Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

The Legend of the Sampaguita A. Vocabulary: 1. Between the two barangays is a sturdy bamboo fence. a. flexible b. old and dilapidated c. mysterious d. strong 2. The Datu had a daughter with incomparable beauty. a. enchanting b. peculiar c. matchless d. immeasurable 3. Their secret lair is at the end of the bamboo fence. a. rendezvous b. eye witness c. solemn d. agreement 4. “Stealing is unlawful”, said the Datu. a. righteous b. inappropriate c. unnoticed d. merciless 5. He told his comrades where to bury him. a. servants b. contemporaries c. neighbors d. family members 6. They decided to end the conflict through violent means. a. fierce b. hostile c. amicable d. truce 6. Which is an example of a bush? a. Marigold b. Gumamela c. Orchid d. Sampaguita For Orchid Only: 7. Who is the second narrator of Presentor No.2? 8. What group presented their comic strip in black and white? 9. Of the three narrators of Presentor No. ______, who talked first? 10. The fifth set of narrators were Trebajo, Chavez and ___________. For Iris Only: 7. Of the three members of Group 9, Denamarca, Canales and Dano, who narrates the last? 8. Among Manansala, Peralta and Rosales of Group 12, who narrated the setting of the story? 9. What group was the last set of narrators? 10. Who does not belong to Group 7? Labja, Wabina, Matuguinas? C. Sequence the events of the story by writing 1,2,3,4,5,6 on the spaces before each event. _______ a. Rosita was so frightened when she heard that Delfin will take the place of the datu of Gagalangin. _______ b. The conflict between the warring datus did not hinder Delfin and Rosita from loving each other. _______ c. Rosita wanted to talk to Delfin to withdraw from the oncoming battle. _______ d. Delfin was badly hurt and shed a lot of blood.

Transcript of Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

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The Legend of the Sampaguita

A. Vocabulary:1. Between the two barangays is a sturdy bamboo fence. a. flexible b. old and dilapidated c. mysterious d. strong2. The Datu had a daughter with incomparable beauty. a. enchanting b. peculiar c. matchless d. immeasurable3. Their secret lair is at the end of the bamboo fence. a. rendezvous b. eye witness c. solemn d. agreement4. “Stealing is unlawful”, said the Datu. a. righteous b. inappropriate c. unnoticed d. merciless5. He told his comrades where to bury him. a. servants b. contemporaries c. neighbors d. family members6. They decided to end the conflict through violent means. a. fierce b. hostile c. amicable d. truce6. Which is an example of a bush? a. Marigold b. Gumamela c. Orchid d. Sampaguita

For Orchid Only:7. Who is the second narrator of Presentor No.2? 8. What group presented their comic strip in black and white?

9. Of the three narrators of Presentor No. ______, who talked first?

10. The fifth set of narrators were Trebajo, Chavez and ___________.For Iris Only:7. Of the three members of Group 9, Denamarca, Canales and Dano, who narrates the last?8. Among Manansala, Peralta and Rosales of Group 12, who narrated the setting of the story?9. What group was the last set of narrators?10. Who does not belong to Group 7? Labja, Wabina, Matuguinas?

C. Sequence the events of the story by writing 1,2,3,4,5,6 on the spaces before each event._______ a. Rosita was so frightened when she heard that Delfin will take the place of the datu of Gagalangin. _______ b. The conflict between the warring datus did not hinder Delfin and Rosita from loving each other._______ c. Rosita wanted to talk to Delfin to withdraw from the oncoming battle._______ d. Delfin was badly hurt and shed a lot of blood._______ e. Datu Gagalangin was mad when Datu Balintawak stole 5 meters of their property._______ f. Before the planned attack the Datu became seriously ill and died

C: Answer briefly: Three (3) points each1. What was Delfin’s request before his last breath?2. Where did Rosita want to be buried?3. What does the voice “sumpa kita” mean?

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Direct Speech: The President said, “I will ask Congress to appropriate funds to help urban communities.”

Indirect Speech : The President said that he will ask Congress to appropriate funds to help urban communities.

Direct speech represents a person’s exact speech or thoughts and is enclosed in quotation marks (“). In direct quotation, the words of the speaker are quoted exactly.

The speaker’s words are set off from the rest of the sentence. When the end of the quotation is also the end of the sentence, the period falls inside the quotation mark.

Miguel said, “Let’s meet at our house next time.”

If the quoted words are a question or an exclamation, the question mark or the exclamation mark falls inside the quotation marks.

“May I tell you a story?” Lola asked.“I deny everything!” the suspect cried.

If the entire sentence is a question or an exclamation, the exclamation or the question mark falls outside the quotation marks.

Did I hear you say, “I love you”?It’s a shame to consider these pick pockets “responsible citizens”!

Use a comma or colon after an introductory expression:

My father explained, “I want you to know all the story how Davao got its name.”

Use a comma, a question mark, or exclamation mark after a quotation followed by a concluding expression.

“I want you to know the story how Davao got its name,” my father explained.

Both parts of the divided quotation are enclosed in quotation marks. The first word of the second part is not capitalized unless it begins a new sentence.

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“I plan,” the Secretary said, “to reduce oil price this month.”

An indirect speech rephrases someone else’s words. They are not the exact words of the speaker. It reports only the general meaning of what a person said or thought and does not require quotation mark.

Copy each sentence then add appropriate punctuation marks to indicate direct speech/quotation:

1. Please be home on time for your father’s birthday dinner tonight mother reminded me.2. The guard insisted You must have a pass before I can allow you to enter.

3. If you have trouble understanding the story said Miss Liwayway read it over a second time.

Change the following indirect speech to direct speech using correct punctuation marks.

1. The senator explained that he could not possibly the construction of a new school building.2. The policeman said that both lanes of the highway were temporarily closed.

3. I found our that they waited two hours just to see the movie.

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A. Arrange the letters to form words synonym to the given word:

1. haughty = a g a r n r o t 6. spell = a m c I g

2. malady = n e s l I ls I 7. famished = u r y u n h g e

3. surprised = t o n e d I s h a s 8. unhappy = e b a r e I s m i

4. treacherous = r o u s e r n d a g 9. strange = s u u u n a l

5. obstacle = d r h I n c e n 10. weary = w e d i t

B. Sequence the following events as it appears in the story Ibong Adarna. Letters only.

e. After many hours of weary travel, Don Pedro finally crossed the sixth mountain.

c. He came upon a river that looked very deep and had a very swift current.

a. Don Pedro was surprised to hear a human voice in such a forsaken place.

d. He drove the old man away and sailed without a backward glance

b.. It was already evening when came upon a tree with leaves of sparkling silver.

Rearrange the letters to form words synonym to the given word:

1. haughty = a g a r n r o t 6. spell = a m c I g

2. malady = n e s l I ls I 7. famished = u r y n h g e

3. surprised = t o n e d I s h a s 8. unhappy = e b a r e I s m i

4. treacherous = r o u s e r n da g 9. strange = s u u u n a l

5. obstacle = d r h I n c e n 10. weary = w e d i t

B. Sequence the following events as it appears in the story Ibong Adarna. Letters only.

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a. After many hours of weary travel, Don Pedro finally crossed the sixth mountain.

b. He came upon a river that looked very deep and had a very swift current.

c. Don Pedro was surprised to hear a human voice in such a forsaken place.

d. He drove the old man away and sailed without a backward glance

e. It was already evening when came upon a tree with leaves of sparkling silver.

