability to different body height, persistent exercises increase in performance and consistency, without any stress upon back and knees.

Exciting workout programs: A good part of the functional aspect implied by the Diamondback exerciser is played by the 20 workout programs that offer a wide range of possibilities for you to exercise. Therefore, working out becomes a relaxing and enjoyable activity, even at the peak of an intensive aerobic exercise.

Easy-to-use console: The workout monitoring system looks difficult to handle but in fact it is accessible to everybodys understanding. Reading the display is far from being complicated and it doesnt require additional expertise to effectively operate it.Smooth and quiet operability: The pedaling mechanisms operate in a smooth and acoustically friendly motion that doesnt interfere with other activities that users prefer doing while working out.

What Could Be Better

Apart from the clearly positive benefits provided by the Diamondback indoor bicycle, there is still place for future improvements that would make this piece of equipment the ultimate recumbent bike available on the market: Poor lightening of LCD screen: The backlit of the monitor screen is not bright enough, therefore the display might be difficult to read during nighttime, if one decides to exercise with lights closed while watching TV for instance. Untracked workout statistics: It seems that the console doesnt keep track of your day by day workout progress, therefore it is difficult to accurately analyze your increasing level of performance.Poor cooling fan: As much as having a cooling fan would be most appreciated in terms of thermic comfort, the Diamondback exerciser fails to provide this feature at a high-quality level. With poor ventilation provided, the cooling fan is nearly useless in the whole design.

Who Should Buy This

Given the fact that the Diamondback recumbent bike comes at a reasonable price with numerous convenient features included, it would be fair to notice that this piece of equipment is suitable for everybody. As a result of its various resistance levels and workout programs, the bicycle can be efficiently used by beginners but also more experienced users.

Furthermore, its recumbent design makes it an appropriate choice for those who pass through a recovery period, as the comfortable seat, alongside adjustability and the stress-free features allow a relaxing workout that contributes to a better health status.Who Should Not Buy This

A great majority of people who indent to buy a recumbent bike think about keeping track with their day by day workout progress for motivational purposes. As the Diamondback indoor bicycle doesnt provide such a feature, I wouldnt recommend it for those who take working out very seriously.

Furthermore, it is true that the Diamondback 510Sr is a rock-solid bike, but it might be a slight too heavy to move around for elderly users for instance, as it weighs 120 pounds. However, for a lighter version and also a piece of equipment which keeps track of your goals throughout its console, I would highly recommend an alternative: Schwinn 230 Recumbent Bike . With only 95,7 pounds, the bike also comes with easy transportation wheels and an ultramodern console fit for your motivational aspirations. Moreover, you can purchase this piece of equipment at less than have the price of the Diamond back 510 Sr.Bottom Line: Even though it is more of an entry level bike, the Diamondback 510Sr exerciser can help you improve your workout performance at a higher standard than other recumbent bikes available on the market. This sturdy indoor bicycle would be a perfect choice for anyone that is looking for a smooth design and high quality parts in its day-by-day workout exerciser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMhoVh6Fkao