Development of a 100-gram Micro-Cyclocopter Capable of ...

Development of a 100-gram Micro-Cyclocopter Capable of Autonomous Hover Elena Shrestha * , Moble Benedict , Vikram Hrishikeshavan , Inderjit Chopra § Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740 ABSTRACT This paper describes the design, development and hover testing of a cycloidal-rotor aircraft (cyclo- copter) at Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) scale (100 grams). Cycloidal rotor (cyclorotor) is a revolu- tionary vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) concept, which has a horizontal axis of rotation with the blade span parallel to axis and cyclically pitching as it goes around the azimuth to produce a net thrust. The present cyclocopter has a hybrid configuration with two cyclorotors rotating in the same direction and a horizontal tail rotor, which is used to counteract the pitch-up moment produced by the cyclorotors. The independent rotational speed control of the three rotors along with the thrust vectoring capability of cyclorotors make the twin-rotor cyclocopter a highly maneuverable and ver- satile MAV. An innovative light-weight and high strength-to-weight ratio blade design along with a simplified passive blade pitching mechanism enabled the development of an extremely light-weight cyclorotor, which is the key to the success of the present vehicle. An effective control strategy was developed using a combination of rpm control and thrust vectoring to successfully decouple pitch, roll, and yaw controls. Due to the fast vehicle dynamics, a closed-loop feedback controls system implemented through a 1.5 gram onboard processor-sensor board was essential for the stable flight of the vehicle. The present 110 gram twin cyclocopter is smallest cyclocopter in the history to perform a stable autonomous hover. 1. INTRODUCTION Growing interest in highly portable versatile flying plat- forms and recent advancements in microelectronics have led to the development of a scaled-down class of Un- manned Aerial Vehicles known as Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs). MAVs were formally defined as aircraft with maximum dimension of 15 cm and maximum weight of 100 grams by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1997 [1]. DARPA intended to de- velop MAVs into military surveillance platforms that ? Graduate Research Assistant, [email protected] Assistant Research Scientist, [email protected] Postdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected] § Alfred Gessow Professor and Director, [email protected] Presented at the 38th European Rotorcraft Forum, September 4- 7, 2012. Copyright ©2012 by the National Aerospace Laboratory. All rights reserved. would increase situational awareness and reduce unit exposure times. Since then, applications of MAVs have ranged from reconnaissance, terrain mapping, and search and rescue in both military and civilian settings. For these type of missions, high endurance, maneuver- ability, and the ability to tolerate and overcome envi- ronmental disturbances such as wind gusts are critical requirements for MAVs. Within the past decade, nu- merous successful MAVs have been developed that ful- fill many of these requirements. The existing vehicles can be classified into three major categories: fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and flapping-wing MAVs. Fixed-wing MAVs are the most prevalent due to their high endurance-to-weight ratio and mechanical simplicity. One particular example is Aeroenviron- ment’s Black Widow that weighs 80 grams and has an endurance of 30 minutes [2]. Although highly ef- ficient, fixed-wing MAVs are incapable to hover and hence cannot be used in confined spaces such as indoor environments. In such scenarios, rotary-wing MAVs

Transcript of Development of a 100-gram Micro-Cyclocopter Capable of ...

Page 1: Development of a 100-gram Micro-Cyclocopter Capable of ...

Development of a 100-gram Micro-Cyclocopter Capable of

Autonomous Hover

Elena Shrestha ∗, Moble Benedict †, Vikram Hrishikeshavan ‡, Inderjit Chopra §

Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center, Department of Aerospace Engineering,University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740