Ibong Adarna

Once upon a time, there lived a king who had three sons, Don Pedro, Don Diego and Don Juan. The two elder sons, Don Pedro and Don Diego were haughty and proud. The youngest, Don Juan, was humble , courteous, friendly, and helpful. Often, the two older brothers would play naughty jokes on their younger brother. But Don Juan was so good that he would promptly forgive them.

One day, the king fell ill. From far and near, the doctors came, but no one could cure the strange malady. Each day, the king became weaker.

One night, he had a strange dream. He called his wife and three sons and told them about his dream.

“A lovely lady appeared,” he related, “ and she said that only the song of the Adarna bird would make me well.”

The people of the kingdom heard about the dream and they were greatly troubled, They knew about the Adarna bird. They knew it lived seven mountains away, in Mt. Tabor. They knew that along the way were many dangerous and strange animals, plants, and beings. They knew, too, that all those who had gone in search of the Adarna never returned.

Early the next morning, Don Pedro announced that he would seek the Adarna. Preparations were made for his journey. At last, he was ready to go.

Don Pedro traveled many days and many nights. He went over hills and thick forests. After many hours of weary travel, he finally crossed the sixth mountain. Don Pedro walked faster, inspired by the thought that he was nearly at the end of his journey.

But luck was not with him. Just when Mt. tabor seemed very near, he cane upon a river that looked very deep and had a very swift current. He sat down on the bank of the river wondering how he could go across. Finally, he thought of a plan. Breaking off some branches of a tree nearby, he tied them together to form a raft.

He placed the raft on the water and when he was about to step on it, a voice spoke.

“Please help me across,” the voice quivered.

Don Pedro was surprised to hear a human voice in such a forsaken place. Quickly, he looked to see where the voice came from. Beside him stood an old man tattered in clothes. He had a beard, so long, it nearly reached the ground.

“Please let me go with you across the river,” pleaded the old man, “The current is so swift I cannot cross it by myself.”

“Go away,” Don Pedro said impatiently. “Can’t you see that I’m having a difficult time, myself?” And with that, he pushed the old man away, boarded his makeshift raft, and sailed away without a backward glance.

The river was very rough but Don Pedro hung on to his raft, until miraculously, he reached the bank on the other side. The experience had made him hungry. He rested awhile then took out some food from his bag.

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“Please spare me some food,” said a voice near Don Pedro.

Don Pedro was surprised. It was the same old man who had begged him for help on the other side of the river.

“What a nuisance,” he said to himself.

Aloud, he said rudely, “Go away, can’t you see that I have very little for myself?” And he continued eating without giving the old man another glance.

When Don Pedro has eaten his fill, he walked through the forest of Mt. tabor, trying to catch a glimpse of the Adarna. Evening came and still he had not seen the bird. He came to a tree with leaves of sparkling silver.

“I must have some of those leaves,” he said to himself. He climbed the tree and filled his bag and his pocket with the silver leaves. “I may as well rest here,” he said as he clambered down, and, sitting, rested his back against the tree trunk.

Unknown to him, the tree was the favorite haunt of the Adarna. Soon, Don Pedro heard the flapping of wings. It came from the most beautiful bird Don Pedro had ever seen. Its feathers of dazzling colors were even more beautiful than the rainbow. The bird alighted on a branch just above Don Pedro ahead. Then it began to sing.

“What a lovely bird! What sweet music! Surely this must be the Adarna. I must go up the tree and catch it,” thought Don Pedro.

Don Pedro tried to climb the tree but he was so tired and the music was so sweet that he felt drowsy. Soon, he was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, the bird went on singing. After the seventh song, some of the bird’s dropping fell on the sleeping Don Pedro.

When Don Pedro failed to return, the second prince left to look for the Adarna bird. Like his elder brother, he had to overcome many obstacles before he read the bank of the river that separated Mt. Tabor from the sixth mountain. He also met an old man who asked to be helped across the river. Like his brother, he was rude to the old man who asked to cross the river. Don Diego found the trees with sparkling leaves, saw the Adarna bird and was lulled to sleep by its sweet song. When the bird’s droppings fell on the sleeping prince, he too, was turned into stone.

By this time, the king’s condition had worsened. His illness was aggravated by anxiety over the fate of his two sons who had not returned yet.

Don Juan, the youngest, begged permission to leave but the king would not let him.

“I may be young in years, but I am strong and unafraid. Let me look for the Adarna and for my brothers, too,” he pleaded. “But bless me before I go.”

With the blessing from the king and his queen, the brave Don Juan stretch forth on his dangerous journey. Like his brothers, he met an old man trying to cross the deep river. However, the current was very strong.

“Let me help, old man, ”Don Juan offered. “Get on my back and I’ll take you across.”

“Thank you, son” the old man replied. “I am tired and my knees are weak.”

When they reached the opposite bank, Don Juan took out his lunch.

“You look very hungry,” he told the old man. “Let me share my poor fare with you.”

During the simple meal the old man asked Don Juan where he was going. When he told, he commented. “It is a dangerous mission. The Adarna bird is treacherous and cunning. And it casts a spell over anyone who

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listens to its song. But one good turn deserves another. When you reach the top of the next mountain, look for a little stone hut. The hermit who lives there will help you. Follow exactly what he tells you.”

The two then parted ways. Don Juan found the little stone hut. The hermit who lived there greeted him warmly.

“Welcome, son” he said. “I have been expecting you. I have prepared some supper. Come, you looked tired and famished.”

After the meal, the hermit gave Don Juan some instructions.

“Over there is Mt. Tabor where grows the magic tree with sparkling leaves of silver. “Do not pick any leaf. That tree is the favorite haunt of the Adarna. The Adarna will wing seven times, changing the color of its feathers at every song. At the end of its seventh song, it will go to sleep. That’s the time to catch it. But it cannot be caught with bare hands. Here is a gold cord to bind the bird’s legs. No other cord can serve the purpose.”

“Thank you, most kindly, sir.” Said the young prince. “I’m ready to start on my journey.

“Stay a while,” said the hermit. “The Adarna casts a spell on anyone who hears its song. The music lulls the listener to sleep. Be sure to keep awake when it sings. Take these seven small lemons and this knife with you. When the bird begins to sing, make a cut on your arm and squeeze one lemon over the wound. The pain will keep you awake. And avoid the bird’s droppings.”

The old man continued. “Bring this dipper. Beside the tree is a well. Fill the dipper with water and pout it over the odd-shaped stones under the tree.”

“Sir,” replied Don Juan. “I am much obliged to you. I’ll never forget your kindness.”

It was almost evening when Don Juan reached the tree with sparkling leaves of silver. Tired but expectant, he waited for the coming of the Adarna bird. Soon, he heard the flapping of wings.

Looking up, he beheld a wondrous sight for the bird’s feathers had all the colors of the rainbow. As he sat enraptured by its beauty, the air was filled with ethereal music. It was the Adarna bird singing. The song was so sweet that he was becoming drowsy.

Remembering the hermit’s advice, he made a cut on his arm and squeezed the lemon into the wound. For each song of the Adarna, Don Juan made a deeper cut on his arm and squeezed lemon into it. In this way, he managed to keep awake. As the hermit had foretold, the Adarna let its droppings fall after the seventh song. But none fell on the wide-awake prince.

Meanwhile, the Adarna closed its eyes and was soon fast asleep. This was the moment Don Juan was waiting for. He caught the Adarna and bound its legs securely with the gold cord the hermit had given him.

“Next he filled the dipper with water from the well, as advised by the hermit. As he poured the water over the two odd-shaped stones under the tree, a strange thing happened. The stones began to stir and assume human forms. Soon, Don Pedro and Don Diego stood before him.

