Diabetes Ebook: Beginner's Guide To Diabetes In 30 Minutes Or Less

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It was just another cold January day in my 2nd period U.S. history class. We were on the subject of World War 2, learning about the events that led to the 2nd world war. It was boring every five minutes or so I would look over at the clock to see how much time was left before break. Today they were serving pizza bagels in the cafeteria and I had my thoughts on getting one.

Transcript of Diabetes Ebook: Beginner's Guide To Diabetes In 30 Minutes Or Less

  • Table of Contents

    The day my life changed ............................................................................................................................ 2

    What is Type 1 Diabetes? ............................................................................................................................. 7

    What is type 2 Diabetes? ............................................................................................................................ 10

    What are the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? ............................................................... 12

    Monitoring your blood sugar ...................................................................................................................... 13

    How will diabetes affect your diet? ............................................................................................................ 23

  • Why should you exercise? .......................................................................................................................... 31

    How can illness and other diseases affect diabetes? ................................................................................. 34

    Driving with diabetes .................................................................................................................................. 38

    Drinking alcohol with diabetes ................................................................................................................... 40

    Complications of diabetes .......................................................................................................................... 41

    Final note .................................................................................................................................................... 46

    Common myths about diabetes ................................................................................................................. 46

    Glossary of terms ........................................................................................................................................ 48

    The day my life changed

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    It was just another cold January day in my 2nd period U.S. history class. We were on the subject of World

    War 2, learning about the events that led to the 2nd world war. It was boring every five minutes or so I

    would look over at the clock to see how much time was left before break. Today they were serving pizza

    bagels in the cafeteria and I had my thoughts on getting one. It mustve been around 9:30am when the

    door opened letting in a chill wind into the warm classroom. It was a student with a call slip for another

    student to go to the office. I didnt really pay attention to those slips, they were never for me and even

    if it was I would have much rather stay inside the warm classroom then go out into the cold air.

    However, to my surprise I heard Mrs. Vargas call my name and told me to get my things that my sister

    was here to pick me up.

    I was not sure whether to be happy or worried that I was going home early.

    Throughout my school years since elementary I had never had anyone come to get me out of school.

    Bad thoughts started to fill my mind as I walked down the hall towards the attendance office where I

    saw my sister Jessica, waiting for me. As I walked up to her I noticed the worried look on her face, thats

  • when I realized that something was wrong. The first thing that came to my mind was that something

    had happened to one of my family members. I thought of my mom since she had been having heart

    problems recently. Thats when I asked her if everything was alright, she told me its you we have to

    take you to the hospital the doctor called and said your blood sugar is really high. It was then that I saw

    the tears in her eyes.

    The moment I heard those words I felt like I couldnt really grasp the situation. Even as I stood

    there waiting to be checked out of school thinking of what she had just told me. Something inside me

    didnt click I felt as if this wasnt happening like there must have been some mistake somewhere. A

    week ago I had gone in to get some blood work done and I remember the person who took my blood

    saying that they were new and had only been there a week or 2. I immediately thought yea that idiot

    must have made a mistake he probably mixed up my blood with someone elses the blood that was

    tested couldnt have been mine.

    On the way to the hospital I didnt say a word I just kept to myself, imagining the moment at the

    hospital after I was tested and they realized this was all a mistake. Thats all I could think of nothing else.

    Jessica explained to me that my mom and my other sister were waiting for us at the hospital. I looked

    over to her and just nodded. She then told me then that she knew something wasnt right even before

    this. She went on to say how she thought the rapid weight loss I had over the summer wasnt something

    that normal. The unquenchable thirst I would experience often along with frequent urination. I had

    always thought that I was thirsty because it was hot here in California during the summer and I would

    drink from 10-15 glasses of water a day. This also led me to think that all the frequent urination was

    because of all the water I drank even the 2 -3 times I got up at night to use the restroom. I didnt think it

    was all because of me having a high blood sugar.

    When I walked into the hospital my mom was there with my sister Liz. Her eyes were red from

    all the crying she had been doing. I walked over to her, hugged her and told her to not worry that I was

    going to be ok. She said Im sorry son I feel like its my fault for not paying attention to the symptoms

    you were showing before. She also said she was sorry for not buying healthier food for us and that

    perhaps had she done so this would not be happening. However, even at that point I felt like I still didnt

    fully grasp the situation I just kept telling her that I was ok.

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    After I was checked into the hospital, they moved me to a room where I would wait for a doctor

    to come see me. In the meantime while we waited for the doctor, a nurse showed up; she told me to get

    into the gown they had brought in earlier and that she was going to hook me up to an IV fluid. After all

    that had been done she told me she needed a sample of my blood and said they were going to run some

    tests to see how my blood sugar was. She left the room and for the next 10 minutes I was left alone with

    my mom. I asked her what happened. How did she find out my blood sugar was high? She told me my

    physician had called with the results from the blood tests from a week ago and he told her that they

    needed to get me to a hospital as soon as possible because my blood sugar was really high. Even after

    hearing what she said I still couldnt believe it all.

    The doctor finally showed up and he had the test results from the blood sample taken earlier.

    The words he said to us felt like they just went in one ear and out the other. He told us that my blood

    sugar was 4 times what it should normally be and that I would probably have to stay a night so they

    could see if they could lower it and to monitor me. My mom reluctantly agreed for me to stay and she

    asked if she could stay as well. I just laid there on the hospital bed looking at the clock on the wall that

    read 10:10 am and I thought to myself I could be eating a pizza bagel at school right now. Even after

    hearing those words from the doctor my adolescent brain could not comprehend it or maybe I just

    didnt want to.

    It was about 7pm {around the time most people eat dinner} the nurse came in with a short

    menu from which I could choose what I would like to have for dinner. It was a low carb menu so there

    wasnt a lot to choose from. I asked for the breaded chicken breast with broccoli and a cup of fruit. The

    nurse took my order and said she would be back shortly to check my blood sugar level. A few minutes

    later she returned with a small black zipped up bag and said that this was going to be my blood glucose

    monitor. She showed me how to use it and said that it would require me to prick my finger to draw

    blood out so I could check my sugar levels. When she pricked my finger I didnt even feel it in fact I

    didnt even think it had worked until she squeezed my finger and out came the blood. The blood glucose

    monitor read 188, it certainly was lower than before. Then she said she would be back with my food and

  • my first insulin shot. About 10 minutes later she returned with the food and a tiny bottle along with a

    very thin syringe. She swirled the tiny bottle for a few seconds before sticking the syringe in and draining

    out the liquid. She told me the spots to inject insulin are in the areas with a bit of fat and said the lower

    area of your buttocks, lower stomach and the back of your arms were the usual spots to inject insulin. I

    told her to inject it my arm, she then grabbed the back of my arm and grabbed a bit of the arm skin

    behind there and stuck the syringe in and released the liquid that was in it. Even after having my blood

    sugar checked and seeing the numbers with my own eyes and just having insulin injected for the first

    time I could still not accept that I had diabetes.