This paper describes the design, development and hover testing of a cycloidal-rotor aircraft (cyclo-copter) at Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) scale (∼100 grams). Cycloidal rotor (cyclorotor) is a revolu-tionary vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) concept, which has a horizontal axis of rotation withthe blade span parallel to axis and cyclically pitching as it goes around the azimuth to produce a netthrust. The present cyclocopter has a hybrid configuration with two cyclorotors rotating in the samedirection and a horizontal tail rotor, which is used to counteract the pitch-up moment produced bythe cyclorotors. The independent rotational speed control of the three rotors along with the thrustvectoring capability of cyclorotors make the twin-rotor cyclocopter a highly maneuverable and ver-satile MAV. An innovative light-weight and high strength-to-weight ratio blade design along with asimplified passive blade pitching mechanism enabled the development of an extremely light-weightcyclorotor, which is the key to the success of the present vehicle. An effective control strategy wasdeveloped using a combination of rpm control and thrust vectoring to successfully decouple pitch,roll, and yaw controls. Due to the fast vehicle dynamics, a closed-loop feedback controls systemimplemented through a 1.5 gram onboard processor-sensor board was essential for the stable flight ofthe vehicle. The present 110 gram twin cyclocopter is smallest cyclocopter in the history to performa stable autonomous hover.


Growing interest in highly portable versatile flying plat-forms and recent advancements in microelectronics haveled to the development of a scaled-down class of Un-manned Aerial Vehicles known as Micro Air Vehicles(MAVs). MAVs were formally defined as aircraft withmaximum dimension of 15 cm and maximum weight of100 grams by the Defense Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (DARPA) in 1997 [1]. DARPA intended to de-velop MAVs into military surveillance platforms that

? Graduate Research Assistant, [email protected]† Assistant Research Scientist, [email protected]‡ Postdoctoral Research Associate, [email protected]§ Alfred Gessow Professor and Director, [email protected] at the 38th European Rotorcraft Forum, September 4-7, 2012. Copyright ©2012 by the National Aerospace Laboratory.All rights reserved.

would increase situational awareness and reduce unitexposure times. Since then, applications of MAVshave ranged from reconnaissance, terrain mapping, andsearch and rescue in both military and civilian settings.For these type of missions, high endurance, maneuver-ability, and the ability to tolerate and overcome envi-ronmental disturbances such as wind gusts are criticalrequirements for MAVs. Within the past decade, nu-merous successful MAVs have been developed that ful-fill many of these requirements. The existing vehiclescan be classified into three major categories: fixed-wing,rotary-wing, and flapping-wing MAVs.

Fixed-wing MAVs are the most prevalent due totheir high endurance-to-weight ratio and mechanicalsimplicity. One particular example is Aeroenviron-ment’s Black Widow that weighs 80 grams and hasan endurance of 30 minutes [2]. Although highly ef-ficient, fixed-wing MAVs are incapable to hover andhence cannot be used in confined spaces such as indoorenvironments. In such scenarios, rotary-wing MAVs

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Figure 1: Cycloidal rotor.

tend to have higher mission performance due to theirhover/low-speed flight capability. Conventional config-urations for rotary-wing MAVs include single main ro-tor/tail rotor, co-axial rotor or quad-rotor designs [3–5].However, these configurations have very low endurance(< 10 minutes) because hovering and low-speed flightmodes are states of high power consumption, and thesituation is further exacerbated by the degraded per-formance of conventional airfoils at the low Reynoldsnumber range (10,000 – 50,000) at which these vehiclesoperate. In fact, the maximum achievable figure of meritfor rotary-wing MAVs is currently 0.65, compared to the0.85 achieved by their full-scaled counterparts [3, 6].

Flapping-wing MAVs, on the other hand offerhighly maneuverable and gust-tolerant platforms, how-ever, with efficiencies lower than rotary-wings. Becausethey emulate avian and insect-based flight, flapping-wing MAVs are typically mechanically complex and areeasily decrepit due to their high frequency flapping mo-tions. Much of the research into understanding theunsteady aerodynamics/aeroelasticity of flapping wingsare still in the incipient stages and thus only a fewflapping-wing MAVs have been successfully developed.

Unconventional vehicle designs such as cycloidalrotor-based configuration could be an alternate solutionto developing a hover-capable, maneuverable and highlyefficient MAV. The cycloidal rotor (cyclorotor) is a hor-izontal axis propulsion system where the blades span isparallel to the axis of rotation and perpendicular to di-rection of flight (Fig. 1). The unique arrangement ofthe cyclorotor blades with a blade pitching mechanismenables a passive cyclic blade pitching around the ro-tor azimuth. The pitching mechanism is designed suchthat the blades have a positive geometric angle of attackat both the top and bottom halves of the circular tra-

Figure 2: Blade pitching kinematics.

jectory (Fig. 2) producing a net resultant thrust. Boththe magnitude and direction of the thrust vector canbe adjusted by varying the blade pitch amplitude andphasing, respectively.