“My brother!” exclaimed Don Juan. “How … why… but no matter. Let’s hurry home for the king and queen are worried over you. I have here the Adarna the Adarna, the bird that will cure the king with its song.” The two brothers were filled with envy for it was Don Juan who had succeeded in catching the Adarna. On their journey back to the kingdom, while Don Juan asleep, they tied him to a tree and left him.

There was great rejoicing when the two brothers arrived at the palace.

“We have brought the Adarna of Mt. tabor,” they announced proudly. “Now, the king will be cured of his malady.”

“But where is your brother, Don Juan?” asked the king.

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“We did not find a trace of him,” they told their father.

Turning to the Adarna, they commanded, “Sing for the king.”

But the bird would not sing. It looked so forlorn and was not so pretty after all.

“This is not the bird I saw in my dream,” whispered the king. “Perhaps, this is not the Adarna.”

The Adarna opened its bill as though it wanted to speak. The people in the room stopped talking.

“Your Majesty,” the bird began. “I am really the Adarna of Mt. Tabor. But I cannot sing for I feel very miserable, my heart is nearly breaking.”

“What is breaking your heart, dear bird?” asked the King.

“Because,” answered the bird, “your youngest son, Don Juan lies unconscious and tied to a tree by the roadside. It was Don Juan who captured me. And it was he who rescued his wicked brothers who had been turned to stone.”

The king was very angry when he heard this.

“Seize the two,” he commanded the soldiers, “and throw them into prison …”

Before he could finish, who should come rushing but Don Juan!

“Forgive them, my father,” begged the young prince. “After all, I am already back home, safe and sound.”

And he told how the kind hermit who had helped him capture the Adarna had revived him with magic herbs.”

“Let bygones be bygones,“ he said embracing his father.

Suddenly, the Adarna flapped its wings, changed into rainbow colors, and began to sing. Its music was so sweet that everyone was enraptured. The king became calm, his melancholy and anxieties vanished.

Everyday he bird sang. Soon, the king was cured of his strange malady.

And the Adarna stayed on bringing peace and happiness to everyone.

The Monkey and the Crocodile

A monkey lived in a great tree on a river bank.

In the river there were many crocodiles. A crocodile watched the monkeys for a long time, and one day she said to her: “My son, get one of those monkeys for me. I want the heart of a monkey to eat.”

“How am I to catch a monkey?” asked the little crocodile. “I do not travel on land , and the monkey does not go into the water.”

“Put your wits to work, and you’ll find a way,” said the mother.

And the little crocodile thought and thought.

At last he said to himself: “I know what I’ll do. I’ll get that monkey that lives in a big tree on the river bank. He wishes to go across the river to the island where the fruit is ripe.”

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So the crocodile swam to the tree where the monkey lived. But he was a stupid crocodile.

“Oh, monkey,” he called, “come with me over to the island where the fruit is so ripe.”

“How can I go with you?” asked the monkey. “I do not swim.”

“No – but I do. I will take you over on my back,” said the crocodile.

“Off we go!’ said the crocodile.

“This is a fine ride you are giving me!” said the monkey.

“Do you think so? Well, how do you like this?” asked the crocodile, diving.

“Oh, don’t!” cried the monkey, as he went under the water. He was afraid to let go, and he did not know what to do under the water.

When the crocodile came up the monkey sputtered and choked. “Why did you take me under water crocodile?” he asked.

“I am going to kill you by keeping you under water,” answered the crocodile. “My mother wants a monkey heart to eat, and I am going to take yours to her.”

“I wish you had told me you wanted my heart,” said the monkey, “then I might have brought it with me.”

“How queer!” said the stupid crocodile. “Do you mean to say that you left your heart back there in the tree?”

“That is what I mean,” said the monkey. “If you want my heart, we must go back to the tree and get it. But we are so near the island where the ripe fruit is, please take me there first.”

“No, monkey,” said the crocodile, I’ll take you straight back to your tree. Never mind the ripe fruit. Get your heart and bring it to me at once. Then we’ll see about going to the island.”

“Very well,” said the Monkey.

But no sooner had he jumped onto the bank of the river then --- whisk! Up he ran into the tree.

From the top most branches he called down to the crocodile in the water below.

“My heart is way up here! If you want it, come for it, come for it!”

The monkey soon moved away from that tree. He wanted to get away from the crocodile, so that he might live in peace.

But the crocodile found him, far down the river, living in another tree.

In the middle of the river was an island covered with fruit trees.

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Half-way between the bank of the river and the island, a large rock rose out of the water. The monkey could jump to the rock, and then to the island. The crocodile watched the monkey crossing from the bank of the river to the rock, and then to the island.

He thought to himself, “The monkey will stay on the island all day, and I’ll catch him on his way home at night.”

The monkey had a fine feast while the crocodile swam about watching him all day.

Toward night the crocodile crawled out of the water and lay on the rock, perfectly still.

When it grew dark among the trees, the monkey started for home. He ran down to the river bank, and there he stopped.

“What is the matter with the rock?” the monkey thought to himself. “I never saw it so high before. The crocodile is lying on it.”

But he went to the edge of the water and called: “Hello, Rock!”

No answer.

Then he called again: “Hello, Rock!”

Three times the monkey called, and then he said: “Why is it, Friend Rock that you do not answer me tonight?”

“Oh, said the stupid crocodile to himself, “the rock answers the monkey at night. I’ll have to answer for the rock this time.”

So he answered: “Yes, Monkey! What is it?”

The monkey laughed and said: ”Oh, it’s you, crocodile, is it?

“Yes, said the crocodile. “I am waiting here for you. I am going to eat you.”

“You have caught me in a trap this time,” said the monkey. “There is no other way for me to go home. Open your mouth wide so I can jump right into it.”

Now the monkey well knew that when crocodiles open their mouths wide, thy shut their eyes.

While the crocodile lay on the rock with his mouth wide open and his eyes shut, the monkey jumped.

But not into his mouth! Oh no! He landed on the top of the crocodile’s head, and then sprang quickly to the bank. Up he whisked into his tree.

When the crocodile saw the trick the monkey had played on him, he said: “Monkey you have great cunning. You know no fear. I’ll let you alone after this.”

“Thank you, Crocodile, but I shall be on the watch for you just the same,” said the monkey.

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Just Facts

1. Of all the words in English language, the word “set” (has, have) the most definitions.2. Volcanoes (is, are) active when full moon.

3. The Blue Whale’s whistle (is, are) the loudest noise made by a mammal.

4. A group of kangaroo (is, are) called a mob.

5. All planets in the solar system (rotates, rotate) anti-clockwise, except Venus.

6. Ants (doesn’t, don’t) sleep.

7. An average person (laughs, laugh) about 15 times a day.

8. Each drop of blood (contains, contain) 5 million red blood cells.

9. We (produces, produce) one liter of saliva a day.

10.The Chinese (was, were) the first people to discover solar eclipse.

11. It (takes, take) 100 years for a cave stalactite to grow an inch.

12.Thirty percent of Filipino children (is, are) obese.

13.Filipino children in cities (spends, spend) 1,423 ours watching TV.

14.Colds (is, are) passed on from one person to another by hand contact rather than by kissing or sneezing.

15.Rubber bands (lasts, last) longer when refrigerated.

16.Major contributor ro New Delhi’s air pollution (is, are) vehicles.

17.The major air-polluting industries (is, are) iron, steel and cement.