    It was 12am my mom had fallen asleep in the pull out bed next to me, the television was turned

    off and the chatter outside the room had gone quiet. I was left alone to my thoughts. I thought about how

    my life was going to be from here on out. How I would not be able to eat all the things I used to eat before

    nor drink whatever I wanted. I thought about how I was always going to be checking my blood sugar level

    and having to prick my fingers 4 times a day. I thought about having to inject myself with insulin just to be

    able to eat. All these thoughts swirled around in my head. Then I realized the one thing that would make

    me finally wake up to all this. People with diabetes are not allowed to be in the armed forces, after high

    school my mind was set on enlisting into the United States Marine Corps, this meant that I would no longer

    be able to become a marine. It was as if my plans for the future had been reset. Then it all finally hit me

    like a pile of bricks and I felt I would not be able to get out from underneath them. I have Diabetes now

    and my life will no longer be the same as it once was. I couldnt remember the last time I had

    cried I didnt cry when I broke my arm years back, I didnt cry when my cat was given away, and I didnt

    cry a few months before when I had broken up with my girlfriend. I could not remember when the last

    time I had cried was, but that night was the first in a long time that I cried.

    This was my experience when I first found out I had been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I had

    thought my life was going to drastically change but the truth is my life doesnt seem so different from a

    person without diabetes. Sure I may not have been able to join the military like I wanted to but I have

    still been able to have a good, healthy, and wonderful life with type 1 diabetes. I am sure many other

    people with diabetes whether it be type 1 or type 2 have lived long prosperous fulfilled lives. With the

    proper information and medical supervision, diabetes can be regulated and controlled to the point

    where people might feel like they do not even have it.

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    This small informative book is a collection of information I have learned throughout the years from

    personal experience and books and articles I have read about living with diabetes, whether it be type 1 or

    type 2. I am glad to be able to share this with you and hope it may help you as much as it has helped me.

  • What is Type 1 Diabetes?

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    Type 1 Diabetes (also known by its scientific name Diabetes Mellitus type 1) is a form of

    metabolic disease . In which a persons own anti bodies do not recognize the insulin producing beta

    cells in the pancreas. This leads to anti bodies to attack the cells in our pancreas, which halt or lower the

    production of insulin. In turn the lack of insulin in our bodies leads to increased glucose in the blood

    stream and urine.

    Signs and Symptoms

    The symptoms of a person who is in the first stages of diabetes {or are on the verge of getting

    the disease} may vary from person to person but they are usually a few of the following: rapid weight

    loss, polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (frequent thirst), Xerostomia (dry mouth), polyphagia

    (increased hunger), and fatigue.

    Some of the more advanced symptoms of untreated diabetes include: xeroderma (dry skin),

    rapid deep breathing, drowsiness, abdominal pain and blurred vision.

    What causes type 1 diabetes?

    The cause of type 1 diabetes is still unclear; many different theories have been brought forward

    from various scientists and medical experts. Some theories speculate that the disease may be brought

    on by genetics, a diabetogenie trigger, or exposure to an antigen.

    Genetics can also play a role in whether someone will have type 1 diabetes. There are a lot of

    genes that are involved when it comes to type 1 diabetes. It depends on the Locus or combination of

    Loci. The genes may be dominant, recessive, or a little bit of both the gene IDDML is the gene

    responsible for a cell surface receptor which is essential to the function of the immune system. Certain

    variants of this gene increase the risk for decreased histocompatibility which is a characteristic of type 1.

  • The risk of a child developing type 1 diabetes is around 10% if the father has it. 10% if a sibling

    has it, 4% if the mother has it {and was aged 25 years or younger when the child was born}, and 1% if

    the mother was over 25 during the birth of the child.

    Type 1 diabetes management

    Type 1 diabetics usually require a form of insulin therapy. Insulin therapy is the treatment of

    type 1 diabetes by administering insulin through either a syringe, insulin pen, or an insulin pump. Since

    administering insulin usually requires more than 1 injection of insulin per day the patients who do not

    wish to repeatedly puncture their skin may use an injection port along with the syringes.

    Insulin pumps

    Insulin pumps may be a better alternative for some patients. One advantage of having an insulin

    pump is the better control to background insulin dosage. The downside of having an insulin pump is the

    increased risks for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia episodes, catheter problems, and no means of

    controlling insulin delivery based on current blood glucose levels. Insulin pumps also cause high and low

    blood sugars, just the same as injections if not followed correctly.

    Different forms of insulin

    Over the years there have been other forms of insulin experimented with that do not require to

    be administered through injections. Heres a short list of different forms of insulin that have been

    created but never really marketed:

    Inhalable insulin

    Transdermal insulin

    Intranasal insulin

    Oral insulin

  • Pancreas transplant Some of these types of insulin had the same effect as insulin administered through injections

    but some others performed poorly. Either way these types of insulin did not receive the attention from

    consumers the companies who made them had hoped and were scrapped.

    The Honey Moon phase

    Patients with type 1 diabetes may also experience what is called the honeymoon phase right

    after they are diagnosed with diabetes. The Honeymoon phase is the short period of time after when

    someone is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes where the pancreas still produces a significant amount of

    insulin to help regular blood sugars.

    The Honeymoon period is caused when the remaining beta cells in the pancreas still produce

    insulin to help the body regulate blood sugars. This makes blood sugar levels easier to control and may

    even make blood sugar levels return to normal during the honeymoon phase. Unfortunately the

    honeymoon phase does not last forever. The length of time that the honeymoon lasts will vary from

    person to person. The honeymoon phase can last weeks, months or even years.

  • What is type 2 Diabetes?

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    Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (also known as adult-onset diabetes) is a form of metabolic disorder. It

    is caused by the high amounts of glucose in the blood, which is caused by decreased production of

    insulin or ones body developing a resistance to the insulin produced.

    Signs and Symptoms

    The symptoms of a person who is in the first stages of diabetes (or is on the verge of getting the

    disease) may vary from person to person but they are usually a few of the following: rapid weight loss,

    polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (frequent thirst), Xerostomia (dry mouth), polyphagia

    (increased hunger), and fatigue.

    Some of the more advanced symptoms of untreated diabetes include: xeroderma (dry skin),

    rapid deep breathing, drowsiness, abdominal pain and blurred vision.

    What causes type 2 diabetes?

    Unlike type 1 diabetes where the pancreas produces less insulin. Those with type 2 diabetes

    develop an insulin resistance in their body. Insulin resistance is a physiological condition in which cells

    do not respond to the actions of the insulin being produced. This means that the body is still able to

    produce insulin but is unable to use it effectively. This leads to hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). This

    causes the beta cells in the pancreas to increase production of insulin which in turn leads to


    Hyperinsulinemia is caused by excess amounts of insulin circulating in the blood.

    Hyperinsuinemia is usually seen in people who are in the early stages of type 2 diabetes. While it is not

    the cause of the condition it is only one symptom of the disease.

  • Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, the bodies of those with type 2 are still capable of creating

    insulin. However, the insulin cannot be used by the body to process the glucose properly to turn it into

    energy to send it to the cells. Instead the glucose stays in the blood which, if not treated, can harm the


    Complications of excessive glucose in the blood

    High amounts of glucose in the blood stream can lead to complications over time if not treated.

    Some complications are:

    Neuropathy(nerve damage)

    Damage to the small blood vessels in the eyes

    Kidney failure


    Heart problems

    Diabetes may also lead to Atherosclerosis or hardening in the arteries that can lead to a heart

    attack or stroke.

