Diagnostic value of biochemistry

23 Biochemistry KENDAL E. HARR, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVP CHAPTER Diagnostic Value of Clinical chemistry, along with hematology and physical examination, is the cornerstone of medical diagnosis of disease in any species. Plasma biochemistry is especially important in avian species, which frequently show mini- mal overt clinical signs of disease, even when seriously ill. Veterinarians, therefore, need accurate and useful biochemical analysis to successfully diagnose and treat avian species. The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) are the federal laws and regulations that govern human diagnostic laboratories. No such gov- erning policy exists in veterinary diagnostic medicine. This results in variable methodology, protocol, and most importantly, quality control, between veterinary labora- tories. It falls to the veterinary clinician to ensure that the diagnostic laboratory being used maintains a high standard of quality control and that results are accurate. The clinician should develop a working relationship with the laboratory of choice and must continually mon- itor results for possible inaccuracy and error. Feedback to the laboratory must occur to ensure that the labora- tory personnel are aware of any errors and can correct them. The laboratory used should be familiar with han- dling avian samples. Modified techniques in the labora- tory, such as the use of 10-μl microhematocrit tubes, pediatric sample cups and dilution, can extend the sam- ple and allow more data to be collected, especially from the smaller avian patient. When choosing a laboratory, the clinician also should consider its location, transport issues and delayed processing of the sample. All of these can cause artifactual change in the sample and decrease ability to diagnose disease. Concentrations of analytes represent a steady state of input, consumption and partitioning. The body is always in flux. Generally, pathologic conditions cause either an increased or decreased concentration of various ana- lytes. However, if both input and consumption are Fig 23.1 | A normal serum sample on the left and a lipemic sample on right.


Clinical chemistry, along with hematology and physicalexamination ofdisease in any species.

Transcript of Diagnostic value of biochemistry

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Diagnostic Value of

Clinical chemistry, along with hematology and physicalexamination, is the cornerstone of medical diagnosis ofdisease in any species. Plasma biochemistry is especiallyimportant in avian species, which frequently show mini-mal overt clinical signs of disease, even when seriouslyill. Veterinarians, therefore, need accurate and usefulbiochemical analysis to successfully diagnose and treatavian species. The Clinical Laboratory ImprovementAmendments (CLIA) are the federal laws and regulationsthat govern human diagnostic laboratories. No such gov-erning policy exists in veterinary diagnostic medicine.This results in variable methodology, protocol, and mostimportantly, quality control, between veterinary labora-tories. It falls to the veterinary clinician to ensure thatthe diagnostic laboratory being used maintains a highstandard of quality control and that results are accurate.The clinician should develop a working relationshipwith the laboratory of choice and must continually mon-itor results for possible inaccuracy and error. Feedbackto the laboratory must occur to ensure that the labora-tory personnel are aware of any errors and can correctthem. The laboratory used should be familiar with han-dling avian samples. Modified techniques in the labora-tory, such as the use of 10-µl microhematocrit tubes,pediatric sample cups and dilution, can extend the sam-ple and allow more data to be collected, especially fromthe smaller avian patient. When choosing a laboratory,the clinician also should consider its location, transportissues and delayed processing of the sample. All of thesecan cause artifactual change in the sample and decreaseability to diagnose disease.

Concentrations of analytes represent a steady state ofinput, consumption and partitioning. The body is alwaysin flux. Generally, pathologic conditions cause either anincreased or decreased concentration of various ana-lytes. However, if both input and consumption are

Fig 23.1 | A normal serum sample on the left and a lipemicsample on right.

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decreased or increased at the same time, the concentra-tion may remain in the normal reference interval eventhough the patient is very ill. For example, the globulinfraction may remain within the normal reference intervalin a bird with marked enteritis because of increased pro-duction of acute phase inflammatory proteins and anti-bodies with concurrent loss of protein through a com-promised gastrointestinal tract. Interpretation of clinicalchemistries must therefore be done on a case-by-casebasis with knowledge of species-specific physiology.

In comparison to domestic species, it can be a challengeto simply ascertain normal reference intervals for avianpatients. Reference intervals for biochemical analytes arehighly dependent on the machines, reagents and meth-ods used, and may vary significantly between differentlaboratories. According to CLIA, each human diagnosticlaboratory must establish reference intervals for eachmethodology validated within that laboratory in order tocreate a diagnostic range that can be used medically. Aminimum of 100 healthy individuals is sampled. A 95%reference interval is created for normally distributedanalytes using the formula, mean +/- 1.96 standard devi-ations. Therefore, the normal medical reference intervalused by clinicians excludes 2.5% of normal individuals atthe high and low ends of the range (Fig. 23.2).

Biochemical reference intervals for common species ofpsittacines (parrots), passerines (canaries and finches),and galliformes (turkeys and chickens) have been estab-lished by specialized laboratories, eg, California AvianLaboratory, Citrus Heights, CA. Each laboratory analyzingavian samples should develop species-specific andmethodology-specific reference intervals. These are stilllacking in some university and private laboratories.

Reference intervals generated by a laboratory representpopulation reference intervals that are broader than thereference interval generated when repeatedly samplingan individual. Some individuals will regularly have con-centrations in the low end of the population’s range andsome individuals will regularly have concentrations inthe high end of the population’s range. Therefore, anindividual may remain within the population referencerange even though there are abnormalities in thepatient.

In addition to accurate normal reference intervals, theclinician must have knowledge of the sensitivity/speci-ficity and positive/negative predictive value of a test’sability to diagnose diseases specific to that species.Although a great deal is now known regarding avianmedicine, research into the diagnostic application, sensi-tivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive val-ues of biochemical analytes is still needed.

MMEEAASSUURREESS OOFF TTHHEE AACCCCUURRAACCYY OOFF AA TTEESSTTAccuracy is how close the test approximates the truevalue in the body. Precision measures how far from themean or average of replicate measurements a particularmeasurement lies (Fig. 23.3). Most laboratory techniqueswere designed for use in human medicine and are modi-fied for use in birds. Assessment of analytic accuracy andprecision of a technique is very important when assess-ing different mammalian species, not to mention differ-ent kingdoms of animals. Any instrument error such asold bulbs, slight variation in machine temperature, varia-tion in reaction time or degraded reagents can causedecreased accuracy and precision.

Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values are the meas-ures of diagnostic accuracy. In medicine, sensitivity is thelikelihood that a diseased patient will have a positive testresult in a population of individuals with the disease.Sensitivity is a measure of false negative values. To helpremember the relationships note that the letter “N” ispresent in sensitivity and false negative. Specificity is thelikelihood that a patient without the disease has a testvalue that remains within the reference interval in a pop-ulation of healthy individuals. Specificity is a measure offalse positive values. Note that the letter “P” is presentin specificity and false positive. The predictive value of atest is determined by its measurement in a population ofhealthy and sick individuals. A positive test result ismeasured when the disease is present (positive predic-tive value) and a negative test result is measured whenthe disease is not present (negative predictive value).These can be mathematically determined using the for-mulas in Table 23.2. Tests that are highly sensitive fre-quently have a low specificity and vice versa. This does

Fig 23.2 | 2.5% of the population is eliminated on each side ofthe curve to generate a 95% reference interval. This increasesthe likelihood that diseased patients are flagged as abnormal. Italso means that it is quite likely that a healthy patient will haveone analyte that is mildly abnormal.

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not mean that the test is worthless. It simply means thatit may have to be used with other tests to assess organfunction and disease.

SSaammppllee HHaannddlliinngg

HHAANNDDLLIINNGGIn the USA, many exotic animal practitioners performvenipuncture using a syringe that has been coated withinjectable sodium heparin to prevent clot formation.Experienced avian veterinarians working with experi-enced restrainers, who minimize trauma to the vesselwall, can collect a high-quality sample without the addi-tion of sodium heparin. Reducing the amount of sodiumheparin in the sample is desirable. If most of the heparinis expelled, it will minimally affect the sample. However,the amount of heparin actually retained may vary amongsamples. Any droplets remaining may cause dilutionaleffects as well as interfere with some analytical tests suchas sodium and albumin. Samples for biochemical analy-sis should be placed into a lithium heparin microtainerrather than a red-topped tube to avoid variable clottingtime and gelling of serum. Anticoagulant tubes must befilled to the appropriate volume. A plasma separator alsocan be used to increase plasma sample volume, thoughthese tubes tend to be slightly more expensive.

Avian plasma samples are frequently yellow due to

carotenoid pigments; rarely, in severe disease states,avian plasma may be truly icteric from bilirubin.39,49 Pinkor red plasma is usually indicative of hemolysis, thoughdyes from food should be ruled out. Green-tingedplasma is rarely observed, may be caused by biliverdinand is usually indicative of liver failure.23,31 When work-ing with smaller species of birds, tuberculin or insulinsyringes are frequently used, however, not all of thesesyringes have detachable needles. Avian red blood cellsare larger and deteriorate more quickly than mammalianerythrocytes. This can make accurate analysis difficultwith ideal sample handling. Ejecting blood through a 25-gauge or smaller needle can cause moderate tomarked hemolysis that will invalidate many biochemicalanalysis.48 To avert this, attached needles can easily becut from the syringe using a pair of large veterinary nailclippers or scissors before expelling the blood from thesyringe.


Prior to collection, the appropriate sample container islabeled with the names of the owner, patient and thesignalment. Color-coded, rubber stoppered, evacuatedtubes are well standardized. Green-topped tubes containheparin, which should be used for plasma chemistryanalysis in birds. Lithium heparin is the recommendedanticoagulant, as sodium or potassium heparin canfalsely increase the electrolyte values and skew aniongap and acid base analysis. Ammonium heparin shouldnot be used, as it significantly increases ammonia andBUN concentrations. Heparin inhibits coagulation bybinding to antithrombin III and greatly accelerates theinhibition of thrombin (factor II) by antithrombin III.Factors VII (proconvertin) and X (Stuart Prower factor)also appear to be inhibited by the heparin-antithrombinIII complex.