18.Physics (includes, include) the study of light, magnets, electricity, forms of energy and sound.

19.About 10% of the world’s population (is, are) left-handed.

20.A cow (gives, give) 200,000 glasses of milk in her life time.


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1. Read everything carefully before doing anything.2. Write your name on the upper right hand corner of this paper.

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3. Circle the word name in Sentence 2.

4. Draw 5 small squares in the upper left hand corner.

5. Put n X in each square.

6. Sign your name at the bottom right hand of this paper.

7. After the title, write, “YES, YES, YES, YES’

8. Put a circle completely around Sentence 7.

9. Draw a triangle around the word corner in Sentence 4.

10.At the back of this paper, multiply 70 x 55.

11.Loudly call out your first name when you get this far long.

12. If you have followed directions carefully to this point, cal out “I HAVE!”

13. In your normal-speaking voice, count 10 to l backwards.

14.Punch 3 holes on top of this paper with your ball pen.



17.Now that you have finished reading everything carefully, DO ONLY SENTENCES 1 AND 2!


18.Read everything carefully before doing anything.19.Write your name on the upper right hand corner of this paper.

20.Circle the word name in Sentence 2.

21.Draw 5 small squares in the upper left hand corner.

22.Put n X in each square.

23.Sign your name at the bottom right hand of this paper.

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24.After the title, write, “YES, YES, YES, YES’

25.Put a circle completely around Sentence 7.

26.Draw a triangle around the word corner in Sentence 4.

27.At the back of this paper, multiply 70 x 55.

28.Loudly call out your first name when you get this far long.

29. If you have followed directions carefully to this point, cal out “I HAVE!”

30. In your normal-speaking voice, count 10 to l backwards.

31.Punch 3 holes on top of this paper with your ball pen.



34.Now that you have finished reading everything carefully, DO ONLY SENTENCES 1 AND 2!

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Lesson Plan in English 1

June 7, 2011

1:00 - 2:00 Orchid

3:00 - 4:00 Iris


a. Answer guide questions to introduce oneself

b. Speak clearly and proficiently in the English

c. Develop self confidence in talking with others

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Subject Matter

Getting to Know Each Other


Motivation Questions:

a. Who were classmates here in Grade Vl? Who were schoolmates? Who are neighbors? How many are from Visayan Village Central Elem., from Don Ricardo Briz, from Mangga Elem., etc. Who are not from Tagum City?


1) Teacher to provide ¼ sheet of paper and answer/write the following data:

a. Name (Surname, First Name, Middle Name b. Nickname

c. Address

d. Name of Parents/Guardian

e. Occupation of Parents/Guardian

f. What is your favorite subject

g. What characteristics/attitudes do you like from your classmates.

2) Let each student introduce himself by reading what is written on his paper.


a. Students in the class come different schools, places with different family orientation but are considered equal in the class.

b. Students in the class should treat one another as members of one big

c. What you expect from your classmates is also what they expect from you.


In a ¼ sheet of paper answer this question: What do you expect from your English teacher

English 1

June 8 , 2011

1:00 – 2:00 `: Orchid

3:00 – 4:00 : Irish


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a. Level up expectationsb. Answer exploratory questions as an introduction to the Content Standard for the First

Grading Period

c. Share one background about different forms of literature

d. Define simple terms about narratives.

Subject Matter:

Explore : Philippine literature, an Introduction


Exploratory questions:

a. What words are synonyms of “narrate”b. Can you name some examples of Philippine myth, legend, or epic

c. Why do we study narratives? What are its purpose/purposes?

d. Are they real? Or imagined.

Activity : Using Bubble Map


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the distinctive features, aesthetic elements and underlying objectives of varied types of Philippine narratives using the most appropriate language forms and functions.

Literature – expressions of human emotions and feelings to society, to the government, to his surrounding, his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator. Its purposes are:

a. for knowledge and informationb. pleasure and entertainment

c. lessons

d. learn about the word

e. learn about his fellowmen before and today

Narratives are the interesting accounts of people’s ideas, feelings and values pertinent to the development of their culture and society.


In your notebook, differentiate each kind of narrative:

a. myth c. epic e. jokesssb. legend d. fable f. riddles

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English 1

June 9 and 10, 2011

1:00 – 2:00 : Orchid

3:00 – 4:00 : Iris


a. Listen to a short myth of “The Creation”b. Sing a particular line of a song at the mention of a word in the myth

c. Name some of Philippine narratives and its definition

Subject Matter

The Creation, a myth


Motivation questions:

a. Do you love to listen to stories? What kind of stories?

b. Do you know Lola Basyang? Who is your the Lola Basyang at home?

c. Why do you enjoy listening to these stories?


Divide the class into eight (8). Point out some underlined word in the myth. Assign each group to a particular line of a song. Let them practice for ten (10) minutes. Let each group sing that particular line of a song as the word assigned is mentioned or read.


The three divisions of Philippine literature:

a. The legendary and epic period – consisted of magical incantations, myths, legends and folktales. Early Filipinos believe in sun and moon worship and other forms of nature. They believe in environmental spirits. Myths and legends explain the origin of the universe, the human race, the origin of land and regions and how things got its name. Epics are long narratives which tells the exploits of legendary heroes with supernatural powers.

b. Period of Spanish Occupation – literature during this time is religious in nature. The Dominicans introduced the first printed book in Manila in 1593 (Doctrina Cristiana. In the later period, literature was in a form of propaganda (information and opinions spread to influence people in favor of or against some doctrine or idea.

c. The Period of American Occupation – considered as the flourishing of Philippine literature. There was a rapid increase in journalistic writing. English became the medium of instruction in schools.

Page 19: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD


What superstitious belief do you still practice at home? Heard from your grandparents, neighbors? Write this in a ¼ sheet of paper,



The learner demonstrates literary and communicative competence through his/her understanding of the different genres of Philippine Literature and other text types for a

deeper appreciation of Philippine culture.

First Grading Period

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of the distinctive features, aesthetic elements and underlying objectives of varied types of Philippine narratives using the most appropriate language forms and functions.

English l

Page 20: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

June 13, 2011

1:00 – 2:00 : l – Orchid

3:00 – 3:00 : l – Iris


a. Listen to short narratives (superstitious beliefs)b. Give comment/reaction on stories listened to

c. Pick out lessons from the stories

Subject Matter:

Simple Subject/Simple Predicate; Complete Subject/Complete Predicate

Reference: English Arts l, pp.15-18


Directed Silent Reading Activity, Using Correct Grammar When Telling Stories, English Arts, page 15.

Which are sentences? Which are not? Why?


The simple subject is the key word in the complete subject. It is either a noun or a pronoun. The simple predicate is the key word in the complete predicate. It is a verb.

The simple subject and the simple predicates are sometimes called headwords.

A sentence cannot give a complete thought without a subject and a predicate.


In your notebook, write the complete subject in one column and the complete predicate in the opposite column. Underline the simple subject and the simple predicate.

1. The Sun and the Moon lived together.2. Only the Sun rode in the sky.

3. The Mon stayed at home with the children.

4. The Moon went to the river to fetch water.

5. She brought her children with her.

6. The lonely Sun looked down lovingly at his children.

7. The children crumbled into ashes.

8. The anguished Moon screamed wildly at her husband.

Page 21: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

9. She scattered their ashes to the four winds.

10.The repentant Sun returned to a dark and empty house.

11.He went out and chased the Moon to no avail.

12.The endless cycle of the Sun and the Moon started.

