Diacony of Beauty - Bishop Rey

Our societies suffer from a lack of Beauty, Meaning and Spirituality, lack which particularly affects the artistic world. In an individualist society, cut off from its roots and references, the artist faces a crisis of subject, identity and message. Art is not self-sufficient; its fundamental purpose is to express man’s relation to a transcendence and verticality. Western art history shows to what extend the Church has contributed to the creation of a sacred and unique cultural patrimony, source of all the Western civilization. The mystery of Incarnation has revealed God’s Face, which has symbolically become the subject of art, thus becoming the natural media by which announcement of the Gospel was expressed. Today the crisis of the subject leads to an art which is often narcissist and dismal, though the artist, through God’s gift, receives a light that he does not know of. In this context the Church’s teaching struggles to be heard. After years of reflection between Anne and Daniel Facérias and Bishop Rey, bishop of Fréjus-Toulon and following a discussion with Cardinal Canizarès, the Diacony of Beauty was launched in 2012 to give the artist back to Beauty and Beauty back to artists, so that they may become apostles of God’s Beauty. In the Church, Diacony mean service. The Diacony is a service given to beauty, reinstalling the artist in his role of mediator between heaven and earth; a service given to artists, reestablishing a sense of sacredness up to everyday life, as living expression of magnificence and truth; and a service to the new evangelization, giving back to art its “priesthood” for the world’s sanctification. It is structured around five pillars: Prayer: with the support of contemplative monks and nuns, or a priest, the Diacony offers to join in the universal prayer of the Church by singing Vespers on Thursday evenings. Testimonies: to organize meetings and invite artists to share about their art and their commitment to the Church. Teaching: teaching on sacred art for artists, priests and lay people is one of the Diacony’s priorities. Retreats and seminaries will be organized several times a year. Solidarity: provide human, spiritual and economic support to artists in need, offer places dedicated to creation and mutualize means. Announcement: to create artistic works and events: festivals, expositions, shows… to proclaim the Gospel. The Diacony now exists in several French towns, in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Mexico and in Brazil. It gathers today high pastoral figures, several communities, a comity of expert for teachings, and already several hundreds of artists. [email protected]


English and French ---------------------------- After years of reflection between Anne and Daniel Facérias and Bishop Rey, bishop of Fréjus-Toulon and following a discussion with Cardinal Canizarès, the Diacony of Beauty was launched in 2012 to give the artist back to Beauty and Beauty back to artists, so that they may become apostles of God’s Beauty. In the Church, Diacony mean service. The Diacony is a service given to beauty, reinstalling the artist in his role of mediator between heaven and earth; a service given to artists, reestablishing a sense of sacredness up to everyday life, as living expression of magnificence and truth; and a service to the new evangelization, giving back to art its “priesthood” for the world’s sanctification. ---------------------------------------------- Fruit d’une réflexion de plusieurs années entre Anne et Daniel Facérias et Mgr Rey, évêque de Fréjus- Toulon, et suite à une rencontre en 2011 avec le cardinal Canizarès, la Diaconie de la Beauté est lancée en 2012 pour rendre les artistes à la Beauté et la Beauté aux artistes afin qu’ils deviennent témoins de la Beauté de Dieu. Dans l’Église, le terme grec Diaconie signifie service. La Diaconie est un service de la beauté, redonnant à l’artiste son rôle de médiateur entre le « ciel » et la « terre » ; un service pour les artistes, restaurant le sens du Sacré jusque dans la vie quotidienne comme expression vivante de la splendeur de la vérité ; et un service pour la nouvelle évangélisation, redonnant à l’art son « sacerdoce » pour la sanctification du monde.

Transcript of Diacony of Beauty - Bishop Rey

Page 1: Diacony of Beauty - Bishop Rey

Our societies suffer from a lack of Beauty, Meaning and Spirituality, lack which particularly affects

the artistic world. In an individualist society, cut off from its roots and references, the artist faces a

crisis of subject, identity and message. Art is not self-sufficient; its fundamental purpose is to express

man’s relation to a transcendence and verticality. Western art history shows to what extend the

Church has contributed to the creation of a sacred and unique cultural patrimony, source of all the

Western civilization. The mystery of Incarnation has revealed God’s Face, which has symbolically

become the subject of art, thus becoming the natural media by which announcement of the Gospel

was expressed. Today the crisis of the subject leads to an art which is often narcissist and dismal,

though the artist, through God’s gift, receives a light that he does not know of. In this context the

Church’s teaching struggles to be heard.