The disadvantage of heparin is that leukocytes do notstain as well, and platelets and white blood cells clumpmuch more than they do in blood collected in ethylene-diaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA). This leads to decreased

Fig 23.3 | Accuracy vs. Precision. When values are both precise and accurate, they are a tight cluster in the bull's eye. The precise val-ues are all similar, but are some distance from the actual value. The accurate values are all within the third circle, with one almostapproximating the actual value, but are scattered around the bull's eye.

Table 23.1 | Statistical Analysis of a Diagnostic Test

Formulas for the calculation of diagnostic sensitivity, diagnos-tic specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictivevalue. TP = true positive, TN = true negative, FP = false posi-tive, FN = false negative.

• Diagnostic sensitivity =

• Diagnostic specificity =

• Positive predictive value =

• Negative predictive value =





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accuracy and precision in the complete blood count(CBC) (see Chapter 22, Diagnostic Value of Hematology).Purple or lavender-topped tubes contain EDTA. Blue-topped tubes contain citrate and are used to harvestplasma for coagulation analysis. Both citrate and EDTAprevent coagulation by chelation of calcium (factor IV),an electrolyte essential to coagulation. Neither purple-nor blue-topped tubes are recommended for chemistryanalysis because chelation of ions interferes with mostreactions.

Red-topped tubes lack anticoagulant and are used to har-vest serum required in antibody, hormone, and otherprotein analysis. At least 25% of avian serum samples willform a proteinaceous gel when separated, significantlydecreasing sample volume and occasionally completelypreventing biochemical analysis. Additionally, time to clotformation in avian species is variable, due in part togreater dependence on the extrinsic coagulation cascade.The use of heparinized plasma therefore decreases vari-ability in time to sample separation and improves thechance of obtaining an adequate sample volume.

HHEEMMOOLLYYSSIISSHemolysis directly interferes with spectrophotometricabsorbance readings and alters the pH of enzymatic reac-tions. Constituents that are found in higher concentra-tions within erythrocytes than in serum will be increased,eg, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and, potentially,potassium. Alteration in the enzymatic reactions mayappear randomly and cannot be predicted. Hemolysiscan and should be monitored visually. Any sample that ismore than very light pink should not be used diagnosti-cally. Additionally, if the sample is analyzed by an auto-mated hematology analyzer, a mean cell hemoglobin con-centration (MCHC) that is greater than the referencerange is an indication of possible hemolysis.

Artifactual change can vary between methods employed.Technical support and literature should be reviewed foreach machine. Hemolysis in the sample falsely decreasesbile acids measurement by the colorimetric assay, whileradioimmunoassay (RIA) is unaffected. For many meth-ods, hemolysis falsely increases alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydro-genase (LDH), creatinine, calcium, albumin, potassium,amylase, creatine kinase (CK), hemoglobin, and MCHC.A false decrease in triglycerides can occur. Glucose, mag-nesium, phosphorus, cholesterol, alkaline phosphataseand lipase can be either increased or decreased depend-ing on the methodology.48

LLIIPPEEMMIIAALipemia may be present in postprandial samples, but

also may be indicative of underlying disease such ashypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorti-cism, pancreatitis, or a primary lipid/lipoprotein disor-der. Lipemia causes refraction of light and thereforecauses error in many spectrophotometric and all refrac-tometric methods (see Fig. 23.1).

Lipid can be partially cleared by ultracentrifugation orprecipitating agents (polyethylene glycol, liposol,lipoclear). These techniques and clearing agents maythemselves induce artifact. Additionally, the removal oflipid from a sample may in itself induce an artifact inanalytes of interest. For example, lipoproteins bind bileacids, which would be discarded along with the lipid fol-lowing ultracentrifugation. This may be one factor thatcontributes to the occasional measurement of decreasedpostprandial values in comparison to fasted values. Thescattering of light due to lipemia will falsely increase thepostprandial bile acid measurement. Varying techniquecan therefore significantly alter bile acid values. Thisunderscores the importance of contact with your labora-tory to determine which technique is used and that thetechniques used are appropriate.

Again, technical support and literature should bereviewed for each machine. Wet chemistry analyzers aregenerally more impacted by lipemia than dry chemistryanalyzers. Electrolytes measured by ion-specific elec-trodes are not affected by lipemia, but electrolytes meas-ured by flame photometry are decreased.

Lipemia falsely increases all of the liver enzymes, alka-line phosphatase, hemoglobin, MCHC, bile acids, totalbilirubin, glucose, calcium and phosphorous. Total pro-tein measured by a refractometer is falsely increased, butthe biuret method is minimally affected even by severelipemia. BUN and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT)may be increased or decreased depending on themethodology. Albumin is generally decreased usingbromcresol green methodology.

AAggeeIn general, non-protein nitrogen concentrations arelower in young, growing animals, as most nitrogen isbeing consumed by growth. In neonatal eclectus parrots(Eclectus roratus), macaws and cockatoos, albumin,globulin and AST also have been found to be lower thanin adults. This is likely due to decreased production ofthese analytes by the neonatal liver, combined withincreased utilization in the tissues that is needed forgrowth. Additionally, it was found that calcium, sodiumand chloride were decreased in chicks in comparison toadults. Alkaline phosphatase, a compound produced in

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osteoblasts, is found in higher concentrations in grow-ing animals. Blood phosphorus and potassium also arefound in increased concentrations in young birds duepartially to increased concentration of growth hormone,and mobilization for muscle and bone growth.11,12,13

AAnnaallyytteessThe following descriptions of analytes contain method,physiology and diagnostic value sections. The methodsections are designed for practitioners who are runningsome values in their practice and, therefore, need to befamiliar with the method that they are using to analyzeplasma biochemical values. Different methods frequentlywill produce different results. The InternationalFederation of Clinical Chemists (IFCC) has standardizedsome test methods and these should be used. Analyzermanufacturers may sell alternate methods at reducedprices to veterinarians, with the knowledge that they donot meet current standards. The veterinarian should beaware of the appropriate method to use and the limita-tions of interpretation in a species. Some artifacts anddrug interactions are discussed in the method sections,though these should not be considered to be completelistings of those interactions. Product specificationsheets for the methodology as well as technical supportshould be used as necessary. The sections on physiologydiscuss the function of the analyte in the body. The sec-tions on diagnostic value discuss clinical utility in birds.See also the Differential Diagnoses in Table 23.2.

Acetoacetate, Acetone (Ketones)

MethodCommon urine test strips present in most practices usethe Rothera test in which alkaline nitroprusside turnspurple in the presence of acetoacetate and, to a lesserextent, acetone. A third, relatively acutely producedketone, 3-hydroxybutyrate, is not measured by this reac-tion. False negatives may occur if the patient is produc-ing only 3-hydroxybutyrate. If diabetes is suspected andketones are not measured, the urine should berechecked in 48 hours. Some drug interactions may pro-duce false positives, including penicillamine, levodopaand phenylketones.

PhysiologyDecreased glucose availability to the tissues results inincreased lipase activity in adipose tissue that catalyzeslong-chain fatty acids. These are catabolyzed to acetylCoA that is metabolized to the ketones: 3-hydroxybu-tyrate, acetoacetate and acetone. These compounds areexcreted in urine and can be qualitatively measured instressful physiologic or pathologic disease states.

Diagnostic ValueHealthy birds do not have ketones in their urine unlessthey have undergone strenuous activity, eg, migration.Measurement of ketone bodies in the urine is indicativeof diabetes mellitus in most birds.


MethodMost veterinary laboratories measure albumin using thedye bromcresol green (bcg), which has not been vali-dated in companion avian species. Bromcresol greennon-specifically binds protein. Binding of bcg causesincreased color in the sample, which correlates with ahigher reported albumin concentration. It has beendemonstrated in dogs and humans that heparin cancause false increases in albumin concentration due tobinding of fibrinogen.59 Avian albumin is markedly differ-ent in structure than mammalian albumin and binds bcgwith decreased affinity. Comparison of gel electro-phoresis and bcg have revealed that bcg results in lowerconcentrations reported than actually exist in thepatient.58 This error is caused in part by use of humanalbumin standards and controls, which have differentbinding affinity for the dye than does avian albumin.This error in measurement may result in serious errorswhen assessing hypoproteinemic syndromes such asliver failure, protein-losing nephropathy and protein-los-ing enteropathy. At this time gel electrophoresis is therecommended method of albumin determination inavian species.15,40,60 Bromcresol purple (bcp) also is com-monly used in human laboratories and has different pro-tein binding affinity for albumin.2,5,64 Bromcresol purplemay result in more accurate avian albumin measurementand better diagnostic acuity. Further study is needed.

PhysiologyAlbumin, a small, approximately 65-kD protein, is themost abundant protein found in plasma, most extravas-cular body fluid, CSF and urine. Albumin’s synthesis bythe liver is primarily controlled by plasma oncotic pres-sure. Albumin’s main function is the maintenance of col-loid oncotic pressure in the intravascular and extravascu-lar spaces. Albumin also functions as a carrier protein totransport a large number of compounds including cal-cium and administered drugs. Albumin levels are lowerin chicks than in adults.