June 6, 2011

First Day of Classes

7:30 – 12:00 noon

1:00 – 5:00 P.M.

Administrative and Supervisory Functions


Visayan Village, Tagum City

School Directory

Room No. Section Adviser Year Level

02 Jasmine Evangeline C. Jumawan One

03 Sampaguita Caroline S. Nalzaro One

04 Orchid Ebus D. Sandukan, Jr. One

05 Iris Lilia J. Ortillano One

08 Gardenia Alfreda V.Carriedo One

09 Sunflower Lolita L. Gazo One

10 Gladiola Rosalie A. Otaza One

11 Daisy Jovita A. Cutler One

12 Rosal Marilyn M. Diwata One

Page 22: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

13 Ilang-ilang Lorna L. Sanchez One

14 Daffodils Lorna G. Lamisajan One

15 Camia Ligaya G. Dalisay One

16 Carnation Gladys D. Lumapas One

19 Anthurium Rodelyn Y. Cuamag One

20 Rose Magdalena B. Biala One

21 Dahlia Efren M. Quilaton One

22 Aquamarine Nenalyn M. Omictin Two

23 Sardonyx Meriam A. Maug Two

24 Pearl Eva B. Bacaling Two

25 Topaz Judeza Ma. Ann J. Santillana Two

26 Sapphire Glenda A. Hangad Two

27 Lily Leah L. Agno One

28 Tulip Evette Delfino One

29 Adelfa Silveste F. Ilad, Jr. One

30 Chamomile Jocelyn Calderon One

31 Aster Aquila M. Biliran One

109 Yakal Nonielyn M. Quevido Three

110 Mahogany Mary Grace M. Sandukan Three

113 Opal Analiza A. Bangud Two

114 Narra Honeylynne A. Boyles Three

115 Rizal Pedro P. Batingal Four

116 Diamond Charlyn E. Emata Two

117 Acacia Alona Flores Three

118 Del Pilar Melissa Keith A. Sarilla Four

Page 23: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

119 Emerald Luz I. Condor Two

120 Bonifacio Dalisay M. Lasala Four

121 Jade Erlinda M. Manuel Two

122 Quezon Renea T. Plaza Four

123 Amethyst Gwendolyn O. Penaranda Two

124 Zircon Daniel N. Barawed Two

125 Meercschaum Maniya Asi Two

204 Falcata Aimee Loyalty E. Redoble Three

205 Deodara Alma T. Postrero Three

206 Molave Iret R. Flores Three

207 Apitong Agnes Denamarca Three

208 Cedar Anebella P. Go Three

209 Guijo Razil B. Cabrera Three

210 Almond Anabella U. Amodia Three

211 Tindalo Cecelia Lorraine B. Villarosa Three

212 Lawaan Hermie L. Natad Three

213 Zamora Lolita C. Pastoriza Four

214 Agoncillo Imelda L. Bandiola Four

215 Malvar Salvacion E. Dinagay Four

216 Amber Novie Maureen Duazo Two

217 Scheelite Claudette Marie V. Casana Two

218 Alexandrite James Cherish Gumela Two

219 Turquoise Arlinda B. Macarayan Two

220 Gold Ramonita Viloria Two

221 Ruby Arlene Lamoste Two

Page 24: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

222 Garnet Gerly B. Jumanguit Two

223 Onyx Nilda A. Borromeo Two

304 Mangrove Edith Nalangan Three

305 Kamagong Glory Jean Leop Three

306 Angelo Flordeliza G. Laganson Three

307 Almasiga Lovella Montera Three

308 Gemelina Epifania D. Andoy Three

309 Cypress Felannie M. Caasi Three

310 Eucalyptus Macrina P. Hontanosas Three

311 Gomez Norma S. Evardone Four

312 Roxas Rollan P. Inis Four

313 Recto Leonila L. Piad Four

314 Mabini Noel Escobal Four

315 Aquino Jubith Romulo Four

316 Jacinto Felmery G. Coquilla Four

317 Lopez Jaena Lourdesita Macasilhig Four

318 Aguinaldo Lily L.Cobrado Four

319 Baltazar Joy C. Pagdilao Four

320 Luna Barbara A. Angon Four

321 Arellano Lourdes G. Tandayag Four

322 Abad Santos Evangeline J. Hababag Four

323 Burgos Albert Rombo Four


Visayan Village, Tagum City


Page 25: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

General Direction: Read all directions carefully and Blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer.

I. Spelling: Find out which word is misspelled from each set of words.

1. a. acknowledgment b. achiever c. absense d. apprentice2. a. mountainous b. maintainance c. ,miscellaneous d. retention3. a. deligent b. diaphragm c. dysfunctional d. diversified

II. Phonetics:

4. Which has a different initial sound? A) knight b) known c) knowledge d) keep5. Which has a different middle sound? A) mean b) seen c) bread d) green 6. Which has a different final sound? A) stopped b) walked c) sealed b) worked

III. Vocabulary: Pick out the letter of the word/words nearest in meaning to the underlined word within the context.

7. ‘’Now, boys, can fists settle an argument? Are you trying to find out who is the strongest among you, or are you trying to find out who is right?’’ – (Man in Dapitan, Loreto Paras-Sulit)

a) to worsen b) announce c) start d) reconcile 8. Immediately the reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the language of each couple differed from that of the others. (The Creation, Igorot Myth)

a) the same b) be different c) exclusive d) similar 9. Rosita, the daughter of Datu Balintawak is blessed with incomparable beauty and kindness. (The Legend of the Sampaguita)

a) simple b) ordinary c) unique d) can be compared10. After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around.(Malakas and Maganda, Myth)

a) inactive b) few ` c) stupid d) lazy11. “Therefore whoever you are leave sloth behind and strive to learn from this account.” (Unending Thanks, Pedro Suarez-Osorio)

a) laziness b) righteousness c) treasure d) failures

IV. Correct Usage/Agreement of Subject and Verb: Choose the correct word or answer from the choices in parenthesis:

12. I may ______ able to come to your party if I have the time.a. have b. have to c. had d. must

13. Selena usually keeps the lights on, but now they are off.. He ______ at home.a. didn’t have to c. must not beb. would rather not be d. isn’t allowed to be

14. She came to school very early ______ she hardly slept the night beforea. unless b. even if c. so that d. moreover

15. Jennifer loves to dance _____ his greatest frustration is to sing.a. and b. for c. hence d. but

16. In the beginning there ________ no people on the earth. a. is b. are c. was d. were

17. A number of recreational plays (was, were) performed by early Filipinos to remind the people about Christianity.

a. is played b. was played c. are played d. were played

V. Genres of Literature: Choose the letter of your answer.

18. What is the source of tension or problem, clash of people, forces or ideas which create the action in a story?

Page 26: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

a) characters b) climax c) conflict d) plot

19. What element of the story usually includes geography, cultural, religious or political background that serve as a backdrop that supports the story’s action

a) setting b) climax c) conflict d) plot20. “Her laughter was like a babbling brook”. In poetry, this style of writing is called a __________

a) metaphor b) personification c) simile d) symbolism 21. Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

a) metaphor b) personification c) simile d) symbolism22. This genre of literature clearly portrays the real world and man’s significant experiences in a grand, moving and colorful ways.

a) narrative b) drama c) poetry d) essay 23. A short piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal point of view.

a) narrative b) drama c) poetry d) essay

VI. Word Mastery: What Part of Speech is the underlined word?

24. Hugo and Felix grinned in mock disbelief.a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

25. Everybody knew everybody else in Dapitan.a) pronoun b. adjective c. conjunction d) preposition

26. At a distance they stopped and opened their catechisms. a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

27. Sampaguita, Philippine's national flowera) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

VIII. Reading Comprehension. A) Read the selections below to answer questions 28-31.

A young city woman was visiting the countryside and became friendly with a farmer. One evening as they were strolling through the pasture, they saw a cow and a calf rubbing noses affectionately. “Ah, said the farmer, “that makes me want to do the same thing.”