    When a person who is diabetic becomes very ill or has severe dehydration they may fall into a

    diabetic coma which can be a life threatening situation if the person stays in coma too long. It may

    cause damage to vital organs.

    Managing type 2 diabetes

    The first step that is usually taken to manage type 2 diabetes is to increase physical activity,

    eliminating saturated fats, and lowering the intake of sugars and carbohydrates. You should also focus

    on a long term goal of losing weight. These steps along with regularly visiting your doctor will help

    improve your insulin sensitivity in the body even if the person is not at the weight they should be.

  • Patients have reported that decreasing their intake of saturated fats has also greatly helped reverse the

    effects of insulin resistance.

    Every year more people are being diagnosed with diabetes, in the years 2010 and 2012 there

    was a 3.3 million increase in the US population alone.

    What are the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

    While type 1 and type 2 diabetes both involve problems related to insulin production in the

    body the treatment for each type is different from the other. A persons age in which they are diagnosed

    with diabetes also greatly differences, for example someone who has type 1 diabetes will be diagnosed

    at a young age while someone who has type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed late into adulthood. Some

    differences between the 2 types are:

    Both of these diseases still share the same complications if left untreated or managed

    incorrectly. The best way to make sure you are on the right track to getting your diabetes

    under control is to listen to your doctor or care provider. If managed correctly (and with

  • regular visits to the doctor) a person may live a long and healthy life as any other person

    without diabetes.

    Monitoring your blood sugar

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    Monitoring the levels of glucose in your blood regularly is an important part of managing your

    diabetes. Blood sugar tests may seem a bit tedious and painful at first but over time you become used to

    it and you also realize how important it is to constantly check your blood sugar. Blood sugar tests are

    done with a portable electronic device that measures the blood sugar levels with a small drop of your


    Why should I check my blood sugar?

    There are numerous reasons why someone should check their blood sugars regularly.

    By constantly checking your blood sugar you will be able to:

    See your progress on reaching your treatment goals.

    Understand how diet and exercise affect your blood sugar levels.

    Understand how factors such as sickness or stress affect blood sugar levels.

    Closely watch the effect of diabetes medication on SLs.

    Know when you are experiencing low or high blood sugar levels.

    How often should you test your blood sugar?

    The amount of times you should check your blood sugar depends. If you have type 1 diabetes

    you doctor may ask you to check 3 or more times a day usually. If you have type 2 diabetes your doctor

  • may ask you to only check 1 once a day or maybe even just a few times a week depending on various

    factors (treatment plan, illness, activity, etc.).

    How many times should I test my blood sugar if I have type 1 diabetes?

    For those with type 1 diabetes it is usually recommended to test your blood sugar three or more

    times a day. Testing may vary per person but it is usually done before or after certain meals, before

    going to sleep, before and after exercise, and sometimes during the night. Your doctor may also ask you

    to check more often if you are ill, changed your daily routine, or when you take a new diabetes


    What about type 2 diabetes?

    Type 2 diabetics tend to need to test less than those with type 1 diabetes. If you are taking

    insulin to manage your type 2 diabetes, your doctor may recommend checking your blood sugar 1 or

    more times a day depending on the dosage of insulin you are taking. Testing is usually done before a

    meal, after fasting for at least 8 hours and sometimes after a meal depending on what your doctor says.

    If you manage type 2 diabetes with non-insulin medication or just with proper exercise and diet you may

    not even be required to test your blood sugar daily.

    Know what your target range is

    Your doctor will set a target blood sugar result for you. The target range is where your blood

    sugar number should be and these numbers vary on several factors such as,

    Type of diabetes and how controlled it is.


    How long you have had diabetes.

    If you are pregnant.

  • If Diabetes complications are present.

    Overall health and whether there are other medical conditions you have.

    The most common target levels for people with diabetes are:

    Before meals between 90 and 130 milligrams per deciliter* (mg/dl).

    One or 2 hours after meals- lower than 180 mg/dl.

    Fasting for at least eight hours between 70 and 130 mg/dl. Recording your test results

    Every time you check your blood sugar make sure to record your results as well as specifics in a

    log book. Record the date time, result, medication, dosage, and meal info. To make blood sugar results

    easier there are mobile applications as well as a printable form on the American Diabetes Association

    website you can use. You should speak with your doctor should your ever get results that dont fall with

    what your target range is.

    Avoid problems with your blood sugar monitor

    Your meter is an extremely important tool to help manage your diabetes. It is also a sensitive

    little device and improper care for it can lead to wrong blood sugar tests. Taking care of your meter

    requires little work and having your blood sugar monitor in working condition is a must. By following

    these steps you can make sure your blood sugar meter is giving accurate readings,

    Be sure to handle your glucose monitor with care.

    Use the instructions in the manual as not all monitors are the same.

    Use the proper blood sample size described in the manual, different meters need different sizes.

    Change batteries as recommended by the manufacturer for more accurate readings.

    Use test strips designed for your monitor as not all devices and strips are compatible.

  • Store test strips as directed.

    Do not use expired test strips.

    Run quality tests as directed.

    Dealing with low blood sugars Testing your blood sugar regularly can help detect when you are having a hypoglycemic episode.

    Hypoglycemia is when the glucose in the blood goes below the normal level it is supposed to be usually

    below 70 mg/dl. Low blood sugars can be caused by a number of things such as,

    Skipping a meal or snack

    Taking more than the indicated dosage of diabetic medication

    Drinking alcohol

    Strenuous physical activity one is not used to.

    Other medications if not taken correctly may also cause low blood sugars,


    Glimepiride (Amaryl)

    Glipizide (Glucotrol, glynase)

    Glyburide (Diabeta, Glynase micronase)

    Repaglinide (Prandin)

  • Taking these medications in combination with your diabetes medication may cause hypoglycemic

    episodes. This is why its important to regularly check your blood sugar when your diabetes

    management plan changes.

    Knowing the symptoms of low blood sugar levels

    When you experience low blood sugars, you may begin to experience a variety of symptoms.

    These symptoms may differ from person to person but may include,


    Nervousness or anxiety

    Cold sweat, chills and clammy skin You may become irritated easily

    Confusion and delirious

    Rapid heart beat

    Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

    Hunger and nausea

    You may become sleepy

    Decrease in vision

    Tingling or numbness in the lips or tongue


    You may feel weak or very tired

    Easily angered or sadden

  • Lack of coordination

    Nightmares or talking during your sleep


    Losing conscious

    Should you feel any of these symptoms at any time check your blood sugar level as you may be

    experiencing a hypoglycemic episode. Treating low blood sugar is a simple procedure in part of

    managing your diabetes.

    What is Hypoglycemia?

    Hypoglycemia symptoms often occur when the persons blood sugar falls below 70 mg/dl. But

    some people have blood sugar levels below this level and do not feel the symptoms. This is called

    hypoglycemia unawareness. These people are less likely to awaken during the night when they are

    experiencing low blood sugars.

    Hypoglycemia occurs more in people who have low blood sugars frequently, have had diabetes

    for a long time, or tightly control their diabetes. If you believe you experience hypoglycemia

    unawareness speak with your doctor as they may adjust your blood sugar target range to avoid low

    blood sugars.


    1. Consume 15-20 grams of fast acting sugars or simple carbs.

    2. After 15 minutes have passed recheck your blood sugar.

    3. If your blood sugar is still low, repeat.

    4. Once blood sugar levels return to normal, be sure to eat a small snack if your next planned meal

    or snack is still an hour or two away.