Diagnostic ValueAccurate assessment of albumin enables the practitionerto assess hypoproteinemic disease such as liver failure,protein-losing nephropathy and protein-losing enter-opathy. This diagnosis may lead to alternate fluid therapysuch as colloid (hetastarch) administration to preventedema, which is rarely seen in birds, and ascites. A trueincrease in albumin is pathognomonic for dehydration

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Table 23.2 | Differential Diagnoses Based on Chemistry Abnormalities*


• Dehydration - generally accompanied by increasedglobulin and total protein

• Reproductive - mild increase observed in femalesduring egg formation


• Liver failure- Cirrhosis/fibrosis- Neoplasia- Portosystemic shunt- Amyloidosis

• Renal loss- Glomerulonephritis/sclerosis

• Intestinal - Malabsorption/maldigestion

• Mycobacterial disease• Endoparasites

• Malnutrition (severe)• Exudative skin disease

- Burns - Large wounds- Vasculitis- Frostbite

• External blood loss (subacute to chronic)• Inflammatory disease state

(seen with increased globulins)- Septicemia- Viremia

• Neonates - normally lower than adults• Polyuria/Polydipsia



• Bone isoenzyme- Trauma- Growth- Osteosarcoma- Osteomyelitis

• No hepatic-associated increase currently documented


• Hepatic disease/failure- Cirrhosis- Neoplasia- Polyoma

• Artifactual- Hemolysis


• Pancreatic - Inflammation/Infection- Neoplasia- Necrosis- Pancreatic duct obstruction (eg, egg binding)• Zinc toxicity• Enteritis

• Renal disease (decreased filtration) (mild to moderate increase)

Anion GapIncreased

• Respiratory acidosis- Anoxia (anesthetic induced, other)- Respiratory disease

(chlamydia, aspergillosis, etc)• Hyperglobulinemia (reproductive, inflammatory)• Metabolic acidosis (increased lactic acid and other

unmeasured anions)- Renal failure- Gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss- Hypoperfusion/reperfusion- Shock

• Diabetic ketoacidosis• Toxic

- Ethylene glycol (mammals)- Others in birds

AspartateAminotransferase (AST)


• Muscle damage- Seizures- Trauma- Capture myopathy (exertional rhabdomyolysis)- Intramuscular injection

• Hepatic damage - Drugs (cephalosporins, metronidazole,

trimethoprim sulfa, dexamethasone)- Hemochromatosis (iron storage disease)- Endocrine disease (diabetes mellitus,

hyperthyroidism)- Hypoxia (cardiopulmonary in origin)- Lipidosis (severe)- Inflammation/Infection

AspartateAminotransferase (AST) (cont.)


• Hepatic damage (continued)- Infection [(bacterial, mycobacteriosis,

chlamydophilosis, polyoma virus, Pacheco’s disease - herpes virus, adenovirus, reovirus, duckvirus hepatitis, Plasmodium, Trichomonas,Histomonas (turkeys), Leucocytozoon (ducks andgeese), Atoxoplasma]

- Toxic [(aflatoxin/mycotoxin, cottonseed (Gossypium sp.), Crotalaria sp., oleander (Nerium sp.), rapeseed (Brassica napus), ragwort (Senecio jacobea), castor bean (Ricinus communis)]

- Neoplasia• Primary• Secondary

- Artifactual• Erythrocyte leakage

Bicarbonate (CO2)Increased

• Compensated respiratory acidosis- Respiratory disease- Drugs (anesthetics)

• Small bowel obstruction• Gastric vomiting

- Obstruction- Lead poisoning

Bicarbonate (CO2)Decreased

• Metabolic acidosis- Dehydration- Renal failure

• Respiratory alkalosis- Tachypnea/panting- Excess anesthetic ventilation

• Artifactual- Delayed analysis

Bile AcidsIncreased

• Impaired liver function- Lipidosis- Biliary Stasis- Infection (see AST)- Inflammation- Neoplasia- Toxic (see AST)- Hemochromatosis- Cirrhosis/Fibrosis

Blood UreaNitrogen


• Prerenal azotemia- Dehydration (pigeons)- Postprandial (some raptors)- GI hemorrhage

• Renal Failure

Blood UreaNitrogen

Decreased(Unlikely but canbe measured insome species)

• Liver failure• Neonates• Diuresis

- Iatrogenic- Physiologic- Pathologic


• Reproductive (may be marked)- Physiologic increase in females- Pathologic

• Hypervitaminosis D• Primary hyperparathyroidism• Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism• Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism• Neoplasia

- Lymphoma- Osteosarcoma

• Osteomyelitis• Granulomatous disease


• Nutritional- Excess dietary phosphorus (seed)- Hypovitaminosis D- Dietary deficiency (severe)

• Chronic egg laying- Egg-bound hen

• Hypomagnesemia• Hypoparathyroidism• Pancreatitis• Malabsorption• Alkalosis

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Table 23.2 | Differential Diagnoses Based on Chemistry Abnormalities* (continued)


• Dehydration• Metabolic acidosis


• Gastric vomiting- Obstruction- Lead poisoning

• Metabolic alkalosis


• Reproductive - egg formation (cystic ovaries)• Nutritional/postprandial• Cholestasis• Obesity• Endocrine

- Diabetes mellitus- Hypothyroidism- Hyperestrogenism

• Nephrotic syndrome


• Intestinal- Malabsorption/maldigestion

• Liver failure• Starvation

Creatine KinaseIncreased

• Muscle damage- Intramuscular injection- Seizures- Capture myopathy

(exertional rhabdomyolysis)- Myositis

• Sarcocystis• Toxoplasma• Other parasitic• Bacterial

- Hyperthermia- Hypothermia- Vitamin E/Se deficiency- Trauma

• Surgical- Ischemia


• Bacterial infection• Other inflammation


• Liver failure• Coagulopathy



• Liver compromise- Cholestasis

• Intrahepatic• Extrahepatic

- Neoplasia• Biliary carcinoma

• Other biliary compromise



• Artifactual hemolysis


• Dehydration (concurrent increase in albumin)• Inflammation• Egg formation


• Neonatal• Immunodeficiency• Blood loss (subacute to chronic)• Protein-losing enteropathy


• Endocrine- Diabetes mellitus

• Pancreatitis• Stress• Drugs

- Glucocorticoids- Progesterone


• Liver failure• Starvation in small birds• Neoplasia• Septicemia


• Hemochromatosis• Inflammation• Artifactual

- Hemolysis


• Chronic blood loss• Nutritional dietary deficiency**Ed. Note: Unlikely on formulated diet, but possible on a seed/fruit.


• Enteritis• Pancreatitis• Pancreatic neoplasia• Renal disease (decreased loss)


• Renal disease• Neonates• Reproductive

- Egg formation (concurrent rise in calcium)• Nutritional

- Hypervitaminosis D- Increase dietary phosphorus

• Toxic- Jasmine ingestion

• Neoplasia- Osteosarcoma

• Inflammation- Osteomyelitis

• Artifactual hemolysis/delayed serum separation• Primary hyperparathyroidism• Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism• Neoplasia: PTH-like hormone


• Diabetic ketoacidosis• Dietary deficiency


• Renal failure• Diabetic ketoacidosis• Severe muscle/tissue damage• Dehydration• Drugs

- ACE inhibitors- Potassium-sparing diuretics

• Artifactual- Collection in potassium heparin


• Alkalosis• Drugs

- Penicillins- Amphotericin B- Loop diuretics- Insulin therapy

• Gastrointestinal loss• Renal disease (chronic)


• Gastric vomiting (water loss)• Intestinal fluid loss• Renal failure• Dehydration


• Diabetes mellitus• Gastric vomiting• Intestinal sodium loss

- Endoparasitism• Burns• Chronic effusions

- Egg yolk• Psychogenic polydipsia• Renal failure (chronic)• Artifactual

- Hyperlipidemia

Total ProteinIncreased

• Dehydration (albumin and globulin)• Artifactual

- Hemolysis

Total Protein Decreased

• Hemorrhage (chronic)• Intestinal loss• Liver failure• Renal loss• Immune suppression

Uric AcidIncreased

• Renal disease• Postprandial (carnivores)• Dehydration (severe)

Uric AcidDecreased

• Liver failure• Starvation

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and would indicate the need for administration of IVcrystalloid fluids.

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

MethodNumerous methods have been developed to determineALP activity. The IFCC recommended method uses 4-nitrophenyl phosphate (4-NPP) and 2A2M1P as a phos-phate acceptor buffer at 37° C and absorbance at 405nm. ALP catalyzes the hydrolysis of 4-NPP, forming phos-phate and free 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in an acidic solu-tion. Alkalinization causes conversion of colorless 4-NPto 4-nitrophenoxide ion, which is an intense yellowcolor. As veterinary laboratories may employ differentmethods, normal reference intervals may be markedlydifferent. Caution should be used when assessing apatient using reference intervals from a textbook.Laboratory-specific reference intervals should be gener-ated.

PhysiologyAlkaline phosphatase is a glycoprotein dimer with sub-unit masses ranging from 40 to 83 kD. The protein’sexact function is unknown. Mammalian and avianisozymes of alkaline phosphatase have been identified incell membranes in the liver (biliary epithelium), kidney,intestine, bone (osteoblasts), as well as a steroid-induced form in dogs. Isoenzymes from osteoblasts,duodenum and kidney have predominated in studiesinvolving pigeons and domestic fowl.28,43,45 Very low levelsof alkaline phosphatase have been identified in the liverof pigeons and psittacines. Alkaline phosphatase levelsare higher in chicks than in adults.

