DI Online solution: Quick guide to Certificates of Origin · free type field appears allowing you...

DI Online solution: Quick guide to Certificates of Origin This guide is an introduction to the online solution for Certificates of Origin offered by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), which allows DI members and users to create and apply for Certificates of Origin. This guide contains an overall introduction and illustration of the key features of the solution. The solution is accessible through DI homepage and supports the most common Internet-browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that is replacing Internet Explorer. Login The solution is Integrated with DI’s Membercare system, which means you must be a registered DI-user to access the solution. To log in you must use the e-mail that is assigned to your DI-account, that is most likely the e-mail you have been assigned by the company you work for. Please follow the link below either by clicking on the link or inserting the link in your favourite browser. Use the e- mail and password assigned to your DI-account. Link: https://eksportcertifikater.di.dk Please use the user name and password assigned to your DI-account. When you log in to the solution you will have access to the organisation(s) that you are assigned/ have access to in DI’s Membercare. The organisation(s) will be visible on your login- dashboard. If you have access to more than one organisation or company you will see these on your dashboard. To access an organisation and apply for Certificates of Origin on behalf of the organisation you must select the “Manage” button. Once you selected Manage you will see a tab named “Certificates of Origin” please select this tab to create and administer your Certificates of Origin applications.

Transcript of DI Online solution: Quick guide to Certificates of Origin · free type field appears allowing you...

Page 1: DI Online solution: Quick guide to Certificates of Origin · free type field appears allowing you to enter comments. Each comment gets a time Each comment gets a time and name stamp

DI Online solution: Quick guide to Certificates

of Origin This guide is an introduction to the online solution for Certificates of Origin offered by the Confederation of

Danish Industry (DI), which allows DI members and users to create and apply for Certificates of Origin. This

guide contains an overall introduction and illustration of the key features of the solution.

The solution is accessible through DI homepage and supports the most common Internet-browsers such as

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that is replacing Internet Explorer.

Login The solution is Integrated with DI’s Membercare system,

which means you must be a registered DI-user to access

the solution.

To log in you must use the e-mail that is assigned to your

DI-account, that is most likely the e-mail you have been

assigned by the company you work for.

Please follow the link below either by clicking on the link

or inserting the link in your favourite browser. Use the e-

mail and password assigned to your DI-account.

Link: https://eksportcertifikater.di.dk

Please use the user name and password assigned to your DI-account.

When you log in to the solution you will have access to the

organisation(s) that you are assigned/ have access to in DI’s

Membercare. The organisation(s) will be visible on your login-

dashboard. If you have access to more than one organisation or

company you will see these on your dashboard.

To access an organisation and apply for Certificates of Origin on

behalf of the organisation you must select the “Manage” button.

Once you selected Manage you will see a tab named “Certificates

of Origin” please select this tab to create and administer your

Certificates of Origin applications.

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Certificate of Origin tab - Overview and creation of new

applications On the Certificate of Origin tab, you will see all the Certificate of Origin applications created by the organisation

you have selected. To create a new Certificate of Origin application please select the button ”New Certificate

of Origin” (see the illustration below) this will open an online application form allowing you to create and

submit an Certificate of Origin application..

Search, filtering and sorting To enable the search menu in the Certificate of Origin tab please click the funnel-icon to the right (please see


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The Certificate of Origin online application form You can access the Certificate of Origin application form by clicking the button “New Certificate of Origin”.

In the first section of the form you must specify consignor and consignee, mode of transport, country of origin


In the middel section you add the item lines to the Certificate of Origin, to add a new item line you must press

”Add goods item”. You can insert or remove item lines using the ’+/-‘ buttons to the right.

In the last section you must enter information about what you wish to apply for, in other words you must

specify if you wish to pick-up or postal delivery of the certificate, add delivery or invoice addresses (if they are

different from the applicant) etc.

If you want to enclose document for endorsement (DI stamp and signature) you can upload your documents

in this section as well.

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Preview of Certificate of Origin Please remember to allow pop-up windows in your browser otherwise your browser might prevent the

Certificate of Origin preview window from appearing (please see the appendix for more information on this).

Certificate of Origin - functions On the Certificate of Origin form you have a list of options or functions you can activate using the buttons in

the bottom of the form:


PREVIEW Preview of the Certificate of Origin in PDF-format, which gives you the ability to see what

the certificate will look like before you submit your application.

PRINT The option to print the Certificate of Origin certificate using a certificate template.

SAVE Saves the Certificate of Origin and any changes made in the application.

