d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the...

A large sun framed by endless trees rose above the emerald expanse beyond the village, sending light playing across buildings, streets, gardens, and two particularly round, soft-bellied dragons. As the illumination warmed their hides and eventually pin pricked the eyes of a dozing Grief, the bulky drake unleashed a deep grunt and a yawn that curled his forked tongue. He idly scratched at the bulging heft, which splayed itself prominently over the cobbled street and engulfed considerable surface area. After a moment of confusion, Grief realized there was another heavy presence within his midst. Cade’s furry mug and neck were arched over the scaled and furred dragon’s bulging middle, where they sunk deeply into the layered flesh of his midsection. For a moment, the steel-toned reptile could do nothing but widen his eyes in indignation. He was a pillow for no one, and especially not for an overgrown marshmallow whose entire being resembled a pillow of their own. Resting both paws securely on his burgeoning middle, Grief violently wobbled his mass to shake the elkdragon awake. The fluffy drake’s brown coat rustled and bounced violently with the jostling, which had the desired effect. His bright green eyes shot open, and Cade’s muzzle slid down from Grief’s grey belly in an awkward descent before banging painfully to the cobbled street. With a loud yelp, the rotund elkdrake cradled his muzzle in his paws with a hollow whimper before sending a wounded expression to his assailant. “Good morning to you too,” a muffled grumble issued from Cade’s tender maw, while his eyes narrowed accusingly at the gruff dragon. “You’re lucky I didn’t just leave you here. You wouldn’t last a day on your own before a herd of lions attack you,” Grief scoffed as he struggled to stand up. The tubby dragon noticed how much harder it had been for him to stand up from the ground these last few days. The extra weight on his

Transcript of d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the...

Page 1: d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they

A large sun framed by endless trees rose above the emerald expanse beyond the village, sending light playing across buildings, streets, gardens, and two particularly round, soft-bellied dragons. As the illumination warmed their hides and eventually pin pricked the eyes of a dozing Grief, the bulky drake unleashed a deep grunt and a yawn that curled his forked tongue. He idly scratched at the bulging heft, which splayed itself prominently over the cobbled street and engulfed considerable surface area. After a moment of confusion, Grief realized there was another heavy presence within his midst.

Cade’s furry mug and neck were arched over the scaled and furred dragon’s bulging middle, where they sunk deeply into the layered flesh of his midsection. For a moment, the steel-toned reptile could do nothing but widen his eyes in indignation. He was a pillow for no one, and especially not for an overgrown marshmallow whose entire being resembled a pillow of their own. Resting both paws securely on his burgeoning middle, Grief violently wobbled his mass to shake the elkdragon awake.

The fluffy drake’s brown coat rustled and bounced violently with the jostling, which had the desired effect. His bright green eyes shot open, and Cade’s muzzle slid down from Grief’s grey belly in an awkward descent before banging painfully to the cobbled street. With a loud yelp, the rotund elkdrake cradled his muzzle in his paws with a hollow whimper before sending a wounded expression to his assailant. “Good morning to you too,” a muffled grumble issued from Cade’s tender maw, while his eyes narrowed accusingly at the gruff dragon.

“You’re lucky I didn’t just leave you here. You wouldn’t last a day on your own before a herd of lions attack you,” Grief scoffed as he struggled to stand up. The tubby dragon noticed how much harder it had been for him to stand up from the ground these last few days. The extra weight on his middle as well as his drooping belly got in the way, proving to be quite the hindrance. “At least I’m not as big as the toasted marshmallow,” he grumbled to himself, casting a seething gaze at the oblivious elkdragon.

Once finally upright, Grief gasped in relief, his thick legs already feeling the strain of having to carry a body his size. While he was deviously fattening his captives, the scaled and furry dragon had managed to pack on some weight of his own. His back arched upwards now, giving him the impression of a domed mountain whether he lay on his stomach or on his back. His fattened face took away any form of intimidation he once possessed, and his once slender neck was now a big bulge of fat. Despite the obvious signs of his weight gain, the self-centered dragon believed himself to be trim, at least compared to Cade.

The target of Grief’s scalding taunts righted himself up with a bit more difficulty. Cade grunted extensively as his furry middle squished lightly against the cobblestone, and pressed heavily against his legs. His central mass would certainly

Page 2: d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they

make the task of walking a struggle, but the elkdragon managed with an enthusiastic waddle. He turned to his grumpy mentor and offered a sheepish grin over his softened muzzle, wiggling his tail and bulging form to draw upon the ridiculous state of their physiques.

After an extensive sigh from Grief, Cade followed him away from the pillaged bakery and in the direction of their fattened prisoners. A steady stream of curses and grumbling trailed after Grief’s bulbous hide while Cade simply moved along with lighthearted anticipation as to how big the draolf and drake had gotten. Eventually the two managed to bring their respective bulks to a rolling halt in front of the abandoned jailhouse, where the realization of Denya and Callum’s escape finally dawned on the fattened elkdragon and bolstered drake. Cade lowered his ears in preparation for the crazed fireworks to come.

Surprisingly, Grief was very quiet at first when he discovered their prisoners had escaped. Without uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they left was a small hole by the southern edge of the building where they obviously escaped. Raising his head out from the building, Grief suddenly noticed the faint tracks of two heavy furs leading to the nearest forest.

“Well…” Grief muttered as he suddenly turned his head towards Cade, his face contorted with anger. “Don’t just stand there! After them you blubbery buffoon!”

Caught off guard, Cade adopted a panicked expression as the order overrode his usual sensibilities. He snapped a glance at the dusty footprints and narrowed his eyes ambitiously. With a spike of adrenaline, he surged after the two escapees and promptly engaged in a graceless fall that landed him flat on his face. Thanks to the presence of his vast gut, the process was drawn out in a rolling arc that dragged Cade’s muzzle slowly across the street while his flabby hindquarters rose proudly in the air on the support of a light brown midsection.

After several unsavory curses of his own, the elkdrake righted himself once more and hissed as he gently prodded his bruised snout. He turned his green gaze to his cobalt commander, crossed his paws over his pudgy chest and sat back on his rump in a huff. “Perhaps we could work a bit on carrying out our plans,” he suggested, “With their bulk, they couldn’t have traveled far.”