  • Here is a short list of 15 grams of fast acting sugar or simple carbs,

    Glucose tablets(take as directed on package)

    Gel tube (take as directed on package)

    2 tablespoons of raisins

    4 ounces (1/2 cup) of juice or regular soda( not diet )

    1 tablespoon of sugar, honey, or corn syrup

    8 ounces of nonfat or 1% milk

    Hard candies, jellybeans, or gumdrops (check the package to determine how many to take

    What is Glucagon?

    If Hypoglycemia is left untreated it may lead to serious complications such as seizures and losing

    consciousness (may lead to coma). Should you ever allow your blood sugar drop to these levels and lose

    consciousness, someone else must take over on what to do to raise your blood sugar.

    All diabetics with type 1 diabetes should have Glucagon some place near where it can be

    reached by another person. Glucagon is a hormone that allows your liver to release stored glucose into

    your bloodstream if your glucose levels reach extremely low levels. Glucagon injection kits are used as

    medication to treat someone with diabetes that has become unconscious from a severe insulin reaction.

    Glucagon kits need to be prescribed by a doctor. Be sure to speak with your health care provider if you

    think you might need one and also ask them how and when you should use it.

    It is important to make sure that the people you are in contact with frequently such as family members,

    friends, and coworkers are also instructed on how to administer glucagon to treat severe hypoglycemic

    events. Should you ever lose consciousness and those around you do not know how to administer

    glucagon, glucagon is not available, or if they feel they cannot handle the situation. They must call 911

    as you may go into seizure and your life is in danger.

  • Should Glucagon be needed:

    1. Inject glucagon into the areas in either the arm, thigh, buttocks, following the instructions on the


    2. When the individual regains conscious 5-15 minutes later they may experience nausea or


    3. If you have needed glucagon, be sure to let your doctor know about what you can do to prevent

    severe low blood sugars in the future.

    Be sure to let any caretakers know to not do any of the following should you lose conscious,

    Inject insulin (lowers blood sugar even more)

    Provide food or fluids (choking hazard)

    Put hands in mouth (choking hazard)

    What is hyperglycemia?

    It is important to not let your blood sugar get low but it is just as important to not let your blood

    sugar get high. A high blood sugar rating is usually above 150 mg/dl but may vary from person

    depending on treatment. When your blood sugar is high this is called hyperglycemia.

    What causes Hyperglycemia?

    There are multiple things that can cause someones blood sugar to go up. Some may be simple

    mistakes where others may be a sign of something more severe,

    If you are type 1 diabetes you may have not taken enough insulin

    If you have type 2 diabetes your body may be becoming more resistance to the insulin


  • You ate more carbohydrates than planned or exercised less

    You maybe be ill

    You are experiencing stress from personal issues in your life

    In the morning your body releases a lot of hormones and those may cause your blood sugar


    Symptoms of hyperglycemia

    While the symptoms of hypoglycemia may sometimes be harder to detect, the symptoms for

    hyperglycemia are more straight forward and you can tell right away if you are experiencing high blood

    sugars. Symptoms for high blood sugars include:

    High levels of sugar in the urine ( your urine may be a bit sticky)

    Frequent urination

    Increased thirst

    Treating hyperglycemia Checking your blood sugar is the best way to determine whether you are experiencing

    hyperglycemia. Exercising is the best way to lower blood sugars, however, before exercising while you

    are experiencing high blood sugar you should check for ketones. Exercising while there are ketones in

    your body may actually increase your blood sugar levels so its important to determine whether you

    have ketones in your body before doing any rigorous activity. Eating less carbs may also help lower your

    blood sugar levels. You should always team up with your doctor and nutritionist about what to do if you

    are constantly experiencing high blood sugars.

    What are ketones?

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    If hyperglycemia goes untreated it may become a serious problem. High blood sugars may cause

    Ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis develops when your body doesnt have enough insulin. Without the insulin,

    your body cant convert glucose into energy so your body is forced to use fats that are stored for energy.

    When your body breaks down fats it causes ketones to be produced. Your body cannot handle large

    amounts of ketones and will try to get rid of them through the urine. However as much as your body

    may try, it cannot release all the ketones that are in your blood leading to ketoacidosis.

    Ketoacidosis is a life threatening complication from untreated hyperglycemia and is one of the

    leading causes of hospitalization and death of children and young adults with diabetes. The symptoms of

    diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) may include,

    Extreme Thirst

    Frequent urination

    Fruity smell in breath

    Feeling weak or sluggish

    Rapid breathing

    Fast heart beat

    Feeling ill Testing for Ketones in urine and blood

    There are 2 ways to test for ketones the first one require ketostix, these can be purchased at any

    pharmacy. Testing for ketones using ketostix require a ketostix strip to be dipped in your urine or passed

    through a urine stream and depending on what color (according to the package) the strip turns that is

    the amount of ketones in your system. The second way to test for ketones is by using blood sugar

    monitors that are also able to be used to test for ketones (not all monitors can be used for this) with

  • ketone blood testing strips. When using the blood test strips (depending on what the numbers) are you

    should follow the guidelines on the blood strip package on what to do. The action that should be taken

    depends on the test results. If the results indicate there are no ketones in your system no action is

    required. If there is a small amount of ketones you may have to drink more fluids, take your medication

    as you normally do and check again a few hours later. If there are large amounts of ketones in your

    system you should contact your doctor right away and ask on what action to take, if you cannot get a

    hold of your doctor you may need to visit the hospital or emergency room depending on your blood

    sugar level and symptoms.

    Testing for ketones is an important part of managing diabetes and should not be neglected or

    forgotten. Remember to always check for ketones if you are experiencing constant high blood

    sugar readings, if you are ill, or if you are urinating frequently and feeling dehydrated.

    Identifying that you have ketones in your blood is the first step in preventing the

    complications that come from ketoacidosis.

    How will diabetes affect your diet?

    The biggest change that will happen to your diet after you are diagnosed with diabetes is the

    management of carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are sugars that are the main source of energy for

    your body. Carbohydrates have the biggest impact on your blood sugar levels so monitoring carb intake

    is vital for diabetes management. The reason for this is because carbohydrates are broken down into

    energy by insulin and since the decrease of insulin or insulin effectiveness interferes with this, it causes

    the sugars from carbs to stay in the blood causing high blood sugars.

    Carbohydrate counting

    Counting carbs may be difficult at first, since most people do not like limitations as to what they

    may eat. However, carb counting takes time and once you integrate it into your eating habits it will

    seem so simple you will wonder why people struggle with it. Your nutritionist may give you a set amount

    of carbs to eat for each meal and snack. This doesnt necessarily mean that you will be eating less in fact

    there are foods that do not count towards your carb count. Vegetables and some meats do not have

    carbohydrates so this makes them ok to eat even if you are at your carbohydrate limit. Below is an

    example of some foods that have carbohydrates and other foods that are carb free.

  • In general the foods that are high in carbohydrates tend to be starchy or sweet such as fruit,

    grains, and other sugary foods. However this isnt always the case. Foods that tend to be low in

    carbohydrates are vegetables and proteins. Here are some foods that have carbohydrates in them,

    Fruits and juice

    Grains and oats

    Milk and yogurt

    Starchy vegetables like potatoes

    Dried beans and soy products

    Sweet snacks like cookies, candies, and soda.