The fact that all the spanwise sections of a cy-clorotor blade operate at similar aerodynamic condi-tions (flow velocity, angle of incidence, Reynolds num-ber, etc.), makes it easier to optimize the rotor for max-imum power loading (thrust/power). Recent studies [7]have shown that an optimized cyclorotor has the poten-tial for higher power loading compared to a conventionalrotor at similar disk loadings (Fig. 3). Another advan-tage of the cyclorotor is its instantaneous thrust vector-ing capability (by changing the phase of cyclic pitching),which has the potential for improving the maneuverabil-ity and gust tolerance of the vehicle. Recent studieshave also shown that an aircraft using cyclorotors couldreach very high forward speeds without using any liftaugmenting devices/surfaces [8, 9].

While many breakthroughs in cyclorotor researchhave occurred in recent years, attempts to develop a cy-cloidal rotor-based aircraft date back to early 20th cen-tury [10, 11]. Numerous full-scaled models intended toseat one pilot were developed, but none of the attemptswere successful in achieving flight. In recent years, manyUAV-scale versions of the cyclocopter were developedat the Seoul National University [12]. However, noneof these vehicles could achieve stable flight. An 800gram quad-cyclocopter configured with four symmetri-cally positioned cyclorotors was recently developed by


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0 20 40 60 800.05





Disk loading (N/m2)


er lo


g (N


Optimized CyclorotorConventional micro−rotor

Figure 3: Power loading (thrust/power) vs. diskloading (conventional micro-rotors vs. optimizedcyclorotor) [7].

the University of Maryland (Fig. 4). The cyclocopterMAV employed a feedback control system that enabledthe vehicle to achieve stable tethered hover [13]. Compli-cations during untethered flight testing were attributedto complex vehicle dynamics caused by excessive cou-plings in the pitch and roll dynamics. However, recentlya hybrid cyclocopter configuration which utilized twocyclorotors (twin-cyclocopter) and a horizontal tail ro-tor for pitch control has been developed and successfullyflight tested in hover [14]. The twin-cyclocopter weighsonly 210 grams and is capable of autonomous unteth-ered hover using an onboard feedback control system.However, this vehicle is still far from satisfying the 100grams weight target set by DARPA, which forms themotivation of the present work.

The present research focuses on developing a twin-cyclocopter that weighs close to 100 grams with agoal for stable autonomous hover. Significant improve-ments to the structural design will reduce overall ve-hicle weight while preserving the structural integrity.Through autonomous stabilization implemented by anonboard closed-loop feedback control system, the twin-cyclocopter will attempt to demonstrate superior flightstability. The pitch, roll and yaw control was achievedthrough a combination of rotor rotational speed modu-lation and thrust vectoring of the two cyclorotors. Theaddition of a horizontal tail rotor system also decouplesthe pitch, roll, and yaw moments, greatly improving thecontrol authority of the vehicle. Whereas previous re-search focused primarily on achieving stable hover, thecurrent work intends to optimize the structural designof the rotor system and vehicle and also greatly reducethe overall vehicle dimensions and weight.

Figure 4: 800 grams quad-cyclocopter developedby the University of Maryland [13].


A 110 gram twin-rotor cyclocopter was developed witha lateral dimension of 28 centimeters (11 inches), longi-tudinal dimension of 21 centimeters (8.25 inches) , anda height of 18 centimeters (7 inches) (Fig. 5). From thecomponent weight distribution provided in Table 1, it isevident that the cycloidal propulsion system account forapproximately 33.3% of total vehicle weight. The twocyclorotors provide thrust vectoring capabilities, whichis utilized for yaw control, while the tail rotor counter-balances the inherent pitching moment produced by thetwo cyclorotors rotating in the same direction and alsocontrols the pitch dynamics of the vehicle. The uniquehybrid configuration also enables independent rpm con-trol of each rotor along with thrust vectoring of the cy-clorotors which could dramatically improve the maneu-verability of the aircraft.