“How absurd!” Grief roared as he tweaked Cade’s bruised nose, which caused the big brown dragon to squeal and paw at his snout. “They have muscles underneath that blubber, I’m sure they would have figured out a way to escape further into the countryside.” Despite what he said, he knew that Cade’s words had a hint of truth to them as well. Denya and Callum were locked up for quite a while, so their muscles could have atrophied a bit. Besides, he was sure they weren’t used to the extra hundred or so pounds of blubber they accumulated anyways.

Page 3: d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they

Not wanting to admit that the blubbery brown dragon was right, Grief snorted and sat on his own widened behind, glaring at Cade. “Alright then, if you’re such a genius in catching anthros, please tell me in detail how we should go about recapturing our prisoners.”

The fluffy brown dragon idly rubbed his muzzle and growled half heartedly at the grey attacker of his furry mug. He ran scenarios through his mind and gently scratched the curvature of his silky hide. Plunging one paw deeply into its resilient layers he realized the most effective weapon would be the anthros' weight. "Well the best bet would be for us to set off after them," the elkdragon said, patting Grief's paunch knowingly. "Sure we're carrying extra padding, but we can outpace them with ease." Cade chuckled weakly when Grief's gut vibrated with a low growl.

"The next settlement in the direction they headed is a day or so away, only half the distance for us," he finished, swiveling his floppy ears as he wrapped up the simplicity of his thought. "And once we catch them, we stuff them some more," a dazed expression clouded his emerald eyes, "And perhaps use them as our pillows!" He turned to his mentor, "What do you think?"

Grief scoffed as he looked at the hopeful elkdragon. “That’s exactly what I said, you blubber behemoth! I’m the one who suggested we take after them, remember? I should have known not to ask for your dim-witted opinion,” the scaled and fur drake scowled as he pinched Cade’s nose yet again, inducing another squeak from the poor dragon. “C’mon, we’ve wasted too much time stalling. If we walk fast, we can reach the next town by noon.” Taking the lead, Grief marched forwards, taking several steps towards the towering trees before pausing and looking back at Cade. “Oh, and another thing. They are our captives, not our cushions, so quit suggesting we use them as pillows!”

Cade pouted and adopted a forlorn look as the possibility vanished with Grief’s words, but he simply grinned and forged on. “You didn’t seem to have a problem using my hide as a pillow,” he catcalled to his blunt companion. A low moan of annoyance trickled from over Grief’s shoulder as he entered the reaches of the woods. The furry drake snickered to himself as he followed; entering the depths of the forest and feeling his flabby sides brush softly against the surrounding trees.

Two leagues from the pursuing dragons, another doughy anthro was leaning his bulk idly on a sturdy pine for support. Callum’s sides heaved with the exertion he and his friend had endured through the night. Neither was used to the rigorous task of dragging the extra adipose that clung, bounced, and wobbled along their previously lean frames, and now the sight of a small, isolated village about two miles away was enough to send hope through his mind. Looking to Denya, he rested one pudgy paw on the hybrid’s soft shoulder and pointed to the cluster of buildings nestled in the clutches of a small valley. “How long do you think we have yet to go?” He asked in a breathless tone.

Page 4: d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they

“I… have no idea,” Denya gasped, his soft belly rising in and out with every gasp for air he took. “Normally… I’d say less than half an hour.... but now we’d be lucky… to make it there in an hour,” the doughy draolf mumbled, grasping his pudgy potbelly. As if responding to the touch, his soft grey belly let loose a loud grumble.

With a tired yawn, Denya slumped against the tree next to his friend, feeling the trunk move back a few inches. “I think now’s a good of a time as any for a snack break, right?” He asked curiously, his eyes locked onto the large sack of goodies Callum was holding.

Callum nodded eagerly and slumped alongside his friend, slipping the bag from his shoulder and resting it on the ground in front of his bulging belly. He opened it and proffered the remains to his friend. Despite the fair distance they’d traveled, fear and desperation had fueled enough of the trip to allow only half of the food to go consumed. Looking in it now, the drake grinned at his quivering companion and simply split the contents in half.

“Looks like we don’t have too far to go,” he reasoned aloud, “Might as well give the final push to reach the next village.” He took a couple pastries in his paws and chowed down indulgently while casting a glance out the corner of his eye to see what his friend opted for.

“I suppose you’re right,” Denya agreed as he accepted the pastry from his friend, biting into it eagerly. “My only fear is that once we step into the clearing, the dragons could easily spot us and charge after us. We were no match for them even with our weapons and our lithe bodies, and now we have neither.”

The drake chewed his éclair thoughtfully, while he considered the notion. They were two blubbery vagabonds on the run, with dwindling supplies and road-weary minds. He patted his scaly bulk and considered the amount of food the two of them would need to consume simply to keep their figures satisfied. The path before them might be open, but Callum felt he and his flabby companion had more to lose if they remained in the confinement of the woods.

“I think we should at least try,” he said, placing a reassuring paw on his friend’s back. “We will be exposed, but our chances of escape and recovery are much better in the comfort of a village. And besides,” he grinned and knelt down, jostling the draolf’s wobbly midriff, “We need to keep up our strength. It’s only a couple miles, and we still have a decent chance of outpacing the drakes to the settlement. What do you think?”

Denya couldn’t help but blush as his stomach wobbled against his will. It was bad enough they had to escape from two evil dragons by leaving their home village, but did they have to force him to gain so much weight? He can’t even look down at himself without feeling his chins bunch up. With a sigh, the doughy draolf crammed the rest of his donut into his mouth and licked his lips before slowly standing up,

Page 5: d.facdn.net  · Web viewWithout uttering a word, the large dragon craned his fat head into the building, seeing no sign of their captured knights’ presence. The only trace they

with the help of the nearby tree trunk of course. “I guess you’re right. No matter what we do, they’ll find a way to catch up to us, so I suppose it’d be best to hide in a village rather than the forest.”