Diagnostic ValueIn mammals, alkaline phosphatase is of particular inter-est in two specific disease states: biliary disease frequentlyassociated with cholestasis and bone disease associatedwith increased osteoblastic activity. ALP does notincrease with simple hepatocellular damage. In avianspecies at this time, marked increases in ALP have beenassociated only with increased osteoblastic activityincluding traumatic, neoplastic and infectious diseasestates. Further investigation into specific cholestatic andbiliary disease such as biliary carcinoma is warranted toassess the sensitivity and specificity of ALP in these bil-iary diseases.


MethodBoth enzymatic and chemical methods are used to meas-ure ammonia. Enzymatic assay with glutamate dehydro-genase is the most frequently used method.52 Glutamatedehydrogenase catalyzes the conversion of ammoniumion and 2-oxoglutarate to glutamate and water. This

reaction oxidizes Nicoti Adenine Dinuleotide Hydrogen(NADH) to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD),which can be optically measured at 340 nm.

Meticulous precautions must be taken in sample han-dling to prevent false increases in ammonia concentra-tion. Samples must be drawn cleanly, using an evacuatedtube, and processed immediately for accurate results.Poor venipuncture technique or increased exposure toair may result in increased ammonia levels. Probing for a vein causes tissue damage that may elevate ammonialevels. Drawing blood into a syringe and transfer of thatblood to a microtainer, or partial filling of an evacuatedtube allows subsequent entry of air that may cause elevation of ammonia levels. Serum samples and ammonium heparin may cause falsely elevated levels.Production of ammonia by deamination of amino acidsin the blood will occur once the specimen has beendrawn. At 0° C, delays exceeding 15 minutes betweenblood sampling and centrifugation can increase ammo-nia concentrations.

Ammonia analysis are available on many dry chemistryanalyzers used in practice. Machines-specific referenceranges should be established, as different methodologieswill produce different reference intervals.

PhysiologyThe major source of ammonia is the gastrointestinaltract. It is derived from the hydrolysis of glutamine inthe small and large intestine and from the action of bac-terial proteases, ureases, and amine oxidases on digestedfood in the colon. Ammonia is converted to the lesstoxic uric acid and urea in the liver.

Diagnostic ValueThough plasma ammonia has not been validated inhealthy or ill birds, some clinicians have observed up toa fourfold increase in blood ammonia values in birdswith liver failure.


MethodThe three broad classifications of alpha-amylase(endoamylase) assays are saccharogenic, amyloclasticand chromogenic digestion of starch to glucose or malt-ose. The most commonly used assay in veterinary labora-tories is the chromogenic alpha-amylase assay, which isthe most appropriate assay in the canine.35 This assaydetects the release of dyes bound to synthetic starchsubstrates that are released as the starch is digested byamylase.

PhysiologyAlpha-amylases are calcium-dependent metalloenzymesthat catalyze hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates at

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internal binding sites. The predominant sites of produc-tion are the pancreas and the duodenum. Trypsin in thesmall intestine degrades the enzyme, though some amy-lase frequently is still detectable in the feces. Urinaryclearance of this small, 55- to 60-kD protein also hasbeen documented in mammals.

Diagnostic ValueUrine-to-serum ratios are used in human medicine todiagnose acute pancreatitis.26 Though this assay is fre-quently used for the diagnosis of pancreatitis in humans,it has decreased specificity and sensitivity in the dog.Validation of this assay for diagnosis of pancreatitis inbirds is needed.

Anion Gap

MethodThis number is calculated from the following formula:

Cations - Anions or (Sodium + Potassium) - (Chloride + Bicarbonate)

PhysiologyThe gap is generally around 15 mEq/L (mmol/L) in mostspecies with some variation, and represents unmeasuredanions such as phosphate, sulfate, lactate, ketones, anddrugs such as salicylates and ethylene glycol metabolites.If bicarbonate is not available, the total carbon dioxidevalue can be substituted. Generally, an increased aniongap indicates acidosis.

Diagnostic Value

Anion gap facilitates assessment of metabolic and respi-ratory acidosis. An increased anion gap should incite asearch for the cause of increased numbers of unmea-sured anions.

Acidemia causes an extracellular potassium shift ashydrogen ions enter the cells; the more chronic the dis-order, the greater the intracellular potassium depletion.When correcting the acidosis, potassium moves backinto the cell creating a potentially life-threateninghypokalemia. Accurate assessment of the acid base statusof patients with chronic respiratory disease is essentialto provide appropriate fluid therapy and electrolytereplacement.

Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)

MethodThe IFCC has standardized this reaction to some extentby limiting it to the rate-limiting reaction of L-aspartateand 2-oxoglutarate catalyzed by AST to form oxaloac-etate and L-glutamate. Oxaloacetate is then reacted withNADH in the presence of malate dehydrogenase to formL-malate and NAD. Pyridoxal-5’-phosphate is a requiredcoenzyme in the reaction and the IFCC recommends

addition of this coenzyme in the reaction. The conver-sion of NADH to NAD can be optically measured at 340nm. Reference intervals may vary slightly with variationof reagent concentration. AST is present in the cytosol oferythrocytes and extended red cell exposure can causeincreased plasma AST concentration.

PhysiologyThe aminotransferases, including AST (formerly gluta-mate oxaloacetate transaminases, GOT) and alanineaminotransferase (ALT) (formerly glutamate pyruvatetransaminases, GPT), are a group of enzymes that cat-alyze the interconversion of amino acids by transfer ofamino groups. A variety of tissues, predominately liverand muscle, contain high aspartate aminotransferase.The mitochondrial and cytosolic isoenzymes of AST areapproximately 90 kD in size.

Diagnostic ValueAST is not specific for hepatocellular damage, but ishighly sensitive in detecting hepatocellular damagecaused by ethylene glycol in pigeons.40 Plasma AST activ-ity returned to normal within 100 hours after doxycy-cline-induced muscle trauma in pigeons. AST activity iscurrently considered to be a very sensitive but nonspe-cific indicator of hepatocellular disease in other avianspecies as well, and is used with the muscle-specificenzyme creatine kinase (CK) to differentiate betweenliver and muscle damage.16,30 ALT also is not liver-specificin birds. Prolonged postinjection increases in ALTdecrease the diagnostic utility of this enzyme in the diag-nosis of liver disease. ALT is therefore frequently omittedfrom avian chemistry panels.


MethodA common reaction used to measure bicarbonate isbased upon phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC)utilizing bicarbonate present in the sample to produceoxaloacetate and phosphate. Malate dehydrogenase thencatalyzes the reduction of oxaloacetate to malate, andthe oxidation of NADH to NAD. NADH oxidation can bemeasured optically at 340 nm. Extended exposure of thesample to air (under-filled vials), late separation fromthe cell fraction or a dehydrated sample can introducesignificant error in this measurement.

PhysiologyApproximately 90% of carbon dioxide present in serum isin the form of bicarbonate. Therefore, measurement oftotal CO2 is frequently used in place of bicarbonate meas-urement. This is different than pCO2, which representsthe remaining small percentage actually present in thegaseous form. The combination of water and CO2 formsthe weak acid carbonate, H2CO3, and its dissociated

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forms, bicarbonate and hydronium ion, comprise one ofthe main buffering systems in animals. The HendersonHasselbach equation, pH = 6.1 + log (HCO3- / H2CO3)where 6.1 = pK for the HCO3-/H2CO3 buffer pair, is usedto quantitatively analyze buffering by carbonic acid.

Diagnostic ValueThe measurement of bicarbonate, usually in conjunctionwith sodium, potassium and chloride, is used in theassessment of acid-base balance resulting from metabolicor respiratory disease. Respiratory acidemia is a commonsequela in birds that have respiratory compromise or are anesthetized. Unfortunately, it is currently rarelyassessed or treated. See the Anion Gap section for infor-mation and Table 23.3 for summaries of acid base assess-ment.

Bile Acids (BA)

MethodRadioimmunoassay (RIA) and enzymatic assay are thetwo commonly used methods for bile acid determina-tion. Liquid chromatography also can be used inresearch settings. RIAs measure non-sulfated, conjugatedbile acids.29 Though less affected by hemolysis, RIA, anantibody-based assay, will measure only an unspecifiedproportion of bile acids in different species. The enzy-matic BA method, validated for canine, feline andhuman samples, measures the 3-alpha-hydroxyl grouppresent in most BAs. This test would be expected to bestapproximate total BA concentration in most avianspecies. The value generated by RIA is generally lowerthan the enzymatic measurement.

The pre- and postprandial sampling used in dogs andcats would likely be ideal for birds as well. However, thecrop has varying emptying times in different species, andcrop stasis is common in sick birds such that standardi-zation of postprandial sampling is impossible. If possi-ble, a fasted sample is preferred to eliminate randompostprandial increases in BA concentration. Fasting isnot necessary in species that do not have a gall bladder,such as pigeons, ostriches, and most parrots.48

PhysiologyBile acids are a group of amphipathic salts that act asdetergent molecules both to facilitate hepatic excretionof cholesterol and to solubilize lipids for intestinal

absorption. They promote formation of polymolecularaggregates known as micelles, which contain hydropho-bic lipid in the center and have a hydrophilic outer sur-face. Bile acids are absorbed in the distal small intestineinto the plasma and recycled from the blood by hepato-cytes (enterohepatic circulation).

Diagnostic ValueBile acids are used to assess liver function.29,30,43 The clini-cian should be aware that RIA methodologies will gener-ally produce significantly lower numbers than enzymaticmethods. Laboratories should be questioned to deter-mine which methodology they are using. Generally,using the enzymatic method, >75 µmol/L suggestshepatic insufficiency while >100 µmol/L is diagnostic fordecreased liver function. Amazon parrots normally haveslightly higher BA concentration than do other compan-ion avian species.29 Decreased bile acids may occur as aresult of compromised intestinal absorption.