    Carb counting will require you to read the nutrition labels on foods to determine the serving size.

    Its important to know what the serving size is so we can know how many carbs are in each serving.

    Below is an example of what things to look at when looking at a nutrition label.

  • Now lets say your meal plan says you can have 60 carbohydrates per meal. It is dinner time and

    you need to prepare your meal, chicken breast with a baked potato but these 2 foods alone do not make

    a total 60 carbohydrate meal so lets look at what other choices you can add.

    This was a brief example on how to carb count using a 60 carbohydrate meal plan. Your

    nutritionist may either give you less or more carbohydrates per meal depending how active you are.

    Remember just because something says that it only has 15 grams of carbohydrates doesnt mean it

    wont raise your blood sugar. There are some bad carbohydrates out there that can still raise your blood

    sugar even if eaten correctly. Make sure to also get the most of your carbohydrates. For example lets

    say for a snack you are about to eat would you rather eat a small piece of candy that has 30 grams of

  • To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    carbohydrates as supposed to eating a piece of toast with peanut butter and a serving of milk that also

    equal 30 carbohydrates? Which one sounds more filling? Especially if your next meal is not for 2 more


    How do fats affect your blood sugar?

    While carbohydrates may get the most attention when it comes to managing your diabetes it is

    also important pay attention to the types of fats that you consume. Some of these fats may cause other

    health problems which may interfere with your diabetes management. The 3 different types of fats that

    you should adjust the intake of are trans fats, saturated fats, and unsaturated fats.

    Trans-unsaturated fatty acids

    Trans fats are the worst type of fat these are the fats you must always avoid. Trans fats increase

    your cholesterol levels which may lead to heart problems. Trans fats are produced when liquid fats turn

    into solid fats (also called hydrogenation). All foods that contain trans fats are required to be listed on

    the labels. This makes it easier to see which foods to avoid, however if some foods contain less than 1

    gram of trans fat the label may show it has 0 grams. The best way to check if a food has trans fats is to

    check the ingredients in the nutrition label to see if it lists hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil.

  • Sources of trans fats include

    Processed foods like snacks that have hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil.

    Sticks of margarine

    Fast food especially food that is fried.

    Saturated fats

    While saturated fats are also bad, they are still more tolerable than trans fats. Saturated fats are

    still bad and increase the cholesterol in your blood which can lead to heart disease. Diabetics are already

    at risk for heart disease so high blood cholesterol greatly increases the chances of a heart attack or


    The goal for every person, diabetic or not, is to eat less than 10 percent of calories from

    saturated fats. That means that if a person eats 2000 calories a day they need to eat less than 20 grams

    of saturated fats. This is not a lot considering that a serving of cheese may have up to 8 grams of

    saturated fats.

    Some foods that have saturated fats are,

  • Lard

    Fatback and salt pork High fat meats like ground beef, bologna, bacon, hot dog, and sausage.

    High fat dairy products such as whole milk, full fat cheese, butter, ice cream, and sour cream.


    Cream sauces

    Gravy made with meat drippings


    Palm oil

    Coconut and coconut oil

    Chicken and turkey skin


    Cholesterol is naturally produced by your body but it can also enter your body from food intake.

    The cholesterol from the food we eat may increase blood cholesterol, which is why it is important to eat

    no more than 300mg of cholesterol per day.

    Cholesterol is required to be on the label some sources of cholesterol include:

    High fat dairy products

    Liver and other organ meats

  • High fat meat such as pork, ground beef and poultry skin

    Egg yolks

    Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats

    Even though trans fats and saturated fats may be bad for you there are other kinds of fats that

    may be beneficial. These fats include polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

    Polyunsaturated fats are healthy fats that can help lower your cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats

    different from saturated fats and trans fats in that they are liquid fats. It is vital to blood clotting, muscle

    contraction, relaxation and inflammation. Polyunsaturated fats may help reduce heart disease.

    Foods that contain polyunsaturated fats,

    Corn oil

    Cottonseed oil

    Safflower oil

    Soybean oil


    Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

    Salad dressings

    Monounsaturated fat is a fat that can help lower cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart attack or

    stroke. These should replace saturated fats and trans fats as much as possible. Good sources of

    monounsaturated fats include,


  • Canola oil


    Olives and olive oil

    Peanut butter and peanut oil

    Sesame seeds While it may be good to consume food that is rich in unsaturated fats, these foods also tend to be high

    in calories. So when consuming these types of food be sure to read the nutrition labels and eat portions

    in accordance with your nutrition plan so you do not eat excessive calories.

    Remember to be sure to follow your meal plan (given to you by your nutritionist) and to ask any

    questions you may have regarding any foods types you are not familiar with. Also be sure to check if a

    certain types of food are ok for you to eat if you are on a strict meal plan.

  • Why should you exercise?

    To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    Exercising is a great way to get your diabetes under control. Everyone should do it not just those

    with diabetes. The benefits to exercising are an increase in insulin effectiveness, weight loss, and is

    good for your overall health and wellness.

    If you are type 1 diabetes it is important to make sure to balance out your insulin dosage and

    carbohydrate intake along with the activity. Type 1 diabetics are more prone to low blood sugars when

    being active.

    The way your blood sugar levels responds to the exercise you do varies on,

    How long you were exercising

    How intense was the activity

    What your blood sugar level was before the start of the activity

    Any changes that occurred to your insulin dosage

    You may experience a drop in blood sugar the first few times when exercising. It is during this time

    when you will realize if you need to either change your insulin dosage or eat extra carbohydrates if you

    are going to exercise. This may take some time getting adjusted to as your blood sugar level may vary

    depending on activity, which is why it is important to check your blood sugar before and after exercising.

    Be sure to always carry a small snack or some form of carbohydrates to eat should your blood sugar

    levels drop and you are not home.

  • It is important, if you repeatedly have low blood sugar levels, to speak with your doctor on what you

    can do to avoid low blood sugars when exercising.

    Exercising is also very important for type 2 diabetics as exercising can help restore insulin sensitivity.

    Exercising will also cause the person to lose weight (which also helps lower the insulin resistance in the


    What time of the day is the best time to exercise?

    Some people like to workout first thing in the morning to help give them energy for the rest of

    the day. Others like to workout at the end of the day. For people who are not diabetic, it does not really

    matter what time of the day they work out. However for diabetics, especially those with type 1, it is a

    little different. Exercising at different times in the day may affect your blood sugar levels for the rest of

    the day. Some people have reported that if they exercise in the morning, their blood sugar levels for the

    rest of the day are much better. People who work out later in the evening have reported waking up with

    lower blood sugars in the morning. This shows that exercising does indeed decrease the sugar in our

    bloodstreams but you might want to take precautions when working early in the morning or later in the

    evening to avoid having unwanted low blood sugar levels.