Callum nodded and looked to the settlement, which sat temptingly in the distance. With a crack of his neck, he lead the way into the clearing and ensured his corpulent friend was following with a quick glance. Together they waddled over the thick, grassy knolls in hopes of reaching their destination, breathing heavily as each jiggling step took them slightly closer. The drake found himself sharing light smiles and humorous glances with Denya, as he reflected on the ridiculous nature of their chase. Sure they'd been in precarious situations before, but the added dimension of flabby pudge bulging from their frames made each action and situation lightly comical. The draolf proved to be an unintentional example as his heft quivered and bounced to emphasize the panicked state of their escape. The foes they fled from were equally unique in terms of novelty, and by the time Denya and Callum were a quarter mile away, Cade had squeezed his furry belly through the last of the trees to see the village come into view.

Looking back to his fat companion, a smirk spread over the elkdrake's muzzle as he spotted their captives in the distance. "Pillows have been sighted," the fluffy drake called, before his furry mug illuminated in delight at the grumble issued from Grief's fleshy form fifty feet behind him. The scaled and furred monolith slowly padded up next to him, before they both looked to the escapees. Cade wagged his warm, fluffy body in a mixture of excitement and pleasure that he could derive a sarcastic moan from his gruff mentor.

“Roger that, and next time you call them pillows I’m forcing you to eat them,” Grief grumbled, giving Cade yet another disapproving glance. This time, however, he would have to wait before berating the fluffy marshmallow as the sight of the two flabby knights brought a sadistic grin to his muzzle. Perhaps he’d allow his flabby companion to use them as pillows as punishment for escaping. They did look tantalizingly soft, now that he noticed. With no time to waste, Grief took off in a slow and awkward charge, his massive midsection bouncing with each step he took as he desperately tried to catch up with the anthros.

“Wait,” Denya muttered as he held a paw to Callum’s soft chest. Putting his ear to the ground, the bulky draolf listened carefully before popping back up. “I feel the ground rumbling a bit, almost like a stampede is nearby. Do you think-” he never finished his sentence as the ground’s vibrations suddenly picked up, causing both flabby dragons to turn around. Their hearts sank to the bottom of their stomachs as they watched the massive Grief waddle after them, with Cade right behind his heels. In all honesty, Denya and Callum found the situation to be surprisingly humorous, watching the two dough ball dragons waddle and collide with each other as if they were two mounds of dough rolling down a hill. However, instinct quickly kicked in as the rotund knights quickly made a dash towards the city, their breaths coming out in hoarse gasps as they put the last of their waning energy into one final sprint.

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Cade fought to maintain pace with his companion, and watched with intrigue as their quarry dashed with similar intensity toward the village walls. He guessed he and his rotund companion were about half a mile out while Denya and Callum were only a couple hundred yards. It would be a tight race, but the silky drake was driven to obtain his pillows, and spurred on.

Callum noted that they were only a hundred yards out, and he placed all his momentum into reaching the gate. With a comical waddle, he and his companion drew in their last reserves of breath before the finally reached the gate. Their bulky bodies hit hard, and compressed in humorous outlines of flab before they bounced off and began to call to the guards to open up. Meanwhile, Grief and Cade did their best to lug bulging midsections to recapture their equally tubby captives.

Callum banged against the door in successive thuds while Denya called out loudly, and both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard shuffling on the other side. He could sense the guards pulling it open in a slow grating manner, and smiled to Denya before looking back and nearly yelping in shock. Cade and Grief were closing in with roughly the same speed the gate was opening. The two drakes bounced and wobbled as their bulging midriffs compressed softly against one another in boisterous lunges to get closer to the gate.

Callum was the first to attempt to squeeze through the narrowed opening, feeling his flab squish idly between the rough-hewn logs of the gate's entry. He wiggled a bit, cursing under his breath before uttering a surprised yell when Denya gave him a stolid push from behind. Slowly he fell through and looked back to see how his doughy draolf of a friend was faring.

Wasting no time, the corpulent canine dove head first after his doughy friend, only to stop halfway once his midsection got caught at it’s widest point. “Gyaaaah! Help me help me!” he cried out in a not-so-heroic tone as he looked at the dragons closing in on him fearfully. With Callum’s pulling, Denya slowly managed to squeeze through the narrow crevice right as Grief’s claws suddenly bore through the tiny gate, barely missing his target by a hair.

Denya collapsed on his back as he looked out the gate, his breathing coming in rapid gasps due to the adrenaline surging through his flabby body. He could see Grief roaring and clawing at the steel bars, as well as Cade standing in the background looking slightly apprehensive. “Gyah! Damn it! We were so close!” Grief grumbled as he smacked the gate one last time, his arm flab wobbling from the impact. Seeking for something to vent his anger at, the tubby dragon turned his gaze towards the flabby brown elkdrake behind him. “If you’d have ran faster, we could have caught up to them, you ridiculous overgrown marshmallow!”

Cade attempted to hide from the grey drake’s anger, drooping his ears lightly and pressing his legs comfortingly into the pillowy sides of his gut. “My bad, Grief,” he

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mumbled, drawing one claw around in the dirt. He could tell that there’d be no reasoning with the grumpy reptile, so he simply decided to play along a bit. After a moment of pouting, the elkdrake’s ears swiveled back to their usual position and his thick, brown tail began wagging once more. “But at least we have them trapped,” he noted, eyeing the surrounding settlement. The two fatties would have nowhere to run, but in circles thanks to the wall encircling the settlement. As Grief pondered his ridiculous partner’s words, Callum leaned forward heavily and clasped a paw on Denya’s back.

“Looks like we’re all right for the time being,” he said with a grin, before looking to the guards surrounding them. “And thank you all for allowing us in,” the drake continued, attempting to show his gratitude, but still overcome by the lack of breath in his lungs. The reptile’s belly heaved and flopped lightly from shallow intakes, and a similar jiggling motion from the paw that rested on his friend’s shoulder suggested that Denya was in a similar state. “How are you fairing, buddy?” He asked the flabby draolf with concern.

“I’m… fine,” Denya grumbled in between breaths, a paw resting on his soft stomach. Leaning forward, the heavy draolf slowly crawled his way back up to a standing position. Looking to the two guards, a hyena and a weasel, Denya grabbed and shook both of their hands. “Thank you so much for helping us out. You won’t believe the kind of hell they put us through.”