MethodThe most commonly used method for bilirubin measure-ment are based on the diazo reaction, first developed byEhrlich in 1883. Diazotized sulfanilic acid (diazoreagent) reacts with bilirubin to produce two azodi-pyrroles, which are reddish purple at neutral pH andblue at low or high pH values. The fraction of bilirubinthat reacts with sulfanilic acid in the absence of alcoholis direct bilirubin (conjugated). Total bilirubin is deter-mined after the addition of alcohol, and indirect biliru-bin (unconjugated) is determined by subtracting directbilirubin from total bilirubin.

At this time, biliverdin is measured only by high per-formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for both clini-cal and research purposes.

PhysiologyBilirubin is the metabolic breakdown product of hemederived primarily from senescent erythrocytes. There arethree types of bilirubin: unconjugated, conjugated and afraction irreversibly bound to protein. The unconjugatedportion of bilirubin is the most clinically important frac-tion, as this is most likely to cause tissue damage. Birdshave heme oxygenase, which converts the protopor-phyrin in heme to biliverdin;4 however, birds and rep-tiles have significantly decreased hepatic production ofbiliverdin reductase that converts biliverdin to bilirubin.Bacteria in the intestine may produce biliverdin reduc-tase and bilirubin may be absorbed from the GI tract.Additionally, though significantly decreased, hepaticbiliverdin reductase is still present in some birds.49,61

Bilirubin and biliverdin are detoxified via the glucuronicacid pathway in the liver and excreted in bile.

Table 23.3 | Acid Base Imbalances and the Body’sCompensation

[H+] pH Imbalance Compensation

Respiratory acidosis ↑ ↓ ↑ pCO2 ↑ [HCO3-]

Metabolic acidosis ↑ ↓ ↓ [HCO3-] ↓ pCO2

Respiratory alkalosis ↓ ↑ ↓ pCO2 ↓ [HCO3-]

Metabolic alkalosis ↓ ↑ ↑ [HCO3-] ↑ pCO2

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Diagnostic ValueCholestasis and liver failure generally result in increasedconcentrations of biliverdin in birds. Bilirubin has beenpreviously dismissed as unhelpful in the diagnosis ofliver disease. However, there are reports of increasedbilirubin in severe disease states.49 Diagnostic sensitivityand specificity should be further assessed.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

MethodThere are numerous enzymatic, chemical and electro-chemical methods for measurement of urea with goodspecificity for the compound. Reference intervals willvary with the methodology used. BUN levels are nor-mally low in birds and may be below the detectable limitof some (but not all) assays used in the laboratory.

PhysiologyDuring protein catabolism, nitrogen in amino acids isconverted to urea in the liver by the action of the ureacycle enzymes. Though birds are predominately uri-cotelic, with urea being a minor component of nitrogenexcretion, many still have functional hepatic enzymeaction to drive the urea cycle. Additionally, bacteria inthe gut may produce urea as well as ammonia, whichcan be absorbed from the intestinal lumen. The majorityof urea is excreted through the kidneys, with someexcreted through the GI tract in bile and through theskin. Urea is highly diffusible and, in addition to initialglomerular filtration, it moves passively through therenal tubules.

Diagnostic ValuePrerenal azotemia may be observed in dehydratedbirds.36,37 In penguins, it appears that BUN is not elevated postprandially, as was uric acid.34 On the other hand, peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) hadelevated BUN and uric acid when sampled 8 hours postprandially.44 Renal disease also has been shown tocause azotemia.40 BUN and uric acid may be usedtogether — as separate pieces of the puzzle with history,physical exam, urinalysis and other more invasive diag-nostic tests — to adequately assess prerenal versus renaldisease. Using decreased BUN concentration as an indi-cator of liver failure has not been assessed in avianspecies, but may be possible in some species such ascockatoos.

Calcium (Ionized/Free)

MethodIon-selective analyzersb capable of providing immediatewhole-blood determinations of free calcium, electrolytesand blood gases are widely available. Calibration solu-tions, samples and wash solutions are pumped througha measuring cell containing calcium ion-selective, refer-

ence and pH electrodes. Sensitive potentiometers meas-ure the voltage differential between electrodes, whilethe microprocessor calibrates the system and calculatescalcium concentration and pH. Most of these units func-tion at 37° C and so any significant temperature differen-tial will make them inaccurate. These units must bemaintained with regular calibration and assessment ofcontrols.


The ionized or free fraction of calcium is the freely dif-fusible, biologically active fraction. It is generally verytightly regulated by all species. It has been shown toincrease mildly during active reproductive cycles inoviparous species.33 Regulation of plasma calcium isachieved by interactions of parathyroid hormone, activevitamin D and calcitonin.

Diagnostic Value

A general reference interval is 1.0 to 1.3 mmol/L used inavian species at University of California Davis. Free cal-cium concentration in normal laying hens was found tobe 1.3 to 1.6 mmol/L.33 Species-specific values should begenerated within the laboratory. There has been littlework currently published on ionized calcium in diseasein birds, but it will likely aid in differentiation of patho-logic states such as renal disease, egg binding and mal-nutrition. Low ionized calcium in a symptomatic, possi-bly seizuring animal is an indication for well-monitored,intravenous calcium administration (see Chapter 5,Calcium Metabolism).

Calcium (Total)


Photometric measurement of total calcium is generallyused in veterinary diagnostic laboratories, though atomicabsorption methods also may be used in research facili-ties. The two most common dyes used to bind calciumare o-cresolphthalein complexone (CPC) and arsenazoIII. The sample is acidified to release protein-bound andcomplexed calcium. In alkaline buffered solution, CPCforms a red chromatophore when bound to calcium thatcan be measured at 580 nm. High magnesium concen-tration, lipemia and hemolysis will increase and invali-date results.


The vast majority of calcium is stored in the skeleton ashydroxyapatite. In blood, a large portion of calcium isfree, generally a smaller portion is protein bound andthe smallest fraction is complexed to anions. Oviparousspecies have remarkable variability of the protein-boundand complexed portions due to estrogen-induced trans-port of calcium-bound yolk proteins to the ovary.56

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Diagnostic ValueCalcium concentrations are dependent on the reproduc-tive cycle, sex and possibly season; separate referenceintervals for each of these variables should be estab-lished for accurate clinical evaluation of calcium values.

Absorption, excretion and compartmentalization allaffect increases and decreases in plasma calcium.Disease states affecting the reproductive, renal, anddigestive tract, as well as severe nutritive disorders maychange calcium concentration.

The relationship between plasma total calcium concen-tration and total protein and albumin concentrations hasbeen evaluated in several bird species.3,38,46,62 Though cor-relations between calcium, total protein and albuminhave been found in some species, they differ markedlybetween species. There are significant species differ-ences in protein-calcium correlations such that general-ized adjustment formulae will not be helpful in a clinicalsetting where many different species are evaluated. Totalplasma calcium concentration, even if corrected for theeffects of protein binding, does not provide informationregarding ionized calcium concentration, the physiologi-cally active fraction.

In oviparous species, increased phosphorus and calciumconcentrations are observed during egg formation infemales. Generally, these occur together and the cal-cium:phosphorus ratio stays above one in healthy indi-viduals. If the calcium:phosphorus ratio is below one,renal disease should be investigated.

Chloride - See Electrolytes


MethodThere are numerous methods for lipid and cholesteroldetermination, with significant laboratory variation.Enzymatic methods are most commonly used in veteri-nary laboratories. Generally, cholesterol ester is reactedwith water in the presence of cholesteryl ester hydrolaseto form whole cholesterol and fatty acid. Cholesterolthen reacts with oxygen in the presence of cholesteroloxidase to form cholest-4-en-3-one and hydrogen perox-ide. Hydrogen peroxide is then measured in a peroxi-dase-catalyzed reaction that forms a dye that can bemeasured at approximately 500 nm.

PhysiologyThis 27-carbon, steroid alcohol is found in some concen-tration in almost all cells and body fluids in animals, andat a much lower concentration as phytosterols in plants.There is no cholesterol in plants. Cholesterol enters theintestine from three sources, the diet, bile and intestinalsecretions, and sloughed cells. Cholesterol is metabo-

lized by pancreatic secretions, intestinal secretions, andbile to micelles and then to chylomicrons that areabsorbed into lacteals across intestinal villi. Transport ofcholesterol in blood occurs via lipoproteins as high-den-sity, intermediate-density, low-density, and very low-den-sity lipoproteins. Higher density lipoproteins haveincreased concentrations of cholesterol. Cholesterol issynthesized and degraded in the liver (see Chapter 4,Nutritional Considerations, Section II NutritionalDisorders).

Diagnostic Value

Cholesterol levels may be altered in a normal bird dueto oviparity, as well as postprandially. It should be notedthat cholesterol can be elevated in oviparous reproduc-tively active females before eggs can be visualized on aradiograph and may be accompanied by hyperostosis. Incaptive psitticines, cystic ovarian disease is a commonsyndrome that presents with the above mentioned clini-cal and laboratory findings in the absence of egg-laying(see Chapter 18, Evaluating and Treating The Repro-ductive System). When separated by plasma gel elec-trophoresis, the lipoproteins that transport cholesterolmigrate predominately to the alpha and beta globulinregions. Cholesterol levels are rarely diagnostic but maybe useful in determination of various disease syndromes(Table 23.3). HDL and LDL cholesterols are being investi-gated. Preliminary studies in birds show similar trends asthose seen in humans (Stanford, 2004).