SAVE & CLOSE Saves the Certificate of Origin and closes the application form. You will return to the

Certificate of Origin tab.

SEND Sends your digital Certificate of Origin application to DI.

CLOSE Closes the Certificate of Origin application form without saving any changes made.

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Sending digital applications to Dansk Industri You may submit your digital application to DI either by using the send button on

the application form or by clicking the send icon in the Certificate of Origin tab.

Cancelling digital applications You can cancel an application until it has been approved by DI once DI has

approved your application it is no longer possible to cancel the application. You

cancel the clicking the cancel icon in the Certificate of Origin tab, the icon will

disappear once the application has been approved by DI.

Link to preview in pdf A unique link is assigned to your Certificate of Origins when they are created. You

can shear the document link with colleagues, customers and other trading partners

if you like. When you press the link icon the link-address is copied to your

clipboard, now the link can be inserted in a browser or copied to an e-mail (the short cut key to copy the link

is ctrl+V).

Copying Certificate of Origin You can create a copy of an Certificate of Origin by using the copy-icon. A copy is

created allowing you to re-use or modify the contents of the Certificate of Origin

you have copied.

Add comments You can add comments to your applications when you click the comment icon a

free type field appears allowing you to enter comments. Each comment gets a time

and name stamp showing when the comment was posted and by whom.

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Set-up default number of decimals for gross and net weights You have the option to set-up a default number of decimals used for gross and net weights when you create

a new Certificate of Origin. You have the option to set-up between 0 and 5 decimals, and strip/remove trailing

zeros. If you chose to strip the trailing zeros, zeros will be removed if they are the last digit(s) in a number, e.g.

2,100 becomes 2,1 and 2,110 becomes 2,11. If you chose two decimals without stripping trailing zeros 2,100

becomes 2,10, 2,110 becomes 2,11, and 1 becomes 1,00.

Please note that these setting apply on the organization level, which means that the settings will apply to all

the users in our organization when they create a new Certificate of Origin.

Set default delivery mode Under the Settings menu you have the option to set-up a default delivery mode, e.g. if you per default want

to collect your certificates, you can set Collect as your default delivery mode. When you create a new Certificate

of Origin the delivery mode is set as Collect.

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Set default unit of measure (weight) You have the option to create and set-up a standard unit of measure for your weight. If you create and set a

default unit of measure for you weight units, this could be KG or Ton as examples. The default unit will be used

when you create a new item line, e.g. if you create and set KG as default unit under settings, the weight field

will contain KG when you create a new item on the Certificate of Origin, you can edit and change the content

of the field.

Addresses – search and insert The solution is integrated with DI’s

Membercare solution this allows you to

re-use and access the addresses

registered under your company in

Membercare. Addresses including

updates are loaded from Membercare.

You can search for addresses using the

search input-fields (see the invoice,

delivery and applicant addresses).

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Addresses – add and update You can add a new address to your online

address book. When you add a new

address, it is saved in the online solution

allowing you to search for, and insert the

address in your online applications (both

Certificate of Origin and Certificate of


When you enter an address, you press

‘Add address’ and now the address is

added to the online address book, the next

time you need to use this address you can re-use the address.

If you want to update or make changes to an existing address, you must make the changes and then press

’Update Address’. Your changes will be saved in the online address book.

You find the online address book in the settings menu. In

the settings menu, you have the option to update and

delete addresses.

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Archiving of certificates and documents To improve the performance of the

online platform we store old certificates

and documents on a separate archive

database. The certificates and documents

are still accessible and searchable,

meaning the documents in the archive

are included in your searches.

When you go to the achieve you can search and filter similar to what you can do in the other lists on the


You can bring back or

restore documents and

certificates stored in the

achieve. You must select

the documents you want

to restore and click the

restore button in the top

left corner, this will move

the selected documents

from the archive to the

production database.

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Appendix: Pop-up blocker can prevent preview of certificates If your browser doesn’t allow pop-ups it can block your preview of certificates to allow pop-ups from DI’s

online solution please follow the instructions in this appendix.

Allow you browser to show pop-ups from eksportcertifikater.di.dk and now you should be able to preview your


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Appendix: How to insert larger pieces of text for Letter of

Credits etc. You can insert larger pieces of

text – up to 1000 characters – in

the field Description of Goods.

This can be very useful if your are

work with Letter of Credit.

You can copy text from e-mails, Word and other programs, and insert the text in the description field.

You may use the preview function to preview the certificate with your text (see example below):