“It must not be that bad if you’re still too fat to see your feet,” the weasel immediately retorted, eyeing the draolf and dragon’s quivering bellies. He was quickly rewarded with a jab in the ribs by his spotted coworker, an embarrassed blush spread on his face. “Sorry about that, his tongue is as sharp as a knife.”

Callum rose an eyebrow and stepped forward, using his height and flab to dwarf the weasel. He crossed his arms, angled his gut to be level with the rodent’s nose, and settled his blue eyes squarely on the weasel’s face which came just shy of his chest. “As fat as we are,” the drake said in an unusually cold voice, “There is no denying that we just sprinted fifteen miles away from the two drakes responsible for our bulk.” He allowed the thought to sink in, before continuing, “There’s a good time to crack jokes, and I’m sure we both,” he motioned to the mellow draolf, “Would appreciate the sentiment, but after that entire experience I’d choose your words just a little more carefully.”

The weasel’s face went deadpan for a moment, while the hyena accompanying him jostled the small fur out of the way. “Scoot over, Crane,” he said, before looking to the two wide-set anthros. “Again, I apologize for his words, he’s just a quick wit,” the hyena excused with a peacemaking pat on the drake’s shoulder.

Callum sighed and relaxed his tense position, before looking to Denya who’d come up to his side. “Thanks,” he said evenly, “And I suppose I’m sorry too, we’ve just had a long day.” All four of them cringed as a bang on the gates indicated the cause of

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their distress. Turning his attention back to the leopard, he extended one paw and said, “My name is Callum by the way,” before patting his draolf companion on their bulbous, furry middle, “And this is Denya.”

“Nice to meet you,” Denya said to the weasel, although his tone was anything but nice. Still, he shook the two guards hands, the hyena introducing himself as Tramel, knowing full well that he owed his life to the two gatekeepers.

Fortunately, the weasel and hyena didn’t pick up on this hostility as they grabbed the two chubby dragons by the shoulders affectionately, turning them around to face the large town. “Welcome to Salamdastron!” the hyena exclaimed.

Callum’s eyes widened at the enthusiasm, wincing once more as he heard Grief throw their flabby belly against the door like a bunker. The village was an assortment of comely, wooden buildings with a main street that ran from the gate where they stood, and all the way through the comfortable settlement. “It’s very...nice,” he grunted, feeling his shoulders bunch under the hyena’s grip.

He grinned as Crane slapped Denya’s furry gut and said, “We provide quite an excellent choice in foods too!” He unleashed a laugh, which was accompanied by the jovial Tramel. Callum smiled at the thought of food before growing concerned by their slight lack of clothing. Both only had their cotton trousers on, leaving plenty of scaly flesh and furred belly hanging immodestly from their frames. He grinned to his fattened companion, “I suppose we might need some clothes before we venture any further.”

“Good idea,” Denya mumbled as he looked down at his naked person. Fortunately, his extra heft came in use for once as it blocked just enough of him so he wouldn’t be considered indecent. Still, after the adrenaline of running away from a psychotic dragon and his blubbery friend wore off, the tubby draolf was starting to realize now how out of place he was dressed in only his birthday suit. Turning to the hyena and weasel, he asked kindly. “Erm, do you know a place where we could get new clothes?”

“Of course!” Tramel exclaimed before the sharp-tongued mustelid could respond. “We have some spare clothes you two could keep. They might not exactly, uh, fit well, but it’s better than nothing right?” With a smile, the quirky hyena walked along the wall with the chubby duo, leading them to a small outpost in the shape of a large tower looming over the outer wall. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to climb up,” Tramel chuckled, noting the worried looks Denya and Callum casted as they stared up at the giant structure.

A visible sigh of relief returned the full roundness to both companions’ forms as they padded up to the imposing tower’s entrance and were lead inside. Despite the intimidating appearance, the guard’s quarters on the inside of the structure were roomy, warm, and surprisingly welcoming. Tramel padded over to a wardrobe

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where extra uniforms were kept and rooted around for a couple sets of clothing. Crane resided next to the bulbous knights, occasionally casting a nervous glance their way, as if he expected one to sit on him at any given moment.

After a moment, the hyena finally acquired his desired clothes and turned to present them to the bare-bellied friends. Callum’s eyes widened as he realized immediately that the fits were intended for an anthro of their relative height, but certainly not their blubbery girth. Casting a glance at Denya, he offered an encouraging smile to the equally dubious draolf, before attempting to squeeze the shirt on. It was a struggle from the beginning, as the airy cotton fabric immediately wrapped itself snugly around his squished scales and compressed tightly. He smirked to himself with the simple notion that his doughy companion seemed to be having just as much trouble as he did.

Denya knew he was in trouble when he was having issues just getting his fat head through the shirt’s head hole. After a bit of pulling, the doughy draolf managed to fit the grey garment on, although a large portion of his stomach was visible. The sleeves of the shirt clung tightly to his thick arms up to his elbows. His pants barely fit better, making Denya very grateful the cotton was stretchy. His wide thighs took up all of the space inside his blue leggings, forcing him to spread his legs out widely and waddle about in order to prevent ripping the fabric. Despite his embarrassing situation, Denya was glad he wasn’t the only one suffering as he saw Callum in the same predicament, the pudgy dragon’s arms and legs spread out almost like a star.

The flabby drake felt intense pressure closing in over his fattened form in numerous places. He had trouble moving about, with his legs reduced to the lightest steps in order to calm the creaking cotton, which clung and strangled his thickened thighs like a noose. His arms bunched and creased with the strain of the additional restraints of his shirt, and he could only look down far enough to see his soft, grey form squeezed into a ridiculous muffin top what matched his companion’s black and grey colored one.

Callum couldn’t help an amused smirk crossing his face as he made eye contact with the two guards. The poor hyena and weasel were trying their best to hold in a great deal of mirth. Raising one eyebrow, the drake turned to his bulky companion knowingly, winked, and said, “Watch this.” He pressed his softened flab lightly and distorted the silvered flesh to allow for a tiny rip to appear, causing his gut to surge forward slightly and relax. The ridiculous sight proved too much for the tortured guards and they doubled over in laughter, venting their bemusement in short, shallow fits. Turning to his bulky, draolf friend he said, “Feel free to make yourself a bit more comfortable.”