    If you are one of those types who like to exercise in the morning, be sure to check your blood

    sugar levels before you exercise. Your blood sugar is more sensitive in the morning since you have not

    eaten anything for at least 8 hours. Any type of activity may lower your blood sugar and cause

    hypoglycemia, which is why you should eat a small snack of carbohydrates to have something so your

    blood sugar doesnt go lower than it should. Be sure to also carry some carbohydrates at all times when


    Some people may not have time in morning or in the day to exercise so they choose to do it

    later in evening (probably after dinner). If you exercise late in the evening, be sure to eat your snack

    before bedtime and to check your blood sugar before you go to sleep. Exercising in the evening may

    cause hypoglycemia while you are sleeping. Should your be experiencing lower than usual blood sugars

    levels before going to bed have an extra snack to be on the safe side so you do not experience low blood

    sugars during the night.

  • It is better to exercise in the morning as this helps regulate your blood sugars the rest of the

    day, but if you cant in the morning then its ok to do it in the evening, Everyone is different what might

    be good for some people is worse for others.

    High blood sugar while exercising

    Your blood sugar may also rise if you are doing high intensity activities. This is caused by the

    stress hormone releasing more glucose into the blood than normal. Should you also notice that your

    blood sugar level is high before exercising, test for any ketones. If you do have ketones present in your

    system avoid exercising as this may cause your blood sugar to go even higher. If no ketones are present

    and you feel fine then you may go ahead and exercise.

    It is important to partner with your nutritionist and doctor on finding an exercise plan

    that will balance out with your meal plan and medication dosage. Should you ever have any

    questions or would like to change your exercise plan, speak with your doctor on what you

    may do.

  • How can illness and other diseases affect diabetes?

    To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    Colds, coughs, and flus, may not seem like life threatening illnesses on their own but for a

    diabetic can cause complications involving your blood sugars and may have other effects in their body

    that can become serious. Getting sick while you are diabetic may cause your blood sugar to rise when it

    normally shouldnt this is caused by additional stress that is brought onto your body the other illnesses.


    You may notice that when you have a cold your blood sugar will be higher than normal. This

    happens because extra hormones are released to fight the viral infection that is in your body. These

    hormones may help your body fight off the infection but it also causes the effectiveness of insulin to

    drop, which in turn raises your blood sugar. It is important to check your blood sugar more often when

    you are sick to keep track of your blood sugar levels. Keeping track of your blood sugars when sick also

    helps your modify your management plan should you need to. It is also very important when you are

    sick to check for ketones as they build up more when you are sick because of these increased blood

    sugar levels. If you have type 1 diabetes this can lead to ketoacidosis. Type 2 diabetics are also required

    to monitor their blood sugar closer as this can lead to hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma,

    which is caused by extremely high blood sugars.

    A lot of people dont feel like eating anything when they are sick but for diabetics it is very

    important to still eat as this can cause low blood sugars and can lead to hypoglycemia. You can still eat

    things you would normally eat from your meal plan. It is recommended to eat at least 15 grams of

    carbohydrates per hour if you do not feel like having bigger meals. If you are vomiting, have diarrhea or

    have a fever be sure to drink a cup of fluids every hour. You can sip it over time you dont have to drink

    it all at once just be sure to drink fluids to stay hydrated. If you blood sugar is high you may sip on water

    or a sugar-free drink, if you are experiencing low blood sugars drink a cup of fruit juice or cup of

  • sports drink. Whenever you eat or drink something be sure that it is something that is allowed in your

    meal plan.

    Over the counter medications for cold symptoms may help ease the illness on you but make

    sure to stay away from medicines that are high in sugar. Medicines that are in sugar tend to be the liquid

    cold medicines and cold and cough drops. Try looking for medicines that say sugar-free on them so it

    doesnt affect your blood sugar level. You may take regular cold and cough medicine tablets which do

    not have sugar in them.


    Avoiding the flu is more important if you are diabetic as the flu causes stress on your body and is

    harder for diabetics to fight off the viral infection. The flu is a viral infection of the respiratory system

    and muscles. Symptoms of the flu may include:


    Aches and pains in the joints and muscles around the eyes

    Feeling weak or fatigued

    Pale skin with red watery eyes


    Sore throat

    While sick with the flu be sure to check your blood sugar every 3 hours as your blood sugar

    levels may increase or decrease without you feeling it since you are sick. Be sure you also check

    regularly for ketones while you are sick especially if you have type 1 diabetes.

  • Remember to continue eating to keep your blood sugar at your target level. If you are vomiting

    or have a fever be sure to drink plenty of fluids frequently to keep yourself from becoming

    dehydrated. If you experience either a lot of low blood sugars or high blood sugars contact your

    doctor and ask how what you should do to regulate your blood sugar levels.

    Diabetics should do all they can to avoid catching the flu. They are recommended to receive a flu

    shot. Flu shots should be done around September to help for the usual flu season that comes in the

    months after. While the flu shot vaccine may not protect 100% percent against the flu, it makes it a

    lot harder catch it. You should also ask your family members to receive their flu shots, as it is less

    likely to get the flu if you are around people who do not have it.

    High blood pressure and diabetes

    High blood pressure can lead to a serious of health issues even more for diabetics. It can lead to

    diabetic eye disease, kidney disease, and heart problems. It is common for diabetics to develop high

    blood pressure as they get older. Having diabetes and high blood pressure increases the risk of having

    blood circulation problems, as diabetes damages arteries and makes them more susceptible to

    hardening (Atherosclerosis). Atherosclerosis can lead to high blood pressure which can cause blood

    vessel damage, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease.

    Patients with high blood pressure and diabetes are usually given ACE (angiotensin converting

    enzyme) inhibitors and ARBS (angiotensin II receptor blockers) to treat high blood pressure. There are

    other medications that can be used but these medications can also help prevent or slow down kidney

    disease in diabetics. Some high blood pressure medications may also cause changes in your blood sugar

    levels, be sure to speak with your doctor about the side effects of these medicines.

    Tips to help prevent high blood pressure,

    Control your blood sugars levels

    Do not smoke

    Maintain a healthy weight for your body

  • Eat healthy

    Be more active

    Decrease alcohol consumption Have less salt in your diet

    Regularly visit your doctor

    Thyroid disease

    Thyroid disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes the thyroid gland located in your neck to

    produce more excess hormones than are required. These hormones affect the way your metabolism

    functions. While it may not directly affect your blood sugar, it changes the way glucose and insulin is

    metabolized. For example, some patients with hyperthyroidism, insulin goes through your body fast

    which can leave you with higher blood sugars. 15-20% of patients with type 1 diabetes develop thyroid

    disorders. Some symptoms of thyroid disorders include,

    Check with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and ask whether you

    may have a thyroid disorder.

    Addisons disease

  • Addisons disease is an auto-immune disorder that affects the adrenal glands this causes the

    adrenal glands to not produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. These hormones

    control several functions in your body such as, blood pressure, fluid balance, and heart function, use of

    insulin and sense of alertness. Symptoms may not always appear right away but include:

    Change in skin color especially around the creases

    Appetite loss

    Weight loss


    Irregular periods

    Dizziness and low blood pressure

    If you experience these symptoms let your doctor know as it may be required to perform tests on you to

    determine if you have Addisons disease. Addisons disease is diagnosed with urine and blood tests and

    is treated with pills that help bring hormones up to normal level.

    There are many diseases out there that can affect the way you manage your diabetes.

    These are just a few examples of what some are and how they affect your diabetes control.

    Remember to always let your doctor know if you feel or show symptoms of any other

    disorders or disease as it may have a big effect on your blood sugar levels.