The three rotors are powered using a 2-cell 7.4 volt250 mAh Li-Po battery weighing 15 grams and three2900 KV, 20 watts outrunner motors weighing 4 gramseach. The operating rotational speed of the cyclorotorsis about 2000 rpm. A 6:1 single-stage gear reduction isused between the cyclorotors and their respective mo-tors, whereas the tail rotor uses a direct drive. A sepa-rate 1-cell 3.7 volt 125 mAh Li-Po battery (weighing 4grams) powers the two Blue Bird BMS 303 servos usedfor thrust vectoring and the onboard 1.5 gram processor-sensor board used to implement a closed-loop feedbacksystem, which enables autonomous vehicle stabilization.


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Figure 5: 110 gram twin-cyclocopter.

Table 1: Weight distribution of the 110 gramstwin-cyclocopter

System Weight (g) % Total

Cycloidal Rotors 36 33.3Electronics 19 17.3Tail Rotor 18 16.3

Battery 15 13.5Structure 10 9.0Motors 8 7.0

Avionics 4 3.6Total 110 100%

2.1 Cyclorotor Design

Systematic experimental parametric studies were per-formed in the past to optimize the performance of MAV-scale cyclorotors [8–9,14–16]. Several blade kinematicsand rotor geometric parameters (blade pitching ampli-tude, location of pitch axis, rotor radius, blade airfoil,chord, planform, etc.) were varied in order to improveoverall rotor performance in hover. Utilizing the under-standing obtained from these studies, the present cy-clorotor is designed for maximum thrust-to-power ratio(power loading). Each rotor consists of four blades witha NACA 0015 airfoil, 10.1 centimeters (4 inches) bladespan, 3.3 centimeters (1.3 inches) blade chord, and a5.1 centimeters (2 inches) rotor radius (Fig. 6). In ad-dition, each blade pitches at a symmetric pitching am-plitude of 45◦. While optimizing the rotor parametersfor maximum aerodynamic performance, emphasis wasalso placed on the blade and rotor structural design toreduce the overall rotor weight.

Figure 6: Four-bladed cyclorotor.

Aside from the four blades, as shown in Fig. 6, thecyclorotor consists of two carbon fiber end-plates and ablade pitching mechanism. One of the key design fea-ture of the present cyclorotor is the non-rotating car-bon shaft. Both the end-plates are allowed to rotateabout the non-rotating hollow carbon fiber shaft on ra-dial ball bearings. The blade pitching axis is locatedat the blade chordwise center of gravity location (45%from leading edge) in order to avoid the large pitchingmoment due to centrifugal force. The blades pitch abouttwo radial bearings on the root and tip end-plates. Aspreviously mentioned, the rotor configuration enables apassive blade pitching mechanism that will be describedin the subsequent sections.

One of the biggest disadvantages of a cyclocopteris that rotor weight forms a significant fraction of theempty weight of the vehicle. Therefore, one of the mainemphasis of the present work was to reduce the rotorweight without compromising on the total thrust andalso maintaining structural integrity of the rotor. Therotor weight is directly related to the blade weight be-cause it governs the centrifugal force, which is the pre-dominant structural load on a cyclorotor. Designinglight-weight blades for the cyclorotor is not easy becausethe centrifugal force acts in the transverse direction pro-ducing large blade deformations and even structural fail-ure of the blades. Previous studies have shown thatlarge bending and torsional deformations degrade thethrust producing capability and efficiency of the cycloro-tor. Therefore, the emphasis of the present work was todesign and fabricate extremely light-weight blades withlarge stiffness-to-weight ratio. The present blades usesan innovative carbon composite foam construction.


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(a) Titanium-carbon fiber frame. (b) Final finished blade (2 grams).

Figure 7: Cyclorotor blade design.