“No need to ask me twice!” Denya exclaimed as he immediately bent his knees, two large tears appearing along his thickened thighs, giving him plenty more legroom. Feeling much more comfortable, the pudgy draolf heaved a sigh of relief, unintentionally splitting a bit of his collar, giving his neck flab a bit more space to

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breath. Of course, none of those actions were without the sounds of the hyena and weasel laughing their faces off, Tramel proving just how loud his species can laugh while Crane came close. Still, even the normally-embarrassed draolf couldn’t help but feel a grin spread on his chubby features. Sure, this situation was rather awkward, but he knew he could lose all this weight in a matter of weeks.

Things weren’t looking quite so optimistic outside of Salamdastron, however. While the two anthros were exchanging laughs with their new friends, Grief was pacing anxiously outside the castle walls, his bulbous belly wobbling every time he turned rapidly. Behind him, Cade sat and watched anxiously as his hefty superior continued his patrol. After a moment of this, the elkdragon’s spherical gut let out a large grumble, alerting both fat dragons’ attention. “Hey Grief?” Cade called out hesitantly, a fearful smile appearing on his face as the scaled and furry dragon suddenly stared daggers at him. “M-maybe if we fuel up on food, we can get a running start and fly over the wa-”

“No, we’re not getting food!” Grief exclaimed, bringing his pointed snout dangerously close to Cade’s rounded muzzle. “It’s because you spend so much time stuffing your face that we lost those damn anthros! If you hadn’t been fattening yourself up like some pampered pillow we would still be forcing those bloated knights to eat until they took up the entire prison! I hope you’re happy with yourself, you roasted marshmallow, because this is all your fault!” he spat.

The elkdrake’s ears folded lower and retreated beneath his antlers from the verbal onslaught. He pressed his fluffy limbs lightly into the comfort of his belly, as if the action would repel the majority of his mentor’s piercing words. Adopting a cowed look in his green eyes, the furry softie ground up the remnants of his courage to propose another possibility. “Well, how about…” he paused and grinned sheepishly as Grief’s menacing growl sent tremors through his metallic-toned belly, “...We split up and traverse the borders of the village?” Cade asked, his soft voice full of imploring hope.

His logic held up more than the previous suggestion of breaching the walls by way of extra food. The silky drake watched Grief’s unique, soft tail flicker in consideration, while Cade’s heavy one thumped lightly to convey a rising sense of anticipation. He held his breath and rested on his rotund form as he waited for his flabby compatriot to come to a conclusion.

After a while, Grief snorted and nodded. “About time you came up with a sensible idea yourself. I was afraid I would have to do all the hard thinking. I’m glad I’m starting to rub off on you,” he muttered. Looking towards the East, the heavy dragon raised a claw and pointed, his elbow digging into his furry gut rather heavily. “You head this way, I’ll head the other way. We’ll meet on the opposite end of the city in a half an hour.” the grumpy dragon exclaimed before heading off to the West. However, a few steps in, he paused and turned around. “And, if they try and escape…

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you may use them as pillows,” he mumbled as if those words were poison to his mouth.

Cade’s thick, fluffy form went rigid with excitement at the last muttering, his entire body wiggling with his thick slab of a tail. The elkdrake forgot his preoccupations with the grumpy dragon and he bounded over to apply a grateful embrace to the fattened dragon. “Oh thank you, Grief!” He exclaimed, his entire, bulbous form wobbling from anticipation, “I’ll be sure to stuff them properly beforehand and everything.” The antlered drake unleashed an involuntary purr as he was eventually batted away from the glowering, grey-hued reptile.

“Ugh, save your clinginess for when you capture the anthros,” Grief grumbled as he pushed away the overly affectionate dragon, noticing how deep his paws went into the elkdragon’s doughy midsection. Before he left to make his own rounds around the mighty keep, the heavy scaled and furred dragon quickly remembered one last piece of advice for Cade. “When you encounter any anthros, make sure to bare your fangs and roar out at them, perhaps stomp the ground a little as well. You want to scare the little jerks into thinking you’re a fierce being so they won’t attack you right away. That’s how we managed to take over that last town easily was due to my frightful appearance, after all,” Grief explained, a slight smile forming on his mouth from that last sentence.

Cade managed to rid himself of his dopey grin long enough to nod sincerely, "I'll do my best," he said in a soft voice. He attempted his best to imitate the steel-toned slab of drake's ferocious demeanor, and unleashed a deep-throated rumble that simply jiggled the pillowy flab strapped heavily around his midsection. After a moment he took the hint from Grief's scalding gaze and waddled off down the fence perimeter to find a point of entry. His soft footsteps accompanied by a faint thud as his silky barrel of a middle squished against the fence when he passed too closely. His long ears periodically swiveled to pick up any alerts, for his quarry.

Despite his rather slow progress, Cade was unknowingly waddling closer to his targets. The two chubby anthros had walked through the entire time, ogling at the impressive sights from within while being led by the two guards who rescued them earlier. Salamdastron was certainly much larger and more populous than their home town, every street they walked through was constantly crowded with furs of all species bustling about. After half an hour of this, however, enough was enough.

Denya’s tongue lolled out his muzzle in a canine fashion, panting for breath as he sluggishly carried one foot past the next. “Oof, I can’t take this walking anymore! I feel like we’ve been on foot since this morning! How much farther is this pub?” the pudgy draolf whimpered, his round belly letting out a slight growl.

“Keep your pants on, we’re almost there!” Crane responded back sharply, the thin weasel not one to be rushed.

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Face palming at his co-worker’s brash personality, Tramel turned around and apologized. “Er, sorry about my friend’s behavior. He’s not much of a walker himself, heh. We should be arriving very soon, however.”

Callum's blue tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle as he followed his doughy companion. "I hope so," he said, shifting lightly in the tightened clothes as they bulged against his blubbery form, "Because these pants feel like they're about to g--"


The drake went deathly still as his face went from silver to ruby in a heartbeat. Luckily the tear seemed to have originated along the side of his supple thigh rather than anywhere more exposing. Of course, that didn't stop the small weasel from unleashing a braying laugh while Tramel politely covered his mouth to keep his own mirth from escaping. Turning to his companion he said, "We'd better find that tavern quickly."