    Driving with diabetes

    Once you are diagnosed with diabetes there are certain steps you will need to go through

    before you can begin driving again. You will need to be evaluated every few months by your doctor to

    ensure that your diabetes is under control and you can operate a motor vehicle without problems.

    While this may make driving more tedious, it is required for the safety of yourself and others. As

    accidents involving diabetics who experience low or high blood sugars on the road arent uncommon.

  • Staying safe while on the road

    Studies have shown that those with type 1 diabetes have had more collisions related to

    hypoglycemia problems. This is why it is important to always check your blood sugar before you drive

    and to make sure to have some carbohydrates should you experience low blood sugars while on the

    road. Most people dont realize how dangerous it can be to have a hypoglycemic episode while driving;

    it can cause you to lose focus or worse, faint which can lead to a major accident.

    It is required by law to have medical evaluations for diabetics before they can drive. These

    arent only limited to diabetics, other disorders or diseases also require medical evaluations to drive.

    Remember if you are ever experiencing an unusual low blood sugar or very high blood sugar

    and are not feeling well DO NOT drive to the hospital. If possible have someone drive you or

    call for an ambulance. This is not only for your safety but the safety of others as well.

    Medical IDs

    One thing you should always carry with you is a medical id bracelet or necklace. This should

    include your information such as address, emergency contact, your name and it should state that you

    have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This is important in case you should lose conscious and require

    medical assistance. It will be easy to identify that you have diabetes and the proper medical assistance

    can be given. These come in many styles and are very affordable all diabetics should be required to have

    one with them at all times.

  • Drinking alcohol with diabetes

    To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    Most people believe that diabetics are not allowed to drink alcohol, however, this isnt true.

    Diabetics can still enjoy alcohol if it is consumed with moderation and proper precautions. It is

    recommended for men to have no more than 2 drinks per day and for women to have no more than 1 per

    day. However not all drinks are considered 1 drink; 1 drink of alcohol is considered 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. of

    wine or 1 oz. of hard alcohol.

    Drinking alcohol can also cause hypoglycemia after excessive drinking. If you are going

    to drink be, sure to check your blood sugar before to know if it is at a safe level, (you should

    also check it a few hours after just to be safe especially if you are going to go to bed). If you are

    going to go to bed and you see your blood sugar is low have something to eat to help bring it

    back to normal and recheck again.

    Sometimes telling the difference between hypoglycemia and drunkenness may be difficult as

    they may sometimes feel the same. You should always wear your medical ID that says you have diabetes

    and let others know. It is important to continue to always stay on your meal plan as sometimes when

    you are drinking you may be tempted to eat a little more than you should.

    Drink in moderation

    Drinking alcohol can still be enjoyable even if you are diabetic, just be sure to follow certain precautions

    such as:

    Do not drink on an empty stomach or when your blood sugar is low, if you are going to drink

    have it with food otherwise your blood sugar may drop especially if you are on insulin or other

    diabetes medication.

  • Do not substitute food from your meal plan with alcohol, do not count alcohol with your carb


    Enjoy your alcohol do not gulp it down all at once.

    Have a sugar-free beverage with you to keep you hydrated (water, diet soda, unsweetened tea)

    Drink light drinks like light beers or if you are having mixed drinks use a zero- calorie mixer.

    Do not drive after drinking or hours after

    Wear you medical ID

    If you are going to have alcohol be sure to always check your blood sugar and to follow

    necessary precautions and to wear your medical id.

    Complications of diabetes

    While there are several complications that can come from bad diabetes management the most

    common ones seem to be, foot complications, neuropathy, and kidney disease. You may also notice that

    your cuts, scrapes, bruises, and other wounds take longer to heal.


    Neuropathy is when the nerves in your body become damage, and you may lose feeling in some

    parts of your body. Over 50 percent of people with diabetes have some form of nerve damage.

    Especially for those who have had the disease for a number of years.

  • There are many types of neuropathy but 2 of the most common are peripheral neuropathy and

    autonomic neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy includes numbness or loss of feeling in the feet.

    Symptoms include, tingling in your feet, increased pain or sensitivity, and numbness or weakness.

    Autonomic neuropathy is another form of neuropathy that diabetics may experience. This kind

    affects bodily functions. Autonomic neuropathy affects the autonomic nerves which control the

    digestive system, bladder, genitals, and other organs. Symptoms of autonomic neuropathy vary on what

    part of the body is being affected,

    Digestive system:

    Problems processing food such as vomiting undigested food or food sitting in stomach.

    You have lost control of your bowels.

    Feeling bloated after eating.


    Indigestion or heartburn.

    Urinary tract:

    Losing control of your bladder.

    You do not feel like urinating when your bladder is full

    Frequent bladder infections

    Problems with urinating like frequent urination, less urination, or urine leaking,

    Heart and blood vessels,

    You feel dizzy if you stand up quickly

  • You have loss conscious from standing up too quickly

    Your heart rate is fast for no reason while at rest

    You have experienced a heart attack without warnings Autonomic neuropathy can be diagnosed by different tests. These can be X rays, ultrasounds or other

    tests depending on what the nerve damage is. On the bright side autonomic neuropathy can be treated

    by working with a dietitian to help plan meals. If you are on a restricted diet there are various therapies

    that are effective in treating autonomic neuropathy. Foot Complications

    Many foot complications can arise from diabetics if they do not properly care for their feet. Foot

    problems occur when there is already nerve damage from neuropathy present in there. This can lead to

    changes in the skin, shape of feet, and foot wounds not healing which can lead to infections.

    Skin changes in your feet

    Changes in your skin may occur. Some of these changes include the color of your skin changing

    and the skin becoming dry and cracked. This is caused by the nerves in your feet that release oils and

    moisture no longer functioning. Do not put oils or creams in between your toes as this may lead to

    infections. To help restore moisture in your feet dry your feet after bathing and apply a little amount of

    plain petroleum jelly or unscented moisturizer.

    Contact your doctor for a foot exam if you experience any unusual dry skin in your feet.


    Treating calluses in your feet is important for proper foot care. Too many calluses in your feet

    may mean that you need therapeutic shoes and inserts. Calluses tend to build up faster in people who

    are diabetic because of the high pressure areas underneath the feet. Calluses need to be trimmed so

    they do not turn into ulcers. Should a callus or corn ever get too thick to cut have your doctor cut it for

    you, do not try to cut them yourself as these are sensitive areas that should be handled carefully. Also

    do not use chemical agents to remove calluses or corns as these may cause burning in your feet. To help

    keep any calluses you may have under control, it is best to use a pumice stone every day, use it on wet

    skin and be sure to moisturize the area right afterwards.

  • Foot ulcers Ulcers on your feet usually occur on the ball of your foot or on the bottom of your big toe. Some

    ulcers may form on the sides of your feet but these are usually caused by improper fitted shoes. While

    you may not notice any pain from some ulcers it is important that you always check with your doctor if

    you have developed a foot ulcer. If neglected, foot ulcers can lead to infections which if it is not healed

    can then lead to an amputation of a limb.

    When you have a foot ulcer your doctor may do a number of things to determine how to treat

    it. They may have x rays ordered of your foot to see if your bone is infected. You might also have to visit

    the hospital to have any dead or infected tissue cleaned out. Your foot may be cultured and antibiotics

    will be given depending on the infection.