2.2 Blade Fabrication

As illustrated in Fig. 7(a), the first step of the 3-stepblade fabrication process is to assemble a blade pitchingframe composed of a titanium spar and two rectangu-lar carbon fiber ribs. The 1.27 millimeter (0.05 inch)diameter titanium spar is positioned at 45% chord-wiselocation from the leading edge and acts as the bladepitching axis. The two carbon fiber prepreg ribs werecured to the titanium spar in an industrial grade ovenat 350◦F for 60 minutes. The carbon fiber ribs reinforcethe tips on both sides of the blade and prevent the ti-tanium spar from moving within the foam core. Thiscarbon fiber-titanium frame provides large bending andtorsional stiffness to the blades. The frame is then in-serted between two 4 millimeter layers of foam core andcured inside a NACA 0015 airfoil blade mold at 350◦Ffor 60 minutes. The cured NACA 0015 foam core is thenwrapped with single layers of 0/90◦ orientation carbonfiber prepreg at the blade tips (to provide a hard pointfor blade attachment) and also around the leading edgein order to preserve the leading edge shape and alsoincrease blade stiffness and crash-worthiness. The car-bon fiber ribs are secured in position with heat-resistanttape and then wrapped in heat-resistant plastic to pre-vent the fiber from bonding to the blade mold duringthe heat treatment. The blade is then cooked at 350◦Ffor 120 minutes in order to adhere the carbon fiber tothe foam core. Finally, the blade is taken out of themold and trimmed to the right dimensions. The finalcomposite blade weighs only 2 grams, meeting the crit-ical requirement of a stiff light-weight blade (Fig. 7(b)).All the previous blade designs were either highly durable(but heavy) or light weight (not durable) [14, 18]. How-

ever, the current blade design takes both weight reduc-tion and blade durability into consideration.

2.3 Blade Pitching Mechanism

One of the key requirements for the success of a cyclo-copter is a simplified light-weight blade pitching mech-anism. Modeled after a four-bar linkage system, thepresent pitching mechanism enables passive blade pitch-ing as the blades move about the circular trajectory.The schematic of the mechanism is depicted in Fig. 8where the four bars of the linkage system are labeledL1, L2, L3 and L4. L1, also referred to as rotor radius,is the distance between the blade pitching axis and thehorizontal axis of rotation. The pitch links (of lengthL3) are connected to the end of the offset link on oneend and the other end is connected to point B whichis at a distance L4 behind the pitching axis. The con-nections at both ends of the pitch link are through pinjoints to allow the rotational degree of freedom. Withthis arrangement, as the rotor rotates, the blades au-tomatically pitches cyclically, where the pitching ampli-tude depends on the offset length, L2, when the otherlinkage lengths remains fixed. The rotation of the off-set link changes the phasing of the cyclic pithing andthereby changes the direction of the thrust vector.

The actual pitching mechanism implemented in thevehicle is shown in Fig. 6. For the present pitching mech-anism to work, the offset link (L2) needs to be installedat the tip of shaft in a non-rotating frame. That isreason why the present rotor was designed such thatthe shaft is not rotating with the rest of the rotor. Inorder to reduce mechanical complexities, the distanceL2 is kept constant, hence the blade pitching ampli-


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Figure 8: Schematic of the blade pitching mecha-nisms.

Figure 9: Thrust vectoring mechanism.

Figure 10: Thrust vs. rotational speed of the twocyclorotors.

Figure 11: Power required vs. rotational speed ofthe two cyclorotors.

tude could not be actively varied in flight. Therefore,the only way to alter the magnitude of the thrust is tovary the rotational speed of the rotors. As mentioned,the direction of the thrust vector can be manipulatedby rotating the offset link. The idea is implemented inthe twin-cyclocopter by rotating the non-rotating car-bon shaft by a 4 gram servo (capable of ±30◦ rotation)through a control linkage (Fig. 9). This could provideeach cyclorotor with ±30◦ of thrust vectoring.

2.4 Rotor Performance

A systematic performance sweep was conducted from600 to 1600 rpm until the cyclorotor produced enoughthrust to support the vehicle weight. Each optimized


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Figure 12: Variation of tail rotor propellers tested.