After years of reflection between Anne and Daniel Facérias and Bishop Rey, bishop of Fréjus-Toulon

and following a discussion with Cardinal Canizarès, the Diacony of Beauty was launched in 2012 to

give the artist back to Beauty and Beauty back to artists, so that they may become apostles of God’s

Beauty. In the Church, Diacony mean service.

The Diacony is a service given to beauty, reinstalling the artist in his role of mediator between

heaven and earth; a service given to artists, reestablishing a sense of sacredness up to everyday life,

as living expression of magnificence and truth; and a service to the new evangelization, giving back

to art its “priesthood” for the world’s sanctification.

It is structured around five pillars:

Prayer: with the support of contemplative monks and nuns, or a priest, the Diacony offers to

join in the universal prayer of the Church by singing Vespers on Thursday evenings.

Testimonies: to organize meetings and invite artists to share about their art and their

commitment to the Church.

Teaching: teaching on sacred art for artists, priests and lay people is one of the Diacony’s

priorities. Retreats and seminaries will be organized several times a year.

Solidarity: provide human, spiritual and economic support to artists in need, offer places

dedicated to creation and mutualize means.

Announcement: to create artistic works and events: festivals, expositions, shows… to

proclaim the Gospel.

The Diacony now exists in several French towns, in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Mexico and in

Brazil. It gathers today high pastoral figures, several communities, a comity of expert for

teachings, and already several hundreds of artists.

[email protected]

Page 2: Diacony of Beauty - Bishop Rey

Nos sociétés souffrent d’un vide de Beauté, de Sens et de Spiritualité, manque qui affecte

singulièrement le monde des artistes. Dans une société individualiste, sans repères et coupée de ses

racines, l’artiste est en crise de sujet, d’identité et de message. L’art ne se suffit pas à lui-même, il n’a

de raison d’être que dans l’expression d’une transcendance et d’une verticalité de l’homme croyant

ou non. L’histoire de l’art occidental nous montre à quel point l’Eglise a contribué à la création d’un

patrimoine sacré et culturel unique qui est la source de la civilisation occidentale. Le mystère de

l’Incarnation a révélé le Visage de Dieu et les artistes en ont fait symboliquement le sujet de leurs

œuvres, devenant ainsi le support naturel de l’annonce de l’Evangile. Aujourd’hui la crise du sujet

produit un art souvent narcissique et ténébreux bien que l’artiste, par don de Dieu, soit traversé par

une lumière qu’il ne connaît pas. Dans ce contexte, l’enseignement de l'Église peine à être entendu.

Fruit d’une réflexion de plusieurs années entre Anne et Daniel Facérias et Mgr Rey, évêque de Fréjus-

Toulon, et suite à une rencontre en 2011 avec le cardinal Canizarès, la Diaconie de la Beauté est

lancée en 2012 pour rendre les artistes à la Beauté et la Beauté aux artistes afin qu’ils deviennent

témoins de la Beauté de Dieu. Dans l’Église, le terme grec Diaconie signifie service.

La Diaconie est un service de la beauté, redonnant à l’artiste son rôle de médiateur entre le « ciel »

et la « terre » ; un service pour les artistes, restaurant le sens du Sacré jusque dans la vie

quotidienne comme expression vivante de la splendeur de la vérité ; et un service pour la nouvelle

évangélisation, redonnant à l’art son « sacerdoce » pour la sanctification du monde.

Elle s’articule autour de cinq piliers :

Prière : avec le soutien des moines et des moniales contemplatives, d’un prêtre ou d’une

religieuse, la Diaconie propose de rejoindre la prière universelle de l’Eglise en chantant les

Vêpres le jeudi soir.

Témoignage : organiser des soirées en invitant des artistes à venir témoigner de leur art et

de leur engagement d’Eglise.

Formation : la formation à l’art sacré des artistes, des prêtres et des laïcs est une des

priorités de la diaconie. Des sessions et des retraites sont proposées plusieurs fois dans


Solidarité : apporter un soutien humain, spirituel et économique aux artistes en difficulté,

mettre à disposition des lieux dédiés à la création et mutualiser les moyens.

Annonce : Créer des œuvres artistiques et des évènements : un festival, une exposition, un

spectacle…pour annoncer l’Evangile.

La Diaconie s’est développée dans plusieurs villes de France, à Rome, en Terre Sainte, au

Mexique et au Brésil. Elle rassemble aujourd’hui de hautes figures pastorales, plusieurs

communautés, un comité d’experts pour les formations et déjà plusieurs centaines d’artistes.

[email protected]