Creatine Kinase (CK)


Bioluminescent methods are most sensitive and use thereaction of ATP (adenine triphosphate) with luciferin/luciferase. Spectrophotometric methods are used mostcommonly in veterinary laboratories, ATP also is used asthe rate-limiting component of the reaction. CK catalyzesthe reaction between creatine phosphate and ADP (ade-nine diphosphate) to form creatine and ATP at a pH of6.7 and the reverse reaction at a pH of 9. This is coupledto a hexokinase-catalyzed reaction to form NADPH(reduced form of NADP). This conversion of NADP(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) toNADPH can be measured at 340 nm. Excess magnesium,manganese, calcium, zinc, copper, citrate, nitrate,iodide, bromide, malonate and L-thyroxine areinhibitory to the reaction and result in decreased values.

The addition of adenosine-5-monophosphate (AMP), Nacetylcysteine, EDTA and diadenosine pentaphosphate(Ap5A) has been advocated to decrease changes in accu-racy due to the above compounds. Addition of thesecomponents will change the value reported and result insignificant laboratory variation.

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PhysiologyCK is a magnesium-dependent dimeric enzyme that cat-alyzes the reaction of ADP and creatine phosphate (CrP)to ATP and creatine in skeletal, cardiac and smooth mus-cle, as well as brain. It is present in the cytosol and mito-chondria of myocytes.

Diagnostic ValueCK is increased for a short, <72-hour time period fol-lowing myocyte damage or necrosis in birds.47

Consideration should be given to the fact that all muscu-lar structures in the body may be involved in CK eleva-tion, including skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and, lesslikely, muscle of the gastrointestinal tract. In mammalianspecies, hypothyroid patients frequently have marked(three- to five fold) increase in CK. This has not beenreported in avian species at this time, but may exist.

Electrolytes - Chloride, Potassium, Sodium

MethodsThe most common method for measuring electrolytes inveterinary laboratories is the ion-specific electrode (ISE).An ion-specific membrane is reacted either directly withplasma and serum or indirectly with a large volume ofdiluent, and then exposed to the membrane. The poten-tiometer measures the change in electromotive force(charge) in comparison to a reference electrode. Themicroprocessor then compares the unknown sample toa standard curve created from calibrators.

This method is very different from the spectrophotomet-ric methods generally used in smaller machines in prac-titioner’s offices. In this reaction, a specific ionophorechanges color upon binding to the electrolyte. Thesedyes are measured by a spectrophotometer. Actual val-ues that are generated by the two methods may be dra-matically different and result in some difference betweenin-house and laboratory-generated reference intervals.

ISE is less affected by hemolysis; however, hemolysis willresult in significant differences in potassium concentra-tion (generally increased in most species) due to releasefrom intracellular erythrocyte stores.

PhysiologyWater homeostasis in any organism is a fundamentaldynamic function. The four major electrolytes’ primaryfunctions are: maintenance of osmotic pressure, electro-neutrality and water distribution. In addition to themain negatively charged ions (anions), bicarbonate andchloride, that are used to calculate anion gap, phos-phates, sulfates, lactate, trace elements and proteins, allcontribute to electrical neutrality and partitioning ofwater. The positively charged ions (cations) are predom-inately sodium and potassium, with contribution fromdivalent ions such as calcium and magnesium. The bal-

ance of cations and anions maintains pH and regulatesnervous, cardiac and muscular function. Anions andcations also are essential cofactors in numerous enzy-matic reactions.

Diagnostic ValueAny disease that disturbs water homeostasis will disturbelectrolyte distribution and, therefore, plasma concen-tration. The success of electrolyte replacement therapy,fluid therapy or any attempt to restore nervous, muscu-lar or cardiac function is completely dependent uponaccurate assessment of electrolyte abnormalities.


MethodHeat precipitation is the most common method used inprivate practice settings and also is used commonly incommercial laboratories. It is the least accurate methodfor measuring fibrinogen in mammals, and is generallyconsidered an estimate and not a true measurement. It islikely more inaccurate in birds. Protein is measured byrefractometer in non-heated plasma and compared to aprotein measurement in plasma heated to 57° C for 3minutes. The difference in plasma protein represents theprecipitated fibrinogen. This is obviously not specific tofibrinogen, as any refractile compound that precipitateswill cause error. Birds, in comparison to mammals, fre-quently have increased quantities of refractile com-pounds, such as glucose and lipid, which will increasethe error of this method.

In veterinary diagnostic labs, a modification of the throm-bin test is used to more accurately measure fibrinogen. Aknown, relatively dilute concentration of thrombin ismixed with fibrinogen. Thrombin enzymatically cleavesfibrinogen to form fibrin, the final step in the coagulationcascade. The fibrin formation rate is proportional to fib-rinogen concentration and can be calculated from tables.The tables were derived in humans, and though theywork well in small animals, they markedly underestimatefibrinogen concentration in horses. The modified throm-bin test has not been validated in avian species.

PhysiologyFibrinogen (coagulation factor I) is an acute-phase pro-tein, made by the liver, that is digested by thrombin toform fibrin. Fibrin, when crosslinked, forms the back-bone of the platelet clot.

Diagnostic ValueFibrinogen is generally increased in non-specific inflam-matory states. Fibrinogen concentration was increasedabove the reference interval in 77% of 89 birds, represent-ing 20 species, with confirmed bacterial disease.24

Decreased fibrinogen may be indicative of end-stage liverfailure, but is most commonly detected in mammals with

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disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC is notcommonly evaluated in birds at this time. Further investi-gation is warranted.

Galactose Clearance (GEC)

MethodMethods to determine GEC and blood galactose concen-tration in cockatoos have been described.30 The birdswere administered 0.5 g/kg of sterile galactose intra-venously. Single-point galactose concentrations werebest correlated with galactose clearance when sampledat 80 minutes postadministration. Blood samples weredeproteinized within 90 minutes of collection by theaddition of 1 ml of 0.3 M perchloric acid to a 0.2 mlaliquot of blood. After centrifugation at 1500 g, the clearsupernatant was stored at -20° C for preservation untilgalactose was measured using a commercial ultravioletmethod coenzyme assay kitc. Galactose clearance wascalculated using the formula GEC (g/min)= (M-U)(tc=0

+7) where M is the amount of galactose injected, U isthe amount of galactose excreted in urine, and tc=0 is theextrapolated time when concentration equals zero. Astandard value of 6% urinary excretion was usedthroughout, as the author determined previously incockatoos. At 80 minutes, the normal reference intervalswere 0.05 to 0.55 g/L for single-point galactose concen-tration and 0.86 to 1.52 g/min galactose clearance.

PhysiologyGalactose is a monosaccharide isomer of glucose that isconverted to glucose in the liver through gluconeogene-sis pathways for use as energy. Approximately 90% of cir-culating galactose is filtered from the blood by a healthymammalian liver during the first pass effect. As hepaticfunction decreases, the portion of galactose filtereddecreases and so the concentration of galactose meas-ured would increase in disease states.

Diagnostic ValueGalactose clearance and galactose single-point concentra-tions were evaluated during a prospective study on theeffects of partial hepatectomy in cockatoos.30 In the study,galactose clearance appeared to be a more sensitive indi-cator of hepatic insufficiency than plasma enzyme activi-ties or BA levels, and were able to detect an 18% loss ofhepatic mass. Though single-point concentration wasnever increased in animals with 18% hepatectomy, it islikely that this value would increase with more significantliver dysfunction. The authors concluded that GEC hasthe potential to be a simple, sensitive method of screen-ing birds for decreased hepatic function.

Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT)

MethodThe IFCC reference method uses L-gamma-glutamyl-3

carboxy-4-nitroanilide as the glutamyl donor and glycyl-glycine as the acceptor in a solution of hydrochloric acid.The nitrobenozoate produced is measured at 410 nm.Other methods are still in use and may produce differentvalues, therefore reference intervals may vary from thosevalues stated in available texts. Lipemia may increase ordecrease GGT, depending on methodology used.


GGT catalyzes the transfer of the gamma glutamyl groupfrom a donor peptide to an acceptor compound. It ispresent in serum and in low levels in the cell membraneof all cells except muscle in mammals. It may beinvolved in glutathione metabolism and detoxification.The primary source of plasma GGT is the biliary system,while significant levels of GGT of renal epithelium originare found in the urine.

Diagnostic Value

Significant increases in GGT are due to obstruction of ordamage to the biliary tree including neoplasia, inflamma-tion or cholelithiasis (stones). Hepatocyte damage alonewill not significantly change plasma GGT concentration.In mammals, GGT is a more sensitive indicator of biliarydamage than alkaline phosphatase. GGT has previouslybeen thought to be insensitive in the diagnosis of “liverdisease,” which is likely due to the fact that it will notbecome elevated in cases where the biliary tree is notcompromised. Increased plasma GGT activity was foundin the majority of pigeons with experimentally inducedliver disease.47 Marked increases in GGT activity in birdswith bile duct carcinoma also have been reported.54

Although reference intervals have not been established,GGT values of 0 to 10 U/L are considered normal at theSchubot Exotic Bird Health Center (College Station,Texas, USA). GGT values appear slightly higher in olderAmazon parrots, which may have GGT values up to 16U/L without other evidence of liver disease. These GGTvalues are higher than the reported reference intervalsfor GGT47 of <3 or 4 U/L in most species except Amazonparrots, which had a high normal value of 10 U/L.40

Differences in methodologies for measuring GGT mayaccount for the marked differences in reference intervals.

There are numerous reports of birds with bile duct car-cinoma or cholangiocarcinoma in which no concurrentincrease in GGT activity was reported.14,18,27,51 It is possi-ble that GGT was not measured, since GGT activitywould be expected to increase in these hepatic diseases.The authors did not indicate if GGT had been analyzedin these cases. The clinical utility of GGT in the diagno-sis of biliary conditions in birds has not been adequatelyevaluated.