Figure 13: Electrical power loading vs. rpm ofvarious tail rotor propeller.

cyclorotor produced 45 grams of thrust at 1600 rpm(Fig. 10). At the operating rpm, the rotor consumes15 watts of electrical power (Fig. 11). Much of thepower loss can be attributed to high friction from in-teractions between mechanical components (i.e gears,pitching mechanism, etc.). In order to reduce the fric-tional losses, major structural design changes were madeuntil the rotor achieved minimum power consumption.Overall, the optimization of the cyclorotor was con-ducted using results from previous studies that variedblade kinematic and geometric parameters [8–9, 14–16].Some differences in the performance of the two cycloro-tors result from inconsistencies in the blade fabricationprocess and rotor assembly. However, both rotors aretrimmed before flight testing to ensure that they areproducing equal amounts of thrust.

Various tail rotor propellers ranging from 4 to 5

inches diameter and 25 to 45◦ root pitch were systemat-ically tested to maximize tail rotor efficiency (Fig. 12).From Figure 13, EP-4530 had the maximum efficiencyand produced 50 grams of thrust at 9000 rpm. All thepropellers were tested with a 2900KV 4 gram motor.


An attitude control strategy needed to be developedto enable the twin-cyclocopter to perform stable hover.Since the rotational speeds of both the cyclorotors andthe tail rotor could be independently controlled, this ca-pability was combined with thrust vectoring of the cy-clorotors to develop an efficient and uncoupled controlstrategy.

Figure 14(a) shows the pitch, roll, and yaw axesdefinition for the twin-cyclocopter. As previously men-tioned, a horizontal tail rotor was added to counteractthe vehicle’s inherent pitch-up moment that is generatedwhen both the cyclorotors rotate in the same clockwisedirection. Although rotating the cyclorotors in oppositedirections would eliminate the net pitch-up moment, itwould also couple pitch and roll control and would alsocause undesired rolling moment in forward flight. Withthe present controls strategy, pitch, roll, and yaw mo-ments are completely decoupled other than through gy-roscopic effects. The tail rotor is used to control thepitch by varying its rotational speed. For instance, apositive pitching moment can be obtained by decreas-ing the tail rotor rpm, and vice versa for negative pitch(Fig. 14(b)). Roll is directly controlled by differentialrotational speed variation of the cyclorotors. Positiveroll is executed when the rotational speed of the left cy-clorotor is greater than the right (Fig. 14(c)). Finally,yaw is controlled by differentially rotating the two thrustvectors of the cyclorotors. A positive yawing moment isproduced by tilting the thrust vector of rotor 1 forwardand rotor 2 backward.

Ideally, all the thrust vectors should be perfectlyvertical such that the twin-cyclocopter instantly lifts-offvertically when given a throttle. If the thrust vectorsare not vertical, pitch, roll, and yaw moments may becoupled. For instance, varying the rotor rpm to inducea positive roll may also produce a positive yawing mo-ment if the thrust vectors are tilted. This is discussedmore elaborately in the flight testing section. Furthercomplications arise from the effect of rotational speedon the direction of thrust vector. The thrust vectoringservos were adjusted such that, at the operating rpm,the thrust vectors of both the cyclorotors are perfectlyvertical, minimizing couplings.


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(a) Definition of pitch, roll, and yaw degrees of freedom. (b) Pitch control.

(c) Roll control. (d) Yaw control.

Figure 14: Control strategy for twin-cyclocopter.


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3.1 Avionics and Telemetry

Because of the fast vehicle dynamics (due to very smallvehicle inertia), the cyclocopter could not be stabilizedwithout implementing an onboard closed-loop feedbackcontrol system. The avionic system on the vehicle in-cludes a 1.5 gram processor-sensor board called GINAMOTE, which was originally developed by the Univer-sity of California, Berkeley (Fig. 15). The principal com-ponents of this board are a TI MSP430 microprocessorfor onboard computation tasks, ITG3200 tri-axial gy-ros, KXSD9 tri-axial accelerometer, and an ATMEL ra-dio and antenna for wireless communication tasks. Thewireless communication has a latency less than 20-30milli seconds. The time critical inner loop feedback oc-curs at an update rate of 3 milli seconds. The user com-municates with the vehicle using a LabVIEW interface.

