Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES - SEERC CIGRE · • Installation of multi media equipment...

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES Marina di Ragusa, 8. 10. 2015

Transcript of Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES - SEERC CIGRE · • Installation of multi media equipment...

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

Marina di Ragusa, 8. 10. 2015

Basic project data

Project name: Establishment of Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

Goal: Realization of one objective for an effective asset management

Project milestones:

• Start of the project

• Purchasing contract for equipment signed:

• Construction works completed

• Installation of multi media equipment on site

• Testing and measurements

• Start of operation

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

January 2014

July 2014

September/October 2014

December 2014 - April 2015

May 2015

April 2015

Project goals

• Effective support to asset management, maintenance, implementation of

investments and spatial planning

• Fixed assets life cycles evaluation and determination of remaining lifetime

• Modern approach to condition monitoring of HV equipment

• Centralization of already established information systems

• Effective preparation, coordination and management of maintenance


• Resource planning for maintenance activities

• Implementation of economic and technical analyzes and statistics on

operation, utilization and quality of facilities, taking into account the costs

of HV equipment

• Quality reports as decision-making basis for the management

• Evaluation of new technologies and methodologies

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

Information systems architecture

IS Maximo EAM

• substation assets database

• job plans

• work orders

• safety & health

• analytical reports

• documentation archive

• Linear Asset manager

• Spatial Asset management









PSA – mobile system

OHPL and substations

PSA – 3D

schemas of bays


Bussines IS (ERP)

• partners

• employees

• warehouses

• assets

• travel orders

• invoices - outsourcing

• investment projects

• HV network database

• DKN, maps, infrastructure database ….

• analysis, map production...

• ESRI GIS tools

• ArcGIS for desktop Basic,

Standard, Advanced

• ArcGIS for Server EA

• ArcGIS 3D Analyst

• ArcGIS Spatial Analyst

Web GIS viewer

• internal GIS viewer

• OHPL database

• LiDAR scanning data

• termovisions reports


• parcels and owners

• contracts

• land values evaluations

• documents archive

Operations IS



• Historian

• Cim

• ………

On-line monitoring system of power transformers

• continuous monitoring of different technical parameters

• warning and alarming, analyzes and trends, data storage

Diagnostics and condition analyzes of HV equipment



Active part

Cooling system

Tap changer

Online monitoring system architecture

Connecting all local systems MS3000 in the central control-analytical on-line monitoring

system (project 2014-2015):

• centralization of monitoring systems,

• central data monitoring, analyses and data comparisons on all systems,

• unified database and appropriate data backup of historical databases

Upgrading on-line monitoring of power transformers

Diagnostics and condition analyzes of HV equipment

Web viewer Data warehouse

Central server OLM

Diagnostics and condition analyzes of HV equipment

Upgrading on-line monitoring of power transformers

Upgrading on-line monitoring of power transformers

Diagnostics and condition analyzes of HV equipment

Monitoring OHPL conductors temperature

Eles power lines, equipped with temperature monitoring system

SUMO project – system for determination of operational limits

ELES has 4 different systems for conductor temperature determination:

• SEMART and SMD – weather stations in substations and on OHPL. Conductor

temperature is calculated form data of wind speed, solar radiation and air temperature,

• OTLM: temperature measured on conductor surface,

• VALCAP: temperature is measured along conductor (OPPC type of conductor).

• DV 400 kV Beričevo – Podlog (OTLM)

• DV 220 kV Beričevo – Podlog (OTLM)

• DV 110 kV Ajdovščina – Idrija (OTLM)

• DV 110 kV Dravograd – Slovenj Gradec


Monitoring OHPL conductors temperature

Data goes to servers for additional processing. Based on that data, system determinate

maximal allowed current (dynamic thermal rating). Some of those systems are already

connected to SCADA.


OTLM center VALCAP - Charon


- direct LAN connection

- GPRS connection

- HF connection

IBM MAXIMO – strategic asset management

• central technical database for HV assets in substations

• IT support for maintenance department and asset

management department

• main functionality: creation of workorders for different


• exchange of information with ERP

• main data source for asset and cost analysis

• data acquisition for measurable objectives

• support for safety and health at work

• preparation of plans and work performance monitoring

IBM MAXIMO – asset management software

Analytical reports

MAXIMO – asset management

PSA – 3D substation viewer

• functionalities:

• 3D view on bays and assets

• single-line schemas

• tracking assets location changes

• measuring distances

• graphical representation of maintenance data

• assets technical data

• information source for maintenance projects planning

and reconstruction

• viewer of 3D models based on terrestrial LiDAR scanning

• graphical upgrade of Maximo

Spatial data

ELES spatial database

• power lines, towers, substations, spans, corridors

• telecommunications network

• cadastre plans,

• buildings

File system

• raster data

• geodetic plans and projects documentation

• digital model of terrain

• LiDAR survey data


• parcels attributes and owners data

• buildings data

GIS – geographic information system



SHP datoteke



ArcGIS Server

(file system)


(desktop applications)

On-line GIS viewers




mobile applications





GIS – geographic information system

GIS – geographic information system

GIS – geographic information system

PSA – mobile application for maintenance

• functionalities :

• managing work orders

• recording of failures on power lines

• recording access roads to towers


Work order population

• Inspections

• Field workers

• Task assignement

Mobile Client Software

Data input

• Work orders

• Failures

• Tracks recording


Work leader


Work order reporting

• Work order view

• Printing reports


Closing work orders

Asset Management


Work order preparation

Asset Management


EAM Maximo


PSA – mobile application for maintenance

Transfer data to mobile device

Transfer data from mobile device

Data preparation

Data review

Work on field

PSA – mobile application for maintenance

• further integrations with other technical and business IS (ERP, SCADA, SUMO, operating

statistics ...)

• introduction of additional Maximo modules:

• Maximo Linear for linear facilities data base integration into Maximo (OHPL, TC links)

• Maximo Spatial as connection between Maximo database and GIS spatial database

• upgrade IS Maximo with tools for additional costs analyzes (dashboards, KPI, Health Index ….)

• integration of Diagnostics application and RCM methodology tools

• expansion of mobile maintenance system to other work areas (telco, safety at work...),

• renovation of data acquisition process in order to meet ITOMS requirements

Diagnostic and analytics centre in ELES

Planned activities and further development

Q & A

Marina di Ragusa, 8. 10. 2015