    Your doctor will order you to stay off your feet and may have you wear a special brace or cast

    for to keep pressure off your foot. This is important to keep the ulcer from spreading and/or going

    deeper into your foot. If time goes by and your foot ulcer is still not healing you may be referred to a

    vascular surgeon. It is important to have good control over your diabetes as high blood sugars make it

    harder for your body to fight against infections.

    Once your foot heals treat your feet carefully as the scar tissue may be sensitive.

    Special footwear may be required to protect your feet and to help keep the ulcer from


    Poor blood circulation

    The reason why your feet may lose the ability to fight infections and to heal properly is usually

    due to poor blood circulation in that area. This is caused by the blood vessels in your feet hardening and

    the veins becoming narrower due to diabetes. The biggest factor that affects blood circulation is

    smoking. Smoking makes arties harden much faster than they normally would. If you smoke and are

    diabetic, it is probably best for you and your family to stop. Keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol

    low also helps with keeping good blood circulation.

  • Exercising is excellent for keeping good blood circulation. It stimulates the blood in your feet and

    legs. Something as simple as going for a walk can do wonders when dealing with low blood circulation.

    Be sure to wear good, comfortable shoes and avoid walking on any open sores you may have.


    Diabetics are more likely to have a limb amputated than someone without diabetes. This is

    because many people with diabetes have poor blood flow to the feet. This together with nerve damage

    can cause infections and ulcers that may lead to amputations. Most amputations are preventable with

    proper diabetes control and good foot care. This is why all diabetics should take care of their feet and let

    their doctors or health care provider know of any foot problems they may have. You should always

    follow your doctors advice when it comes to ulcers or other related foot problems.

    The biggest threat to your feet is smoking as smoking affects your blood vessels and

    causes the blood flow to your feet to decrease. This causes infections and ulcers to heal

    slower, increasing the chances for complications. Many of the people who are diabetic and

    require limb amputation are smokers.

  • Final note

    To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    This is what I have learned over the years from my personal experience with type 1 diabetes and by

    sharing it with you I hope it may be of help or give you a better understanding of diabetes. I hope this

    information helps those who dont believe diabetes is a serious issue. While it may be overwhelming at

    first with all the carb counting, insulin medication, blood sugar testing, and doctor visits. It only gets

    easier with time and soon all these things will become a part of your life and will seem like you have

    been doing it all along. It will allow you to live a long healthy life with your family so you may enjoy

    many long wonderful years. However it all comes down to you whether you put in the effort to take

    care of yourself. You need to want to take care of yourself and actually do it. In the end this is all for

    your benefit and also for those you love to see you happy and in good health.

    Thank you for reading,

    Miguel Lopez

    Common myths about diabetes

    Myth: Diabetes is not a serious disease.

    Truth: More people die from diabetes per year than those with AIDs and breast cancer combined. If left

    untreated diabetes is life-threatening.

    Myth: Only overweight or obese people develop diabetes.

    Truth: While being overweight or obese is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes these 2 factors dont always

    lead to diabetes it depends on other factors as well. Genetics are also a risk factor for type 1 diabetes

    so someone who is at the proper weight may still have diabetes.

  • Myth: If you eat too much sugar you will develop diabetes.

    Truth: This is not always true, while studies have shown that type 2 diabetes is linked to excessive

    consumption of sugar. Diabetes involves many other factors such as genetics and life style choices.

    Myth: Diabetics should eat special diabetes foods.

    Truth: Diabetics can still eat normal food like any other person. There is no difference between special

    diabetic food and normal food they both still raise your blood sugar levels and should be eaten

    according to serving portions.

    Myth: Diabetics cannot eat starchy foods like breads, pasta, and potatoes.

    Truth: Diabetics may still eat starchy foods, as long as they follow their meal plans and eat the right


    Myth: Diabetics should not eat sweets or chocolate.

    Truth: People with diabetes can still enjoy sweets, as long as their follow a healthy meal plan with

    exercise sweets and desserts can still be enjoyed. It is important however to eat a small portion of

    sweets to keep your blood sugar in target range.

    Myth: Diabetes is contagious

    Truth: This is just silly diabetes cannot be caught by someone like a cold or flu.

    Myth: Fruit is healthy for you so you may eat as much of it as you want

    Truth: This is not true as fruit still contains carbohydrates which will raise your blood sugar if not

    consumed according to your meal plan.

  • Glossary of terms

    To Cure Diabetes Naturally Click Here

    Addisons disease- is a disorder in which your body stops producing or produces less of certain

    hormones in your body produced by your adrenal glands located above your kidneys.

    Antigen- is any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it.

    Atherosclerosis- is the hardening or narrowing of the arteries which cause poor blood circulation,

    atherosclerosis is the usual cause of heart attacks.

    Auto immune disorder-is when there is an unusual response from the bodys immune system against

    substances and tissues that are normally found in the body, for example in type 1 diabetes the bodys

    immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas causing reduced insulin production.

    Carbohydrates- are complex sugars that need insulin to be broken down in your body to be used as

    energy, it is broken down into blood sugar which is used as fuel by the cells in your body.

    Diabetogenic-is used to describe anything that may be a factor in causing diabetes or something caused

    by diabetes.

    Glucagon- is a hormone produced by the alpha cells in the pancreas and has the opposite effect of

    insulin, this is used sometimes should someone have very severe low blood sugar levels to raise them

    back to normal.

    Glucose-is a sugar that is required by all living organisms and mainly comes from carbohydrates.

    Histocompatibility- in genetics is the condition of having antigenic similarities in cells from one to

    another that is not rejected.

    Hyperglycemia-is when there is an excess amount of sugar in someones bloodstream.

  • Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic syndrome- is a diabetic coma that may happen to a person

    who has diabetes if they are ill or whose body is stressed, it is more common for people with type 2 to

    fall into this coma as opposed to those with type 1 diabetes.

    Hyperinsulinemia- is when there is excess amount of insulin circulating in the blood stream, this is

    caused by insulin resistance and may be one of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

    Hypoglycemia- is when there is less glucose in the bloodstream than is required.

    IDDML- one of the genes responsible for whether type 1 diabetes develops

    Ketoacidosis- is a serious condition which can lead to a diabetic coma or death, it occurs when the cells

    do not receive the energy they need and your body begins using stored fat for energy.

    Ketones- are the result of having uncontrolled high blood sugars and not taking insulin for a long period

    of time, they are produced when the cells in your body begin burning fat for fuel and can lead to


    Ketostix- are test strips that use urine to determine if any ketones are present in your body.

    Locus/loci- The specific location of a gene on our DNA Sequence

    Metabolic disease- is a disease or disorder that affects or changes the way your metabolism functions.

    Neuropathy- is a disease in which your nerves lose their function which causes numbness or weakness.

    Physiology- is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms.

    Polydipsia- is an extreme thirst that is one of the symptoms of diabetes. Polyphagia- is extreme hunger or increased appetite, is a symptom of diabetes.

    Polyuria- is the production of abnormally large quantities of dilute urine.

    Thyroid disease- is any disorder that affects the small gland that is found at the base of your neck.

  • Xeroderma- abnormal dryness in skin

    Xerostomia- a condition in which the mouth is unusually dry.

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