Development pro forma

Digital Graphic Narrative Development name

Transcript of Development pro forma

Digital Graphic Narrative



Shape Task

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?

I like how my image came together at the end. Igot to use different techniques to create different effects and I learnt how to add texture from the real image to the photo shopped one.

What would you improve if you did it again?

Possibly improve the colour of my texture so it blends in with the main colour more. I would like to add different textures so it look abit more detailed.





What did you like about your image?I got to use different colours and textures to create the right effect which made me learn how to mix and match the texture with the effects and colours. I also learnt new techniques which became very useful.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would of liked the background not to be as plain as it was, also I would of added more of the original pictures texture but also blended it into the the image I created so the image would have been more effective and detailed.


What did you like about your image?I like how my image includes loads of different photo shopping techniques such as color overlay, color range, and warp which adjusted the picture to make the model’s facial features clear. I also like how there is different shading of each color which settled very well.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this image again I would pick a picture with more color rather than just black gray and white so then the picture could look more alive.

Text Based

Text Based


What did you like about your image?

I like how good they all turned out to be. It was interesting to create something that I would usually see on websites/blogs like Tumbler.

What would you improve if you did it again?

I would possibly add more colour and make it stand out more by adding more detailed pictures inside of the text to create a bigger effect on the reader.

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?I liked how I got to use different effects and see how much one effect can help the image look so much different. My images still show her facial features which means I didn’t over-use the effects

What would you improve if you did it again?

I would possibly improve the sharpness of the photo and maybe use more soft effects rather than sharp effects because sometimes they make the image look over edited.

Photographyhappy Excitement



What did you like about your image?The images represented the emotions very well. We all worked as a team to create the right atmosphere and make the image look like the motions are real and not faked for the camera.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this again I would of maybe replaced the loneliness one with another place rather than a table just to create a more dramatic effect, for example I would of changed the two boys into a couple and then a 3rd person sat away from them looking over and looking upset.

Photography (comic edit)


What did you like about your image?I liked how I turned the real image into a comic image which then created a strong effect so then if I were to use them for my comic book they would create a strong atmosphere for the reader.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do this edit again, I would possibly use lighter edits for some of the pictures so some of the image’s details would be clearer e.g. facial features.



What did you like about your image?

I like how I created different shading using the same colour. Also my mountain has different texture to the rest of the image which makes it stand out.

What would you improve if you did it again?

If I were to do this image again, I would add more details and maybe add more different shades of each colour in certain places such as the sand to create a more realistic image.

Initial Ideas

Mood board of inspirationThe Little Mermaid

Mood board of inspirationHerbie The Car

Herbie The Car

Mood board of chosen idea


There will be 9-10 pages. Each page will be the size of a A5 page.

Story Overview

Herbie the car is the fastest racing car around. Everyone got jealous of him and he didn’t have many friends due to his amazing talent. One day, a big mean truck came and destroys little Herbie because Herbie won him in a race. Herbie was found on the side of a small road by a gorgeous mini called Millie. She saved his life, and he fell in love. He went back to race and stood up for himself. Millie started racing as well and supporting Herbie.

Export Format

P.D.F – Possible Document Format

Advantages: PDF files will always reproduce your original file without losing quality. It’s very simple and fast to create a PDF file. Once you save your work as a PDF and you wanted to email it to someone, they can no longer edit it, which means your original piece will be the same everywhere.

Disadvantages: Large Files can take a while to download. The computer must have Adobe Reader plug-in for a PDF file to work. It’s only supported by Mac and Windows systems which means Linux and UNIX users can not view any PDF files.


16th of October 2014.


I’m targeting 2-6 year olds. Simply because there is not much writing, its mostly pictures. Children love pictures, they get intrigued by animated photos. I reckon more boys will be interesting in my book due to how it involved racing and cars. For the time being I’m targeting the United Kingdom due to the difference between American English and British English.

Production Methods

I'm going to use Photoshop to create my animated pictures through rotoscopingthem and that will help me create the main events of the story. I'm choosing to use rotoscoping because the textures come through very well, so while the picture is animated its also got realistic features. These animated photos will be telling the story as well as showing the emotions. Once each picture gets finished, it will be put onto PowerPoint with the writing to create the story.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Well detailed in your description, well done. The

story is generic as it comes but alas, isn’t that the

case with all children's story’s. Actually, I can’t

pinpoint that as a fault, the story is easy to follow

and that would probably be more suitable for


The font you have used would be great for the tital

perhaps, but as the standard font throughout the

story it would probably be unwise to use (im just

nitpicking here, you seem to have covered

everything pretty good ).

The one thing I would say, in your overview for the

story………. DOES HE WIN THE RACE??

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

The pictures used are relevant.

Perhaps more variety, but there's not a lot you can

do about that, Herbie is just Herbie.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The advantages and disadvantages of the PDF file

is expressed in detail. The story overview suggests

that you have chosen an audience well suited to

the story and that your story, although taken from a

movie, is original. The production methods are clear

and will show a range of technique.

Overall a very well covered proposal.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

Lots of ideas considered in the mind map to go on

and develop a great mood board and story. A large

range of images collected from the internet and

shown in the mood board and then chosen to

match the story which is specific.

Images could be collected for the setting in which

the book is held and displayed in a mood board.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal shows a clear in depth description of

the story which shows that you have thought this

through in depth.

Audiences have been clearly thought out with

aspects such as age, sex, location etc. as well as

commenting on the differences between

international versions.

Maybe elaborate more on the statement “Children

Love pictures” say why this as appose to text.