“Well, go ahead,” said the young woman laughing. “It is your cow anyway.”

28. What humor is found in the story?a. The farmer wants to rub noses with the cow and the calf.b. The farmer took the young woman strolling through the pasture.c. The young woman and the farmer saw a cow and a calf rubbing noses.d. The young woman thought that the farmer wants to kiss the cow.

29. What does the farmer mean when he said: “that makes me want to do the same thing.”a. He wants to kiss the young woman.b. He wants to rub noses with the cow.c. He likes to stroll around the pasture again.d. He likes to show his cow and calf to the young woman.

30. What conclusion can be drawn from the selection?a. The woman did not like the farmer’s behavior.b. The farmer was attracted to the young woman.c. The farmer is very fond of his farm animal.d. The young woman wants to see the farmer kiss the cow.

31. What title is most appropriate for this selection?a. Misunderstood Intention c. Strolling on A Countryside One Evening b. Strange Animal Behavior d. Lives of Cows in a Farm

Page 27: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

The literature age was oral and was handed down from the elders. Very little of this early literature remains, but from what is left, we can conclude that literature of this period consisted of magical incantations, myths, legends, and folktales. Our early ancestors believed in sun and moon worship, tree worship and worship of other forms of nature. They also believed in environmental spirits, good or bad. The mountain groups and even some of our barrio folk today still believe in these spirits.

The myths and legends explained he origin of the universe and of land regions, the origin of the first man and woman, and of the human race.

The epic age produced a wealth of literature. Scholars estimate that we have no fewer than twenty-foour epics from different regions of the Archipelago; they are written in the different Filipino dialects. The onces which are better known all over the islands are the following: Biag ni Lam-ang (from Ilocos). Hudhud and Alim (from the Ifugaos; Maragtas (from Panay); Bantugan (from Maranaw) adopted by the Muslims of Sulu); and Indarapatra and Sulayman (from Maranaw).

32. Why is there only a few of the early literature left today?a. Because the early literature was written in stone tablets.b. Because the early literature was a taboo.c. Because it was just handed orally by the elders.d. Because copies of this literature were burned during the war

33. Which of the following is not a part of the beliefs of our early ancestors?a. sun and moon worship c. tree worshipb. God worship d. nature worship

34. Our early literature consisted of the following except –a. legends b. folktales c. society d. myths

35. Just like the early Filipinos, our rural folk today still believe ina. God b. magic c. spirits d. legends

36. Which of the following tribes is rich in epics?a. Ifugaos b. Ilocanos c. Cebuanos d. Muslims

37. Emir rarely rides to school each morning. He could take the tricycle but prefers to walk from his home to school. He believes that the walk wakes him up and improves his learning throughout the day. a. Emir always rides home at the end of the school day. b. Emir never rides the tricycle to school. c. Emir values learning. d. Emir is usually late for school.

C) Refer to the graph below to answer questions 38-40.

38. Which course has the most students enrolled in?

a. Chemistry c. Psychology

b. Economics d. Pol Sci

39. Order the courses by enrollment from lowest to highest.

a. Poly Si, Psychology, Economics, Chemistry, Physics

b. Physics, Chemistry, Physhology, Pol Sci, Ecomonics

c. Physics, Pscyhology, Chemistry, Economics, Pol Sci

Enrollment in College Courses

Page 28: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

d. Economics, Poly Sci, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics

40. How many more students are in Econ than in Physics?

a. l50 b. 350 c. 200 d. 250

Meaning of Abbreviations: Chem-Chemistry; Physics-Physics, Econ-Economics, Poly-Sci-Political Science, Psych-Psychology

“Good luck and start a fruitful year with us.”

- from: First Year English Teachers

Page 29: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD




1. A ballerina dances in a ballet.2. A dentist pulls out teeth.3. A journalist writes articles for newspapers.4. A mechanic repairs cars.5. d6. c7. c8. c9. d10. b11. c12. a13. c14. a15. did16. am 17. were18. stole19. were 20. knew21. c22. a 23. c24. b25. b26. d 27. c28. b29. b30. d31. d32. d33. b34. c35. b36. a37. Economics38. 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Psychology 4. Political Science 5. Economics39. 35040. 200

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Page 31: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

Lesson Plan in English 1

June 7, 2011

1:00 - 2:00 Orchid

3:00 - 4:00 Iris


a. Answer guide questions to introduce oneself

b. Speak clearly and proficiently in the English

c. Develop self confidence in talking with others

Subject Matter

Getting to Know Each Other


Motivation Questions:

b. Who were classmates here in Grade Vl? Who were schoolmates? Who are neighbors? How many are from Visayan Village Central Elem., from Don Ricardo Briz, from Mangga Elem., etc. Who are not from Tagum City?


1) Teacher to provide ¼ sheet of paper and answer/write the following data:

h. Name (Surname, First Name, Middle Name i. Nickname

j. Address

k. Name of Parents/Guardian

l. Occupation of Parents/Guardian

m. What is your favorite subject

Page 32: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

n. What characteristics/attitudes do you like from your classmates.

2) Let each student introduce himself by reading what is written on his paper.


d. Students in the class come different schools, places with different family orientation but are considered equal in the class.

e. Students in the class should treat one another as members of one big

f. What you expect from your classmates is also what they expect from you.


In a ¼ sheet of paper answer this question: What do you expect from your English teacher

English 1

June 8 , 2011

1:00 – 2:00 `: Orchid

3:00 – 4:00 : Irish


e. Level up expectationsf. Answer exploratory questions as an introduction to the Content Standard for the First

Grading Period

g. Share one background about different forms of literature

h. Define simple terms about narratives.

Subject Matter:

Explore : Philippine literature, an Introduction


Exploratory questions:

e. What words are synonyms of “narrate”f. Can you name some examples of Philippine myth, legend, or epic

g. Why do we study narratives? What are its purpose/purposes?

h. Are they real? Or imagined.

Activity : Using Bubble Map


Page 33: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the distinctive features, aesthetic elements and underlying objectives of varied types of Philippine narratives using the most appropriate language forms and functions.

Literature – expressions of human emotions and feelings to society, to the government, to his surrounding, his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator. Its purposes are:

f. for knowledge and informationg. pleasure and entertainment

h. lessons

i. learn about the word

j. learn about his fellowmen before and today

Narratives are the interesting accounts of people’s ideas, feelings and values pertinent to the development of their culture and society.


In your notebook, differentiate each kind of narrative:

c. myth c. epic e. jokesssd. legend d. fable f. riddles

English 1

June 9 and 10, 2011

1:00 – 2:00 : Orchid

3:00 – 4:00 : Iris


d. Listen to a short myth of “The Creation”e. Sing a particular line of a song at the mention of a word in the myth

f. Name some of Philippine narratives and its definition

Subject Matter

Page 34: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

The Creation, a myth


Motivation questions:

a. Do you love to listen to stories? What kind of stories?

b. Do you know Lola Basyang? Who is your the Lola Basyang at home?

c. Why do you enjoy listening to these stories?


