Día de los muertos

vocabulario Día de los muertos


Día de los muertos. vocabulario. El día de los muertos. A holiday celebrated on Nov. 1 and 2 to remember deceased family and friends. calavera. Decorated skulls Sugar skulls Satirical poems, that often make fun of politics. Calaca. A skeleton figure representing death - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Día de los muertos

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Día de los muertos

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A holiday celebrated on Nov. 1 and 2 to remember deceased family and friends.

El día de los muertos

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calaveraDecorated skullsSugar skullsSatirical poems, that often make fun of


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CalacaA skeleton figure representing death

Esqueleto = skeleton

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Panteón, tumbatomb

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PosadaMexican artist who drew political cartoonsHe also created La Catrina

◦Catrina is a woman in Victorian clothes Feathered hat and long skirt

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Papel picadoCut paper decorations

◦Fragile paper reminds us life is fragile◦Intricate designs; often of skeletons

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◦Used on altars and tombs to guide the souls home

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illuminacionCeremony that takes place in the graveyard

when hundreds of candles are lit to guide the souls

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Pan de muertoBread of the dead

◦Sweet bread◦Sometimes in the form of birds, fish, skull and


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Altar de muertosThe offering that the family sets aside for

their dead relatives

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La ofrendaThe offering left on the altar for the


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AlfeniqueSugar paste candy treats

◦Often in form of a skull or animals

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Cementerio flores

Cemetery flowers

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cempazuchitlOrange marigold flower

◦Used to decorate altars and tombs The bright color and scent help guide the souls backUsed to make a path from the door to the altar

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◦Aztecs thought monarch butterflies were souls of deceased warriors returning to visit.

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Los angelitosSouls of the dead children who visit Nov 1

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◦The smoke helps guide the souls back

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moleSauce made of many ingredients including:

chocolate, chile peppers, bread, seeds

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rosqueteBread in the form of a pink circle (circle of life/death)

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Día de todos los santosAll Saints DayCatholic holiday on Nov. 1 to celebrate all

saints, known and unknown.

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Hueso disfraz

Bone costume

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◦Some people like to eat chocolate covered grasshoppers

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Difunto, muertodead