The gyros measure the pitch (q), roll (p) and yaw(r) attitude rates while the accelerometers record thetilt of the gravity vector. The vehicle attitude can beextracted by integrating the gyro measurements withtime. However, it is known that this leads to drift in at-titude measurements [19]. Accelerometers on the otherhand offer stable bias, but are sensitive to vibrations andin general offer poor high frequency information [20].Therefore a complementary filter was incorporated toextract the pitch and roll Euler angles using a high passfilter for the gyros (4 Hz cut-off) and a low pass filterfor accelerometers (6 Hz cut-off). The rotor vibrationswere filtered out since it was sufficiently higher than thebody dynamics.

On-board inner loop feedback was implemented us-ing a proportional-derivative (PD) controller as shown inFig. 16. The feedback states were the pitch and roll Eu-ler angles (θ, φ) and the attitude rates (p, q and r). Anouter loop feedback capability was provided for transla-tional positioning by a human pilot or a position track-ing system such as VICON. The final control inputs tothe vehicle actuators are the individual rpms for thetwo cyclorotors and tail rotor and the two servo inputsas shown in Fig. 16.


Prior to free-flight testing, the first step was to test thevehicle on separate single degree-of-freedom test standsto individually examine the vehicle response in pitch,roll, and yaw degrees of freedom with and without thefeedback control system. The next step was to test ona gimbal stand (all three degrees-of-freedoms) to inves-tigate cross-couplings and also to evaluate the effective-ness of the closed-loop feedback system in stabilizingthe vehicle and rejecting external disturbances. Thesetests clearly showed that the vehicle dynamics was too

Figure 15: GINA MOTE.

fast that a human pilot would not be able to stabilizethe vehicle even on a stand without the feedback controlsystem. During the tests, the proportional and deriva-tive gains were tuned using the Ziegler Nichols approach.The gains offered acceptable stiffness and damping to re-ject external disturbance with minimal oscillations werechosen. Once repeatability in vehicle stability was estab-lished on the gimbal stand with a given set of trim andgain values, free flight tests were conducted. It mustbe noted that achieving stable attitude in the gimbalsetup was an important necessary condition to ensurestable free flight. It enabled quick troubleshooting withminimal damage to the vehicle.

As described before, the control strategy is suchthat the pitch, roll and yaw inputs lead to a decoupledpitch, roll and yaw response respectively. However, thisis only possible if the thrust vectors for each of the cy-clorotors are in the vertical direction. Consider for in-stance that the thrust vectors are inclined with respectto vertical and a roll input is given by differentially vary-ing the rpms of the cyclorotors. This implies that thereis a horizontal component of thrust which is not bal-anced out. This results in a yawing moment causing anundesirable roll-yaw coupling. Also, if the thrust vec-tors are not perfectly vertical, when a yaw input is pro-vided, which results in opposite rotation of the thrustvectors while maintaining the rpms, the vertical com-


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Figure 16: Schematic showing the inner-loop feedback control system implemented.

ponent of the thrust of one cyclorotor would increaseand the other one would decrease causing the vehicle toroll (yaw-roll coupling). Therefore, the vehicle has tobe carefully trimmed to ensure that there is no couplingbetween roll and yaw.

During free flight testing, the twin-rotor cyclo-copter was powered by a 7.4 volt 250 mAH battery thatweighed approximately 15 grams. Even though the trimvalues were obtained from the gimbal stand tests, thesevalues would change in free flight because the position ofthe center of lift (of the entire vehicle based on the rela-tive contribution from each rotors) is not known exactlya priori and therefore have to be determined throughsystematic flight testing. The vehicle was trimmed inroll by differentially adjusting the cyclorotor rotationalspeeds, whereas the pitch trim was achieved by vary-ing tail rotor rpm. Differential tilting of the cyclorotorswas used to trim yaw. The trimming forms the mostimportant step in successfully flying the vehicle. Oncethe vehicle is perfectly trimmed, a pure throttle com-mand simultaneously increases the rotational speeds ofall the rotors such that all the moments are cancelledand the center of lift is at the center of gravity of thevehicle. Even though trimming is an important nec-essary step, it is the feedback controller that ensuresthe vehicle can reject any of the external disturbanceand perform stable autonomous hover. Based on theflight tests, the feedback gains had to be tuned for sta-ble hover. Figure. 17 shows the autonomous hover ofthe twin cyclocopter. The flight performance was de-

termined by observing whether the vehicle assumed astable hover attitude with minimal drift.