Round the story off more as appose to just saying

they work together, give the story more of a


What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been

further developed?

Mood board shows some development of ideas

from the monster truck to the smaller car.

Both mind maps show clear development of the

thought not only with quantity but also with the

ideas explained.

Characters named and explained

Maybe add more concept-like ideas to the mood

board as appose to just the final thing. This will add

a sense of development.

Provide concepts of the other characters as appose

to just the protagonist.

Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

I think overall my feedback was positive. I am well pleased with it, I thought my story wasn’t going to be very good but now my mind has been changed. I enjoyed reading my feedback, I feel like I know what I need to do now to achieve the right story.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?

One of my reviews it says “Maybe elaborate more on the statement “Children Love

pictures” say why this as appose to text.” which I agree with. I need to explain why children prefer images to text and go into more details. Another one is ‘Did he win the race?’ which I should describe when I go the story and not forget the main aim of Herbie’s life rather than the main aim of the story.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

One of my reviews said “Maybe add more concept-like ideas to the mood board as

appose to just the final thing. This will add a sense of development.” I don’t agree. The children will get confused, that’s why stories for early childhood should always be simple. A child’s mind has developed to understand a ‘concept-like idea’.



Suddenly. Millie and Herbie bump into Crazy Dave! ‘lets race little one’ said crazy Dave.

So Crazy Dave and Herbie had a race. The race was so crazy and they were so fast.

Until something bad happened! Crazy Dave crashed into the trees! Oh no! Herbie doesn’t stop, he carries on going and getting faster.

Herbie won the race! He did brilliant! At the end of the race, Millie was waiting for him at the end of the race. ‘Well don’t’ she said.


Original Script

Storyline:When Maggie Peyton graduates from college, her father Ray Peyton Sr. gives an used car from a scrap metal yard as a gift, and she takes a 1963 Volkswagen beetle with the number 53. Maggie finds a letter in the glove compartment telling that the bug's name is Herbie and she visits her friend and mechanic Kevin to check Herbie. They go to a car show where they are challenged by the arrogant champion racer Trip Murphy for a race. Maggie and Herbie win Trip, and the revengeful pilot plots a scheme to take Herbie from Maggie. Trip’s eventual efforts to undermine Herbie lead to the very depressed and abandoned-felling bug’s engagement in a demolition derby where he’s smashed up by a monster truck before Maggie shows up to inspire him

Original Script

Trip: Amazing what a real car can do, isn't it? I got a little proposition. Why don't we raise the stakes. My car for your car. Let's make tomorrow's race for pinks too. Huh? Maggie: I don't know. I mean, Herbie's really special. Trip: Come on. Nobody's gonna take you seriously in that thing. Now, if, uh, you drive home in Trip Murphy's stock car, your dad would be an idiot not to put you on the team. What do you say? For pinks? Maggie: All right.

Maggie: I want to buy Herbie back. Trip: Herbie?Maggie: The Volkswagen. Trip: Oh, yeah, the Bug. I'm sorry. I'd like to help you but you're a little late. Crash just took him out for a little spin. Maggie: Trip, what did you do with him?!

Page 1:

Herbie was the greatest racing car ever. He loved winning but he didn’t have

anyone to share it with. He was very lonely.

Page 2:

There was a BIG truck that hated Herbie.

‘Lets race’ Crazy Dave said.

‘Ready, Steady, GO!’ said the Racing Car as he put threw the white flag onto the


Page 3:

The race started. They were both driving so fast.

Herbie won the race.

Crazy Dave was angry and he Hit Herbie really HARD.


A beautiful Mini called Millie found Herbie in a dull road. She took him to the

hospital and the doctors made him feel better.

‘Who are you?’ said Herbie.

‘I’m Millie the Mini, I saved you from the big crazy truck.

‘Thank you so much’ he said.

Page 5:

Millie and Herbie left the hospital. They were both so happy. They drove to the

top of the road. AND…

Final Script

Page 6:

BANG! they run into Crazy Dave the Truck. ‘Hello little one, nice to see you alive’ said crazy Dave.‘Leave him alone’ said Millie. ‘I wont leave him alone until he races me again’ said Crazy Dave.‘Lets go’ said Herbie.

Page 7:

They go to race. Herbie takes over the big truck. Crazy Dave gets angry and starts to drive really fast!

Until something bad happens.

Page 8: BOOM! The big truck crashes into a tree.

‘OH NO’ said Herbie.

But he didn’t stop. He got faster and faster and he won!!


Page 9:

After the race, Millie and Herbie took Crazy Dave to the hospital.

The doctors told them that Crazy Dave can never race again.

Page 10:

Herbie and Millie are so happy with the Herbie wining the race. They celebrate with all their new friends.

‘I will never stop racing’ said Herbie as everyone cheered.

Final Script

Digital Flat Plans

Page 1

My text will go here.Straight lines and normal words.

Page 2My text will go here. Straight lines but speechon different lines.

Page 3

My text will go here. Some words in harsh bold capital letters.

Page 4My text will go here. Straight lines but speechon different lines.

Page 5

My Text will go here. Some words in harsh bold capital letters.

Page 6My text will go here. Straight lines, speech on different lines and some words in harsh capital bold letters.

Page 7

My text will go here. Straight lines.

Page 8My text will go here. Straight lines, speech on different lines and some words in harsh capital bold letters.

Page 9

My text will go here. Straight lines.

Page 10My text will go here. Straight lines but speechwill go on different lines.

Test Pages

Test Pages

Test Pages