The drake sighed and patted his corpulent friend on a soft-furred shoulder while Crane's chittering amusement continued to ring out. As the small group finally approached the tavern, Callum held the door open to Denya. "After you," he said in a bemused time.

As the doughy draolf passed him, Callum's gaze lifted to widen in sheer terror as he saw Cade's head loom around the corner of the back gate. The marshmallow spotted the two instantly and let loose a triumphant cry before recalling Grief's instructions.

Padding forward, the furry drake bared his teeth and readied himself to intimidate to corpulent pair of furs along side the spellbound guards. The effect was slightly ruined by his rigorous attempts to squeeze his doughy middle through the smaller gate; the sturdy wooden posts pushing into voluminous, silky flab unrelentingly. "Prepare..urf..prepare, puny pillows..eff..to face my migh-huff..mighty vengeance!" With a pop, he finally came free of the gate and padded over to the group of astonished anthros. None of whom were certain of what to do next. Callum gripped his own gut apprehensively before looking to Denya questioningly.

“Uh…” Denya mumbled as he looked from the ruined gate to the voluptuous dragon before him, his mass still quivering after squeezing through the aperture. Normally, the chubby draolf would quickly turn tail and run in the opposite direction away from such an imposing figure, but seeing that Grief was nowhere to be seen, he thought it might be better to try and reason with the big brown ball of fluff. Despite Cade’s words, it was obviously evident that he clearly had no intention of attacking..

“H-hey now, let’s not resort to violence here,” Denya said in a fake fearful voice, raising his paws above his head defensively. “Such a big and powerful creature like yourself could easily crush us just by sitting on us!” As embarrassing and awkward as his situation was, the doughy draolf would do anything to delay Cade from

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advancing on them and recapturing them again. Hoping that he was buying enough time for the city to notice a large dragon had entered the area, Denya quickly cast a glance at Callum, asking to back him up.

Cade paused for a moment, settling onto his flabby haunches and thumping his furry tail in consideration. Callum gulped and stepped forward, gripping the heavy lovehandles of his midsection nervously. “Aren’t you tired of being subjected to Grief’s orders? He seems a little rough cut for someone as….soft as you.” The fat dragon hoped he could reason with the toasted elkdrake, who titled their head, the two elongated ears swiveling in contemplation.

“Well, he certainly doesn’t hold soft things in high regard,” the plush furry monolith reasoned, thumping his tail nervously, “And he orders me around all the time despite my best efforts.” The marshmallow of a dragon settled onto their pillowy abdomen and grabbed Callum by his midriff, bringing him closer and then laying him on the cobblestone.

The drake had no idea what Cade was playing at until the elkdrake rested the hefty muzzle on his soggy midriff, situating it and testing him as if he were a fruit. “And I knew it! Perfect pillows,” he used one soft forepaw to knead the drake’s bulky midriff before reaching out and snagging Denya too. The hybrid underwent a similar treatment, with Cade grumbling his findings.

Callum was beginning to think that none of them were in any true danger with the silken drake whatsoever, but the sentiment quickly changed when another entity peered around the gate. The drake gulped and scooted back, clasping his draolf friend on the shoulder for reassurance. Grief had found them.

“Huh, just when I thought you were nothing but dead weight to me,” Grief remarked as he lowered his head to squeeze through the gate. As with Cade, the furry and scaly dragon’s midriff met strong resistance with the gate, forcing him to push against the wall with his forepaws until finally squeezing through. Walking around, Grief sat down as he looked at the two chubby anthros currently held pinned under the brown dragon’s fat head. “Most impressive, Cade. I didn’t think you had it in you. I’m glad my teachings are finally starting to make an impression on you,” the dragon said, the slightest hint of a smile appearing on his muzzle.

Realizing they definitely were in a ton of trouble, Denya grunted and pushed against Cade’s head, his paws sinking into the dragon’s chubby cheek uselessly. Looking up, the draolf was disappointed to see the weasel and hyena were gone, possibly to search for help. While he didn’t consider himself religious, Denya prayed to any god who was listening that Cade would keep his head on them long enough for the guards to come back with reinforcements.

Unfortunately there was no such luck for the portly pair, was the elkdrake was ordered to resign his position of their bellies. Instead, Grief had Callum and Denya

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rise and promptly lead them to a stable where he ‘rearranged’ a stall to hold the two knights captive once more. In short time, Cade was back under the fearful influence of the intimidating slab of drake, and followed Grief over to the tavern to gather up food. The slate-grey drake had intentions to pick up where he’d left off in their previous town, and was entirely more dedicated to the task.

“Go fetch our prisoners some food, Cade. Anything you find will suffice. Make sure to bring back some for me too,” Grief said as he laid down on his belly in front of the stables, his flanks bulging out to each side of him. It wasn’t often that the portly dragon would call anyone by their real names, and he knew it too. Perhaps he was starting to get a little soft on the fluffy marshmallow, despite his annoying obsession with pillows. Eitherways, he couldn’t care less what his feelings to him were as long as he carried out orders like a good student.

Not only did the poor anthros have to deal with being put back in a prison, but now they had to endure the constant gaze from the dragon’s slitted eyes. Every time Denya or Callum even got close to the outer edges of the wall, Grief would shine a toothy smile as if saying “yeah, I dare you to try and escape, just see what happens!” With a dejected sigh from both chubby anthros, they sat back down in the middle of the stable, finally accepting their capture.

As Callum and Denya awaited Cade’s return, they searched for ways of escape, hoping they’d find another means of departure. There was no such luck, and Cade soon returned from the plundered tavern with another ridiculous amount of food. Apparently the guards and inhabitants of the town had all taken residence in the opposite portion of the settlement. Meaning there’d be no inkling of protection from them in the near future.

Upon seeing Cade waddle back with a plethora of meats, pies, potatoes, and other country delicacies, Callum unleashed a light moan and whimper at his predicament. Looking to Denya, he took a little solace in the fact that he could at least rely on his friend for support, ample or no. And for now, the two of them were faced with yet another expansive challenge.