Successfully scaling down a vehicle to close to 100grams and maintaining stable autonomous hover is animportant achievement. For a cycloidal-rotor based ve-hicle, the free flight demonstration of the 110 gramsMAV asserts the concept’s potential to be a light-weighthighly portable versatile vehicle.


The objective of this research was to design, build andperform autonomous hover testing of an efficient cyclo-copter MAV at 100 gram scale. The cyclocopter devel-oped in this study is a hybrid configuration with twooptimized cyclorotors and a conventional horizontal tailrotor for pitch control. Independent rotational speedcontrol of each of the three rotors combined with thethrust vectoring capability of the cyclorotors makes thisvehicle configuration highly maneuverable. The attitudecontrol strategy of the present vehicle is designed suchthat pitch, roll and yaw control are completely decou-pled. A closed-loop feedback control system was imple-mented on an onboard processor-sensor board that en-abled stable autonomous hover of the vehicle. Specificconclusions derived from this study are summarized be-low:

i. The twin cyclocopter used efficient cylorotors thatwere optimized based on detailed experimentalparametric studies. Each rotor consists of four


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 17: Autonomous stable hover of the 110 gram twin-cyclocopter.

blades with a NACA 0015 airfoil, with a blade spanof 10.1 centimeters (4 inches), chord of 3.3 centime-ters (1.3 inches), and rotor radius of 5.1 centime-ters (2 inches). In addition, each blade pitches ata symmetric pitching amplitude of 45◦. Choosingthe right chord/radius ratio (0.65 in this case) andpitching amplitude was critical because these pa-rameters significantly affect the hover efficiency ofthe cyclorotor.

ii. A simplified, light-weight and low friction pitch-ing mechanism was implemented which helped re-duce the cyclorotor weight. Modeled after a four-bar linkage system, the pitching mechanism enabledpassive cyclic pitching of the blades. The pitchingaxis location was chosen to be 45% blade chord,which is the blade chordwise center of gravity lo-cation in order to eliminate the large pitching mo-ment due to centrifugal force. This greatly reducedthe torsional deformation of the blades and also de-creased pitch-link loads and the torque on the thrust

vectoring servos.

iii. An innovative blade design and fabrication processwas used to construct light-weight composite bladeswith extremely high stiffness-to-weight ratio. Eachweighed 2 gram and was composed of a two-layerfoam core with an embedded titanium-carbon fiberskeleton structure and wrapped with carbon fiberstrips at the leading edge and at the blade tips. Sig-nificant reduction in blade weight greatly reducedthe magnitude of the centrifugal load acting on therotor structure and blade pitch mechanism and en-abled the design of an extremely light-weight cy-clorotor. This played a key role in the success ofthe present cyclocopter.

iv. The novel control strategy utilized the thrust vec-toring capability of the cyclorotors along with in-dependent rpm control of each rotor. Since both ofthe cyclorotors were rotated in the same direction, apitch-down moment was needed through the incor-poration of a horizontal tail rotor. With the present


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controls strategy, pitch, roll, and yaw moments aredecoupled. The tail rotor is used to control the pitchby varying its rotational speed, yaw is controlled bydifferential thrust vectoring of the two cyclorotors,and roll through differential variation of the rota-tional speeds of the cyclorotors.

v. Systematic trimming of the vehicle and careful tun-ing of the feedback gains on a gimbal stand and alsoduring flight testing were essential for the success-ful flight of the vehicle. It was also observed thata slight tilt in the cyclorotor thrust vectors couldcause significant coupling between roll and yaw con-trol. Once properly trimmed, the feedback controlsystem was able to autonomously stabilize the atti-tude of the vehicle in flight with only pure throttlecommand from the human pilot. The present 110gram cyclocopter is till date the smallest cycloidalrotor-based aircraft to have ever flown successfully.


This research was supported by the Army’s MASTCTA Center for Microsystem Mechanics with Dr. BrettPiekarski (ARL) and Mr. Chris Kroninger (ARL-VTD)as Technical Monitors.


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