Divide the class into eight (8). Point out some underlined word in the myth. Assign each group to a particular line of a song. Let them practice for ten (10) minutes. Let each group sing that particular line of a song as the word assigned is mentioned or read.


The three divisions of Philippine literature:

d. The legendary and epic period – consisted of magical incantations, myths, legends and folktales. Early Filipinos believe in sun and moon worship and other forms of nature. They believe in environmental spirits. Myths and legends explain the origin of the universe, the human race, the origin of land and regions and how things got its name. Epics are long narratives which tells the exploits of legendary heroes with supernatural powers.

e. Period of Spanish Occupation – literature during this time is religious in nature. The Dominicans introduced the first printed book in Manila in 1593 (Doctrina Cristiana. In the later period, literature was in a form of propaganda (information and opinions spread to influence people in favor of or against some doctrine or idea.

f. The Period of American Occupation – considered as the flourishing of Philippine literature. There was a rapid increase in journalistic writing. English became the medium of instruction in schools.


What superstitious belief do you still practice at home? Heard from your grandparents, neighbors? Write this in a ¼ sheet of paper,

Page 35: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD



The learner demonstrates literary and communicative competence through his/her understanding of the different genres of Philippine Literature and other text types for a

deeper appreciation of Philippine culture.

First Grading Period

Content Standard

Page 36: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

The learner demonstrates understanding of the distinctive features, aesthetic elements and underlying objectives of varied types of Philippine narratives using the most appropriate language forms and functions.

English l

June 13, 2011

1:00 – 2:00 : l – Orchid

3:00 – 3:00 : l – Iris


d. Listen to short narratives (superstitious beliefs)e. Give comment/reaction on stories listened to

f. Pick out lessons from the stories

Subject Matter:

Simple Subject/Simple Predicate; Complete Subject/Complete Predicate

Reference: English Arts l, pp.15-18


Directed Silent Reading Activity, Using Correct Grammar When Telling Stories, English Arts, page 15.

Which are sentences? Which are not? Why?

Page 37: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD


The simple subject is the key word in the complete subject. It is either a noun or a pronoun. The simple predicate is the key word in the complete predicate. It is a verb.

The simple subject and the simple predicates are sometimes called headwords.

A sentence cannot give a complete thought without a subject and a predicate.


In your notebook, write the complete subject in one column and the complete predicate in the opposite column. Underline the simple subject and the simple predicate.

13.The Sun and the Moon lived together.14.Only the Sun rode in the sky.

15.The Mon stayed at home with the children.

16.The Moon went to the river to fetch water.

17.She brought her children with her.

18.The lonely Sun looked down lovingly at his children.

19.The children crumbled into ashes.

20.The anguished Moon screamed wildly at her husband.

21.She scattered their ashes to the four winds.

22.The repentant Sun returned to a dark and empty house.

23.He went out and chased the Moon to no avail.

24.The endless cycle of the Sun and the Moon started.

(from a Popular Folk Tale)

Page 38: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD
Page 39: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD
Page 40: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD
Page 41: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD
Page 42: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

June 6, 2011

First Day of Classes

7:30 – 12:00 noon

1:00 – 5:00 P.M.

Administrative and Supervisory Functions

Page 43: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD


Visayan Village, Tagum City

School Directory

Room No. Section Adviser Year Level

02 Jasmine Evangeline C. Jumawan One

03 Sampaguita Caroline S. Nalzaro One

04 Orchid Ebus D. Sandukan, Jr. One

05 Iris Lilia J. Ortillano One

08 Gardenia Alfreda V.Carriedo One

09 Sunflower Lolita L. Gazo One

10 Gladiola Rosalie A. Otaza One

11 Daisy Jovita A. Cutler One

12 Rosal Marilyn M. Diwata One

13 Ilang-ilang Lorna L. Sanchez One

14 Daffodils Lorna G. Lamisajan One

15 Camia Ligaya G. Dalisay One

Page 44: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

16 Carnation Gladys D. Lumapas One

19 Anthurium Rodelyn Y. Cuamag One

20 Rose Magdalena B. Biala One

21 Dahlia Efren M. Quilaton One

22 Aquamarine Nenalyn M. Omictin Two

23 Sardonyx Meriam A. Maug Two

24 Pearl Eva B. Bacaling Two

25 Topaz Judeza Ma. Ann J. Santillana Two

26 Sapphire Glenda A. Hangad Two

27 Lily Leah L. Agno One

28 Tulip Evette Delfino One

29 Adelfa Silveste F. Ilad, Jr. One

30 Chamomile Jocelyn Calderon One

31 Aster Aquila M. Biliran One

109 Yakal Nonielyn M. Quevido Three

110 Mahogany Mary Grace M. Sandukan Three

113 Opal Analiza A. Bangud Two

114 Narra Honeylynne A. Boyles Three

115 Rizal Pedro P. Batingal Four

116 Diamond Charlyn E. Emata Two

117 Acacia Alona Flores Three

118 Del Pilar Melissa Keith A. Sarilla Four

119 Emerald Luz I. Condor Two

120 Bonifacio Dalisay M. Lasala Four

121 Jade Erlinda M. Manuel Two

Page 45: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

122 Quezon Renea T. Plaza Four

123 Amethyst Gwendolyn O. Penaranda Two

124 Zircon Daniel N. Barawed Two

125 Meercschaum Maniya Asi Two

204 Falcata Aimee Loyalty E. Redoble Three

205 Deodara Alma T. Postrero Three

206 Molave Iret R. Flores Three

207 Apitong Agnes Denamarca Three

208 Cedar Anebella P. Go Three

209 Guijo Razil B. Cabrera Three

210 Almond Anabella U. Amodia Three

211 Tindalo Cecelia Lorraine B. Villarosa Three

212 Lawaan Hermie L. Natad Three

213 Zamora Lolita C. Pastoriza Four

214 Agoncillo Imelda L. Bandiola Four

215 Malvar Salvacion E. Dinagay Four

216 Amber Novie Maureen Duazo Two

217 Scheelite Claudette Marie V. Casana Two

218 Alexandrite James Cherish Gumela Two

219 Turquoise Arlinda B. Macarayan Two

220 Gold Ramonita Viloria Two

221 Ruby Arlene Lamoste Two

222 Garnet Gerly B. Jumanguit Two

223 Onyx Nilda A. Borromeo Two

304 Mangrove Edith Nalangan Three

Page 46: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

305 Kamagong Glory Jean Leop Three

306 Angelo Flordeliza G. Laganson Three

307 Almasiga Lovella Montera Three

308 Gemelina Epifania D. Andoy Three

309 Cypress Felannie M. Caasi Three

310 Eucalyptus Macrina P. Hontanosas Three

311 Gomez Norma S. Evardone Four

312 Roxas Rollan P. Inis Four

313 Recto Leonila L. Piad Four

314 Mabini Noel Escobal Four

315 Aquino Jubith Romulo Four

316 Jacinto Felmery G. Coquilla Four

317 Lopez Jaena Lourdesita Macasilhig Four

318 Aguinaldo Lily L.Cobrado Four

319 Baltazar Joy C. Pagdilao Four

320 Luna Barbara A. Angon Four

321 Arellano Lourdes G. Tandayag Four

322 Abad Santos Evangeline J. Hababag Four

323 Burgos Albert Rombo Four


Visayan Village, Tagum City


General Direction: Read all directions carefully and Blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer.