Grinning at his partner-in-crime’s return, Grief swiftly helped Cade dump most of the delicious foods into the stable, leaving a sizable amount for himself. “Due to your foolhardy decision of trying to escape from us, you two will now be eating under a stricter schedule,” the grey and black dragon growled as he slid a pie down his gullet. “When you’re not eating, you’re sleeping, and when you’re not sleeping, you’re eating. Failure to do so will result in me suddenly craving fat anthros for dinner, understand?”

Seeing no other alternative, Callum and Denya nodded back, the draolf’s ears folding back as he looked at the large mushy pile of food before them. Taking a deep sigh, he quickly sat onto his rear and grabbed a handful of mashed potatoes, feeling a seam

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rip along his rear. “May as well try to enjoy this,” he muttered as he took small, savory bites of the food, trying to delay his inevitable food coma.

Callum couldn't deny that, after their little stint through the woods, he was more than a little hungry. Despite the dejected nature of being captured once more, he managed to snag a considerable amount of food and begin to sate his appetite. His belly settled heavily in his lap, gurgling contentedly from the warm food and straining against his tightened form. Scooting over, he rested his soft, scaly shoulder against his draolf companion and sighed, continuing to down additional food. The eating slowly grew cyclical and Callum found himself entirely detached from just how much food he or Denya were consuming.

Already used to the pattern of eating and overeating due to their previous weeks, Denya quickly lost sight of time as he continued bringing more and more food to his maw. Both anthros’ stomachs began growing rounder and tighter as the day continued, their tight shirts exposing more and more of their grey bellies. An hour later, neither Callum nor Denya could eat another bite, both of their stomachs bigger than a beach ball, yet tighter than a drum. Groaning in discomfort, as well as feeling a sudden wave of sleepiness take over, Denya quickly fell to his side, his first descent stopping when his head bounced on his friend’s tightened stomach and rested there.

Meanwhile, Grief continued to watch the two painfully full anthros playfully, as if he were witnessing a play. “Isn’t it amazing, Cade, how quickly those fools put on weight?” the rude dragon asked, an evil sneer spreading across his face. “I bet if we wanted to, we could feed them until they outgrow the entire stable! This only proves to serve my theory that anthros serve no point on this planet other than to be cultivated as livestock for us upper beings. Gluttonous pigs,” he chortled, before remembering the food that Cade had brought back for him as well. Glad that he was given mostly meats (with a few pastries added in for flavor) Grief began chowing down on his portion, filling up his cavernous stomach.

Cade could only go along with what his steel-toned mentor said, idly sitting by on a pillowy belly as he watched. Part of him was hopeful that the surplus of food would bequeath him with wonderful pillows, while another nipped at his gentle disposition. It was evident the fluffy drake possessed a bit more caring and understanding for others than his sharp-edged partner, and he often thought about what he might be able to enjoy if he were independent. He kept the notion quiet, and continued to use his blubbery hide as a means of transferring food to the fattened prisoners.

A few weeks has passed since Denya and Callum’s fateful recapture, although to the anthro pair it felt like it was only a few days. Just as Grief said, when they weren’t stuffing their faces, they were sleeping off the incredible amounts of food before waking up to yet again more delicious delicacies. It was amazing Salamdastron managed to produce such a plentiful harvest just to feed the two swelling prisoners, as well as the fat dragons guarding over them.

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Of course, such a bountiful influx of nutrients did have it’s effects on all four dragon’s bodies. Both knights found themselves literally tearing out of their clothes with every night, their excess flab pouring through the ever-increasing wears and tears their clothing had. It was easy to determine their rate of growth by comparing how much more of their bellies were showing, or how much wider the holes in their clothes were. As for the two feral dragons, they managed to pile on a bit of excess poundage as well, although it wasn’t nearly as noticeable as Denya and Callum’s weight gain. Still, it was easy to tell when a dragon would come back with their meals due to the ground shaking beneath their heavy bodies.

Cade found himself growing additionally pudgy in form and increasingly sympathetic to his two billowing pillows. He was the one responsible for gauging the increase in Denya and Callum’s ever-softening forms, utilizing his fluffy snout to nudge, nuzzle, and indulge in their flabby forms. Each time the drake and hybrid waddled out, their movements felt slightly heavier, and would often use the small moments of freedom to ascertain any knowledge to secure their escape. Unfortunately for the bulging prisoners, their main hope of escape seemed entirely too fond of resting its furry mug in the vast adipose wrapped heavily around their wastes.

Once the toasted marshmallow was done 'testing' them, Grief would shoulder his way in and roughly guide them back to their prison. Callum and Denya would slowly waddle back into the confines, stooped over bellies that sagged level with their knees. Once back in, the routine would begin once again, and the two would be stuffed tight with food and sleep into the next day. Callum found his heavy form relying heavily on the company of his friend. Both physically and mentally.

Just like his flabby friend, Grief had also began packing on a few extra pounds as well. While normally being the one to watch his own weight, the cruel drake was having fun teasing and taunting the rounding anthros, comparing their growing weights to pigs being fattened up for the slaughter. Due to his evil enjoyment, he had started to pay less and less attention to his waistline, instead indulging himself on the multitude of treats he would make Cade leave to fetch. The surplus food and the lack of exercise needed to keep their prisoners’ in check allowed Grief to swell out even further, his bulbous belly spreading further with each passing night whenever he laid on his stomach.

By comparison, Cade’s own chocolate-hued form began to even out with his steeled companion. The bulky fluff ball was slightly more preoccupied with feeding his companion and obsessing over the corpulence of his pillows to allow his belly to gain additional girth. As his silky expanse squished and brushed lightly against the cobbled street, he found himself growing increasingly aware of Grief’s accumulated girth. He kept the notion to himself for obvious reasons, but still found the steel-softie’s state to be a rather refreshing change of pace. For the moment, he was intent

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on presenting the newest batch of food to his corpulent subjects, and padded into the stable to look in on his fattened cushions.

Denya moaned as he was aroused from his sleep by Cade’s loud stomping, the obese draolf groaning as he realized what the familiar treading was. With a drawn out sigh, he slowly leaned forward, a process growing more and more tedious as his stomach ballooned in front of him. Eventually, he managed to sit upright, his massive gut flowing onto his lap and jiggling. “Hey, Callum, it’s time to eat,” Denya muttered as he shook the silver dragon’s massive tummy, feeling the endless rolls jiggle and wobble.