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MethodGlobulin concentration is calculated by subtracting albu-min from total protein. Any error in albumin or totalprotein measurement will cause error in globulin con-centration. Globulins can be separated by plasma gelelectrophoresis. When the exact size of the protein ofinterest is unknown, as is commonly the case in veteri-nary medicine, the proteins are classified in the alpha,beta or gamma globulin fraction, dependent uponwhere they band on the gel.

PhysiologyAny plasma protein that is not albumin or, in birds,transthyretin (pre-albumin) is classified as a globulin.Plasma globulins that have been identified in the band-ing pattern of birds are alpha-1-antitrypsin (alpha-1 glob-ulin fraction); alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha-2 globulinfraction); fibrinogen, beta-lipoprotein, transferrin, com-plement, and vitellogenin (beta-globulin fraction); andimmunoglobulins and complement degradation prod-ucts (gamma globulin fraction).15 In oviparous females,vitellogenin and other proteins used in egg formationcan increase dramatically during reproductive activity.Thus, the globulin fraction increases more than the albu-min fraction, causing the Albumin:Globulin (A:G) ratioto decrease physiologically in some female birds.

Diagnostic ValueIn addition to egg formation causing increased globu-lins, inflammatory disease states frequently result inincreased globulins. Acute-phase proteins such as alpha-2-macroglobulin are produced in the liver in response toinflammatory cytokines. Generally in inflammatorystates, these acute-phase proteins and immunoglobulinsincrease while albumin, a negative acute-phase protein,decreases. This results in a decreased A:G ratio. Gel elec-trophoresis allows the practitioner to examine the band-ing pattern and determine if the decreased A:G ratio isdue to acute or chronic inflammation or egg formation.Banding patterns cannot be used to diagnose specificdisease such as aspergillosis or chlamydophila infection.

Decreased globulins result from decreased productionsuch as in liver failure, or increased loss, most com-monly due to protein-losing enteropathy.


MethodThere are several methodologies used to measure glu-cose that vary between the types of machines used. Thenormally high blood glucose level of many avian speciesmay fall above the linear range of measurement of somehandheld glucometers. The practitioner should knowthe linear limit of their glucometer, usually found in the

manufacturer’s insert. Results above that limit should bewritten as >linear limit (#). It should be noted thatmany small handheld units guarantee only 20% coeffi-cient of variation, which means that the numberobtained can vary as much as 20% from the actual glu-cose concentration in the sample.

Most veterinary laboratories use the hexokinase methodon a wet reagent analyzer, where NAD is measured at340 nm after two reactions using hexokinase and glu-cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This method has anupper limit of 1000 mg/ml in undiluted samples and2000 mg/ml with automatic dilution. It is therefore thepreferred method in avian species.

Lipemia and hemolysis can both increase the measuredplasma glucose concentration.

PhysiologyThere are species differences in the way that birds regu-late blood glucose. The insulin content of the pancreasof granivorous species is about one-sixth that of themammalian pancreas, while glucagon content is about 2to 5 times greater.25 Pancreatectomy induces hypo-glycemic crisis in granivorous birds, but produces dia-betes mellitus in carnivorous birds.40 The finding sug-gests that while glucagon predominates in granivorousbirds, insulin may predominate in carnivorous birds.Although diabetes mellitus in psittacines is attributed toincreased glucagon secretion, there have been reports ofdecreased insulin concentration in a diabetic Africangray (Psittacus erithacus) in comparison with a normalbird9 and positive responses to insulin therapy. It istherefore possible that either glucagonemia or hypoinsu-linemia are responsible for diabetes in psittacines andother species.

Stress hyperglycemia is induced in birds by high levels ofendogenous or exogenous glucocorticoids.

Diagnostic ValueStress hyperglycemia should be ruled out prior to a diag-nosis of diabetes mellitus. Measurement of insulin andglucagon levels in comparison to a control bird shouldbe attempted to determine etiology of diabetes on acase-by-case basis. Etiologies of hypoglycemia should beruled out using additional diagnostics. Consider the useof a carbohydrate absorption test (xylene or glucosechallenge) to rule out underlying malabsorption/maldigestion.


MethodCare must be taken to ensure that anticoagulant collec-tion tubes do not contain iron, EDTA, oxalate or citratethat bind iron. Some iron methods require serum and

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cannot assay plasma. Check with the laboratory prior tosubmission. There are a variety of methods, includingcoulometry, colorimetry and atomic absorption spec-trophotometry, that are used to measure iron. Colometryinvolves applying a voltage to a reaction and measuringthe amount of energy needed to drive the reaction. It canbe performed as a titration with another ion and is gener-ally quite accurate in the measurement of iron. Atomicabsorption is unreliable due to matrix interference inserum. Through modification of the serum iron methods,total iron-binding capacity and serum transferrin also canbe determined. Ferritin, the storage form of iron that isgenerally measured to assess total iron stores in mam-mals, is measured using antibody-based ELISA and RIAtechniques that do not cross-react in avian species.Ferritin, therefore, cannot be measured at this time.


All living organisms, except possibly Lactobacillus spp.,require iron.57 Aside from meat-based products, mostingested iron is in the less bioavailable ferric form. Theferric form (Fe3+) can be reduced to the bioavailable fer-rous form (Fe2+) by intestinal bacteria. Free iron can cat-alyze free radical formation from oxygen and nitrogen,and can therefore cause marked cellular and tissue dam-age. For this reason, plasma and intracellular iron areprotein bound. The majority of iron in the body isbound in hemoglobin; however, iron also is bound totransferrin for transport in the plasma, ferritin andhemosiderin for cellular storage, and myoglobin in muscle. Prior to egg laying, iron levels will increase 2 to3 times normal in some species.28

Diagnostic Value

Serum chemistry results in birds with hemochromatosismay include increased liver enzyme activity, usually AST,which is believed to be due to iron-induced hepatocellu-lar damage.40 A few anecdotal case reports describeincreased serum iron concentration in sick versus con-trol birds.40 Other studies found no significant correla-tion between serum chemistry values, serum iron con-centration, total iron-binding capacity and unsaturatediron-binding capacity with hepatic iron accumulation, asassessed by histopathology and iron quantification.66

However, the reference values used in one study wereconsiderably higher than those used in domestic mam-mals and human beings. Additionally, birds with possibleinflammation (eg, leukocytosis, heterophilia and mono-cytosis) were included in the study.66

Although serum ferritin concentration correlates signifi-cantly with non-heme iron in the liver and spleen ofdogs, cats, horses and pigs, this correlation has not beenexplored in birds due to the species-specificity of anti-body recognition and binding in ferritin ELISAs and

RIAs.21 Additionally, percentage iron saturation has notbeen evaluated in birds. Further study of iron status incompanion avian species may have the clinical benefit ofeliminating invasive liver biopsies as a screening modal-ity for diagnosing hemosiderosis.


MethodMany lipase methods including titrimetric, turbidimetric,spectrophotometric, fluorometric and immunologicaltechniques have been described, with no one methodrecognized as a gold standard. Differences in laboratoryvalues are likely due to differences in methodologies. Becautious when using reference intervals from the litera-ture to assess a patient.

PhysiologyLipase hydrolyzes glycerol esters of emulsified, long-chainfatty acids.55 Most lipase produced in mammals is pro-duced in the pancreas, however activity also is seen in gas-trointestinal mucosa, leukocytes and adipocytes. Tissueenzyme contributions have not been investigated in birds.

Diagnostic ValueIn mammals, lipase concentration in plasma and effusivefluid is most commonly used to investigate pancreaticdisorders, usually pancreatitis. It is generally more use-ful in acute forms of the disease, as more chronic lesionsare associated with increased parenchymal destructionthat results in lower levels of lipase. Renal disease canresult in mildly increased plasma levels due to decreasedclearance, but increases are generally not as dramatic aswith pancreatitic disease.


MethodIn the most common method used, phosphate reactswith ammonium molybdate to form a phosphomolyb-date complex. The colorless phosphomolybdate can bemeasured photometrically at 340 nm or can be reducedto molybdenum blue and measured at 600 to 700 nm.Measurement in the 340-nm range is more likely to beaffected by hemolysis, icterus and lipemia.

Common detergents are frequently contaminated withphosphate and it should be ensured that phosphate ismeasured using only new, unwashed equipment.Delayed plasma separation or hemolysis will significantlyalter plasma phosphorus levels.

PhysiologyInorganic and organic phosphorus both have numerousvital roles in the body. Inorganic phosphate is com-plexed with calcium to form hydroxyapatite in beak andbone. This structural form also functions as a phosphatestorage compartment. The dissolution of phosphoric

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acid in plasma is an important buffering system thatcomplements the carbonic acid buffering system.Chemical energy in all cells depends on the high energybond in ATP and (guanosine triphosphate) GTP (bothtriple phosphate molecules). Organic phosphate is anessential component in phospholipid membranes andnucleic acids, and is critical for several importantenzyme systems.

Diagnostic ValueIn oviparous species, increased phosphorus and calciumconcentrations are observed during egg formation infemales. Generally, these occur together and the calcium:phosphorus ratio stays above one in healthy individuals. Ifthe calcium:phosphorus ratio is below one, renal or otherdisease (ie, primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism)should be investigated. Both hyperphosphatemia andhypophosphatemia have been associated with renal dis-ease in birds. This electrolyte flux may represent acuteand chronic forms of renal disease as in mammals.Alkalosis will cause flux of phosphate into the cell and anapparent hypophosphatemia. Some acidosis, such as dia-betic ketoacidosis, results in catabolism of phosphorylatedcompounds in the cell with excretion of phosphate at thekidney and whole-body phosphorus depletion.