I. Spelling: Find out which word is misspelled from each set of words.

1. a. acknowledgment b. achiever c. absense d. apprentice2. a. mountainous b. maintainance c. ,miscellaneous d. retention

Page 47: Diagnostic Test First Yr UbD

3. a. deligent b. diaphragm c. dysfunctional d. diversified

II. Phonetics:

4. Which has a different initial sound? A) knight b) known c) knowledge d) keep5. Which has a different middle sound? A) mean b) seen c) bread d) green 6. Which has a different final sound? A) stopped b) walked c) sealed b) worked

III. Vocabulary: Pick out the letter of the word/words nearest in meaning to the underlined word within the context.

7. ‘’Now, boys, can fists settle an argument? Are you trying to find out who is the strongest among you, or are you trying to find out who is right?’’ – (Man in Dapitan, Loreto Paras-Sulit)

a) to worsen b) announce c) start d) reconcile 8. Immediately the reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the language of each couple differed from that of the others. (The Creation, Igorot Myth)

a) the same b) be different c) exclusive d) similar 9. Rosita, the daughter of Datu Balintawak is blessed with incomparable beauty and kindness. (The Legend of the Sampaguita)

a) simple b) ordinary c) unique d) can be compared10. After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around.(Malakas and Maganda, Myth)

a) inactive b) few ` c) stupid d) lazy11. “Therefore whoever you are leave sloth behind and strive to learn from this account.” (Unending Thanks, Pedro Suarez-Osorio)

a) laziness b) righteousness c) treasure d) failures

IV. Correct Usage/Agreement of Subject and Verb: Choose the correct word or answer from the choices in parenthesis:

12. I may ______ able to come to your party if I have the time.a. have b. have to c. had d. must

13. Selena usually keeps the lights on, but now they are off.. He ______ at home.a. didn’t have to c. must not beb. would rather not be d. isn’t allowed to be

14. She came to school very early ______ she hardly slept the night beforea. unless b. even if c. so that d. moreover

15. Jennifer loves to dance _____ his greatest frustration is to sing.a. and b. for c. hence d. but

16. In the beginning there ________ no people on the earth. a. is b. are c. was d. were

17. A number of recreational plays (was, were) performed by early Filipinos to remind the people about Christianity.

a. is played b. was played c. are played d. were played

V. Genres of Literature: Choose the letter of your answer.

18. What is the source of tension or problem, clash of people, forces or ideas which create the action in a story?

a) characters b) climax c) conflict d) plot

19. What element of the story usually includes geography, cultural, religious or political background that serve as a backdrop that supports the story’s action

a) setting b) climax c) conflict d) plot20. “Her laughter was like a babbling brook”. In poetry, this style of writing is called a __________

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a) metaphor b) personification c) simile d) symbolism 21. Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

a) metaphor b) personification c) simile d) symbolism22. This genre of literature clearly portrays the real world and man’s significant experiences in a grand, moving and colorful ways.

a) narrative b) drama c) poetry d) essay 23. A short piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal point of view.

a) narrative b) drama c) poetry d) essay

VI. Word Mastery: What Part of Speech is the underlined word?

24. Hugo and Felix grinned in mock disbelief.a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

25. Everybody knew everybody else in Dapitan.a) pronoun b. adjective c. conjunction d) preposition

26. At a distance they stopped and opened their catechisms. a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

27. Sampaguita, Philippine's national flowera) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective

VIII. Reading Comprehension. B) Read the selections below to answer questions 28-31.

A young city woman was visiting the countryside and became friendly with a farmer. One evening as they were strolling through the pasture, they saw a cow and a calf rubbing noses affectionately. “Ah, said the farmer, “that makes me want to do the same thing.”

“Well, go ahead,” said the young woman laughing. “It is your cow anyway.”

28. What humor is found in the story?a. The farmer wants to rub noses with the cow and the calf.b. The farmer took the young woman strolling through the pasture.c. The young woman and the farmer saw a cow and a calf rubbing noses.d. The young woman thought that the farmer wants to kiss the cow.

29. What does the farmer mean when he said: “that makes me want to do the same thing.”a. He wants to kiss the young woman.b. He wants to rub noses with the cow.c. He likes to stroll around the pasture again.d. He likes to show his cow and calf to the young woman.

30. What conclusion can be drawn from the selection?a. The woman did not like the farmer’s behavior.b. The farmer was attracted to the young woman.c. The farmer is very fond of his farm animal.d. The young woman wants to see the farmer kiss the cow.

31. What title is most appropriate for this selection?a. Misunderstood Intention c. Strolling on A Countryside One Evening b. Strange Animal Behavior d. Lives of Cows in a Farm

The literature age was oral and was handed down from the elders. Very little of this early literature remains, but from what is left, we can conclude that literature of this period consisted of magical incantations, myths, legends, and folktales. Our early ancestors believed in sun and moon worship, tree worship and worship of other forms of nature. They also believed in environmental spirits, good or bad. The mountain groups and even some of our barrio folk today still believe in these spirits.

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The myths and legends explained he origin of the universe and of land regions, the origin of the first man and woman, and of the human race.

The epic age produced a wealth of literature. Scholars estimate that we have no fewer than twenty-foour epics from different regions of the Archipelago; they are written in the different Filipino dialects. The onces which are better known all over the islands are the following: Biag ni Lam-ang (from Ilocos). Hudhud and Alim (from the Ifugaos; Maragtas (from Panay); Bantugan (from Maranaw) adopted by the Muslims of Sulu); and Indarapatra and Sulayman (from Maranaw).

32. Why is there only a few of the early literature left today?a. Because the early literature was written in stone tablets.b. Because the early literature was a taboo.c. Because it was just handed orally by the elders.d. Because copies of this literature were burned during the war

33. Which of the following is not a part of the beliefs of our early ancestors?a. sun and moon worship c. tree worshipb. God worship d. nature worship

34. Our early literature consisted of the following except –a. legends b. folktales c. society d. myths

35. Just like the early Filipinos, our rural folk today still believe ina. God b. magic c. spirits d. legends

36. Which of the following tribes is rich in epics?a. Ifugaos b. Ilocanos c. Cebuanos d. Muslims

37. Emir rarely rides to school each morning. He could take the tricycle but prefers to walk from his home to school. He believes that the walk wakes him up and improves his learning throughout the day. a. Emir always rides home at the end of the school day. b. Emir never rides the tricycle to school. c. Emir values learning. d. Emir is usually late for school.

C) Refer to the graph below to answer questions 38-40.

38. Which course has the most students enrolled in?

a. Chemistry c. Psychology

b. Economics d. Pol Sci

39. Order the courses by enrollment from lowest to highest.

a. Poly Si, Psychology, Economics, Chemistry, Physics

b. Physics, Chemistry, Physhology, Pol Sci, Ecomonics

c. Physics, Pscyhology, Chemistry, Economics, Pol Sci

d. Economics, Poly Sci, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics

40. How many more students are in Econ than in Physics?

a. l50 b. 350 c. 200 d. 250

Enrollment in College Courses

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Meaning of Abbreviations: Chem-Chemistry; Physics-Physics, Econ-Economics, Poly-Sci-Political Science, Psych-Psychology

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1. A ballerina dances in a ballet.

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2. A dentist pulls out teeth.3. A journalist writes articles for newspapers.4. A mechanic repairs cars.5. d6. c7. c8. c9. d10. b11. c12. a13. c14. a15. did16. am 17. were18. stole19. were 20. knew21. c22. a 23. c24. b25. b26. d 27. c28. b29. b30. d31. d32. d33. b34. c35. b36. a37. Economics38. 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Psychology 4. Political Science 5. Economics39. 35040. 200