Callum grabbed onto the draolf’s belly to right himself up, smiling lightly as he heard a satisfying ‘oof’ from his doughy companion. The drake found his paw sinking half a foot into the grey-furred expanse with almost no give, providing a solid testament to just how rounded the two had become. Once he was upright, the drake’s belly settled in a similarly heavy fashion onto his adipose-layered lap, burying it under a warm mass of scales. Looking up to see a brown furred muzzle tilted curiously, he couldn’t help but smile at just how ridiculous the cervid drake was. Then he saw the mass of food residing within the elkdrake’s paws and kneaded his enormous middle comfortingly. “Ready for another meal?” he asked his draolf companion.

“Of course not,” Denya mumbled, rubbing his squishy midsection. As soon as he said that, however, a loud growl emanated from his flabby belly, quickly disproving his previous statement as a lie. Naturally, due to stuffing their stomachs to the brim for days on end, both fur’s appetite had grown quite a bit, allowing them to eat much more food than before. Unfortunately, this only proved to help add to their weight further. With a heavy sigh, Denya grabbed a huge chunk of freshly roasted chicken and started eating ravenously.

Callum followed suit, nabbing a hefty portion of lamb and stuffing himself once more. He rested his elbows into the upper curvature of his gut, murring as his stomach slowly distended with the over abundance of food in his midst. Looking to Denya, he saw a similar sight of the draolf leaned over, his vast midriff creasing into rolls as he made his way through a stolid portion of the burgeoning feast.

As they ate, Cade retained his position atop his own bulk, squishing into the silky mass as he pressed his muzzle against the entrance. A longing sigh escaped his furry mug as he watched his pillows steadily expand once more, raising their guts from sagging masses to taught domes bulging three feet in diameter. As moans escaped the prisoners upon the commencement of their feast, and they lost connection to the outside world; Cade padded back from the stable and outside where Grief fed his own ample girth with even more food. The cervid drake made up his mind; he would have his cushions that night for himself.

Sleep came quickly for the bloated prisoners, overwhelming them with the same weight their middles did. With each passing breath the anthros found themselves on

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the cusp of unconsciousness and could only embrace it warmly. The distended orbs resting heavily upon them radiated with twinges of fullness, and the process of transforming said tightness into pillowy flab began to add more layers to their ever-softening physiques. Callum slipped into his sleep by gently falling muzzle first into the oversized belly of his compatriot, while Denya simply craned his head back against the wall. His multiple chins settling seamlessly into his fluffy chest.

Their deepened sleep was unexpectedly interrupted that night, when Cade snuck past the bulging, slumbering figure of his partner and squeezed as much of himself into the barn as he could. Arcing his head and neck over the stall door and into the prison, he gently nudged at Denya’s grey, furry dome. The marshmallow took a moment to nuzzle the mass indulgently and rub his fuzzy nose over its curvature, purring from the thick resistance he received. After a light wag wiggled through his bulky form, the cervid drake poked his nose more firmly into the hefty hybrid’s midsection to awaken him. The motion was successful, and soon Cade was greeted with a stirring, dazed, and exceedingly corpulent draolf.

“Urf..wha-?” Denya grumbled as the elkdragon’s fat head flomped onto his doughy belly. Groaning from the heavy weight, the pudgy draolf pushed at his captor’s squishy cheeks, but to no avail. Heaving an annoyed sigh, Denya began poking the edge of Cade’s snout. “Hey, tubby. Can you ease off a bit. Your head’s really heavy,” the draolf complained, all the while poking the dragon’s nose.

Heaving a large snort, the elkdrake flicked one ear and laid it over Denya’s muzzle to stifle the impediment of his enjoyment. He would have no interruptions in indulging in his hard work to obtain the softened resting places, even if they were emanating from the cushions themselves. A light muffle resounded from the heavy hybrid’s muzzle, but eventually the protesting was quieted. Snorting lightly, Cade maintained his fluffy retention on the flabby draolf and shuffled forward a bit more to rest his muzzle on the second mound of flab.

Callum was roused a bit quicker than his companion, and couldn’t help but loosen another chuckle at the source of his awakening. He was currently staring at the heavy muzzle of their marshmallow captor, and his middle was being squeezed and squished heavily thanks to the large weight resting atop it. Looking over, his mirth deepened as he saw Denya laid back, with his arms crossed, and one dense, fluffy ellipse splayed over his muzzle and chest.

Reaching up, the drake moaned lightly from the incredible weight pressing down on him, but he still lifted one paw and placed it curiously on Cade’s muzzle. He found the notion to comfort the monolithic fluff drake to be irresistible and chuckled when a light scratch issued a quivering purr and light tail thump from the blissful softy. Unfortunately, while the trio were having a relatively pleasant time, Cade’s tail swatting Grief squarely in the face repeatedly warranted the opposite. The unfortunate, flabby trio were subject to the whims of the intimidating, though quite corpulent, steel-toned dragon.

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With a menacing snort, Grief quickly snatched the brown fluffy tail, his sharp claws digging into the appendage rather painfully. “If you touch me with this thing again I’ll yank it right off!” the moody dragon growled. His foul mood only grew worse as he noticed Cade’s head much lower on the ground than usual.

Using the elk dragon's tail to pull himself up, Grief slowly wobbled to his feet, his enlarged belly dangling from underneath him. Panting from the effort to haul his heavy body up, the broad dragon scowled at the sight before him. “What’s this?! Using the prisoners as pillows again!? Do you have no self control?” Grief roared at Cade, practically seething with anger. Seeing no response from the sensitive dragon, Grief shoved at Cade’s upper body, knocking him off the fat anthros. “You’re supposed to be a fierce drake, not some worthless teddy bear! All of that blubber is making you soft on the inside as well as the outside," Grief snorted, poking the elkdragon's furry stomach.

Turning around, the scaled and furred dragon redirected his wrath towards the anthros. "As for you two, I don't want to see you two indulging my... student in this behavior. From now on, I'm overseeing this operation, and I'll do a hell of a better job fattening you two worthless slobs. And once you're reduced to a large jiggling pile," Grief paused to take a deep breath, a wicked, toothy smile spreading across his muzzle, "then we move on to the next stage of the plan."