Total Protein

MethodThere have been several articles written on refractome-ter versus biuret analysis of total protein.1,41,42,50 Thebiuret method is a more specific chemical reactionwhere peptide bonds are reacted with cupric ions toform a colored product measured spectrophotometri-cally at 540 nm. The total protein value determinedusing a refractometer is frequently inaccurate in com-panion avian species due to interference by high con-centrations of other light-refractive compounds inplasma, such as chromagens, lipids and glucose. Studiesin chickens, turkeys and ducks have shown good corre-lation between protein concentrations obtained byrefractometerd and biuret methods.1,50 These species tendto have lower blood glucose values than most psittacinesand smaller birds. Correlation studies in avian specieswith high blood glucose levels, such as pigeons, haveshown marked discrepancies between refractometer andbiuret methods, however, a different brand of refrac-tometere was used, that may have contributed to the dif-ference in results.41,42 There is marked variation in nor-mal blood glucose levels in avian species. The biuretmethod is the most accurate method to quantify totalprotein in the clinical setting, where samples from manydifferent species may be evaluated.

PhysiologyThe body contains thousands of proteins each having

one or more functions. An increase in plasma proteinsmay be observed in egg-laying females.

Diagnostic ValueThough not adding information about specific disease eti-ology, total protein is important information used to estab-lish supportive care. Decreased total protein may indicatethe need for colloid (hetastarch) supplementation andincite a search for an underlying protein-losing nephropa-thy, enteropathy or liver failure. In cases of increased totalprotein, reproductive activity should first be ruled out infemales and then dehydration or an underlying inflamma-tory disease state should be investigated.

Uric Acid

MethodThe most commonly used method is the uricase methodwhere uric acid is catalyzed by uricase to allantoin. Thedecrease in concentration of uric acid is measured atapproximately 285 nm.

PhysiologyUric acid is the major nitrogenous waste product ofbirds. It is hypothesized that this has evolved due tooviparity.40 Embryonic and fetal development occurwithin a closed compartment, the egg, that lacks diffu-sion of nutrients and waste. Uric acid is relatively inertand substantially less toxic than ammonia or urea, thusensuring a viable hatchling. Uric acid (an oxidized formof the purine, hypoxanthine) is synthesized predomi-nantly in the liver from purine metabolism, with a smallamount of synthesis occurring in the renal tubules.Approximately 90% of uric acid is secreted in the proxi-mal convoluted tubules in the normal bird.20 This per-centage can be markedly altered in pathologic condi-tions. Uric acid is passed to the cloaca and then may beretropulsed to the rectum and ceca, where it may bebroken down by bacteria and reabsorbed.7,8

Diagnostic ValueDue to active renal tubular secretion, blood uric acid lev-els are not notably affected by dehydration until GFR isdecreased to the point that uric acid is not movedthrough the tubules, which may occur in severe dehydra-tion. Raptors and penguins have higher reference valuesfor uric acid, and marked increases in plasma uric acidconcentration may be observed postprandially.34,44

Therefore, sampling of carnivorous birds should be per-formed after a 24-hour fast. Fasting also will decrease thelikelihood of lipemia, which is frequently observed inpostprandial samples. Contamination of the blood samplewith trace amounts of urates from the skin of birds maylead to extreme elevations in uric acid measurements.Questionable samples should therefore be redrawn andthe testing repeated. Once the above etiologies are ruled

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References andSuggested Reading1. Andreasen CB, et al: Determin-

ation of chicken and turkeyplasma and serum proteinconce628nt628rations byrefractometry and the biuretmethod. Avian Dis 33:93-96,

1989.2. Assink HA, et al: The introduc-

tion of bromocresol purple forthe determination of serumalbumin on SMAC and ACA,and the standardization proce-dure. J Clin Chem ClinBiochem 22(10):685-692,1984.

3. Bailey TA, et al: Age-relatedplasma chemistry findings inthe buff-crested bustard(Eupodotis ruficristagindiana). ZentralblVeterinarmed 45B:635-640,1998.

4. Bonkovsky HL, Healey JF, PohlJ: Purification and characteriza-

tion of heme oxygenase fromchick liver. Comparison of theavian and mammalianenzymes. Eur J Biochem189(1):155-166, 1990.

5. Brackeen GL, Dover JS, LongCL: Serum albumin. Differencesin assay specificity. Nutr ClinPract 4(6):203-205, 1989.

out, renal disease should be assessed with urinalysis, radi-ography, and/or renal biopsy (see Chapter 16, Evaluatingand Treating the Kidneys).


Osmoregulation is accomplished by contributions fromthe kidneys, intestinal tract, salt glands and, to someextent, the skin and respiratory tract.19,20 Urine can beactively retropulsed from the urodeum to the copro-deum of the cloaca and then to the rectum and poten-tially the large intestine, where water can be reabsorbedand electrolytes can be modified. This results in achange in the specific gravity, electrolyte concentrationsand bacterial contamination of urine.

Urinalysis is indicated when there is azotemia, uratemia,polyuria/polydipsia, hematuric abnormal urates, or geni-tourinary masses. Birds with renal pathology will fre-quently have polyuria, resulting in a urine sample ofadequate volume for analysis. Avian urine is generallycollected free catch by removal of cage paper and thor-ough cleaning of the cage surface. A needle and syringeor capillary tube can be used to aspirate urine from thecage bottom and minimize fecal contamination. Ureteralcatheterization has been performed, but, requires anes-thesia and is difficult.65

Normal urine has a clear fluid component. There is vari-ation in normal urine volume among species that areadapted to different food sources and environments.10,19

Specific gravity in most clinically normal birds has beenreported as 1.005 to 1.020, and avian urine is generallyacidic.6 Normal urine sediment is generally composed ofuric acid precipitates and crystals, sloughed squamousepithelial cells, <3 WBC/40x field and <3 RBC/40x field,and low quantities of predominantly gram-positive bac-teria. Bacteria present in normal samples are attributedto fecal contamination.

The majority of uric acid in avian urine exists as a whiteto light yellow colloidal suspension made up of small,spherical conglomerates (urates) that range in diameterfrom 0.5 to 15 µm.6 The urate precipitate is composed ofuric acid, sodium and/or potassium, and protein. Theprecipitate is not measured in the specific gravity of theurine supernatant, and therefore urine specific gravity islower in birds and reptiles than in mammals. Any pro-

tein not reabsorbed in the proximal tubule is generallyprecipitated with uric acid. Assuming there is no fecalcontamination, normal avian urine should not containprotein that can be detected on a urine dipstick.32

Needle-shaped uric acid crystals also may be observed innormal urine. Uric acid crystals polarize and can betested chemically using the murexide test. A drop of con-centrated nitric acid is added to the crystals and heatedto evaporation. A drop of ammonia is then added. If uricacid is present, the liquid will turn a mauve color. Addingseveral drops of sodium hydroxide to a urine sample willdissolve uric acid crystals. This can facilitate the identifi-cation of casts, bacteria and cells.

Biliverdinuria, grossly apparent as green urates, is not anormal finding and is most commonly caused by bile stasisdue to liver compromise. It also may be seen in birds withhemolytic anemia. Biliverdinuria associated with nephrosishas been described histologically.53 The clinical significanceof the described nephrosis is unknown. Prior to diagnos-ing biliverdinuria, fecal contamination should be assessedby measuring urobilinogen with a urine dipstick. A posi-tive urobilinogen result supports fecal contamination.

Hemoglobinuria has been documented in heavy metalpoisoning, specifically lead toxicosis, in Amazon, Electusand African grey parrots secondary to intravascularhemolysis.17 Ketonuria is not observed in normal birds.Ketones have been found in the urine of migratory birds,but otherwise support a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.9,63

(See acetoacetate, acetone in the Analytes section).

Even in free catch samples, culture and sensitivity areindicated when bacterial infection (eg, pyuria) is sus-pected based on clinical presentation or urinalysisresults. Renal biopsy and culture also can be performedif inflammation or infection is believed to involve thekidney (see Chapter 16, Evaluating and Treating theKidneys).

Products Mentioned in the Texta. Vacutainer tubes, Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA

b. I-STAT, Heska Corporation, Fort Collins, CO, USA

c. Lactose/D-galactose assay kit, Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim,Germany

d. AO Goldberg Refractometer, American Optical Corporation, Buffalo, NY,USA

e. Atago Refractometer, Atago Corporation, Atago Ltd, Tokyo, Japan

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6. Braun EJ: Comparative renalfunction in birds, reptiles, andmammals. Sem Avian Exotic PetMed 7:62-71, 1998.

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16. Dabbert CB, Powell KC: Serumenzymes as indicators of capturemyopathy in mallards (Anasplatyrhynchos). J Wildl Dis29(2):304-309, 1993.

17. Dumonceaux G, Harrison GJ:Toxins. In Ritchie BW, HarrisonGJ, Harrison LR (eds): AvianMedicine: Principles andApplication. Lake Worth, WingersPublishing, 1994, pp 1030-1052.

18. Elangbam CS, Panciera RJ:Cholangiocarcinoma in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazonaestiva). Avian Dis 1988, pp 594-596.

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29. Hoeffer H: Bile acid testing inpsittacine birds. Sem Avian ExoticPet Med 3:33-37, 1994.

30. Jaensch MJ, Cullen L, Raidal SR:Assessment of liver function ingalahs/cockatoos (Eolophus rose-icapillus) after partial hepatec-tomy: a comparison of plasmaenzyme concentrations, serumbile acid levels, and galactoseclearance tests. J Avian Med Surg14:164-171, 2000.

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